mvn Oblections in Pics Objections have been raised against Flos Townships new bylaws and the one getting the most attention concerns the zoning of the townships waste disposal area and charcoal plant owned by John Mendes petition submitted by one township resi dent Steve Devesceri contains 51 signatures of residents who are against the zoning For more see todays County News page Herd improvement The Huronia Dairy Herd Improvement Association held its annual Twilight meeting at the farm of William Van der Weilen RR Minesing recently Member farmers and their families gathered for fun food and conversation The host farmer explained his farming operation to the crowd saying that recent purchase of irrigation equipment for his farm waspaying off The association assists its members in improving their dairy herds by keeping track of individual cows contribution to the herd average Througi this system the farmer is able to cull out those cows who are not giving enough milk to pay their way For more on the story of the Twilight meeting and how the association benefits consumers see County News page TinyTay fair society MIDLAND Staff Plans for new features for the 1977 fall fair of the TinyTay Agricultural Society which sponsors the Midland fair have been receiving attention from the executive The threeday fair is to open on Thursday Sept 15 and continue on the following Fri day and Saturday Agricultural and domestic science displays will be featured in indoor exhibits IA horsepulling contest which has been highlight of fairs in recent years will again be held Make America French OTTAWA CP The office of Keith Spicer commissioner of official languages has been inudated by telephone calls seeking information about hoax ad éertisemeiit in New York newspaper Sun av flhe ad in New York Times sought ap plicants for twoyear French course in Quebec to train teachers for 10year ma keAmericaFrench program Students enrolled in the course would be paid 315000 year and at least $24000 once they began teaching French to Americans The ads said 400 to 500 teachers were needed for the program and invited ap plicants to apply to Spicers office When we tell them its hoax lot of them are saying thought it was too good to be true said an official in Spicers office It looks like somebody is trying to em barrassthe commissioners office the of ficial said Sealhunt violations WOODY POINT NFLD CP Brian Davies of Fredericton executive director of the lntemational Fund for Animal Welfare was convicted Monday on four charges of violating anadas sealhunting regulations during this years hunt off northern Newfoundland He was released on his own recognizance and Magistrate Owen Kennedy set Aug 13 as the date for sentencing Davies was found guilty of landing helicopter less than half nautical mile from seal and of flying helicopter less than 2000feet above seal The maximum sentence for the offences is $1000 fiite or one year in prison or both Saccharin ban postponed WASHINGTON Reuter The House of Representatives health subcommittee voted Monday to postpone proposed ban on the artifical sweetener saccharin for at least 18 months The Food and Drug Administration FDA began action in March to ban the use of saccharin as food additive because Canadian sttidy said the sweetener caused bladder cancer in rats Saccharin is wider used iit diet soft drinks The Senate health subcommittee has passed sitntlar bill delaying the iii troduction of saccharin ban for at least 18 months But unlike the Senates bill the one passed by the House subcommittee does not contain provisions barring radio and television advertising of products con taining saccharin and requiring wanting label on all such products Lang says hell sue SASKATOON CI Transport Minister Otto Lang said Monday he will sue the anadian Magazine in connection with an article about him in its June tedition But he said he does not intend to sue the 11 daily newspapers which distributed the magazine The minister said he will ask the court for damages but declined to say how much The StarPhoenix and Regina Leader Post withheld distribution of the magazine on legal advice Lang said he lid not threaten the Saskat chewan newspapers with libel act ion if they carried the magazine Instead his lawyers said he would seek an injunction preventing distribution Toronto Blue Jays are looking forward to having Barrie and area citizens as guestsof honor at Barrie Day Aug 28 Mike Nash manager of group sales for the Jays has put aside more than 500 preferred seats for the afternoon game against Oakland Athletics at Exhibition Stadium He said he was looking forward to having Barrie and area baseball fans attend the game The Examiner is sponsoring Barrie Day with the support of city council and the Greater Barrie Chamber of Commerce Tickets for Barrie Day are now available at 11 3th yearNo 160 The Examiner 16 Bayfield 51 at cost of $750each The ticket price includes bus transportation to and from ExhibitiQyi Stadium and admis sion to both the Jays game and the anadian National Exhibition which will be in full swing by then As an added bonus those going to Barrie Day by bus will have some hrec hours of free time to take in some of the CNE activities Those wishing to attend Barrie Day but prefer to get there by themselves can do so by purchasing $6 ticket at The Examiner All proceeds after expenses will be turned Tuesday July 12 1977 over to the Barrie and District United Ap pea Deadline to purchase tickets is Aug 15 and already the response has been encouraging Just under 100 tickets had been spoken for two days after the first announcement of Bar rie Day Besides the recognition Barrie Day will bring the city theres also the extras offered by persnnalizcd service Nash said There will be an onfield ceremony prior to the game with representative of the city presenting the American League club with metncnt of the visit 15° Per Copy Carrier Home Delivery 90° Weekly New representative Clinton Nesbitt has been appointed Agricultural Representative for North Simcoe He will be working out of the Elmvale office of the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food helping farmers iii the area of farm management as well as working with 4H clubs in the North Sini coe district He is joining Bob Humphries and Chris Goody who are the present agricultural representatives Dividing up the work load will make the team that much more efficient Nesbitt feels We will specialize in specific areas of farming and draw on all resources available from the ministry to assist our members in improving their farming operations For more about Nesbitt see todays County News page Sevens did it $00000 Wintario cheque has made Tom fault of North Bay true believer iii the luck of number Seven Despite his skep ticism concerning the luck of the seventh day of the seventh month of the 77th year of the century that was the day the 38 yearold parks foreman won the draws top prize The first number on his ticket was naturally seven CP Photo Inquiries or police TORONTO tCP Opposition Leader Stuart Smith said Monday the pedple of On tario have right to know whether private government inquiries have taken the place of regular police investigations He was referring in the legislature to speCial government inquiry into the awar ding of contracts at Ontario Hydro de velopments on the Madawaska River at Ar nprior at at the Bruce nuclear station in Kincardine Cabinet members have recently refused to answer questions about the inquiry saying such discussion might prejudice related trial that begins this fall Brain stimulator works OTTAWA CP Doctors say Jean Bin da lityearold cerebral palsy victim and the first patient in Ottawa to have brain stimulator implanted is out of danger and recovering from the first stage of the oper ation In the operation performed Wednesday electrodes were placed on the brain and wires were inserted to connect them to small receiver iii the chest Doctors ac tivated the stimulator which sends im pulses to the brain at equal time intervals during the weekend Dr Ventureyra director of the neurosurgery team said the success of the operation performed to reduce the uncon trolled muscle movements caused by the disease will be determined over period of several months The union says no TORONTO CP The union represen ting Ontario Housing Corp OHC em oloyees will take unspecified legal action if HC agrees to put man convicted of damaging OHC property to work without pay union spokesman said Monday Donald Roach president of Local 767 Canadian Union of Public Employees said he has asked the Ontario attorneygenerals iffice to intervene to prevent OHC from illowing Douglas Groves 20 to work without pay for 112 hours at instead of goingtojail Groves was convicted of public mischief after causing $800 in property damage and was sentenced to 90 days in jail days in jail On appeal Judge Stanton Hogg gave Groves the option of working at OH to make up the damage and adjoumed sen iencmg toSept 21 Progress for women OTTAWA CP Crown corporations will be asked to make faster progress in promoting women to positions of responsi bility in management Prime Minister Trudeau uaid Monday in the Commons He was replying to Gordon Fairweathcr tPCRindyRoyal who noted that the federal advisorv council on the status of women has attacked most Crown cor porations for their poor record in naming women to management The weather office is calling for clear skies by this evening after day of showers and thunderstorms Low overnight should be near 13 and the high Wednesday 25 degrees and sunny Barrie Day tickets are now availabe Barrie Day offers an excellent outing for groups service clubs and businesses Its also great for families People seem to be more receptive to com ing out in group Nash said What people are finding out is that if they come out in group they do have good time Groups wishing to participate in Barrie Day are asked to pick up their tickets as soon as possible to aid in the planning of transpor tation and seating Busw will leave The Examiner at 10 am the morning of the game and return to Barrie at pm 44 Pages the examiner serving barrie and simcoe county Policeman dead one critical after threehour shootout Officer apparently overcome by smoke City department heads are given merit raises Five ity llall department heads were given merit raises ranging from $707 to $951 year Monday at closed session of city coun cils general committee The five rcity engineer Ray Allen deputy engineer Don Kirkpatrick parks and recrea tion director Gary Stoner public works superintendent Neil Fox and fire chief Jack chlister were the only live employees discussed at the meeting Mayor Ross Archer said today The mayor said department heads salaries are reviewed on or near their annual anniver sary of starting Work Other department heads will be reviewed later iii the year he said ieneral committee ltas authority over department heads salaries and the commit tce action will not need formal council ap proval City administrator Gerry lamblyn said today The mayor said the merit increases were the first in two years though dcpaitment heads shared in acrossstheboard increases of eight per cent last year and 773 per cent earlier this year Exact salary figures were not released btit from general figures made public this year and specific salaries obtained by The fix aminer last year it is known that annual salaries of the five department heads dealt with Monday now range lrom 323428 for the fire chief to sorrow lor the city cnginccr Kirkpatrick despite his title is head of the engineering department while Allen has overall authority over both engineering and public works Opposition dissatisfied with Ronto inquiry report TORONTO Pt Opposition members of the legislature expressed some lissatisface tion Monday with the report of com missioner who found that Ontarios cabinet acted properly in granting landspeculation tax exemption to Ronto Development last vear Mr Justice David Cromarty of the Ontario Supreme ourt says iii the report made public Monday that there was no undue or im proper influence or impropriety involved in the April 1976 cabinet decision romarly was asked to head the public inquiry into the matter earlier this year after opposition members and the public accounts commit tee questioned the goveniments han dling of the exemption Robert Nixon BrantOxfordNorfolk said Monday that no one ever made allcgationsof wrongdoing Our patty felt from the beginning that the inquny was unnecessary because it would ttot deal with the central questions we raised Nixon said QLESTION INFORMATION Opposition members had wanted Cromarty to deal With what they called the main is suewhether former revenue minister Ar thur Meen and the cabinet were provided with all relevant information it making the decision Meen revenue minister at the time and later made minister of correctional services announced before the June clcct ion that he would not run again AttorneyCeneral Roy McMurtry said at the time that opposition demands for wider terms of reference would not be appropriate since it would involve member of the judiciary in what clearly would be an exer cise in the second guessing of ministerial decision Stephen Lewis retiring NDI leader said Monday the results of Cromattvs iii vestigation are predictable The question is did the cabinet have suf licient advicei attd frotn whom to grant the exemption he asked Liberal Leader Stuart Smith and Lewis said the public aCcounts committee probablv will have to raise the issue again to get the right answers TTAWA CP man is iii custody today following threehour shootout in downtown Ottawa Monday night that left rookie police officer dead and several others wounded Police would not officially identify any of those involved but the dead officer was ten tatively identified as Constable David Kirk wood only about three months on the force Most seriously injured of the other officers is onstable James McKenna in critical con dition in hospital with shotgun wound to the chest Detectives Albert Kealey atid Des tiiond Sloan were less seriously wounded in the head It was expected the man who did the shooting would be charged with one charge of murder and six charges of at tempted murder as result of the affair that started at about 910 pm and ended few minutes before midnight The man was taken when police rushed the singlefamily dwelling at 710 Gladstone St at the corner of Bronson Ave owned by the mans parents away from the home at the time of the shooting The house already was ablaze having been set afire when exploding teargas canisters ignited bush at the side of the dwelling HADIWO ilNS When he was taken the 22yearold man who is report ed to have been iii jail several times on drugrelated charges was found holding shotgun with highpowered rifle nearby He was iii the open back door of the house when police rushed in Police had attettiptcd to clear two block area around the scene but were hampered throughout by an estimated 300 persons many of them youngsters who remained in the Vicinity despite warning they were in the direct line of fire from the secondstorey win dow from which the man was shooting Witnesses say the shooting started when summons otficcr accompanied by police man attempted to serve court decumettt on the man second police car and motorcycle of ficer arrived immediately after and before the affair was brought to conclusion at least 50 officers were involved ne of the most interested onlookers was Justice Minister Ron Basford who left the House ol Commons whcrc Mls are debating federal gun control legislation which would make it difficult for private persons to have such weapons Aspirin to stop NEW YORK AP medicine that may be used to prevent heart attacks in the 19805 probably is sitting on bathroom shelf in your home today It is commonly called aspirin Studies published to late are favorable toward aspirin or unable to rule it out says Dr Stephen Scheidt of the Cornell Iniversity College of Medicine here Cornell conducts one of thc iii clinics around the United States involved in $17 million federal trial of aspirin as heart attack preventative total of 4300 patients are used in the trial The not ion that aspirin has something to do with preventing heart attacks began to ap pear in medical literature about 20 years ago But there was no laboratory work to back tip the educated guessesofphysicians Part of the reason we were able to begin the aspirin trial with some confidence was that recent theoretical work seemed to be pointing to aspirin says Dr Marvin Segal of Mount Sinai Hespital in Minneapolis Research on heart attacks has led to com plex description of causcvandeffcct chemical substance in the blood known as thrombosane causes blood platelets to clump together leading to blood clots which in turn contribute to heart attacks heart attacks Aspiritt helps block format ion of the throm boxanes However aspirin also helps block for mation of another blood substance prostaglandin which had alrcady been found to balance out the thromboxane by breaking up platelets and preventing clot The two discoveries have researchers won dering what role aspirin plays in the com plicated process Our aspirin trial is not interested in ex plaining why aspirin works says Dr William Friedewald of the sponsoring National Heart Lung and Blood Institute We merely want to see if it works The ex planation will ultimately be provided by workers in the laboratory All the patients in the federal cxperitnent have had heart attacks They are divided into two groups one that takes the equivalent of three aspirins each lay atid another that takes placebo substance that doesnt do anything For everyday aches and pains aspirin sub st itutcs are dispenscd Officials say they would be informed by the experiment monitors it the evidence gathered early in the threeyear trial leaned toward proving that aspirin works After one full year nothing significant has been reported either way and the experiment cont inucs Police arrest protesters who defy Kent State order KENT Ohio AP Police armed with nightsticks moved across the Kent State University campus today arresting more than 100 protesters defying court order to abandon tent city on the site where four students were killed seven vears ago He checking out the Idea with Rosaynn inside local llfestyle entertainment county 11 sports oomlcs 16 classified 17 18 19 soars 18 pages towers pages Those arrested included fathers of two of the slain students There was little resistance from the protesters who had prepared themselves for the confrontation by linking arms and legs to form square As police took the demon strators into custody one by one they either walked or were carried to waiting buses to be taken to the county jail The demonstrators have been protesting the pending construction of $6 million annex to gymnasium near the site of the deaths and the wounding of nine others by national guard troops during an antiwar protest May 1W0 judge had ordered the protesters to leave the encampment but also ordered the uni versity to delay construct ion of the gym Among the first to be arrested were Martin Scheuer whose daughter Sandy Lee was killed in the 1970 protest Arthur Krause whose daughter Allison was shot to death and Alan Canfora who was among the woun ded Skyiackers surrender HELSINKI AP Two Soviet skyjackers surrendered to Finnish authorities early to day ending the second hijacking of Soviet airliner to Scandinavia in weeks Finnish officials said the pair will be turned over to the Soviet Union as soon as possible Authorities identified them as Alexander Zabimjak 19 and Genriady Seluzhkd 22 They commandeered twinjet Aeroflot Tupolcv 134 Sunday night on flight over nor thern Russia between Petrozavodsk and Len ingrad