hu 40 erticles for sole Illarticles for sde 60 personals 71 help wanted 71 help wanted 71 help wanted undn the 9530l MontiY 11 1°77 13 gt ricArl0N THE EXAMINER $szch crï¬imï¬mrc Excellem EM examiner surveillance scree an mwflg Commission ding Available Daily at These ï¬begsgï¬lsgagszadégggngï¬Minder MI DISTRIBUTORS NEEDED patterns bar SlmCOB county MBTChanls REDUCE THE easy Slendor Reducing Earn Nah commkflons ln he Plan way Eat three satisfying meals gt day Twosizes Jweeks and9weeks sup home insulation Industry Clean Sunoco saggleapsleorttg Pharmac cut conclontious IpOOpI °mt°n Geneml 5079 Wad required or arm on MINlSTRY OF Luils Cookstown linuslgeaegeggnlstegsser$451131va prrrpé arourd BarrIe No Icagvglsslng RCES Appo ntmen supp ex rln ern Bob Milk Cookslown starts $3ï¬it3titim We no BOOMING NATURAL RFSOU wrays Drugs Amston Riï¬liofsayiiï¬Ã©siielifiiIï¬ierésieaéaii 6232 dy Wenzel at 72117613 Jy 15 Alhsfon Smoke Shop Tenders are Invited for the supply and Installation of pre 70lOSt 30d found fabricated Steolmolntenance bulldin roxlmatel wft can Trees campground HWY FOUNDOrange and white cat 10 to 12 sh inmeï¬liaigiï¬nmrlgnggg pp curacsWr we wwuu Lories Snack Bar Hwy 27 Robbins Everett Stephens Glencairn A12H LOOK AT THIS You can buy this new 20 super Zenith chromacolor portable color television now for only $4 weekly No money down no payments until August Phone tonightdeliver tonight Krazy Kellys TV 7371182 $6 PER WEEK Buys beautiful 26 RCA color Spanish to the floor console television No money down no payments until August Phone tonightdelivery tonight Krazy Kellys TV Barrie Plaza 7371182 AIR CONDITIONERS All sizes up to 10000 BTU now in stock starting with the Super GE 4000 BTU Carry Cool for $14995 Featuring 10posi tion thermostat and deluxe speed fan ideal for bedroom Call 7371182 now for your free home survey Instant delivery no payments til August Krazy Kelly Barrie Shopping Plaza 7371182 CEDAR POSTS all Sizes line posts an chors and braces Also poles and chickens and ducks 7281637 STOVE ADMIRAL continuous clean New white four burner see through oven door Call 7285816 EMERGENCY SALE late summer overloads our warehouse 231977 all aluminum 16 24 swimming pools Must be sold immediately includes sundeck fencing filter and safety stairs Sale price $1250 installation and terms ar ranged Call Terry collect days or even ings1 4164818002 GENDRIN BABYrstrolier asking Telephgng 18 340 WW 7m CHROME Kitchen Table with chairs Red recliner chair good condition Tele phone 4365063 RAILWAYTiESiorEsale regular size Telephone Sun Valley Restaurant 72170086 in THREE galen professional paint pots best offer Telephone 4562370 GKRAGESALE July 13th to 17m pm to 10 pm Kitchen set lazyboy chair gold rocker matching curtain and bedspread etc 80 Daphne Cres PHILlPS MODEL 351 business accoun ting machine Excellent condition Call 7282460 MOTORIZED GO Kart fast excellent gonditiontnew motor 4hp Call 7289869 Automatic LIQUID CHLORINATORS by POOLMINDER chemically treat your pool to less than $60 season 16 32 models to choose from SERVICES 7283646 Liquid chlorine delivered Jy 20 TENT TRAILER S200 folk quitar 3100 six matching press back chairs $225 electric lawnmower $20 Call 7269610 WOODGRAIN CHROME table andst chairs and wooden extension ladder Excellent condition Phone 7266304 after 411 MOFFAT STOVE USED Good condiT tioncall7262770 in BROS WHOLESALE Ii RETAIL BAIT BARRIE ONTARIO 135 FERNDALE RD WORMS PACKAGED IN 12s 25s or 50s AND BULK Call Ken Jay at 7264851 MWF Jy27 ONE PAIR 67814 summer tires com plete with rims like new Originally on Chev Malibu $45 Electrohome air condi tioner 6000 BTU Used one season $140 7373732 HEINTZMAN UPRIGHT piano In good condition must be seen to be ap preciated 7287025 Aai WW DINING ROOM suite chairs table and hutch Hand made of solid birch lst class condition Telephone 7287727 after 5pm BASEMENT GARAGE and yard sale 219 Pine Dr Painswick Monday thru Sunday this week baby crlb stroller walker and other household items over 201 pieces of good used articles of clothing Proceeds for charity COLDSPOT Air Conditioner 10000 BTU three speed fan air exhaust con trol temperature setting New 5425 Ask lng $275 Call 7267685 41boats ahd motors CANOES We have truckload of dif ferent sizes shapes and colors of fibreglass and aluminum canoes SPORTNAVEN MARINE mile East of Barrie on Shanty Bay Rd 7261001 Au3 22 FT SHEPHERD mahogany boat double hull cylinder Chrysler inboard motor AI condition Asking $2500 Telephone 4354245 alter 430 pm BOAT TRAILERS for rent Two days from $15 Call Brices Boats 416 471 417 Toronto1416 36 I954 MOTOR 75 horse power new Forward and reverso controls Remote tank Tell9Zé44°17°3 26 Ft Goliath 318 hp Chrysler fully equipped sleeps head excellent condition Asking $8000 Call Rick 726 49400r 7371414 16 FIBERGLAS GREW 1w hp Mer cury electric start built in 15 gallon gas tank equipped for skiing $3200 or best offer Also boat lift 8400 Telephone 7284287 SPORTSPAL CANOE two life lackets one anchor Also car rack for canoe in goodrcondition Telephone 728 6286 WROOT Crestliner Fibreglass boat I974 70 horsepower Evinroude motor Tilt trailer Skis and equipment Call 7265136 1812 STARCRAFT Daycruiser outboard 100 hp Mercury heavy duty trailer slip at City Marina for season $3200 firm Telephone 726 1616 2TH VJOHNSbNroulboard motorfl964 model Complete with gas tank Excel EQlt°9IF° swim9 726ob BOAT TRAILER for 1620 boat gator like new best offer Telephone 726 7369 BOAT SALE 14 33 hp motor wtroller $1195 14 Cutter 55 hp $1495 15 Silverllne 50 hp $2695 16 85 Mercurv wtoo $2395 15 Fibreglass 55 hp $1595 17 Silverline 165 hp 10 34500 15 Catamaran Sailboat $1595 12 Petrel Sailboat $695 SPORTHAVEN MARINE Mile East of Barrie on Shanty Bay Rd 7261001 Jy 29 42articles wanted CASH FOR old furniture books dishes old pictures clocks odds and ends Pre 1950 items 7288234 44dogs and pets BARRIE POODLE SalonShampoolng and clipping of all breeds Sophia Street East 7264141 POODLE TRIMMING professional grooming all breeds pickup and de livery 7268798 Pet Studio MAYS POODLE PARLOR Profes sional clipping and grooming reason able rates Telephone 7260061 TROPICAL FISH Best selection in town Aquariums all sizes at unbeatable prices Evenings and weekends Edge hill Aquaria 143 Ardagh Road 7260094 SAMOYED Puppies white purbrEE male and female $75 Call 7267885 anytime FREE TO good home or farm cats mother and son both neutered Male is very affectionate Call 7283243 DOBERMAN Pups for sale deCIawed tails and shots all done Ready to go Call Randy 4364517 evenings YORKSHIRE TERR1ER2 yéars old female no papers Reasonable Call 7280147 GOLDEN RETRIEVER pups CKC registered shots tattooed and deworm ed Ready to 90 Males $150 females 3125 Phone 7056892409 or 6896079 Washago sogarden supplies CHOICE TOPSOIL Excellent for lawns gardens etc Evening and Saturday delivery Call 7263928 or 7261117 500 FOR SALE Large or small quan tities Delivered to iob or home Call 4241307 51trees and shrubs SHADE TREES Now is the time to select your shade tree We have large selection and small deposit will hold for fall pickup Brays Garden Centre 26 Ferndale Dr 7262951 52plants and bulbs TROPICAL PLANTS for your home or office etc Brays Garden Centre 26 Ferndale Dr 7262951 53Iandsca ping AND NORTHERN Tree Service Removal of trees and branches feeding and trimming of shrubs Fully insured Lets compare prices Call 3250236 col Iect after 300pm 54service and repair WEEDS Lot or field cutting Also Brush Clearing 7264536 Jy9 55construction machinery ONE CEMENT mixer in good condition One aluminum awning fits window to 10 foot White with maroon stripes Ex cellent condition Call 4362309 56camping equipment NEED camper boat or vacation loan See Barrie Community Credit Union 18 Colliei 7285191 WANTED TO RENT by responsible family of fully equipped camper vanmotor home August 20 to 31 Please telephone 72115805 AUTO HARDTOP camper sleeps kit chen table seating facilities needs minor repair to screens otherwise ex cellent condition Telephone 72113634 1976 COACHMAN travelrrailer com pletely sellcontained fully equipped in excellent condition Telephone 728887773w 57livestock for sale TACK SHOP English equipment Ger man saddles and bridles Robinson Hardware 31 Dunlop East 7282431 REGISTERED quarterhorse 14 hh7 Gentle and obedient shoed Outgrown pet approximately six years old 5300 4363855 59poultrychicks DEKALB READY to lay pullets Brown egg pullets available Also farm fresh eggs Craig Hunter Poultry Farms Stroud4361811 60 Teed7seedAig ra in 2025 ACRES of standing hay 7th line of Essa Call 4245066 STXNOTNG HA Big aéybBiniiéo lcnisï¬ C31 726391 64tarm machinery CUSTOM MADE Bole Thrower Rocks Zero grazing boxes Flat Racks also Wagons CHARLES BATT 7286560 MWF Jv 25 BROWN AND BELL Farm Dairy Equipment DELAVAL SALES AND SERVICE Complete Line of Dolly Farm Equipment and Supplles Barrie Holly Hwy 27 7260338 or 7236766 MWF TF FORGE HARVESTER for sale also hitch sprayer liquid manure tank 1000 gallon row air planter 400 tons of A1 sileage 322 2351 I975 885 DAVID BROWN tractor with hydraulic front end loader 385 hours 56000 Also point hitch David Brown three lurrow plough 12 bottom $350 Call 325 3963 66farmers market STRAWBERRIES PICK your own 40 cents per quart Bring your own con tainers Open am to pm daily 5th line of Oro mile south of Hwy 11 Phone 41172619 674ruitsvegetables RASPBERRIES PICK your own $100 per quart Picked $150 Boxes supplied First farm on left past intersection of Blake and Grove Old hwy 11 North 68fpersonals TELECARE Why light your problem alone Let friend help Call Telecare 7267922 anytime ALCOHOLICSANONYMOUS 6581 if you drink thats your business If you want to quit thats ours Call any time UNWANTED HAIR removed safely permanently medically approved Ly dia Hrenchuk Certified Electrologist Z37 2671 RIDING INSTRUCTION Indoor arena Horses boarded Barrie live minutes Windy Haugh Farm 726 0192 WHY SUFFER agony with Corns and Callouses Relief now is yours from England Carnation Corn Caps have been sold for over century with etfec tiye results medicated pad that really does the iob Corn Caps or Callous Caps now available at Cusdens Shoppers Drug Marts and all druggisls pounds very friendly Shanty Bay road area 72111457 or 7288979 71 help wanted 4354371 from am to 530 pm ask for service manager 71 help wanted Soles Opportunity for Men or Women aggressive ambitious people required im mediately for areas most progressive new used car dealership Top commission company car provided Training progr am chance to enter an exciting fun filled lucrative business Call Henry Deionge Sales Manager DOUGLAer Douglas Lincoln Mercury LincolnMercury Sales Ltd 8187 Essa RoOd Barrie 7285558 Jy8ll TOOL AND DIE MAKER on MACHINIST Required for building automated production equip ment fixtures and general machining Experience in machine building air circuits and welding an asset Clean modern facilities with good pay PRODOMAX LTD Phone for 73 Patterson Rd interview 7265841 Jy9 11 12 13 Parttime Kitchen requ and Counter Help ired McDonalds Ll Attention LI Students Interested in gaining financial independence McDonalds will hire 20 to 35 parttime employees Benefits include above minimum wages food discount uniforms supplied scheduled pay raises shifts per week 3035 hrs Contact manager on duty Monday thru Thursday 330 to pm Jy6781112131516 MANSFIELDDENMAN GENERAL COMPANY LIMITED JOHN STREET BARRIE 7266520 PRODUCTION WORKERS limited number of vacancies ha company will accept applications ye occurred in the plant and the to 400 pm July 14 1977 Minimum physical requirements Heigh157 stocking feet Weight 155 pounds Application forms available from security Office WANTED FOR furnace and duct in stallalion in Barrie area Must be ex perienced and have 2nd class burners permit Full or part time work available Interested parties contact The Fireside Shoppe RR No Eganville 613 6283103 SUMMER ROUTES ARE NOW AVAILABLE Jy11 COMPANY HAS two part time and one full time positions opened Must be am biliOUS and 93 In appearance car URGENTLY REQUIRED mature com ECESSBIY Can 83 $450 5600 an panion to help care for elderly invalid Surrounding area lady Must livein References please Call 7265139 hour Barrie or Telephone 4168956532 BURTONBAYVIEW AREA COLLIERALBERT AREA BURTON AVE AREA NORTHOWEN AREA PEELGROVE AREA MERRITTGARSON AREA FAIRVIEWSOUTHVIEW MARYMAPLE ST AREA WILLIAM ST HEATHERKOZLOV AREA no previous experience needed An outstanding product from the recognized leader in multi bIllion dollar industry at an unheard of low price presents an ex ceptional opportunity Let us show you how you can earn up to $250 Weekly PartTime and $750 or more Full Time with company established accounts $3500 Investment required fully secured by refundable inventory Phone COLLECT for Information MR LONDON 516 6436205 om6 pm Eastern Time Or write include home phone WAYCO CORP Mahan St Babylon NY 11704 Jyll1213 BOYS AND GIRLS EARN CASH AND PRIZES THIS SUMMER WIIH PARTTIME EXAMINER CARRIER ROUTE utes are available in all areas of Simcoe County Phone in your name today 726 SPARE TIME If you want to work approximately hrs daily days week no Saturdays or Holidays hold valid drivers licence over 21 yrs of age poss medical Then we want YOU Call Mrs Sim Stock Brothers School Bus Lines 7285941 Let AVON help make your summer vacation dreams come true Your GETAWAY FUND as an AVON representative Youll never know how easy it is to earn extra cash the AVON way until you try For per sonal interview without obligation call 7289652 or write AVON Box 485 BARRIEOnt TF MT TF CANADIAN MANUFACTURER Of electrical appliances now has several openings WE CAN OFFER YOU °Steady yearround ployment No layoffs Good earnings Please telephone PERSONNEL MANAGER 7371 904 between IOam pm JyllI213l415 NEEDED NOW Five people with the desire to earn money Call MR JOHN SON 7371904 em Jy16 REA CODRINGTONNELSON AREA Please ï¬ll out the application below and return it to THE EXAMINER Circulation Dept 16 Baytield St Barrie or Phone 7266539 TF iaaiu Name Telephone aeoleallaal euuI 6539 PERSON to manage school cafeteria in ORILLIA Apply in writing stating ex perience to BOX U77 THE EXAMINER Barrie Ont TF Jy13 LICENCED BODY person required for Custom AurtorDodyi Telephone 43757907717 HAl RDRESSER Experienced hairstylest required for downtown beauty salon Excellent wage plus commission All inquiries confiden tial Apply at Leons Hairstyling Col lier St Barrie or telephone 726 7621 BABYSITTER REQUIRED to care for two small children in my home Respon sible person required daily July 1822 Village of Stroud Please submit re some Box U73 The Examiner PART TIME kitchen help and parttime waitresswaiter Alcona Beach area Telephone 4362874 REGISTERED NURSING Assistant for Bayfield Lodge Nursing Home 346 Bayfieid Street Barrie For interView telephone 7282065 before pm and ask for director of nursing CLERKS STENOGRAPHERS typist etc with minimum years experience are invited to register with Fleming and Associates for temporary assignments of varying length in Barrie and Oriliia 7283309 anytime WV NOTTAWASAGA INN has openings for cocktail waitress waiter cashiers App ly in person for interview Telephone 705 435 5501 Mr McGilvray ACCOUNTANT FOR progressive Sim coe County firm Must have minimum of five years experience in all pahses of accounting using an EDP system Must have complete knowledge to run and analyze monthly financial state ments budgets and to supervise accoun ting staff Salary dependant on qualifica lions and experience with company paid benefits Please forward complete resume to Box U75 Barrie Examiner $1000 MONTH need people to assist me in my fast growing business No experience ne cessary as training is provided Good character and work habits are impor tant Guaranteed $1000 monthly Car is necessary Call 7373950 CLERK BOOKKEEPER for local general Insurance office with ability to use dictating equipment Reply to Box U76 The Examiner if NURSE AID applications are being received Rotating weekends employee benefits must have own transportation For interview telephone Mrs Mancy director of nursing am to 430 pm 4361461 REGISTERED NURSE experience preferred rotating shifts employee benefits Applications are being receiv ed by Ark Eden Nursing Home 1973 Ltd For interview telephone Mrs Mancy director of nursing am to 430pm4361461 EXCELLENT COMMISSIONS full or part time Earn high commissions in the home improvement industry Clean cut conscientious people are required for areas in Barrie and Simcoe County Leads supplied No experience necessary Call 7286206 NEED EXTRACASH we iizivelioeriT ings for parttime personnel in our new office Please call Mr Georgei737i904 ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT Energetic go getter couple able to accept responsibilities and take an interest Ex cellent salary and benefits For inter viewcaIl7269580 gt 72sales helpagents EXPANDING CANADIAN Oil Company needs dependable person who can work without supervision Earn $14000 per year plus bonus Contact customers around Barrie We train Write Dick Pres Southwestern Petroleum Brampton Ont L6T 2J6 76employment wanted EXPERIENCED DAYCARE Fulltime References Toddlers to five years Con slant supervision in fenced yard children to play with Allandale area Phone 7287086 OFFICE CLEANING Barrie The service with womans touch for 20 years in business Will clean your office specialize in carpet cleaning Please call local 835 2449 will provide day care in own home Allandale Heights from September Telephone 7373930 BOOK KEEPING to be donein my home picked up and delivered Telephone 436 3824 73W THE SIMCOE COUNTY ROMAN CATHOLIC SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD Invites per gallon quotes for the provision of approximately One Hundred Thousand gallons of furnace oil for the 19771978 heating season listing of schools location and tank capacities ls available upon request from the Board Office 99 Ferris Lone Barrie Ontario Sealed envelopes clearly marked FUEL OIL TENDER will be accepted at the Board Office until pm Friday August 12th 1977 Lowest or any quote not necessarily accepted Vincent Eagon Chairman Macdonald Director Jy11l2 of Cyprus Lake Provincial Park Tobermory Ontario Tender documents may be obtained from the Ministry of Natural Resources 611 9th Avenue East Owen Sound Phone 519 376 360 on payment of fee of 52500 wentyflve Dollars in the form of certified cheque or money order made payable to the Treasurer of Ontario The money ls refundable upon return of the above men tioned document in good order Closing date for this tender is July 20 1977 Tenders will be opened publicly at the Ministry of Natural Resources 611 9th Avenue East Owen Sound on August 2nd 1977at9z30am NOTE For further information regarding this tender please call Mr Chaddah of the Ministry of Natural Resources at the above men tioned address Reference No OS 15 77 Wl Lovering District Manager Owen Sound Ontario Jy 11 79 auction sales AUCTION SALE SATURDAY JULY 16AT1 PM for Mr and Mrs Dabolczi 4th line of Adiala Township turn west at Loretto on Highway 50 miles on 15 sideroad then south mile on 4th of Adiola Watch for signs Consisting of in part Massey Ferguson hp garden tractor with 34 lawnmower snowblower weights and chains hp Mtd rototiller hp selfprop mower large quantity Of plumbing heating electrical supplies ports for hot water heating systems gate valves tubing etc acetylene welding set with cutting torch long hoses and carrier hand and electrical tools grinders drills vise table saw quantity of taper shank bits and reamers 58 and up Webster airless spray painting set with various nozzles Jacuzzi home water system with foot valve and ex pansion tank household items include wringer washing machine chest of drawers kit chen appliances and utensils radios fireplace accessories ladies bicycles and some childrens games 1962 En cyclopedia set with bookcase 1968 Ford Country Squire station wagon as is Sale contains many good tools and equipment Owners are moving out west There will be something for almost everyone Owners and auctioneer not responsible for accidents or loss sale day TERMS Cash or approved cheque Nothing removed until settled for JOHN BALL Auctioneer RR No2 Alliston 7054354189 SCL NO Jyl3 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIRECT PHDNE 7282414 Classified advertisements and notices for these pages must be received by pm day preceding publication with the exception of Classified Display advertisements which must be In by pm two days prior to publication BIRTHS ENGAGEMENTS MARRIAGES DEATH NOTICES 40 words $550 Additional words 10 cts per word CARD OF THANKS 40 words $550 Addi tional words 10 cts per word IN MEMORIAM NOTICES No verse $550 With verse per count line 22 cents per line COMING EVENTS $322 per column inch 24 WORD MINIMUM CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Cash Dlscount Rates apply If paid within days One or two insertions per word Insertion Three consecutive insertions cents per word In sertion total $646 Six consecutive Inser tions per word per Insertion total $1224 Multiple insertions may be ordered subiect to cancellation when satisfactory results obtained Method of counting fewer than 24 words count as 24 words Each Initial abbreviation set of numbers etc count as separate words ERRORS AND CORRECTIONS All phone Insertion orders are accepted as convenience to the advertisers Therefore the Classified Advertising Department re quires ad advertisers to kindly recheck their advertisement immediately after first Inser tion In order that any error or omission may be reported before pm in order that some may be rectified for the following day publication The Examiner Ie responsible for only one Incorrectly printed insertion of any advertisement and then only to the extent of portion of ad that Involves the mlsprlnt Er rors which do not lessen the value of the advertisement are not eligible for correc tions by make goods The Examiner reserves the right to classify revise or reect any want ads PHONE 7282414 DAY 18 BEST MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Advertisers frequently ask this question Fortunately there Is no best day to advertise Each day new wants arise brInging new readers as old ones satisfy their wants We recommend that you start your ad tomorrow and cancel it when you get results After many years of ex perience with millions of want ods we know tomorrow Is the ibest day to start your ad and every day Is the best day to ad vertise in The Examiner Classified Section PHONE 7282414 85 deaths JENNETT Catherine Cassie Sud denly on Sunday July 10 1977 Cassie Jennett in her 87th year Beloved wife of the late Garfield Jennett Loving mother of Marion Mrs Vernon of RR Bar rie and Lillian of Angus Dear sister of William Elmer and Ernest all of Bar rie Resting at the Jennett Funeral Home 152 Bradford St Barrie Visita tion from Monday at pm Service in the chapel on Wednesday July 13th at pm Interment Angus Union Cemetery BRUMWELL John Allan Jack At the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Thursday July 1977 John Allen Jack Brumwell of 63 Mary Street Bar rie in his 69th year only brother of Grace Lawrence and Josphenine Kaynes Brotherinlaw of Peter Kaynes Cana dian Legion Service was held Sunday evening at Steckley Funeral Home Bar rie followed by Interment on Monday at Barrie Union Cemetery WEISTRA William Suddenly at Bar rie on Friday July 1977 William Weistra in his 53rd year beloved hus band of Catharina Van Gennlp Dear father of Jessie and brother of Henry and Elsie Mrs Thorn resting at his residence 73 Shanty Bay Road Barrie until Tuesday noon Funeral service at Christian Reformed Church St Vincent Street Barrie on Tuesday July 12 at pm Interment Barrie Union Cemetery RHYNOLD Clarence Allan Suddenly at Parry Sound on Sunday July 10 1977 Clarence Allan Rhynold In his 15m year dear son of Mr and Mrs Havelock Rhynold of Barrie Dear brother of Gerald Lockey and Lorinda Grandson of Rumble and Mr and Mrs Fred Rhynold Resting at the Steckley Funeral Home 30 Worsley Street Bar rie after pm Tuesday Service in the chapel on Wednesday July 13 at 330 pmfollowed by cremation CAMPBELL George Alexander Sud denly in Ospringe Ontario on Sunday July 10 1977 George Alexander Camp bell in his 7Ist year beloved husband of vilda Rose Walker Dear father of Dorothy Ann Mrs Evan Wilcox and Janet Mrs Ronald Tweedy both of Bond Head and Agnes Mrs Allen OUNCEMENIS Whats on your calendar for tomorrow next week next month Whatever youll love meeting your world in this blousedwaist casual with swingy skirt Printed Pattern 4535 Half Sizes 10 12 14V 1616 18 20 Size 14 bust 37 lakes l2 yds 45inch fabric $125 for each pattern cash cheque or money order Add 25¢ each pattern for first class mail and handling Ont residents add 9c sales tax Print plainly Size Style tlum ber your flame Address Send to Anne Adams Pattern Dept The Examiner 60 Progress Walma of Ospringe Survived also by six grandchildren Resting at the AVSWev Scarborough on Steckley Funeral Home 30 Worsely tarioM1P4P7 Street Barrie after pm Monday Ser vice in the chapel on Wednesday July 13 at pm Interment Guthrie Cemetery Remembrances may be made to Church Missions or the charity of your choice CORBETT Victor RusEeii At Mines ing on Saturday July 1977 Victor Russell Corbett in his 66th year beloved husband of the late Harriett Hewitt Dear father of Ted of Barrie June Mrs Pearson of Minesing Raymond of Midhurst Leonard of Stroud and Mary Tompkins predeceased Grandfather of nine grandchildren Brother of the late Howard Corbett Resting at the Steckley Funeral Home 30 Worsley St Barrie Service in the chapel on Tuesday July 12 at pm Interment Thornton Union Cemetery Memorial donations to On tario Heart Foundation would be ap preciated ARNOLD Funeral Home Chapel 127 BAYFIELD ST 7282530 Friendly Courteous Service MWFTF 87 in memoriams ROSE in loving memory of dear husband father and grandfather Leslie ROSe who passed away July 11 1974 It is lonely here without you We miss you more each day For life is not the same to us Since you were called away Sadly missed by wife Marion children and grandchildren HALUK In loving memory of dear friend Joseph Haluk who passed away July 111976 Just thought of sweet remembrance Just memory sad and true Just the love and sweet devotion Of one who thinks of you Sadly missed by John DALEES William Passed away July 11 197 Two years have gone dear husband Since you left me dear God knew how you suffered He gave you rest Lovingly remembered wife Rose ANSWER to inflation sew and save dramatic dollars Send for NEW SPRINGSUMMER PATTERN CATALOG Clip coupon for free pattern Separates jumpsuits dayevening dresses Send 75¢ Instant Sewing BooII $100 Sew Knit Sl25 Instant Money Crafts $100 Instant Fashion BoolI $100 EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 88 coming events The family of JIM KENNEDY cordially invite you to an OPEN HOUSE at 531William St July 12 after pm upon his retirement with CNR Jy BINGO St John Vianney Hall EVERY TUESDAY $200 Jackpot MTF Price war predicted in UK chain stores Written for CP By NORMAN CRIBBENS LONDON CP new price war among Britains lead ing chain stores is predicted fol lowing an announcement by the mammoth Tesco group that it will cut prices by total of £20 million during the coming year This is obviously declara tion of war on rival chain stores said leading London retailer It will lead to the big gest shakeup in Britains retail trade for years Leslie Porter chairman of the Tesco group of 822 stores said they had decided to cut rices instead of giving away reen Shield gilt stamps Were bringing down hun dreds of prices to new low lev els Porter said and they wont go up again unless there is manufacturers increase Shoppers will get at least £20 million year from us in lower prices All Tesco stores were closed for clay while the staff made extensive price changes When the stores reopened more than 1000 items ranging from TV sets and washing machines to flour and baked beans had been reduced in price SAVINGS SUBSTANTIAL few of the cuts chosen at random were threepound bag of flour selling at 31 pence had been reduced to 24 pence large tin of baked beans was down from 16 pence to 12 pence pound of margarine dropped from 36 pence to 2612 pence The saving on shoppin basket costing £10 is about £1 Porter said As permanent feature on groceries the saving will be at least three per cent Keith Padden director of the rival firm of Fine Fare said We can promise all shoppers that where we are up against Tesco there will be consider able com tition He sa Fine Fane would meet Tesoos challenge by ex tending its 91 pers Paradise stores which aim to be more competitive in some lines than any other in Britain spokesman for the coun trywide Sainsburys stores said In the shortterm we do not intend to do much price cutting But it will be in teresting to see what the position is in two or three weeks time Mike Reynolds managing di rector of the Spar group repre senting more than 4000 family grocers in Britain said he was concerned over the likely ef fects of price war No one is strong enough for facetoface punchup Rey nolds said It will mean some low prices but higher prices for other products We dont believe that is the best way to serve customers