tho oxamlner Saturday July 1971 FrenchEnglish exchange lifestyle Students find differences are few By PAUL DELEAN Examiner Staff Reporter Many Canadians living out side Quebec appear to have notion that persons from that province have way of life dif erent from their own The differences are not that acute as 19 Barrie families have discovered in the last two Students participating in the Canadian Council of Christians and Jews exchange program are matched according to sex age education and interests That brought together Colette weeks They have opened thier homes to Quebec students aged 14 to 18 participating in the Canadian Council of Christians and Jews annual French English student exchange Twenty of 500 Quebec students who came to Ontario June 28 are in Barrie for two Forget left of Woodlands Heights and Sylivie Pelletier of RiviereduLoup Que both avid fishermen Examiner Photo Darlene Kosowan left of Barrie outlines the route from Barrie to Niagara Falls to Campeauof St Leonard Que exchange partner Carole It was one of their special 50th anniversary Dwight and Vera Nelson of Yonge Street Stroud celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary July They have one son daughterinlaw and two grandchildren living in Van couver Up to retirement the couple operated dairy farln in lnnisfil They are currently on trip to the Maritimes obituary ELDON JOHN THOMPSON Eldon John Thompson for 31 years carpenter at Bertram Bros died recently at Royal Victoria Hospital resident of Barrie for the last 28 years the Dalston native was 49 He was an avid hunter gleayed hockey and soccer and longed to the Dalston Hunt Club He helped construct several churches Schools homes and barns in area corn munities He is survived by his wife Grace daughters Debra Margaret and Barbara at home and Christine of Alcona Beach his mother Mrs Elizabeth Thompson brothers Jim of Meaford and Willis of Barrie sisters Gladys Jory of Barrie Marion Cline of Edgar and ma Bat tersby of Painswick Burial was at St Johns Anglican Church Traighurst after service at Steckleys Funeral Home smetrlps during Caroles twoweek stay as part of the Cana dian Council of Christians and Jews annual FrenchEnglish student exchange Examiner Photo weeks Sons and daughters of the local families return home with the visitors Tuesday to complete their half of the ex change in Quebec The Barrie stay is for some difficult time but only from the standpoint of language The young Quebecers are among friends finding allies in their exchange partners and billet families The emphasis of the program is on immersion into the lifestyle of the host family To benefit they use as much English as possible to com municate with their hosts That has resulted in some ad mittedly amusing incidents Sylvie Pelletier 15 from RiviereDuLoup was en couraged by her host family the Forgets of Woodland Heights to order the meal for the group at an Italian restaurant in Toronto She was having so much trouble ordering in English that the waitress who was bil ingual reverted to French relates Colette Forget Sylvies partner Rob Godhue of Stroud tells of puzzled stare that Francois Robert received after holding the door open for an elderly gentleman at local store The guy said to him its nice peope dont hold doors that much anymore but Fran cois just looked at him because he didnt understand him The guy sort of gave him funny look when he didn respond SPEED PROBLEM Speed is the major problem for the visiting students More often than not they cant understand the English words but the speed with which they are addressed has significant bearing on their comprehen sron It didnt take long for friendships to blossom under the FrenchEnglish student exchange The families and partners they are staying with lend hand by slowing down their conversations Its obvious when something doesntsinkin They just smile or go uhhuh instead of responding notes Julie Bowman 14 student at Eastview Secondary School Some of the visitors are lit tle frustrated by their limited English vocabulary Others ex periment with grammar for in stance using articles behind the noun Pocket dictionnaries are get ting real workout during the stay resulting in the Occasional wooden translation Still for all their difficulties the Quebec students likely are doing better in English than their counterparts will in French Diana Forsythe tells of special Scrabble game involv ing two of the visitors and their Stroud partners They had to use English words we had to use French They beat us easily ACTIVITIES Games parties picnics tours of Toronto and Barrie ex cursions to Wasaga Beach and Niagara Falls swimming at rock concert camping roller skating these are some of the activities engaged in by the students either in goup or alone with billet or homestay family The students seem to be get ting along famously positive reflection on the detailed listing of interests and personality that was part of their initial ap plication The pairings were decided by the organizers well ahead of time so that the students had time to exchange letters of in troduction prior to the start of the exchange The Council of Christians and Jews program now in its 2nd year is to provide vehicle for mutual understanding and respect between English and Frenchspeaking people in Canada This is longstanding oom mitment and reflects the organizations belief in long rather than shortterm solu tions to human relations pro blems existing between the two linguistic groups In addition to providing vehicle for intercultural understanding the program is also an excellent opportunity to gain facility in either of our of ficial languages and as such is recognized as vital sup plementary tool for language training in the schools by many teachers explains news release ENTHUSIASM The enthusiasm with which the students are plunging into the objectives is typified by Darlene Kosowan of Davidson Street who unconsciously answered oui to question posed in English during telephone conversation Darlene admitted that she was little nervous about the journey to Quebec but the fact that she now knew her partner Carole Campeau of St Leonard was steadying in fluence Not once in conversation with the students and only indirect ly in talks with the parents did the subject of politics ever sur face That perhaps is the way it should be They have other things on their mind like helping understanding and en joying one another program that brought 20 young Quebecers to Barrie for two weeks All students visited seemed to be enjoying their partners company Getting into the swing of conversation in English are Cathy Morency front left of Charlesbourg Que and Martine Pelletier of Beauport Que with little help from Julie Bowman back left and Patti llaughton of Barrie Examiner Photo peOpIe and places Reunion planned The annual Rowat reunion in Barrie is being held Aug at pm at St Vincents Park pavilion at St Vincent and Blake Streets in the east end All friends and members of the clan are welcome to attend Anyone coming to the reunion Fashions are more feminine TORONTO CP 77 New York designer Oscar de la Renta says fashion has become more femine and he believes its be cause the Womens Liberation Movement now is less militant Four or five years ago women were inspired by man nish way of dressing he said in recent interview But to day liberated women realize they can wear skirts and use them as weapon Dela lfenta says it is difficult to predict where fashion is headed Fashion is an exrxession of life and what is going on in the world he said People in general are con scious of quality now They are working hard to improve the quality of life Thats why they want to look well eat good food and entertain at home They want clothes that are more re laxed With so many women work ing today clothes must have more relaxed feeling STUDIEI ART Born to Spanish parents de la Renta studied art in Madrid and was bent on becoming an abstract painter After some fashion sketches that he made for fun were seen he was given his first job by the famous designer Christobal Ba lenciaga and worked six years at his couture house in Madrid must bring their own dishes cutlery and food Food will be served in the smorgasbord style with tea coffee and cold drinks supplied For further information call Mrs Munro of 61 llolgate St at 7285390 McMaster family The conservation park at Utopia was the location of the 17th annual McMaster family reunion June 26 About 50 members attended from Utopia Angus Barrie Toronto Elmvale St Ca tharines and other centres headstone had been pur chased to mark the spot in the Ivy Anglican cemetery where the first McMaster in this area is buried buffet luncheon business meeting and discussion swim ming and ball game were all part of the reunion Hodgson family The family and descendants of the late William and Ellen Hodgson met at Gwillellen Farm Craighurst July The occasion was their 50th annual reunion at the family farm and 115 years of con tinuous family occupancy The present occupants Ralph and Frances Hodgson were hosts of the reunion There were 54 family members and four visitors from Dearbourn Michigan Brampton Toronto Cam bridge Bridgenorth New market Midland and Barrie engagement Mr and Mrs Raymond Arbour of Banie are pleased to an nounce the engagement of their daughter Diane Yvonne to John Charles Cartiedge son of Mr and Mrs Charles artledge of Etobicoke The wedding will take place on Aug III at St Marys Catholic Church Steingard Photo Brian Allan Richardson son of Earl and the late Joyce Richardson of 18 Holgate St received Bachelor of Arts degree in geography urban studies and planning from Victoria College of the University of Toronto He is graduate of Banie entral Collegiate Marion Bailey daughter of Dr and Mrs Bailey graduated from the Universi ty of Toronto with an honors Bachelor of Arts degree in economics and political science at the spring con vocation She is graduate of Barrie Central Collegiate Drinking offender should be treated TORONTO CP Family courts should compel offenders with drinking problems to take treatment Toronto study says The study released today was financed by the Ontario ministry of health and com piled by Sandi Burke of the Etobiéoke family court com mittee It says recommendations for counselling problem drinkers should be made by the judge hearing family court case Following the judges recommendation an ap propriate agent should be designated and made respon sible for providing the client with information and makin as certain as possible that suc recommendations are carried through Whoever is assigned this re sponsibility should be certain that the alcohol abuser gets ap propriate help The study says that recom mendations for voluntary coun selling by family court are of ten futile because few problem drinkers or alcoholics see their dnnking as harmful and there fae do not act on the recom mendations goal of the Canadian Ann Londers helpful hint for other fools Dear Ann Landers Heres some information that mign prove helpful to other fools out there who are being strung along as Iwas Same old storymarried man who sa hes gorng to get divorce and marry me as soon as his wi es health improves This has been going on for 18 months Last week friend who works in lawyers office told me she heard the guy is divorced and suggested go down to the divorce division clerks office at the county courthouse and find out for sure took her advice and learned the rat divorced since 1973 Just call me toolatesm and inform the timers From Cinï¬nï¬iti Dear Cin Thanks for the short course To find out if person is married you can check with the Bureau of Vital Statistics You must know the names of both parties The charge in Chicago for this service is $300 The records on hand go back five yearsbeyond that they must be obtained from the warehouse Dear Ann Dont faint This letter is about bosomswritten by man was moved by the sad letter from the girl who was so desperate to increase her bust size that she sent money to some gyp outfit and gor back pic ture of mans hand For four years was married to bigbosomed fleabrain She lived in front of the mirror with tape measure in her hand Her meals were inediblewhen she cooked that is Our apartment looked like pigsty If button came off my shirt she put it back with safety pin never saw needle or thread in the place Her own clothes were magnificent Thats where all the money went She wasnt happy unless she was dressed to the teeth and every man in the room was falling over her My second wife is marvelous person but selfconscious about her flat front She keeps comparing herself with my first wife and asking me if miss it No matter how hard try cant get it through her head that it doesnt matter Please print this letter Ann It will make her dayDoc Dear Doc Here it is and Im sure it will gladden the hearts of many smallbusted ladies to know that all men arent dimensionwacky Whats up front ISNT what coun ts Dear Aim Landers Todays letter was from guy who was worried because his wifes pregnancy was going into the 11th month Here are some facts that might help ninemonth pregnancy is more myth than reality The actual full term is between 266 to 280 days average But average seems always to be what someone else is nor mal term can be much longer depending upon influencing factors such as womans menstrual cycle For example woman whose cycle is 3031 days is likely to have longer pregnancy short cycle2528 daysmeans shorter pregnancy Heredity also influences the gestation period in terms of length People from the tropics give birth sooner than those in the frigid zones of the world Many women think they know exactly when they become pregnant but they can be mistaken These are the Mamas who swear they carried 11 months was oneSuper Preggie Dear Super You cant fool Mother Nature Thanks fo the inout Fresh approach Get to know the vegetables By AILEEN CLAIR The variety of fresh fruits and vegetables available to Canadians stuns the minds of those in other countries Once upon time the selection or buying of freshly grown seasonal fruits and vegetables posed few problems for most Canadians Since Colonial days this was country that revolved around the agarian or farming communityuntil World War II and the major shift to urban living We are in another period of changing lifestyles The shift in recent years of people of all ages back to the suburbs as they seek little piece of land finds many looking for help on how to grow their own vegetables and herbs for example But theyre also looking for help in buying the pro duce in the market This still is problem because of maj0r changes in grow ing and distributing fruits and vegetables and at least two generations have grown up without being very close to the son Meanwhile transportation of fresh fruits and vegetables is highly sophisticated Once it was Christmas treat to have fresh oranges in winter unless you lived in Florida or California Now theyre available yearround coastto coast Fresh strawberries fresh melons exotic Oriental Central and South American African and Israeli fruits and vegetables find their way more and more to supermarkets no matter the size of the village or city This Fresh Approach series is geared to help those of all ages select the best in fresh fruits and vegetables available in their markets throughout the year It explains what some of the less familiar items are such as sapotea Mexican custard apple how to tell when fruit or vegetable is fresh or undamaged how to ripen them how to serve them in many ways and what vitamins and minerals these fresh items have This is clipandsave approach to your fruit and vegetable needs Poll ointers Get help for carpet rust DEAR POLLY would like to know if there IS any way to get rust spots out of carpet My Pointer is one to remember for the coming winter found that during the cold weather one can keep the toes warmer by cutting the toe part out of an old pair of nylons about three inches back of the toe part and then wear these over your regular hose Also keeping ones closet doors shut to shut out heat is great help You will be surprised how cool the closet is when the door is opened THELMA DEAR THELMA You failed to say what your carpet is made of so any suggestions must necessarily be very iffy Usually rust stains In carpet require the services of professional Some homemade tries can be hazardous so proceed with great caution and no great hopes The America Carpet Institute tells us that in some rare cases detergentvinegarwater solution may be successful One teaspoon of neutral deter gen such as used for fine fabrics and one teaspoon of WHITE vinegar in quart of warm water would be applied with clean cloth and blotted up with another This may hate to be repeated or can be followed by the use of dry cleaning fluid if necessary If possible raise the carpet with the spots and put towel under it until dry An elec tric fan will hasten the drying as one must be careful of soaking the carpet back and then having another problem POLLY DEAR POLLY We save our empty potato chip cans and then fill them with popcorn to have when we go to the movies To keep the out side of cake fresh put slice of bread against it and hold in place with toothpicks This bread is not wasted as later use it to make bread crumbs When have white spot on table rub it away with waxed paper DOROTHY DEAR POLLY My thimbie used to always be falling off because of my enlarged finger joints but now place half two jinch strip of adhesivebacked plastic tape with the sticky side against my finger fold it back and the sticky side left clings to the inside of the thimbie It is comfortable stays put and the adhesive does no harm to my finger GK DEAR POLLY cut the rims off of plastic coffee can lids to use as dividers between hamburger patties that am going to freeze can remove just the number of patties needed at one time and also they thaw more quickly MRS 081