Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 Jul 1977, p. 4

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Saturday July 1977 cincuunou 7266539 NEWSROOM 7266537 the examiner serving barrle and slmcae county Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited to Baytield Street Barrie Ontario L4M 4T6 Elia Agastinipublisher ADVERTISING 7266537 CLASSIFIEDS 7282414 Study needed for downtown Is Barrie willing to spend $61000 on its downtown That is the proposed cost for sevenmonth study aim ed at revitalizing the citys core Barries planning board this week voted in favor of the study and is passing the decision to council Because we think annexation is foregone conclu sion Barrie must get to work now on making downtown an important part of soontobeexpanded city Barrie cannot afford to letdowntown die Council because it has already passed an official plan amendment designating the central core as the heart of the city and as Barries main retail cultural and recreational centre must go along with study of some sort We agree with the official plan amendment but wonder if there could not be some other way of doing it One way would be to get the citys own planning staff cracking on study Barrie does have planning department But if council in its wisdom does decide to go for another consultants report the one planning board recommends does have merit Diamond has won awards for its work and hopefully could come up with an approach that will get people excited about revitalization Whichever way council turns the outcome cannot help but be of benefit to the city letters to the editor To the chief Dear Sir Enclosed is An open letter to the chief of police which friend brought for me to read from church believe it has an excellent message for us all and would personally like to feel as many people as possible will have the opportunity of reading it Sincerely Thelma Ilalfacre line of the most common phrases heard in or society and city today is police brutali Perhaps dont understand the meaning but would like to give you one mothers point of view on the subject To begin should first tell you that have two teenage sons being mother cannot help but want the very best of everything for them am typical mother in that dont want to see them hurt by anyone am not typical mother for see things many mothers never hear of much less become involved in because my husband is minister and we see the very best and the sor did worst would like for you to be brutal with my sons lsthat surprise If you find them speeding in car please be brutal have sat at hospital holding grieving mothers hand because of someones mistake That was brutal have gone with my husband to tell wife her husband was killed That was brutal have helped nurse beautiful teenage girl crippled in wreck That was brutal have played organ music at funeral ser vices for babies teenagers and adults because someone drove too fast That was brutal If you should catch my underage sons with liquor in their possession please be brutal have sat all night by my husbands side trying to piece together two underage young mens lives both broken by drinking That was brutal have listened to the horrors experienced by another man while he was drunk and heard him recall the many jails he has served time in for this That was brutal have helped feed hungry children because drunken father didnt come home That was brutal have tried to console mother whose daughter was killed after being struck by drunken driver That was brutal If you should find my sons with drugs in their possession please be brutal have tried to rehabilitate woman just out of prison for shooting her husband while she was drugged That was brutal have seen handsome young man turn into an old ugly one because of drugs That was brutal have seen young mother who was addicted to drug scream and rave for lack of fix That was brutal If you find my sons committing any kind of immoral act or carrying any pornographic materials please be brutal have listened to the sad cry of young girl who was pregnant but not married That was brutal If police ever see persons doing something that isnt thoroughly in the interest of society please be brutal have walked into hushed sacred church that was stripped of everything that could be sold That was brutal have seen lovely expensive home and yard completely torn up by vandals That was brutal have seen school and its marvelous equi ment torn apart by young vandals That was rutal have wiped little boys tears and helped him hunt for his stolen bicycle That was brutal we want your opinion Something on your mind Send us letter to the editor Pleaso make it an original copy and sign it We dont publish unsigned letters although pen name will be used upon request Include your address and telephone number because we have to verify letters but we Wont print your address should you prefer Weve found that short letters are the best read Because of space limitations public interest and good taste we sometimes have to edit condense or reject letters Letters to the editor run Wednesdays and Saturdays Send yours to Letters to the editor The Examiner Box 370 Barrie Ont LtM 4T6 If you should every catch my sons doing anything illegal please be brutal have come to realize that your kind of brutality cannot in any way compare with the brutality that comes from breaking our laws My husband and have tried to teach our sons that their rights and where someone elses begin We believe they have learned this lesson but in case they forget we look to you and others who influence their lives teachers coaches etc to see that they remember do not want my two sons to grow into two grownup boys want them to become men able to assume their places in this world and make good contributions to it sincerely hope they wont need your help but if they do and if you must then be brutal Concerned Mother Jacks lobby Dear Sir hear rumors that some groups in the City want to get together to build sports com lex pl wish them well because this city sure doesnt have the kind of facilities it should have for its sports enthusiasts The facilities Barrie has now are almost always crowded and even the kids are having hard time with their hockey because the arena at Easlview is so busy and some of the older ones in the county were forced to close by the govern ment If the city is going to get all that much big ger because the government is going to let an nexation go through then the government should start thinking about recreation for the people who will live in larger city couple of arenas and some inadequate soccer fields will not be enough if Banie gets lobe biglime know the city fathers have lot on their minds with the garbage situation and other matters but there should be some more con sideration given to the people who want to do something else besides stay at home and watch the tube or get Barrie to turn an old building into centre for culture Maybe Barries jocks should get together and form jocks lobby so that people who want to do something active will be able to get near playing field in few years Lord knows its hard enough now to be ac tive Yours truly Swanson Bayfield Street Dear Sir know you get lot of letters about Bayfield Street but here is another one few years ago Barries council bought study that suggested that some of the north south streets be extended over Highway 400 so there would be less traffic on Bayfield know it would be expensive to build even one bridge over the highway but the way the traffic jams are now it would sure be worth it The government tried to help by putting those traffic lights up near the 400 but on the weekends they dont seem todo much good Sometimes it takes half an hour to get from downt own out to some of the malls Is the city going to let this keep getting worse and worse or is it going to dig out that study it had done long time ago and put it to some use and get the government to help pay for putting another bridge over the 400 at Toronto St reel Pretty soon someone will have to spend some money to get the situation fixed up and since it all comes from the taxpayers pockets anyway why doesnt someone do something about it now before inflation makes the cost lot higher Miss Nude Dear Sir read Sean Einlays column about the trip he and your sports editor took to the Miss Nude Nonhhnd contest Some of the comments were in poor taste and not the sort of thing had come to expect from Mr Finlay But there is bright side to it all At least The Examiner didnt splash bunch of pictures all over the front page or any page for that matter of the winner Of the contest think contests like this are just done by promoters to make money for themselves and do not have any redeeming social value Thank you for not almost running with the pack Si ncerel Paul Cotter Yours It MacDonald BUSINESS 7266537 Bill Curran county editor Bill McFarlane wire editor Roll Kraiker photographer POR TE RS John Bruce Paul Deleon CLASSIFIED Richard Dunstan Ruth Blais supervisor Pat Guergis Lesley Young Scott Haskins Sheila McGovern Sue Routlitte Len Sevlck manager NEWSROOM ADVERTISING Dave Henshaw managing editor Sean Finlaycity editor SALESMEN Randy McDonald sports editor Dan Gaynor Lyall Johnson Barb Boulton Dana Graham John Zarecky Freda Shinner Karen Atkinson Peggy Chapeu BUSINESS Marian Gouoh accountant Betty Armer Dorothy Bowland Gall McFarland Vikki Grant CIRCULATION Jon Butler manager David Jenkins asst manager Stew Royce Judy Hickey Alva LaPlante Elaine Porter Mara Scartt Published daily except statutory holidays WE EK LY by carrier MOTOR THROWOFF ELSEWHERE IN CANADA Sunday and Subscriptions EARgfigianier created by its employees and published in this newspaper $4690 Copyright registration number 203815 register 61 BY Minlegume Nai0ml adVEYIiSing ottices 65 Queen St Toronto souno 640 Cathcart St swcoe COUNTY Montreal 53650 The advertiser agrees that the publisher shalt not be Iiaoie for damages arising out $39 year $3850 Year where Notes and comment By SEAN FINLAY cny Editor have just returned for week by doing my justlyfamed imitation of lunch bag by the shores of Lake Huron at the Port of Goderich Why Goderich Well Why not First have friends there second theres nice provincial park there and third Goderich is celebral ing its sesquicentennial Barrie next year celebrates its 125th an niversary and the trip to Goderich was good chance to see how small town about 7500 people celebrates its 150th anniversary Goderich started planning two years ago for its 150th anniversary Barrie within the last month put together committee to decide what to do next year Goderich picked coordinating chairman and execluive committee of 21 people and subcommittee chairmen for everything from invitations to youth The committee put together program which started June 29 and ends this Sunday ATI VITY EVERY DAY Several events were planned each day run ning from an air show to beardgrowing By RICHARD DUNSTAN Imagine yourself in Larwrence Campbells shoes The ren Boulevard resident has had sewer trouble twice since he bought his house last fall and the second time city officials discovered the cause was break in the lateral pipe which connects the sewer main to the plumbing in his house And even though the break was well out under the streetcity property not Camp bellshe was told he would have to pay the repair costs When he picked himself up off the linoleum after getting that wonderful news he began to protest And as far as know he hasnt stopped The bill came to about $750 and city of ficials who were not without sympathy in the matter arranged threeway split among Campbell the developer and the city The ci tys share roughly covers the extra cost incur red when workman dug in the wrong place on the first try Since the city already took $200 from Camp bell for deposit before the work was done the split would mean he owes about $50 but he doesnt want to pay it or for that matter to let the city keep the $200 And dont blame him MAYOR ARCHER second Howe ou contest to an antique car show to soap box derby to special outdoor session of Citizen ship Court to an antique show to tractor pull to fish fry and on and on and on Every Goderich community group from service clubs to churches to drama groups to radio clubs was involved in some way in the celebrations The days was at Goderich the town was packed the basis of the tourist dollar alone the towns sesquicentennial celebra tions had to be success More importantly the residents of Goderich were given the opportunity to give themselves birthday party and along the way learn little about their own heri ta ge Can Banie do the same Idoubt it city that cant even attempt to put on semblance of Canada Day celebrations in 1977 cant be counted on to do much for llfilh anniversary Barrie is wonderful city great place to live community with so many natural ad vantages that are taken for granted that it is easy for Barrie residents to forget how lucky they are If Goderich pop 7500 can have great bash Barrie has all the advantages of major ur ban centrc with few or none of the disad vantages Barrie has all the advantages of small town with few or none of the disad vantages ARE WE SPOILED And much of what Barrie has to offer has been handed to the city on silver platter That makes it easy to forget how much Bar rie has to be thankful for and how much of what we enjoy today is result of the hard work of others going back century and quarter wellplanned wellrun 125th anniversary celebration for Barrie could be shot in the arm for the tourist business anda tonic for the whole city But fear the 125th anniversary clebrations will be dull and boring Not from lack of work by the anniversary committee But from lack of interest by residents of Barrie And boy would like to be proved dead wrong on thisone Something really smelly about that sewer thing The fault would seem to lie with the con tractor who put in the lateral but it is pretty generally agreed that neither the city nor Campbell can get any satisfaction on that score since the problem came up after the guarantee expired CITY POLICY That means its somebodys tough luck And Campbell is bumping his head against city policy which says that any tough luck in volving sewer laterals goes to the house holder regardless of the property line City officials justify this policy by pointing out that the lateral is solely for the householders use That makes sesnse up to pointif the lateral just needed cleaning can see sticking Campbell for the job But when the bloomin thing col lapsescome on Holding homeowner responsible for ma jor breakdown in city services on city proper ty is unreasonable If contractor had fouled up Campbells house and the roof caved in that might well be Campbells tough luck but tough luck of that kind should end at the property line POSTSCRIPIS The year is better than half over and thought it would be fun to rate the city council members watch each week DEL COLE hit 56 per cent according to how often have agreed with their votes went through old council minutes and Examiner stories and picked 16 issuesthe firehall Campbells sewer Sun day dancing and so onon which have definite opinion and on which council members votes were recorded or their opi nions were otherwise clearly on the record Its haphazard sort of survey and had no idea until did what the results would be Needless to say the results reflect only my attitude toward specific issues NOT my opi nion of anyones ability or personal qualities Anyway the clear winner was Ald Ross Stephens who agreed with me on 80 per cent of the votes Second was Mayor Ross Archer who as chairman doesnt vote on everything but hit 60 per cent on the things he did vote on Last which proves nothing was Ald Ernie Rotman with 38 per cent Others Janice Lak ing Gord Mills Del Cole Alex Arthur and Bill Knowles all 56 per cent Bill Campbell 53 Ron Lynch 50 Nelson Garrett Fred Reumper Ed Thomspon 44 Next week if dont chicken out Ill tell you which incum bent alderman think will be mayor some day And speaking of next week Tuesday is the Glorious 12th and Ill be sure to wear my green shirt BILL CAMPBELL he passed The Examiner is member at The Canadian Press CP and Audit Bureau of Circula tions ABC Only The Canadian Press may republish news stories in this newspaper credited to CF The Associated Press Reuters Agence France Presse and local news stories published in The xaminer The Barrie Examiner claims copyright on all original news and advertising material of errors in advertisements beyond the amount paid tor the space actually occupied by that portion at the advertisement in which the error occurred whether such error is due to the negligence of its servants or otherwise and there shall be no liability for non insertion of any advertisement beyond the amount paid for such advertisement For all seasons The King upstaged By rNOR MCFARLANE Vic was mce dog all quivering body loll ing tongue and sad eyes of him Hed bark excitedly when anyone came to our door and the bark seemed tinged somehow with love when Dad came home from work Until one day Vic put his paw in it Dad was regular guy as dads go we mean if we asked for bus money to go to the show hed tell us to walk and if we asked for an allowance hed tell us to get parttime job just like your modem dads Anyway he treated Mum OK Hed pat her on the fanny the odd time in show of ram bunctious affection and on Fridays after hed stopped at the local for couple of beers hed throw quarter or so at us We always caught it He was easy to get along with but strict It was taken for granted that his dinner would be on the table ready for him when he came home from work In those days Mums didntwork There was often scurry at dinnertime when Mum caught out in an overlong tetea tete with neighbor would dash home and start dinner going Vic was always there panting around her heels watching every move in that side glancing nervous doggy way of his One night in particular steak was on the menu rarity in those postDepression days and we remember thinking that Vic seemed more excited than usual To our young eyes his tongue seemed to hang out more than usual and his taste buds were evident as he watched the ritual of sauc ing and condimenting the rare beef THEY ALL KNEW Dad liked his steak welldone and even our taste buds stood out as we thought of the feast to come It had been about six months since wed had steak and wed already told all the youngsters on the block about it So there was sort of undercurrent of culinary excitement on the street Mum and us were at our usual position peering out of the great oriel window wat ching for the King coming down the street The oven door was down in the action posi tion so that the meat already cooked would be the right temperature when Dad came in He came in all right washed the factory grime from his hands and sat at the table with look of satisfaction Mum beaming at the steak innovation went into the kitchen She shrieked Its gone Its gone she cried We rushed into the kitchen and she was staring at an empty oven and an empty plate Vic lay in the comer licking his chops Dad stood petrified Mum was laying on the floor in swoon We were out of the door like bullet hoping Vics new owner would treat him well Canada story Darchester ranks high BOB BOWMAN remarkable career in Canada ended July 1796 when Lord Dorchester sailed from Quebec to return homelo Britain It began in 1759 when Colonel Guy Carleton was quartermaster of Wolfes army that at tacked Quebec As quartermaster his job would have been to look after supplies for the army but he liked to be in the firing line Soon after his arrival he led small force on 16mile reoonnaisance up the river He was wounded at the battle of the Plains of Abraham and relumed to Britain with the victorious army In 1766 Carleton was sent back to Quebec as lieutenant governor and became governor two years later His recommendations resulted in the Quebec Act Carleton was trying to defend Montreal in 1W5 when the Americans attacked Mean while Benedict Arnold had led another United Stales amiy across Maine and held Quebec under siege Canada was almost cap tured Carleton managed to escape from Montreal and make daring dash down the river disguised as voyageur He passed through Arnolds lines into the city and defen ded it successfully until the Royal Navy arrived in May and the Americans had to retreat Carleton then chased the Americans to Lake Champlain but decided not to go any further as it was late in the year He was criticized for this decision in Britain and resigned when Gen Jack Burgoyne was sent to command the army in Canada However his career was far from ended He became commandeninchief of the British forces in North America in 1782 and directed the evacuation of the troops and Loyalists from the US In 1786 Carleton was made Lord Dor chester and govemor of all the colonies in British North America Once again his views became important legislation when the Canada Act was passed and Canada was divided into Lower and Upper provinces in 1791 bible thought All that the Father giveth me shall come to me and him that cometh to meal will In no wise cast out John 837 Here is promise of forgiveness and security that can only be cancelled out by your own unwillingness to obey

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