Fresh grapefruit Citrus Yogurt Sundae the examiner Friday July 1977 is in good supply There is plentiful supply of summer grapefruit in your market right notboth the honey white and ruby red varieties According to John Van Horn Vice President of Sunkists Field Services department honey white grapefruit are in greater abundance than the ruby red and will be more economical to buy Both varieties are equally nutritious Half of medium sized grapefruit contains ap proximately 44 milligrams of vitamin This years crop is slightly larger than last seasons Grapefruit sizes are running larger as well The larger fruit is coming from newer plantings in several of the growing areas good supply is expected throughout the summer mon ths and into September and October FRESH GRAPEFRIIT COFFEE AKE Igrapefruit 2cups variety baking mix cup raisins 13 cup plus sugar tablespoons 13 cup plus tablespoon but ter or margarine melted 13 cup milk egg slightly beaten 12 teaspoon ground namon Over bowl peel and section grapefruit reserving sec tions and 14 cup juice In large bowl combine baking mix raisins and 13 cup sugar Add 13 cup butter milk egg and reserved grapefruit juice Mix just un til blended Spoon into lightly greased Binch square baking pan Arrange grapefruit sec tions on top Drizzle with tablespoon butter Combine tablespoons sugar and cin namon sprinkle over cake Bake at 400 for 30 minutes or until toothpick inserted in centre comes out clean Serve warm Makes serv ings cin PRESII ITRLS SUMMER SALAD package about ounce Italian salad dressing mix cup salad oil tablespoons fresh grated grapefruit peel cup fresh grapefruit juice squeezed grapefruit peeled section ed CaliforniaArizona oranges peeled cut in cartwheels avacodo sliced cup sliced celery cup sliced green pepper cup sliced almonds toasted Crisp salad greens In jar with lid combine salad dressing mix oil grapefruit peel and juice shake well Chill In large bowl arrange remaining in gredients on salad greens chill To serve toss salad with dressing Makes serv ings ORANGECREAM DRESSING cup dairy sour cream cup marshmallow cream tablespoon fresh grated orange peel tablespoons fresh squeezed orange juice In small bowl combine sour cream marshmallow cream orange peel and juice stir until smooth Chill Makes about cup ITRLS YOGIRT SUNDAE cup vanillaflavored yogurt teaspoon fresh grated orange peel teaspoon fresh grated grape fruit peel grapefruit peeled section ed CaliforniaArizona oranges peeled cut in half cartwheels bananas sliced cup blueberries strawben ries raspberries or grapes tablespoon sugar teaspoon ground cinnamon Combine yogurt orange and grapefruit peel chill In large bowl combine remain ing ingredients chill To serve top fruit with yogurt mixture Makes to servA ings about cups FRESH FRUIT COMBO grapefruit peeled section large cantaloupe cut in inchcubes pound grapes cup fresh or frozen blueber ries Orange Cream Dressing Arrange fruit in serving bowl chill Serve with OrangeCream Dressing Makes to servings cups about 22cups Strawberries are early following mild winter Thanks to particulararly mild winter in California strawberries are here early this year and will be abun dantly available from now into the late fall months In selecting strawberries remember to shop for fully ripened bright red strawberries They do not ripen after being picked Choose berries that are plump and well rounded with natural shine rich red color and bright green reshlt looking caps When you get the berries home remove them from their store containers and arrange in single layer on cookie sheet or other shallow container and store in the refrigerator This will keep your berries fresh and bright for several days Never wash berries or remove caps until just before you use them Washing removes the natural protec tive outer layer The caps protect the strawberries and help preserve flavor texture and nutrients ROYAL STRAWBERRY TARTS cup butter or margarine softened cup sugar 2cups flour 14 teaspoon salt tablespoon grated lemon peel package Sounces golden egg custard mix box strawberries Whipped topping Cream butter and sugar Work in flour salt and lemon peel Divide dough into equal portions Press into buttered 4inch fluted tart pans Prick with fork Bake in 350 degree oven 20 minutes or until lightly browned Cool remove from pans loosening edges with toothpick Meanwhile prepare custard mix as package directs Pour into tarts Cool Arrange whole berries on top of each tart stem side down hill until serving time Serve wit whipped topping ifdesired Makestitarts OPTIONAL LAZE Melt currant jelly ool slightly Dip berries into melted jelly before arranging on tart The 125th anniversary of St James Church in Stroud will be celebrated at congregational dinner held at Central United Church in Barrie Sept 17 Members of the St James UCW held their annual church service recently Following the call to worship and the singing of Hymn 132 Mrs Green read the prayer of confession and response was sung by the congregation The choir performed the an them He and the scripture was read by Rev James second anthem How Great Thou Art was perform ed by the choir with organist Jean Knapp assisting Guest speaker Mrs Gray spoke on David Man After Gods Own Heart Offering was taken by four UCW members who also acted as ushers Mrs Black gave the prayer of thansgiving and in tercession and Hymn 65 was sung Rev Johnson gave the benediction An outdoor service will be held this Sunday for both By MARGARET SIOLTZ Examiner Correspondent President Lewis in welcom ing members and visitors to the June meeting of the Alliston and District Horticultural Society meeting in St Johns United Church Fellowship Hall remarked that although the hail storm damaged gardens and flowers it would appear members enthusiasm was still good Mrs Bell of ro who was to have been the judge of the flower show that had to be cancelled attended the meeting and gave demonstra tion of flower arranging using wild flowers and materials available to everyone Set aside in centennial year as project to assist in beauti fying the Boync River banks the society has special fund for this purpose and Mrs Allan Latimer Mrs ollins and Mrs Burns were named as com mittee to get in touch with pro COKSIWN Staff Old est continually active branch in Simcoe County The Cookstown Womens Institute will celebrate its 76th anniversary this summer South Simcoe records show the Cookstown branch was organized at meeting held on July 1901 which wasjust four ears after the first branch was formed at Stoney Creek near Hamilton Branches were formed in Thornton and Bond Head area in 1902 along with Phelpston Creemore Duntroon Nottawa and Singhampton Churchill organized unit in 190 and another was formed at Ballycroy in 1905 Some of these branches flaxGlenn Mr and Mrs Roy Lennox of Oro wish to announce the mar riage of their eldest son Thomas Darcy to Linda Ann Ilucko daughter of Mr and Mrs Martin llucko of Welland The wedding took place June 25 Lefroy and Stroud congrega tions SENIOR CITIZENS Lakelands senior citizens No 285 of Alcona Beach wound up year of varied activities recent ly with pot luck luncheon at the Lakeside Hall Lloyd Martin said grace while 112 members sat down to smorgasbord dinner In addition to members were two from Tennessee After lunch Mrs Jans spoke and thanked the club for donation received for the hall She also wished all good summer and invited them to the reception held recently at township offices for runners in Relay Canada passing through Innisfil President Mr Parker also wished all members good summer holiday and thanked the ladies for their work on the luncheon Mrs McGee played the piano in an entertainment program and sang some old songs ac companied by Mr Parker on drums regular visitors Iifestye Storm damage reviewed at Alliston gathering per authorities to see what is required Mrs Kelly and Mrs Shibish gave reports of the 71st annual Ontario Horticultural Associa tions onvention at Windsor Acting on one receommenda tion that societies should in volve more young people it was decided the executive should consider reorganizing the junior garden club Announcements included the International Mum and Dahila Show at Edwards Gardens Sept 17 and lit and the Quilt and Rug Fair at the Sim coe ounty Museum Midhurst September 232 Mrs Hariy Holland express ed her regrets for having to resign as director of District 16 There will be no meeting in July and plans were made for the summer flower show Aug 23 iRIlATES ongratultions to the Grade Students of Banting 77 Oldest Wl branch is 76 this year disbanded but later was replac ed when enthusiasm resumed branch was organized at Scotch Settlement named the James Mills Womens Institute in 1909 but after several active years it also disbanded Newton Robinson branch followed the same procedure Branches in various parts of the county formed the first Sim coe ounty Womens Institute at meeting in Barrie on August 1925 Mrs Stock ing of Waubaushene was elected the first president with Mrs Aitken of Beeton secretarytreasurer Objective of the organization as outlined in the minutes at that time was to better educa tional social and economic con ditions in Simcoe County wedding album EhTJrch service party are highlights in Stroud Mrs Sproule also perform ed doing takeoff on Charlie Farguharson Bert and F10 Mulholland played few violin and piano selections and some members enjoyed few rounds of danc mg Members held singsong to the music of the band and six women dressed as Hawaiian dancers performed with Mrs Bell on piano parade of members dressed in various costumes and were awarded Wintario tickets in contest with Mrs Jans as judge Ed Scott and Same Irvine sang duet and the party clos ed with the singing of Canada The club also held bazaar and bake sale the same week at Lakeside Hall The following people were winners at the sales draw Mrs Willoughby who won quilt Ann Gould winner ofan afghan Betty Patrick winning stole Mrs Gardiner winn ing cushion and Mrs Ran all winning dog Memorial High School who ob tained 80 per cent or over on six credits and will receive an On tario Scholarship and $100 ecillia McKenna with 942 per cent and who will study chemical engineering at the University of Waterloo has also been awarded the fin ginecring Entrance Scholarship of $1000 ther Ontario Scholars at Banting are Cynthia Moser Barbara Metcalf Rebecca Brewer Richard Swagerman Gloria Copeland Michael Thorpe Steven Gillard Louise Gallaugher Diane Olson Mar tha Doner Mary Forestell Janet Currie Sylvia Deutsch bein Gwendolyn Hazelwood and Joan Lynch POTATO FESTIVAL The Alliston Potato Festival Committee which has had regular meetings since last year is busy completing plans for the 1977 festival to be held the weekend of August 1114 With the repeat of popular features and the addition of more including full program provided by three professional musical groups puppet show childrens and adults games for Riverdalc Park on Sunday afternoon for those not as in terested in the tractor pull nearby the committee is try ing very hard to have something for everyone They have booked Marg sburne wellknown as singer on Don Messers Show for one evening Many Allistonians have been busy attending all the strawberry festivals in the area and the one at Knox Pres byterian Church on Saturday evening drew large crowd with the meal served in their new and spacious hall number from Alliston at tended the Sunday morning ser vice of Trinity Centennial Church as the congregation gathered for farewell for their minister and his wife Rev and Mrs Arthur Lehman Follow ing the service the presentation of sum of money and an autographed quilt was made during the social hour in the church basement SHOWER Members of the UCW of St Johns United Church arranged miscellaneous shower held in the Fellowship Hall on Satur day evening honoring Rev and Mrs Shiltons son Paul and his fiancee Pamela Robin son of Kingston Mr and Mrs Ralph Nero of Welland spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Roy Peter man Sheri Lee accompanied them home after having spent the week with her grand parents Mr and Mrs Underwood of Georgetown spent the weekend with relatives and friends in town Recent visitors of Mr and Mrs Jack Slater were Mr and Mrs Robert Wheeler of Bluevale and Mr and Mrs Ed Slater and son of Don Mills Mrs Edna Hatcher has returned from holiday with her daughter Mrs Catharine Green and family in London Mrs Jean Hand spent few days last week with her son and his wife Mr and Mrs Douglas Hand in Burlington and on Sunday was guest of members of her family at birthday din ner party at the Globe Restaurant Best wishes are extended to Mrs Sarah Halbert who under went surgery in Toronto General Hospital on Monday and Mrs Marguerite Knipe who is to be moved to Toronto from Stevenson Memorial Hospital this week be Ann Landers Lack of caring hurts parents is Dear Ann We have only one son He was an outstanding studentwon scholarship to an Ivy League school and while studying there married His wifes family is wealthy but took the position that its husbands responsibility to support his wife WE supported them both generously until he passed his bar examination Today he is prominent lawyer His wife never cared for us was always unfriendly an tagonistic and sarcastic They have two children We con tinue to be generous We never missed an occasion to present them with lovely giftfor example new car for birthdayand we air conditioned their home for their anniversary They are always happy to accept anything we give them We have expected little in return except love and thought fulness Yesterday was my birthday and they plumb forgot it We are considering changing our wills leaving sub stantial amount to charity or medical research and would like to know what you think about this Should we tell them how we feel especially since nothing can be done about it anyway Should we announce we intend to divert some of the inheritance which they undoubtedly expect to receive It may ruin our relationship and hurt us more than them Or should we just shut up and carry on as beforeForgotten But Not Gone Yet Dear Forgotten see no reason to make any announce ments Parents dont owe their children gifts or inheritan ces The next time one of their birthdays or anniversaries rolls around just skip it And keep skipping it If any questions are asked simply say We decided to cut out the giftgiving since it was oneway street If they dont shape up see nothing wrong in leaving the money to charity or medical research bravoti The kids cag have the heirloomsthe house the car and the family Bi le Dear Aim Landers My wife and have been married less than year is gorgeous physically and brilliant men tally Some socalled friends have spread vicious rumors linking her sexually with my golf buddies and business associates is furious Whats more she knows who the gossip Spreaders are She wants to have dinner party at our home and invite the bigmouths and the people shes been linked with so she can tell them off Im not sure its good idea She has agreed to go by what you sayHot Under The ollar Dear Hot Collar Your wife might be gorgeous physically but she isnt brilliant mentally if she thinks denial party will clear her name The best way to deal with vicious gossip is to ignore it Dear Aim What capsulized advice can you give woman who has had more than her share of family problems because of proximity and habit Doing more than she should am 39 and want to handle my remaining years bet ter than Ive handled the ones so farAnastasia Dear You have two choices Either you alter the proximity and break the habit or you change yourself so you can cope with the situation Erma Bombeck Our symbol is extracrispy By ERMA BOMBECK Every age seems to have its symbol The Stone Age the Space Age the Ice Age and of course the 19705the age of the ExtraCrispy swear if hear one more commercial where someone 1bites into piece of chicken corn chip or fish stick and makes noise like an 85foot redwood just fell Im going to climb the wall It has taken me 20 unfulfilling years to get my kids to close their mouths when they chew food The other night com mercial showed man with dentures bite into an apple so hard half expected to see him dribble teeth down his shirt front As the apple sloshed and bubbled in his mouth he opened it to reveal the contents and said Ill bet you wish you could do this Ill say said my son He meant with false teeth said Id like to do that with any teeth Just then another commercial came on of kid eating breakfast cereal He trickled little milk over it and came right out of my chair have been to quieter wars watched mesmerized as postman walking his beat heard the noise came in and poured himself bowl So did plumber who was working the next town By the end of the commercial there were about 15 people standing around the kitchen seeing how they could break one anothers eardrums It bothers me more and more that we measure freshness by the racket it makes If cracker doesnt make your ears ring when you snap it forget it If potato chip doesnt have you reading lips get rid of the If someone snapping piece of bacon in your ear doesnt make your eyes bug out itll never make it to the table One night was watching the tube when woman with blue eyes looked straight at me and asked Have you listened to your laundry lately She pulled apart blanket hat sounded like drum roll Yes yelled back Mine said to me just the other day Pick me to iron Pick me If theres one thing dont need its static from my laundry liked it better when commercials relied on pure ecstasy to sell product Remember They used to take breath mint roll it around in their mouth rolltheir eyes back until you coild see the whites and break out into smile Thats not enough anymore Toilet paper has to swoosh biscuits have to dance and giggle butter has to carry on conver sation and colas have to come in like the tide at the Bay of Fundy My kids are so conditioned by television that the other night one of them slipped out into the kitchen and attacked freshly baked cake In doing so it slipped off the counter top and crashed to the floor breaking the plate Out of the darkness heard voice say Now thats freshness Polly pointers Plastic case DEAR POLLY We are wondering what the family could or should do with servicemans flag and thought perhaps you or one of the readers might have an idea WCR DEAR WCR We are presuming that you refer to flag that was draped over servicemans coffin US government office for the armed forces advised me that there are no regulations concerning the use of such flag other than that it not touch the ground It can be flown from flagpole if one desires but will be subject to the wear and tear of the weather Should one wish to preserve it the flag could be folded and placed in clear plastic case Hopefully some of the readers will write and tell us what they have done with such flags POLLY DEAR POLLY have another use for baking soda Put little in those smelly sneakers or work shoes and it will remove all odors and one no longer has smelly socks or feet BETTY DEAR POLLY cut my childrens hair and have found that if allow the little ones wiggle time about 10 seconds they will hold perfectly still as cut their hair After about 30 seconds allow another wiggle break so am able to take my time the haircut looks better and they are not upset and crab by when finish To save on paper towels cut old newspapers into quarters and use these sections in place of paper towels for catching fruit and vegetable peelings also use bread wrappers and margarine bowls in place of plastic wrap for storing food in the refrigerator find that if do not buy paper towels and plastic wrap am forced to find substitute The substitute is something would have thrown away so those items were not as necessarv as thought BC avgVJ