Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 8 Jul 1977, p. 17

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711 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND omens In the Estate of GERALDINE Sarasin Bros House Raising LEONA CUMMINGS late of the Contractors and Fish Hut City of Barrie in the County of Operations Canninton Ont Death Notices Engagements Bin $550 Simcoe Married Women who died on or about the 19th day of February 1977 All persons having clalms 79 auction sales Auction Sale for sale will be held at the new flea market located on base line Don Mills Rd Vs mile west of Sutton on Tuesday July 12 at 79 auction sales 79 auction sales Auctioneer Appraiser 7264841 maximum 40 words additional words 10 cents per word Card of thanks 40 words Additional words 10 cents per word In Memoriam no verse $550 3550 the examiner Friday July 1977 17 In our Trul Verse par count line extra 22 cents per line Coming Events $322 per column in 11000m Stock reduction sale of con tractors equipment incl F250 ton pickup truck 300 V8 PS automatic trans 25000 miles 1976 Chev ton stake truck against the above estate are required to send full particulars of such claims to the un dersigned Executor on or before the 22nd day of July 1977 after which date the estates assets ANTIQUE AUCTION SATURDAY JULY 9th at 11 am sharp for DORIS HOLLINS at the corner of Belmont Cres Damn Rd MIDHURST VILLAGE miles north of Barrie off Hwy NO 27 Sale of mostly antique furnishings collectables some modern house fur 81 births B8 coming events MILLER Brenden and Laura are hapr Wm b9 dlmbued hovmg Wilh mks new moor 197 nishings full line of major electrical appliances incl practically new PY mun 95 50 ANGUS LIONS F350 th service Brenden Joseph on July 2nd 1977 at regard on to suc aims at on or WI auto washer dryer upright freezer etc antique furniture 228 am lbs oz at Royal Victoria have then been received box Above vehicles will be sold ique chino glassware crystal etc outstanding hanging lamp with Hospital Proud agifldparrgitlswasrevlvlg DATED at Barrie this 30th day with safety cert 196365 series prisms vinegar home collecfion Picures frames bedding mfierm James Highway 90 Angus °l JUIYr ArD 977r desel Fergusm an wlh linens hand tools antique Hindu temple organ plus many collector rliZlEAfilTEon aan Nancy nee everY Sunday 1210 Pm OWEN BURGAR HAMILTON MOdel 200 loader POSI lfOCk ems Terms cosh home sold Brown are proud to announce the birth BOOTH RENTAL at boy Davin Aarne lbs 015 on DART heVY dUY Im W°9°n Tu sd July 5th 1977 at the Huronia Call 4246986 or 4241862 after Barrrsrers Solicitors endrbe IZiivtlSXSNSiGiiéile32323 Tits éiééfiiflfivlfl Weaudiosrating 26 Owen Street George WING 40 11 5199 was am 2332333 Mrs Brown and area St Sale of superior line of modern and antique house furnishings FTF incl living room dining room kitchen and bedroom suites incl Cooper Bros seater sofa drum and lamp tables Sklar platform beams 32 ft steel beams Cement mixer V4 yard hp grandmothers Mrs Tikkala and Mrs Brown Special thanks to Dr Ket tle Barrie Ontario Solicitors for the Executor the office of the City Clerk City Hall Barrie until pm on Thur sday July 14 1977 This is mechanical and electrical bid depository proiect Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted Drawings and specifications prepared by Chapman and Walker Architects Toronto may be obtained from the City Clerks Office Barrie on payment of deposit of $50 cer tified cheque This deposit will be returned to all but the suc cessful bidder if these documents are returned in good condition within three weeks after the contract has been let motor CB equipped Iwide steel gauge 12 passenger Bom bardier 1958 reconditioned fall 1976 rebuilt transmission 38 motorCB equipped 1967 Snow Cruiser 1927 Snow Jet sleighs steel and wood 20 propane stoves 12000 BTU 18 double regulator 18 propane lights 17 fish huts 1084 man styrofoam lined propane fitted immaculate cond minnow cribs cooler for minnow storage portable TVs battery or electric quantity of lines tackles large assortment of new and used Bombardier parts and accessories many more items too numerous to list ANTIQUE AUCTION SALE THURSDAY EVENING JULY 21 st at 530 pm sharp for EMILY WILLSON at Lot 27 Can Nottawasaga Twp miles west of Stayner on Hwy No 91 and mile north on the 4th Con Sale of all antique house furnishings inc round oak dining table pine pressback and captains chairs oak kitchen cabinet dressers washstands beds and bedroom suites wardrobes pigeon hole desk blanket boxes flowered crock sealers butter bowls prints and pets Gingerbread clocks inc Arthur Piguegnet sad irons churn lantern lamps antique china and glassware pic tures and frames antique scales practically new 11 cu ft chest freezer refrigerator HD 40 stove Hoover spin washer dryer garden hand tools plus some form related items etc etc Terms cash farm sold TREMENDOUS ANTIQUE AUCTION SALE SATURDAY JULY 23 at 10 am sharp for the ESTATE of MORGAN JOHNSON atLOt 34 Can Nottawasoga Twp take Hwy No 26 miles north of Stayner and mile west of Willsons Corners or miles east of Collingwood Air port Tremendous antique auction inc outstanding piano grandfathers clock guns glass china furniture and handymans tools Terms cash Friends may call at the Arnold Funeral Home 127 Baytiela St Barrie Service in the chapel Friday afternoon at Union oclock Interment Minesing Cemetery Arnold Funeral Home park ingatrearl ARNOLD Funeral Home Chapel I27 BAYFIELD ST 7282530 Friendly CourteousService MWFTF 79 auction sales Bill Barr Jy89 OTTAWA CP It is now up to the government to decide whether some officers of Poly sar Ltd should be fired the chairman of the Commons pub lic accounts committee said Thursday after releasing re port criticizing the company tt GARNET CUMMlNGSjugo Jya 15 $9313 digit912lng 1mg oi IOCker complete walnut bedroom suites chests dressers single $5355 are 235 zngnnlgjgygfihgg eiylene orches and guns beds Antiques incl oak kitchen cabinet centre pedestal square Sams grfégggqgfignggvfigsggfii Anniversary POrTy 1nd Mo aihcompressors bad bin table and press back chairs incl arm chair all beautifully grandson Bob and Doris Theme for ders breakable snakh blocks refinished antique washstands drop leaf tables dropileaf pigeon Thornton and Stella Beach oi Iroquois GRACE ARTHUR COOPER or be sander circular grinder hole desk etc corner cupboards Sears heat and vibrating chair SAM JEAN FRENCH 51 Sfi sump Pump be cuners ski portable televisions pc kitchen suite refrigerator auto dryer 33BIIQOQBIIIBMI WEsaouve mo saw wheelbarrow number of 210 appliancs rec rgolm fprnitigeilamps sectional bookcasfes A1le igflgggflfifigfl HAROLDOUVE PARKER 97 house l°Ck5i Chainsaws quan to su9lsctmacry15° SI veg es plcéur ramzs afwnlur Reliancdea toeRgong son at Mr and Mrs KELL8EVA POWER tity of chains sledge hammers fer °° 5r erms Ppmve We °Y° 5° Keith Noon at aradfoydhlhedwogddigg at and many more artic es at 14 nt TENDER NO7723 Royce base station CB with of all house furnishings maior electrical appliances inc Beatty dcurlJmlg CIUb it REHABILITATION OF Model C620 antenna chest freezer beds chests dressers Orcano chord organ bed KNyAFP IsiisofneWd at the nglal 13 CY I5 I977 OLD FIRE HALL Fish huts and Equipment ding linens antique dishes china glassware cooking utensils lggfengfiflalgé in fieggéyfingarflpue pm fire Victim PENINVITATION 590 d9 for ed wide steel gauge 12 Silver garden hand and miscellaneous tools antiques and many lhelatelrwm Knapp and dear mother wmecomrd v5 be recepite Passenger Bombardier 1960 collector items two wheel trailer etc etc Terms cash home sold 5332 figfiicffdmyifaflgmEIeBfi Jebb Orchestra um lfqusmlf uh dep PEI USU Mluld recondmoned f0 1976 283 grandmome 05 greamrandchildren No GIFTS mcmbcr administers mouth to mouth rcspnation to Melvni Williams 11 sixiiionthold cliild Tllt baby was carried out of 21 burning apartment by passing motorist IIIdiIcsduy llic cllild is in critical condition AP Photo Up to Ottawa in Polysar issue by officers of thc government owncd pctrochcmical firm Ihc committcc had been looking into its practice of in tinting bills to overseas customers thcn rcbating the difference bctwccn that and the real plicc in Switzmlzind BElA ARROW SERVICE FREE OIL CHANGE with every tuneup at our regular prices Straughan AMCT CMC Sale conducted by and Auctioneer But Allan Lawrence said he KNICIV Noliltxo GYcmr 223 FCRMA3TE£TZW£SEKQL ElifiifitiULYLQSil 23 15 i°e mg 59 rt an er on arp or at at on ro era ac ion on rccom sar sun ticy new not 1111 jiggame Auctioneer Twp miles north east of Barrie and miles north of No 11 Hwy TM mandations made by the com the questiiiiiablc paymciits ger Repmrs Iuneups Barrie onmfio 4167756637 Sale of all farm machinery inc tractors one International No 434 mittce which has been which total about Sill million In 95 EXhOUSI 415 Bradford tractor No 1501 HD loader like new 1400 hrs Int W4 tractor The dollar curler studying questionable overseas But 1iwrcnic and Man 111 chi Tronsmisswn overhauls Jy Jy8 haying cultivation equipment NH No 271 boler JD pi hitch 7280744 payments madc by Polysar sin skeptical Welding furrow plow MF No 25 28 plate pt hitch disc Int side rake FTF celaYSl Decemberr In in NI Ill 3llmnll ecloss Mechanic 7Btenders 78 tenders 32 ft bale grain elevator JD binder Massey 7ft power mower appalieli that lhers was PM by mm to snow blower form wagons plus miscellaneous farm items inc havent becln mnfjs 93 mlmV lillwcmv Smd scrapironTerms cashform 50M Lawrence said at news con think the liil know what was Auction Sewlce terence But he said the com goingon TREMENDOUS ANTIQUE AUCTION WEDNESDAY JULY 27th l2 mittees Job was to Investigate It is hard to iindcrstand how noon sharp for the MRS EDGAR BELLAMY ESTATE at the old BARRIEBSIMCOE COUNTY the situation onlynot to rccom senior officers ot llit company Hwy 90 Barrie Bellamy Equipment Ltd Farm miles south of Stayner an Coun eForm eHousehold mend disciplinary action would not know that tho ques ty Rd 13 or the Airport Rd Sale of piano double keyboard organ Ami ues raisols Both Lawrence and com tionziblc practiccs IL taking Ontario antique glass and china furniture new appliances and antique fur pp mittee vicechairman Alan plzicc Martin Siiltl niture Terms cash home sold RR NO BRADFORD Martin LScarborough Vlcstl llic pziyiiicnts were Inodc MINISTRY OF THURSDAY EVENING JULY 28 at 530 pm for MRS THOMAS ONT lnldtllcaalfgivéllflstigri€n Eiliffili Lixuilfill ll1llgimml HOLLINGSHEAD in the Village of Nottawa Sale of entire contents of Ph°e67753659 °r NOTICE OF TENDER Tenders are invited for the supply and installation of pre fabricated Steel maintenance building approximately 80ft 80 it at Cyprus Lake Provincial Park Tobermory Ontario Tender documents may be obtained from the Ministry of Natural Resources 611 9th Avenue East Owen Sound Phone 519 376 3860 on payment of fee of $2500 Twentyfive Dollars in the form of certified cheque or money order made payable to the Treasurer of Ontario The money is refundable upon return of the above men tioned document in good order Closing date for this tender is July 28 1977 Tenders will be opened publicly at the Ministry of Natural Resources 611 9th Avenue East Owen Sound on August 2nd 1977 at 930 am NOTE For further information regarding this tender please call Mr Chaddah of the Ministry of Natural Resources at the above men tioned address Reference Na OS 15 77 VERNON ARESdAuctioneer WJ Lovering trou District Manager DCIs Julov24JY8 Owen Sound Ontario Jy 11 ON HWY 89 WEST OF HWY 27 40 MILES NORTH OF TORONTO ousAehO SAJIhque IN THE VILLAGE OF COOKSTOWN W0 Saturday July lbth 79 auction sales 79 auction sales SUNDAY JULY 10m AT at 11 am PIARTIAL LIST ONLY for Mr Mrs Paproslti Solid Oak RollTop Desk Pc Mah Dining Room Suite Pc Wal in lotroy AUCTIONEER APPRAISER BARRIE ONTARIO 7268904 Selling Successful Sales Since 1957 Saturday July at 1230 noon for Orville Draper located mile east of Hwy 27 on County road 22 Sale of high class farm machinery tractors tillage seeding hay harvest equipment Some household furniture antiques which will sell first Wednesday evening July 13 at pm for Lawrence Windum at 209 Warnica Road in Painswick beside Warnica School Furniture appliances qty of dishes nic nacs home inc antiques Terms cosh home sold LIVESTOCK AUCTION SATURDAY JULY 30th at pm sharp for GEORGE BOYCE Lot Can Osprey Twp miles west of Fever sham Sale of 150 head of choice beef cattle inc 50 cows calves stockers mostly Charolais and Semintel and 78 Semintel herd sire 18 months old Terms cash or approved cheque day of sale LARGE FARM AUCTION SATURDAY AUG 13 at 11 am sharp for NORMAN MILLER Lot 20 Con Nottawasoga Twp miles south of Stayner Sale of high class farm machinery tractors New Holland No 975 SP combine 12 ft 150 bags choice beef cows calves and house furnishings inc antiques Terms cash farm sold CLIP THIS AD FOR FUTURE REFERENCE GEORGE PIFHER Auctioneer Phone 7264841 102 Nelson St Barrie Ont Jy8 Bedroom Suite Having Poster Style Bed Large Welsh Pine Multi Panelled Flatback Cupboard Carved Wal Case Pianos Welsh Pine Servers Cutting Tables Carved Oak Wal Mah Sidebrds Ser vers Eng Armoires In Various Woods Some Having Matching Dressers Chests Sev Pine Chests of Drawers Incl Highboys Pine Kitchen Harvest Tables Oak DropFront Bureau Desks Sel Of Oak Drawleaf Dining Tables Various Sets Of Dining Chairs Incl Ladderbacks Mah Wal Pine Blanket Chests Wal Mah China Curio Cabinets Oak Pine Wal Marble Top Washstands Dressers In Mah Wal Oak Pine Welsh Style Pine Pub Garden Benches Pine Drysinks Oak DropFront Secretary Desk Having Leaded Glass Bookcase Top Oak Hallstands Sel Of Lamp Parlor Side Tables In Oak Wal Mah Jacobean Other Gateleg Drop Leaf Tables Rocking Chairs Incl Eng Farmhouse Style Washstan ds in Pine Mob Oak Vict Other Parlor Chairs Overmantel Wall Mirrors Wicker Chairs Oak Case Gramaphones Mah Wal WhatNots Bedside Cabinets In Wal Pine Pine Towel Rails Welsh Pine Credenza Cabinet Chests Drawers In Oak Wal Mah Stained Leaded Glass Windows Good Sel Of Copper 7054584589 FTF AUCTION SALE of farm machinery corn har vesting equipment 350 bushel corn dryer Allied 46 ft in auger new row JD slatless plant wagons etc furniture in cluding antiques for HERB SHANNON to be held SATURDAY JULY 16 commencing at pm Located at Lot Can lnnisfil Township miles west Of High way No 11 or mile east of 400 Highway Terms cash on Kilarney Beach Rd east from Churchill miles watch for Sale signs Complete sale of home fur nishings appliances some tools antique old furniture and articles Many useful items for the home or cottage Allen Horner Auctioneer SCL Phone 7054584589 Jy 15 AUCTION SALE for the Estate of the late John Sturgess 181 Ardagh Road In nisfil Twp Situated at the southern Outskirts of the City of ALL CB BUFFS At the end of July The Examiner will publish special CB directory devoted to bringing CB buffs together Imagine complete section of CB handle listings including call letters channel and city Kenmore harvest gold matching elec stove refrigerator United upright freezer kitchen suite china cabinet antique maple writing desk hand made antique rocking chair entertainment centre swivel rocker foot stool pce Chesterfield suite pole lamp mirror wbirds eye maple frame bevelled glass and tables single bed wnew mattress dressers toy organ pce bedroom suite childs rocker dresser lamps Simplicity washer dryer pce Chesterfield suite combination record player bar fireplace large qty of records albums French provincial book case bunk bed old radio AUTOMOBILE MOTORCYCLES 1975 Honda Civic hatch back 34W miles ex cond certified 1971 Honda motorcycle 350 certified 1969 Honda SL175 certified all in excellent condition 1970 Snow Cruiser snowmobile tandem wheel trailer electric brakes box 12 in excellent condition childrens bicycles gas powered post hole auger aluminum cnain iiiix ilULn IULR truck plus news and advertising of interest to Barrie at the Cloverleaf of Hwy CB er 400 27 Ardagh Rd is the first street south Of the bridge off Hwy 27 on SATURDAY JULY 16 at 10 am The sale offers many antiques collectables incl pine dry sink washstands high chairs blanket box dough box wdrawer also cherry walnut birch oak furniture pre Victorian couch Boston rockers captains gunstock odd chairs dining living room furniture fireside spooled ben Brassware incl Oil Lamps Coal Scuttles Etc Jug Basin Sets Pine Framed Pub Mirrors Wood Marble Case Mantel Clocks Oak Case Wall Clocks Hanging Brass Oil Lamps Various Framed Pictures Prints Etc Etc Over 300 Lots Deadline for coupon July 21 1977 SEND IN YOUR HANDLE 0R OSL CARD IF YOU WANT TO BE INCLUDED JyB TERMS CASH CHEQUE CHARGEX PARKING REFRESHMENTS STORAGE DELIVERY AVAILABLE PREVIEW DAY PRIOR 10 SALE I0 AM ALSO HOURS PRIOR TO SALE BIDS MAY BE LEFT A1 OFFICE IF UNABLE TO ATTEND SALE DEREK RICHARD OSBORNE AUCTIONEERS PHONE 7054589116 79 auction sales IUII 79 auction sales TOOLS CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES Cement mixer wheelbarrow assortment of shovels etc qty of cedar posts assort ment of chain link fence materials rolls wire fence rolls snow fence copper tubing assortment of barn boards CB antennas element beam qty of bolts nuts rails etc many more miscellaneous items too numerous to list Lunch available Saturday July 30 at 1230 noon for Gough on Hwy 11 one mile east of Crown Hill Full line of high class farm machinery household furnishings antiques etc from Century Farm Saturday Aug 13 at 1230 noon for Mrs Ellen Lumree at Hillsdale Complete household of antique furniture appliances organ etc ly Examiner Want Ads For Best Results AAA Jy8 SHORT NOTICE AUCTION SALE for DON ELLIOTT SATURDAY JULY ll AM in GILFORD East from Highway No II 01 Fennells Corner to Gilford and south at General Store to sale Sale of household furnishings washer and dryer antique and old articles oil lamps ginger bread clock pieces of china press back arm chair hand gar den tools with the unknown treasures from the store rooms OWners moving Terms cosh Cheque accepted with proper ID ALLEN HORNER Auctioneer SCL No 7054584589 AUCTION SALE for George Lillington 58 Parkside Dr Barrie Saturday July 23rd at pm Dining room suite wash stand household items and many an tiques including love seat but ter churn rocking chairs crib coal oil lamps carnival glass and many moreHouse is sold and Mr Lillington is moving tO smaller quarters Owner and Auctioneer not responsible for accidents day of sale Vernon Ayres Auctioneer 512 4361922 Jy 131520 22 ch armoire Hammond spinet elec organ in walnut 25 oil lamps incl miniature banquet hanging Gone with the Wind table lamps qty of fine china glass cider press picture frames books old bead work elec app incl deep freeze dishwasher etc Sears LTIOE riding mower Beaver bench saw misc shop garden tools Partial list only TERMS Cash day of sale Cheques wID Nothing to be removed until settled for ACCIDENTS Neither the estate nor the auctioneer will be responsible for accidents or property loss ERNIE SEVERN Auctioneer RR No Alliston Tel 7054357467 SCL No 10 JyB13 MAIL THIS COUPON TO The C8 Editor The Examiner 16 Boyfield St Barrie Name Adress Phone iNFORMATlON FOR MY LISTING Handle CallLettersl Channel So Come on Good Buddy Give Us Your Handle and Then Stand By Until We Hear From You Heres Our 73 and 88s

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