JUICEOOZ SAUSALGOEOFF INSTANT COUPON SUNSPUN COFFEE 2333 mu coerowwLB EglzoNADE this summer 169 43¢ $200 COFFEE SAVINGS OFFER oz PKGS PKG HIGHLINER the examiner Tuesday June 14 1977 Might as well be in Toronto says charcoal plant neighbor By PAUL DELEAN Examiner Staff Reporter To most people the smell of charcoal has the pleasant con notation of summer barbecues Thats not the case however for Charles Lang and family of Snow Valley Road The Langs live on hill overlooking the Miller charcoal plant and they say that when the wind blows their way the smell from the plant is so over powering that they wont ven ture into their backyard Its real stink It gets into your lungs and makes you sick says Mrs Wilhelmina Charles Lang of Snow Valley Road looks out from his backyard toward the source of his disgruIItlemcntthe Miller charcoal plant Lang says that the smell and smoke from the plant are spoiling his familys cnjoymcnt of their country home Examiner Photo before he Lang Lang from her kitchen The windows in the house are closed There are no air con ditioners operating They just draw the smoke into the house Lang says that visitors to the house comment regularly on the foul smell At daughter Debbies recent pool party some of the children asked to go home because of the smell The pool which is in the backyard is impossible to keep clean Ive already put 15 gallons of chlorine into it On bad days theres like black soot on the water he said DREAM HOME The Langs bought the proper ty five years ago The house which they built themselves was to be their dream home We dont want to give up on the place weve put lot of work into itWe just want to live in healthy environment to breathe fresh air This way we might as well be living in Toronto Lang an electrician said that the real estate agent who sold him the property didnt mention that there was char coal plant nearby The smell McDonough said that con CANADA GRADE wasnt detectable in the winter sulting engineer hired by the 48 OZ when they visited the land he charcoal plant last year came us said spokesman for the charcoal plant finds it hard to believe that the owner could have been unaware of the plant before building Whenever an application is made to build they are told at council he said The spokesman noted that no complaints had been received from any other Snow Valley Road residents Hes making mountain out of molehill The company is trying to find ways to cut down on emissions in conjunction with the en vironment ministry he said REBURNING METHOD method of rebuming the smoke is currently being tested but theres not much that can be done before the reports on the methods ef fectiveness are completed he explained The plant which employs up to 15 people has been at its 10th concession location long was ever there the spokesman stated Lang is critical of the lack of cooperation received from tho environment ministry Despitn many phone calls only one of ficial has ever visited thdr home he said They say talk to our next door neighborwho happens to own the plant Lang relates After twoandahalf years nothing has yet been done he claims And the smoke and smell are getting worse in stead of better Tom McDonough en vironmental officer with the ministry was the one who visited the Lang home couldnt pick up the odor they were talking about at my visit he stated COLLABORATING McDonough confirmed that the ministry has been worki with the charcoal plant tow resolving the emission problem The two have been collaborating on this matter for quite some time he said The delay he feels cant be helped The technology in this area is not exactly there at this time Its not something you could just buy at local har dware store up with number of alter natives for the site One was that the plant close its doors Id prefer to see somethira done within the framework controls The environmental officer admitted that the smoke from the plant probably violated ministry standards on oc casion but emphasized that the company has been very active in trying to find solution dont think they want to be bad neighbors ELDERLY VUINERABLE CHlCAGO AP The larg est group of Americans killed in all accident categories240 in 1976were over 65 statistics from the National Safety Coun cil show Of this number 153 were 75 or older Nearly 11XI of the elderly died from falls 5700 died in traffic accidents 1700 in fires and nearly 111 from suffocation due to injested ROAST BEEF LIVER CROSS RIB RoAST sum Cls BONELESS CHUCK ROAST OntarioSYouth want to work Ontario will hel their salaries Employers It you operate business or farm and create new position for the summer the Ontario Youth Employment Program will give you grant of $1 per hour toward the wages of an unemployed youth you hire for that job Heres how it works Anyone who has carried on busmess or operated farm lTl Ontario for at least the past year may receive grants for up to six new positions per operational site for summer youth employees Applications The Government of Ontario has made application forms for the Ontario Youth Employment Program available through your local Canada Manpower Centre NOTE Grant funds are limited It you wish MAITRE DE BY MAXWELL HOUSE STRAIHED NO MEAT HEINZ BABY FOOD 10 OZ JAR SCHWARTZ 98 and 93 OZ INSTANT COFFEE 499 LIMIT JARS HlC DRINKS 89¢ PEANUT LB JAR $2268 Cl 12 JARS MONARCH POUCH CAKE MIXES 100 CASE 24 $550 24 10 OZ LIMIT 3CS BOOK MATCHES 100 BYE THE SEA CHUNK LIGHT TUNA moz HAWAIIAN PUNCH CRYSTALS 21 V2 01 TIN WESTON WAGON WHEELS 10 BOXES UP 12 PACK ORDERS NOW TAKEN NEW CROP PEAS ARRIVING JULY 1315 10 LB BOXES 4V2 OZ JAR 23 ERYY LW PICES RE Low Oil LOWER THAN OTHER FOOD STORE ADVERTISED PRICES WE DARE YOU TO COMPARE was EA WHITE IAFT MACARONI 13 MIT ONE PER $25 PURCHASE 16 01 EA EXCLUDING CIGARETTES CHEESE 01 ToTAI LIMIH BAGS giggiknc DINNERS PKG CHOCOLATE BISCUITS 465 $100 PER BOX DEPOSIT 449 GRADE We Do FRESH GROUND BEEF 48 GRIND llMlT PKGS ROUND STEAK ROAST 8c 108 LBS UP BONELESS ROUND STEAK 118 138 glucx STEAK 63f GRADE IA COWBOY STEAK BBO SPECIAL RIB STEAK CANADA CANADA GRADE SHORT RIB OR ROUND BONE 47 733 48$ 58 NO SELECT FRESH BABY BEEF KENT ORANGE GROUND CHUCK CANADA PACKERS MAPLE LEAF PRODUCTS SP COTTAGE ROLLS LB GOLDEN FRY FISH CHIPS 149 32 OZ PKG RICHS COFFEE aor PITCHER PACK PART SKIM LIMIT ONE PER $500 PURCHASE EXCLUDING CIGARETTES 69 Tom MM PAKS BREAD 48 59 WATERMELONS 119 ORANGES STRAIGHT FRIE an US LARGE RED SLICERS LADY SCOTT NEW FACIAL TISSUES 150 PACK USA CHOICE 113 SIZE EmPl°Yee$ to hlre an unemployed youth any time Approved employers may hire any during the Programs duration please ago unemployed youth between the ages of 15 submlt your application as soon as op SW14 and 24 who lives in Ontario and IS eligible possible vvvv mm pm to work here For more InformatIon on the Ontario Youth STORE HOURS DuratIon Employment Program contact your local 00000 999oq 000000 The program is In effect from May 30th to Canada Manpower Centre Or the Ontario 000€ 000S 0000001 00 September 16th 1977 full sixteen week Youth Secretariat Queens Park Toronto 000 do commitment is not required 416 9655627 00 0000 00000 0000 000000lt Mon 05 10 00 9000 900 00 00000 00 9000 00lt o00 000 000000 run to 10 pan 900 0000 00000 0000 90°09 900 Ontario Youth SecretarIat 00 000 0000 00004 00¢9 BARRIE Honourable Margaret BllCh 00 900 0000 00000 B000 41 lm Id Provmcual Secretary 00 00 0000 00 Monday to Saturday For SOCIal Development 093 MA can to pan 00 gt00 Wmlffldly Ontan 0000 n0 9009 We reserve the right to limit 33 no on 0000 oavero um nee 0202020 Pak oooo AmmE FWT