54 service and repairs 67 fruit vegetables WEEDS Lot or field cutting Also Brush Clearing 7264536 Jy9 56camping equipment 1973 SUNKAMPER fridge furnace stove chemical toilet fully equipped lots of extras Owner going out of camp ing Call7260148aiter5pm MUST SACRIFICE 1977 Travel trailer 27 selicontained factory air carpet many extras See at Route no 11 Oro Ont Hwy 400 Barrie Ont Ask for Ray THERMOS TENT 12 plus Coleman campingequipment737 0106 NEED camper boat or vacation loan See Barrie Community Credit union 18 Collier 723 5197177 I972 APACHE solid state sleeps no canvas very good condition moving $1700 Teleohane 728 9837 57livestock for sale TACK SHOP English eqUIpment Ger man saddles and bridles Robinson Hardware 31 Dunlop East 728 2431 29 SUFFOLK EWES one ram for sale Telephone 436 1984 TWO HORSE trailer step In good 686 788 HALF ARAB chestnut gelding blonde mane and tail very showy 143 good disposition and conformation Asking $350 726 6130 60teedseedVgrain electric brakes condition Coldwater FOR SALE freshly cut hay good quali ty Telephone 7261120 after pm 64farm machinery FORGE HARVESTER for sale also hitch sprayer liquid manure tank 1000 gallon row air planter 400 tons of A1 sileage 322 2351 67fruitsvegetables SEED POTATOES for planting Canada Department of Agriculture certified Cancilla Fruit Market 17 Clapperton St Barrie Call 728 2253 STRAWBERRIES pick your own 32 centsapound Bring own containers No children in patch Garretts Berry Farm 13 miles north of highway 11 on 93 726 S957 STRAWBERRY season open Coombes Gillroad Midhurst cents per quart pick your own In your own containers 778 7111 STRAWBERRIES PICK your own 35 cents quart Bring own containers half mile north of Midhurst 4th Concession of Vespra 728 8074 PICK YOUR own strawberries 45 cents per quart bring your own baskets no children please Frank Hirschfield RR Shanty Bay near Edgar 728 9357 STRAWBERRIES pick your own 40 cents per pound Opening Thursday Rix Farms Ltd mile south of Stroud east of Hwy 11436 1535 Strawberries pick your own top quality Lots of parking space miles Faith Of Bradford on Hwy 11 mile west on i3th line 4167752808 Ju 25 oilpersonals TELECARE Why light your problem alone Let friend help Call Telecare 726 7922 anytime ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 728 6581 you drink thats your business If you want to quit thats ours call any time UNWANTED HAIR removed safely permanently medically approved Lyr dia Hrenchuk Certified Electrologist 73772671 RIDING INSTRUCTION Indoor arena Horses boarded Barrie five minutes Windy Haugh Farm 726 0192 WHY SUFFER agony with Corns and Caucuses Relief now is yours from England Carnation Corn Caps have been sold for over century with effec tive results medicated pad that really does the iob Corn Caps or Callous Caps now available at Cusdens Shoppers Drug Marts and all druggists INTERNATIONAL INVESTIGATION Services Civil criminal divorce surveillance Discreet and confidential 737 2972 NOTICE VWelciome to ouPNew Loica tion 84 Ounlop East near Queens Hotel Eismréid4¢l°ErI1ltYQV ROOFING and odd iobs Free estimates work guaranteed 4240321 TWO TEACHERS want daily ride from Barrie to Toronto Keele Wilson area Leave Barrie 730 am leave Toronto p7rnCall7287019757 REFINED CHRISTIAN lady mid fifties divorced loves home life enioys trips music and Christian fellowship would like to meet companion with similar interests only honest and sin cere replies please to Box U53 the Ex aminer GENERAL VMVEETING of Parents without Partners June 15 at pm at Grace United Church Grove and Cook streets For further information telephone 726 9930 BERTON James Fallows Win 7101 be responSIble for any debts Incurred in my name asof June 1977 EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 67 fruits vegetables PICK YOUR OWN STRAWBERRIES 32 LB BRING YOUR OWN CONTAINERS NO CHILDREN IN PATCH GARRETTS BERRY FARM DIRECTIONS milesnorth of Highway on highway 93 Sofa °Swivel Rocker High Back Chair Ottoman 71 help wanted 71 help wanted 71 helpwanted Ontario THE MINISTRY OF COMMUNITY 8i SOCIAL SEVICES ADULT OCCUPATIONAL CENTRE EDGAR requires RESIDENTIAL COUNSELLORS Counsellor Residential Life SALARY $522 $561 per hour DUTIES To implement residential life and care programs for men tally retarded persons This involves active participation in the training socializing counselling care and treatment of the resident QUALIFICATIONS Grade 12 education or an acceptable equivalent successful completion of the prescribed Mental Retardation Cer tificate Course or equivalent personal suitability File No AOC57 OCCUPATIONAL INSTRUCTORS Instructor Occupational SALARY $522 561 per hour DUTIES To instruct and supervise an assigned group of mildly retar ded adults in an Occupational Training Workshop setting to develop work skills and acceptable social behaviour to instill ef fective work habits QUALIFICATIONS Successful completion of the Mental Retardation Certificate Course OR successful completion of two year Com munity College Programme in one of the Social Behavioural Science Disciplines or Technical Programmes OR the equivalent com bination of education training and experience One year related experience preferably including the operation of power and mechanical equipment Resourcefulness emotional maturity integrity CLOSING DATE June 24 1977 File No AOC61 Interested qualified applicants are invited to submit their ap plications quoting file number to the Personnel Officer Adult Occupational Centre Edgar PO Box 12000 BARRIE Ontario LAM 4W3 THESE COMPETITIONS ARE OPEN EQUALLY BOTH TO MEN AND WOMEN Ju1314 Georgian Pontiac Buick GMC Ltd 140 Bradford St Barrie Ont requires PAINTER Comprehensive benefits and insurance available plan lRemuneration based on flat rate hour Please contact Joe Burton 7261885 TBOOKKEEPER ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE CLERK Experienced fulltime All company benefits please apply in person between am pm to SUE WILSON HOLIDAY INN Barrie Ontario JU13141516 CLASS mechanic reqUIred for dealership in Alliston Telephone 435 4371 from to 530 pm ask for serVice manager AMBITIOUS PERSONS with car wanted for part or full time employment work 15 hours or more week and can make $4 to $6 an hour Students wel come Barrie or surrounding area Tele phone 416 895 653 WORM PICKERS wanted No ex perience necessary Will accept students or adults Call 726 4851 atteryflsom In factory fresh cartons CARPET 5Piece Walnut or Maple DINETTE SET Julll314 SPARE TIME If you want to work approximately hrs daily days week no Saturdays or Holidays hold valid drivers licence over 21 yrs of age pass medical Then we wont YOU Call Mrs Sim Stock Brothers School Bus Lines 7285941 TF HOSTESSREQUIRED to hold iewellry show in home excellent benefits Please send name and address to Picard 31 Spencer Toronto EAUIIFUI CLAIVIEII FREIGHT CONVENIENT FINANCING AVAILABLE ALL STOCK NEW AND GUARANTEED SIMILAR TO ILLUSTRATIONS GUANTITY RIGHTS RESERVED PC LIVING ROOM SET All in durable matching Herculon fabriit =ILI llilltqllgl if WIDE WHEELS HURRY and save on 1115 UNBIIIIVADLE Offiit NOW BEAT THE HEAT WORK EVENINGS Large Canadian corporation requires parttime employees Fulltime positions also available For interview telephone BOB BROWN 7371904 between IO am pm AVON BEING AN AVON REPRESENTATIVE fits beautifully into your schedule You work yOur own hours meet interesting peeple and make extra money for all the things you need Call 728 9652 or write AVON PO BOX 485 Barrie Ont MTTF REQUIRED salespersons to work spare time selling iewellery good com mission send resume to Picard 31 Spencer Toronto Ont MATURE RESPONSIBLE person re quired to take care of children at night Some housekeeping duties involved Please phone 726 2640 ONE MALE Lead vocalist wanted one keyboard player should also play sax or sing to rehearse to make demo tape Call 72877613 ask for Andy Henzel CHARMS AND Things Georgian Mall require mature experienced retail salesperson to work partitime during the day with some nights and Saturdays must be flexible approx 20 hours week Contact Mrs Wagner 7371823 bet ween pm and pm Monday June 13 and Tuesday June 14th Parttime Employment Radio Shack of Canada is recruiting partrtime help to augment the ware house labor force We are looking for the mature housewife who is available to call out light to medium lifting is prerequisite with this type of employ ment Interested persons please apply in person at the Radio Shack personnel of fice Bayview Ave Barrie Monday Tuesday Wednesday am to4 pm WE NEED student help students are required to work immediately Our com pany can start you parttime and move You to full time when the school year ends Please telephone Mr Pollard 7371904 between 10 am and pm PEOPLE WANTED to work We can of fer you steady year round employment There are some part time iobs also open Please call 737 1904 between 10 and 5pm SEASONAL PART TIME help wanted Sept Dec to work in sales or manage toy store Send experience references to Toyerama Ltd 3701 Keele Street Downsview Ont M3J 1N1 SALES PERSON for Ontarios largest furniture and appliance chain Required immediately Experience preferred Call 726 7053 for appointment ask for manager CARPET INSTALLER fully experienc ed reqmred immediately Call 726 7053 for appointment ask for manager WANTED farm workers for general farm work and loading hay This is torn porary work and hard work Apply to Box U54 The Examiner SALES CLERK for retail jewellery store Part time Apply in writing to Box U56 TherExaminer ORDE TAK Part time male or female Ii qualified $100 week plus bonuses Neat ap pearance Late model car required PreVIous sales experience an asset Please write to Part time Order Taker Box 968 Barrie RESPONSIBLE loving housekeeper permanent basis for 22 days weekly Monday and Friday to pm and Wednesdays am to 1230 am Duties Include care of children ages and Minimum housework Apply in writing including references to Box 455 The Ex aminer lZlYS 71 help wanted MEDICAL OFFICE requires guII time bookkeeper in July Must be familiar with OHIP and have experience With similar work Apply to PO Box 130 Alliston Ontario EXPERIENCED bookkeeper recep tionist is required for the law firm Oatley Purser Contact Karen Whitfield 7269021 72sales helpagéhts EXPANDING CANADIAN Oil Company needs dependable person who can work without supervision Earn $14000 per year plus bonus Contact customers around Barrie We train Write Dick Pres Southwestern Petroleum Brampton Ont L6T 2J6 SALES AND SERVICE CAREER OPPORTUNITY Starting income up to $300 per week plus benefits We pay as you learn No overnight travel required Write brief resume to the Per sonnel Manager Box 1028 Barrie Ontario Ju14 1618 77 legal NOTICE In the Supreme Court of Ontario Notice to Gary Douglas Boniface Petition for Divorce has been presented by Gail Jean Boniface You may inspect the Petition at the Office of the Registrar of this Court at 145 Queen Street West in the City of Toronto Province of Ontario If you wish to appear to or op pose the Petition or if you seek other relief your Appearance or Answer or Answer and Coun terpetition must be delivered in accordance with the Rules of Court In default of Appearance or Answer you will not be en titled to notice of any further proceedings copy of the Petition and Notice of Petition will be maile to you on receipt of written request addressed to the above named Registrar SHAPIROSPENSIERI FOR SALE Bids will be received by the un dersigned up to 12 oclock noon June 30th 1977 for one 1963 Mercury Ton Truck Four Wheel Drive with Dump Box Plow and Wing In good con dition to be sold as is For information and arrangement to see the vehicle call 4873217 or 4872016 ROSS CURRIE ROAD SUPT NEUFELD CLERK TWP OF ORO RR Oro Station Ju13 EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 91 public notices 80 public notices ASSOCIATES Barristers and Solicitors 1977 Finch Avenue West Suite 212 Downsview Ontario Solicitors for the petitioner Ju 14 LET SERVICE GUIDE WORK FOR YOU PHONE 7282414 80 public inotEs CALDWELL DRUGS LEMITED CALDWELL DRUGS LIMITED hereby given notice pursuant to the Business Corporations Act of its intention to dissolve DATED the 9th day of June 1977 Lillian Caldwell Secretory Ju 14 The Barrie Planning Board will be holding Public Meeting on Tuesday June 14 1977 at 700 pm in the Council Chambers of City Hall to discuss proposal to rezone and create plan of subdivision on the lands located onthe sout side of Burton Avenue north of Woodcrest Road and immediately east of the Church Mobile Home Park This application deals with the rezoning of the subject lands from Multiple Family Residential RM3 to multiple Family residential RMA to permit 55 street townhousing units Interested persons are invited to attend write to express their concerns or opinions Bates Acting Director Planning Development 4PCB MATTRESS GUARANTEE Including BEDROOM SUITES In LI IVIE SOLD IN SETS ONLY Ju111314 STORE HOURS MON 95 TUES 99 WED 95 THURS 99 FRI 99 SAT 95 RAND NEW BRANDS WANQOUNCEMEN QBTHOPED the examiner Tuesday June 14 1977 19 SPECIAL NOTICE W531 Death Notices Engagemen Birt maximum 40 words odditio CASH RATES nal words 10 cents per word Card of thanks 40 words $550 Additional words 10 cents per word In Memoriam no verse $550I Verse per count line extra 22 cents per line Coming Events ï¬tsengagements $322 per column inchl 87in memoriams COOPER HARGREAVES Mr and Mrs John Cooper are pleased to an nounce the engagement of their daughter Tracy Dawn to Mr Thomas Charles Hargreaves son of Mr and Mrs Marvin Norman Hargreaves all of Bar rie The wedding to take place Saturday July 1977 at oclock in St Marys Church LEES SHEARDOWN Mr and Mrs Keith Lees of RR No1 Shanty Bay an nounce the engagement of their daughter Faye to Clark Sheardown son of Mr and Mrs John Sheardawn of RR No Thornton The wedding will take place July 30 1977 at oclock in Guthrie Presbyterian Church 84marriages KENNEDY THORNE Mrs VirgInIa Thorne of Toronto announced the mar riage of her daughter Shari Leigh to Danniel Ruben Kennedy son of Mr and Mrs James Kennedy of Barrie The wedding took place at Collier Street United Church on Saturday June 11 9595 SATCHEL George Leslie Daniel at the Royal Victoria Hospital on Sunday June 12 1977 George Satchel in his 70th year Beloved husband of Ruth Cummings of Stroud Dear father of Betty Mrs Hose of Thornhill Bob of Brampton David at EtobIcoke Betty Hodson of California and Barbara Richiield of Willowdale Dear grandfather of grandchildren Dear brother of Fred of England Resting at the Jennett Funeral Home 152 Bradford St Barrie visita tion from Monday at pm Service and committal complete in the chapel on Wednesday June 15 at Crema tion Donations to the Canadian Cancer Society would be appreciated TRACEY Bruce Leslie at Royal Vic toria Hospital on Sunday June 12 1977 Bruce Leslie Tracey husband of the late Eileen May Saunders and dear father at Edna of Oshawa and Ernie of Van couver Grandfather of Salena brother of Jean Mrs Guest Elsie Mrs Tinsky Jack Percy and Harold Friends may call at Arnold Funeral Home 127 Bnyiield St Barrie after Wednesday SenIre In the chapel Thursday afternoon at 10 Inter menl Glenfel Cemetery The family would like to remember the Canadian Arthritis and Rheumatism Saciety Ar nold Funeral Home parking at rear BARRON Mary Life member of pro sperity Rebecca Lodge No 141 Toronto At the l00 Home on Monday June 13th 1977 Mary Barron in her 94th year Beloved Wife of the late Richard Barron Resting at the Jennett Funeral Home 152 Bradford St Barrie Visita tion from Tuesday at pm Service and ommittal complete in the chapel on Wedensday June ISth at 30 Inter merit Barrie Union Cemetery CALDWELL Nora Lockwood at her home Oro Township on Tuesday June 14 1977 Nora Lockwood Neal Beloved wife of Arttiur Caldwell in her 75th year Dear mother of Keith survived also by one sister and two brothers Friends may call at Steckley Funeral Home 30 Worsley 81 Barrie after pm Wednesday Service in the chapel on Thursday June 16 at Interment Barrie Union Cemetery EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 master charge rim 202 Dunlap St Just west of the Barrie Arena behind the white 7262900 FREE DELIVERY SIZE 139 FIRM HIGH QUALITYSTILL IN FACTORY PLASTICMBRAND NEW MATTRESSES FOUNDATIONS HA VE GOOD DA IC MATTRES iwnrroouemraireea BOYLEln loving memory of our parents grandparents and great grandparents William who passed away June 15 1970 and his wife Eva who passed away July 81976 Always in our hearts and thoughts Daughter Sally Sonrinrlaw Ralph Grandchildren Roger Sandy SueAnne Pierre Great grandchildren Michael Yvette Kevin Lee Anne Angela B8 coming events Barrie Horticultural Society SPRING SHOW at Sunnidale Community Centre THURS JUNE 23RD Entries received pm to pm Judge Mrs Ferriss Speaker from Ortho Products SHOW OPEN 730 pm MEETING pm Convener Pauline Cunningham PHONE 7283717 Ju13 Annual STRAWBERRY SUPPER Thornton United Church WED JUNE 22 500 800 PM Admission $350 Adults 515012 and under Preschoolers free Ju 11 14 16 17 18 20 21 22 St Georges Anglican Church Utopia Ont Annual Strawberry Supper Utopia Community Centre Wednesday June 15th 530 pm pm Adults $350 Children 612 years $150 JU481114 Wt BTW Every Wed Night Early Bird Games 730 pm Regular games 800 pm Jackpot $300 must go every week Admission $1 00 for cards Air conditioned hall GEORGE ST BARRIE TTF house FREE ELIVERY