¢1am IJIC it 71 help wanted Alcan Smelters in and Chemicals Ltd 71 help wanted lllllllI ALCAN Division of Aluminum Company of Canada Ltd Requires WELDER POTREPAIR $730 per hour MILLWRIGHTS $909 per hour MACHINIST $909 per hour THE JOB is in one of the worlds largest aluminum smelters Candidates will be expected to carry out general and preventative maintenance on production equipment Shift work is involved THE CANDIDATE Welders should have at least two years experience and have DPW ticket or equivalent Millwrights and Machinists must have interprovincial trodes qualifications or the ability to pass written company trades examination THE BENEFITS include medical dental sickness and injury retirement and life assurance plans as well as relocation assistance for family and per sonal effects KITIMAT ielocated 400 air miles north of Vancouver on the tip of beautiful salt water fiord is thriving friendly community of 13500 with wide variety of churches clubs and recreational facilities has modern wellequipped hospital good elementary and secondary schools and convenient shopping LEISURE ACTIVITIES which in clude camping hiking salt and fresh water fishing organized spor ts yearround swimming in beautiful indoor pool crosscountry skiing and downhill skiing nearby are ideal for the outdoors per 50h INTERESTED please write giving full details of experience and qualifications to ALCAN SMELTERS AND CHEMICALS LTD Attention Employment Department PO Box 1800 Kitimat BC VBC 2H2 Please refer to No 77131 290 in your reply Ju246 car1 Gives Sllillutlan Alwnyl Experienced licenced auto mechanic required Full Company Benefits APPLY Personnel Kmart ORILLIA SQUARE ORILLIA 3259531 Ju234678 Shoe Manager Must have at least years experience in shoe sales Apply to Woolworth Personnel Dept 5676 Bayfield St Barrie Jul2346 CELEBRITY FASHION JEWELS Large international company is desirous of openings in your area Managers and parttime sales staff needed Excellent commission and hostess plan Over 500 pieces of beautiful costume jewellery in our line SAMPLES SUPPLIED NO INVESTMENT OR DELIVERY TELEPHONE BOOTH 4164296160 OR APPLY TO BOX U47 THE EXAMINER Ju346789 help wanted 71 heIpTlranted SPARE TIME If you want to work approximately hrs daily days week no Saturdays or Holidays hold valid drivers licence over 21 yrs of age pass medical Then we want YOU Call Mrs Sim Stock Brothers School Bus Lines 7285941 TF CLASS mechanic required for dealership in Allistan Telephone 435 437I from am to 530 pm ask for service manager ORGANIST and choir director required for St GIes Anglican Church Apply in writing to the Church Wardens 95 Cook Street Barrie EXPERIENCED GROCERY clerks re quired for night crew at nights week Good salary with experience Apply in person to Fuda Food Highway ii north HEAVY DUTY work mechanical exv pericnco required Phillpott and Richardson Spring Service 726 897i THE EXAMINER EHAS ROUTE OPENINGS Name Address Telgphone AVON BEING AN AVON REPRESENTATIVE fits beautifully into your schedule You work your awn hours meet interesting people and make extra money far all the things you need Call 728 9652 or write AVON PO Box 485 Barrie Ont MTTF BEATTHE HEAT WORK EVENINGS Large Candian corporation requires parttime employees Full time positions also available For interview telephone BOB BROWN 7371904 BetweenlOam5pm JuIO MEDICAL OFFICE requires lull time bookkeeper In July Must be familiar with OHIP and have experience with similar work Apply to PO Box 130 AllistonOnt help wanted STATIONARY ENGINEER 3rd class re quired for August 1977 Steady em ployment Telephone Mr Lloyd 435 6271 Alliston Livein Housekeeper Semilnvalid arthritic requires mature livein housekeeper at summer home in Minets Point Starting midJune to September Light duties drivers licence required Non smoker Tele phone Mrs England for appointment i2 noontoepm7370302 VH7 EXPERIENCED BARTENDER must have own transportation apply in per son to Nottawasaga Inn Highway 89 Allistan0ntario CLASS Mechanic or fourth year ap prentice needed Immediately 830 to pm days no Weekends Good hourly rate plus commission Uniform sup plied Telephone Downtown Fina 7287511 or 7370854 PARTTIME PHOTOGRAPHIC work with new born babies within hospital No experience needed Write Box U49 The Examiner Barrie Ontario EXPERIENCED coorlt required apW to Mayor Bayshore hotel 7285528 PARTTIME typIst for downtown offica 15 to 25 hours weekly Suitable for homemaker wanting supplementary in come Those needing fuIItime work should not apply Please phone 726v166l 830 am to930am only MATURE PERSON required for part tlme office duties experienced prefer red for interview telephone 436l46l bet ween 9am and 430pm MAR KETING MANAGEMENT wholesale distribution parttime future security Telephone Meets9116 days 4168958743 evenings PEOPLE WANTED to work We can of for you steady year round employment There are some part time iobs also open Please call 7371904 between to em and pm WE NEED student help students are required to work Immediately Our company can start you parttime and move you to fulltime when the school year ends Please telephone Mr Pollard 7371904 between IO am and 5pm HOME WORKERS handy with scissors to cut out cloth crests Thumbprint StudicflMBm 72sales helpagents EXPANDING CANADIAN Oil Company needs dependable person who can work without supervision Earn $4000 per year plus bonus Contact customers around Barrie We train Write chk Pres Southwestern Petroleum Brampton Ont L6T 2J6 76employment wanted RENTON CONSTRUCTION Ltd general contracting and repairs profes slonai decorating and refinishing specialty 500 to arrive in Barrie Call collect 1741679l3334 77 legal NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of GLENNIS MILLER of the City of Barrie in the County of Simcoe Main tenance Man deceased All persons having claims against the Estate of Glennis Miller late of the City of Barrie in the County of Simcoe Main tenance Man who died on or about the Slst day of July 1975 are hereby notified to send par ticulars of some to the un dersigned on or before the 30th day of June I977 after which date the Estate will be distributed with regard only to the claims of which the un dersigned shall then have notice and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim they shall not then have notice Dated at Barrie this list day of May 1977 John Richard Wrigley Barrister and Solicitor 355 Boyfield Street Barrie Ontario Solicitorfor the Executrix Ju6l320 SLESSOR EQUIPMENTBARRIE LIMITED NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Slessor EquipmentBarrie Limited intends to dissolve by filing Articles of Dissolution with the Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations pur suant to The Business Car porations Act DATED This 24th day of May I977 Robert John Slessor President Ju6 BOX REPLIES While every endeavor will be made to forward replies to box numbers to the advertiser as soon as possible we accept no liability in respect of loss or damage alledged to arise through either failure or delay in forwarding such replies however otherwise ST VlNCENTOUCKWORTH AREA CLAPPERTONWELLINGTON AREA EUGENlATHERESA AREA CUMBERLAND ST SOPHIA OWEN AREA COOKSTOWN LISLE OAK ST STAYNER THE EXAMINER or Phone 7266539 loadnoe un uo FAIRVIEWSOUTHVIEW AREA Please ï¬ll out the application below and return it to Circulation Dept 16 Bayï¬eld St Barrie 78 tenders 78 tenders Ontario Government Tender MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS Replacement and Repairs to Watermain Valves at the Huronia Regional Centre ORILLIA Ont 67148 Install New Heating System in the Fish and Wildlife Building at the Southern Research Station MAPLE Ont 67153 GENERAL CONTRACTORS Supply and Install Masonite Siding on Building No at the Adult Occupational Centre EDGAR Ont 67057 Separate Individual Sealed Tenders will be received until 200 pm local time on Thursday June 23 1977 Combined Tenders will not be accepted Tender Documents may be obtained from the Ontario Ministry of Government Services Georgian Bay Regional Office 24 James Street East PO Box 790 Orillia Ontario L3V 6K7 NOTE For further information regarding the Tenders please call Mr Mclsaac at the above address Telephone No 705 3257403 The lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted Ministry of Government Services Ontario Quotations for the Removal and Disposal of Sludge from Water Pollution Control Plant at Bradford Ontario Quotations sealed in the envelopes provided which shall be clearly marked as to contents will be received by the Chief of Pur chasing 4th Floor 135 St Clair Ave Toronto Ontario M4V 1P5 until 12 Oclock noon Toronto time on June 14 1977 for the removal and disposal of liquid digested sludge from the Water Pollution Control Plant located on Dissette St Bradford On tario Complete information and quotation forms may be obtained from the Manager of utility Operations Central Region 150 Ferrand Drive Don Mills Ontario or his agent Mr Pearson Chief Operator Bradford Water Pollution Control Plant The Ministry reserves the right to reject any or all quotations and the lowest or any quotation will not necessarily be accepted Ministry of The Environment Barr Asst Deputy Minister Ontario Damper Chief of Purchasing Jué Quotations for Removal and Disposal of Sludge from Water Pollution Control Plant at Midland Ontario Quotations sealed in the envelopes provided which shall be clearly marked as to contents will be received by the Chief of Pur chasing 4th Floor 135 St Clair Ave Toronto Ontario M4V 1P5 until 12 Oclock noon Toronto time on June 10 1977 for the removal and disposal of sludge from the Water Pollution Control Plant located at 200 Bay Street Midland Ontario Complete information and quotation forms may be obtained from the Manager of Utility Operations Central Region 150 Ferrand Drive Don Mills Ontario or his agent Mr Murray Chief Operator Midland Water Pollution Control Plant The Ministry reserves the right to reject any or all quotations and the lowest or any quotation will not necessarily be accepted Ministry of The Environment Cooper Chief of Purchasing Ontario Barr Asst Deputy Minister ment Tender 0ntario Govern ROOFING CONTRACTORS Reroofing the Old Lodge Building at the Staff Develop ment Centre KEMPENFELT BAY BARRIE Onl 67094 PAVING CONTRACTORS Replace Paving on the Tennis Court at the Staff Develop ment Centre KEMPENFELT BAY BARRIE Ont 67091 PAINTING CONTRACTORS Exterior Painting of Residence and Maintenance Shed at Wye March MIDLAND Ont 67108 Separate Individual Sealed Tenders will be received until 200 pm local time on TUESDAY JUNE 281977 Combined Tenders will not be accepted Tender Documents may be obtained from the Ontario Ministry of Government Services Georgian Bay Regional Of fice 24 James Street East PO Box 790 Orillia Ontario L3V 6K7 NOTE For further information regarding the Tenders please call Mr Mclsoac at the above address Telephone No 705 3257403 The lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted Ju68 Ministry of Government Services Ontario THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ESSA TENDERS For Drainage Works The Township of Essa are requesting tenders for the construction of drainage works in the McGeorge Subdivision Township of Essa All bidders must use Township Tender forms and bid according to the specifications supplied These forms will be available at the Municipal Office All tenders must be sealed and clearly marked as to contents and be returned to the Clerk Arthur Roth Box 10 Angus Ontario not later than 500 pm Friday June 241977 Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted Truax Road Superintendent Township of Essa Box 10 Angus Ontario Tel 705 4244341 Ju60 For Best Results Examiner Want Ads ANNOUN EMENTS 1223 SPECIAL NOTICES ASH RATE Notic Engagements Births $550l maximum 40 words additional words 10 cents per word Card of thanks 40 words $550 Additional words 10 cents per word In Memoriam no verse $550 Verse per count line extra 22 cents per line Coming Events 81 births Mondays Child is fair of face Tuesdays Child is full of grace Wednesdays Child is full of woe Thursdays Child hasfar to go Fridays Childisloving and giving Saturdays Child works hard for Its living And child that is born on the Sab bath Day Isfoir and wise and good and gay Children hearing this verse by Counter Cullen always want to know which day of the week was their birth date Keep this and other important information for your childs future An Examiner Birth Announcement will include the name of your child the clay of the week month and year of birth the weight and other vital information printed message can become permanent record in Babys Book or Family Albums The rate for an Examiner Birth Notice Is only $550 maximum 40 words Addi tional words l0 cents per word PHONE 7282414 84 marriages COURTNEYSHAWMr and Mrs John Courtney of Willawdale are pleased to announce the marriage of their younger daughter Laurel Elaine to Glen Thomas Shaw son of Mr and Mrs Blake Shaw of Barrie on Saturday June i977 in Minesing Ont 85 deaths JOHNSON Winnifred Dolores at Toronto General Hospital on Friday June I977 Winnifred Dolores Post beloved wife at the late John Johnson in her élst year Dear mother of Marilyn Mrs Neil Rolland Orillia grand mother ot Michael Lisa and Jacqueline Daughter of Mrs Vera Post Ottawa and the late Melville Post Friends may call at Steckley Funeral Home 30 Worsley Street Barrie after pm Sun day Funeral Mass at St Marys Church Barrie on Tuesday June at ll am In terment Barrie Union Cemetery SUTTON David George at Toronto General Hospital on Saturday June 1977 David George Sutton in his i7tn year Dear son of Harvey and Beverley Sultan of Anton Mills formerly of Shanty Boy Dear brother of Christina and Nan cy grandson of Cecrl and Rita Sutton of Shanty Bay and the late Everett and Mariory Draper Friends may call at Steckley Funeral Home 30 Worsley St Barrie Funeral service at St Thomas Anglican Church Shanty Bay on Turis clay June at to pm Followed by ARNOLD Funeral Home Chapel 127 BAYFIELD ST 7282530 Friendly Courteous Service MWFTF cremation 87 in memoriams LYONS Thomas In loving memory of dear husband father and grandfather Thomas Lyons who passed away June I975 However long our lives may last Whatever lands we View Whatever ioy or grief be ours We will always think of you Sadiy missed and lovingly remembered by wife Doris daughter Donna son inIaw Len and grand children Diana Angela and Christopher MINNIKIN In loving memory of clear father Harvey Minnkin who pass ed away June 51970 Just seven years ago today The one we loved was called away Gad took him home it was his will But in our hearts hes living still Lavingly remembered by The Family LYONS Thomas In loving memory of dear father and grandfather Thomas Lyons who passed away June 1975 tribute small and tender Just to say we Still remember Lovingly remembered by daughter Lynda son in law John and grand children Crystal Allen and Shannon BURKE In loving memory of dear husband and father Ivan Burke who passed away June 61973 He is gone but not forgotten And as dawns another year In our lonely hours of thinking Thoughts of him arc always near Sadly missed by wife Jessie Leonard and Lois WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 isï¬iéidee TENDER Contract 7718 Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned in the en velopes provided up to 200 pm on Monday June 27 1977 for the supply and placement of approximately 5000 ton of HL asphalt and 3000 tons of HL asphalt to City streets Each fender must be ac companied by certified cheque payable to the City in the amount of of the tender amount An agreement to bond must be submitted with the ten der and bond in the amount of 100 of the tender sum will be required from the party to whom the Contract is awarded Plans specifications and tender envelopes may be obtained at the City Clerks Office City Hall 84 Collier Street Barrie On tario with deposit of $10 which is not refundable The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted Straughon AMCT CMC City Clerk Box 400 Barrie Ontario LAM 4T5 Ju61520 80 public notice $322 per column inch to 23 88 coming events BINGO St John Vianney Hall EVERY TUESDAY $200 Jackpot SPECIAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY MEETING In accordance with the Agricultural Societies Act Chap ter 15 Section 20 Special Meeting of the Barrie Agricultural Society Mem bership is called for the 2Ist June I977 at pm Grandstand Building on the Fair Grounds Essa Rd to consider the acquisition of property At meeting those person en titled to vote are members for current year who were mem bers for the previous two years lu67 STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL At Edgar Community Centre Wed June 22 530 pm800pm $3 adults $2 public school students Ju67l5 examiner patterns SoEasy Trio rinted Pattern 4880 flow What c0uld be more YOU than IIIIS young comfortable easy gorng look Choose spring knits blends for this smart trio Printed Pattern 4880 Hall 31263 lOyz I292 Ill2 Isl2 l8o 2012 Size Ill2 bust 37 tunic pants yds 60rnch blouse 78 yds 45inch 81 25 Mr each pattern cash cheque or money order Add 25¢ each pattern for first Class mail and handling om residents add 9d sales tax Print plarnly Size Style Num ber your Name Address Send to Anne Adams Pattern Dept The Barrie Examiner 60 Progress Avenue Scar borough Ontario M1P4I7 ANSWER to inflation and save dramatic dollars Send for NIWSPRINGSUMMERPATIERN CATALOG Clip coupon for free pallern Separates jumpsurts laycvcnirrg dresses Send 75¢ Instant Sewing Book $100 Sew Knit Book $125 Instant Money Crafts $100 Instant Fashion Book 5100 PETEEPIIETMIWS NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS DESTROY WEEDS Notice is hereby given to all persons in possession of land in ac cordance with the Weed Control Act 1972 Section 14 and 20 that unless noxious weeds growing on their lands within the Municipality of lnnisfil are destroyed by June 10 1977 and throughout the season the Municipality may enter upon the said lands and have the weeds destroyed charging the costs against the land in taxes as set out in the Act The cooperation of all citizens is earnestly solicited Roy Bridge Weed Inspector Municipality of TOWNSHIP OF lNNlSFlL J06 Victims mother weeps The mother of 25yearold Rafael Cruz one of two men killed Saturday in Puerlo Rican Independence Day rioting In Chicago weeps in the arms of neighbor The sixhour riot began when two policemen tried to break up fight between rival gang members Police have rejected residents claims that they overreacted to the disturbance It was not known this morning whose bullets killed Cruz and Julio Osorio 25 and wounded at least four others AP Photo PQ language bill MONTREAL CP Englishspeaking Quebecers should recognize the Quebec nation and become part of it says newly formed anglophone committee which supports the governments proposed language legislation But the English minority should also be given jobsecur ity guarantees and adequate secondlanguage training the committee told news confer ence Sunday The Comite Anglophone pour un Quebec Unifie Committee of Englishspeakers for United Quebec said in brief finds new friends to the legislature committee that will start hearings Tuesday into the language legislation that it sees no valid argument to the effect that the legislation threatens the sur vival of the English com munity No matter what threats the anglophone economic elite makes about pulling out there should be no doubt in anyones mind that the majority of anglophone working people so long as they are treated as equal to all other Quebecois in tend to continue living and working here the brief says Economic collapse warning is issued PETERBOROUGH Ont CP The Canadian economy will disintegrate by the turn of the century unless taxes and at titudes change Vancouver based actuary said Sunday Actuary Geoffrey Calvert said that unless taxes are in lcreased markedly and society changes its attitudes about work the countrys pension system will destroy the economy Calvert was one of several speakers at the 2001 Coming of Age Conference which exam ined what will happen to Cana dian society when the baby boom generation reaches old age The actuary said he predicted in 1965 that New York citys economy would crash in the HAMILTON CP The new national president of the United Way said Sunday that his or ganization needs help Speaking at United Way conference John Goldberg said there have been few qualified applicants for the major execu tive positions which have be come vacant in the last year It has become increasingly evident that we are not attract ing sufficient numbers and the type of individuals that will provide the leadership in years to come Goldberg 48yearpld char tered accountant from Edmon ton who succeeds Harvey Lan clot said the situation is the same in trying to recruit volun teer leaders He called for training program for United Wayleaders Otherwise we shall lose the cohesion of thought and spirit mid19703 due to an overburden of pension payments Federal and provincial pension funds in seven of the 10 provinces are in worse condition now than New Yorks in 1965 he said Calvert said he would not elaborate on the situation be cause his actuary firm is study ing the matter for the federal government He said that at the root of the problem is the aging of the Ca nadian work force People are entering the work force at later age because they are stay ing in school longer and they are leaving the work force sooner due to earlier retirement ages The fourday conference en ded Sunday United Way head calling for help that is so necessary in na tional movement Goldberg told about 150 volunteer and staff delegates that the United Way should play larger role in shaping government social policies We represent the largest single source of volunteer ac tion in the planning and deliv ery of social services through out Canada and we must as sume the responsibility to voice the concern and desire of our constituents He urged the movement to co operate with the Canadian La bor Congress since many of our local United Ways have pro fessional staff involved in labor relations yet in many cases we are finding that employee groups are either resisting or diminishing their contributions to local United Ways The conference held once ev ery two years ends Wed nesday Inflation iob creation are industrial priorities MONTREAL CP The 106th annual convention of the Canadian Manufacturers Asso ciation has been thrown ma jor challengecreate more jobs for Canadians Despite the unrest created by the emergence of separatist government in Quebec the is Isues for more than 400 dele igates attending the daylong convention today are still jobs and inflation This is reflected in the con vention themeBuild Industry Bulld Canadaand in opening speeches by leaders of the asso cration which accounts for 70 per cent of the manufacturing production in the country More than two million Cana dians out of labor force of 95 million or more than 22 per cent are employed by marafacéurers na ians expect at deal of us said Hughgrsete vens of Toronto in speech are cepting the presidency of the association He takes over oneyear term from Rod Bi lodeau also of Toronto It is in the private sector particularly manufacturing that Canada must strive to create the jobs and incomes so badly needed to end this period of record unemployment Cur rently the national jobless rate IS 75 per cent Bilodeau in his de rting speech as president sai the re cent federal budget established the federal intention to create the environment to stimulate industry