Published dailyexcept Sunday and statutory holidays Subscriptions WEEKLYby carrier 90cents églrltbonn YEARLY by carrier $4680 Dam Graham CIRCULATION BY MAIL Barrie $4680 Jon Butler manager Davrd Jenkinsasst manaqer SlMCOEJfgoUNTY hion lï¬rthHiljtgey MOTOR THROW OFF Alva LaPlante $39ayear ADA Elaine Porter ELSEWHERE IN CAN Marq Smrtl $3850 year BUSINESS Marian Gough accountant Betty Armer Dorothy Bowland Wendy Bowser Gail McFarland NEWSROOM Dave Henshaw managing editor Sean Finlaycity editor Randy McDonald sports editor Bill Curran county editor Bill McFarlane wrrc editor Roseanne McCabe tilestyle Roll Kraiker photographer REPORTERS John Bruce Paul Delean Richard Dunstan Pat Guergis Scott Haskins Sheila McGovern Sue Routlitle The Examiner is member of The Canadian Press CP and Audit Bureau of Circula tions ABC Only The Canadian Press may republish news stories in this newspaper credited to CF The Associated Press Reuters or Agence France Presse and local news stories published in The xaminer ADVERTISING Len Seviclt manager SALESMEN Ian MacMurchy Dan Gaynor the examiner The Barrie Examiner claims copyright on all original news and advertising material created by its employees and published in this newspaper servtng barrie and srmcoe county Copyright registration number mars registeral Saturday Juno4 1977 Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited I6 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario National advertising ollices 65 Queen St Toronto 8641710 640 Cathcart 51 Montreal The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable lor damages arising out at errors in advertisements beyond the amount paid tor the space actually occupied by that portion at the advertisement in which the error occurred whether such error is due to the negligence at its servants or otherwise and there shall be no liability for non insertion of any advertisement beyond the amount paid lor such advertisement CLASSIFIED Ruth Blais supervisor Elio Agostinipublisher Lesley Young ADVERTISING 7266537 ClASSIFlEDS 7282414 BUSINESS 7266537 NEWSROOM 7266537 CIRCULATION 7266539 Freda Shinner Economic council valuable advisor The Ontario Economic Council which is currently observing its 15th anniversary year has been valuable advisor to the government Its research and policy studies seeks to explain collec tive decisionmaking of prime importance in the democratic system For analytical purposes it points out that individuals often are inclined to seek their selfinterest under the rules that constitute the particular incentive system within which they operate This is not to say that most individuals are amoral much less immoral Rather it is to recognize that most of the time most people make their decisions consistent with pursuit of rewards and the avoidance of pun ishments Dealing with public interest council report notes The notion of the public interest is extremely imprecise There exist fundamental disagreements among people which must be resolved through the political process An understanding of the decisionmaking process of government and of how it reconciles these differences is vital to an understanding of the role of government The public interest cannot be simply and objectively defined Too often criticism of the outcome of the govern ment decisionmaking process is no more than an asser tion of our own value judgments about who the gainers andlosers should be Changes in policies of governments are usually intend ed to pursue objectives that command wide support The council report further notes No one would argue that government policies should not reflect changes in the demands of the citizenry But it is essential to keep in mind that in our mixed economy in which many of our common goals are achieved by setting up rules and in centives that influence the decisions of the private sec tor frequent and unanticipated rule changes can have perverse effects The economic council argues that lack of effective policy evaluation can in part be explained by the incen tives and disincentives faced by government officials In calling attention to this aspect the council is trying to encourage better understanding of the background of many government policies In the final analysis for democracy the basic deci sions should be guided by the consensus of the majority opinion This gives the elected members the gigantic responsibilities of keeping in constant touch with consti tuents for guidance to keep ruling cabinets informed about changing public views letters to the editor Time for change Annexation No Dear Sir In 1943 during the Second World War Sim 00 County elected Conservative govem ment from that time to this they have con tinued to elect Conservative government which brought us through the final war years which were most difficult for all concerned They brought us through an education system that consisted of multitude of small school houses system which produced well educated and disciplined students who are now making up the backbone of Simcoe Coun tv They have brought us through traditional family farm life large majority of us know not how to live in Simcoe County other than under Conservative leadership In 34 years the circumstances have chang ed somewhat However the leadership has not and it points it out most obviously in our current sctool systems which are it disgrace to put it mildly School system that one par ty leader has expressed his wish to have abolished change is certainly due No longer do we have traditional family farm life to speak of The younger generation brought up on forms has learned through government pressures brought upon their families that there must be more desirable ways to live and earn it living so there fore are abandoning our farm lands which are On tario culture The Conservative government over the years has guided us into drastic situation where we own two cars colored television set home and none are paid for situation where your son and daughter no longer know what anolhtr Ontario culture is Mother At Home Private individuals in Simcoe County trlonc dole out in excess of $6 million yearly tohclp keep actively fit through snowmobiling The Conservative government supports Simcoe County and snowmobiling at the rate of tip proximately 3350le year Where does the balance of the $6 tnillion go Are we supporting poorlymanaged near bankrupt Conservative government Regardless of what the Progressive Conscr vative governments have involved themselves in the situation takes on the odor of 1943 when we still employed the use of backhouses change to government that has not got the Old Age Pension up tree the Mail Scrr vice out on limb with the tree trimmer due in any day or an unchecked ir rigatron system that is baring the roots and washing our neighbors pride anti joy up the creek On the 9th of June we have the opportunity to elect change in government to party who has been telling us number of thtsc things for many years Make decision for the 9th of June But please lets have mango MITCHELL Mincsing nt Dear Sir Do the people of Barrie and surrounding townships realize the effect that annexation is going to have on their way of life Do they realize it is the Conservative ad ministration that is forcing annexation on us am afraid not whenl see the support the PC candidate is getting in this riding It is alarming to see how he is avoiding this issue that is so vital Mr Dans at the rally for his candidate here had the temerity to say that his govcrn ment does not influence the OM What then was Darcy McKeoughs letter to the OMB instructing them to set boundaries for an area to accommodate 125000 peoplc To justify this unreal figure Mr McKcough was later reported as saying the government would help Barrie reach this population if necessary Who nccdsit or wants it Such population would mean the end of Lake Si mcoc as vialbc water resource the loss of valuable farm land anti of it way of life that we cherish Replacing this would be the impersonal atmosphere of it big city At the OMB hearings it was rnosl dis couraging lo soc what little impzrct to this NOSI ion thc private citizen hard The developers with millions of dollars in vcsttd in good farm land were rcprcscnttd by clcvcr lawyers making impressive sub missions to suit thcir purposes As privat ccitizcn made an unskilled presentation to the OMB and came away feeling it was it futile effort At it later date allotcd to the public unothcr citizen made it presentation indicating the necessity to maintain lht farm lzrnd in lnnisfil lownship Mr Arrcll Chairman of the OMB made the statement that this man said nothing of significance What could be of more significance than the preservation of farm land personally made canvas of over 100 families in the community of lollcndzrl anti found all btrt thrtc vchtmently against an ncxzition lll spite of oirr wishes this area is bcing of fch to the city of Burric It is understood that llltlt is enough com mercial anti housing land in Barrie to ac commodatc 60000 people Let thcrc be planning body set up to plan for expansion RS and when thc need arises Why do we huvc to assume all the disad vunttrgcs now for it situation that may never conic or tit least scents to bc extending fur thet into the futurc Wake up people of Barrie and the annexa tionarcu Arc you going to let politicians antl developers who have little interest in our way of life and the environment decide how we are going tolivc so they can mzrkc fortunes Yours truly PARKER Wm 19 Notes and comment By SEAN IlNerY ity Editor grew up in British Columbia in the hey day of Social Credit My whole family was involved in booting out the vicious government which preceded the Socrtrds in 1952 my family was again in volvetl in fighting the Socred government when it became quickly apparent that BC Socrcds were nothing more than bunch of lucky rednecks lhat television advertisement the lorits IIO airing at every opportunity frankly almost mtrkcs me throw up It says here By RICHARD DUNSIAN Doctor doctor will ldic Yes my child and so will cant remember wherel read that but one til recently it was filed away in my mind with everything else ever learned about death as something to keep for reference countless years front now when the Grim Reaper would fintrlly come cTosc enough to be of cori cern to me never went as far as one Grade classmate of mine who said in so many wor ds that she did not plan to die but ftr prac tical purposes was nearly as confident Lately for no very impressive reason have come to see how foolish that attitude is Through combination of circumstances wont go into here spent most of my time in school with classmatcs year or more older than or self Driving voting drinking and everyt ing clse social maturity especially czrrnc later for me than for most of my friends and as result became ob sessed with age Always wanted to be older looked for ward brca tltlessl to each birthdzr combed my hair to show my premature recoding hairline and got it tremendous ick out of the fact that irnlil recently was The Examiners oldest reporter Over the past few months all that has changed except for the hairline have lost all desire to be older than my prtscnt 1m and am acutely conscious of just how fast the time hats gone GONE NOW Celebrities who were or seemed to be in vi orous middle age during my chi tlhootl Jack Benny is the most vivrd example in my lnllllllith tired old Not ti baseball pltrycr is active today who was on man Evert its political advertising goes that ad is dishontst Few people even in BC today realize that the province was once regarded as one of the most socitrllyudvanctxl jurisdictions in North America in much the some wzry California nowis That was lone by politicians clcvcrly balantin the fringe elements which are the right ant the left in BC and coming up with pztcka gcs and legislation for the good of everyone The ri ghtwing fringe finally hild its chance with Bennett Then the lcftwing Always wanted to be older big league roster the day saw my first major league game My father iii his curly 40s in my childhood is 37 now greyhziircd rct ircd for ears and walks with ti cane My duug itcr crrn already read ncwsptipcrs and don mean the comic page How much faster will time go when rtzrth my fat her gt Ive often mentioned my religion in this ce antl vou might well ask where it is now trot speak of death Its there as usual But have never found belicf in tin trfttrlilc trs naturally compelling as the ot hcr tlocl ï¬nes of my faith and thouin accept hca vcn and hell purgatory tool as part of the package of Church teaching it is it clear case of Lord believe help thou mine unbelicf This isa rum topic for it healthy 28yearold to write about anti feel should almost apologize for impcrtinencc to all thosc who for one reason or another Slillld closer to death titan Still maybe now is the best time to think aboutit IOSTStRIPTS Ste we htrd provincial cabinet minister ltimes Auld in town this week Its pity federal minister Otto Long couldnt have visited us at the some time they could have advertised their resencc with an Auldltlang sign Seriously olks its time for an election prediction and Im predicting George Taylor in this rrdrngby close but clear margin over lziul Wesscngerwand proviricewidc tottrls of 70 Tory seats 30 or the NDP 25 for the Liberals And not that Im New Democrat but didflou ever wonder why thosc lory corn mcrcra on what disaster the NDP was in British Columbia dont include any irr tervrcws with any Manitoba or Saskatchewan resrdcnts NDP under Barrett in BC unlike NDP anywhere else fringe undcr Dave Barrett finally got its chance It is fashionable with some political scien tists to say Bennetts Socrcds were nothing more than Progressive Conservatives under another name and that Barretts NDP was it true cxprtssion of modem democratic socialism Botlr views re think Tong Bennett Socrcds were not Socier Creditors any more than they were Toncs under another name They were ust gang of gu who thought they could better than the previous gang The did do better than the previous gang Much elter The people of BC decided they had taken enough and the Socr ids had Alon came Dtrvc Barrett leading it ra trig col ection of leftwing misfits from Gt knowsMhtrc presenting the only viable alternative This is where the dishonesty of the toevec ads comes There is no rclzttionshi between the NDP under Bornti in BC tint the NDP anywhere lSC in Canada There never molly has been There never prolmbly will be It is as difficult to be rational about the NDP in as it is about the Socrcds rerrrcmbtr cowting nearriot in Vari couvm lhrowtr by the soczilled NDP and its assorted misfit rugtn mob ngairst former Prime Minister Lester earson Brit the real dishonesty of the ads is this the people who ezrk ainst the NDP iii the ad trrc not nskct who ticy would vote for in IC know one thing for sure they wouldnt vote Tory Anti the reasons the wouldnt votc lory wouldnt do the Ontario orits one little bit of good lolitits in Ontario and cannot be com pared lH has two partiesmthc far right and menu for right undtr the Sacred label Itlld the ftirlcft anti mean the farlcft under the NDP lzrbcl It may bc ti sign of the desperation 0f the Tories in Ontario that they have to resort to this kind of lactic WIIOS GOING TO WIN Im not taking bets for Simcoc Centne But or thc whole provi ncc Bill Davis leading ti majority government on June 10 Why lhc titles of conservatism are slowly but surclyswec ingovcrus The pen ulum of the libertarian 605 IS swinging brick and thc nice safe predictable lorics tirc going to benefit Maybe next time Stephen If there rsa next time For all seasons No stranger in the night By TRAYNOR MCPARLANE It was that time of night when silence is definitely in charge snore probably our ovm awakened us slightly and we turned on our side Sleepily we rearranged both feet and our two knees and settled down to further slumber MLadys hand suddently gripped our left buttock fiercely She hadnt done this in years Eh What Whats up we mumbled pushing back the nightmare that tomorrow was working day Hear that she whispered breathlessly Hearwhat That noise downstairs It sounded like window being raised Couple bears fighting on the front porch thats all Goto sleep It seemed like hours later but actually it must only have been seconds This time it was the right buttock that was gripped again fiercely This was bit much we thought How were we going to explain those bruises at the office in the morning Will you stop doing that When you waken anyone youre supposed to shake them gently by the shoulder There it is again Listen This time it was more of hiss than awhisper Soundcd threatening so we cocked blood shot ear and did as bid Above the noise of the late summer crickets we could hear something downstairs Can bears close windows we thought We barked second longer to confirm the sound and our heart shrieked throbbing no to the overabundance of adrenalin surgingthroughit This time it was the bloodshot head which was raised in the listening position Silence Utter and complete Its probably the house settling down for quiet night we offered But no There was more sound and this time much more ominous and closer The stairs were creaking Now we know that when bears climb stairs they the bears tend to wheeze But whatever was creeping up those 14 steps to our love nestwasnt wheezing We jumped up and stumbled over an empty clothes basket to the bedroom door As we looked up frorn the floor we met the wide eyes of our intruder It was Our Youngest She stood there shivering from the night air in nightgown Shed been sleeping in tent with her girl friend both 11yearsold had become scared and decided to come home the hard way through the laundry room window Didnt wanna waken you she said We pounded the floor with our bare fists Canadas story Separatism is not new By BOB BOWMAN Quebec appears to be Canadas most separatist province but there have been similar movements elsewhere Since Confederation there have been separatist movements in British Columbia Manitoba and twice in Nova Scotia British Columbia threatened to secede from Canada in 1374 when building of the promised transcontinental railway was dcltrycd In this there as so much dissatisfaction in Mnnitobtr that it Farmers Protective Union was lormtd to try to get better deal from Ottawa number of its members were in la vor of scctding from Canada and joining the United States The movement collapsed be cause of their extreme views Nova Scotia had two separatist movemen ls perhaps stronger than that in Quebec to day Joseph Howe was responsible for the first antl the legislature passed an address to the Queen in March 1868 asking that Nova Scotia be allowed to seced On June Colonial Secretary the Duke of Buckingham notified Nova Scotia that permission had been refused by the British government Joseph Howe then doublecrossed his colleagues and joined Sir John Mac donalds Conservative government in 0t tawa The next secession movement in Nova Scotia was in 1886 when WS Fielding used the issue to lead the Liberals to victory in provincial election However he did nothing more aboit it after he became premier although there was no doubt that most of the people were in favor bible thought Behold ye among the heathen and regard and wonder marvellously for will work work in your days which ye will not believe though it be told you Habakkuk 15 Could this be the generation that is to see the greatest miracles before the Master returns Believe big He is Almighty Is thtre anything too hard for Me Please the Lord surprise your family and do yourself big favor attend the services in your church and pray for Gods servant Ilaolaatrr III