Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 4 Jun 1977, p. 23

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19 auction sales 19 auction sale PUBLIC AUCTION TUES JUNE 10 AM MOUNT FOREST ONT JUNCTION OF HIGHWAYS 89 8i COMPLETE DISPERSAL OF MACLELLAN CONST ROY ROZELL GRADING CRAWLER TRACTORS Cat DBH 46A wSS tilt 64 Cat 07E 47A Cat 08 14A 68 Cat D40 22C pshilt wS dozer tilt Cat on 7U hyd MOTOR GRADERS 67 Wabco 666 67 Wabco 6608s Wabcn 440 cw wings plows Wabco 610 AC 802 CRAWLER CRANES Linkbelt LSIOB long wide BE 228 BE 158 HVD HOES 75 Liebherr 925s cw 75 Vulcan Tree Shears CONCRETE EQUIPMENT 68 Bidwell Bridge Deck Finisher Rex 16$ Mixers Bins 31ydCoric buckets TANDEM TRACTORS 71 GMC 9500 69 MaCk R600 Mack B61 Mack 860 DUMP TRUCKS lHC 1800 SA Ford 750 PICKUPS 75 GMC 25 75 Chev10 73 GMC 25 73 GMC Crewcab 70 Ford 100 CARS 74 Olds 98 74 Ford arquis 74 Malibu Classic 73 Tliunderpird 73 Marc Marquis 71 Ford Wagon SERVICE Gt FUEL 68 lHC IBOOgaI Fuel 70 Ford F500 Service Truck FLOATS TRAILERS VANS King 35ton Float new 56 King 35ton 72 Highway 45 Stake 34 Tan Van 30 SA Storage Vans Mobile Homes New 9ton TagA Longs PILE DRIVING EQUIPMENT Delmag 012 Drop Harrc mer Leads 30 to 60 MISC EQUIPMENT Farm tractors Port Coller Dam Gravel Spreader 75 Onan l2 Kw Gen Sets Clam Drag Buckets Lincoln Welders Rock Splitters OxyAcet Torches Pumps Jack Hammers Drills Grinders Weymouth 22 Boat Sheepstoot Tools Etc BUILDING MAT Approx 600 sheets at V4 plywood Large Quan ol 2x4 2x6 2x8 2x10 4x4 to 12x12 Timbers Large Quan of Beams Rebar Plate Angle EtcTERMS Cash Certified Cheque or Letter of Credit from your Bank5ALE SITE PHONE 519 3232301 the examiner Saturday Jungs 1977 23 exaier patterns 39 aIllI Sash Into This Super Planters Flattering Printed Pattern Ilt VIIIIIr FOR FREE PICTORIAL BROCHURE WRITE 282 BELFIELD RD REXDALE ONT M9W 1H5 PHONE 4166751735 TELEX 06968735 IX Bringing joy to design SPEC Al CES Decorate cleverly on bud Death Notices Engagements Births $550 getwith novem planters Architecluw graduate Joseph Silwmmn fight plays the Carleton Umversrty chuckle at the uiinemitys 65th con maxlmum 40 words additional words locems er word clown wear sip Dim Sulis ca while 0mm vocation ceremony in Ottawa this week Silverman says he saVei Savei save EVe be Top pants sklrts With this wants to uta little ovin architecture Photo Card of thanks 40 words $550 ginner can crochet shellstitch this easy wrap jacket Additional wordlecents per word and leafdesign hanging plant Sashed and sleeveless In Memoriamnoverse $550 ers Use heavy 8cord or bed newest way for jacket to no HIM Verse per count line extra 22 cents per line Corning Events 81 births 88 coming events $322 per column inch Mondays Child is lair of lace Tuesdays Child islull of grace Wednesdays Child islull olwoe Thursdays Child has far to go Fridays Child is loving and giving Saturdays Child works hard for its living And child that is born on the San bath Day Is lair and wise and good and gay Children hearing this verse by Counter Cullen always want to know which day of the week was their birth date Keep this and other important information for your childs future An Examiner Birth Announcement will include the name of your child the day of the week month and year of birth the weight and other vital information printed message can become permanent record in Dabys Book or Family Albums The rate for an Examiner Birth Notice is only $550 maximum 40 words Addi tional words 10 cents per word HORSE SlTOW Sunday June 12 10 am Windy Haugh Farm Shanty Bay All entries welcome 7260192 UTOPIA SPRING FLING Utopia Community Centre Friday June 10 1977 Dancing 91 to the Hepburns $7 per couple Buffet and Prizes 83 engagements SUTTON United Church PHONE 7282414 Jul as LEVISON Mr and Mrs Alfred Sutton of Midhurst wish to an nounce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter Joy to David Levison son of Mr and Mrs Joseph Levison of Shanty Bay Ceremony to take place 8pm Saturday June 11 at pm in Midhurst Branch 147 IS deaths BROWNINGF Mabel Gertrude at Scar borough General Hospital on Thursday June 1977 Mabel Gertrude Miller beloved wife of the late Walter Browning in her 87th year Dear mother of Edna Mrs George Green of Barrie Mar iorie Mrs Clill Bricker Keith Eric and Morley all of Toronto Eileen Mrs Ken Dawsonl Orangeville Cecil at Georgetown Lylle of Newmarket Rus sell of Newfoundland Predeceased by one son Ross of Barrie Loved grand mother ol grandchildren and 15 great grandchildren Sister of Mrs Bertha Mandley Barrie Friends may call at Steckley Funeral Home 30 Worsley St Barrie alter Saturday until Mon day noon Funeral service at St Pauls Anglican Church Painswick on Monday June at pm Interment St Pauls Cemetery PRIESTJohn Albert at General and Marine Hospital Collingwood on Fri day June 1977 John Albert Priest in his 80th year beloved husband ol Mary Waples dear lather of Melville Delbert and Verle all at Minesmq Shirley Mrs Mac Watson and Pat Mrs Ron Mc Auley both of Elmvale survwcd by 18 grandchildren and great grandchil dren Friends may call at Steckley Funeral Home 10 Worsley St Barrie after pm Sunday Sermon in the chapel on Monday June 6th at mo in Interment Minesing Cemetery WALKER Eva al the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Thurs June 71971 Eva Walker beloved Will of Kenneth loving mother of Margaret Carter and Leonard Dear grandmother ol Lynda Losier Caron Proano Debbie and Rnori da Resting at the chapel ol Washington and Johnston III Queen St East BroadView Toronto SerVice in the chapel Monday at 30 pm Interment Highland Memory Gardens Scar borough GRAHAM William at the Royal Vic loria Hospital Barrie on Thurs June 1977 William Graham in his 78th year beloved husband of Alice Graham of Oro Station loving lather of Gordon ol Waterloo Dear brother of Nellie ol Scotland Resting at tho Jennetl Funeral Homc152 Bradlord St Barrio Serwcr and committal complete in thechaprI on Saturday June at Interment West Oro Baptist Church Cemetery TAYLOR Suddenly at hs rSldLIICC 684 Peel St Delhi on Thursday JUflt 197 Ned TayIOr in his 29th year beloved husband of Maurice Pando dear lather of Mrs Brian Eleanore Honey ol Barrie dear brother of Mrs Jenn Murdy Mrs AIICP Black and Mrs Margaret Abbott of London also surViv ed by granddaughters resting it the Dalton Shine Funeral Home in Delhi un til Monday at noon theme to Delhi United Church for service at rn vvitii Reverend Gordon Williams oilirititingu intermentAylmcrcemcliiry JOHNSON Winnilred Dolores at Toronto General Hospital on Friday June 1977 Winnilred Dolores Post belovedWile oflhelatoJohnC Johnson in herolst year Dear mother of Marilyn Mrs Neil Rolland Orillm grand mother at Michael Lisa and JrICQUKIlnt Daughter of Mrs Vera Post Ottawa and the late Melville Post FVIIDQ may call at Steckley Funeral Home 30 Worsley Street Barrle alter rn Sun day Funeral Mass at St Marys Church Barrieon Tuesaay June 7at It in In torment Barrie Union Cemetery ARNOLD Funeral Home Chapel 127 BAYFIELD ST 7282530 Friendly Courteous Senice MWFTF WATSON Charles Gordon In loving memory or dear husband and father who passed away June 41975 God took him home it was his Will But in our heart we love him still His memory is as dear today As in the hour he passed away We olten sit and think ol mm When we are all alone For memory is the only friend Thatgriel can call IIS own Always remembered and sadly IlSSLd by loving Wile EISie arid lamin WILSON Maude In loving mOIYIOry of dear mother and grandmother who passed away June 41977 Treasured thoughts ol one so dear Often bring Sllefll tear Thoughts return to scenes long past Years roll on but memories last Sadly missed by daughter LUIIIt son in law Kenneth and grandson Gar St Vincent St and Cundles Rd JACKPOT $500 CONSOLATION $100 The Family of Murray and Audrey Lougheed formerly of Churchill would like to invite former friends and neighbors to ioin in celebrating their parents 25th Wedding Anniversary Open House at their home in Drayton located on corner of Edward and Spring Sls on Sun doy June 12 1977 from 24 pm Best wishes only please JuA St Georges Anglican Church Utopia Ont Annual Strawberry Supper Utopia Community Centre Wednesday June 15th 530 pm pm Adults $350 Children 612 years $150 JUA8II14 TWHICH DAY IS BEST MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Advertisers frequently ask this question Fortunately there is no best day to advertise Each day new wants arise bringing new readers as old ones satisfy their wants We recommend that you start your ad tomorrow and cancel it when you get results After many years of ex perience with millions of want ads we know tomorrow is the best day to start your ad and every day is the best day to ad vertise in The Examiner Classified Section PHONE 7282414 NOTlCt deadline for classified word ads previous day noon Saturday spread cotton Pattern 7014 easytofollow directions $125 for each pattern cash cheque or money order Add 25¢ each pattern for first class mail and handling Send to Alice Brooks Needlecraft Dept The Barrie Examiner 60 Progress Avenue Scar borough Ontario M1 4P7 Qnt residents add 9d sales tax Print plain ly Pattern Number Your Name Address Valuell225 designs to choose from in NEW 1977 NEEDLE CRAFT CATALOG free pat terns in5ide Send 75¢ now Stitch Patch Quilts $125 Crochet with Squares $100 Crochet Wardrobe $100 Nifty Fifty Quilts $100 Ripple Crochet $100 Sew Knit Book $125 Flower Crochet Book $100 Hairpin Crochet Book $100 Instant Crochet Book $100 Instant Macrame Book 5100 Instant Money Book 5100 Complete Afghans 14 $100 Easy Art of Needlepoint $100 Complete Gilt Book $100 Book ol16 Quilts ll1 60d Museum Quilt Book 60d 15 Quilts for Today 60¢ Book of 16 Jilly Hugs 60d 12 Prize Afghans 12 60¢ Get into party moodany hem of the day or 8VET1ll1gli1 this smoothly Curved lumpsuit Its dynamite in white Crepe casual Ill knit denim Printed Pattern 4562 Misses Sizes l0 1214 16 18 20 Size 12 bust 34 lakes 12 yards 60 inch fabric $125 for each pattern cash cheque 0i money order Add 25¢ each pattern for first class mail and handling on residents add 9d sales lax Print plainly Size Style Num ber your Name Address Send to Anne Adams Pattern Dent lhe Barrie Examiner 60 Progress Avenue Scar borough Ontario M1P4ll ANSWER to inllalion sew and save tIiaiiiatic flOllalS Send for NEWSPRING SUMMIRPAIIIRN CATALOG Clip coupon for her patternl Separates lumpsurts day evening dresses Send 75¢ Instant Sewing Book $100 Sew Knit Book $125 Instant Money Crafts 8100 Instant Fashion Book $100 Army newspaper goes indepth FT WAINWRIGIIT Alaska API 777 Along with its spitvand polish GI stories the brash and breezy Yukon Sentinel wach with abandon into subjects sol dom found in an army news paper The Ft Wainwright weekly has delved in depth into wife swapping at this army post in Alaskas interior teenage drinking drugs rape and alco holism among the troops It has also focused issues on contraceptives suicide military unions and iirtsporr sible intimacy among men and women soldiers Robert Konicki the pa pers editor says he and his staff of three military writers try to tackle subjects of real importance to the soldiers here things that affect their every day lives Konicki staff sergeant gives great measure of credit for the letway the paper has in its choice of subject matter to 01 John It Black the posl commander Konicki quotes Black as once telling him dont care what you print aslong asilslhetruth Konicki says some of the pa pcrs articles have caught flak from all over He remembers particularly an issue devoted to alcoholism among the troops al Ft Wainwright adjacent to Fairbanks TOOK tNSIIEItIIIS The papers staffers look on their SllptlllHS in that one Officers and Ns on this installation are responsible for the health and safety of their men The Sentinel said Is this responsibility being lischargtd properly Or are people getting killed because no one in position of responsi bility took the lllllt to insure they received adequate care for an often fatal condition alcoholism In the past few weeks there has been dramatic increase in the number and seriousness of alcoholrelated incidents on Fl WainwrightAnd in far on many cases the NlOs and offi cers who could have done some thing to prevent or reduce tragedy rlil nothing Says Konicki We really caught it from the unit om mundch and the NtOs on that one They said Wcrt not kill crs But 01 Blacks response was dont give damn An ger can channel but apathy cant do damned thing about Konicki says Black told staff meeting that hed get rid of any officer who took an apa thetic attitude toward alcohol ism In another issue The Sentinel zeroed in on drinking among teenage dependents at the post In an article on wifeswapp ingThc Sentinel said it had found that wifeswapping ex ists on Ft Wainwright but to what extent is questionable Included was an interview with four couples whose names were not uSed who ad mitted to wifeswapping look Crochet of worsted in colorswork broomstick lace over cardboard or ruler Pat tern 7430 Sizes 818 included $100 for each pattern cash cheque or money order Add 15¢ each pattern for first class mail and handling Send to Alice Brooks Needlecraft Dept The Barrie Examiner 60 Progress Avenue Scar borough Untario Mll 4P7 Ont residents add 7¢ sales tax Print plain ly Pattern Number Your Name Address More than ever before 200 de signs plus tree printed in side NEW I976 Needlecraft Cal alogue Has everything 75 Crochet with Squares $100 Crochet Wardrohe $100 Nifty Fifty Quilts 6100 Ripple Crochet $100 Sew Knit Book $125 Flower Crochet Book $100 Hairpin Crochet Book $100 Instant Crochet Book $100 Instant Macrame Book $100 Instant Money Book $100 Complete Afghans 14 $100 Easy Art of Needlepoint $100 Complete Gift Book $100 Book of 16 Quilts 60¢ Museum Quilt Book 60¢ 15 Quilts for Today £3 60¢ Book of 16 liffy Rugs 60¢ 12 Prize Afghans 12 60¢ Drinkers bewa re MADISON WIS AP Gin and tonic drinkers beware the quinine in the drink may cause bleeding disorders says Dr Eric Eisner an assistant pro lessor 0f mtxlicinc at the Uni versity of Wisconsin Eisner said some people form sudden allergic reaction to quinine chemical found in tonic water Symptoms include red spots and bruises on the skin and sometimes bleeding from the nose mouth or urinary tract Besides quinine variety of other drugs including antibiot ics antihistamines and pain re lievers can cause allergic reac tions Eisner said In severe cases the bleeding may cause strokes he said Pottery success is snowbolling KPIMBLPZ Ont CPI Ste vcn Irvine 24yearold potter wants only to be able to work at his art and make living But his popularity as one of On tarios most dependable and in novative pottch might in terfere with his modesl am bilion Irvines work is sold in eight stores in southern Ontario and he gets more orders than he can fill His enterprise turns out 200 to 300 piccos of pottery each monlh wanted to do something that would allow me to live in the country be totally inda pendent and make my own de cisions Irvine said This he has achieved He has kiln next to his homo and studio in an old church near Georgian Bay Born in Burlington Ont Ir vinv started making pottery at 16 at 17 he was selling his work to pay his way through school After high school he studied glassblowing and pottery at Sheridan College School of Design Many storeowners are so con fident of the quality of his craf tsmanship that they have bought truck loads of pottery without examining it WONT SELL FLAWEI ART Workmanship and design are the most important things for Irvine In the corner of his stu dio are six stoneware pots with insignificant flaws which dont effect their functional use Ir vine wont consider selling them He has done painling and glassblowing but he never tires of working with clay The beauty of clay is that you touch it and it responds im mediatcly At one point he said he was trying to decide between pol lery and glassblowing He gave up glassblowing because of the high cost of keeping propane glass tank running con tinuously llis kiln is working about 24 hours each monlh He said about 20 different fac ets are involved in p0ltcrydc signing formulating the glazes managing the kiln marketing public relations with store owners masonry and more One week he will throw pots the next hell glaze load them in truck and drive to south western Ontario stores Continually experimenting with new glazes and ap proaches to his work Irvine has developed distinctive style Lately he has been ex perimenting with Celtic designs primarily in the Celtic knot One large storage Jar combines both modern geometric designs of the mathematician Penrosc and the ancient cllic knot While most of Irvines pottery is functionalmugs bowls teapots and bases which sell for $4 to £3lrhe also does sculp tured more elaborate pieces selling for up to $200 GEORGE McCAGUE THINKS THE PC GOVERNMENT IS ON THE RIGHT TRACK Let us not be in any way eager to alter system of government which has given Ontario standard of living second to no other country in the world Address tothe Dutferin Simcoe PC Association Slayner October 1976 PRESERVING FARMLAND While some believe the answer lies in total supply management the PC government wants to let farmers operate with the traditional incentives and freedoms which have raised production per acre to todays high standards HEALTH AND SAFETY AT WORK In the Throne Speech in April the PC Government made commitment to broad legislation concerning health and safety at work believing that every worker is en titled to protection from health hazards on the lab SENIOR CITIZEN SECURITY The PC Government has made commitment to reduce municipal taxation for senior citizens and assist older persons who wish to continue living within their own comr munity GOOD CHOICE FOR YOURSELF AND ONTARIO REELECT Your Progressive Conservative Candidate PCVDufferinSimcoe

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