Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 4 Jun 1977, p. 22

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hell mod the examiner Saturday June 1977 Alcan Smelters and Chemicals Ltd 68 personals 11 ltelp wanted 71 help wanted ALL THE HELP YOU NEED RIGHT HERE Daily Business Directory To $550 per hour PARCEL DELIVERY DRIVERS female male Neat aggressive responsible 21 years and over Day hours Division of Aluminum Company of Canada Ltd Requires th ads below The advertisers Monday Friday Excellent company paid benefits Uniforms and Need help IUSI noohesvieéw eond Wm assure You he WELDER POTREPAIR $730 per hour vehicle provided Advancement opportunity listed are eXPe MILLWRGHTS $909 per hour Apply Monday pm to4 pm 99 I°b 9°55be MACHINIST $909 per hour limmd THE JOB I5 Tiffitl St Barrie out is in one of the worlds largest aluminum smelters Candidates will ALUMINUM CW0 mm THE CANDIDATE pRODUCTION CONTROL RESIDENTIAL FENCING Chain link custom IllSDALE DECORATING Interior ex no Welders should have at least two ears ex tence and have od fences lm rave your property 737 P9i MW IOXWIOd WGIIS ff by ex 537 and ceilin sTeephone 7058355397 local DPW ticket or equivalent Millwrights and Machinists must have ISFIIOII new lo 905 I°II or am Ious In Storm Win OWS remove VIENNA PAINTING and Decorating Reg In imer rovincial odes almcafions or he abim ass pertenced In production control Opportunity to face new Do and cleaned grim andFExterlorWallpaP¢r and tinefabric comppanyt ad examiia challenges in on General lawn care clean °nqIIgEI 733IIIIII4Imm summed work as I0 PLEASE SEND RESUME To WAgnhgg 77 Should not the Davis Charer THE BENEFITS PERSONNEL DEPT 0Chain Link Gal or Vinyl UP ODd spring ferttltzmg PAVING really be inscribed on tablets of include medical dental sickness and injury retirement and life Authoring Mr Regulalion Pool Fence Garages and basements stone assurance plans as well as relocation assistance for family and per BARRIE 7265609 0Wood or Metal Privacy Cleaned See Globe M0 P099 MOY 5°° elfects 174 West Street wmugm on Refuse removed 23rd KITIMAT ORILLIA Ontario L3V 6L4 GEORGIAN l5 qu SI is located 400 air miles north of Vancouver on the tip of beautiful 144 BUILDING Do It yourself or DRIVEWAYS Assocmwn salt water fiord is thriving friendly community of 13500 with Plenum PARKNG LOTS wide variety of churches clubs and recreational facilities has PIUIBSSIOIIaIly CONCRETE WORK modern wellequipped hospital good elementary and secondary Imus1 have at least ear installed ALL WORKG 7I Ilelp wanted schools and convenient shopping LEISURE ACTIVITIES which in expenence In 0° so 95 Siding Eavesrough no mucx ramming cnmamryl UARANTEED clude camping hiking salt and fresh water fishing organized spor Apply To wooIWGTIII 50 Windows for free £5me Eggelrcélanltpygiigs No iob too FREE ESTIMATES ts yearround swimming in beautiful indoor pool crosscountry Personnel Dept Fada Doors skiing and downhill skiing nearby are ideal for the outdoors per 5676 Bayfleld Sh Barrie Shutters Awnings 0M IMPROVEMENTS 30998518 Son Jul234o INTERESTED SWING INTO SPRING as on please write giving full details of experience and qualifications to Additionsfioofing INTERIOR REMODELLING Kitchens rec roams Call Russ 43636 after 630 pm Porch EnclosuresStonework References available AVON REPRESENTATIVE Great TV For free estimae 50 MORE living spaced rec éaom extra DnvellgeynisCrng LOIS time To SIOII earning money in CalPltlLSPulllNG is DAVIS ntt NEWMARKET waliiXiséhifiiiE°33iipr¥rb3rr31 2332 Concrete Work Y° pm me 5° AVON vIthltlgnRI mp oyTem Deponmem PIO Box min Kmmm BC W99 imemmmm c°mp°ny Is SIMS °I °penIngs Y° °I°° 66901 Boll nite906 FREE ESTIMAT Jewelry and daily needs as ease re er to No 77131290 in your rep Managers and pamfime soles Sm needed Localpam Business 565 Rfingif°mpmgcb°fzfxz ES we 05 00 worldfamous line of IQ46 Excellent commission and hostess plan Over 500 pieces of and patgas aluminum dogorlhe nIimber far oronIee cosmeIIcs rIgIII III Your own beouIIIIII COSIUIIIe leweIIerY In our fiurmun vymoohwsvlfowi sidingbsom ed all your needs 7288906 neighbourhood and Simcoe SAMPLESSUPPLIED NO INVESTMENT OR DELIVERY sc an roug co ours year SPECIALIZING IN Earantee 4246073 Baffle waterproofing brickIacnd Serving Simcoe County TELEPHONE RI BOOTH 4I 64296I60 OR APPLY TO BOX U47 THE EXAMINER onteed 7262609 7269002 County Ill train you Call 7289652 or write ill at Selishclion Allrays MRTHERN ALUMINUM Products Soffit claws and expansion ioints Work guaron 17 Fascia Siding Trough All colors Guam teed4589346 or years Ju3 it it CONSTRUCTION datians renovations Idsdeitirghsslrg PIOLIIIL 485 pAR ME pHOTOGRApHIC work ae2955oriao4irsoiire RfJl GATES 82 Dunlop Em comm ROYAL VICTORlA with new born babieswiihin hospital No ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd authorized sales RENOVATIOst BASEMENTS dug block and homing WP Wa od muny sin RRIE onl Eigeraiienlcrealieddérwti Box U49 The °° °°7°°° 160 Bradford street Yfgo2fa L9 mam377° FSTF Experienced licenced auto mechanic exmmeuceocook reouiréuappu AUTO REPAIRS er ABBEYWOOD HOUSEKEEPER Ma 3W 55 reqUIred WE REPAIR British European and Japanese gglgrdatfltsrac In9cj 223 CUSTOM PICTURE FRAMING AppIICOIlons In erIIng SIOIIng ullCom on ft nggj$7°°° MW Qualify chain ink fence tionsFaxCantracling726I7IO RETAILCOMMERClAL PARKER REQUIRES Is I8II ASSISIanI Manager NORTHERN CARPENTRY Decks rec rooms CHARGEX MASTERCHARGE Experienced Lathe Operators IICENCED MKIIMI dd genIaI poIs supplies OI lower prices renovations extensions etc etc Guar Norm Bay company has an Opening lude res onsibilit ll MY I°I °d°°d °I Beautiful Geor tan Ba area Inc tor bright aggreSSIVe indivmuat took Do it yourself or we Install 5°21ZZ°° 737 0832 to II ceaniness of his LugosiesssltszrazRimes as rpe re AUTO PARTS It For free eflimmes call we plumbmg 99mm oin°rizr See our ad in the Yellow Pages Amadive wages and benefits ORILLIA SQUARE ORILLIA 32 bed hospital and the mit your resume to Box ms The Ex P°IIIII9 ReInsII9IIIIIIII°726m ARTIFRAM Custom picture framingme Tele hone 59 3766082 management of staff of 0p ammer do be WE DO IT gliegwivolflrfilssm My27 PIOXimIIelv 40 ANSWER TH Is ADI PETIT MARINE oesscries rebuilt zgnin EylottnMoto Super Pointn PLUMBING Juz APPIY I° If youre one at the many who know that Iy m59IISatti4 DISC JOCK The Administrator what you geldout oi we is wiat yqu put in Tea on see con ident MInor RePOIrs 15gonforzgfmgffiuzag22d02235 R°Y°I VICIOTIO HOSPIOII busingsf people with aAprovenTtrackl recor re r859 FRIENDS cum runny to barium MEI BY DOCks InSIOIIed Egalvggorts ceramic tile Bilaita 86 RTSSSIreeI Association Ian this age YUOSIII bersdifr weddings private parties Food and banquet OCoflgge work specialty 47 gv OTIIe IIICIIIO ownboss IICMCIMr Marshall 7283865 LAN 164 You ll be paid according to per DISC Jockey Free Estimates tormance The more business you do the Co and Roofing New Asphon shingles JU4 more you take home Qualifiers will be FUR MARTIN 92 ISCO 0r Repairs guaranteed quality work ang9315amaephneglélyuggorgilplg who he Barf 25fsrm gays Weddings Dances Banquets Reasonable i4l6B957533colect TI were me You know you nape wha special prices MonFri AND ROOFING New and old RepOirs Iakes DUI IUSI need me chance to prove III °5IIIII°I°5 3224891 I969m If it we dare you to answer this ad Write you won OWOI take the dare Attention Mr sB 4743 Tel hw It STEWART INCOME TAX returns prepared Angus Bar approxmaIer hrs daIy snyoeurld his you lifcrlrllge reIeIJesnIcNesyan ohmno DRESSMAKING °°° 9°55 4590 aim days week your phone number 77 WW announces th up 393de ed ll Fl no Saturdays or Holidays rsAlfrglllhe tvpist forkFOWgIQYILfIIICe eo re urns re at ours wee or NEW GRAVfétszrgo mailiigfinll 232 13 AfIflNO business farm and horse lelchelch £2 foo Ing or IIOId VOIId drwers IIcence homemaker wanting suhplemlentary in th lionsJQ EugeniIZOSt Phonegétbgogg ng 59 7257771 Gravel over2l yrs of age come Those needing tulltime work be ONC OF 0R0 TWP Dawn Hosanna New and Repairs Requrred for the Terrace Bay Pulp Mill expansron of KimberlyClark of pass medical ghggédnnotoaqnggya Slegsleyphone minor eee urc Zfiisfifimes MOT DRYWALL Eavestroughing Canada Ltd at Terrace Bay Ontario Within the period May to Sep Then we want YOUII MATUfiE PERSON required lor pari on taping resi entta own are or en oration time ice duties experience pre er ORILLIA 32547n Rimming °b °° retooling nangrien °7e°°I Iembe C° Mrs we AVEfiOUGHlié TW Cedar Hedges Fertilizing eSI enIIa Terrace Bay town of approximately 2000 population Is located on the TransCanada STOCk BTOIheFS hisslesrfl Ems CARPENTI Mowing And pom Repair For estimates coll Highway on the shore of Lake Superior three hours travelling east of the air line ter School Bus Lines vrege Pgv GRAHAM EAVESTROUGHING minal at Thunder Ba EXPANDING CANADIAN Oil Company 102 Irficcmc°ggfizfghmmznjog troughing installed Call 7286628 FREE ESTIMATES needs dependable person who can work man 737 507 fifimvmabgfiihzspeass Wig 77 Travel cost reimbursement may be available to qualified tradesmen through Canada TF without supervision Earn $14000 per CARPENYEK spmalimg in mom in gfilug andvrooftng repairs Free estimates SAND GRAVEL Manpower We prayide accommodation In single rooms Each complex has lounge ESSLnEIéZrIiéIUWe fiwil°le ggtztBsremfdeléing trim etc Please call jILI95°EJirl6 II 10 DEGan SAND and Glam PM on with color television and automatic laundry room Excellent incamp recreational ATTRACTVE ALERT Dick Pres Southwestern Petroleum mm 1815 ELECTRICAL Crushed stone mason Laird Illl Open 20 facilities including licensed lounge poolroom gymnasium and well equipped workshop Brampmn onI charts vanities Pine furniture renovations 30 PIIOPII 55 Swine days III 300 in Our prices are not up for hobbyists etc In addition the area boasts excellent hunting and fishing as well as WOMEN AND MEN 76empI9Ymem wameu PETER GAMBLE Electric Commercial deanups pruning lawr and garden 3222390 durations Dom5lli CommeCIUIv 775 Residential Industrial Installations and set maintenance Ian scoping soddtrig Free golf course WI II CI RE NTON CONST UCTION Lfd 2948 vice 7264996 estimates no 4536 SEWING MACHINES general contracting and re rcwg pairsprotes ucmcso CARPENTER Customhames SIM WDENHANDSCAPERS Wadowmmm SALES SERVICE Accommodation and meals provrded FREE Or subsistence allowance In accordance wrth refinement to sell on an unique sional decoramg and Minismng mogul MOIONO 90 SGMIOUIO mowing lemming lean ups pumymg AWVMW unon agreemenls program CanVOSSmQ POT specialty 500 to arrive in Barrie Call figfi92flgggns lndusyrial Commerciai genLed amenable mm 436 I790 allo SEW EASY Service culls lrain Qualified Journeyman Tradesmen must obtain travel cards from their union locals who 95 COSmEIIC5 CC modmesfiflgioiflmélflé1771 ReSIdenImI Farms LANDSCAPING GARDENING and rut iIiIIiJIrIIIIIIaf flimudfidifiilfi have been made More °I 50 needs Y°UI I°C°I C°n°d° M°np°wer °IIIC° has OIS° necessary we am You For 78 Ienders CONSTRUCLISN licehnced carpenters Lighfing design Could rates 35 as call or no lbfiu 737 roar been advised and will provide information on Travel Grants Employment will be with OPPOIntment call Gwen Mac or ween an mm 0985 Elecmcal consumng lAWNPEARE SNOWPLOWING OTTFITOCIOTS novlv working at the sitecj WagesTper union agreemenltsbland 40hour week PherSO 728 897 on Vihimi vw 20 experience PAULS SNOWNOWWG Immanuel and ocjasto over ime not man cry ese pOSItions over equally to both CIIY MOSIGTS LIC la FEETllfillng WEED spraying mowing hedge omtnercial reasonable rates free estt Inen on onnen JUI 2r4 Ifi III on ru lrtmmitn Also rough mowing InatescalPaul 73773064 Stairs Trim 7288234 IEI1g7°77°° WRIGHTS SNOWPLOWING Small Coinmar FUILTeé InIormOIIor hon recreaIIonaI opporIumIles In Ihe area are 2ND CLASS °ogaffi3 TTTATTTT LAWN ur quick se do and bi av Work Guaranteed it PARRt ELECTRICAL swim JAE 3533 oepoiidariJ°iiJirii Wes WII9 I° ENGINEER undusirioi 7°7° stucco BOX I200 to operate PUBLIC WORKS ommerCIa MASONRY Tenders Will be received In the 26 Farm ReSIdenImI RUSSEII IEXIURE SPRAY Exterior stucco WT b°IIer5 envelopes supplied until 200 ng hygiwwflmmwfl Eecmc Heat MASONRY block and brick fireplaces WWW Ilwad walls and Ollmgs Free wafer SOerners pm EDST Monday June No ob too small Rogonab als estimates Dale Russell Mldhurst telephone CARPET CLEANING ryersRonges 37713357 gt 7294392 7W and do maintenance on same 13th I977 at the office of the sun You Wing home my Roo DetClng STAN KNICELV MASONRY Brick block IYPING Shift work City Clerk City Hall 84 Collier Re Italize your carpets with Al carpet steam Id WOII FIWIK PGEIUIY clevamng 726A632I I949 III IIImOIRI795V75jI9 TYPING Let me do Ihase limeconsuming canadIan MISI DISIIIIerS SIzleeII Borne onIorIo Ior Ihe ii SIMCOE MASONRYaIterat Ir my min clump 723 contracting roioonuu 1372°IL 13 cIZIIiAiIc3AiIri°ooI¢3°d c°9w°°d om CONTRAQCT 779 SURFACE 5pm Awning 085C9 09999d917 PII°IIe C°IIe°I TREATMENT AIYLIVIIGIOOM MICROWAVE OVENS WIII DIGGIIIII I705 54690 CONTRACT 7717 CATCH BASIN $19 95 33i£9330IfganIii°V°lZZaJ3°°°E MI Ah LemaIIe CLEANING WOT UphefltlryblyCIelted 9mm abuse 43612579 DELL MICROWAVE LONE STAR MWBIJU CONTRACT Window Cleaning WEST GROVE Sorvices wfll 055 7I SLUDGE WollWahlng Amana Litton Pan DISPOSAL Siding Cleaned CONSTRUCTION Hito Rb Sosomci STROUD Lowest or any tender not Champlain Maintenance Backhoe Eva 05 anyo LASS jA mechanic required for necessarily accepted Service ltd currenching Sales Amana Sanyo HomesAézftdgszEEmflljndustry gfIiglrITIIIrImeI modulian anleEIRlIgi STRAUGHANI Phone 7265437 Horizontal Augering I00 Year wanonly gpgflmIng °MI°I° III rrvice manauer city Clerk on Amana 99 rem orce concretelile RGANIST and choir director required my Ho 8I th or St Giles Anglican Church Apply in CAIq Save up to 75 on Hydro D°23ff tiling to the Church Wardens 95 Cook 84 Colller Street WALL to WALL Installulton carpet and vlflyl 80 Barrio Barrie Ontario fully guaranteed teasanvablerrate 4584432 days XPERIENCED MECHANIC Ior Iarm LAM 4T5 grONEwopK and wince 600 qupmeuI dealership Preferably class CERAMICS Mm 728 MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT wm mm mini with arming May I977 WINTERICKS CERAMICS Floor and wall tiling RimACES Cuilom IIIIll and designed WARREN BROWN Music for people who mcIIgrourIIItdanXIJflIlI Io GIIIen Farm My27JUI and poulnbgzw Specialtung In natural stone and antique Iiketo danceGoad rates7289545 GIIIOITS Water mme Wm brick All workmanship guaranteed Peter ANIST AvAILABLE ICENISED ELECTEICIOAN or re reSI en COMMERCIAL ART 737 EONS DINNER PARTIES Call norms after we DIIIIIII9 Rimes Eclgglric Burkes Falls 755 comma ARTIST to mg 77 Farms Homes ggdevovli lt°v HARDWOOD dFLOOR lnstallalton and MTRUUIONS COIIOQGS ISJJCISKUQESGJIETS Isrtgsiltaysseh DmECT PHONE ieltnishtngol and new guaranteed not to GUHAR LESS NS It In nnl Telephone Mr Lloyd 435 CONCRETE Mom ms is rm8ilmfliflisi°°° FREE ESTIMATES iii Airsion 7232414 MANIERI PAVING fiuEQILMAIIm PAINTING I0 Years experence Live Housekeeper om waud armrmc requires maure Classified advertisements and notlces fqr IVC in housekeeper at summer home in P°9°5 id dow mots pognr starting mid June to ecedlng publication with the exception ob ct cplombcr Light duties drivers tulfled Display advertisements which icvnce required Non smoker Tete must be In by pm two days prior to hone Mrs England tor appointment publication VELLINGA PAINTING and decorating In lertot exterior Work guaranteed Establish Garuges cleaned dflOyears776 7725 7299002 WAYNE FOLEY Professional painters Ex IrcsII haUIed away tenor and Interior Free estimates Work Patios sidewalks steps curbs and garage floors ST VlNCENTDUCKWURTH AREA JUSI GIVE US guaranteed 7267389 521 CLAPPEFIIUNWELLINGIUN AREA 00 737 0307 aiRrHs ENGAGEMENTS Work Guaranteed DON SIESLING EN ED GROCERY MA YOUR cAsrorrs rn°g223mrr wmnow CLEANING THE EXAMINER EUGENIATHERESA AREA 55157 fin night Sweéfi fiagfflggfms Satisfacliurtguaranleed7766808 000 SfiIIVV WIm eXperIence AppIV III Additional wordlectx or word III 4875525 726344I PAINTING PAPER HANGING experienced ALLEN OTHERS Wd°w CI°°9 AW son to Fudd Food Highway II north CARD OF mANKS WW AM WsoiiIOammndsaopn India °° 7° 35224ifliafiiif° HAS ROUTE OPENINGS CUMBERLAND 3r Cfifeyzeofiggufiggtr pagqgggaaenxd iiiiwd Richardson Spring Service 726 8971 IN MEMORIAM NOTICES No verse $550 EXPERIENCED BARENDERI mus Withversepercounlllne22cenllperllne rave own transportation apply in per COMINGEvENls on to Naltawasnga Inn Highway 89 53229columntnch IIISlon Ontario wont MINIMUM ub OfinngboffiRfeiIgsnos F33 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Cash Discount SOPHIAOWEN AREA COOKSTOWN LISLE 54 service and repairs 59 tiltpersottale my bsémrsonals 7w WHY SUFFER lh Cnllousosj Rolielqholrv VOSISnSfraOrITI HYDRO LINES TELEPHONE LINEJ BEAUIY England Carnation Corn Caps have Der Heyden no emor 728 0521 ctflppplvglpald WilhlnzdavLQnOOTrgwo WATER Lths DRAINAGE thth been sold for over century with offcc IMMEDIATE work available Goad I°I Pi I° live results medicated pad that really 5965 Needed experienced wauboard °°°W 50 IIIgIIClOfI Rd does the lab Corn Caps or Callous Caps appucamrs and we Telephone IertIOn total 8618 Six cattlecutlve Inaar 1416775543evcnmgsv tlans 8V per word per Insertion total 9224 Multiple insertions may be ordered Mgflgegtr FJIUCIS Wilma rgmaugg sublect ta conceilotlon when satisfactory now avtilnltlo tit Cusrtoiis Shoppers Pom and Drug Mdrts and all drugrtists SPENCER TR ENCHING new INTERNMIONAL INVESTIGATION Please fill out the application below and return it to Services CIVIl criminal divorce 0H and have experierme wim results obtained Method of countlngfewer 9P one JnYIIme SUrvtillnntti DISLNll and confidential imilar work Apply to PO Box 130 I°7W°d°°2w°rdEflhmualr gt TRENCHING AND BACKFILLING JUQIQI 19 Amsmn om obbrevlatlondset of numbers etc count as om NOTIE WLILOITH to our New Lora REQUIRED Legal Secretary for car mI°w° UP T0 DEPTHS Dunlo Easy Quoms 00 St porate praCIice Experienced required ERRORSANDCORRECIDNS Tired Of 30mg FISMI SIG JCIIUIS Thank You TeI¢W°° 72 6637 All phone Insertion orders are accepted an or SINGERS looking for court CLASS Mechanic or IOUIlh Year 39 mnvenlence to the advertisers Therefore 207 KENNETH AVE DNE 726 07 In tryh and waster brICIL up groullli rentice needed imagedIatelcy 1210 toleyh Chum Adan ounmmm re oarsit in r0 micres at pm Sdavs Wee 005 00 our PAINSWICK ONT Mn 28 Want to do something about It can Paul All 2509 iIIur 30 ram pu5 commission Unatorm sup $3Ilnmdgha 71 Clear your debts this year and Weekdays Diled Teeplmc DOW°W FMI on in on any or unto my sanliving CANOEIST JImrswdnv10 lp at728 75Hor 737 3854 hrp°db°r9°mlnordr°umfl IIIIII sum NahII RV IU° me ectlfled the followl 67trUItSvegetables h0g9 Cg ANONYMOUS WE SHOW YOU How Teleptluni latter Name Sales career puLIIIroIiorI The ExarIIlner ll relpomllglegzyrh AL pan me MaIe or realme you can thud mwm ii SEED POTATOES for Didnhml Canada you drink thats your auSInoss It you and are able to work minimum Y° 0W4 Department at Agriculture certified want toniiil thatsours Crtll any IIflIl Box 29 Ewe gufiumyevenmgs week and Saurdaylodvertlument attd then onlyrto theextent of Concilla Frail Market llClnppertan SI UNWANYED HAIR mmwm J04 PICKCU up and delivered ttnIly $3 50 or equivalem can show you me Wayportion of ad that IrltvolvesJe mlitprlnt Err 85 ca 7753 permanently mIdICnIIy approved Lv Thy $55M III BIII III ImIIIIIIg IM to earn $5000 or much more year on WIIII I° II Igl °I II Wpersonas Hth Cprmuiit Elerliolouisl EXAMINER elephant458 9MB pan me basis Many sales incemlve ertleement are not or conga 73 767l PASSENGERS WANYED lprizes and bonuses No investment Free fmlbz Il TII E°II VIr training Late model car re uired VJ or DC anywont IEIECARE WIIY IIIIIII DIODIU RIDING INSI RUC IION IIIIIIII IIIIII WANT ADS Taiaiito days work Telephorw 416 Please wme pa meg Sales alone Lct friend help Call Teletare Horses boarded ntirrui five minutes pHONE 72824 2900 8e Bo 968 Bar PHONE 24 726 7922anytime wyndy HauolIFitrIII60l92 ELEM

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