the examiner Thursday June 1977 01 property for sole 01 property for sole NORMAN 168 DUNLOP EAST 7283293 REALTOR Hours Weekdays to Saturdays to WE STAKE OUR REPUTATION ON YOUR LAWN mortgages 12 mortgages IF YOU NEED MONEY Immediate 1st and 2nd Open Mortgage Loans Anywhere on all homes cottages farms vacation and commercial properties To consolidate debts low monthly payments 711 do Home improvements anyworfhy reason To pay all existing or maturing mortgage Construction funds free advice try us We have ready cash to purchase mortgages MORTGAGE FUNDING 16 pts to rent SUBLET2 bedroom penthouse apart ment Imperial Towers $264 per month Available July 1st Telephone 7289853 or 7264361 ONE BEDROOM apartment available July 1st $228 monthly also bedroom apartment available now $240 monthly Fridge stove and parking Included Pay own hydro Overlooks Kempenfelt Bay no children or pets Phone 7265063 TWO SPACIOUS bedroom apartments stove and refrigerator Rose and Bayfleld area $250 monthly Telephone Jim Cancllla7I70011 LARGE ONE Bedroom Apartment cen trally located on bus route all utilities and parking Included $195 monthly Available immediately Call 7287154 after 6pm YOUNG BUSINESS girl has bedroom 130 resorts 30 resorts CEC ROBERTS Shelagh U0 30 resorts FAMILY CAMPING RESORT 175 ACRES ON THE MAGNETAWAN RIVER HIMBURY LAKE SANDY BEACH SWIMMING POOL TENNIS COURTS PLAY GROUNDS FISHING REC HALL LAUNDROMAT MINI MARKET HOT SHOWERS FULL HOOKUPS articles for sale $AVE Reupholstering DOLLARS liecover it Yourself OWIde selection of discount fabrics Foam cushions °Toos both amateur lth rofessional John Crawford 4875955 Peter Shelswell 7282930 ggagggepgmgfï¬gï¬lgbm imaging RR No KEARNEY ONT aeedles mead Mn David Shelswell 4872389 Jim Cross 7262159 7286314business hours ask for Paula Sheila Simpson 7262263 5175 PER MONTH Kitchen bed sitting POA IMO 7056367333 °5 Ion 5550 trailer Fully equpped wrll buy or formation call from 2to$pm 7262361 PB radio Vinyl roof good condition COVE DOXI 9006 COM USED FURNtTUREAtrcondmmers Boyfleld SI OnlOlIO negotiate trade on fully equipped Evenings 7289682 77lale53°p71eï¬ $3600Call7288591 Teep°°39 small fridges for office or cottage hardtop camper Please telephone AVALABLE MMEDATELY 27cottages to rent 1975 OLDSMOBILE Cutlass Supreme 36auto accessories solvesfreezersIodd cholrschesmrlled 737 LL LL bedroom detached home brand new ful vs ps Pa Pw air silver with burgan selsI IPWMUIMUTE and bedlOOm 51 SPACIOUS 3bedroom Marlette mobile Iy broadloomed Call Harry Magill HOUSEKEEPING COTTAGES kae dy vinyl roofcar in showroom condition COME IN and see our line of Dunlop Clark Home Furnishing Warehouse home situated on large in Medonte representing Lou Goedemondt Real CecebeI OI5 BarreI Elecrcal call Simcoe Datsun7370254 radial tires for Japanese and European free gelgvemiazata T°W5PI 059 1° 393 C3 Esae7234°7°72°3L ï¬ke°cï¬mpfl97fgï¬f ca 1971 CADILLAC FiEetwood Broéham caS Barrle Honda Solo Sales 17 BRIDAL DRESS and veil size 910 also 09905190 8353000 WW ï¬EDRooii storey 1v baths large LPEaLY PLSEGLEL Excellent condition Radial tiresl Gowan SlI Barle7266fli brid cage All in oood condition 32 FT PYRAMID Trailer sleeps kitchen dining room Wllh walkOUl 28cottages for sale AMFM radio Air conditioning Power REBUILT 283 V8 General Motors Telephgne7264533 equipped with canopy 14 Asking bfoadldrtimdoulile garagï¬ï¬ilso 10le locks Headlights dimmer 6way seat Engine 10000 miles can be run call CEDAR postrs all sizes line posts an $68000r bestoffer Call 7286426 DUS ies allY Ompson rep automatic oald Ieveler power trun 7370966 WAN chars and bracesAlso poles 7281637 EILfHLEVLMaBr EgaoFLsgeï¬m Iaurus Real Estatelid373000 AA OPEN HOUSE Black with black vinyl roof Certified ï¬lwmmorcycles Now IN BARRIE Ga an Tackle equipped in excellent shape Asking BEDROOM spacious farmhouse Sundayand Monday June 5thand 6th Asking $2350telephon3728v8023 and Flea Market 17 Essa Road Store N0 salary qualiï¬cations s5000 or best offer real good buy lrtltllgggulh olhBlaTrlIe on lfgelllreeglIacre chfggeslmecï¬eecIrligo hleoalgggonlngtggglneed 1973 FORD LTD auto PS PB 1973 HONDA 750 BorranirimsDunstall hours Monday to Wednesday6to9pm Telephone 7373079alter6pm YIPUSJ€5 ell radials 47000 miles certified Must sel exhausfclean and wellmaintainedask Thursday Friday am till pm TU TM7 Box U39 60 The Examiner References Sl°ne flieDaCPI4bed°°m5I 99 13 before June 3rd$1800 Ca117373356 lng $1500 Telephone 7282410before430 Saturday till pm Sunday noon till we are mortgage brokers and 1974 SANDPIPER 15 cabin trailer like required deck With sliding doors cement boat gt7 HEV at pm pm new conditionTeiephone 7267850 mrr house with electric winch 200 amp Ser 939 °9r ar op Since we specta lze can guaran bedroom Rome natal decorated vice Halway between Barrie and cellent condition Red With blaggolnger 1972 YAMAHA 1255c twm cylinder ex LOCAL WAREHOUSE is overstocked gafage eeences 10 Load 14 091l°n5 53I WY cellent condition 5550 Telephone withl977above ground swimmingpools lee Pmmp °nd dvdual °l Ps lo wired No pets Telephone alter 730 °°w sgns miles Cash only Moving must sell 456387oaf1er Must liquidate within the next 10 days 705 35 48 Telephone Sunday or Monday only 17 77 lemm 1° m°9°99 99 487545301Toront04162362122after flLL7LL WASH too 1500 miles Motor ample Wllh We fWWI Walk and A9001 07 PIHOVIGW E81319 Mdhu inquiries ensuring maximum QEILKC+WWLL 1975 HONDA Civic hatchback 33000 inst overhauled bins to prove $400 or equPmenl Package 778 terms Call th 3250 MONTHLV MOBIE 09 59 UP 30 resorts miles Can be purchased certified or bestofferca 7234522 anerspm Warehouse Mgr collect days or even mor gages Ull el mos on large lot approx miles north of Bar uncertitied Telephone 7262017 195 l416915ll JOHN COLE 7288017 PETER GUBBELS 7282425 favorable market terms rle Stove and fridge included ORR LAKEtraller Sites fully serVIced 1977 175 YAMAHA Sree an rat ONE COMBNATION box and boat Al CALHOUN II 835 2742 Telephone7284618 30 amp seasonal or monthly Extra 197 COUGAR XR7I aUOmaICI P°Wer very low mileage $900 Telephone II no funds for residential large snes flush toites showers steering power brakes radials black 72668383fter6pfn snowmo lralerwnh wmc and BERNIE BLUM 4872299 THREE BEDROOM Townhouse Ferris und No char for wime with white top and interior Excellent 777 box 8125 Also 32 ft wooden ladder in commercial and recreational I35 weltin to Lane Appliances 1V2 baths full 931 conditioncmtKen7231675 BSA 650 Il9hllngI good shape $20Telephone7260040after broadloom walkout basement ara Wager 1637i transmIsSIon completely reWIred ex properties First and 335 momhs Referénges 1973 PINTO Runabout clean condition ceiientcondmomca4295854 we °l5° PUIChOSe eXiSlng mor Street we pets $325 monthly plus utilities 7265493 L2 90 s°leLLLLLL zflggmgglf73313555i° adl° radial I974 650 YAMAHA 3700 intros 315007 33Mfgggflggtkflgï¬gmgfégg atterspm Recently tuned new chain quartz 316W 557284431 gift342122 Manager on and bedroom NEW UNFURVNISHï¬ED maï¬alow ANNOUNCING DODGETRARhTm ggggzrfénnlng con headllgm immaculale TeleDhone Completrestaflrantequipment for sale bedroomrec room2fireplacesattach LLLED me LLLL flfliï¬ WWWWAW ers no Kerr for valuable advice c°lored appllances ed garage outskirts SE of Barrie LKSWAGEN 2171pm Bgetle 1973 KAWASAK 50010 mites on new IL LgrLiSchEflgylfléi residential area $300 monthly plus ucl it use green ex erlor 900 can Ion ra la motornew sprocket and chain tire an BUS 7371881 YeCIr lease AdUlls call utilities call after Toronto omlle lTape acck gggsqZglo 68000 hwy miles Kand filters Will certify$9000rbesf one fierTeephone 7287063 RES TOLL FREE 4875385 £9991le LLL LLL LL LLLLL LL llMlTEDI REALTOR BEAUTIFUL MODERN townhouse MIDWAY 1976 AMC Matador door automale 1974 KAWASAKI 500with helmetasking All SlZeS UP I0000 BTU now 67 DUNLOP SEST BARRIE 7261881 TORONTO 3o47941 KINZIE LIMITED eon urnc gdginmspgsyg afgggcniggfï¬gntm AUTO SALES llrsesPolloclallgieluï¬lllrhmdexlcrflll 45° WW ade can in stock starting with the Super Real Estate 1115111111mliliillllllllllllllllll 11 LEPAGE tisIIItl1illllllttiilllllllll Winil le tklllt AE LePAGE ONTARIO LTD II 0A com leteline ofu holste I29 DUNLOP ST EAST Call Anytime 347 BAY STREET gmngeangtglae ugï¬lma 22533 su ry BARRIE ONTARIO 24 Hour TORONTO ONT Telephone 7286671 after pm pp 7260981 Phone Service 3636421 Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Assoc TF 107 Dunlop St East 17houses to rent TOWNHOUSES Spacious rooms two bedrooms Real Estate Ltd 1974 Lionel 120 way fridge burner stove sleeps come to Barden Cres to View or call 7287524 WANTED TO BUYV 15 or 17 travel PUGET COURT Prestige luxury and bedroom townhouses Selective neigh borhood References 275 Blake For in LADY PENSIONER would like to share her air Conditioned home with other lady pensioner Permanent home for the right person Close to bus stop Tall trees subdivision References Telephone BLUEGRASS FESTIVAL LABOR DAY WEEKEND SEPT 8r 1973 FORD Galaxie door hardtop in A1 condition Asking price 52000 Telephone 7281922 1976 DUSTER like new economicalPS 70514241307 alter pm 1968 CHEV half ton new motor tires ex haust rad and front end Fleetside with UPHOLSTERY SUPPLY SHOP 539 Iayfielll St fl full basements Oll heal CIIY o9 commercial sale or rent 14 mobile homes trailers bus route $185 plus all and 32 le MCI ï¬le 1973 CHEV PlCKUPheavy duty suspen COMMERCIAL Pro ert In stroud on 1973 DODGE letl Motor home 20 utilities No dogsAdults only GARAGE FOR RENT40 xoo Withata PRIVATE SALE 1973 Pinto hatchback Peter Brocalente 7263916 Bill McCreary 7281865 Highway 11 156IronllageyAgood stucco automatic PS PB 3113 vs motor 6480 PHONE 7284752 ltcenln9 18 ll door Mldhurst area 4CYlnderraUlomatlcad 320g0miles $538030 rgelgsbfeggellergtlecggcrfle 737 1597 728 2875 house and garage Dwight Nelson milestruemileagesleep56fullyequp SUItable fondumptruck operatorCould owner $1850 Cal ug ewart Timgne on emu 4362062 Pelt dual real WMGISI EXCEIIenl C0091 If no answer please call after be med Wlh eqPpmemI 7767769 eve 77313 Enid Day 7266904 Judy Penneti 7371264 tionésaï¬ooéism Pnonel487534360Tea51 ln9737°65¢13Yllm9 L973 PARAIDISIE1 miEniVaun Chev Egduro zgzï¬cnféExircgesggdegeflgiligtwpswgg WThFTF on arrie to th ine r0 equ ppe xce on can lion Muriel Jeffery 7266383 Wayne Pennett 7371264 12 mortgages Tumlm ï¬rsflarmonï¬gm 26 accommodationsto share Telephone 4361395 WWI hem Map gamma or BUY YOUR LAWN BOY lawn mower Vicki Kent no toll 4872501 Jock Slessor 7266280 TW TTTWv 95 UCKI I500 cerlllei TEIEPPOW where factory trained mechanics will preservice it SPORT HAVEN MARINE1 mile East of BARRIE on Shanty Bay Road 7261001 Telephone 7262666 Mll Mk old 726 6054 Availabe immedialelv Ca Danov lSOBradford StBorrie ELolzh9n73ZLWgigg 4o ankles for GE4000BTU Corry Cool for 055 er 7260563 Y50 4166777582 1974 AUDI FOX door automatic Rose 7283 Ce cook 7283036 BARRIE 7263827 gRroaM Bpick harihe dnrmaagfaogém WE WELCQME °rz°bresldemsll° white 45686 miles Asking $3495 or best Hor RonThorne 7288714 Memberionmm M°r19°se TF downtown good condition Lease P°YUS°VSI° epemn 93552019303251qu1922132 KRAZY KELLY vey er 4363815 Brokers Association possiny at 5300 monthly plus utilities surprised at our Low PRICES for i973 VOLKSWAGEN 412 door silver KING OF KOLOR Featuring IO poSItlon ther Percy Ford 7287930 L95 Lovenge 4244289 KANEFF CL Elly29533999gnwsi certified and uncertified eallc 45s mlesI excelem C°d mostat and deluxe speed fan Gerald ONeill 726 77 Nelson Garrett 7266096 TF THREE BEDROOM OUSGI Ollble °LI1l1fll9d ca KenIL737°wL°L New Used 33 garage Central $350 monthly View Sun automobIIeS 1971 RIVIERA Coupe all the extras ex Dem is one ldeal Ior bedr°°m co 737 205 Burwell 4539248 He en Burnsbt 7263386 MORTGAGE LOANS gaalyzgnlsy Ito pm Call 7283122 or Tor Phone 7373830 pecied on Buicks Personal luxvulry Ch was 1182 now for your free home Kna Jerr MCNO 726 386 earries Fri LLLLLL 777 ï¬g 77 automobile owner low mileage it 0059 rom ent Mllpp 726 7294 737 0437 es AVAILABLE lMMEDlATELY Ju4 certify Must be seen to be appreciated RCA xuoo sulVeY en lhef 4873365 rennon IMPERIAL TOWEkS bedroom detached bungatow on nice Im VOLKSWAFEN Call7286991 Hb Instantdellvery nn rvis We 99 er on as uasar Pentlond 725 3023 726 0452 726 9580 726 4991 1sgesarpr2tarnlcespl55roggmog low mneage exceuem common Ca 19740 LINICOLttl Conltnentaé Iiéarkrncj No payments MAugust Ron Sproule 4873715 rt Adults call 458474 after 6436 4374 méaelf awe 96935 ï¬eelfly P°°5°°I EleCIOIOme My TF TILEThessimapieiturstc ant WCHETVELLE MailiuIW°d°°ad ezethiLneLerelendsIszilflLLLLLL pi bedrooms appliances garage July 1095 CYl 6010016 lansm55° 1969 CHEV IMPALA custom door V8 MONEY DOWN Borne shoppm 01° MODERNI UXUV V9 399396100 possession $300 monthly 7372535 for a°° °°Wer 5999 399 69 9°°d PS PB excellent Condition Asking 5050 737118 apartment for lease Quiet adult bull viewing 4166614920 or 416 2227749 col EESICET99E19 778 Call 7286674 No clingNpngtgalgelforfnï¬esfoginlprnai iect 1975 GRAND PRIX Silver with 71373 PstiAcCacéiï¬a9agéségï¬igl PAYMENTS TILAUG IOI Ca 93 91 95 men of ndows l02 £25323F°9megtgzzs°xglagmg dllllliuarllalotinflautmaflrgovwer steer 335 1333gfreggrlgï¬igmgr5532 19 Color Portable TWO NEW 39 Inch bedspreads BEDROOMWAMUS Barrie 270 Sundeck and patiolarge garden carport ing and brakes radio rear window as Phonenarsws Binoculars 24 electric stove Air mat WhO COTE about 80 Ie 5° my mm 93 R°°° °Y d°l°99£ Lth 153 Balis 1372 DATSUN Téryaaoaconaihon sign or iust$3 wkly ut £537675822782332152032 es 44 Open Daily am 530 pm ellescenlralBarne aller 726 627 Tï¬EplSLLe Effigyluï¬liz dard radio certified Sat evenings FURNISHEDTONE and two bedroom apartments available Central Adults FOUR BEDROOM townhouse on Farris Motors458radfordvstn7282200 1974 AUDI Fox automatic door radio good mileage $800 1969 Cutlass blue power brakes 25 Motorola Quasar Telephone 7281320 Lane4a lances ara efnshed rec 47 COLLIER ST only 726 0988weekdays mom ltgpvlashyoogms lbrloadiwm rear defog steel belted radtals Rust lgggéngé7lgag 90 c°dl° cer InCh SOIId SIaIe CORNER by appmnlmm ONE AND TWO broom arnes newt decorated 00513 to schools and proofed Immaculate condition 38000 LE LLLLLL LLE LLLL Color portable in crates Nowonly OWEN 81 COLLIER STREETS Wm Summers om 560 mommve Centralp location shopping Reerences required 5325 miles Must 59114 Asking 53200 1974 CHRYSLER Newport Custom 400 or USI $575 wkly Ill $443 or lust $4 weekly No money down BARRIE 7262611 91 Boyfield St First and last required Appliances and 811908772 2327 Telephone collect Drillia 325 9026 V8 automatic 42000 miles vinyl roof Free delivery tonight N0 payments till iv PS PB Pw AM FM tape deck radial 26 RCA XLloo August 1977 Krazy Kellys Barrie Shop 9418 If I973 FIREBIRDBrI1ISh Columbia car Dorothy MacQuarrle 7286358 Helen Hopkins 7281662 Barrie ggém°°e° Im Tl no rust Light green exterior white in egreséhoggggilirjs °d° Spanish ng 31373 Corby Adams manager 7286829 R035 Leader 7269245 7373451 fwo BED SITTING rooms Md one ON terior Buckets Console P5 P8 New LLLL WLL GARAGE SALE many items camper Res Creemore 4662136 bedroom apartments Can be seen at 48 Codrington Apt RENT NOW $210 monthly bedrooms Clean park Goodyear radials Cibies headlights mag wheels Telephone 4240712 after 1972 RENAULT R12 excellent condition 39000 original miles speed radio or iust $650 wkly woodcrafts flower boxes tables dryer and knickknacks 6th line and 5th II 7F ing appliances Immediate possession T973 JAVELIN 304 automatic Power EEUIBLeéLEDQLTRIITESZEI3°LLL 20 Zenith Chromocolor memmWWW Pl°PelY for sale PT°P91llI°l5llle CENTzRï¬h LOCATlON sgaï¬ggs m°d This property has2seIfcontained apts steering power brakes 41000 miles 1974 DODGE Charger viniI l0 A318 ZENTH COLOR TV $275 593in My eiA ï¬rmm7 rv Gem Loom 6135 menhI 90 Buy tater and put down only $2500 Con padiais ziebart certified 52250 motor 18000 miles excellent condtllon POOKCB dale I906 70 R°Y5l elec BIEDROOV DMD house with DHU RST SPECIAL Firstond Second 2131Iggyï¬Ã©ï¬‚ggflgkgï¬ï¬ï¬ tact Rep of Taurus Real Estate Ash Telephone 737 0046 Cail726 2666 oriust$450 wkly wt typewriter s160 oak dresser 80 space rt LVVVL LL 77 77777777 ireieieie We We mgagastgell592550058r€ll723330 548900 Beautttu home Invetmwnh MORTGAGES ARRANGED 728 2253 21913990 l97l Acodlorn oï¬yl aduslgmgaglc Asan 1963 CHEVY Acadian Wine in color 20 6x100 super color 2226fgtarï¬gggkggélggggï¬gflfm 600 mature pines Spacious bedrooms Reasonable Rates 28EDRO0M apartmentlst of June and 19houses wanted to rent glflfss eep 016 W99 6Y5 $233312gglgonglrgozlidcggggled$8500r HOWEATHER special 32 Broadioom throughout Telephone Exisin 2bedroom lst of July Close to downtown JP my Wigw aluminum inground pool compeey ln Sale or Trade no 9412 or 728 8800 Harry Samson rep and bus route frlg stove laundry WORKING COUPLE Wish to rent i966 CADILLAC 9dan Fllll Dower lm 33cars wantedto buy or 10513695wkly wt stalled by local dealer $4682 everything Newmakm SS 000 bedroom brick ofRoyalTrust Mortgages facilities and parking First and last bedroom dwelling lust outSide Barrie maculale condlllon Can be cerllfled you need to swim Complem rauon bungalow an mature freed corner lot 13 VlNE CRESCENT Desirable ex Purchased m°5 em 7769775 EBICOlï¬lilmlépm1416799966 91750WWII83576759r5Pm TOP PRICE for top cars Toke Motors 26 Eectrohome systemvlrginvinyllinereasy carecop partly finished basement Paved ecuttve home bedrooms fireplace in WANTING TO rent two bedroom house 1974 OLDS CUllass 9006 condlllon IOlS go11189919539gagigzgljylgï¬V ing Built to last of extruded alcan amoan phone 1415 5955517 to ap rec roomdeckwlth torrillc Viewof the F° C05 ONE BEDROOM plus one bed sitting in Barrie or surrounding district Ior oi extras Make offer Telephone JUNK CARS WANTED Hm prices lowboy console aluminum not sheet metal welded Dotntmenf bay Larqegaragorclophone 726 8360 Mortgage Lifelnsuronce 90 Fenl Can be see at 48 Cod June l5 Apply to Box U44 The Ex 7284657 paid Same day pickup Holt Auto orius $4 Wkly construction no screws Canadian MIDHURST LARGE unfinishod anal PRIVATE SALE bedroom brick Available n900ADI7 Emlnï¬g 1974 TRIUMPH Spitfire AMFM radio Wreckers726e711 made Ask about our 100 per cent war nouse 539000 Also lots 55060 each bungalow compact and cosy close to Mississau Court 4T05bedroom home neededin country certified bargain price Telephone ï¬ggijjï¬igafsghaflag 70 phone Tonight lirantya For more Information call toll 9612745T0rontoeventnns downtown and hospital Ideal starter FINANCIAL willing todo any smallrepairs low rent 728771921 wrecking and parts top prices paid d1 free OYFESIBEI POOISIBOO2616121A5k PRIVATESALE amtiossouihoiaarrie homemmrmremenl plntlnalsonlv bedWm apls °°°°dappaes Ejï¬phone1286galle69m T977 OLDSMOBILE Regency 90 IuIIy FreepickupTelephone7268487 were °9 EL°E€YEPILLLLL amnion no aCre to wth cedar Telepmnemm ENTERPRISES 957135WW Smc BEDROOM HOUSE wANTeo will equipped manual air cruise control EEAFVEHTcLEstnteatoppings KRAZY KELLYS fog gageEggugseahggdcggpgeggI gig PRIVATE SAL kee in ood re air Res onsible with door vinyl roof 6000 miles $8300 szilft°lwgl$s1533933 mil 51 IMMEDIATEv Smau rslellrencgsleleghone 3512924352 lmidii up shopping Plaza inJliitgsdttmirlam991LT small den Helm00d 5M9 klmm downlown near lake or Change 726730 mile lieddmmFaptarmdï¬mimotrhlomhlll 20foomstolet 197 CORVETTE COUPE UIIV equip COLE BROS Cars and trucks wanted 7374 Telephone 726slits bunt In dishwashrr large llvmg room small Properly all down payment F0r Office Hoursgo pus Y1 II 55 519 ped 48000 original miles Best offer yer wrecking F35 pickup Days lloor to CQIIinI stone fireplace car GDDOInlrVnlplwne 325 0794 cemal ocaled elephone7 39 FURNISHED near factories on bus Late garage No bosomont Approx 1000 so It private beach rights Asking $39000 open for offers Availapr Sept call 726 7198 between PRIVATE SALE bedroom house on quiet street completely finished base merit WIIII fireplace double paved drive by appointment Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association AVAILABLE JUNE One and two bedroom apts Heat fridge stove and parking Included Central location Telephone 728 9711 or 728 1136 route quiet atmosphere Phone evenings 726 9859 $22 weekly FURNISHED ROOMS Central Park Teoephone 728 3316 or 728 6796 after pm 1969 FORD Galaxie 27Vdoor hardtop 351 automatic PS PB Needs some work 4356322 After Spot 424 5949 WANTED Clean USED Cars Barrie Han of Auto Sales 177 GowanSl 72664887 SHAKELS WRECKING and Towing Lawn Tractors ELECTRO PORTER 3000 lb fork lift with charger in good condition For more information call 7281311 Air Compressors For good deal on lawn tractors and with Single garage pool sized lot Asking Asking $450 can be seen at Claude Tex pinATE Tait Trrler bedroom rec 559000 Ca1726 7673 TF TWO BEDROOM unfurnished apart gziprelémweeï¬rlyl efalfndrgunggcnlltrif aco Bradford st or can 726 4543 scrap metal cars bought over scales riding mowers Call Pratt Motor Supply sues PranMomr Supply Co 39Hgh room with tireplace full basement merit Centrally located On secondfloor garage many ixtms $53000 726 3698 must sell STOREY 2000 Sq ft custom built home situated on acres mature freed lot large kitchen With eating area SECOND MORTGAGES parking and heat included Available June 10 Telephone 731 2617 rsqunï¬flzlï¬Ã©svlb 7267199 CLEAN furnished rooms Centralfkit chen and living room Downtown Bus pm 1976 PONTIAC Astra custom interior elec rear defrost AM FM cassette ex Best prices paid 436 3677 Bittytrucks and trailers 20 39 High St Barrie Open Sat until SWIMMING POOL Sacriilce Leading Canadian manufacturer and distributor St Barrie Open Sats until 7285911 Lawn Tractors has aluminum ls left over from 1976 PRIVATE SALE $49500 bedroom ovorsrzeit bedrooms with walk In Closet LARGE BACHELOR apartment for stop swoop 728733 cellenl condition Asking $3400 or best LANDROVER 000 migma season 2priceP°Gouaranmed instauaï¬on Hsgfrorésuang rtglngaglcaryegssfall Pratt raised bungalow new broadlnom well washrooms Iamtly room With remnavalldble June Rentincludes all FURNSHED OM oercall77657983I10r5pm miles CB radio mus so be rea ms Callmllecda sor evenings ppy Barrie kept clean Insulated partially IIIIISlIfLd fireplace and walkout completely ulllltles plus cable and parking Close to landa eI er Open Sat UIIIII 47205911 basement landscaped east end nnar schools 720 6354 afford broadloommt large double garage at tachod Asking $73500 Call 487 5676 on amounts over $8000 Bayflelrd Mall Telephoner7266046 ONE BEDROOM apt available June bus stop Cooking facilities available Gentlemen prefered Telephone 7284268 1973 DATSUN oz in good condition new springs rebuilt shocks Certified sortable offer Tolopilont 7211 2410 boforc 430p 1416 2214040 77A LEADING SWIMMING Pool Wholesaler Firewood Buy now at last years prices Many extras Telephone 720 7613 $1995 Hardwood $25 per lace cord Free de SANDyCOVE ACRES bedroom after parking naming and cable includ days gr72808107eveplngsr Askmr Ron Kent 1968 FORD Nlooo tailor nl wtviactor 534 Inust dispose of 1976 an aluminum pools We 313 area 7253649 modmar hemp Damy Dmadmompd 02 r0 en wanted ed $204 monthly Couples only No pets FURNISHED ROOMS dcwntown engine TOILDIIOHC 705 415 rvtninos in Stock Sacrifice price for desperater ELECTRIC LAWN mower GE years smve rdqe em Asking $26060 No bonusV brokerage Telephone 723 2534 or am 190099 clean bright modern central kitchen 977 CHEV Impala GOOD Whlle Vinyl or weekends needed factory warehouse space Brand Telephonn 436 1655 PRIVATE SALE Luxurious bedroom FARM 50 lo 100 acres within 15 mile radius of Base Borden with or or finders fees Barrie BEDROOM APARTMENT available bath living room Hamilton RE 7371000 Parking Apply roof 350 V8 power steering and brakes in good condition Telephone 726 0632 1969 FORD Ranger full on the floor new pninl iob OlllIud Askillil $1350 new swimming pools include filter walk round deck fence and warranty old good condition 12 GE portable television 1V2 years old Rarely used fter 630pm size 15 27ft $1355 cash or terms Call Teeph°£77°°3543 LARGE FURNISHED RO0M5Fu1kt Call daytime 726 1809 oaninos 728 6010 ondlï¬mlmumr am Same balcony mmmm house 776 09085H0r Mac gllrneeetl 120 Tï¬glï¬ï¬gfsywals sanlord chen facilities rec room Available 1974 DODGE Charger 28000 miles or Canbosoonnt 180A tniilslil P9 COIICC daYS eVenlngst L416 SIDING WHITE Vinyl approximately 223393°ï¬53$ulEJuniimgifi 04Iotsfor sale NHLBEE MMEDI mediately Working people Central cylinder power steering power brakes my NTERNMIONAL won 4818802 7A 900 sq feet also small quantity of room locker room Telephone 726 9471 ome on or ca neareSl LY 7266392 cellm Prcel 00 ca Work Cunltllills Dcisol and 20 fl dump trailer SWIMMING POOLS rem WI lease ilfiLWm callus 3895 weekdays onl anLDlNG LOT 66 1911 in New office of Household Finance bedroom apartment $215 monthly in BRIGHT VERY large newly deCorated 728 2485 homo 726 2815 In Good condition Asking $4800 and install for homeowners family size ludes heat hydro fridg and stove th TV Lowell Septic approval and building rooms to rent downtown iocatlon 1975 PLYMOUTH Gran Fury automatic Teloptlono 416 toosriitoi aUlllWll 5Wmmlng 90° Pa°I pRVATE SALE $39500 buY5 WWllw permit available Price $10000 Tell ASK for Mortgage SeIVlCeS phone 737 227° Taurus Rea Estate Ltd 7373000 power steering and brakes low mileage JEEP low Md Chalco of styles meeting all fencmg With attached garage larne bedrooms phone 737 0753 TWO BEDROOM apartment available gt gt best offer Telephone 728 9367 00 luv Hi ml rogllalons one lwo 99 year study and large living room kllChln tin 25 Dunlop Street East immediately References No pets $230 COMFORTABLE FURNISHED °°m GRAN do no 01 fw 22 on rental basis with option to own Try ing room piece bath and laundry East End BARRIE mommy plus hydro First and 35 men to rent In private home kitchen P5 P8 excgencondoo 555 178 ion fl in iploni hmom you buy Ca cone anyflme price on coloraBw used room VClOSt to school and lake 9H1 line mm Telephone 728 1035 or 737 Iny prIVIILges mature busmess person 1974 TON Forttwitll cap Iown1lleago 416 663 9508 Innlsfil 436 489 RI Residential Hilltop lots and heavy 7266534 preferred s25 wkly call 7200612 alter 436 3573 no rust mum mmimn Telephone TVs while they ast Come ear wooded lots Telephone 720 4590 giggeefggilfggpg er 39 pm 1962 PLYMOUTH Roadrunner cub 726 4759 SWMllmcdpaoï¬ihlgiwvï¬lff32 for best selection in ea wa er par We scra MOTH IN LAW ATTENTION TThS Ju24 mg ridge and 50 included om mo FURNISHED ROOM for rent Linen ln N517 leï¬hffq5 95°99 as 59 1969 DODGE ton stake truck door ranted complete with pump motor MORTGAGES bougm and Id me monthy Telephone 728 0538 supplllebcll Ceptrgl 107catl70n Faxing ï¬llyKEG Xécagvmelieegg 33 crew tall Certified Good condition iiitpr fencing walkway and deck Baffle and Im Near Gtrorqran Coupon bedroom hrck agate action conï¬deniaL David BACHELOR APT near points Barrie ava ep one 78 42 30 my T0IthIOI10424 0215 Suggested retail price $2295 Available bungalow Well knpl Fenced WIIlI bedroom apt separaIionlranro Relluc 110312 500 Mustsell Only 54000 down Contact rep at Taurus Real Estath Ash Serviced subdmsmn for sale 61 Shanty Bay minimum 15000 sq lots Vhsnra township minimum acres thl sell all or part For information call lots Wass Real Estate Broker Call 7264651 18 evenings COMPARE our rates third mortgages First second appraisals Gerry Fridge stove hydro and heat included $175 monthly First and last months rent required Available immediately Tele phone 728 7444 or 7281322 St DOWNTOWN FURNISHED roomfnew ly broadloomed and painted overlook ing the Bay Kitchen facilities Ladies preferred Phone 7284268 daytime or $100 Telephone 726 5771 1970 VOLKSWAGEN for sale Standard shift gas heater in good condition Best offer Telephone 835 5890atter 5p 1967 CHEV ton truck 2113 standard hole rims $1100 in goon condition Telephone 7211 2169 1974 14 ton Chev Vti automatic Power at pro season Special of $1288 Call not for early installation Call collect allyfimcl 416 6619508 ELECTRIC Semi Acoustic Guitar and Jalrl 717 iooodr no 9915 Trevor Dakln rip Torpey Ltd BEDROOM APARTMENT $150 mon 30 DUS °559IM395I 5990 steering brakes Corililrd Telephone Amplifier approyo monthsolo Bolhin PRIVATE 33 000 bedroom frame BOle 72 990 776 075 487 2700 pm Gum le thly bachelor apartment $130 phone 738L9loqulErLSETL 3950le01300l0rlarqemOIOFCYCIO 174 7463 excellent condition Asking $550 home Appliances included Patch ACRE LOT 100 frontage well freed after 5pm Mr Kennedy 728 2785 FURNISHED Bedroom in private home call 36 Halerbpm 776 3435 Largo garage Treerl lnl C1050 to brach Quet area iAIronni TPICDlthne 434 4933 after 50771 PAINSWICK New Side split on Ken min St Rm room Wllh fireplacegaraoo bedrooms all on dis 200 lot For fur ther information call Bfkitotk rep stream through property in viCInty of Sunnttlale Rd area Full price $10000 Private 728 1495 after on 05ffarmsfor sale burner gas Stove Mofiatt in good can dilion Telephone 415 6310 Alliston moo 119995509 Ir RUSSELL CHURCH Mobile Homes lers TWO BEDROOM apartment available immediately References No pets $230 monthly plus hydro First and last man ths rent Telephone 728 1035 or 737 1771 AND bedroom apts fOr rent inraptr biog central location heat water park ing fridge and stove included from $210 with breakfast 25 weekly Home privileges but no parking Close to downtown Telephonei728 5453 FURNISHED ROOM and bachelor suite television carpeting separate bath Available immediately Telephone 7267704after5pm 1974 RED TR6 featuring sets Michelin tires low mileage radio excellent con dition Certified Summer driven Ask ing $4100 Phone 737 1837 evenings 1976 10 Datsun bought new 1977 4600 miles front wheel drive mint condition Must sell Make an offer Call 728 4689 LADIES regular bike excellent candi lion Price $35cash Cal 728 4059 1974 FORD Econolini 200 only 30000 miles 302 V8 automatic power Steering and brakes ll ply tires plus snows on rims $3200 Certified 456 2545 1977 GMC 34 ton pickup 350 40 orticles for sole Appliances 80 DullloiiSl 798 4297 40 articles for sale The Telephone Store Ltd NEVER MISS CALL NEW AND USED bar ed 0001 In II Ja Unorouo 301 MR AND MRS Robert Graham of Bar Ltd monhIVTelephonel280538 21room and board 59 mrioaiiallfr 6116pm Telephone Answering Systems 776 79 rie Wish to announcothe engagement of ONCE BEDROOM basement apartment MERCURY MONTCALM Loaded Low DOWN PAYMENT 534900 full their daughter Kimberley Arm to SALE RENT Availableimmediately Fullyfurnished WEST ENDNearbus In PFVBehomeI Im 95 Mal °° 767 DODGE VAN panelled cooler 1ch Garage workshop dining room bedrooms 66 135 trend lot in town on dead and street Call Beacock rirp Unigroup Inc Broker 717 1771 or 726 7949 Micheal Ross Betlford son of Mr and Mrs Douglas Beltforu oi Oro Station The wedding Will take place at pm June 25 at St Giles Anglican Church Cook Sf Barrie parts and Service Exclusive Dealer for sunable for one mature adult East end $175 monthly 726 3767 LARGE ONE bedroom apartments one available immediately one June 15th Stove refrigerator heat not water In quiet pleasant atmosphere mature men preferred Parking Pool Telephone 7287587 room COMFORTABLEw ROOM in private home for business girl Home cooked Telephone 435 5123 1969 DODGE Polara 500 310 automatic power steering and brakes $1100 in good condition Phone 728 2369 stove sink With water pump and tank shag ruo Also American Pontiac 389 cubic inch motor and transmission with 4barrel carb Telephone 436 2971 AS LOW AS $1399 CASH OR CHARGEX CALL FOR DEMONSTRATION SHANTY BAY area bedroom so ACRE farm with bedroom brick Bendix and Glendale supplied $190 monthly Married couple meaSI PVIVIII°9€5 bus millet 32 0¢8 for IS 32 ¢3 600 2099 MS bungalow attached garage paved houso good 40ft 75 fl barn with hydro No children 728 7618 19199920 Flipflg LL Borne 726 WlHOWdOIe 499 36 Th 516 drive screened sun porch hardwood and water Modonte near Hwy 400 Ask Modular Homes SUBLET ONE bedrooï¬ aFirngn6 and broadlaom finished YELfï¬allOn ing $69900 Call Traves Real Estate room mm walkout through beautifully landscaped yarrl 551900 Phone 728 8414 PRIVATE SALE bedroom storey home main floor family room tintsheci rec room and games room baths reduced to $56000 Call 726 3172 INVESTMENT PROPERTY half acre lot on Ann St with bedroom house Ltd Orillia 325 7431 FLEA MARKET Sal June 4between Barrie and Orillia on Hwy lion Fudns parking lot Vendors wanted UPHOLSTERY BUSINESS for rent due Northlonders Travel Trailers Corsair Glenette Cygnet Terms Up T015 Years months left on lease Prestige building with sauna and tennis court Last mon fhs rent is paid Available immediately Phone 737 1456 after 5pm BEDROOM apartment upstairs Suitable for working couple Centrally located Parking Telephone 7283462 ONE BEDROOM apartment available 23offices stores for rent MODERN OFFICE space for lease small or large suites immediate oc cupancy short or long term 7263400 12 Angeloll OFFICESDurTIop St 560 sq Tin carpeted including heat and parking ANNOUNCING THE OPENING of quality used car outlet MIDWAY AUTO SALES 150 BRADFORD ST BARRIE PHONE 7373830 THE EXAMINER AVAILABLE DAILY AT THESE SIMCOE COUNTY MERCHANTS CIRCLE PINE GROVEBORDEN second floor $150 monthly Mrs Robin son 7263338 to ill health Servmg Barrie for 14 yrs Building 24 20 $300 monthly Telephone 726 3396 09commercialindustrial Highway 11 South 170 Burton Ave 7289866 TF TRAVELMATE 25 Motor home sleep July ISt $210 per month Cable TV fridge and stove included Queen St area Call 728 8189 after 5pm car garage and shop with entrance off of streets $75000 Call 726 8650 Hoe Doe Estates New Bedroom homes over 950 sq feet 1100 50 FT bf commercial spaceIor rent excellent location all utilities paid Phone 737 12218 WE WELCOME area residents to pay us visit and be pleasantly surprised at our LOW PRICES for certified and uncertified automobiles TBEDROOM aphrtrneTthTémiies Eouih of Barrie for working couple Fridge and 1000 SQ FT STORE oiiice plus extra with family room I000 DOW 10V rental or sale fully equipped Reserv ï¬ll54503735019959mm Telephone 99 gauge baysldownlown Barrier USED CAR SALE offer limited 15 yr mortgage Country C5 COMMERCIAL now Barrie Tent and Awning cludeslotsolparklngons monthly less 74 MERC MARQUIS power seat 47000 miles like new $2850 iIvino Barrie area 6875 720 9734 Bayiielrt St 726 6430 NEW ATTRACTVE APT monthly parking income Call collect 73 FORDCUSTOMS PRICES STORE SUNNIDALE RD PRIVATE bedroom townhouse end loso sq lli BUVO AVenlle 975 FRANKLIN Tmck Cam L$lavll1erqudgoongflggppllnnces anid 16931714éggv3n1n95 00 out PS PB body excellent $1750 uhltiully broanloomedéoarhaoflozeto Ideal for 05 food outlel ollico size completely loaded slid cf rLleinoie 4232253 we 24space for rent SighIST °I1bseI°°° 6Cyl RI $1250 UTOPIA HIGHWAY SERVICEHWY 90 schools shopping and MC eep one etc New 72690054261001 Hotc ock4c 36 000mi shar buldmg lmmedmle DODGE moo motorho lk Two BlEtDIROOIIl aplBrldellntgvalillï¬ PRME DUSTRAL SPACE 5° 700105 DELTA 88 ky es pcondllon 3800 ONE STOP SHOPSUNNIDALE CORNERS BEDROOM loo house with attached cupancy Te eph°n° 7286l65 $12 500 sleeps ritlgsen Manrervtv lmllrtllellllagdlullscolllsle Teleohonel7v2n8 9200 °°°°°s°V 5Ikeedi MSW uc els conso new poml $700 LILY breeleway and cabin 2plecewashroom or 7265407 7261001 no GRNVSHED bele Winme 519 Lï¬gkglogdlngdécksa 18 Ili 68 BUICK WILDCAT exceptional 77000 miles $700 lt be moved lease call ear xpan In us rla ggsflolï¬h oruallply Lakeshorle Rd 51h JU28 197 ICOAICHMEN travel trailer com nnw Suitable for working couple Close mall 7267110 AS IS THTvrA 881 SC conlalned excellent condi iodowntownTele hone 728 6520 and61h0ro slanmpropellv FOR LEASE Industrial space and 71 FORD TORINO mechanicall ood 200 EEDUCED 1b SELL $49900 VERy DESIRABLE 7000 or 1000 on Talephone 8873 ONE BEDROOM apt area own warehouse Telephone 726 3400 77 FORD yg dkgERs bedroom side spilt formal dining room square foot space for rent Shipping BENDlx LEADER 60 1211 Large liv enromeI 961 llghlWPIEFIWEKIW Angel9l BONDS STORE LEFROY family room with fireplace wet bar facilities18footceilingsflnished or un ing room dining room kitchen ClUdLd slbuamOIINCallna 974 VERY NICE Industrial building on 69 FORD OFFERS built in irldge beautiful freed lot foot finished Suitable for office warehouse Wflsmoom and bedrooms Silualid in BEDROOM furnished apt suitable for DUIIIOD W951 Wm 90 9599 65 COMET $50 privacy fence Call Wall R5 or llllhl manufacturing Reasonable beautiful park near Barrie Best offer abacitglorslii5tmonthtypartggse re property Phone 728 7044 or 416 VII spokerggggoop rent Telephono726 799Ioays Telephone 728 2106 Clulred Call 726 0741 or 726 0420 635 0637 MY23