Hm as Fast action at Play Day Ive got the lieaii bag now Ive just got to grab that ball Kelly llryhor 10 Grade student at Portage View School was competing in Wednesdays Play Day The object of this event as to bounce the ball pick up the bean bag and catch the ball before it hit the grouml Almost 500 children took part in the event which is held annually Lonie autour 11 irade it student and Michael Morley St iradet student show their concern and con centration for Kellys success 10 teams consisting of children of all ages form the school competed in games such as relay racing bowling with rubber ball and plastic bottle target jumping with volleyball between the knees carrying wooden clotliespin bet ween the knees to can and dropping it in an obstacle course and ball toss City may allow funds for two tennis courts Barrie council will probably include funds in its budget next year for two tennis courts in Allandales Gieenfield Park Mayor Ross Ar cher said today The mayor and Ward aldermen Bill Campbell and gord Mills met with about 50 residents of the ward Wednesday to discuss the courts and complaints that the city docs not spend enoug of its recreation budget in Ward lheres jtist no money in the budget this year for tennis courts there the mayor said today expenditure of $25500 for two lighted courts at the park was listed in this years budget papeis as low priority item and was left out of the final budget It would probably go in as high priority next year the mayor said lie said next years budget item might or might not include the lights but would pro bably be full funding for whatever was chosen rather than costsharing arrange ment with residents Mayor Archer who has lived in Ward for nearly 30 years and represented the ward as alderman for nine yeais before his election as mayor said he believes the city has treated the waid fairly though some wards get more money than others in any given year Ive never felt deprived he said Better weather on the way is mall weekend outlook Today looks like another showeiy day for Barries downtown mall but the weather forecast for Friday and Saturday the four day events most important days is en couraging loudy weather with some rain was predicted for today with temperatures around 15 But Friday and Saturday were expected to be mainly sunny with teiiiperaturts more comfortable 22 or bet ter hris Prusinowski promotion cochaiiman for the Downtown Improvement Board spon sor ot the mall said today the mall went well Wednesday its first day until it was inter rupted by inidafternoon shower llicre were lots of people here she said but when it rained theyjust all took off niniizoo is scheduled to be set up today LEisUï¬E Big Hillsdale fair An outside dance liillsdale Community Saturday available through chants pet show and bed race will highlight the second annual and School Fair to be held at Medonte West Central School on On Friday there will be an outside dance at the back of the school from pm to am Tickets are $150 per person and are the Hillsdale Lions Club members school students and local mer The pet show will be held on Saturday on Bayfield Street below Collier Street and beer gardens midway on Bayficld below Dunlop Street arts and crafts demonstra tions and sidewalk sales will continue Most of the entertainment is scheduled to take place Friday and Saturday Fridays events include performance by the Codringtoii School choir at 1230 at Memorial Square the llastview String Or chestra 330 pm at the same location vocal quartet at the foot of Owen Street also after 330 square dancing led by Lorne Hay in the early evening on Dunlop west of Maple Street and street lance near the square from to 11pm with Wayne Forgets band The Downtown Improvement Board has hired Pinkerton guards for the mall tonight after three reports of vandalism Wednesday night Searchanddestroy mission ends Rhodesian troops quit Mozambique SALISBURY Reuter Rhodesian troops are withdrawing from iveday searchand destroy mission deep into Mozambique the Rhodesian army announced today military communique said the Rhodesian troops whose operations prompted an inter national storm of protest have left the town of Mapai 50 miles inside Mozambique Rhodesia says the town was an important supply base for black nationalists who are waging guerrilla war against Rhodesias white minority government The Rhodesian forces are on their way home said Gen Peter Walls the commander of combined operations 113th year No 128 the examiner servi barrie and simcoeflcount Walls denied reports from Mozambique that his troops clashed with Mozambican ar my forces He said the only fighting was with Rhodesian terrorists Walls said in communique from military headquarters that the Rhodesian troops which entered Mozambique at dawn on Sun day had completed their task of destroying terrorist arms and ammunition dumps and satisfactory objective had been achieved The general said the operationwhich brought criticism from the United States and Britain and host of other countrieswas essentially one of selfdefence Thursday June 1977 He said he was satisfied it would lead direc tly to saving the lives of many black villagers in southeastern Rhodesia near the border with Mozambique Rhodwian troops Were said by Walls on Tuesday to have overrun and destroyed four guerran camps in the thrust which took them to Mapai There was no other fresh infomiation on the troops actions since Wednesday night when they were reported to have launched pur suit mission against guerrillas in the Mapai area In Mozambique officials late Wednesday night reported heavy fighting between Mo 15° Per Copy Carrier Home Dellvory 90° Weekly zambican forces and Rhodesian troops in Mapai the first time Mozambican authorities had acknowledged fighting in the area spokmman for the defence minister in the Mozambique capital of Maputo said the Rhodesian air force was bombing railroad stations farms schools and villages in Gaza province which includes Mapai The statement also said the situation was under control in Tete province The peoples forces are involved in operations to capture isolated members of the racist army that are trying to escape to Rhodesian territory it said 24 Pages Antifirehall petition being circulated here The boat we mention Admiral does not refer to an aircraft carrier inside local 18 lifestyle entertainment 14 leisure 13 sports comics 20 classified 21 22 23 Death toll two in ship blaze KUAIA LUMPUR Malaysia AP The cruise ship ltasa Sayang with 989 persons re ported aboard caught fire in the Malacca Strait early today The ships agents said two crew members were killed and three were missing The agents said all 653 pas sengerseincluding 27 Ameiicansand 281 of the 336 crew members were transferred safely in heavy rain to the Japanese oil tanker Sankyo Prestige and landed at Port Dickson on the west coast of Malavsia Forces and unions LONDON Ont Cli The Canadian Forces Long Services Pensioners Association has asked Prime Minister Trudeau to establish royal commission to investigate organization of armed forces pcisonnel into unions Jock Shields national service officer of the association said in letter to Trudeau on Wednesday that goveminent treatment of long service pensioners is shabby He said the armed forces should have the same opportunity as policemen civil ser vants and other groups to promote the in terest and welfare of their members The Canadian government already has 36000 national defence civilian employees in unions Their benefits far outpace those of military personnel who have no effective voice at the bargaining table in discussion of service related problems Shields said Student iob program OMB hearing evidence seen ending by Friday An end to the evidence is in sight today as Barries marathon annexation hearing enters its 48th day Presentation of evidence is expectui to end today or Friday leaving the Ontario Municipal Board to set dates for closing arguments by the numerous lawyers involved in the hearing Friday is the last day now scheduled for the hearing Chairman Ach Arrell said Wednes uay he will not disclose his plans for the hear ing of arguments until evidenc is eompleted Dennis Wood representing number of clients including about tit Oro Township residents who oppose annexation was scheduled to present evidence today In addi tion Barrie lawyer James McCallum is en titled to put in further evidence in reply to antiannexationtestimony David White lawyer for Oro lownship said Wednesday he does not plan to present evidence Om is opmsing the inclusino of 2100 acres from that township in Bames 20000acre annexation application but the ci ty announced early in the hearing that it no longer wants the Oro la nd Barrie is still seeking 13500 acres from Iii nisfil Township and 4600 from Vespra Township In evidence Wednesday planner Jim Krick said the 10 persons per useable acre Arrcll Two more bodies are found has set as an estimated figure to determine Barries land needs may prove to be little tight and cut down on the citys options when it writes an official plan for the areas it annexes Arrell said earlier in the hearing that the board is considering giving Barrie 6800 usable acres to accommodate population of 68000 in areas to be annexed This polulat ion plus the 57000 that witnesses at the hearing have said will fit within existing city boun daries would enable the city to meet the population target of 125000 supported by On tario treamrer Darcy McKeough and ac cepted by AiTell Krick was testifying for Paramount Developments which supports annexation of its BOOacre holdings in Innisfil Township at the eastern edge of the area sought by Barrie Krick said Barries current density per usable acre is 728 and the average for 19ccn tres across the province is around eight with range from four to 12 The 18000 acres sought by Barrie ex duding the Oro lands contains about 10000 usable acres Innisfils counteiproixisals would give the city up to 9000 usable acres out of total of up to 13000 and Vespras counteipioposals would provide up to 7000 useable acres out ofa total of up to 9000 in firerazed club ruins SOUTlltiATlC Ky AP Officials they now know which room was the starting point for the Beverly Hills Supper Club fire and are close to pinpointing the cause Arson has been ruled out Meanwhile two more bodies were found Wednesday bringing the toll from Saturday nights fire to 101 Owl attacks three WOODSTOCK Ont ltli The head of an owl which was shot Tuesday after it at tacked three people will be checked for rabies federal veterinarian said Wed nesday Dr DW lhoinpson said the head will be sent to the Animal Disease Research In stituteinOttawa He said that to his knowledge there is no record of bird ever having rabies eadline Officials said the fire started in the clubs Zebra Room just after wedding party left at 825 pm The Southgate fire department received the alarm at 02 waitrtss discovered the fire and reported it to other employees who then began fighting the fire and warning patrons May hit fuel prices OlTAWA CP decision by the anti iiiflation board might mean slightly higher prices for heating oil and gasoline for some consumers The board said increases ranging up to just under cent have been granted two oil companies to cover higher refining and marketing costs Although based on the wholesale prices the increases probably will be passed on to consumers at the pumps Shell Oil Canada Ltd subsidiary of RoyalDutch Shell owned by Dutch and British interests will be allowed to raiSe its prices imediately by threetenths of one cent gallon for bulk sales at refineries and by fourtenths of cent for delivery bulk petition asking Barrie city council to reverse its support for restoration of the diwsed Collier Street fireball as an arts centre is being circulated across the city The Examiner hasleamed One fireball opponent said this moming the petition was put into circulation liiesday and representsa ground swell of opinion Its all over the city he said No information was available this morning on the wording of the petition the number of signatures collected so far or organizers plans for presenting it to council Council voted last week to contribute $30000 in city funds toward restoration of the 100yearold fireliall centre of long standing controversy Firehall supporters say the building which formerly housed city offices jail and other municipal facilities is historically and architecturally worthy of preservation and would make an ideal arts centre Opponents say it is an eyesore and would be too expen sive to operate and should be torn down so that the property can be put to better use The issue has brought flood of letters on both sides to City Hall and the council chambers was filled to overflowing in April for stormy public meeting on theissue The $30000 grant sponsored by onevote margin at council would form part of $200000 the fiiehalls board of management plans to spend on restoration this year The rest of the funds would come from the provincial government and from private donations Approval given in Bell issue OTTAWA CP Bell Canada got most of the telephone rate increases it wanted Wed nesday but countrywide poor peoples organization quickly hailed the decision as victory for its members in its first ruling on Bell rates the Canadian Radiotelevision and Telecom munications Commission CRTC gave Bell the right to raise its charges for private residential phones by 95 per cent month to increase the monthly charge for business phones and extension phones by 125 per cent and to increase its longdistance rates by bet ween one and five cents minute Injuries minor The driver of this Volkswagen Judith Waffle 26 of Toronto is in hospital with minor injuries after tanglng with this huge transport truck Tuesday The drive shaft of the truck broke and dropped on the roadway The transport struck pickup truck crossed the highway and smashed into the Volkswagen Damages iii the accideiil which occurred just east of Toronto were estimated at more than $10000 Photo from 930 to 11am There will be three categories in the show dogs cats and other small animals At 11am Saturday the staff of Hillsdale school will challenge the Senior Ball club Lions Club Fire Department Senior Youth group and the merchants of liillsdalc to bed race The main fair begins at 1130 am Satur lay and continues to approximately pm The events of the fair include rummage sale bake sale bingo crafts table dunking machine displays Nickelodeon 5050 draw at pm horseshoes and challenge ball game sales federated Cooperatives Ltd Saskatlt chewmrbased company is raising its prices effective today by slightly more than ninetenths of one cent gallon on all bulk petroleum sales Federated is co operative and sells only to its members Teachers salary talks TORONTO CP Preliminary positions in salary negotiations between the Metropolitan Toronto school board and ele mentary teachers differ by about 500 teacher positions and $3500 in average salary proposals Figures released Wednesday by school board chairman Gerald Phillips show that In MOIUCCOD drama ASSEN the Netherlands AP The Dut trustees haze offered salary increatse otf en ea con rac two pel year two ch government and the South Moluccan terrorists holding about 60 hostages have and want 497 teacher positions eliminated because falling onmlmm rejected each others first nominew to mediate the 1oday crisis TORONTO CP The Ontario Youth Employment Program began Monday of fering aboit 6600 of the promised 20000 summer jobs for students program of ici al said Wednesday William McLeod head of the program said he has staff of almut 100 working day and night to clear an estimated 3300 em ployer applicat ions Under the program an employer can hire up to six extra students and receive $1an hour subsidy for payment of wages As late as last Friday three lays before the start of the programonly 5300 ap plications had been submitted and fewer than 1100 had been approved McLeod said about 5500 jobs lasting the full 10 weeks of the program began Monday and about 1100 will begin at later times He said there would be no problem filling the remaining 13400jobs He said there were delays in the processing of applications but he did not Racers are back The raceis return to Sunset Speedway Saturday after twoyear absence The track situated south of Barrie at the junction of Highway 11 and 89has been pur chased renovated and reopened by Wes Good of Wes Good Sales in Downsview He expects many of the drivers fnim the nowdefunct Pi necrest Speedway in Toronto to compete on Sunsets halfmile oval this summer Latemodel and stock car races will be held every Saturday at Sunset through to September Cost of admissim is $3 The ac tion begins at 8pm At Odyssey Make it quick man Joe Burden of New Glasgow casual knnw when they originath ly leans against the ropes while the The teachers have asktd for salary in crease of 12 per cent in one ear contract plus costofliving to ring total raises to 17 per cent They ask that no Doing the bump is no grind liiii Stebb ings 17 and Lorna Lungershausen 17 show good form on the lance floor at Odyssey II The club geared to teen agers opened its doors in February Owner Karl Schulz sees it as providing local young people with muchneeded place to go See story photos ll Ex aminer Photo referee and Bordens trainer cut the soul of his shoe after it worked loose during the first round of action against Michael POSUOHS be Elmmawd Spinks of St Louis Borden was knocked The averago Salary for teachers rider out in the second round in Montreal their lOPOSal WOUld b0 323074 The EU Wednesday night See story on Page 17 Wm 05 the Salaries 0f PrlnClPalS mman llioto the 11277 persons affected dont know if its the manpower offices who are responsible or the mail that is handcarried to us from the youth secretariat Employers pick up applications from manpower and return them either to man power or to the Ontario Youth Secretariat It will sunny and warmer in the Barrie area Friday Remaining overcast this after noon aiid most of tonight