the examiner Tuesday M131 1977 Veterans must stand together says ANAF dominion presidt By PAUL DELEAN Examiner Staff Reporter Canadian veterans must stand together in their struggle with the department of veterans affairs for recognition of their needs That was part of the message Saturday from Gord Thomson Dominion Command president of the Army Navy and Air Force veterans of anada in an address to delegates at the On tario Command convention in Barrie The Calgary resident said that one of the worst things that can arise is when one group of veterans becoms indif ferent to the needs of another You an and others have had to stand up to the depart meiit We will have to continue to do so he stated According to Thomson the immage of the veteran has been undemiined by one type of veteran the bitcher who pro bably had not much respon sibility but passes himself off as hero hes usually half tanked up not knowing what hestalking about To be veterans does not mean we are not gentlemen he emphasized The bitcher is someone we just have to live with without emulating he said National unity was another concern of the Dominion Com mand president He said too many good men have died for this country to even entertain the idea of breaking it up Quebecs bent for separation is step backwards It harkens back to the time of grudges and prejudices he stated Thomson noted that Canadas reputation throughout the world has been one of peace keeper Were seen as people who believe in unity and co operation Now we have to start doing some of the peace keeping iii our own country If Quebecers feel left out of the family we must reach out to them Nothing is gained by tearing things down Thomson had words of praise for he wives of the veterans remembering the quotation they also serve who stand and wait And he commended the dis abled veteran the unrec ognized hero who carries with him the rest of his life the honorable disability you suf fcred this is your badge of courage Teen dances come under fire for noise and unruly behavior BARCLAY The Friday night teen dances at Stroud In nistil Recreation Centre have come under fire for excessive noise and the behavior of some of the teenagers who attend them lniiisfil Townships rccrea tion committee of management Monday night receivtd two let BSdeuths NYE MAUDE MARY at the South Muskoka Memorial Hospvtal in Bracebridge on Sunday Ma 19 I077 Maude Mary Harris beloved wife at the late Altrea TOD Nye dear mother at Er niestot Kingston Altredet Gravenhurst John oi willowaale William of Oakviiie and Mrs Audrev Gammon of Graven nursv Loving grandmother oi to grand chilrtrenana Iï¬orea cirardcn Ictren The late Mrs Nye is resting at The Cavill Funeral Hime in Gravennurst Funeral Serv ce tn ne Chapel OI Wednesday at 3le lnrermem Bar rie Union Cemetery ï¬lth FESTIVAL SINGERS OF CANADA Wednesday October 1977 conducted by the renowned Elmer lseler this famous group of thirtysix voices brings varied program of out standing choral music to Barrie Heralded on two conlt tinents the Festival Singers are ranked with the finest teis from township residents complaining about the volume of the music and unruly be havior of some of the teentigers at the dances Mr and Mrs Ion Iortington ot Minets loint said the music volume makes use of the Stroud library In the recreation centre next to the dance hall exr treinely difficult Stroud librarian Margaret Watson also wrote to the coin mittee complaining about the I1tIStLllIIg it is injurious to library pitllttlh Committee chairman Ired Benson said he has seen teen igers playing cards iii the library during dances The police he addid time been called in at least once to deal with unruly teenagers NOT EVERY TI Ii lloviever Benson said he The Barrie Collegiate Band Association does not feel the police should be called In every time the dances get noisy Noise is noise and you cant expect the walls to be sound proof he said lurling boiispicls arc noisy too ommittee member lhyllis Moody said teenagers could probably control the dances more effectively than adults Kids can rule thenisches better than adults can she said through kind ot kangaroo court lilII Morrow township Iccreation coordinator said he wrote to the organizers earlier illl month asking them to kltl tighter control at thcdaiices Since he wrote the ltlltl lorio told the ltIIIIIIIIlltt wcic had no probliIiis at all Takes Pride In Announcing The choral groups in the world by discerning European audiences and critics the astonishing Canadians as one British journalist described them KAREN KAIN ond FRANK AUGUSTYN with the LONDON SINFONIA Tuesday March 28 1973 We are proud to be able to present these outstanding dancers oi the NATIONAL BALLET OF CANADA as lectured solomts with the LON DON SINFONIA conducted by George Crumb Given rave notices in their smashing success at the BolshOi In the SOViet capital and at home recently in Toronto this couple now brings their talents to the Barrie stage as part of our series It will be night to remember THE NO SERIES THE BEST BUY IN MUSIC COMPLETE SERIES or FOUR CONCERTS $1400 URGENT ALL SEATS RESERVED FIRST COME FIRST SERVED URGENT NOTE Limited number of unreserved student choir seats in the Orchestra Pit area series An Outstanding Student Opportunity To Collegiate Concert Series Barrie Concert Band Association Box 57l Barrie Ontario COLLEGIATE CONCERT SERIES 197 97 BARRIE CENTRAL COLLEGIATE AUDITORIUM BARRIES PREMIERE CONCERT SERIES FEATURING for the post thirtylt5ix years ners Orders accepted on first come basis CUTITOUT Please reserve series tickets at at $I400 each and student orchestra pit area unreserved chair seat tickets for the series at $600 each Total enclosed for above Also enclosed is stamped selladdressed envelope for mailing my tickets To NAME ADDRESS CITY PHONE For Information phone Mrs Iotty McNivon 1261657 STAN KENTON AND HIS ORCHESTRA 1977 Mr Kenton his piano and his outstanding group oi instrumentalists wdl again bring the exutement of big band jazz to our stage Now in l1li 65th year Stan Kenton continues in the forefront ol the big band scene as he has playing to packed houses in Europe and North America as well as rooducting over 100 clinics each year at high schools universities in Canada and the United States BARRIE COLLEGIATE BAND Wednesday May 10 1978 Be sure to hear this prize Winning bond that has been the leader of Canadian high school conrert band musm for over three decades Conducted by the esteemed Morley Calvert the annual Sprlllg concert is always most eagerly awaited by Barrie audiences Followmg this conceit the bond plans to prepare for mayor trip WhICh will probably be to Europe to compete in the iamous World Music Cone test held every four years in Kerkrade Holland where Centrals Champions have More been gold medal win GORD THOMSON peace at home Draft em urges MP anadas youth should be given II time In the armed lorces says Itr It ltynaid II for Sun coe Noit II Iluring the opening ot the Ar my Naiy and Air Forecaiuiual proIncIaI conference lr liynnrd said II term in the Iliiadian IIiltll Iorccs would give young pmplc the training and ability to accept the type of rcstxinsibility needed to make anadii strong count ry lIlIt we should be takr mu Illlill oi our children and giving them time In the torcis It would take them oil unemployment and give them IIllIilIL which help them the rest ot IlItII hits he said He lIlll Ltnitl spiritual background essential lltr cause ithoiit good spii ltllll base yonl have IIlttIiIlUIit Tuesday November colleges and $600 for complete EVEROAY LW PCE ARE AS LOW OR LOWER THAN OTHER FOOD STORE AOVERTISEO PRICES WE DARE YOU TO COMPARE We RIB STEAK FRESH CUT CHICKEN LEGS OR BREASTS CHUCK STEAK CANADA 2325A GRADE TENDER TWIN 5m 830 I330 PACK UP SPEC SPECIAL LB 89LB LB COMPARE QUALITY TRIM WIENERS CANADA PACKERS STORE COWBOY STEAK STEAKS CANADA GRADE SIRlOIN PACK SHOULDER BONELESS RANDOM CUT TOP RDUND WEIGHTS Ia CANADA MINUTE GRADE LB FRESH CUT SWEET SOUR STYLE SPARERIBS CROSS RIB OR BONELESS HAMBURG cuucx 54 tli495 LIMIT LBS CUSTOMER FROZ FOODS 499 ROAST GROUND CHUCK lEAN LB INSTANT COFFEE BY MAXWELL HOUSE MAITRE DEE 10 OZ IAR RELISHES CORONATION 12 OZJAR FAB KING SIZE LAUNDRY BAGGIES 235 it coIcATE TOOTHPASTE DENTAL 39 29 CREAM II9 BURGER PATTIES 40x 201 MRS SMITH APPLE PIE GREEN GIANT NIBLET CORN LB PKG ICE CREAM CHAPMANS LITRE 599 49¢ 150 ml 99 LOONEY CHILDRENS DISNEYLAND TOOTHPASTE JCLOTH TOWELS I2PACK NEW PACK LADY SCOTT FACIAL TISSUES 150s CASASA CORNED BEEF 12 OZ TIN PRODUCT ARGENTINA 99 CHOCOLATE SYRUP 39 Ritilci SCOTT PRODUCTS TOWELS ROLLS ONT 299 CANADA DRY GINGER ALE 28 OZ BOTTLE PLUS DEPOSIT BATH TISSUES 5° PRETTY nous BANNER BITS 32399849 IllC 295¢ DRINKS 49h 99 CAN HOT HOUSE CUKES COLGATE PALMOLIVE LIQUID DISH SOAP 15 llTRE GARDEN FRESH PRODUCE FRESH ASPARAGUS Bskt Deposit 50 ERROR CELERY CALIFORNIA 39 693 Angus Store 599 99 48 OZ TIN ORANGES 138 SIZE I99 Plus 100s of lnStore Features at Discount Savings 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