the examiner Tuesday May 311977 225111 Hovenot nations still in trouble conference told PARIS tCPAPi Algeria and other underdeveloped countries say the West has offered them nothing new to solve their basic economic problems We have heard no new proposals no counteroffers to what we have put on the table Messaoud Alt Challal of Al geria the most militant of the 19 underdeveloped nations at the 27state NorthSouth Conference on International Economic oOperation said today am not pessimistic because have never been op tiinistic about the outcome he said US State Secretary Cyrus Vance in speech at the open ing of the threeday conference Monday said the United States would support creation of hunt and reserve stocks to stabilize the prices of some raw materials produced by the developingnations He also pledged $375million contribution to the Shhllfloll program proposed by Britain to aid the poorest countries And he called for negotiations between the llliUSfllilil7td and underdeveloped tialions to continue instead of ending Wednesday with the conclusion of the current session as planned Cobalt aid plan OKd TORONTO tcPi The Ontario government has ap proved plan to provide 34 for every $1 raised by the Town of Cobalt for disaster relief the ministry of nor thern affairs said in statement Monday The funds re in addition to 3500000 emergency grant announced the day after the May LB fire ravaged one quarter of the town destroying 152 housing units and leaving about 450 per sons homeless The statement said damage estimates range trom $4 million to $6 million Leo liernicr northern af fairs minister said the government is prepared to Consider turther assistance when the full extent of the loss and the amount of ttderal aid is known LEO BERNIER $4 for every $1 Encephalitis warning KITtlllIVER Ont CPi Extra precautions should be taken this summer to prevent recurrence of the 1975 out break ot St Louis encephalitis which killed five persons in Ontario at Waterloo region doctor said Sunday Dr Gerard Evans regional health and social services mmnnssioncr said in report to the health and services committee that weather conditions indicate this summer will be as bad for mosquitoes as the summer of 1075 More than 70pcrsons contacted St Louis encephalit is that year Press barred from meeting BRACEBRIIXlE nt iPi Reporters were barred trom an allcandidates meeting Monday at Bracebridgc ltiskoka Lakes secondary school Most reporters arriving at the meeting were met by prin cipal Kenneth Black who said the meeting was closed to the news media because it was for the benefit of lrade 10 tanadian history students and for trades 12 and 13 students eligible to vote in the June provincial election European trains for northand NORTH BAY Ont itPi 77 Two Europeanbuilt passenger trains purchased for the On tario orthland Railway itiNR will begin scheduled operations June James Snow minister at transtxntation and communications said Satur day Snow spoke at inauguration CltmtlllltS for the northern passenger serVicc which will use four trains purchased for $20 million trom the Transliu ropean Express network Two of the diesel trains ar rived in North Bay for the cere monies Two other trains will arrivi iti September anv all trains arc running Ontario orthland will operate two trains day both ways be tween Toronto and Notth Bay six days week In addition day service will be provided between Toronto and Tiinniins and night service betwcccn Toronto and Kapus kasing The TorontoTimmins run will cut two hours from the present service The trains purchased tor $20 million are 13 years old They will replace INlt equipment which is 150 to lllyca rs old when at Rain shortage hits crops LONDON nt lli shortage of rain this spring iii western Ontario has set back some crops agricultural repre sentatives in the area said Mon day Don Taylor Oxford County agricultural representative said that onetenth of an inch of rain has lallen so far this spring compared with usual precipitation of about four iii ches The unusually dry conditions have resulted in thin stands of oat and barley crops and forced farmers in some areas to repl ant fields with corn which needs less moisture Wally Bani lcrth County manager of the provincial crop insurance commission said this spring is the driest iii nine WIUS Tyeatsm 87 The lack of rain already has be 81 affected grain and corn crops flgdrs 57 Annual Ceitdicale yetii 7v etn SMMMNGPOOLS are fluff Cinnfrurfiuu usfunt luiflfcr New Homes Additions Renovation 7293457 Scan Antitltt Mittlitalt With builtin loan plag Smith prOposes homeinsulation ontario election TORONTO CP Promises promises Ontario voters pondering their choice in the June pm vincial election were told Mon day that Liberal government would force them to insulate their homes but would set up loan pmgram to help them do it Since insulation would reduce householder heating bill bv 36 per cent Liberal Leader Stuart Smith explained he could use the difference to re pay his loan Smith said the plan would cost between $2 billion and $3 Doctors air OHIP complaints SUDBlRY Int ltll About 90 of the Sudbury rc gions 120 physicians closed their offices Monday to attend meeting on doctors cotiiplaiiits about thcltiitario llcalth Insur ance llan itllllli Dr Ernie Lapchitiski presi dent of the Sudbury and District ivledical Society said in an intervicii that thc provin ccs fee schedule for medical services and its prescription drug program interfere with EU doctols professional freedom He said doctors are almost bcing coerced to join tlllls billing program The meeting which had been planned for about nine months was held because doctors wan tid to express lillll concern for the quality of patient carc under the present hcalth itil cry system llr Lapchinski said The Sudhury society had Ill vitcd other doctors in north eastern Ontario District ol the Ontario lcdicil Associ at ion to close liltll ofl ices anti ioiii the protest but none did There are about 300 doctors in the region Stmkcsmcn tor the lorcupinc District ltdical Society iii the luntnins arca atid thc orth tkhianc Medical Society ex presswl support lor thi Sudbury action but said liltll members were working normally lllll€lflMlIRfilCXlllIS lr Lapchinski said Ihc Sud bury doctors were using long weekend procedures patients who called their otticcs were told where they could rcath physician in case ot an cincr gency Guaranteed Investment Certlllcotes fililiaa 85 Arm and soon will affect the white nyétuc 02 bean cro Usually planted dur ing the irst week of June he said White beans should be plan ted iii moist ground if they are to come up evenly he said Univeisity of Guelph mete otologist said earlier this year that Ontario is in for hot dry summer as drought conditions prevailing over the western part of the continent for the last year begin to edge eastward it lnterest can be paid monthly on to 10 year certificates of $10000 or more Semiannual rates apply 3500 Minimum All rates subject to change without notice Canada Deposn Insurance applicable on terms up to and Incyuding years Canada Trust Dunlap at Memorial Square 77 billion over seven years and would result in an annual sav ing of $412 million In addition to conserving energy the program would create 20000 jobs year during the scvcnyear period at wage of about $15000 year While Smith was outlining his proposal in Toronto NDP Leader Stephen Lewis was sayv ing in Thunder Bay that his parv ty would force resource com panies to refine their products in Ontario instead of shipping them outside the province OFFERS ASSISTANCE Lewis said the larger re source companies could finance the building of their refineries privately or in partnership with the government rown cor poratioti might build refinery for smaller companies that could not afford to build their own He said the capital outlay for each major refinery would be about $100 million and that they would create 4000 to 8000 jobs ORILLIA 93 COMMERCE RD 705 3266485 JERRY SMITH of Volvo TIEDEN RENTACAR AND TRUCK SERVICE RATES DAILY WEEKLY MONTHLY YEARLY FEATURING CHEVROLETS sedans and station wagons Right now you can own brand new Volvo famous for its engineering safety features and comfort at price youd expect to pay for car of much lesser quality Its the kind of opportunity that comes along maybe once every 50 years And it will last only as long as dcalcr stocks last Stop in and see your nearby Volvo dealer today While Volvo enjoys the anniversary its spending you can enjoy the money youbcnot VOLVO The car for people who think non IA autumn n17 41140 fANAliA iii iii the plants and related serv ice industries The government would nudge the companies into co operating by gradually phasing out the tax exemptions they receive for the cost of their refitting operations abroad liut the government would help create the power tran sportation and other services needed for the plants Meanwhile lrcmicr William Davis told Fort Erie audience his Progressive onservativc government is committed to $75million program over the next three years to reduce prop erty taxes for oldagc pensio ners and that these living in rented accommodations would recech corrcstmnding assist ance An aide later explained that the program aims to eh iinate all property taxes for pcnsio ners earning less than $20000 year Lewis was skeptical of the proposal BARRIE 341 BAYFIELD ST 705 7370800 JIM RAWN as He said the Conservatives had made series of promises in the closing da of the 1975 campaign inclu ing pledge to ease the interest rates for middleincome home buyers and plan to set up an occupa tional health institute and nei ther had been heard of since Well have promise day or promise every two days un til the end of the campaign he said Davis and Smith were no more complimentary in greet ing Lewiss pledge Sunday night to raise the minimum wage to $4 an hour from its present $265 The premier said that would put Ontario full $150 ahead of many American states and would leave the province less competitive in foreign markets Smith said the move would force many small businesses to flee to the United States where they could be competitive The premier who said at the outset of the campaign that na tional unity would not become partisan issuo was gradually will not try to convince you that can solve all your problems however do promise to work my hardest to represent you and Simcoe Centre Riding to the utmost of my ability GEORGE TAYLOR The Volvo 50th Anniversary Sale is going on at Progressive Conservative Simcoe Centre If you want to help elect George Taylor coll Barrie 7288711 lnnisfil 4362401 Bradford 7753882 Penetanguishene 5498535 SPEND VOLVOS 50TH ANNIVERSARY SAVING ON ONE Your Volvo dealer is celebrating Volvos Golden Anniversary by making deals like never before on specially tagged group program becoming more pointed in his references to the subject In Toronto on Monday night he repeated familiar theme that strong Ontario economy is essential to unified Canada And he added If that economy should ever weaken if it should ever falter if it should ever be in the wrong hands it could be very se riously crippled and in that re spect would contribute to crip pling the national economy of this country