Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 31 May 1977, p. 12

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VVVTW wVVvv fiWVVW JEFFREY CADDIOT AND TERRY LYN EDGILL TAKE IN THE SIGHTS AT ANGUS LIONS CARNIVAL 00 Former wardens of county in DufterinSimcoe battle 1llSlit Statti lwo tormcr Sinicoe ouiity wardens and ti Beeton village councillor and tourth candidate have been engaged in vigorous cam paigning in ltutterciiivSiiiicoe riding lor the June Si pnivticia election George Mi aguc who was warden in mot is steking re election for the Bill Davis oir servativicparty liisappeals he has stressed the need for majority government rctcrr itig to the dillicultics en countered since the last provin cial voting in September 1973 when the onsiryatiycs were elected but lacked an overall majority The Liberal candidate James Wales also is well known in siizicoe iouiity Circles former lfitH ot lorosontio beheaded the with ty council in 150 when the pie sent county administration building was opened it lid hiirst li his bid tor election 11 Wales has tllililJli tax spending and record high provincial taxation in calling tor return to sound economic administration licticit budge leEJthlllL and mounting public debt alsowas ileplorvd FORMER tR Recently appointid assistant to provincial ticasiirct Darcy McKcougti Mr litacui is hunter lilsitll mayor and chairman ot the board ol goutr nors of Georgian tollcgc Mr Met ague suct eidcd ltc Wallace Downer ol Duntroon former Speakei of the House and member for record It ii is ilii hobart bv Beulah Barr 8355865 The sincere sympathy ol the community is extended Mrs Todd and tamily ot llillsdale iii the sad loss of little daughter sister and grand daughter loiiiar ag ed six years was accidental ly killed when riding her bicycle she turned into the pathway ot ati oncoming tar on Wednesday evening May 23 iii llillsdale llei lathei predeceasid ill some mon tlis ago Neighbors atid friend were sorrj to learn that Mrs tpal ampbcll is patient in Soldiers Memorial Hospital trillia where she was taken by ambulance lollowmg tall in Midland She is sufler itig from several fractured ribs in the spinal area and understandably is very un comfortable The unfortunate tumble occurred on the 2lth weekend All hope she will soon be well on the way to complete recovery ongratulations are ex tended Mr and Mrs Gordon Sitiitli on the safe arrival of baby son horti oi May Zti at llutonia District Hospital Midland Wee brother lor Jason and Michael Dick amphcll motored lrotn Toronto to visit his mother is tpal ampbcll in Soldiers Memorial Hospital rillia one day recent David Russell is spending years as lll iii this tradir tionally tonscryatic riding The lXltllttlilllt larty candidate Hieton councillor ltill Fox tllliLlltti the govern niciits economic handling and unemployment lhe idea that the Tories are careful money managers is myth he stated No province in tanada is in hock to the extent that we are iii Ontario and we are the richest province iii anada SMALLER llClll He pointed out that Manitoba an NDI province has delicit onetenth the sie ot tintarios ur dcticit per capita is even higher than Newtonndlands he said Money mismanagement is not the only area of economic concern he said Jobs and lob creation is another area where the Tories fail and they fail iniseribly He said it the NDI were elected they would provide jobs and security in the work place clean tip the environ ment and preserve toodlands lhctourthcandidate llie tourth candtatc chterr ill is Social tredit standard licarcr lit contesting elections 11 recent years in this riding the Social treditors have trail ed the other party candidates but have made sonic gains which appears to he the int mediateohmlive Municipal crests asked for museum MlltHlRST Stafti Silllr coc ounty museum and ar chives hoard has asked officials ot incriihcr municipalities to provide tlictn with oflicial crest for special display hi the interest ot conformity it was suggested the crests be mounttd on matching wooden shields equipped with some tortn ol hanging titvice tor easeininountingon thewall Mctnlwts ol the board which is headed Jack lolcman ol Same have proposed these be place in the lecture room iii the cultural ing of the museum lhcsc interisting crests or coats of arms would tortii noteworthy addition to the two months at Red Lake lraiiiing cntrc tor Forest angers llirougliout High School he was an honour stu lllll completing grade Ill and continuing on with two years ol college llycry suc cess is wished llllll iii whatever his chosen field will be Dr William Butt spent some time at his country home and at liis farm which was loriiierly the Dellart tariii number of folk attended the annual Memorial Service at Hobart Memorial thurch on Sunday May 22 Due to re cctit illness Rev Robert liitv tlc ot Midlandwas unahlcto attend and Rev lCric Bcggs of Urillia very capath took charge oti the service lhickcn Fox has habit of popping up here and there president Douglas and Bruce sons ol Mr and Mrs lilf Lockhart are suffering from the malady loo had an excavation couldnt bedug to hold all the various disease germs with the tent cater pillars thrown in for good measure ugh baxter by Mrs Norrls Cochrane 4246637 Mr and Mrs Steve Bout her from Tim mins spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Dcnzil Ioclirane Mr and Mrs Alton Rum ble and Mr and Mrs Albert larger lounty ot Simcoe crest which is presently mounted on the south wall of the lecture room said Mr olcman ltl his report explaining the hoard tell that wooden shields approx iniately 17 inches by ten inches wottld be ideal The cottiity propeity commie tec headed by Deputy Reeve Allan McLean of in is taking tip the rtquest further llio museum hoard also ask ed for supply of wide plank ing lll weathered condition to he used to htiild platlorm licside the illlttlti railway sta tion which is in the process of restoration It was suggested barn flooring would be ideal Aikens fioni London called on Mr and Mrs Robert lurnhull recently Mr and Mrs Norris ochranc attended the open house at the Independent Order of Odd Fellows Home in Barrie recently large crowd toured the home ladies choir from the residence entertained by singing hymns liunch and col fee were served Mr and Mrs Tochtane also visited Mr and Mrs Fred lrecn Saturday after noon in loronto indy Shorey and Neill onnelly from Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Jim Shorcy and Derek Mrs Norris ochrane at tended the mothers and daughters banquet Tuesday May It at the new lres hyterian thurch Alliston Mrs May Banks of Grove Park Home Barrie died recently Members of her family live in Baxter guthrie by Vllda Campbell 4873201 The congregation of Guthrie United ihurch will hold its annual picnic on the church grounds on Sunday June l2 Because of the Hawkestonc Anniversary there will be no church service or Sunday School June 12 at Guthrie United Church Mr and Mrs JackMason ccss ning Most vegetable crops behind average growth survey of farms show HAWKIZSIUNIC IStatli While the weekend rains were of help the unusually dry spring has delayed growth for radishcs let tuce onions and other crops in different Sitii coc ounty areas it was shown hy farm survey 0n the Holland Marsh the vegetable crop was little affected atid close to average hut in other places there were what tariner described as serious setbacks We are very much iii the need ot more ram said rton Newton who has hwn growing vegetables on ills oncession ll la in near here tor 13 ears We ordinarin would be hirc tine our early crops of radislies lettuce and onions but they are hcltiiid ltl growth due to long dry spell he said Asked about the future outlook he said lt depends on the weather They could conic along if we get enough rain Mr Newton said he didnt plan eailj potatoes but intended to plaiit late ai ictiw shortly He said tomato plants had to he watered hut this didnt equal ram We are hoping for the best he commented WORST IV YEARS lhis IS the worst spring tor planting in years said linton lltagaii ot ioulson area He said vegetable crops were allected but reported some rhubarb He also had asparagus and well as some other Vegetables am not able toget around like usixl to he said discussing planting At one time he experimented with grow mg celery with some degree of success htit has given this tip Potatoes are now niaiit crop on his larni Mrs Start Ager ol the llth liinc ltro drew attention to sortie good quality rhtiharh and vegetablccrops There was the cold and dry spell and it that wasnt enough we have been hit by cut worms and tent caterpillars she said More rain would help Mrs Ager said the caterpillars were feeding on leaves arid she feared for maple trees It could serioust aftect the future supply of our maple syrup slicconimented Hartley Jones of RR larkeshurg who has acres of apples said the trial trees needed mote moisture too We are just sell mg out the last of last years crop he said neighborly news stating lhcoutlool tor the fut Iirc depended on the weather It could he serious if we dont have more ram Mr Jones SlxtlltllIS in lati llll ics ot ap plcs lti directing attention to fiiic quality spy apples he said hc used to sell it the Barrie tarmcis tiiarkct tight now am looking tor suitahle stand in Bari ie he said lllltllll Jillltllt grown on lll orchard arc Northern Spa early and late lclntosh and Delicious Holden hantatti tiittl ta ililllL well it lllltlitliitllfi licacl ica iotdsni to ltayi lyetill ltilattlt ii ill mi in it iits been doing ltiic althiittgi otc lIlll would help hcslatid Most pasture ficlils in iriiitistcr area ha hein reasonably good ot eratug lltsliiil iciorduii lLctiicti White Mcilontc resident lhcti till he iscail lirsi hay crop is lit year ivcti if there is iiiotiraii now licsaiil letitii has been good lti cattle gramg iii lllitltitllltiilltlii test he ciop ilowill be somewhat iillllllllll1ltlllt Hood grazing pasture as noticul at tlc iniii ot Howard aiitpholl ttwxe ot ltro who llts between Shanty ltaj md Hio satiozi oppoite ttto RiderRoad Junior Farmers to make tour llll IJC tStafli ot tlt Sitiiioe lil lie rcprcwntcd by two delicate at soil and trop management tour ioi tillllt larmers planned lll July it was announced hi ltohcrt lluiiiphrics iiiltnltural rcpicseiitatnc at the Stintoe oftice here The tour is planned in die countries of Huron lcrtli Waterloo and tllllliiltttl star tingoii Monday July it and iiililllllllttt tiiitil lridaylu 131 Rules provide thaI applicant must he bet ween lltaiid tcats and he act tcl itiiiageil in larm management pplication ire now being ieieivtd at the oil siiiicoc lariii ol lice lllt thedeadline llllllii stiit iti oitll have returned from an exten verse with the word Mother the 71 last ict Annual at sivc tour of England and iii it lli ston lat lioe and Scotland They spent six Barbara Kaasalaincn was llacl man report weeks visiting friends and relatives iii Salisbury and Blackpool iii England and several places iti Scotland of Recent visitors with Mr and Mrs Mervyn Cnitns was There in charge of was quest ioii answer period on the nature mission today strip was asked to draw this picture was shown lrom the otticcrs conlcrcitcc and at Waterloo was LJHH by Lois lltll lhcrc was plant ex change lorthc tlltltllttlS The June meeting will he held at lltlfllillll film Miss Bessie Westalke of lot skit very special the home ot Mrs Kell and tenham William Morrision talent was presented hv all it will he aricty tllglit of Burlington visited with the members present Mrs téttillllflttlll lilllltltl1 arl lark Mrs Earl Jean Kell gaVc report on lunch was scile in tlic Johnston of rillia visited several meetings she had at committee at the close ot thc with her daughter arid son in tended law Mrs and Mrs Mel Jamieson Mr and Mrs Don Leigh of Calgary visited with Mrs Leighs mother Mrs The meeting closed lunch was StlVtKi Womens Institute tttitliitg lhosc lroiii tlilford attcn ding the District Annual iti Alliston were Mrs It Bell Mrs William Kcll Mrs and llilkcy and other relatives Show cormmcs BcllMis ll ionanMis Mrs Body highlihtcd the Sim Ill Mli Mr and Mrs eorge Ma 17 100me mo Weyiiiiin Campbell are pleased to air nounce the arrival of new grandson born at Etobicoke Hospital May 25 Parents are There iillord Vomcns Institute were and visitors present at the lilford l3nited lhurch hcld atiniversai church scr ices oit Sunday May 323 With Rev llara leddes as the visiting members home of Mrs Wil am ltonand Janet lweedy Km The program coiivcncr gilford by Mrs Sawyer 7753666 United Church Women The lilford United fhurch Women met at the home of Mrs Winnifrcd Whally oti Thursday May 12 Mrs wen Bell president opened the meeting with Mothers Day story Roll call was answered by Mrs lhompson of lamily and consumer affairs ar ranged the ceramics demonstration with Mrs Body which was enjoyed by all present The motto was He who owns hobby owns tnental island of refuge and was commented on by the presi dent Mrs Davis Roll call was answered by Name an article you threw in the dump and wished you hadnt Reports were given froin minister gngus BEV ANDREWS 4241 370 Peter Perrier circle very special happening took place recently at St Marys iii Barrie drawing together large groltp of citizens from Angus and area for Sunday hruncli Hosted by the Knights of blimibus the occasion was mittoc said Monday that the carnival was great suc He said totals are not yet available on how much the Essa Township arena fund will benefit from the weekend event but they will be presented to the Lions club Thursday eve The weekend went very well Hanson said The clowns ROBI VACHON LOOKS BACK TO SEE WHO IS FOLLOWING ltl llti Wilmer receiyes lti lltlllltl lllti lttlllllHllltllHlt the late It lcter lcrrier of Angus by the presentation of llizirtcr naming the olum hian Squirts of Angus the lctcr lcriter irclc ltci introduction ol head table guests by Knight lctcr laplantc tirand Knight John Smith welcomed the many guests making special mention ol the large group of Angus rcstdciits present to witness the ceremony and spoke of the effort by several people who were instrumcir tal iii gcttttig the Squires of Angus started last lrand Knight Rd lelair Stu Macv Donald Russ Bropliy and Bernie ellair The Squires are group of young men affilatcd with the Knights ol olumbns who in volvc themselves in civic athletic social cultural and religious activites in the communities Knight Ed letlair iti adr dressing the gathering spoke of the eftorts of many people who were involved in the re juvenat tort of the St lalricks irclc in Barrie and from this the idea was formulated to create Squires organiza tion in Angus helping the young men of the area to become future leaders iting the tradition ofnanr ing the various ircles after religious figures Ed le lair spoke of the precedent of paying honor to lcter Perlt ricr dedicated family tnan and community worker who was always available whenever the need aroSe MM MA AAAAAAALAAALA LAA kno you Della llllll ulham of Main Street Stayncr is winner of last weeks Know Your ounty contest She correctly iden Iilied the war memorial as the one at Memorial Square llt red rant and Diinlop streets Barrie Readers are asked to identify this county landmark and send the answer to Know Your entity The limminer BM 1170 Barrie hit ians Meat Market llanic the examiner Tuesday May 31 1977 13 Angus Lions carnival termed great success Hap Hanson chairman of the Angus Lions carnival com from the training school at Edgar with their magic tricks were definitely the highlight This was the third year of such fundraising events spon sored by the club for projects in Angus Three years ago circus was held and the last two years have been carnival Hanson said there was very good tumout on the weekend even though the fair had to be closed Saturday night because of rain The carnival will be held again next year he said iv free Sunday roast from Bien hand to take part iii the ceremony was the former Mrs lcrricr Mrs lorrainc Williams and Peter lerrier Jr lit moving statement Mrs Williams thanked the assembled group and spoke of her late husbands many fine qualities unselfish and tireless devotion to the com munity After standing ovatioit for Mrs Williams and Peter Icrricr Jr the liartcr was formally presented by Knights lid letlair and Stu MacDonald to hief Squire Richard Lavergiie and Father Allah McRac of Our Lady of iracc hurch in Angus lt isnt often that the or dinary Joe is comv incinerated uid honored for achievements which never make the news media but the memory of Peter Perrier is standard by which the young men of Angus can set their standard by ampiiig out number of browmcs from the First Angus Brownie Pack along with Brown wl Judy Elliott went camping at Bonita Glctrllawkstonc on the May 13 weekend earning the Canada and Dancers badges good time was had by all anccr society Team aptain Dorothy Bartlett is pleased to re ort that $92603 was collecte for the anadian anccr So GO Examiner photos by Rolf Kraiker yfig cicties recent canvass and would like to thank all those who supported the fund with special thanks to canvassers leggy lroty Mrs Welwood Diane lilliott Ruth Leistner Verna titt Mary Graham Louise lagc Joan Mansfield Joan Dolby and Rose Wilson new Iowell by Beulah Tompkins 4240242 Mr and Mrs tarry Hiltz spent the weekend at Parry Sound Mr and Mrs Ivan Duff spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Ralph Bellamy in Stayner Mr and lS Wayne Black attended the GreerGiles wedding iii trillia on Satur day Mrs Marian Noble and children of Don Mills spent Sunday with Mrs Bess Mumlxison Barbara Arkclls of Barrie and Jean Cambournc spent the weekend in Noith Ba Mr and Mrs Bot Dul and children of Barrie spent the weekend with Mr arid Mrs Don Duff Mr and Mrs Mervyn artcr and son of Mis sissauga Mr and Mrs Don aitcr and baby of Brigdcn spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Harry lrosser Kim Stacey of Beiunsvillc spent the weekend With Mr and Mrs Roy latton

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