COUNTY For United Canada COLDWATER Staff Members of Col dwater Smior Citizens club are disturbed over Quebec separatism moves and have sent petition to Dr Rynard MP urging him to do what he can to hold the country together Canada is observing its 110th anniversary year it was noted ata meeting attended by 40 senior citizens at Riverside Centre at Mill and Main street here The president Mrs Jean Robbinson presided Kinsmen convention RILLIA Staff Representatives of Kinsmen clubs in District will be gather ing at Orillia June to 12 for their annual convention Opening ceremonies will be held at the city hall and this will be followed by meeting of the district executive coun cil at the Governors Inn fmm to on open ing day Graham Legget will be guest eaker at the Orillia community centre on second day of the fourday convention and banquet and ball will be held on the third evening The convention closes with pancake breakfast on Sunday June 12 Hydro revisions urged IDNGFORD Staff High taxation was assailed by Liberal leader Dr Stuart Smith at Geneva Park conference address dur ing visit to this Simcoe East area yester day In deploring motmting public debt Dr Smith said it was mortgaging the future for the younger generation to pay The Liberal leader in referring to higher Hydro rates advocated revisions in the pricing formula which would make lower rates for those who save on use of electrici ty No closing plans ORILLIA Staff Political rumors that Huronia Regional Centre may be phased out at some time in the future were strongly denied by Grodoit Smith Progressive ea Bell strike continues MONTREAL CP Bell Canada operators voted overwhelmingly Monday night to continue their lSdayold strike un til the company signs backtowork agreement assuring no reprisals writ be taken against strikers The Montrealarea operators voted 489 148 to continue strike that started over May 16 contract tentatively accepted by their union the Communications Union Canada CUC Spokesmen for this citys sector of the CUC claim more than 2000 operators in Quebec and Ontario had no opportunity to vote on the contract which would raise an operators salary to $200 weekly from $179 McLagan to trial TORONTO CP Robert McLagan of Vancouver was committed to trial Mon day in provincial court on charges involving hostagetaking incident in downtown bank March 21 He is charged with forcible confinement robbery extortion and possession of dangerous weapon Judge RJ Graham ordered him to ap pear in court July for trial date to be set To aid crime fight OTTAWA CP The government an nounced Monday that it will pay $5 an hour this summer to 1100 young people to help fight crime The program will cost $285 million and is part of the manpower departments make work program In one program 437 students will work with the RCMP in several fields including patrols and policecommunity relations In another program 648 persons between the agw of 15and 24 will work in local police projects such as looking after children in untende parks Business as usual OTTAWA tCPt For Prime Minister Trudeau it was business as usual Motidaywkissing tourists entertaining foreign visitors and attending the Commons three days after announcing that his marriage had broken up Trudeau left his official residence before noon walked across the street to greet and have lunch with President Noktar Ould Daddah of Mauritania and later made his way through applauding tourists into the House for the daily qutstion period Bll ILLEN estimation Rising iobless rates OTTAWA tCPt Manpower Minister Bud Cullen confirmed Monday that his department has prepared estimates that show rising jobless rates during the next two years But he told the Commons he has no new plans to deal with the rising unemployment rate and his department will not make it piacticc to reveal such estimates in future Whats carnival Peter Bolby 10 months was among the participants in the annual Lions carnival at Angus over the weekend Later this week the Lions are expected to announce how much money was raised for the berr efit of the Essa Township arena fund Story more photos on Page l3 Examiner Photo Conservative candidate seeking reelection in Simcoe East Answering direct question Mr Smith said definite No Then he added the ex planation There will always be need for complex of this kind can forsce some alterations in the physical structures to modernize and improve Vegetable cr0p good BRADFORD Staff Despite early spr ing cold and decline in average rainfall there has been good crop of radishes let tuce and geen onions in the Holland marsh vegetable crop area We have had more rain than some of the other areas of the county said Joe Vanderkoor of Springdalc whose address is RRsi Bradford Our radishes lettuce and onions are all good It is difficult to tell about later crops because so much depends on the future weather Father Ed Murray lcft escorts James Dwyer from the temporary morguc at the armory in Ft Thomas Ky Monday lwy crs mother and two sisters were killed in Saturday nights fire at the Bcierly llills Supper Club AP Photot Fire clues sought SOUTHGATE Ky AP The hunt for bodies has given way to search for clues into the fire that in moments consumed the Beverly Hills Supper Club killing at least 160 diners and nightclub patrons Late Monday giant crane began rip ting doth the brickandwood facadc linisting what the fire start ed It revealed the original colonial face of what had been one of the slickest nightspots in the midwestem IRS It was perched on l7acrc bluff across the Ohio River front Cincinnati Officials got their first look in side the Zebra Room just above where the fire is thought to have started in basement boiler room They saw rubble but no bodies Ive seen some gruesome murders some mighty bad auto wrecks said the leader of Red Cross unit from Mount Healthy Ohio But nothing was as bad as this Southgate Fire Chief Dick Ricsenberg said he is absolutely certain the rubble will yield no more victims Held in Davis threat BRAMPTON On Pt lIngIchardt Jablonowski 40 of Toronto was remanded in custody for bail hearing Wednesday when he appcarcd in provincial court Mon day on charge of making threatening telephone call to Ontario Premier William Davis Jablonowski was reinandid to give him time to instruct his Toronto lawycr Pwl regional police spokesman said Jablonowski was arrested after his car was stopped Sunday in nearby alcdon following investigation of threatening call to Daviss Brampton campaign office Thur sday special division of the provincial police in charge of security for the premier called additional bodyguards and plainclothts palicc officers following the threat Advance poll dates TORONTO tCPt Ontario voters will have two chances to cast their ballots in ad vance polls before the June provincial election Advance mils will be open on June and June from noon to pm the provincial election office has amiounccd woathor Sunny today High 22 to 25 louding over this evening with showers or thunder showers tonight Low 10 to 14 Variable cloudiness Wednesday chance of shower High mm It 113th yourNo 128 Tuesday May 31 1977 15° For Copy Carrier Home Dollvorv 90° Wooldy he examiner serving barrievandsirncoe 28 Page count Gobetweens sought by Dutch terrorists Has donated 75 pints of blood Jim Smith of gius Strcct in Barrie was among tlic ciirliii donors iri1ing at Trinin Parish Hall Monday iiftcrnoon for thc first day of twoday blood donor clinic Hicli hc ar llHfl Mrs Prank Miripln chairman of tlic clinic for thc ltairic branch of thc anadian Red Toss was waiting for him Smith has donatcd 73 pints of blood and was awarded ccrtificatc and pin lhc clinic continucs today from to piii and to piii lli£lllllllll lhotot New business definition could create jobs Jelinek OTlAWA 4Pt new definition of small busincss and new approach to thc nccds of owncimanagtd CllitlplIStS can crcatc inorc jobs for Canadians Otto Jclinck tIt rlligh ParkHumber Valleyt told the Commons Monday He said the government bases its con ccptioii of small business on the assets and annual sales of company But this fails to capturc the most important feature of small firm that the owner of it is the manager and that the managcr of thc firm has deep pol sonal stake in its future Jelinek Toronto manufacturer iirgcd creation of an agency scparatc from the lt part mcut of industry tradc and coinincrcc to Lewis returns here Wednesday Stcphcn Lewis lcadcr ot thc Ontario Nru lXllllKllelC Party will bc back in Harri tHlncsdayaltcrnoon This is Lewis fourth visit to Siiiicoi ounty during thccurrcnt clcct ion campaign llc will hold prcss contcicncc at Paul Wcsscngcis Simcoe tcntrc licadquartcrs on Dunlop Strict at about it to lcwis will than trawl into ltiftcrin Simcoe riding and attend picnic in Orangcvillc with New Democrat candidatc Bill Pox lliuisday Wtiltcr Millir icc prcsidcnt oi the National harmcrs lnion and honor prcsidcnt of thc tntiirio Pariiicrs lnion will join Wesscngcron ttic ciiiiipaign trail Miller who is running as thc Nlls can dtifatc in Grey Wlll hold llf confcrcncc at tcsscngerlieadqunrtcis at St ton in ltIll with tlic spccitic nccds of the small business sector iovcrnincnts continue to consult with large business and as result most of the legislation is geared solcly toward that see tor hc said He spokc during dcbatc on kimervative motion calling for legislation to help small business There was no votc on the motion REFORM IN WORKS But Rcvcnuc Minister Moniquc Begin said this would put small businesses in ghetto She said reforms already under way in the in dustry department would help answcr their ticcds iiioic cffcct ivcly liicrcasid sharing of information bctwcen gmcrnmcnt dcpzirtmcnts and changes in the torimrations and Labor Iiiions Returns Act will rcliovt tsotmo firms of at least one of thcir reporting rcquircmcnts by tutti saving tbciii an cstimatcd slit million she said She spokc in thc abscncc of Small Business Minister licn Marchand wliosc lllOilttldll law died during the wcckcnd Transplant patient dies lt ltt tNltt tlt Metropolitan lorontos first lung transplant pitticnt dicd today in To ronto icncinl ilthpllill hospital spokesman said lhc dcutli ol tlic lit ill old Toronto mart lit day attcr lit ricciycil right lung from an accident victim illt sainc age was caused by partial scparation of his airway the spokes man said Defence gueries timeframe gaps Rowbotham hearing is adiourned Robcrt Rowbothams onagain offagain preliminary hearing into chargis of traffick ing hashish oil in Bccton as on again Mott day in Barrie for one day Utltlltt counsel Moishe Reiter completed crosscxaininéition of an RCMP officer who says Rowbotham sold him vials of the drug Sept 1975 onstablc Brucc aliicn was first called to the stand last April when Judge Don lnch frst COlthlltd the hcaring it took the entire day to complete cross examination and at the end Reiter said he counldnt continue the hcaiing until Aug Acting cmwn attorncy John Burgar says that wcek has been set aside to get thc hear ing partially cotiiplctcd Rowbotham facts threc chargcs of traffick mg in joint prcliminary hearing with loliii Mcpstcad The 2tryearold Becton man was in court Monday in custody serving 14year sentence attir bcing convicted of conspiracy to import hasliisli oil in Brampton tiial Reiter spctit Monday testing and challeng ing ontable Calnens testimony llc questiontd gaps in the time frame of Calncns reported visits to Rowbothams Bccton farm saying they wcrc important 1Its important that time frames are known for Sept because there are virtually no times notcd whatever regarding these questionable conversations that took place He asked Constable alncn why he waited until returning to his officc to take notes on incetings with Rowbotham and questioned the validity of his memory ltcitcr asked Constable alncn to try memory tests to prove the validity of his memory but onstablc alncn refused What was the trick of memory you used to reiiicmbtr verbatim conversatioim Reiter ASSEN AP South Moluecan terrorists holding 55 or more hostages aboard Dutch train have asked the government for in termediaries to discuss their demands justice ministry spokesman said today She declined to give any details about the request But another government source cau tioned against optimism saying be con sidered it small change in the situation He said second group of Moluccans holding four hostages at schoolhouse have made no similar request for intermediaries But unofficial observers thought the request from the terrorists on the train might open the way to negotiations Several psychiatrists have been in contact by telephone with the Moluccans listening to their demands and transmitting to them the governments reaction But they are representatives of the government The terrorists previoulsy refused to accept offers of mediation from moderate leaders of the South Moluccan community in the Netherlands BARGAIN FOR ilNS Earlier today justice ministry spokesman said the government was trying to get the ter rorists to give up their guns as well as their hostages in exchange for flight out of the country Officials said the Moluccans offered Mon day to release their prisoners if the terrorists were supplied plane to take them to another country The justice ministry spokesman said the Moluccans were told they Would have better chance of getting plane crew to take them if they also gave up their weapons The terrorists did not reply immediately the spokesman said He said the Moluccans have made no meri tion for scvcral days of their demand that 2t South Moluccans imprisoned for previous terrorist acts be allowed to leave the country with them But as far as we know they still want the release of their comrades he said There was no indication where the Moluc cans might want to go or that any country was willing to give them refuge One un confirmed report said they might ask to go to Vietnam but government spokesman said that destination has not been mentioned in the negotiations MOST ON TRAIN Seven to 10 Moluccan extremists are holding between 55 and 57 hostages on com muter train they took over May 23 outside Asscn in northeast Holland while four others are holding four teachers in the Bovensmilde elementary school 10 miles to the south The terrorists in the school released 105 children last Thursday and Friday after many of them became ill with stomach ailment Doctors said seven of the children were still in hospital but would be sent home today or Wednesday There are about 40000 South Moluccan exiles in the Netherlands small militant faction has been carrying on sporadic cam paign of terrorism and sabotage since 1970 to call attention to their demand for the in dependence from Indonesia of their native islands in the former Dutch East Indies But Indonesia has made clear it is not going to let the islands go and the Dutch government has given no support to the independence demand Psychiatrists are acting as gobetweens in the negotiations with the terrorists which are being carried on by telephone Meanwhile about 2000 troops and police have cordoned off the train and school and an army camp at Assen is supplying hot meals to the Moluc cans and their prisoners lnnistil cutting down on recreation funding BARCLAY lnnisfil Townships recrea tion committee of management Monday night unanimously approved formula for awar ding grants to local recreation groups which will cut off township funding after four years Indcr terms of the new policy drawn up by recreation coordinator Larry Morrow group which receives township grant would have its grant reduced by onethird of the Demeter loses ï¬nalappeal OTTAWA ttPt Thc Suprcmc Court of anada dismissed today the final appeal of lorontoarca building developer Peter Denictcr now serving life term for having his wilcmurdcrcd lhc nincman high court rejected argumen ts that lcinctcr should have new trial bccause the jury in thc Blvday trial in 1974 had bccn exposid to cxccssivc and inflammatory ncws covcragc of the case The courts judgment was unanimous Trollings such bore the fishing on Lakc Simcoe must be pret ty bad this year This morning fisherman set out in his 14foot outboard to try his luck on Kcmpcnfclt Bay Pat lucrgis reporter with lhc Ex aminer saw the fisherman trolling in the bay this moming as she drove to work Two hours later as she went out on assignment she noticed the boat was still in the same place and thcrc was no sign of life on board She callcd Barric ity Police who sent their patrol boat to investigate When thc police pulled up alongside they found the fisherman curled up in the bottom of his boat sound asleep He Woke with start when the police shoutcd at hint iratcly yelling Yea whaddya want As the police boat pulled away the fisher man curled up and went back to slcep asked Were you taugit bow to record 00n versations in your mind word for word Judge Inch told Reiter to stop badgering Constable alncn but Reiter reacted angrily If the court stops me at this point the court is saying cant crossexamine this witness he said Its my duty to explore the limit of his memory Reiter also questioned Calnen on how much he had to drink during the transactions and implied it was at least five or six beers He qucstioncd RCMP search methods of Constable Calnens car before and after his visit to ltowbothams farm saying they were only cursory He said RCMP officers would search suspect car far differently Constable Caliien says starches of under cover men ate up to individual cover of ficcrs original amount in each succeeding year that the group asks for funding After four years the group would not be eligible for township funding According to committee chairman Fred Benson the new poiciy was needed to reduce the dcpcndencc of recreation groups on township money and to keep the committees spending to minimum The policy will not take effect until 1978 Morrow said Because we have already allocated Some grants this year He said groups now receiving township fun ding will be notified of the change by mail just to let them know that vuts are coming Committee member Phyllis Moody said she feels the cutback formula should include an allowancc for the effects of inflation Howcvcr Bcnson said he thinks it is essen tial for the committee to apply the same rules toevery group If you deviate from the structure theyll kill you he said waters VJth Statements that Begn of Israel am hawk are compoton without founderon inside local lifestyle entertalnment sports 14 oomlcs 12 classified 18 17 18 Towers page Downtown mall 7to 10 have been involved in numerous drug pruchases where searches were not used siad ontablc alncn Im not criminal and dont feel the RCclith would question my credibility he sat The hearing was marked by clashes bet ween Reiter and Judge Inch over Reiters questioning of Constable Calnen Your comments have been abusive of this witness said Judge Inch at one point have allowed you to carry on hoping you would get to the serious points of this case but you havent Reiter countered that his qutstioning was all part of the game phrase that angered Judge Inch This is not game he said rc eatedly Burgar says he expects to ca one more witness for the Crown cover man Con stable Doug Wadstciii