Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 19 May 1977, p. 6

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the examiner Thundgy Mnemy 19 1977 lifestyle people and places Iamily day tamin day and Iiuetiug will be held quc It by the Army Nayy and ii loice tlub of Barrie the Hall on George Street There be hamburgers liotilogs ice cream and soft driiiks tor the children for 75 cents and steak dinner for the adults tor $2 so The meeting will be held at and there Ill be fashion show and dance following Fe II ow hi The Full Gospel Fellowship breakfast for all denominations Ill be held Saturday at 830 am at the Lakeview Res taurant Ioe Deveton of Parry Sound will be guest speaker Iot luck dinner Ben Staring new manager of the Shanty Bay lolf Club and his Wife Iune were introduced recently at the opening pot luck dinner of the business girls sec tion at the golf club Millie Whalen wlecomed 70 members to the opening dinner There will be two ball four some for boss night followed by wine and cheese party June Tickets are available frm Millie Whalen and Rita rowel The barbecue and the two ball foursome for all members will beheld Aug 24 Show film The Quota Club of Banie will show the film The Miracle Worker with Ann Bancroft and Patty Duke May 31 at 730 pm at the Blue Flame Room as presentation for Deaf zuid Hard of Hearing Month The film which is the story of Ileleii Keller will be introduced by someone from the Canadian Hearing Society The movie is free and refreshments will be served There will also be informa tion on deafness Graduates Debbie Taylor daughter of Mr and Mrs Daniel Taylor of RRI Midliurst graduates as legal secretary from Ileizing Institutes Toronto Miss Taylor is graduate of Forest Ilill School Midhurst and Barrie North tollegiate gamma CANADAS LARGEST AND BESTKNOWN RECORD STORE SATURDAY MAY 21 930AM0NLY SATURDAY MAY 21 PM ONLY Dark Side of tho Moon PINK FLOYD DARK SIDE OF THE MOON MONEY BREATHE AND MORE WWWOmth DONNA SUMMER LOVE TO LOVE YOU BABY TRY ME KNOW WE CAN MAKE IT AT SAMS ONLY BARRY iiiiow THIS ONES FOR YOU RIDERS TO THE STARS MORE AT SAMS MORE 000nm Limited Ono POI Mull EAGLES HOTEL CALIFORNIA NEW KID IN TOWN WASTED TIME 449 AT SAMS ONLY JOHN GREATEST HITS VOL THANK GOD IM COUNTRY BOY ll MORE AT SAMS GOT NAME WORKIN AT THE CAR WASH BLUES LOVERS CROSS RUMOURS 00 YOUR OWN WAY DREAMS MORE AT SAMS tibial RONSTADI RETROSPECTIVE DIFFER ENT DRUM LONG tONG TIME 20 MORE AT SAMS 449 499 599 Above items on sale at advertised prices while supply lasts Fri Sui One each per INVEST NOW 99 atme DIAMOND NEEDLES amoral IO Dunlop St Barrie Store Hours Mon Thurs Sat 930 am pm lIEVEN THE BUS srons AT SAMS noon Fri 930 am 900 pm Closed Monday May 23rd YOU ASKED FOR IT and now youre going to get it LATER BUS FROM TORONTO Now on WEDNESDAYS and SATURDAYS you can catch Toronto Theatre Sports Restaurants Okeefe Centre or whathaveyou YOU CAN LEAVE ORILLIA AT 530 pm or on any of our earlier scheduled busses AND LEAVE TORONTO at 1110 pm for only 910 RETURN PLUS You wanted DOWNTOWN TERMINAL and now youve got it HILLS RESTAURANT Colborne St Bus and on Travelways Golden Carpet Service you have hostess serving free coffee snacks papers and magazines Travelways offers so much more than Ride For full information and schedules ORILLIA 3267376 BARRIE 7280700 TRAVELWAY® STOCK BROS BUS LINES LTD Iibrary in honor of all South Simcoe WI Marks 75th anniversary By PAT GUERGIS Examiner Staff Reporter It was birthday time for the South Sirncoe Womens In stitute in Alliston Tuesday About 140 members and guests from 11 branches gathered at St Johns United Church to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the group The daylong event was highlighted by luncheon elec tion of officers displays and singing presentation by the Merry Minstrels group of eight young Alliston singers The 1977 slate of officers is pastpresident Mrs Cecil Reynolds president Mrs Paul Tipping first vicepresidcnt Mrs Donald Monkrnan second viceprcsident Mrs James Steers secretarytreasurer Mrs Everett McVety federa tion representative Mrs hurch public relations Mrs Don Stephenson federation of agriculture Mrs Earl Bell assistant secretary Mrs Sturdy agriculture and Cana dian industriis Mrs Harvey urry citizenship and world affairs Mrs James Cmsbie education and cultural ac tivities Mrs Kell fami ly and consumer affairs Mrs Douglas Montgomery resolu tions Mrs William Trotter and lvcedsmuir curator Mrs tccil Reynolds Mrs Sutherland 1976 lwHdsmuir curator gave short history of the past 73 ycars ot club activities follow ing the luncheon Mrs James Steers introducv ed the head table guests Iistoii Mayor ak trey uclconud the visitors and con gratulatcd the Womens In Silllllt Iomcns Institute plays large part in all the good things llltll happen in Alliston he said Vt IIVItIC Rcv Shulton of St Johns Initcil hurch told the group he had long since lcarncd not to try and giyc ladies any advice have been wondering it there is any connect run between WI and the Womens Liberation movement ot the past few years hc find cant imagini women of WI tecling put down dont think ou could put them iloar II has been one ot the ltiltilllil1 factors ot this cotui try and to the liberation of Xoiiicn lictoldlhcgroup lltltltlll ot the area Mrs laiiuuc strcsxcil lllt benefits of bcloritlingto Ll would ncvcr gottcn toincet and know so many people and make so many good friends it not tor WI It you have an idea lct someone know and you too may lcayc your mark just like our founder dclaidc llooiilcs ltsalarreaclnngcx pciicnci shcsaul ittlltStlllttllHs from other Il groups III the area brought hcr wIriiuatulations to thc Iillll Simcocgioup lI lacobs board Irlcnibcr tor ubihision 12 told the group We lll work for home aml coitiitiy but happy woman is one who can see rain lmn in thcsoapsuds Each of thc groups gayc an account of their past history issi ted by display ot pictures andrnorncntos llISIO liic Alliston tl tartwl In ltilt and assisted 11 ilfolls tor the first tour years They built memorial library in memory of the war dead and in ltifii no they extend Yl thch Hall The larger ball was latcr turiiid til to the library also The grotip has assisted in cauvasses tor the anccr Socic ly Rcd ross and tlood ltllIIlS lbcy hayc placed books in the dead mcmbcrs ltElClON lhc tecton club was formed in 1920 by Kate Scott AItkm In 1927 they built gate to the Betton Park by canvassing every home in the army often with horse and buggy Mrs Robert lcft president of the Simcoe oIinty Womens Institute assists Mrs Ilanccy tit ycar member of II in cutting South Sinicocs 75th anniversary cake at St Johns lnitcd hurch in istoii on Tuesday Also assisting is chili president Mrs Paul Tipping tExaminiI Ihotoi Tllt IcIIy liustrcls ni lliston singing group imich thc direction of Mrs Marjorie ltKlltl1lllll1£lllittTritllttlltlltlsll celebrations of the South Sinicoc Womens IIIlt stitiitc held at St Johns lniicd huicli Illsllitl lucsday Front left lraccy Mcaguc Janet Icltucr iiid latti Taylor Back row lilt lciun IcKilycy Laurie Lnrie Kennedy Louise IIIson Iai Owens and ty ynctli It Kclc IIIaInincI Ihotoi The group has donated books and money to the library Iur rushed the arena kitchen Inadc donations to thc ctcians department at Sunnybrook Hospital supplied awards to tirade llt itttiitt hclil courses and gone on bus lllih lhc cltib oiganicd Rate Scott Aitkm liay which was at tcndcd by ltlllti isitors Ncullcyyork makini cushions and copper tooling arc sonic of the protects undertaken by tbc club record ot lllt area and anada is kept on month to month basis BRADFORD lhis clttb has been in tuxration for 30 years plus It has contrrbutcd to education the school library the town hall and takcs an ac tive part in community lift The achievements includi entertaining the senior citizens at Simcoe Manor sponsoring +II eltib and buying new clock forthetownswimmingpool IIlIHIIIIJ III 1978 the Churchill group celebrated Its 75th anniversary It has con tribuch great deal to thc community taken many short courses such as hat making baking with yeast and ac ccssories tor the home The group fwls that WI is an important means of bringing the women of the community together Sponsoring child in France monthly CUtlllt donating silver spoon to deserving II girls and $2134 to tilt ancci fund this year are some of the things this group does licturcs in thc display in cludwl titlt ot lllt ihurchill group ll llilti last year the club had incrnbcrs and whcn it had reached thi agi of SO years ll rncmbcrs numbcrcd OHKSIOIIN report on thc Kill celebrations of this club was given It is the oldest WI in Siincoc iounty lhc mcmbcrx bayc taken many short tilllSt and takc an ac tryc part in community liti II ERIIII ontributions and donations to thc Victorian tlttltl of Nurses llopi Acres muscular dystrophy the diabetic socicty Knox Iicsbytcrian hurcb and mcn taI hcaltli keep this clttb busy with fund raising events lhc mcmbcrs sponsor It II club prcscut trophy yearly to the top boy in lossoiontio School entertain and scr refreshments at Recton Mani send cards and visit the shut insofthccommunity BOND IllCrI Formed in limo this group is 37 years old Four of the members are spoir swing it Hi club they are working on thc tlurd volume of lwHdsniuir History In history of their community paid for shelves and books in thc tond llcad library until it was taken over by the county and they havc an ongoing public rcla tious project We feel that public relations cairnot and should irot be an isolated part of WI Dances catering bus trips friendship nights and takrrig hristmas gifts to thc elderly and shutins keeps this group active ltSllIiR ORNER Form cd in than it is one of the youngest groups in the county The club placed welcome sign in Fisher orner so that We hope you will notice us before you are through They have taken many courses to improve homcmaking skills In ISM they had float in the centennial parade donated set of spoons to the Sir William Osler School serving cart to the fire hall and hospital bed for sick neighbor IIIIHIII This clth has bwu together since 1934 They have had many social gather mgs for their families sciit boxes to boys overseas during the war sent parcels to WI group in England who couldnt get certain items during the war sponsored the lilford library donated to the Barrie hospital adopted child donated to school funds spoir sored the Boy Scouts donated to the Simcoe recreation comv riiittce given aid to local tamilics HI and the Simcoe Manor and give prizes at school IEt WE WILL This group concentrates on skits and babies From 1952 to 51 23 of its members had babies They have since named that period thetimeotthelnstituteIluW They have sponsored four children each year since 1960 and ptit furnace in the Newton Robinson Hall at cost of $1zoo Nutrition counsellor guest speaker here Ian iocller national nutrition counsellor of the Canadian Diabetic Association will be guest speaker at the Iluronia and District Branch ol the association May 25 at ti pm in lecture rooui tc at Royal Victoria Hospital Mrs Goellcr diabetic for to years worked one summer in the nutrition research division of the United States depart ment of agriculture in Maryland She also worked as amino acid analyzer technician at the University ot Nebraska She came to anada in 19th to con tinuc her studies in riiitrit am As graduate student at the tnivcrsity of luclph she taught and Worked in nutrition lalmratories In ttlTl shc rccciv ed master of science degree in applied human nutrition from the tnivcrsity of ilttlpll She was also thcrapuctic nutritionist in llt7t at inelph General Hospital while she studied for her Iiiastcrs degree In tJTo she was dietitian at thcdialxticassociationsanip lluroudaacarupucartirillia She lttllhtl form the diabetic teaching sciwicc at the iuclph Iciicral llospital Mrs tiocllcr has been llll the association smcc quc 1911 and is consultant aiul rcsourcc person in nutrition education related to diabetes JAN iOIZIJJIII Iiutrltioii is topic Ann Landers Ten rules for right living Dear Ann Landeis enjoyed the Ten Commandments on How to Get Along with People by Odell Broadway and now will you please print my Ten Commandments for Right Livrng lot of folks know could profit from it Thank youFt Lauderdale Dear Laudy With pleasure Your Ten Com mandments for Right Living reflect for the most part sound principles appreciate the opportunity to share them with my readers The only Commandment would take exception to is No6 Anger SHOULD be expressedagainst injustice cruelty evil and exploitation To suppress it would not only be emotionally unhealthy but sin of omission The other nine get my complete approval Thanks for sending them on TEN COMMANDMENTS for RIGHT LIVING Thou shalt not worry for by so doing thou shalt reliVe the same disaster many times Thou shalt not try to dominate or possess others for it is the right of every man to govern his own actions Thou shalt not seek after fame for unless God is glori fied greatness is burden Thou shalt not work for money only for money was meant to serve Money is poor master Thou shalt harm no other person by word thought or deed regardless of the cause for to do so is to perpetuate the sorrows of the race Thou shalt not be angry at any person for any reason for anger injures most the one who is angry Thou shalt nevcr blame another for thy misfortune for each mans destiny is in his own keeping tihThou shalt relax for tension is an abomination unto the es Thou shalt have sense of humor or thy years will seem much more tedious and painful Io Thou shalt love the beautiful and serve the good for this isaccording tothe will ofheavcn Dear Ann Please one more letter on the subject of hairy legs am girl and HATE them but have lots of black coarse hair on very pale sensitive legs and thighs Please consult your experts and tell me the best solution If dont shave for week or so can shave carefully with good shaving cream and new razor blade apply cold cream and itll be OK The next day however my legs will show little growth If shave them again they hurt as if had burn have not tried an electric razor in couple of years but the last time did it took forever and wasnt very satisfac tory Please help meIIarriettc Dcar ll Have you tried depilatory cream prolcssional waxing or bleaching Before you go to the ex treme which is electrolysis recommend the aforemen Iioncd ltCllllquCS ONIIII£III to In Trouble Again Sorry cant go along and police you All can do is giv you advice and have done so to the best of my ability is perfectly good AngloSaxon word You ought to try it sometime Erma Bombgch Talking to kids is not so easy We should spend more time with the children told my husband the other day In few years theyll be gone and well rattle around in this empty house wishing we had taken the tirric to sit down and find out how they felt about things their hopes their ambitions what are you smiling about Im still back at the part on rattling around in the house Do you know shaved the other morning without steam on the mirror and nearly scared myself to death hildren need the companionship of an adult contin ued lhat special relationship in thc tormative years where you listen to one another advise assess mould values exchange ideas and points ot view We dont even know how they feel about life let on with it What are you suggesting You should take your son fishing and Ill have the week end here alone with our daughter That way its oneonone situation where we really get into the meaningqu stuff Last week as watched father and son load up all the gear into the fourwheel drive lump came into my throat When they left the driveway called to my daughter Whatya want Im on the phone She was on the phone for more than five hours As she was showering fell to my knees and yelled under the door Do you want to talk about anything Yes she yelled back Do you have clean pair of pan lyhosc Later as she tore out the front door tugged at her sleeve and asked You wanta tell me how you feel about life Im for it she said simply pecking me on the cheek The next morning she slept until noon and at lunch she wore pair of headphones and blank expression to the table was relieved when my husband and son pulled into the driveway llowdid you makcout asked Ilc smiled triumphantly If do say so myself it was one ot my better performances talked about values in this life and how sometimes it was hard not to become tainted by what is going on in the world around us but we are family and if we stick together there isnt anything we cant do talked about aims and goals in life and how you had to be patient and sometimes compromise and you know all the brilliant things kid will remember his father saying for the rest of his life What did he say asked excitedly Nothing Ile slept all the way up and back Pollxs pointers Wash colors in cold water DEAR POLLY What can be done to prevent colors in clothing from running My sister and have both had such sad experiences so would appreciate knowing if there is anything we can do before washing garment CONNIE DEAR CONNIE Many of us remember our mothers setting colors in salt water before laundering but presentday experts say that has no value at all All one can do is to exercise extreme care by never soaking such garments and washing each item separately and in cool suds Work as quickly as possible and have the last rinse cold Place bath towel inside garment to keep from from touching the back when drying POLLY DEAR IOIIY To get rid of pesky bathroom odors simply strike match and let it hurri second My mother has been doing this for years BROOKE DEAR IIIY am answering Loretta whose cuticle scissors have come apart had pair of dressmaking shears that had screw that was always coming loose so put bit of that popular milky white glue in the hole put the screw back in and wiped off the excess glue kept working the scissors as if were cutting something until the glue set have been using these repaired scissors for about year and half and have had no more trouble With them coming apart RAE DEAR POLLY When transplanting indoor plants place newspaper under the new pot to catch any excess dirt Then the paper can be picked up and the dirt funneled back into the bag with none wasted Today needed new paper vacuum cleaner bag and did not have time to get new one So removed the full bag slit it emptied the dirt out and taped it shut with masking tape It serves the purpose until go shopping When defrosting the freezer line big carton with newspapers and then put in the frozen foods They are covered with more newspapers and stay frozen longer And am not in such hurry with the defrosting MRS TK DEAR IIY When siphoning dirty water from the aquarium save it to water my plants with Since it is free of chemicals while the breakdown of fish waste is an odorless natural fertilizer The plants seem to thrive on this and more importantly feel am making use of every drop of water possible BONNIE

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