uA Louise Martin 12 Practising for concert is one of the members of the Huronia Symphony Youth and Iunior Orchestra all of whom spent Whgtgver ngxtf Genetic probe Threat or boon By DOUGLAS GREENWOOD Science and Technology Correspondent world without hunger from animaltree protein or total disaster from doomsday bug accidentally let loose from research laboratory Shakespeare usually has some appropriate words about life in this case Hamlets ques tion To be or not to be is being asked by geneticists everywhere Genetic research is leading us to the secrets of life itself Fantastic developments are taking place in laboratories where scientists are combining the cells of different animals and plants into one cell that then takes on characteristics from each of two different species If allowed to these totally new kinds of cells could grow into living organisms that nature has never before created Cells that contain the life characteristics of such differ ing species and even kingdoms as the ratcat fish human elephantbird rose tulip treepig have been or conceivably could be cul tivated by the present techni ques of what is called genetic engineering Geneticists who study what goes on in the nucleus of living cells have discovered that cell nucleus can be recombined with totally different one in such way that the genes of each nucleus spell out as it were brand new life form Alphabet of Life icncs and their basic chromosomes which carry sort of alphalmtoflife code are what make us all ditferentblueeyed tall short dark fair bright pretty able to curl our tongues without the aid of the lips try itsome can some cant its an in herited trait and so on to literally an infinity of varia tions They also do the same for all other species of life whether it be animal or vegetable This lifecode and the chromosome count is the reason why dif ferent species of animals can not interbreed As yet fortunately perhaps laboratorycultivated cells have lost the ability to undergo the complete growth necessary to produce the whole organism Hybrid plants however have been grown in this fashion rOSetulip could be one exam ple plantanimal would ob viously be an ideal way to pro vide protein that could be harvested for much cheaper and plentiful supply of body building foodstuff Also genetic research is leading to inexpen sive insulin or growth hor mones or the transfer of nitrogenfixation bacteria to plants for crops that dont then many hours in practice for their recent concert held at the Embassy Hall on Blake St need fertilizers for high yields Its even probable that brand new commercial industry could arise that custom crossbreeds all sorts of horticultural plants flowers shrubs that would be otherwise impossible by we sent grafting and cross pollenization methods Deadly Germs One process in genetic engineering involves the use of bacteria from human intestines or from certain kind of in fluenza germ Danger could thus arise if during such research completely new form of disease germ were ac cidentally created for which there was no natural or im munizational defense Even some form of highly infectious cancer bug might be created in the opinion of some scientists If thtse deadly germs wcaped into the open air then in the words of Sir Macfarlane of Angus MAYZII977 Burnet the Australian Nobelist of 1960 the result could be an almost unimaginable catastrophe involving all the populous regions of the world Of coutsc its equally possi ble that tremendous boon to mankind could come gemis that clean up oil spills methods of curing hereditary disease cheap cortisone and rich harvest of other benefits Its important though that not only researchers but the general public know something about whats going on in genetics Various authorities in fact are actively seeking public understanding of the basic facts Its conceivable that it could even become an election issue So youve done your bit by reading thisl Opening Sale Custom bullt with nuts and bolts no nails Custom lawn furniture Coder Picnic TINs Cedar lawn Chairs with pad 89 $49 Custom Built Furniture to Order with umbrella with pad Cedar Picnic Tables Coder Dock lounge $1 150° $10900 Come in and browse have cup of coffee and donuts with us Open weekdays 8am 6pm Sat 80m 9pm 4246l 12 4246073 Corner of Hwy 90 Roth SL Angus In Western Arctic No great barrier to Inuit territory OlIAWA CP Northern Affairs Minister Warren Al Imand said Friday he sees no great barrier to establishing separate Inuit territory in the Western Arctic We agreed to regional gov ernment in the Iamts Bay set tlcment he told news con ference after the Committee for the Original Peoples Entitlc ment COPE presented their land claims cornerstone of the claim was the request for 105000 squarcmilc Inuit territory Within the territory the 2500 Inuit are seeking governing powers over such fields as cdu cation police economic devel opment and game There are less than 200 whites in the pro posed territory Allinand said the federal gov ernment has agreed to much the same concept of regional government for native peoplc in James Bay where the first ma jor modernday treaty was signed PEOPLE SIIEltlll The minister said later in an interview that the Northwest Territories which covers 15 million square miles could eas ily be broken up into several territories The NWT popu Iation of about H000 people is widely scattered see no great obstacle to an Inuit territory so long as it isnt based along racial lines he said The minister also told report crs the other major Inuit It quest for three per cent oI ioy altics for oil and gas produced in the ltstcrn rclic also fol lowed along lints of the James Bayscttlcmcnt There would he negotiations on the amount of royalties whether II should be three pct cent or his But the idea as Ittttplnlilt of Commerce COPE president Sam Radi asked that the government agree in principle to the land claims before decision is made on the Mackenzie Valley natural gas pipeline That deci sion is expected by September In addition to the COPE claim over the Western Arctic the government is awaiting land claims from the Dene In diansl along the Mackenzie Valley and from lnuit in the entral and Eastern Arctic OPPOSESPIPELINE In letter addressed to hp IIIMIIIIEI IIIIII CHECK IIIIR OW PRICES ROXANNES Prime Minister Trudeau ac companying its claim COPE said it believes the government will approve Mackenzie Valley route for the gas pipeline COPE said it opposes the route because as Canadians we do not think it is worth the social environmental and financial costs But it was im erative that their land claims before gov ernment before the pipeline is started The letter also said there is no coherent public policy for GARAGES REC ROOMS ATTICS BATHROOMS KITCHENS the examlnor Saturday May 14 1977 northern development and charged that the interests of nonrenewal resource develop ment have always been given priority In the area of 305000 square miles the study concluded that Inuit used roughly onethird of it for hunting fishing and other activities In the proposed 105000 squaremile separate territory the Inuit asked for ownership of JVd 72810492 65000 square miles In return they would give up aboriginal title to all other land The regional goVernment would be responsible to Ottawa not the territorial government based in Yellowknife EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 ome Improvements bivmou or 4873203 VEISCIIAEVE com co nit WHO ME FLY Government op LINES AND WRINKLES By NIAIti KAI LIA fosiiictic lllll he cxtrarlwl Klklii luuit lllillll should start to vanish III litu law But that isnt all Iltat listouraging vtathtr vltiiwiiwl oldago skin tone lllllH away iilll dont take my untl lot it list this tItlllL lllllllltt ltlllll tlu litail of it Iropir il plant that rillt tough lllllll Ito uol llI liltlil iiil lllIIl look lull winders ll llllil armingti preved flying last lxw it tonight itlIl Iil iilgttiiitcyottrscllliuldays school All Costs should tI llllltrttl ml in willllt tion is giiaraiitccd or re dedudible llll iiioiiiiiitz Iam lltdll lliirs llllll lu Itlltlltl Its lllt tropical tltllllill lllttktï¬dlll iiimitl illl lllll IIll that works wonders Chorter aircraft llll xxiinllix uid lints Its called ltliil Skin Ironic illlltll llilt llMI Ill Il lllll OVOIlOble for sight Ml seeing personal or business trips lllrlt yin lllv lt It III Available At COSMETIC DEPT SIMPSONSSEARS SHOPPERS DRUG MART CUSDENS DRUG STORE ROSS PHARMACY ANGUS SPRING bKOUND SCHOOLBEGINS MAY BARRIE AIR SERVICES 7268592 Barrio Airport Anne St at the Holiday Inn Barrie If your are Namrlsl Address 13 iritcrustwl on May leh I977 900 am to 430 pm REGISTRATION 830 am WUtilrI you him to altriid than Nlarniqomwnt Sennnar Fodoral Business DtltllITlffl2l Bank PO Box 876 Barrie Ontario LAM 4Y6 lWIll attuwl the iITlrlt°S management seminar at Barrie on May I8th I977 Postal Code Registration Fee 01515 includesluncheon oomphti titr rmpstrabotn coupOh and mad ll almiq Wliii your cheque for $15 per person For further information please crtutart Mr Stoof at tel 7286072 Management Seminar With the Cooperotion of the Barrie Chamber Tel 74L vCOQ apt75M BANK An Introduction THE UNDERGROUND CONNECTION Its whole new concept in street townhomes from Chapelton Heres how it works Our regular street townhomes are attached above and below ground And look like this Our new ones are attached below ground only and look like this That means feet of useful useable space between each unit Theyre not semis but at $39370 with an attached garage on 23 foot lot theyre priced the same as our semis without garage on 30 foot lot They also have approximately the same square footage inside the same features quality construction and AHOP assistance So drop by the Chapelton Homes sales office this weekend And see for yourself that even underground were still way above the rest Tel 705 7373972 Lotti ACOMMUNITY OF AFFORDABLE HOMES IN BARRIE rj Hoigh Nllll ll rtm VIBAFIRIE Exitltlllullltmh it lion 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