VVWWwvw flevchWvamVvvvecvwï¬wï¬WWWWWWVVsvwvvï¬wmv WV VVV wVrv VVW Vï¬w vav 59 mrycctii¢ig the examiner Saturday May 14 1977 21 DEKALB READY to lay pullets Brown 01 boat motor OBRIENS SPORTS 8t MARINE aegpztggitgfï¬liritilntzrmgotflm h0lt wanted llelp wanted Fitch wanted 60feedseedgrain CUSTOMER II No Oro Station SALES RIGHT HERE PRIDE SEED corn and kln rain 4122l have Pride RI07 2550 heatgugtltsrax CHRYSLER Boats Motors seed corn In stock An excellent choice for grain Also RIZI 3x and ill 2x Telephone Wilfr ed Peacock 7262679 BUSH ELS of Rodney and Herta treated mixed seed also 14 bushels Scott and Laurfer treated mixed steed Phone 7370697 after pm MIXED GRAIN Gary oats Keystoiï¬ barley Cleaned and treated ready to sow Telephone Mr Hickllng 7285267 62pasture to rent BRENTWOOD 60 acres of cultivated land for rent Telephone 416 635065L ToBEEEoEITIENIEnï¬llxgno REPRESENTATIVE We are expanding our sales force and require ex °9° l°°°° c°mP°nY nto Hammon requires attractive and perenced so es perfonne outgoing person to contact their and Northern onlarlo 905 Barrie clients Car necessary Salary bonus and incentive earnings based on sales Excellent starting salary plus Most benefits fully paid All expenses paid Excellent °°W°°° car arrangements and opportunity for advancement pm York River Canoes MirrorCraft Aluminum Boats Snark Sail Boats Toro Lawn Garden Equip Authorized Sales Service Open days week My142o2t Ii Daily Business Directory Need help Just look over the ads below The advertisers listed are experts in their field and will assure you Of the finest job possible 22 FT SHEPHERD mahogany boat double hull cylinder Chrysler inboard motor At condition Asking $2500 Telephone 4354245 after 430 pm 64farm machinery Wm °° °e° cusrom rEiicnlo iiAthYM PAVING HARVEST WW me company MR SMITH bu it Totally fiberglasse over mar hitch sprayer Ilquld manure tank 1000 plywoodAsaiIsincIudlng rgetsrvrspinneker Alnnnous 9PM row mam 400 tons Phone Toronto Mr JOltn Anérewsi 416 743 3222 i331Ere°£am9aiaï¬iob ugligsne LAD AT 73°3°° Slt993721351Mgvg am to pm or write givmg full particulars All 11 Mary on or real once P0 No 35956 Ferklifts 75 used from as 233335ï¬ï¬ï¬wfqï¬ggggheggnmgg 77°°6 is to rebuilt Best buys ever Days call replies Confdenlal TRACTOR OWNER operators required GFOQGSCW 16677592l535nipgs Alla8934627 to haul loads in Ontario andor east WW5 Alummum Cham Lmk Ga orvnyl Trash hauled away LAthMOWER Modaloadéorengmth czqitugflsognited States Telephone snow lower and chains Reasonable Ei dinette stand up head sleeps used ReQUIaIIOn POOI ance JUST GIVE US DRIVEWAYS Telephone 4240332 one season owner transferred Must AA sell $11500 Call 7265527 after pm Wood or Metal Privacy YOUR CASTOFFS PARKING LOTS TWd0l10R35trillerLandem ax 16 FOOT INBOARDOutboard Cutter ALUMINUM lTD Wrought Iron CONCRETE WORK c9 91 701759 °75311991 Ontario EXCEPTIONAL I20 hfp mercrulser engine in excellent can aha 50m hush xï¬dï¬filozluggw $323452 lgxgseé fill My TY $323482 733273$l33155j9°° Door Windows Awnlitgs Do it yourself or between 10 full and 530 pm ALL WORK GUARANTEED mo 915 Mom Associaggn ln year QFO reqmres 15 FIBREGLASS76 Chrysler 45 hp out FREE ESTIMATES ONE OWATONNA Swath m° 350 tional resentatives Are Du of le ai for both hay and grain Telephone noon 99 boarcg2 gompletle vyith trlztï¬eiggsérseazymt1 OM IMPROVEMENTS or evenings 72852670 728 9675 age ambitious and positive thinker 9° 99 one Avallablg when pacmg REAL TOR Are you free totravel on shortlocaftrlps iflmevw INTERIOR REMODELLING Kitchens rec 68personals with your own car If you qualify you lav FT mahogany Brunswick plywoo Older before May 3181 roams Coll Russ 4363681 after 630 pm wig Im gualrggteed weekly incomeplus beat fibreglass bottom almost new can References available su an ia nus payments oppor uni 35 mp1 hp Jags T8OÂ¥IItragler For Free Elftllllflte NEED MOREEWEEEQ 67 tybtloadvance intimangoemï¬ent lasygrur ways ept ins eep on rivewa or in ofs It Ywaran aY 99 all2607 °° $3321$142223°2iiÂ¥ mi TZ$ Com 56 FOR YOU ï¬aswéflwfllu 474 Bars SAIL SKUNK 12 skunk clas GEORGIAN Ball 7288906 concreew rk SELLS DRIVERS REQUIRED for small taxi Lc Jï¬foeï¬lleliéfli lllllllllllo 9° cum IN REAL ESTATE rm twists at assassin penleldl has Perlecl lamlly Davsallerl pitooucrs $322303JESSIEfilmiféfi FREE ESTMATES Nassau April 17 Dec li TSEFWUEQW 7371161 A7wwwï¬ï¬ anyownegdsvnum Written Guarantee Sunday Damn week 328 We require salespeople for our Barrie Real Estate office located at COMPANY IS EXPANDING AND has HORSEPOWER Evinrude motor Ne several parttime and one fulrtime posi I976 model Full warranty No tax $35 65 DAVIS DR NEWMMTKET spacrAtzn Sgwgmgufmrnzyi propaid Complete golf tennis 357 Buyheld Street Norh tion open Can earn from saso $600 an or will take best offer Excellent for Sidin Eavesrou 90 gm oims Work 900 cominemal bra kf IT IS PROVEN FACT that salespeople With or Without real estate hour Car necessary Mustbe neat in ap 35119 iLPQFJLWLIEL 50 Wnd°gs teed 83346 Serving Simcoe County COCMOW pa experience have benefitted from their association with Royal Trust geaagï¬e Fglrb ggggiï¬enand 5U°Udi9 15 FT BOAT 25 hp Johnson motor an 17 ears 99 clIlPOQe ea9°i gem dulybtraller ï¬xcffllent gopdirtlon Facia Doors Scionf°NfJ$£I3 Zgfli9pl miifw in bed first morning Call Whmwï¬ Â°Â° LyMEogAJElgv steam RED Am or as cas er ep on ncom on so as rainin nonse in mono er lous on WI car or summer 7289626 ShUlers Awnings Collect 99199975 °° PICTURE FRAMING aristow Travel SerVIce 29 work Barrie area Phone 4163956532 12ETATNFEATABEETVooStTJQias Additions Roofin RENOVAloN5°ASEMENIS d9 Owen Barrie 7370840 MOdem markemg mehods COOS was referrais CLEANING PERSON réallirred far new4jelephonejZo5289 Porch Enclosuras5t°niwork Barrie gjfzitflwcygï¬gffsga Wigfï¬nglzjï¬fgj OATEs 32 Dunlop St East Custom My RelOcaliO agents OIOr COmPOTiel days week in Utopia At least 10 years SEAT TRAILEï¬giar réï¬t ï¬vomagfs £49971 ggénrgiglaggotypos We stock many sizes Economic mortgage services lnterimbridgefinoncmg plans aznggegizlgéuagb from SIS Call Brices Boats dlb rfr 13mm 51 IA Uf mature per 4784175 Toronto 416 3634954 ea as ï¬gnsoondabotgmgtts Jillian 2th 333 commsslon and bonus pla ove prdess son to aSSlSt more for elderly invalid Ca Pull spunlmc Personallzed sales aids complete client service lady Live in References please For an 206 GREW 1976 model 188 MercrUIser °5FOXCB°CSl77° ABBEYWOOD intm nt 7265139 like new Telephone 4241750 daytime 1266907 msc JOCK Company benefits Pension plan 99 JILL NORTHERN CARPENTRY Decks rec rooms CUSTOM PICTURE FRAMING $7233 222o RETAIL COMMERCIAL INCORPORATE ARE you looking to extra moneys Are you interested in fun and fashion If so mzwï¬nmgsi iv7r Local Family Business Ac Prestige Companylorgestin the world BOAT TRAILER 5150 or best offer have super portunit for immediate Esflï¬ï¬‚iiléflamc WW ALUMINUM WINDows doors siding Sofiit MUSIC By GENERAL REPAIRS renovollons falpelllry CHARGEX MASTERCHARGE Low cost 7330505 For c°fd°m° mervew earning full part tilhe select your 1956 SHEPHERD Day Cruiser 25 foot Fascia and trough all colours 20 year 5m Plumbmg oetlliwl Bxerlorlnlerlm Callanytime9am pm own hours no training necessary Wont double plank mahogany hull twin guarantee 4246073 qunjjng Helloshlnglumure 7760033 All Im5 6383559 TERRY VOGAN MANAGER REAL ESTATE SALES you give meacall Beverley 7374273 Chlvser C°W5 stove m9 head in aoroo co co wot 3m Bath Street contra oiac EaFFiéFFéUléd in Strumema°nd moreBdsH°ward Fascia Sidin Trou All colors Guar masonr all car etitr Free estimates ee oura In the Yellow P0995 Tollendai Manna game 7264950 728 728 Suite 206 Toronto same dsmbme coupom vars and BankoiMomrealm 9m resonance7269002 ARTIFRAM Custom picture framing Wide 12 14 13 21 3a°995 5C°° and SBUdaY LA e7 selections Fast service Low low price My2o IVeres MUSI be dependable paid 17 FOOT Chrysler fiberglass boat day 7283633 evening promptly For further information app cru5ier With canopy top 80 hp Chrysler Country to Disco arr AW TELECARE Why fight your problem Iyto BOX U30co TheExaminer outboard Explorer trailer All in ex ELECTRQLUX Canada Ltd authorized sales alone Let friend help Call Telecare GOOD EARNNG$5 eï¬géiéfsbns cellent condition $1650 Telephone °d=°¢°l Mlmnflsvdl 7293372 Weddings Dances Banquets Painting 776 79776Wime needed in this area to war witmadies 7767836 Auro pARrsg NEWW0RK and lepqlrs drain and sewer ALCOHOLICS ANONVMousnaosal if Ref erullon natural beauty and figure control pro YFLYER SALBOAT Eel wllh Specal pnces Mon Minor epOIIS Cleanlng complete kitchen and bathroom you drink thats your business If you ducts Car an asset For information rauer gut sfeft OtTSalllS inclpzréingnsmn Docks Installed zggovgsons ceramic tile Bilotia wnnitoquit ltiatsours Call anytime please telephone 737 2626 days na er es er eep one us UNWANTED HAIR removed safel FRONT DESK clerk re Uired Ex 1691 BOAT flirbgï¬ghasisznun afm tied rflgixAzlqfiEggkesagganidottgggugg COIIOQe work Specally permanently medically approved Ly perienced Own tranqsportation ne ssomewor car op oa dia Hrenchuk Certified Electrologist so Telephone 705 435550l for appoint sisocall7z6t7009 77 Wkm DRESSMAKINGL 0Free Estimates and Rooï¬ng New Awhoh mg 732671 ExpergeTsed commelgcfll am mdustna wo mentAskloerMcailvaray 423mcles wanted 9d won RIDING INSTRUCTION Indoor arena must as Icence nion ra SERVICEPERSON REQUIRED Must euï¬mw or R2333 9ao37533 Horsts boarded Barrie live minutes have mechanical experience with gas CASH FOR old tuninure books dishes NE REPAIR Brush Ewe can and Jo new DRESSES FIT if made by JOSIE AQUINO windy Haugtt Farm 726 019 Telephone for IPPOInTmeflT and diesel Barrie area Phone 726 5411 old pictures clocks odds and ends Pre pa Specializing in pantsuits gowns and ultorn uflyIme AND ROOFING New on apalis wsonems 728 WM CCMOnOtIOn Auto Serv 17 Mary St onstziugonia Phon7266mo Free estimates 327 l897uiier6p léVtltlY 3U lQort Wlh CONE and SALES PERSON TEQUIVEG MUS be able 77777 ousvs to now is yours ram to do extensive travelling Own car an ALL CASH for Old furniture pictures England Crlrrlallon COT Caps have asset Good safer and ex crises tï¬iiï¬iï¬mzitzxiéem 22723232 INCOME TAX mum 11 My 29 IR ev we rilsu siim ica padt atrea resumeto Box8200B REQU ED use lems 51 all0T DRYYVML and wilanC resldenllul lNCOME iAxrotuinspropoiod An us Bar GOIS the ion Corn Caps or Callous Caps ame on em tétqgstogggg7gieded Salvation Army60 and commercial no lob too big or small 000 up Dome 530 he now availible at Cusaens Shoppers ier GARAGE TYPE air compress PURPLEMAWNH 92 °°PEI5° 33 51nd weekends Flat roofing Tar Drug Martsandalldrugulsls ouses orsae ppyat IN OME TAX returns to died II FREE INSPECTION of mufflers ex iitneoegonéflriisiiolp lbs or over M°°° AV39°°°Pl°°77°5793 miAvEsrRoquNGm bwness farm and hoillo pMIILtioll 321 Gravel ttausl and shocks The Muffler stop CARPENTRY GRAHAM EAVESTROUGHING Em keeping Service 726 7973 New and Repairs I80 lnnisili street Barrie 44dogs and pets mughingmflonodcd7236623 Ex RETLJRNS prepared personal stnull Eovestroughing INTERNATIONAL INVESTIGATION rr smess Hm Reasonable 0117784634 SortM08 CVlll Criminal diVOCer BARRIE POODLE Salon Shampoalng AND General Contractor Kitchen rec SUPERIOR EAVSTR°UGWNG Snows 456 917 and Clipping of all breeds Sophia rooms renovations additions fireplaces R°°lm9 andODl9 °P°53895m°95 20mm commerc° gï¬lqyymte Dsuem and onhdemal street Eastnzogyl guaranteed7371507 C°M1lYEt91fl1gl°5°N°Wl°W° Residential POODLE TRIMMlNG professional CARPENTER Specialising rec roomsfmi merriï¬ï¬u gsayyindmgvlggloalclgg grooming all breeds pick up and de terior remodelling trim etc Please call gumï¬rï¬lnuhiv1T77vfl For eShmates ca thrituilti Frldiiy Pilonc7188868 livery 779 PetStudia 7288884ofter6pj PETER GAMBLE Electric Commercial FINE FROVE min MAY ODLE PARLOR Profes CABINET MAKER European trained Kit Residential Industrial Installations and so rf enms unmdae Rd corliir it Can Vlspra The courts stonal clipping and grooming reason chens vanities Pine furniture renovations Vice 726 4996 witi trio vtnyl surface Mombarshi tor ableratesTelephonenooooi alterations Domestic CommerCIal 726 7191 ROOFING 197 Sirtulm s75 Couplesorinmilygim mom Fm 395 mm ma MW SIMCOE ELECTRIC landscaping wok9v°°°°d Forrlglstrallrm lml eCTrICIGn town Aquariums all sizes at unbeatable LICENCED CARPENTERS prices Evenings and weekends Edger Cottages renovations repairs grit£32 ds° C°mm°rc°l dd ROIOM GFEEEQL MEENNG Dawns Hfggirll 36th Rpad wuond and JAC°€°7267° R°sd°nï¬al F°rms PIO Irng BEAT INFLATION plant garden Rofo tiliiiq Elfruff Lll1illrflmCrITltrytIvgfnvz Requred or the Terrace Bay expon5°n Kmbery Cark FREE TO good home kittens weeks CARPENTER will do EIoomsfnmasa 09 old Phone 7370477 between noon and remodellin etcNoabtasmall726l27l Lghmg desgn 000 Up Hp one 28 36 10 C°n°d° Ud Terrace BOYI onlaro Wlh the PerlOd MOY seP El on hn SCOPE esg GARDEN ROTO TILLING rice esflnlafox EW Yl WPCU FO lUllf In CONSTRUCTION licenced carpenters ec CO Contract own care taosmtohly priced Coll Ray at 728 7I8l mmV 78 4549 ember MINIATURE POODLE light apricot for renovationsadditionshemes cottages 20 yrs Experience MitLL Irwinliq for companion for ow 2925263 gigglths old must sell All shots fwates A35l499757 WV Ciy Masters Lic 118 InTIUdes fezngl orlYmgi wotkilmt fisililill and amplnu All TerLoce Boy item ofpprzxgalely POFLUIOiOnl Inoculed on fhehTranslcanado Don FLEMING Licenced commuy con ro ling weed spraying MM rvnllls itllswnrml Pllav write Box U34 Hig way on ore La uperior ree ours trave ing east air ine ter GERMAN SHEPHERD puppies Iracting renovations cabinets rec rooms TEav weeks old females only $20 each etc Phone 7053222306for astirnate 8234 55 mm 69in5rucï¬ons mmul Thunder Bay Teleptione ll24ltSCIS9N if QFENTRYallwgifgéjéggjggvrw pARRY ElEaRICAl Sandy Cove Acres CONSTRUCTION to Travel cost reimbursement available to qualified tradesmen through Canada Man POODLE FOR SALE2l year old male lions No iob to small Reasonable Sotilfoc ll iStroud ENGl ISH RIDING lnstruction Well power We provide accommodation in single rooms Each complex has lounge with black very affectionate good With ttonguoronleadAI7284897 lndustrial Commerctal announcesthe opening of Miktitlltltlorft Inrloor arrrttsintnutrs cmldrem Needs good home 535 Can CEDAR PATIO DECKS sunpgrgggs 715 Form Residemial 4364538 NEW GRAVEL on 8d mm color televmon and automatic laundry room Excellent inComp recreational fOCIlitles 18815931319991 enioy your summer more can John Parris TThSMyiO 70i including licensed lounge poolroom gymnasium and well equipped workshop for hob th 7TH CONC OF ORO TWP 05 REGSTERED WHITE GEma C°P°Y7262°7r Elecrc Heal AW on byists etc In addition the area boosts excellent hunting and fishing as well as golf shepherd $150 Also one tree Slamese CARPET CHANNG Dr ers Ron es to better serve our customers LOST SILVER charm bracelet in gatdeclarwedneuteredCall737 007747 Lawn CareGarden Preparation Lamps at Mmonamls in Same course Accommodation and meals plOVlded FREE or subSistence allowance In ac 49ph°mgraphy START YOUR swing cleaning odaY Roof Delcmg Rom Hing Everygreens iSlr1llllslkllm ygtglaga Row1rd N0 dues cordance with union agreements It fï¬ï¬‚tl°¥2lp°whA°°°°°m QUALITY SINCEW cedorHedgesFerIlzmg Qualified Journeyman Tradespersons must obtain travel cards from their union PHOTOG RA PH R5 ansmiï¬ orEéggirnagg 7283896 MOWing And Pallo Repai DECmoo SAND and Gtoval photpsion waved locals who have been made aware of our staff needs Your local Canada Manpower of collduy or eveningDon 7777Wiï¬Ã© 77 FREE ESTIMATES Crushedslone mason solid iiIlVOpen Satin or fice has also been OdVlsed Employment be With contracors now working he Mamiya C330F professional camera dW 30° 95 all system Everything new or like new If STEAM CARPET CLEANING TELEPHONE moo site Wages per union agreements and 40 hour week With occaswnal overtime fm you want professional system you spicm ROBERT aovcnorr Excavating haulage MIMI Svaenei 3793316 USS mls Be one Alli UYIIG Iooili putt 1527 Aggrlgggg lwde wok 7265666 SEWING MACHINES Further information an recreational opportunities in the area wInm 777 SESYLLL tn 509arden supplies $1995 WEST GROVE BIOTTING PROPERTY Snrvtrtls spiéitg SALES SERVICE 10 no are available rm request by writing In Mhtnnfvckmd ceaiiups pruiiiit awn am gal on SEW EASY co Sawk cans om 55 0° cosmucno ONTREAL EN iNEERlNo liveryCall726797rorZZQIIW Szï¬xgvéfzgnï¬ Backhoe Excov STUDENTLANDSCAPERS Wodorototlllirig 737 1670 mm NM RASPBERRY CANES and Strawberr itiowuig fertilirtng loan ups painting plans Now is me me plant Bray mmphm Mgmgnflnce T9TChn9 perlellccltt Rnosoliahln totes 36 I790 nftm Garden Centre 26 Ferndale Drive service 19¢ HorizontaAugering SHOWNown wig Pit 126 5437 PAULS SNOWPLOWING resident Box TREES SHRUBS Fertilizer Seeds All on commercial reasonable roles he 305 Egflrgagafymgg nrgï¬feshoggersarï¬n CARPET CLEANING Well show you why you Mr wrmrw moles cull Paul 737 3064 App C°°f5 9V9 delals Terrace Bay Ontario WY need it No obligation MNM Cleaners pgntilizmo WEEDsploylfigmOWg hedge WRIGHTS StIOWpLome 5mg comm 0t education and experience 59X PLANTSI hanging baskets every 7372676 and shrub trttnrititiig Also rough Inowmg not and randonhai pamouable thing for Your garden llower beds win STONEWORK and fireplaces specialty Vic v1 Tnemsno 776 0427 Dapnndabla 726 7757 receve Un gogyttsoEeasédgtncéeanlsroe agfireaglgalrmas CRPET msAuAou Waisonioriroofstimotes 7261599 LAsz CU qwk WW9 PM mmmg Stu derSIgned up to May 24 for the 726 2951 to sue Graves Btothurs John or Paul position of Fire Fighter WWW WALL to WALL installation carpetand vinyl 77 0765 778 NUMBER shredded too 50 t0r sale fully guaranteedreasonable rate4564432 Telgghone 7276776537 RUSSELL TEXTURE SPRAY Exterior stucco Median With the Barrie Fire interior textured walls and ceilings Free Deporymen SAOISLE SALE Clearance of I976 WAYNE FOLEY Professional painters Ex fl ll Mdh ELtregsald shrubivgir CERAMICS WkMASONRY $733235 °° Applicants must have Grade I2 MAKE YOUR proper more vayuable MASONRY block and brick fireplaces or equivalent Class 14 pl INTERICKSCERAMICS Floor and wall tiling all Reasonable rates Pgdhbtslebgliveriï¬lggggdépwce drawn7266263 7333527 5m PING mechonlclstillcenselond Class ECOTCH EINE Christmas trees STAN KNICELY MASONRY Bllrk block CANT AFFORD lull time secretary Try PTOVmClO rivers Icense saleable or possbily so with pruning and stone work Fireplaces specialty TypiligServicesJMlSA with or Without land Write Ferg Brady 709 909 70524558 WPING Let to do those timeconsuming PreferenCe qppllcans Who Strathroy Ontario 5l9 COMMERCIAL ARTIST Logo design NOW available In Canada typing tabs for you Pickup and delivery have had gaSOIne and diesel sHamping equipmen layout etc Pleso call collect FIREMATE CallMARGARET 4368669 truck mechanical experience vrrr 63 Laboratory tests show 500 gain omwcaowm Wm°w°m6 ty re gnioniltcollier 72s 5191 CONCRETE Sale logisgrtllgrrqollty unit services ONE STAR CW Adminisynmor 1973 SUNKAMPER fridge furnace Amana Liï¬on Panasonic ox 400 39 522sl°grr¢3 gANERdPAï¬NG 5133 Hitachi roshlbo Sonya Will DIGGING can on trig all7260t483fter75pm aï¬os 5i ewo TRAVEL TRAILER 15g stove fridge Flairnjfrrcrï¬ sales Amana SOnYO LAM 4T5 sink with water su slee no as Steps curbs ACES cumm hm and deï¬gnad iOO° some clean up BidgpaECeptegunlil Alley 59ng °° 010 and antique Year Warranty M°lthlmd09 Milli 16 Bank of Montreal Duckworth street on garage oors 0trl3v7v°2rak7lansmp guurunew Pam on Amana mm C9951 F°5 duslr 3232 HARDTO Work Guaranteed AflFlooniEiï¬lsh Save up to 75 on Hydro gfjjlfgfï¬féï¬fggmfl CAMPER sleeps Propane electric fridg Furnace Y5 lenghsofala burrer stove leprotpane taartks wags HARDWOOD FLOOR installation and Diametenzl gt48 cur ains exce en con lion Id nitric 725 Egg 249 $231 $2232 4364359 swmo mm mm as an PERRYDUNLOP AREA PARKLAND CAMPERtrailer hardtop TU WARREN BROWN DJMusirlmpwPe who WATER wéus 304 239163igoa$pa7gi 55201128 CUSTOM FENCING lflStfllOI g¢rtf2$gï¬gs CE hotnez cottage farm lnntslilswiillgoig GXSTORSEZZESGEJgSTWE Greg an7 84634 or72843I9 money In to pARKLAND Harmon Camper f°°rl NO lmOSOC les TIONS DINNER PARTIES Call 7265213 allot your spare time Sell AVON Refrigerator stove and furnace Very and VlnleleestOS 6W WE DRILL Jewe gocgglogem Tlrrlil FENCE co Eric33321t1l33° Winn HA3 ROUTE OPENINGS FARVEWSOUTHVEWAHEA brakes sleepso radio aliglcï¬gckelgigég wcW Elmous me hitch hoooed stove oven and large Bradford Sreet on ompany MUSIC INSTRUCTIONS wellorimng coémems 9h In your own fridgerfull bathroomslsoo 726 9246 7292t97 Gun LESSONS Closiml and Forms Homes elghbourhood and Simcoe AREA I972 VOLKSWAGEN Westphalia Bflflle wr mu Mamlpowm Guiérsudol7768op County train you camper47000 miles heavy duty trailer Cottages hgtch Mtchilins Vinyl front Excellent QUOIITY chain link fence gsgimfrsssgl Séagzgezqglgd°g ca 7289652 or write tr roug out 37007261780 °P FREE ESTIMATES MMROD CAMELOT hard mp camp Supplies at lower 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ALLEN BROTHERS Window Cleaning Apart no Saturdays or Holida PALAMINO GELDING 16 hands broke 46957619r435670l EXTERIOR PAINTING and home repairs ex mm 50 cum Foam Ransom Id TF western complete with saddle and bri DONOd so estimates satisfaction abletatesTelephona natlila Va ddmers licence qlsouso Phone mom lot this Service Giulio work iv°l9nlttéatilw05u it WINDOW cicxmno royals rm °V°r2l vrs ofage REGISTERED he Arab geldings 850 PAINHNG PAPER ANGINGI uperiencodl and ores alummum windows ding gposs medica brood more in foot Call after pm for You mlts Rlhndsonl 670 screens eavestrough Free estimates Then we want YOU its 17563374 539 phone 1232414 no 96mm BAY MARE ll year old Morgan and ll quarterhorse 15 hands English train fS im ed Has won ribbons Excellent disposi lion $700 including tack 726 1684 after Stock Brothers mum For Best Results Examiner Want Ads SChrozltfiltttnes 728204 TFlelglllone9£