flamenwmm 17 houses to rent 32 ears for sale 37 motorcycles 40 articles for sole BEDROOM house fully broadloomed 1973 DODGE Coronet door 318engine 1975 HONDA 360 excellent condition excellent location $250 monthly Call 23 MPG highway automatic power 5800 miles windscreen highway roll USED 726 609 steering and brakes radio and tape barsoneowner asking $1100 Also I970 20 the exammr Sunniv IIIv 14 T977 07 business opportunities mortgages NO COMPETITION MORTGAGE Thats rightl truly great new business opportunity with ab 14 mobile homes trailers RUSSELL CHURCH Mobile Homes property for sole ggglï¬lï¬ufï¬daedydwflbugé deck Michelin tires Good condition 350 needs some work 53m 7263435 bedrooms appliances broadloomed CEILLHETEéltuflplallfs WT EILSTRQET 87 Hayï¬eld solutely no competition that of Ferris Lane $325monthly Available Im I967 CHEVELLE SS series 1973 HONDA 750 Borrani rims Dunstan price on all color BW used for You high prof proteced SALE RENT mediatelycall Danny at 416 6777582 transmISSion and converter 396 block exhaust clean and well maintained ask cam and plstons 396 heads redone ing $1500 Telephone 7282410before430 W5 Wh° heY Im C°m° lY AMFM radio bucket seats and pm tOTbOStSOlOCTIOn salavagable parts 7373147 Barrie TV and BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE on Ferris Lane appliances garage finished rec room 172 washrooms full broadloom newly decorated Close to schools and exclusive urea full training program continuing company support moderate investment Parts and Service Exclusive Dealer for LL PARTS FROM T973 Suxuki 550TRebuiTt 1969 OLDS CUTLASS mint condition motorTelephone 4662135 Shopping References uired 5325 power windows mag wheels all around TT Ir new exciting businessl Bendx and Glendale Phone Toronto 8641546 thays 6333790 350 hp duel exhaust way positrac lzifenwogoagmagg hW 33955 Teï¬Ã© Appliances evenings $1200 firm Certified Telephone 726 3519 Join us canorwme or omes amh phonem 3441 alterépm so DunlopSt NEW Semidetached bungalow 1969GTO Convertible 400cu inch4bar if Board Advertisng Northlanders bedrooms my broadioomed available 76 arILy Dayldson 125 cc red bike rel power steering and power brakes 72B 4297 Sun 2000 miles used at 1976 Montreal Travel Trailers immediately S325 month Call Gary automatic new tires and mag wheels Bllmps Open OollySom 530pm Co Glenefle DAmbrosio 3m 7372043 ep Certiliaplerszyooorbutcher7giiooo gngncPéFasiWTeepmnein 0956 TF 55Torbay Rood Sat Seventngs PAb9i9°i° kw imdMG MIODOGET for sale in excellent 000 mf25HÂ°Â£ï¬ gï¬gfegongnggc 16hMTD ygn AR GEORGIAN COLLEGE bed can ition48 miesstl under warran GARDEN TRAC 42 Markham OMOIIO lY °PP°imm°nl Terms Up To Years room house large kitchen open pIan iv ty Certified Telephone 72674347 after lgd Teelï¬llhgf L37 1725 inch lawn mower and snowthrower at 416 4956125 Wm Summers ing and dining Immediate occupancy DJ HONDA 350 3000 mlles EXCElem tachment Used years on private yard Highway 11 South condition $1195 Telephone 726 3441 iv 31350 Tale hone 9y 3° hold $325 monthly Barrie 726 2936 or Toronto 1973 DATSUN 7402 good condllmn an ew My14 aY no Bum Ave 7239566 7432765olter59mA new springs rebuilt shocks Certified erspemtu 73 9656 BEDROOM APARTMENT In duplex Many extras $2595 Telephone 723 7613 197 HONPAI 25 Eslnort molocrossi CHURCH WINDOWS pine framed with Martin Altseimer 7284762 Wayne Dobson 3222838 09 commercalmdusnlal 7373451 In Angus $140 monthly pay own hydro 47prn Ask for Ron Kent 9°°dC°d°i exlla Paris Ca 773 9366 11 amber stained glass panes 150 years and heating Available June lst For in formation call 424 5551 RoOIiIin or cardiac 3250 month Mary Foster no toll 3221118 Allan Thompson 7281024 Andy Melnyk 7267369 Marilyn Mason 7262895 31 old excellent condition Also quality an i9TSSATTELITESeb rngpus god F79 KAWASAKI 350 street trail new tiquesTelephone72e789e 25 CHEV motor home all equipped tenor copper exterior 318 automatic Asking $5500 or best offer Call 737 3079 Res Creemore 4662136 10500 SQ FT 20 ailerépm gowfrt steeringdpowcr brakes radio gglgéggfegygdgz Good Conditionvtï¬ol DISHWASHER F0 SALISE kerhmoyg or ease CO rVe In ridge andstove suppiedutilities ex uc sea ra iai tires rally wheels coppertone5push utton man so Anne Spencer 458 92 8mm siephgns 56 297 by Odin QTSTREQMDI £73 over 3360 org tra No pets References required First immaculate 728 64350r4241577 1975 DT 250 YAMAHA used one season perfect condition 8300 Telephone Dorothy Fitzsimmins 4562620 Les Wainwright 4362396 0075 WC mid Second glngfoméxtrés iicmdmg shapeld andlast months rent Phone 72673044 MUST SELL 575 lsiymouyh bum3 excellent condition Approx 1000 miles 728 5416 aftersgiiipin vh Torn Fitzsimmins 4562620 dock overhead crane 15000 MORTGAGES ARRANGED unge Fun 959 Zip Dee awning Fullyequlppedgood cqndmonycmmed Wlll certify Asking $950 Telephone COOLER Showcasecoolerlormeals lb capacity can be installed Reasonable Roles timed double glazed windows vista win PRIME 0753iS¢Callgiter44509033 9697 beweenafldéprm almost new Best otter accepted Coll Toronto Direct ne 3620332 rkln loaned on dows Like new condition only used by RESIDENTIAL AREA I972 pom LEMANS mm 1973 SUZUKI 250 GT Low mileage ex cyaningsknoiiteizlï¬V mp9 Pa n9 retired original owners for winters in automatic 45000 original miles no Hem C°d°nv EYWBSI Telephone NOW IN BA RlE Garys Bait Tackle cloverleaf facing Hwy 400 Call Mortgages Florida who have purchased mobile 3388371133 JJbï¬dgvogWShggneLy rust certified $1650 firm Orange with 720373 and Flea Market 27 Essa Road Store Maltarp 7261807 purchased home$13000 705 487 mm ylgyalo lop Apply 98 Essa Road or 1971 RTI 360 Yamaha Ideal Ior parts hgurs Mondgy to Wegdnesdayï¬lto pm 90 All excellent to good Firm $200 Teie UlSdaY IIUBY aTTL Wm My14 ForCash lbapts to rent IBapts wanted to rent 4654 Saturday 9tIlI pm Sunday noon till 1973 TOYOTA Corolla Deluxe Standard 91° Mortgage lite Insurance HmRTHlh in Am Excellent condition Radio rear window 1975 CADY Moped 5100 Telephone Dam LL VERY DESIRABLE 2000 or Availobh KANEFF 3359903 Tgmagflggg gfvremg defrost snow tires 29000 miles 77206069 LAWN MOWER for sale refconditioned cat about eo 1e iqitt or ac ies oo ce ngs Ins or un FlNANClAL AP RTMENT HOMES phone 7236355alle59m 1976 MAZDA aoe 24000 mlles like new tlon Mustsml 726 57080venings finished Suitable for of ice warehous emu Ca 73 790 ï¬nbwmmAMMER WW 750H0n 1975 MOBILETTE moped new tires or light manufacturing Reasonabl earl95 Finest 19houses wanted to rent good condition Best offer Telephone 72679911 LL 59 CORVETTE tops mint condltlon do mount Excellent condmon Must 47 COLLIER ST e°P WIS 5Y 7268364 CORNER OF OWEN COLLIER STREETS ï¬AY BODY SHOP located in high traf 21 BAYFELD ST IMPERIAL TOWERS WANTED bedroom house 85 gm onqma mlles common Sork SUI 776 moatvmmgs LIVING ROOM VtWTthad lack and silver red interior interested Ca WI mm 72626 limitéiitstiiistbmatiiz 726730 69580 029 aims attics 38 endowlies mo Adults Office Hours am pm by appointment Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association lease Call Norrena Rep Royal Oak Realty Ltd 7371223 or 7372929 12 mortgages Please telephone 424 $334 20rooms to let nor 14 gold $25 bedroom SNOWMOBLES Snow carpets7x9green pattern 535 and9 Prince 24 hp Herth eIELtric start 1970 Snow Prince engine NS $150 for fag 515 everymmg the pair Call 424 5782 after to Helen Hopkins 7281662 lRass Leeder 7269245 1974 CHEV Impala door blue air conditioned power brake and steering rear delogger snowtires 46000 miles certified $2700 Telephone 778 733i 72METEOR Montcalm VB power sicor ing power brakes one owner mechanically Excellent condition Cor tified $1795 Telephone 728 9770 alter 1970 TOYOTA 1200 station wagon mechanically sound asking 5300 Telephone 717 3274 after pm or weekends 1973 DATSUN 1200 anti owner good condition 579 unreilifled Good mileage 436 7706 1974 NEWPORT Custom 30000 miles door power windows AM FM stereo $3000 Telephone 726 3067Ivenings 1972 NOVA 6cylinder speed standard door vinyl roof custom interior and exterior Onc owner Likl new $1909 Telephone 728 0949 1967 VALIANT slant lllerTUltl good condition irisidf and out radio and OX Ira lIrrs 5775 or near Oltcr Tellptlnnt 776 ttlli Dorothy MocQuarrie 7286358 Corby Adams manager 7286829 TF wellington it Apartments 135 Wellington Street West and bedroom colored appliances year lease Adults Coll lean Garrick Real Estate Ltd 7263827 FURNISHED near factories on bus route quiet atmosphere weekly Phone evenings 726 9859 FURNISHED ROOMS Central Park irirl kitchen DllVllOQCS lounge linen Suppllid weekly laundry facilities responsible adults 726 7186 LARGE FURNISHED rooms full kit Chen and rec mom area available im moduitcly Control 776 6392 FURNISHED ROOM kitchen lounge parking For working man 530 weekly Central location 726 425 NEWLY redecorated rooms $15 $35 weekly Singles and doubles 76 Worsley Strict Completely furnished Shared kitchen bath and llVIfIg room 737 3315 LOVELY rleiin home large bright furnished bedroom With sink rooms lidflffl Itiien lldfthKl weekly kitchen taiilttits trit parklnii Central Gen ticmun profiricii 779 059k CLEAN turnShiv riIIiIis central kil hiIi and living room Downtown Bus STEREO FOR SALE Pioneer SA6500 amplifier and EPI 100 speakers Bought last summer Upgrading equipment rea son for selling Asking $350 7262888 after pm COLONIAL COUCH and matching hair blue Davenport couch and mat rtiinq chair green good for rec room Phone 737 1203 01 property for solo SWIMMING POOL unique home inside large kitchen with main floor dining room and family room all brick wall to wall fireplace double glass walkout to patio swimming pool and barbecue large bedrooms plus high basement laundry room rec room etc Must sell Asking only $58900 with 57000 down Contact representative of Taurus Real Estate Ash Jain or Hari Jain 7373000 PRIVATE bedroom home with full basement car garage barn and an tigue store on approx acre lot in Burkes Falls area Write Box U32 Bar rie Examiner 40 articles fgrsale TF SECOND MORTGAGES 149 on amounts over $8000 FAST SERVICE No bonus brokerage or finders tees Household HealtybT Come on in or call the nearest cities of Household Finance Ask for Mortgage Services 25 Dunlop Street East 01 property for sale Illll IC TRIPIT it iIIIIliITluii ill SAl VD um USEDTV CLEARANCE price on all color and black MOVING SALE and white used televisions 23 CllbiC toot freezer months old $295 Gold coIOreu frostfree fridge and stove $550 pair Two 12 rugs $25 each Ladies bicycles 525 Baby needs and other misc Cash only please Telephone Barrie TV Hwy Appliances FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGES f0 95 0F VALUE We are mortgage brokers and since we specialize can guaran tee prompt and individual of while they last Come early for best selection BRICK BUNGALOW $45900 BASEMENT Professionally finished with large rec room games room workshop cold room separate entrance BACKYARD ft cedar fen CERAMIC TILES inch square azurittrd colors case of Dithane M22 auiritltural fungicide mans bicycle 3i attend 350 various lengths of 72 inch SimI cable it it florcscence fixtures Citli 716 7009 wEODiNG DRESS size 18 to 70 lace PRIVATESALEW All brick back split bedrooms good size living room and dining area large 80 Dunlop St East 7284297 TF Ls sip ttlr ml 7ll 1966 BUICK LISAtJVI tor Il va overkirtimth 4underskirtssuitable for ce apple blossom weeping kllChen With eallng areal hams tennon mortgage BARRE MODFRN IUXUHVyldm lbwmnm CLEAN gmr TJ automatic lIrInLcd In 7lfldfljlltlnll ELVLT SDFITTH and summer matching head willow maple spruce and4car broadmolm Elver hardwngolj gggpersoolrrh inTUiiesi ensuring m°ximum 7266534 apariiiilni fur lirtw limit mull tiuil Intriicii tartitTim altrtnligfflnrguyxfiï¬ll 0lt5 lIliiilli WI SWIMMING POOL Sacrifice Lendini diets with lull veil and trainsao or best Paved Parking iciltugeaierseTilYartTgrcnhead geargge Ypaved mortgages Under the Th Ju24 no Nli WIii litillilt Irv woicniit Avttilattll mum 1974 CitnysiER Sictun IIIIII runl Carmle lildnuldliww ilni liirilnlor 9599me 03 him it Hit Will yo ttillllill Alirlitiiiiiiil drive Just east of Cundles HeIghts liiliiiy llirilttll loit lbf AL ACCOMMODATION lor thr ltit hummus pirson milii 70 30 BayliLld amt CUIHlll location All tclllll5 Pliulii I17 It FURNISHED ROOM ill Allaildrllw of bit stlil Ciliikinil tar lliltlgk Tyrlilillilo rflltlilli broilion ltllDTit lli 720 4268 ill ui 72lt0k1iltleiiiilq BitllHT CLl AN fittingtieitruiiiti lfl has aluftilfTUITI pools loft DVIF finir 1777 dialticind white gold and gold and opal srason oricr oparnitimu Installation bir ritg Best otter Phone 1764 HLVELIT COIIVITllblt v1li new and Wm Ca Amman3M annuc 132314 beforeBeri loo automatic 860 Wlll CErttly MU 77B 359 COTTAGERS TAKE NOTE favorable market terms llIQlIIl Sirlil Tffltlillllltl 776 074 Ample funds for residential commercial and recreational properties We also purchase existing mor tgages for cash Call Mortgage Manager lan MAlN LEVEL large bedrooms living room dining room kitchen and pc washroom EXTRAS Price includes dinette dishwasher water softener drapes and quality broqdloom 10 NEWLY DECOHATFD tlflllyllfd bachilittis Britflf Alan iKiifllfllil opts Ill flarrii riiirt Anuu 76 6211 iltttt School walking distance to Baytield Mall Phone 7373998 NEW CUSTOM Homes IocatedinAnten Mills and Midhurst Featuring large treed lots fireplaces family rooms and bedrooms and start from only $49800 Call Rob Knapp 7261881 or 7267294 representing Emory Miller leReaItOr sl79ooTW TNTER IZEAD cartsoefciose to MORTGAGES bought and sold immc diate action confidential David Wass Real Estate Broklr call 726 4651 evenings COMPARE our rates First errand third mortgages appraisals Gerry Syvokas 487 2700 Pat Quinn Ltd 737 1414 14mobile homes and trailers LEADING SWIMMING POIl Wliï¬lliIalfn 75 DART LU YOM or rtiutiipdiuf196 iii Iliiltlltiutil pools 157le Sricrilire prim tor dospurately war mum wu 3w yrliiurr washer Simplicny completely Ilw svmliivtintt DOIlla llli lllll tiilr 0d comma 0heaTer and 200 walk round deck ttillii IITU wriiaIy 9ND mm lamles lole 00pwdle Iiil VAl IANl ylllKllT hotnitirln SIII 27 It 515 rash femur Cail WT mow rhesmrled and Char 900d Rnrti vilin roiif ruflpronltit fixtrit Iliiitl tiril likl l1LV IIIti llltlUC Mill lrI itttoi 77h 6111 ï¬lllt III or all lily SitIUrilit BEDROOM lipurlililIit tvli lilll 111 erttirtltly pfftfTltlltX Ni IKlS $730 monthly lU lIyltlll lIlSt 1710 last miiilthtrII1 71 tilts 717 171 Only $6000down dl ll IE Kerr for valuable odVice OBIAVETlliFVKlIIofï¬tlfwill imftwmmtfliwS fry WWW Swill immhw SW phony pifriiwm darn iii wamw 14M diiï¬alm 2935 88C tree ea ll tl liJ ltii itliflrtifiir llly No tilt 4l TRAVELATE 15 Mom pilrillii II Iiidwd It UN 14 ii b0°ts motors For Inspection contact Rep ErggénjsézerO bé 56 VIng rental or sale fully iomnpid Risim HWNWHE UH LL tr WWW ongerupry Sitiléillktfrli1 lÂ¥liiltfr1lilf HIDEOR SHOWROOM tell HELLO now 81 Tum 1nd Awmm II muti uppitiq onul 71y Unlf in it Orly or all room 93 in kncnen finished rec room BayleIdS Mb 04 aiulrirwilt IViilltiiI tilil Aitml mini lIll tlldll Ifillll Iftdlt1 IM mm Orb lrlrmmf HARIJAlNorASHJAIN musibesoidTry yourdownnaymeni ms FRANKUN Truck we only Ilnlllwirliitw twainminim Inrpill40 3W illilVf oiimn poor pionmr Punis 7373000 AW9LRSSLES39 Brokerfln 72 size complmmy 0600 $5 50 Cd riJieNinIri limits tip llmltin Tlpi vim will titrlllnrt mam lAFibre loss COUNTRY Bungalow bedrooms l07 Dunlap St East 23otilcesstores for rent litil north of Hilllil citixlnilii Hit 726 90057261001 DUNE 00er tm solo Iltrltlltiiity leMMlNC POOLS it Ithl will nnw 33 hp Evinrude wtrailer $l295 large klychenyangelstone tlreplacevfloor smith tort lVllIl DIWVItl li it till MUIH yygp mu Itfyyyl tyc any wlnld rm and lilalrll lUI liftiniitwllcIs titrtiily IlII to ceiling in living room lull basement 17 FOOT HOLIDAY Trerij Trniiir till 71 WW Wt wriittly Wm my plrlil cm li itlliiiibtl Iyiltlfnillil with pltifi 14 Fibreglass lot 175 126 Asking only $45900 Anne Member Ontario Mort sale lnlUdfS 17 nwiwi tuwiiui iiizv two tic lllJliOfy Illfiilli tII it Jinlil unti 3111177 Iiqu nun 75 mu llrllihli1lllk1yint raring Clll It at sil mir at Marshall Lorne Marshall Real Estate Mewrmn mll rm 3l SJhpEVlhlUde il it it ii III il Barnesone Man lenedI1415 509 Brokers ASSOCIOtIOIt rerlgwmmv 50 mm lll Arlii Phrkml will tlllilrii lwHTN RD mum W6 3m NH flltfll li1l iltl opting rum Try 147Fibreglcss ï¬rs rr Real Estate Otthe COUNTRY LIVNG new °°°°°T TF 1000 ruppmm 13491 till it Billfl tliiiin with rlriniim lill ritliti ll rciiiit lion ilfll trtt vaift an pm To 40h Talsed bungalow Wm llreplacel pallo l973 NOR THLANDEp llltllWl UJVl Uifl lllL II Iii all il gt rrli lvllllt rt iIl Thin llilll lllrIIitii iJil 1y Ity ryiik lIirllhititil Hi 711M Wan For resu ts WIttlOUd confu5lon doors on dlnlng room to large sundeck WANT ADS 0m magnum mm mum mm WM rm DOW PWW SAIllNiHr octucs lr7lnwflrelssiriltt Pb Se wih garage ThIIst 107129 lcan be ptérchfsed 728 24 tras Priced to soil Lricntiid In quiet par Allli it Iiii 337 IllllillVll M0 my up it 31 inn In tldllnpflrt rliiiy reï¬lass isorcompe now an as or iusloutsldoBiirrw Tiliiplmiivllil 77M rtdlll me It rum li liIli 35 Jo nson trai er Robinson737122310rmoreintormation hEv ewes rpelSSEOffCe JUfWllgï¬fï¬1 17 Hit Irm nci vtitikyut rt dcry Vll Iiii IV uriini om mil Iw gt RRR9Ya°ak Real lzmorgages l2m0rtgages iiclipitoi xli min MM LWf Om fdm WW 16 ft VWAKiillllrr i5 Silverllne eEDRgOM Buneauzv mllwes WWW 11 Itlk ttl f1ill til or 2llffirtC with Jll ii 71 Illillv tnfliir lvlit lill ll lfw Hit llléhum all lolllrilrl 50 hp Johnson rive rom arrie uae on arge tin Attititwnny rinin7i7 iHl HIVIll nutritive Ti Itptiitill4RI 1916 ll It It ix liy tr l1illt i1 llii mylllilp 47 67 915 REALTOR ngdIkcerboateha2moaryDefoebeTidJlgi OM AND TWO WWW WHWM 24S acefor rent El IctRir 9cm Arman novtr il Fbregloss FOR PROMPT ATTENTION 80mm Rep RM 03 Rea rm It will 25 it as hp Merc $2395 CALL 728l07l 737 12230r 728 5772 FHLJ 1jmlï¬ yjfITrflj MilInc INDUSTRIAL SPACE 4550 exciileiii condition Askinlt ssso 5C 60 000 gt lull kl All yy nr or 197 1RD Iuslunl 500 door tiarrllun 776 341 omaran Th STF THREE BEDROOM hemslone home Immedlae Is and 2nd Open 019er cans and limit trlirkvtsnailinuertr ksï¬ 18p nriwrr sit0er DOW 41 WM ilrvr Nuns ili Sailboat $7795 2125thtthuTJTtgusndsgbagggZiiniwg Anywhere on all homes cottages forms BFDfOOA illii tIvllrllll Ill iliw Hi It ltl li iIlmvi Iiitr iiltil Iriiirni till ii ii Iul ililrr Hm my Mum ntDihnily mil lIlHlJ Lillrill Ilri llilll lli ii 1i 11 Alter up Pa TOTTENHAM AREA mil fg° étits°£3 Vacation and commerCIol properties mm twinr to mm vi autos 79 W1 is ow ow tplltlnili NH Tmlylmm its Litain wt nahliv try sailboat Semi custom 1500 square foot country 85 Norrenai 737 73 737 7929 F0930 illll qwiul lnlt llli 31 home acre lot with magnificent view rep Royal Oak Flt16 To consolidate debts low monthly payments rhmï¬ hmiltl iii mm tin 39 i8Wood Call builderl 416 282 2572 STOREY older brick home centrally WUll sriccr AND Himmll Show sum III tiraiti lit Ir located3rdtloorunlinlshedcouldbeus Home mPOVemenls OnY 40th r9050 13 lmsmmly WW 117 is wig5 min it IIQIWMUI miniature it MUM WWW 50 MW doyCrutser $350 li hit ll lVATE fffozfnlage Zflgrgï¬gflrglflgvlvasa To pay all existing or maturing mortgage dill Um Hmmmm LN 21 Glastron New bedroom With fireplace full base IIri RAILROAD Ills SEMI vact lijyllmitilmvlKVfMI pm Ffililkh lilil mirth nt tilrilf on overmgher tthllwiifll Sun lclllriy RIxtadrtil 1977146Fibreglasswl977 BUY YOUR LFVVN PUY If Willll flictnry tramitt IIiliiliali till JOhnson 35Wt0p ask for Norrena 737 1223 or 7372929 RepRoyalOak Realty $39900 BUYS an eight room bungalow with attached garage Tenmilessoulhot Barrie Close to lake and school Im Construction funds free odvice try us We have ready cash to purchase mortgages MORTGAGE FUNDING BEDROOM APT stow lllill tlllql lost in thwntriwn rill llil rill1 SW monthly Call7611M SUBIET JUNE lllrl IJIVlfIOk inil liar Quitt liullrtiiiil tliitiil flintSs ment plus cold cellar huge double garagenTelephorne Thornton 457879258 PRIVATE SALE storeys large bedrooms Twl1liNl Rilifll IItitilii ll in illivIl wliti likill till ITTllTiIlli small niilviii iilwnr lilil all repair IIIIIIY Ci till lIlltllt littlll it Lint Illv iltl nilpmiiit lltill intuit 33Cars wantedto buy mr PI11 in lt iii MI marulate Hurry 436 4789 rOOIII lifllTi lJllt Ttllli liII7I mi it 26 vi la lli llllvl SIKJBLAVHH ltlhpt lA SE 520 TB rypli bamrooms rec mom mepace doube 111 liiil lli Iii nttm lvlvl Sdl garage 46 Peacock Lane Please call EAST END bedroom brick 0pm rm tum CARS WANTED ttIluS intro ninth day Rout Illl Mle East of Borne 726 6986to reSeryeashowlng 567 500 bungalow full basement wnh rec room Vi 04m Sitiiw tlar rill kiln Ho will 1m to OTTAGE lirtti mm EAST END bed 38 2bathrooms broadloorri gardenin rear Siltllii timid ll 55 on tlfilll up ftl Im puliitniil iriw Wrwms MW on ant Bay 00 959 Hi im l1 rtit kyrlllfi mi i1 Tillilm iildltl Wr iii Cynthia Court family room with me ï¬rm3329 pggï¬cssgggéoéggggorgggi 129 DUNLOP ST EAST CallAnytImerr 347 BAY STREET fmw M2112 am only lt mm TRACY muis riii Iim lilllk lm lil um omir Itsv Askiln 726 OCT ti Ill it7 H112 25llyyéfrefaggizzzggn Sigrgégafraeglg Nelles Realtor Ltd 01 726 MM HOUF ONT CENTRAL 7illll tlirIIItI niiIli rliltltKt Also In lllillrlt Ul in of Md we bUy and sell new and EXECUTIVE BUILDING and res idence large beautiful rooms steps to Dunlop Street At 77 Mary St Barrie Lot 66 132 1900 Coach House at rear By appomtment only Mail or phone 737 3923 SUNNIDALE ROAD New bedroom custom built bungalow Large family room fireplace double garage circular drive one acre lot must be seen to be apprecnated Call Dave Scanlan 726 3422 or 737 2493 rep OR DAmbrosio Realtor COUNTRY ESTATE Call now to view this unique property the older farm house has been completely modernized With huge family room and log burning lireplace located an 48 beautiful acres close to Barrie OR DAmbrosio Realtor 776 3472 mgrproperty wanted BEDROOM split level home in Allan dale728 9725 $50000 CASH for best detached bedroom brick bungalow years old or newer in Barrie Must have adequate sized rooms private backyard and at tached garage 726 8273 0410ts for sale Cilllrtfin Slit thrill iv IiiillIIl iii ITllflidtlly Arliil VII lifl plts ill lliit1lll iiiiilil it1l mliivllny 71116 Ilirttly TWO FDROON li Ililil mi in llilrriu Drillllll $76 lilt flyitrii t7 llli till ytillfl ONT Bl worm ilfi mat iIiit limit Ityitrii IiiltiltIilrtdlwi ll lititwi ltriytlti flilfrllllf lii Itll lii iii ittlitItIil tVItlitlHt JllIIII Slitll Ii illlll 78 Mill TWO llEllFtlT lllJCv rim Inlt Iili DIftlliilll tIlIllflllJlli In fifl ill til Cflif illlllllll AM for any Useful Purpose prime rates 01512nd 3rd mortgages builders interim Ioans Call collect to TWO ONE tttrttmiili IrmrtiiilII 7267861 Barrie 3254334 Oriliia iIVrtIlllllll llTllillllrltily iliil lI Western International Fll ll li UAR1 PUMP tip 511 It pump it llfp 51 vi loft want it IIl psiilu wi ll Alx piti ill low liLinT lll rri Used boats and motors paid tliri Ifllllltlllvll Jirr Ul illltllt Elii ll 71 llt5 90019 WW lfl JU3 416 lrIiI 776 6i rllliI COL Bulls Ctr rill trurk itllilit USED FURNITURI AiCiInJiirItiir for rVl kinti Fdt piiklip l1y Stlllil tilIIQi til titlisi nr JIIJQ 415 17 Allir 61 iii 3919 sillyo llitlLYi iii hair lIiSltIllttfl WANTE leill when 111 Bettlli iiiiil MW nmo heyï¬um Sum lnAUnwwlpgy lilirr115t lushms Clark HutIn fUinISllliiL Wlrotiousr to UP Fitin SHAIl Lfi vrbl Ck tNCv liifl Tiiwiiiil scrap metal rill IxiiitiIl vVif SiltliL HOSflTAL BED inllll 1110 ltl ty10I rm rm lll1liltl wltlitl hair VLUII iiok STOVI inrdiil hardwood Cali dill 3149 34rlCksaidraler5 STOVE rieiiiol on tmiiwamw 7r CHFV in inn IUII Vii illliiiiilrilii tr ir ixIt ilki now Clitliiini PB Ititl trii ii that WlIitIS IPOIT fill KVriry ltiiril 111 Drms 400 kmuslflor 717 stimuli Car Wash GARAGE DOOR 51041 ovoriiiinzt tr 1911 FORD R0011 tltltiltlli ltullil Allll lmwwn nnwar so Tilmhm 7i Will tiriily Iii imiirt ili tii in TilipimliiA 16 mynftwl it It1 Dull l1 TU lltll lltllllltr Iiais Culii FORD VAN Ill4 iiiiii lylh rllltlllllcllm Dm 51 mem rlllTJIqtwl mm trrIIlI11lliiilll pinrl TLlrlnll imwir hlm1 gang mills Vicarka ltllhl IUd condition Aiklni 337011 Tlllilll1 116 1912411 on STL REO AM KM ii trili liiiiiidii WM MM CUSIOMIZFD FORD hm turlitnbli tlfdleliliilCi aliit Optimus iEtl Iiilwy itlty Slltlfflll lIIiKI thlfl wflakvm phowCTvmwlmm riilliiililil swwtil alitain Sfdl rurtitt ONF JOHNNY Winï¬mulloi Ittilvo erlil lilliitrtllftigr non IIUUlLt piifil Sillill alultiiniliil With IIiIii 44 1971 lANDlJOVITI Nylon mummy ilrmiril tiik amt tlllfi tulriviliiiiirl phone 737 OS2Sevenings and weekends EAST END bedroom Side Split 38 Cyn thia Court tamily room mm fireplace finished recreation room garage at tractively landscaped $59000 Telephone 737 0525 evenings and weekends STOREY Brick house old and sound 70 60 foot lot near schools arena park and buses or bedroom baths large kitchen Firebox barn board and skylight In partally finished upstairs Ask $35000 Financing DOSSI bio Phone 726 4211 BEDROOM brick house with fireplace Qaraqe basement apart merit East and 355000 03117269005 7261001 PRIVATE SALE Open house 21 Glenccho Sat and Sun 10 bedroom raised bungalow split entry newly broadloomcd attached garage full basement $49500 726 6354 Near schools DRURY LANE storey brick bedrooms liyinq room 13x19 lovely treed lot 66x135 728 2927 OPEN HOUSE innit Ill Itmrm mill liil llfllii twilllutrli lllrlll $5Iflliliiittily fllitll 7354 011 llllil SQUARE FliFl Illlllllitrilill sllrllf PM Will lxiivlitiit litrntiiili All llltillK lthil Tlliï¬ll ill ili lYIH 25lt garages 7260981 Phone Service 3633 Member Ontario Martgoge Brokers Assoc TF WOUI leil in rttt ildlrlllf for car Bari 15 Iriu JlJnl zl Tollpliant rzh Ir 26accommodationsto Share WAN lLl iwn tiInales sharp boom in llllllll lfli tri Barie Own thiit ttfifll TillinhnnitFft 8491 BEDROOM llilllSt in the country tfl ytlllrt Willi tlllIllti girls Closu Iii liar Fl ltllnilillll 776 019 mnrnilitliiily MATURI WORk ler GIRL waltiil lit Show liiwillilillm Avililcilfll lililittiilillt ly Eilitllli Cltl7lirl1rt WORI FEMALE lil ihrlfl town litiiJ TtllIJlIlllt III 15117 27cottagvs to rent tOWIililVJl llilll SIT tttliitttily Tflllllloflt IR 711Ori Oill BEDROOM llIFlIil1igttl llmiliiniiti Sllt lliiirilli liyttti lit lilllilt iiViliiiiik Iftg tllf llikf lyiIr tillw IJLluttilri ri Qlllrtd 77k litrim 777 mi AVAILARIT UNl DVUIIIIINI li Willi frittfli ytIVl Will litiilitilly plu hyilrii Nil Iii1 iir iliilttrlIi llllllllltlll I76 SIIA nUDLl illdriiiilli Ilil rill Utllllll itlll kiiiil illi lililllt lilirlIt till lriw1 $61 it lllllll lllhiii Illiy XII tllltt Itilyi 17 lliVgliiiltl HOBIE CAT CATAMARANS Try before you buy PRINGLES HOBIE CAT MARINE Orillio 7053254713 SJu25 NEW lxlrtlitiiiii tcdar Ollnilii Privati iillllty lilklllfllil lot near Alilitiiilliili Park int liltiliIrctichigtnt limit 111 rithiilli Iii iivnilabli July 11tllwiil ly 721 114 Willi lifttillti ilunrntitio Ill lio main It ltirtlti llillsl will twat rim Saturdayand Sunday2tOSpm Country flyIii Altil tilNi liltllllillll all iimiiiil in itiIIitltl Nowr whit twing riverfront year old fuin Willi Itlrtrln SltIVl Spill ii lililllly lllllb 280905 for sale Llllflvx NW 781H Iswiiiblcil 7767310 Limited Selection Plus bedroom cottage and small barn Directions to View Telephone 322 2252 Offers to $69500 LEFROY AREA IRIVill SALT 770 tiiiit tlflthlth ill TTTIll ititrlii inland Ultrlllf tiin tlrllllf iilriilltil frlfliilltll Itllyl 32tiill Tlllpliltilt 7211 Hill IRIVAII SALI liritilnii island lnkv 17ft ilIil BEDROOM Ipt liftnr Nllflil Illititiltl and 1111 ttflll Slovti Iilrt liiitrli lIilIIiti fil illtll NilVlUtd Slim mus Dilkillll AVIlllill7ll lillwl tlililiiin 776 llllll 191 fowl CUSTOM iiiit inn pn up IPfljj WtNMyï¬fflml 0Vrdmxï¬l We have truckload of dif Vit ilitillldlil EXCtIIIlil condition rum mgrmm pw 00 ml my ï¬tlilbfltlyIlilllt31ilrlt 16 If in ferent sizes Shapes and colors Aw Jittlllld Eill9tll1ildllit Ollitl 517coiti ititrltbly puttIt nll PilyllcSIail Piirtl fibreglass and alumlnum of Fine TRAIL Ix SIF IAL 14 MI 1500 t0 130 it May canoes ltiiiil Sillll lir1lll Vlcvriy lll0ilf11 pi it you have $2500 down and can pay 2390 Br DROOM Hwy duly Inme 45 Di IllIVl ll tllrllltlitll fl limit Iflflllitld Jt llllti permonm men Deer bungalow inn irlrlildixt Allilllllillt rlltil Siitl rl1 or twat litltl 4161411677511 mm pB hm BRIDAL DRESS and vril Kllt it also Po vu MRIN Is for you Includes fireplace broadloorri lriilul Wliiiiitlnql tlilriimlwnlltlt ItiilIii hiilSi iQIlfllllll Ilitcli 370011 bm auo 00 milii iiuik ltkt litw Clftllltll Jpphnw H6 466 561 l6LOL1MIOI wiIViIil ltiifltliSti like mtiilllily Nil illIltlrtti llti ltli iIiiiiiti 1267000 BEDROOM illmii itiililmi 310 iii throughout large kitchen pce bath garage workshop Lot 50 150 With deeded 30 150 private right of way to mile East of Barrie on Shanty Bay Rd Custom builder has extremely 32 cars for sale choice lots available for spring trill itllll lillY INC AR Wily lllll lll ill ill new Plinth77611057 Lakefront Safe for children Full price Um WW my lllc 1970 FORD lilrk up Will wititriilii up 537500 Serious buyers only please gonsnudlon lonk COdTRgion SW Sp mm WWW mm Hm lilttilrzyll 77livlllltlim Illll tlililll ftHIlS Imity wiirk Unltltiflll CEDAR POSTS llll alien lino posit In A03 456 3mm 456 3031 heat over 00 ing em LARGE ClMtl Filfl lillillIlIHl illit llrimillnmil tlllflll lliltltlll Ililt fill DI NU plli Tullplian Im iIti MODERN lxdriyiin rtDt piiiil Rlilllrt 14 child itii pols $212 monthly litat and hydro Inilurloit AVrlllrlllll July 70 8756 BEDROOM APARIMINI IIViIllrllllt Junlil DOWNTOWNlilll1llSllllllllllltllly plunutiiittos Titluptinlli 71w AIAlLAltLL JUNI Ailipli pillkiiiil lnutlilry liVlllllf and storage Sliml RftflUlhltflr utovu tiiiludiit Tilillllll 7117 361 I7houses to rent PUGE COURT PINtitle ilIxIIl MIN btdlllliln luwnliOUSIs Sula iivv littilli bnrhood Rifiriliiris 275 lllrlki For in tOIIITiIlllJli call tram til 111 176 7161 Evtriilltris 778 9611 LARGE bedroom house with llled yard Downinth arta erilllflllll Im modialcly 151 and last lTIUlllllt $775 monthly Pitaw phone 737 365 Cl BEDROOM HOUSE luUlilt qaraqu Central $350 monthly VIIW Slln only to pm Call 7201122 nr Toruhtn RBI 25H AVAILABLE lMMEDIATCLY bedroom detached homo brand new ful Iy broadloomod Call Harry Mllglll representing Lou Goodimondt Rlfll Estate 720 4067M 726 3864 TALL TREES Executive Optimum bungalow tour rnninr appliances cus lorli draperies backyard upon to wood 0d field Available July $350 Telephone 416 964 0292 SIX ROOM semi detached house fully ltruadlnomod baths double garage $125 lllflllllllY pets Domin ItQUlrtd Available Juno Ist TLlIIDlIOITl 726 6096 iVIrti IIIciIT finiatiori IMMEDIATE POSSESSIONigWPdem You choose the hour As Ilttleass4a gets townhouse and Unit appliances tip you started in business of your own anticltit GIAVINHUIST Dom llrlttlS garage prtriliilly furnished If Start now For appointment call HOMO log may iinressnry One or Yfflf leilSi Allan II DvrllopSt 714 72111867 liliiiliil autumnal 7760104 OllllIAJJM titquit Int 325 4451 InllLONTAIIO ddlt umphom GOOD MiniInn 771lirlq$tiaet 9364 mom ranbruit ti Mai 715 ow 7100 $750 MONTHLY mom home up on large lot approx miles north Of Barrie Fully equipped beauty salon for PM In Member anode Deposit lmurlnu Corporation Stove and ffldUL Included P110710 Penetang $200 monthly Cel15498074 728 46m $60 lllillif 017 I716 liorsoiiiiltrllcos Aisopolus 7211 1633 196 thFVY VAN itiilpilitl for lam FULL SET of unit clubs MiGItuor piiiil trlrtili utiiyly my msulalml TOUTITIY loll haltlifil $125 Tiliiphnlto fliptlffl stIIiiii Illdut lXlllI tin and 456 7i04nltlii in Wlltllv TllIlim 694 Sit0W1 ANT lQllFS 51 llIi155lXilOr1kiiltdplflt 71i0tll tltiiilt ltdvpil lmllppglpopc by OFIITUIHS Oak sidt hoards ltliin Open full IItli tiirl pd Ilr Illlmlln WHY hUtlllt and flat hacks pine and liullur Hlflllfl Iiiir Tl11llt closets slitialii nUi WWW UTlDIIUS UH l1 Dlllfllce new till twmiiil lil ptiuitd Ilas tanks pi bedroom swirl waxtlï¬taiids 1l Pint RPICI liltl1 $3000 37Rnk5t Barrio Rivul AITTIQIHH 76 king St Angus FOR SALE iolxtssnssid I976 GMC hall 47 M9itildwlikcmi ton trliik LOWlllllilll Tflfpl1n0 JIIiI TRUCK CAP insulated and LhIItllfd Cninltmll ill The Rank of Montreal Slldlllli Wirldnwx III ii box Asking 728 5919 $275 or best offer 11172il 1547 1961 TORI tun trilik l0i Salli Olintf FURNACE 1150008 forced rlilIl condition $600 or litst OHOT Tolvllllliltl iUllmUi iPlliO Willllilial1k Hid 011 776 Tom 0153125 Call I26 0377 IllI FORT Cllilftfn VlllI int tdlc IENI TRAILER Irrirlulillt with CHILI limit tllitltiiin all ITlltlltl 11078 as it ailttillmtli Vlllldtr standard mm Xl mummy ll17liiu1l Is KllilllAUtituilllV llll 6612 llttillll IIlttlIlS amt pillllt mails lako WESHNGHOUSE Wag and OWN 1969 CHRYSLER NLW1lttII hilrtt 0V llllYlllllll 99 stacking pair one ypdl lLl mil inltpnw1r slimring pnwvr llIflktS Guild Tolppllunl 737 2430 condition Alilflilv trlitiud Aiklmi 1975 GMC ion Iluck heavy duty front $000 Phillie313675 and back 350 Lispood Vii automatic 1976 CORDOIJA fattitiy LIIUlplXU on with rildiri Exullont condition 35000 lces conditioning fl Irai loddld pflCld to W95 BollilllV Tliltlmim 377 $4500 TIiipiinnn7lil 9825 HORSE TRAILER MiQuuiry two in SPOR l5 CAR Lotus 61M formula out lino excellent condition Large storage umle n9 mle mm Many and tmk areas hydraulic biakos holds tras Tollphone 705 129 um well Telephone Orlllia J25 0109 for fur 1971 CHEV Caprice station wagon car If ormmmn lltilll rlir conditidiiinq radials all 77 DODGE kill Var power must sell $1600 firm Phone UlimlllfimadlflPl° 77 776 9735clllff l9ll FREIGHTLINER tUl Sui il ITBSO I975 DATwN aylo 37010i055 new out Cummlns diesel full Linn in drive In Angus II Iclm Al condition Certified 8051 ttLl Call rcs Will be cirtilicd Aski in or shoppng Bag best offer Phone 4241215 35 76651llr 59 1966 MUSyANG 739 spew hack 1974 FORD ton pickup tom blue bars magnesium sluts with 60 seriis Ranller THU ryï¬hs wzmigiii Batemon Store tori II ii 5tstii Piltrsomlllgfll It Allngliltzlsnlfruï¬f $3300Pl1l117h 6049 ROSS Pharmacy 1965 ACADIAN CANSO door spoit 35scrvice and repairs deluxe V0 283 buck seats console ECRANIC Market shift radio Telephon 720 3490 after LICENSE alnq genera repairs Any iIib considoied call Grocery Lackie Variety °37 Sunnidale and 1911 CHEV BEL AIR exceilohl Oltdi 1976 YAMAHA RD 00 536d Dag Ga 99 tlon Must see it to make an offer Toto windshield and hclInIl Excellent condi My phone 4246130 tlon $1200Phone726 3839altei INNISFIL bedrooms large living room and kitchen utIlity room approx one half acre lot well lreed across from Lake Simcoe Telephone 436 4652 PRIVATE SALE BEDROOM bungalow broadloom throughout full basement rec room 16 32 inqround pool reSIdentiaI area $43900 726 95216Itcr May AURORA PRIVATE Well built oermastone home large liVing dining room combined Exceptionally beautiful landscaped 10 mature trees Basement apartment good income 726 0079 after INI llSllN 740 AM PM fildlil ll titlik sitrm ililIIl liIll iiistliimiliitn litill VlliyUiiiiiliiilutiliiiil MIJtlStll Ask inil $2500 iii mIki in otttI liiitiii 4215059 llZIGREMLIN I970 Foril 769 Millmto 196 Jun illlll 1969 Toni l1r1rtllll llllid All b0 rrllll ill lHllA Illitislil Phone 726 3069 lllyllltll 7711 hillll IVfll iluls lVIl GRAN TORINO wlliii Willi lllil Vlilvl mot Iiirw lllti inpt dork raitiii ll Iylinittr IIilIIiiiatii Siftlln TtlllilIUltl 110 10it lWI DAlSIlN I407 mr1ultl AM PM $299 1977 Ford hill standard $1495 196 lilrl illlVIfllllll it not Pfi Pl S995 l9l HillllLl Aalilti H095 All penlelt Bay and Sunnidale Road area Well treed For details call GEORGE DAVIES or STAN COHEN at 7289211 or 7286220 We now have open mortgages available on residential or vacation properties with 3month interest bonus to discharge ZODIAC BUILDING LOT 66 198 in New Lowell septic approval and building permit available Price $10000 Tele phone 737 0753 TWO ACRE building lot fully treed $26500 $18000 first mortgage Just north of Barrie Phone 728 6143 after pm MIDHURST AREA 120 210 well treed lot arlesian water good garden soil high dry and level Telephone 72 COLDWATER Building lot 60 Quiet street close to Coidwater River with access to Georgian Bay Sewer and water available ASking $12000 Tele phone 686 3694 05farms forsale 100 ACRE FARM severed into Jseparate parcels large farm house recently decorated farm set up for beef cattle and horses 75 acres workable the balance In pasture and bush lot Call Jim Bouchard 7371223 or 7285772 rep Royal Oak Realty 07business opportunities LOCAL AMWAY DISTRIBUTOR offers opportunity for good earnings TOUGH INFLATABLE BOAT The boat that fits in your trunk 10ft to 17ftZ 10 hpto 80 hp PRINGLES MARINE Box 2106 umLLIA ONT 705325l7l3 PRIVATE SALE Condominium apt luxury bedroom braadloom throughout year new ap pliances rec room laundry facilities locker room early possession 728 6195 DAVIS BUILT evecutive type bedroom sidesplit 40 Varden Cres Call 726 3985 BARRIEV $28900 Completely modern ized bedroom bungalow new broad loom throughout taxes under $300 elec tric heat Immediate possession Call Russ Carson Frank Nellus Realtor Ltd 726 6161 ORO bedroom cottage type home years old oil furnace large lot wailing distance to lake 837000 Telephone 487 5754 Barrie$unnidale Park Area Brick storey side Split over 2000 sq ft of living area situated on V2 acre landscaped lot with mature trees large living room with modern cut stone fire place with floor to ceiling glass wall of fering panoramic View of terrace treed backyard walltout onto large terrace patio Custom built kitchen with many features broadloom throughout full baths family room bedroom with possible 4th car garage double paved drive mortgage Smith Campbell Real Estate 726 0261 or 72678420 48 HOUR COMMITMENTS PRIME RATES 40 orticlesjgr sole THEHEXAMINER AVAILABLE DAILY AT THESE SIMCDE COUNTY MERCHANTS No sales clause on conventional mor tgages NIle 197 VOLKSWAGEN Super Beetle MM my low mileage excellent condition Call 37moyorcydes LALA