the examiner Saturday May 14 1977 17 at taa Iocl ill Wink West of Angus has the secret to successful trout fishing Give them what theyre feeding on at the time Right now its roe In couple of eeks time they will be tak ing flies These four fish weighing eight seven six and three pounds were caught in the Nottawasaga near Highway Sill in 90 minutes Monday Examiner Miami hi as nee Bonnie Price of Hamilton weighs her mothers cat Bouts ho tips the scales at an almost unbelievable jniuiids lar the mother who bought the cat six years ago as kitten cant explain her pets site She said he was normal cat until about three years ago when lie started to gimi and grow and grow itI IIiotol irs lwo Barrie residents took major awards for losing weight and keeping it off at the ana diaii aloric ounteis district comeiitioii at the tonteiiental lnii Vicki lliijold who has lost ltlti lbs since I975 became Brilliant Star for keeping her weight down while llaii Burmister won the Best Loser iii the preteen category lliuiininer lhotoi LLIS 0M4 cut 32000ka of Educ ation Thomas Wells inspects pile of medallions in his Toronto Minister Office Replicas of the medallions will be given to every elementary and secon dary school student in tario The medallllons coin memorate the silver jubilee of Queen Elizabeths ascent to the throne Cl Photol conveyor Examiner lliotol Ross Brett potato grower in the listoii area for Ix years prepares to take another load of potato seeds out to the planter At top the seeds fall into the hopper truck from the The doctor says Sugarfree plus calories By THOSTESON MD Dear Dr Thosteson Do the socalled sugarfree drinks act on the ancreas to produce in sulin li regular sweets do My daughter who has weight problem started drinking six pack day Now she is on 212 sixpacks am worried Can you comment Sugarfree beverages con tain artificial sweeteners that do not act on the pancreas the way sugar does They would not increase the need for insulin This is why diabetics whose in sulin production is low can use it and why they were concerned when the government an nounced plans to ban sac charin the only nonsugar sweetener remaining since the ban on cyclamates hope your daughter doesnt think that just because the soft drinks are sugarfree that they are caloriefree They contain on the average of about one ca lorie per ounce which may not sound like much until you do some arithmetic Her pop con sumption can be adding any where from 150 to 200 calories day No wonder she has her weight problem Another thing that great amount of liquid wont help any diet she may be trying Her compulsive popdrinking is pos sibly substitute for the former compulsive food eating think if you present these facts to her shell see the light and strike balance There has been so much em phasis on unworkable fad diets that folks like your daughter decide in desperation to come up with their own gimmicks My mail shows that youngsters are getting more and more in volved in these schemes If your daughter has been compulsive liquid drinker for great length of time you might Safest play for NORTH ii 10 WESI EAST VJ754 V108I33 It ti JIil2 41084 SUITII Both vulnerable West North East South Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass ti Pass Pass Pass iass lpeningl lead III By Oswald 8i James Jacoby When this hand appeared in the final round of the life master pairs some 10 years ago there were quite few sevenspade contracts arrived at on any number of bidding sequences Invariably West selected the 10 of diamonds as the best lead out of several unattrac tive choices Most declarers led low spade from dummy at trick two They could count 13 easy tricks unless trumps broke 40 and this play allowed finesses either way later have her blood sugar tested Di abetes is possibility that shouldnt be overlooked Dear Dr Thosteson Iread your article on alopecia Our son is 10 and started losing pat ches of hair when he was seven Last spring he lost it all and then lost his eyelashes and brows He was hairy child We took him to doctor and they tried ointment and shots but nothing helped The last place we took him to was large medical centre They told us to take him home and see what nature would do We were told there is nothing that can be done Do you have any sugges tionsMrs TP It is not unusual for young sters to have patchy hair loss Its called alopecia areata Total hair loss is thought to be an exaggeration of it The cause is not known al though diet and vitamin defi ciency have been suspected es pecially diet low in protein Excessive use of vitamin can cause it In extensive loss there may be some defect in the hair follicles Such defects may be temporary or permanent Usually regrowth occurs in alopecia artmta even in total hairloss Cautious use of steroids have been known to help in some cases and suspect this may have been the treatment that was trierl unsuccessfully in your sons case know of no sure cure The child may need some couri selling to avoid psychological damage while waiting for 1111 ture to Wth its will Dear Dr Parkinsons inherited IJl No Thostesoii ls se si big seven The really good players went one step further They made an extra safety play by cashing dummys king of hearts at trick two They also made their grand slams When East showed out of trumps at trick three they would lead the nine of trumps West would play low and the nine would hold the trick Then they wriuld ruff their low heart cash duminys ace of trumps come to their hands with the ace of clubs pick up Wests last truriip and write down the score Those players who forgot to cash the king of hearts itherc was the very slight risk of an 80 heart breakl just could not handle the combination of the 61 diamond break Wth the trump break They could ruff their heart but they never could get back to their hand to pull the jack of trumps rfllysilrg chgflolyï¬ Itah reader asks if we bid tWo diamonds after our right hand opponent has opened one spade We are vulnerable and hold AXVKJxx oitKstxdin The answer is resounding negative We make takeout double Maybe our partner will respond in hearts if he responds in clubs we will then bid diamonds daily crossword ACROSS 46 Compass pornt Three prefix 47 Receive Ourz information Montreal 48 Boy worlds fair 50 Bathing place l2 Author 52 Idea IFr Fleming 56 Natural color 13 One Ger 58 Pinkness 14 61 Australian Breckenridge birds 15 Unimportant 62 Oriental 17 Narrow potentate opening 63 Ideal gas 18 Wild plum condition 19 Egypt abbr abbr 21 CIA 64 Democrat predecessor abbr 22 FenCing 65 Alphabet sword 66 Coral reef 25 Marching cadence DOWN 27 Method 30 Old Testament Tilts book Fence timber 33 Large Of India container prefix 34 Wind Lamprey instrument 12 Roman 36 Time periods Annihilate 37 Enthusmsm Million prefix 39 One of the Printers Bears measure pl 41 Sharp taste Percussron in 42 Study strument 44 Sails to to Experts sailors ll Kind of grain 01 Answer to Previous funli I6 Skilled 45 Island of 20 Greek letter saints 23 Povertyrwar 47 Atomic agency abbr weapon 24 Permeate 26 Explort 27 Tread 28 Christmas 48 Setup grill ball 49 Culmination 51 Animal waste 29 Band instru chemical ment wds 53 Bureau 30 Son of Obed 54 Family of 31 Whole medieval 32 Snakes Ferraia 35 Conjunction 55 Glimpse 38 Convent 57 Entertainment inmate group abbr 4O Triumphant exclamation 43 Put 59 Thus Lat 60 Tax agency abbr 07 Astra For Sunday May 15 1977 TAURUS April 20May 20 If you do something nlce for another today keep as low profile as possible The humbler you are the greater your recognition GEMINI May 21June 20 friend could single you out as the sole person in whom to confide secret You will keep it to yourself CANCER June 21July 22 Earlt Iy in the day youll be full of vim and vigor Youll prefer quietly sharing the evening with pals LEO July 23Aug 22 Timing is allimportant today if you have career matter to discuss Let things develop at the proper pace VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 You could have an experience today which though not significant in itself Will show you how to ac complish something else you want to do LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 The last word should be yours in any finanCial decision confronting you and your mate today This doesnt mean you should be dic tatorial SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 Your word is your bond today Others know they can bank on what you pledge STUDENTS SPECIAL Typewriter repairs clean oil and adjust from only $l 00 Free estimates Call us now at SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 Even though youll focus on the major things today you wont forget the details Somehow youll squeeze them in CAPRICORN Dec 22Jan 19 In dealing with youngsters today use as few words as possible Youll find your instructions have way of getting through to them AOUARIUSJan 20Feb 19 If theres nottoodistant relative you havent found time to visit lately drop in on her Youll probably have an enjoyable time PISCES Feb 20March 20 You may be reluctant to make business call until after the weekend However if its impor tant youd be wise not to wait ARIES March 21Aprll13 Your primary concern will be to enjoy yourself today Its possible that something could occur later to bring you few extra bucks flour Bflriiiliidciiy May 15 1977 The time could be ripe this year to initiate an enterprise youve had on the back burner When conditions present themselves dont drag your feet Whitfield BC VIQIT US OFFICE OUTFITTERS 6590MB rbuairviv it Tue Boys I5 comma 7370201 BARRIE PLAZA iFor Monday May 18 1977 TAURUS April 20May 20 Per mitting others to make decisrons for you could be very unWIse to day They make commitments youd have trouble IIVing up to GEMINI May 21June 20 Its not good to take on additional responSIbilities or to start new projects espeCially if you have unfinished matters on hand CANCER June 21July 22 wellmeaning friend may tip you off to hot investment or purchase that could save you money Investigate first Either could fizzle LEO July 23Aug 22 Youre on more precarious perch than you may realize where your im age is concerned today Keep on the straight and narrow path VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 Be sure any plans that you want to involve others in are sound They Will be challenged Youd better have the answers LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 Theres possibility you might get enmeshed in something to day thats out of your field It could cost you pretty penny SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 DissenSion could erupt today over something rather silly if youre involved With people whose aims are not in harmony With yours Franks DO you Tille COULD HAVE Tlllkl RAISE LlOuVB BEEN PROMISiuo ME NORTH ERN STATIONERY 29 Dunlop St 7373860 Frankfurter and Ernies Burgers TIMEKEEPER JUST SAT THEKE WATCHIN OTHER PEOPLE ARRIVE 12 DO THE WORKJ JUSTA MINUTE HOLD ir THERE WHY I5 +45 CALLED WILLIE THE BOMB 013 BILLION SERVED BILLION EATEN OH WELLMAWBE NEXT WEAR VE DEVELOPED DEVICE FOR MUSCLE BUILDING WHATS YOUR INVENTION raph Bernice Bede Osol SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 Unforeseen obstacles may cause you problems in your work routine today Dont try out landish ways to circumvent them CAPRICORN Dec 22Jan 19 In socral Situation where ex penses should be shared one party may excuse himself just before the check arrives Take care how you handle it AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 Your mate may be little hard to get along With today wearing your patience thin If you lose control you might do something erratic PISCES Feb 20March 20 If coworker drags his feet today reach him through encourage ment Putting him down Will only make things worse ARIES March 21April 19 Be very careful in money matters to day You could Iose funds suddenly through jomt venture or your own poor management Tour Birmhrflor May 18 1977 Dont make changes this year just for changes sake The road youre on should prove to be your best route plum Illlll IIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIII THle IVE FINALLW SKOKEN HIS SPIRIT DONTI WAS LATE FOR THE iNTERVIEw Your wedding invitations Announcements Headquarters We provide loanout service