County sports Ivy boll fans hopeforï¬ï¬‚e By BILL URRAN Baseball fans at Ivy are looking forward to the coming South Simcoe League schedule with more than their usual en thusiasm The Essa township community has long been good baseball centre and Ivy fans are hoping their Leafs can chase the jinx which kept them from winning the county championship during the past few years Last year the team finished the north section on top but bow ed out to Orillia Majors in the semifinals Followers of the Leafs are convinced their team could have won out with the right breaks and they hope these will be forth coming this year Fans still like to tell about the Ivy team which mowed down all opposition in winning the honors five years ago check of records showed the 1972 team downed Orillia Majors four games to three in an exciting final series Don Shannon who pitched three wins two by to scores was generally hailed as the hero of that memorable series In one of Dons to shutouts he shaded Orillia ace Jerry Udell by twirling twohitter After the teams were tied at three wins each Ivy won slugfest 11 to in the deciding game Along with Shannon Don McMaster starred on the mound while shortstop Bob Burns played key role with his hitting and fielding Bob socked homer for the only run in one of the games George Ellis was team captain that year while lom Arnold at second Malcolm Wilson at first Allan Ellis Bill and Ed Patton were among other standouts Last winners from Alliston At Alliston ball fans have to go back nearly 10 years for their last county winners although other teams made good showings Back in 1968 Allan Edgar piloted the anucks which beat out Midland Indians in the finals four games to one Leading pitcher in the league that year Bob Doner rose to the heights in the league finals when he stopped Midland to with twohittcr and also registered 5ft shutout victory iiuy Smockum who also ranked as one of the teams leading hitters pitched the other two Alliston victories in the finals blanking Midland to and then edging veteran Gordon Dy ment to in another hardfought contest Along with Smockum first baseman Wayne Storey and out fielder Dave Mortimer were top hitters Ray Ihibert at third also was standout Iaul Mason John Morrison Dave Evans John Bowerman Brian Bmoks and Mike Fairburn were among other players of that fine team who merited special mention The anucks had to battle all the way to win out In the first playoff round they were extended by Thornton Indians but managed to squeeze through three games to two Then Becton Beehives with John and Larry Gould both going strong on the mound put up strong opposition before going down in the fifth and deciding game of the semifinal series But as one Alliston fan remarked That was quite few years ago Were about due to win again Leading golfers at Si incoes ide iolfcrs at Oro townships Simcoeside course near Hawktstone have bttti timing up for coming tOllItIIimtIltS and club championship qualifying games Bill and Tom Mercer Bun Lillicrap Pat McCue and Cup Trilsbcck are among players who have been making some good early season scores for the ninehole course opposite Ilighway It on fro Line to In the ladies section leading players out so far include Jcrcnicc Austin June longmans Vivian Mcue Marie Lallante and Iair Tomlinson to namea few The first ladies tournament has been arranged for Sunday lunc for the Doris liilsbeck memorial trophy uncnt plans arc receiving attention for qualifying play for mens and womcnschampionshipstobeheldlatcrinthe season iipcrator of the course Mrs Linda Ircloar who has been ill in Itoyal Victoria Hospital here in Barrie since week ago Thursday is expected to bc released from the hospital in day ortwoani ttlt otakccharge In the noxinuaa lici Hlson has been registering member ships and looking after the club business Former Barrie and Orillia hockey player Earle Mctronc who is retoyering from leg lnlUI was visitor to the Siiii ct icsidc Ct iurse the other day Brian Jeffery off to fine start tollingwoods Blue Mountain club Brian Jeffery is off to HIP start for the new golf season Currently he is receiving conr gratulations for winning the Lockhart trophy in the seasons opening tournament Brian fired low 76 just four over par for the best early scason score beating out Don look by three strokes The low net award in the handicap division went to Walter McGuire There is also lots of activity in the ladies section at Blue Mountain where players are getting ready for coming tour naments Glenna McLeod is the ladies president Wellknown in area hockey and golf circles Ieorge Ford has annoiincwl the tttth annual Balmy Beach tournament has been booktd for the Lake St Georgc course in the northeast part of the county for Friday June 27 The competition has been held at the Lake St George course since ltiTt ith Sam Singer the first winner there Raceway entries Saturday Post Time tip in FIRST IZ IIlII 5300 inYI llljltllliltl ti Sabancio llaiioycr SIXTH IvHTI MILIZ Uoti thIRlllt Lee ty IAI1ON KIJIJY Byron 4Il ASH Bruckert MIDNIGHTA HHï¬tj crowi 27l Al lllttllJ ttl Kirtukc 1errpm Mknpuf llianc lat MI ll Iitrdy Imbro laris IIIHS Hhriss Iar Box ltowc The gum and Harris 3Jllllllls tasturc Brmks Jr litncets Just Brooker irVit icscindo lonis lnggicslsill lt Scraiinagi iIlcasaiit Biui Lincss in no sizi ow llllll18mo 1HmL sum 7Kiiiisi IItl ituuw wwv AIA Nichols irIiIlI BAI ll llutton Nil1Spmmj 41ng IVJNHt Iltllll It Kcnncdy an ass Midnight larkct Lee Kt It Scratina Ititytimrgi Harris in mg oMiss Shadow Sin Iroblcm Ilrinkir laggic llic ibcl larkci Locust By ttltoual Iitit It Scraniiagt litgcrtild tltincnt siytn Anncrud Kennedy lnckliait Alttluit Tlllltll llttll lllII Sittio its Allt St ltllf INIIY tit dd trllilltti IllIltltll Litiburg Ilanoyir BlutSpwiti Smokt int hitch Nibby ii Shalom lOlltlll IlllI Him MlSs It IIOII It lticld 311 IVE ltosc SlltliAli sAIIN Iiniss liss Diamond Fuller Sly Alastcr Sam Iurdy Ilt Matt Itowc lardoo Am It raham Blutliei lobill lotcncc Ill III III SJon LAIIY tiltlili Kennedy It Scraiinagi Mawson ii Annirad lluttoii lavson Harris ti Durham INIZIIS Itlltllli Mctay iKIINNi REYNOLDS Host ltilcnioc lady Moorc lli Alicc Howe sSlianya Kmt ngdalcliukt Bastcr Ihorpc Piltilllll If IIIIC SL100 LINIIYSIIIYAIIltA lSAl NlllIltS IONIY ABBHIIH lctcr By Alicc ltowt Nocholls It Luckcy Harris Anne Mact iordon ass GI Luiky Lcc ti lutncy tlirissi Stinci INTII Itl2 IIII2 Slim HttJllIIIItllll It Scrannagc IIZItIIItlKILLICAN Lockhait BLACK lll lllISS Brooks St Alisslline Nichol Stcady Iiiiitcr Brown 4Saugecn Lil Moore TriloWick lownslitp tiLss Bombay lcrcssa Brown IIINTIIIIMIII155MI lNltt ANNE oJIIItSlIY IIIl It Scrannagc Ktnncdy PAL Brooks Pub Adios Mctilnrt it Moonlands Leta Bow Hat Iliin Ska TroWo Kip llanovci Jones Bumpy Wayt It Lackey raceway results Iltll ltrst Ioiiil pat uiilc SITo Itr2ltlt stitit KIJI lio too in ltill£llll ilto Hui OltlllWOOlll lltltK ito Time to fix tt lOlt oandtsit Ml Sci oud tond patt milc Id FLY HYI llK to too 111 MAIUII llll it to ILSIIAH ltllll on Mir on rlXAt II ilt ttlltII yt on lhiid clmhp not time Stillt MOBKI IltlZl tllANt Klli lLOIA Klli Iiiiit lit IXvllll land il go lourlh cond pair llllII Stfio Ktixtt ikystttht to iii to st SAN 1inth AltltllAI SILA Jo Iiiiic tiM IZXMIOH liaiidllSi to Iltlt tlm pat milr Slim liltllittiost ttu io tltKttu ytiios oo to Hit llil ti Iimc in LXAtIolt litiiitllbioltl Sixth and pacc tlllh 3130 GOLDEN DON ll no It 00 Tin liti It 24 It ltAIIlt ltlilllt IZASTIIH ltt Kil IIMIZ tit IJX lOlt Band 3W lti Scyrnth prif No lrol milc Jill IIYltII IAl Ill to it oo 7H To it Intuit thilt Ill tltt HILH AN tilttto so liiiu in In IJXAttolt land iii to llighlli ilinlip pat milc Sxoo AltltlSON tgl lNIIZSINtiLIlt ll Ll llt IlltK llt limi oti2 lIXAtTOH and Slit to inth clm pact IIIIII looti illSlFItN KAllI Iltht ISMthU FRANKIE IAlt Tune out IiXAtltllt ltttltl $7Il Ill lliilli clm pacc Itillc Sill lltl Ii till itl HI It till no to It It ti 7o to Sin KIN KUII Hill170152 LISILICSN till 2311 Mlt AIIUIINIZY on Time ofttr Also Koomo thaitip allcy Ilircct Sun lIXAt ilt land fisvltt to Altciidaiitc flak llandlc 92100 liack fast Bombers looking for players Bick ook of Orillia practices pitch outs during recent session of thc Orillia Sitter Bombers football club Scott quarterbackcd with the Bombers last season and is back again this ycar as the Bombcrs prcparc to enter the Northcrn Football onfcrcncc in June tlIy amintr Ihotoi Form EquipmentL bountom ORILLIA Staff Ihe Orillia Silver Bombers are on shopping spree and finding the pickings little slim at the present time The football club needs players not only new blood but to get some of last years players back as the opener of the Northern Football Con ference begins to twinkle in the distance Monday we were up to 26 and that was our heaviest turnout noted Bombers coach Ken Burns of rillia earlier this week lune is the scheduled home opener for Orillia with North Bay providing the op position at Orillia District Collegiate Vocational In stitute Burns and assistant coach lon Babulick of Barrie both expressed their disappoint ment at the poor turnout of players from the Barrie area We havent had much of turnout from Barrie Burns said Im quite surprised If were going to survive weve got to gct the local bodies Last season the Bombers had strong contingent from the Barrie area including Scott Itibalkin who coach Burns would dearly like to get back this year Scott we really miss he said werc without con trc Scott was one of the best ccntris last year Babulick feels the biggest pioblcm confronting the Bombers is not lack of playcrs but lack of specific type of player Our biggest problcm is not III the numbcr of players but that we dont have liiicmcii licsaid Friday It was back in late February when the Bombcrs in aiiagciiicnt held an intcicst meeting At that tune turned out nothcr problem appcars to tic getting the playcrs out now that the practice tllttllllt IS in full swing the bqu of the players are from Orillia with sprinkl ing from Midland and Icnctang ltob Baiscvich Minor player with the Bar llt tcntral tollcgiatt lied skins football team was out foi his sccond practice cilncsday whcn wayward elbow brokchisnoscduringa drill Im surprised that wc don lltt morc people from liari It Babulick said Othcr players who per formed with IIlI Bombers last Illllllltl llltlIt Nor man Brown iaiy llcicttn Iimt Richardson Ireg Bell and Iton MiUik ircgg Bell came out onc tiight and drew sonic tqlllpr mcnt but hasnt been back formally winds up successful year Giffcn Farm Ilqtllllllltlll ban tams almost ncvcr got the chancc to win thc all Ontario ti tlctliisscason Scnding tlic sccond teams into thi Ontario Minor llockcy Association itllllsti playoffs was smutthing the executive of tlic tarric Iinor llockcy As sociatioii illIIi was little rcluctant to do llugcnc Walden prtsidcnt of thc BMHA was special guest of thc iilfcii club this wcck at the tcaiii supper at St ticorgcs Anglican Hall Burton Strcct Ilc told parcnts players and coachcs of thc Ontario Minor llockcy Sstitltllttll Ilttltltlllills that thc boys achicvcd morc than thc cxicutivc thought they would llc said tlic cxccutivc had itscivationw about allowing the sccond clubs to cnfcr tlic OMIIAplayofftrail lt wot kiif out far titttci than wc aiit icipatcd he said It ccrtaiiily opcncd tip morc liockty more cxpcricncc for the boys playing in the OMIIA playdowiis iffcn wcnt through the season losing fivc games and tying tiiic in contcsts lhc ntltlt club popped total of Hon goals mto thc tiptxlsitltitl uct wliilc thc goaltciiding tandciii of Mike Keogh and icrry IIlllttltlttlltl held the opposition to on goals cnroiitc to an OMIIA ltllt At the helm of the minor ban tam club were two newcomers tothc iairicarca llugh Mayne was coach with Sandy Kallc thc trainci It was grcat ycar lrcally cntoycd it Mayne said csixcially the way cvciybody got along so well llc also complimcntcd thc cf fort of thc playcrrT parents and thc liclp hc ltttlyttl during the Stttsott It was just fantastic ycar all year round iiffcn ntcdcd pist fotir games to claim tltc OMHA final sciics from Oakridgc Acrcs of The Iiften Farm Equipment minor bantams llltItIt special prcscntalion to Ilugh liurch member of the BMHA team earlier this week at the team slipper at St Georges Anglican llall Burton Street The presentation was made in memory of the clubs latc manager harlic hurch who Inlltllill including the final two wiiison forcigiiicc In It Olll playoff gamcs iiffcn bantams lOsl two titd oiic and won ll lliirc wcri iminbcr of prcscntatioiis liaudcd out from thc playirs to various tcain and cxncutnc members with spccial onc to llugli liuich ll son of thc latc Iiarlic tliitrcli who died siiddcnly while on citttsc shortly after tlic ciid of tlichockcyscasoii He was thc manager of thc tiiffcii club and helped rclicyc thc load of responsibility brought upon by the success of the young club Ierhaps coach Mayne said it best We all know him we all fch for him and well forget hom NOTES The Ladies iliary of the Barrie Hockey Association drew well deserved round of applause trotn the group Its thc Ladies Auxiliary which handles thcjob of looking after the gate runn ing booth at the Barrie Fair and helping in number of fund raising activities BMHA annual meeting is set for Monday IIllgtllt aldcn president of the Barrie Minor Hockey Association BMIIAi rcmindcd parents at the riccnt tcam sup pcr for thc itffcn Farm quiiip mcnt minor bantams of the an nual meeting Monday Walden told those at the sup needed annual meeting which is set for Mon day at the Barrie Arena at that the BMHA support at the pcr their died shortly after the BMHA team won an allOntario hockey championship At left is Ilugh Mayne coach Andy Ar ainincr llioto rst captain Hugh and team trainer Sandy Kalle Ex lltVtl Minor since Burns said Bombers have some talent in the lineup but may not be holding on to it for too long John Harrison quarter back was drafted from the Ottawa Rough Riders out of McMaster University Besides having quarterback ing experience Harrison is capable punter and defensive back Ile also played with na tional lacrosse team last year Ilarrison leaves for Ottawa on June With some of the talent we had out earlier some of the guys who were out last year wouldnt make it Burns said Bombers also losing the services of Joe Karwaski in August He played with the club last season and has six years of ball with high school teamsin Midland Karwacki 20 leavts for Foothill College about 30 miles from San Francisco on Aug 17 He was down there for weee long football camp April Karwacki is defensive middle guard as well as able to play offensive tackle or guard Bombers will be competing in fourteam loop this season against North Bay Sault Ste Marie and Sudbury Sault Ste Marie has been traditional powerhouse with its great drawing power from the ranks of univeristy and college Silver Bombers are plann ing an intersptad game May 28 We talked little bit about playing it in Barrie Babulick said but nothing definite has emerged from it as yet Babulick said he was fa miliar with talk last October about putting team together in Barrie Ile however considered the move premature noting that even combined both Barrie and Orillia could not match populationof the big ger centres in the league John Harrison lcaycs for Ottawa June to join thc Ottawa tough Riders of the Canadian Football League He was drafted by Ottawa from McMaster lnivcrsity of Hamilton Har rison is an allmund athlete haying spent last season with the national lacrosse team He was quarterback with the Bombers last season Examiner Ihotoi spo Ottawa to meetL Bruins in Memorial Cup final ANtOIVEIt Ii New Westminstcr Bruins have been called mini thugs by some local observers at the anorial up Series this week and in their own way the major junior hockey team does resemble yoitngcr edition of Philadelphia Myers llrnic McLean coach of the Bruins doesnt deny that lic cn courages his team to play the game tough in the corners and in front of the opposing net Brian Kilrca coach of Of tawa 67s concedes that his team will have to take away what New lcstminstcr does best when the teams mect in the Memorial up sudden death final Sunday at the Pacific olisctim lhc gamc will be televised at in EDT on the IV net work We have to take thc tOIIItIs away from the Bruins because thats where they work thc har dcst and come up with lot of second effort Kilica said Friday after the tiTs defeated Shcrbrtxike Beavers 32 in thc last game of prclimniary thrteteam doubleroundrobin series The Bruins are good club and they will try to run you out of the rink But weve got lots of ability and if we can move the piick quickly out of our end we should be all right IN THREE IN ROW After dropping 76 decision to the Bruins in the opening game Sunday the 67s have won three straight including it ovcitimc game against New VtSlllllIlSlCl Atom division needs coaches as soccer season is set to go The Barrie Optimist Minor Soccer Association tBOMSAi opens its summcr program of providing minor soccer to close to 7th boys and girls next week The BOMSA is still widc opcn for some voluntccr help in coaching and officiating Leo Itcnlella director of publicity for the minor sports organiation said the program could use three more coaches for the atom division There are tti teams com pcting in league play this season as well as live allstar clubs The clubs representing players between to 16 years of age will be competing in five agc groups from squirt to ban tam As it stands now the bantam loop will be playing Monday nights with the Mosquito and Squirt Divisions on Iucsduy and the atoms and pccwccs on lhursdays lhc bantain grouping has four teams including from Orillia this season The ptimist soccer program will be working out of pitches at ainswick Maple Ilovc Johnson Street Codrington Assikinack landalc School and at the Itadio Shack field think as far as fields are concerned that its going to be all right ltcnzclla said He mentioned that officials were major conccrn right now He said anyone wishing to help out should contact refcrcc in chief Ian MacSpiiircn at 72 it tonvenor of the atom division is John Biyk He said this week that his division would be open ing play this week with open ings for three more coaches Anyonc interested in coach ing minor soccer team ittto 10 years of agei is asked to cott tact Bryk at 72873405 sports calendar liASlBAIJ at New Lowell tournament starts at 9am tsix games HARNESS ItlNI at llarric Itaccway post time 745 pm StXtElI at IIastview Secondary School ollingwood vs Barric City pm at llichvalc Barrie Blues vs ltichvalc 5pm VOLLICYBAIJ at Ottawa Ieter ltcino Hustlers in national junior finals Friday results Barrie 12 Longucil 15 Barrie lost to Van couver tarti tr7md to Halifax try91510 SlNllAY BASEBALL III Barrie Fair Irounds Banie Itcd Sox practice IiASlBAl at New Lowell tournament pm championship game at 330