LYNN lvNiIltRI we re N01 Mogcans Call and ask about our SC Bu sh ps USIC es LENNQX CHAOS have it well Energy Saying By Ml IIIEL LEICPER front $60 town were won by oiiioux ot iillia and Victoria oi ltarrie won the oiin scholar Georgian ollege on Saturday tot Winners ol scholarships of musicians tioin Barrie and Donaldson of Midland Four ship for Guitar The ltariic eveningat7zittt Iryage The Orillia Kiwanis Music area These scholarships were other liaiio scholarships of $23 area scholarship winners and ltie concert is showease tor Trace Auto Gifts Festival were announced tor piano strings hrass and were won by Shelley Ann Mad other top prize winners of the lotat talent and the public is Take 0U Delivery wodmsdm Hump m9 pom wotxtwinds Radar and aceor dison Michelle Maddison of Festival are performing at welcomed to attend wreCRers Fine selection of House dioii This year no vocal Mactier lraeey ttohertsoii ot 1268487 Oriental Gihware Axln Al maguiumnwrlStumonm scholarship was won he riltia and IiIilltit ltlacklock bhquobemee HeatinglAirConditioning 128 vesuvui performed for large singer from Barrie or the iin larry Soiiiid crowd and the progiaiii was llltfliiltiiutil STRINGS The only string some Md Man 33 603 7289228 53 COIIIEI ST followed hy the presentation ot PIANO Lynn Langtoid ltar LISA IERR AROLYNNE VARNEY RACIIIIL KICUNU Perform at Georgian Saturday night City and area music students do well the scholarships The two top piano scholar ships of Stoo each were award rie Slit Lisa Perry of Thornton $50 Scholarships ot $25 were awarded to pianists arolyiiiie scholarship ot $125 was won liy Danielle Harper ol Midliurst tor Viio HANS VI IINIIHVINIIS TIMOIIIY LEE JOHN HART in Concert at RON lINIIIER Aim LINE DE GOILTER FREE $5 BOOKS OF WINTARIO TICKETS PLAY WINTARIO SWEEPSTAKES Each week the word Wintario appears in several of the advertisements on this feature Read the ads carefully clip the advertisements in which Winterio appears and forward your entry to The Wintario Editor The Examiner Each week draw will be made and winners notified Studio DANIELLE HARPER DONNA BATTERSB ICE CREAM UNLIMITED Tel 7372740 ed to triltia iiaiiists lilaii 4llnc ltactiel Kenny and Harrie nilisiciaiis Donna Bat 99 c°u°9° Bailey and tiid iiniaii liiiiottiy Lee all ot Barrie tersti tiiha and Lynn WM GWMM B°° Monica aiter of lluiitsvilte Ronald lrindorter ot lItnivale IitlllgIUtII tliite lt hotli 5M°YI°3PM Tklots$315 and iitl ltraiidstadt of rillia and aroliiie dc iltttlt ot awardsit $12fieaeti Available at won the two top vocal scholar StayiicralsoreceivedSititeacti IItlltll0 Hand rink Sams Dunlops Organ Centre Buytield Mall Don ships of $ttmeacli Two other Iiatio scholarships ltopia and llIIl Ierisoii Box Office that Night Twelie scholarships rauigiiig of STAtwereawardedto Michelle and ltill IIII1 iillia all Coffee 15 woii lI1IoISL3 tlllt Douglas Latorncll Coffee Donut 30 284 Dunlap 7370971 iie of he few who really care me 74 PANTHER MARTIN CARPET Your Broadliioiiis Best Friend Call tvan at 7257425 13 make great fishermen CONVEX ANGELS REFINISHING BRENLAN not ironiii MR EURNITURE REPAIRS CONSTRUCTION lTD SONIC LURES PROFESSIONAL Soap Opera CONCAVE 83 éi 75a AK or RENOVATIONS 7265579 71372614 ADDITIONS ma LStiMAtLS 123323 2232ny Room pro fl fable N0 SWIVEL SHANK PASSES LAM Lt Attith FREE ESTIMATES 7265926 41 MPH CR is illtlï¬ Ii DIRECTLY THRU BLADE Soap operas and uaiiie Ilti st iii are WE MEET THE NICEST PEOPLE The Panther Martiii Sonic Lure sends oui DECORATIVE REPAIRS BY ACCIDENT the llilisi piotitahlt ditiiiit 59 that sh can resist mm SPECIAL 10 151 lltHiNH WI comparisontotraditionatotm rim nan3thirittievMaw avwstinii RATES FOR III llt hesitant to tamper new pflnCtiOtIOnLIyUiIIt ticswit thvtttirtilt at vittn SPRHJG uth 11r iteven wtientheyeaii tum Iiin teufw Paulainn tiiétti the Iietiitigt ditiiiie pro type WWW wcxlUM i0 AVAILABLE Ai mun FAVOURITE SPUIITINL ions Rtltttt ittltlttllillllltlhi Ilf Kiliiillititlsm tidniner Mattm is ittrqiximett muu My PgélsjTcEcRéNG COMPLETE COLLIS0N REFINISHING ti MUMM KW Wl 3222478 VINYL poor INTERIOP pr AUTO GLASS USED CAP RECON Hicii oi Ila daitiiiie CUP HERE Human DITIONHG 1Il llii piiii1iaiiis Hit PHELPSTON wtizciihei Iilltltitllilt ST the aiiiieiixc at which to per cent are Hlllttt iim not CENTRAL DATA itixi itlLltlliti tliitllltlitt iIi PROCESSING Ititf tiu pioi iicei Illi ei iniaii successes Nittll ot Ad the Ittii itlttiilt Mutt Itttll Ben LL UCJ ltitix fiiitheiiiiiioiiittiaii entitles hOIder to bUY one Spore Rib 377 L5 Itit Dinner for half price as listed on our YOURE AHEAD ON HONDA Yr and Financial Statements ltic iiiitit that lie iiitwtli lit ili menu LImII One Coupon per persont Tts MGR tlllliit ilttt liltltlli ilin di lncomeiax Returns Iiitlti iIAi tni iii ltlHtl Hii Offer 900d day SOLUFdGYr May 14 miiipaicii ttil SMIHI lni the 184 YONGE ST Gran Gppmmmem saiiie tllllt dliiiiii pink LttRIltlL at your convenience iditt dlD twins iittuiilk ttilht ittitilut For EOIIn OF Orders only HWY MI SOUTH OF BARRIE shoe the can attoin iiid oap aiid itillltt itIl ill Preshrlnk your GRLHL GBRILK incomem VII tinpr Eirtllltt iiildli lt it EASY TOUSEV MADE Wth YHE who Iivewh 11 Hi Hm DO ii YOURSELEERIN MIND Pia Ui tt ti BARR SERVICE CENYRE legistered Retirement MASONRY snownoaiusmscsnwcr 34 T3333 393 AESSA RD ALLANDALE Litiii SUPPUESND 3H Bayfield St is OperiQAhrsv day7daysaweoh LOOk Te 7263343 VISIIWITH USAT SIMCOE COUNIYSLARGESI INDOOR $356023 90 Rep Are tRUSTCOWANVSNCEm SHOPPINGMALLWITHCIIMAIE comaoncacowom Jct Hwy 26 27 1an My DUNBLOPE 7374 Spec iiz It aims Mike emew Wcrc glam MI to 310 roam ton mm Midium 3523 00 CO De mm MA autumn gt 1183440 POI INFORMATION MW on CINEMA suownm 705 900 now PLAYING suownm 7001 905 cum SCREEN DOUBLE DRIVEIN ENTERTAINMENT scum i3 ARE mun TO arm you your CHOICE or rmrsr mono PICTURES The most exciting motion picture nt IS IT PHANTOM ADEMONOR UPROARIOUS lusty entertainment if flovv4ll Bot Thomas ASSOCIATED PRESS Theres nowhere return nowhere to hide IN if mwywwp Hoium Ytlltl Him pa CH tzzalival pun It tr Ali pan mi centi ism itti itii ivi ft Aitiiout IIiHAittli Niiiiiiiii itllIIIttI ui Held Over 4th LaughFilled Week Hist Iiiriic ILacii iic tili it it pIlIIi tiltit tau da IIIIII iiiltJ iiiliiiiiiiii IIliIIItI Iiiiiiii ii Iiit liiiic lineup KW no at lord and Son tauims Itll Vanni and AI an Happ hays Each has tittlitli ot ye riat lticj cciitii on UN iiiiig taiiiitg hut tin IJJIlti done as wlt as the top firittl and gaiiiis Dirtiest Harry of them all CLINT TWOOD IS DIRTY HARRY THE ETIFORCER Adult Ent De Lauroiiiiis Cutixxamo MW 51 John iiliormin Film imng Jeff Charies Gmdin imitation Jessica Lange AND THIS COMPELLING SAGA ABOUT TNE LAST OF THE lEGENDART SNOOTISTS MINAMAII mi DINO Dl AUIINTTIS mums IMNKOVK Hi5 Midnuton IOHN WAYNE LAUREN BACALL mAsuou HIM Stem adventure Adult Entertainment of Itfetlme THE ADVENTURE tn lanolot new foods yumq or an YAIEIJ ZA The sectet Society of Japan ROBERT MITCHUM COSIOHIOQ III lioltiii tiiiiiTIIE JENNIFER WHRREN JERRY HOUSERond STROTHER mRRnN uut ia tiiiinei Stuivtiv LI ONNIII SLIIIHAIII Ii WWIHII me om ssuvucc 726 6101 Enrique routines MtItIIMAtl GARDENS In but Adult Entertainment NititJd tltaliiii tw viit tHE CAR you JAMES BHOLIN KAlHLEEN LLOYD JOHN MARLEY HIZABHH lHOMPSONimi RONNY COX truth