NEWSROOM Dave Henshaw managing editor Sean Finlay city editor Randy Mc Donald sports editor Bill Curran county editor serving barrle and slmcoe county ADVERTISING Len Sevlck manager SALESMEN lan MacMurchy Dan Gaynor WEE KLY by carrier Lyall Johnson 90 cents Barb Boulton YEARLY by carrier Dana Graham $4420 CIRCULATION BY MAIL Barrie Jon Butler manager 54630 David Jenkins asst manager SIMCOE COUNTY Andy Haughton $3650 Judy Hickey MOTOR TH ROWvOFF Alva LaPlante $39ayear Elaine Porter ELSEWHERE IN CANADA Marg Scartl $3850 year BUSINESS Marian Gough accountant Betty Armer Dorothy Bowland Wendy Bowser Gall McParland Published dolly except Sunday and statutory holidays Subscriptions The Examiner is member at The Canadian Press CP and Audit Bureau of Circula tions ABC only The Canadian Press may republish news stories In this newspaper credited toCP The Associated Press Reuters or Agence France Presse and lecal news stories published in The Examiner The Barrie Examiner claims copyright on all original news and advertising material created by its employees and published in this newspaper Copyright registration number 203815 register 6i National advertising otiices 65 Queen St Toronto sumo 640 Cathcart St Montreal The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable for damages arising out of errors in advertisements beyond the amount paid tor the space actually occupied by that portion oi the advertisement in which the error occurred whether such error Bill McFarlane wire editor Roseanne McCabe lilestyte Roll Kraiker photographer FORTE RS John Bruce Paul Delean Richard Dunstan Pat Guergis Scott Haskins Sheila McGovern Sue Routlille Frldny May 13 1977 Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited to Baytield Street Barrie Ontario CLASSIFIED Ruth Biais supervisor Virginia Klos Elia Agostlnl publisher ADVERIISING 7266537 BUSINESS 7266537 ClASSIFlEDS 7282414 CIRCULATION 7266539 is due to the negligence 01 its servants or otherwise and there shall be no liability for reda Shinner none insertion oi any advertisement beyond the amount paid for such advertisement Inflation CODIIOI Queens park ey voting issue People worried about the constantlyrising cost of Iiv ing undoubtedly will agree Wlth Premier William Davis that control of inflation is critical issue in the Ontario election In letter to the Progressive Conservative candidates in the June election he said the Federal antiinflation By DMflflEARN program is less than perfect but most are likely to agree Queens park Bureau it IS vastly better than no controls Thomson News Service The Ontario government is showmg it IS concerned TQRONTO We the family Wth about the economic implications by supporting the agï¬ï¬rmg the last campaign there was federal iontml Program regular string of stories about Stephen Lewis Premier DaVis also is right in saying those who would andhisfamily end the controls or water it down could seriously damage daughterv anav and her yflungt the economic fairness and balance of our society 353321123 gangs While some of the criticism over enforcement aspects from the amount of attention they paid them regarding certain favored groupswas Justified the con weredazzled trol program has been protection to most taxpayers This tmne only Hana 11 is out Brother Avram9istoo busy With school work an Oppers But the reporters were quick tojump Italso played Elm lmportant r919 holpmg to keep In the first week of the election the Globe flation from making even more inroads into the purchas and Mail had rampage story on Ilana ing value of the dollar 098 has to wonder Premier Davis drew attention to his governments ac szthï¬gt felted 19 Degoï¬raï¬lc tion in opposing motion by provinCial Liberals in 1975 famjiy wan Zhegitï¬ic Zianï¬ gaet Rad that called for Ontario to set up ItS own antiinflation with this to it apparent shallow sen board rather than affiliate with the federal program timcntality In taking the stand that different controls for civil ser 11 tiveally howd appear aslust vants than for other classes of society would be unfair f3$z the Davis government undoubtedly served the best in Ed IIavrot who lost his Timiskaming seat terests of the majority for which it deserves due credit in 1975 supposedly because of slurring re In this year of recordhigh taxes government restraint marks about Indans he made trying to is of key importance get hs Old Stat baCk In the Indian inCident Havrot was largely victim of the press The Globe which led the packcrucificd him And now apparently he is in press trouble again At the time of his convention he was repor ted us saying that he had letter from Premier William Davis endorsing him The letter it turned out was only routine thing the premier sent out to all defeated can l0 EARS IN TOWN was appomted prcSIdcnt of Gcorv didammmclasl election The Barr Examiner May 14 gian College of Applied Arts and Parliamenf But also it appears there is question 1967 Don Ferguson local field Technology It is announced that lï¬hftllafmtClamed5Wify1glse secretary of the Canadian National the new Canadian Armcd Forces hi and Im 12Ejliijgzuguéiionï¬r ï¬e prgsé Institute for the Blind is transferred display team Will put on Whig Gasolmrrepornng to the Port Arthur office Mrs demonstration in the City May Personallylwzis sorry to see Ed beaten the Marlene Ferguson and Miss Ger 19 The South Simcoc Softball um mom ST 10 be IIIISt its maine McFadden DOW In their League swmgs into action The IIySIIultAIlI Maclltll biggcsisclling governmcnt documcnt in jluilvlvwihd 10 hulmkt hp North progrléiufpmiewï¬zSegilgmgers er fourth week as Barries meter Barrie and District Senior Softball tVtttilwu Burtnu Canadas history and it could litconiczi tcxtr ï¬rming 5m mm muss their Views DIHGMWFLDIZO maids have been commended for League announces that it will start hMgtr mï¬lï¬tgrgfmPi613131220510EhImlsfz about ploposcd pipcllnc mnlr pipeline Good GodGeorge Kerr the manner in which they conduct the season next week minimum Wrt Sowing out flashy press The environment minister wassofoolhardy oi molly thc grcrit idvnntngi of it Iilitl plchcnsivc portinit cvcl paintcd of our nor themselves From Sea to Sea ADVERTISEMETSI RldC with commission isthzit it gctsthigowrnmcni oft thcrn rcsidcnts thcir cultures their con 511I35in113Jdufflizll 55 Sega the Centennial production Of Barrie The Wind and EXCitcment are bemg thc hook By turning at particular problcni Ccrns ihcir frustrations and thcir rights lhc 5min 5le mm mle drinking and hem reportedh said shat ht wanted as public schools is being presented at Shown at the Barrie IIuroma Drive 3lgi$df4ï¬ WK llllllf ll xtle Sl 51 prohimns about land claims about caribou close down pollutedlakes and rivers but that the Barrie Arena at 30 In Theatre There are two hor Eloil lltisitihnii is llidjllljgcpzlis lidiimzint in his vicw tllll lwmmm mm mm hlrdsunduarws thetmalorityd cablngtdidntagree pm Barrie and DlStriCt Red ror movtes on at the Imperlal and partisan conclusion which the govcrnmcnt thcrc should be no pipeline zilongthc Mtickcn Thhmfltlkums hwnduqri1usl pigs mu31ngï¬ï¬glek9ppi°l° Shield Appeal of the Salvation Army Iobruk 15 on at the Roxy can accept or rcjcct zic Vallcy for at ltilSt loyiars Qifdiltl llHRP 311191 d1 131 Elabinet 22er mg reached $2000 in donations but the Highway 90 Meat Market has And frcqiicntly lbc govcrnmcnt and op ll wc build the pipclinc it will sccm EdinaglflflwltnLlnnlld llhllnltlllltlS H0ctuldhollaebre11Sofoolhardv oal is $9000 Kin Geor bananas for 13 cents pOUnd ptlhltltnlrlrtllltilttllitLlrtPIlHIII strange years from nowthiilt wercfiiscd to hush that wwhvpmflvlunmom The the is Revenue Minister Margaret But the rcport by Mi Justiu lllOlIIrLS do lustiu to thi Ildthl piopli mcich to ion gc 83th 01 the Retarded held the The Shnne Clrcus ls commg to Bar Berger on proposcd northirn pipclinc ccrr tinucto provide ourselves with range of con Wmvnmtlk Mfl mlmt Sud WW SHï¬HeId ed own open house Crawford me on May 15 tainly docsnt takc thc govcrnmcnt off lht sumcr goods and comforts without cvcn ask tilggflmiltlitCl1fllnllmiluwl bcvgmlee ggnsfgxignamd boa 853 26 htxik Matter of fact the llClSlilllS facing thc ing unadians toconsidcr an altcrnutivc mmm5 HI 50 tme the North to so nothingof thc ddngcrs to thc coyl said she supposed these con be called Trudodll administration now sum for InOlt him said that unch tlic prcstnt oir d8 election goodies 1hevwercnt There ust profound than they did bcforc llll Ilcrgcr ditions thc pipclinc if it were built now lttt mu OR lll arc not easy recommendations to abut lgl$latl0ll for them and the would inquiry got unch wit would do cnoinious liimzigc to thc social lhc Bcrgcr or likclv will ltlnl thc fllnit inthc North Ilium ha 1154 And 5m Olcomev BMK lil GOVERNHijxl they have been labelled as goodies But by placing most of his emphasis on It WOUld Stimn it might be good idea for It pcoplc and animal problems Mr Justice Digits 0210 hoerd ï¬cgwenetrltogothertgï¬d Iiirgcr has tosscd the ball right back into the 0C cemcnt an rop cm into Your ltip ol govcrnmcnt Ihcrc is also on cncrgy Ontario at least for the duration of the cam problem to constdcr alongl with massive Palgn bUStness The world prcssurcs from thc Initcd States foday It would bc izisy to follow cvcry recom nicndiition in thc liorgcr rcport if therc were ll no shortngcs of gas and oil But there wcrc blackouts in thc IS last wintci hccausc of thcsc shoriugcs and thcrc likcly will be more UNtENTUAN plotmam to Wells exluk By JOHN IlAItllltttN for forcign products and the raw matcrials of born in no ntnro ll wont be easy for canada Busmess and unsunnr those who have given up the job search aftci or 11 ffui Analyst shi docs not pilSSt ss whilt htrown industrii nnnln in block tho movement of Alaskan AffalrsAnalyst several months of failure and those who are lhomson wsSiiiiu flood Noitli Amiricdn rind Westcin IIIdlkl Is gastodospcmtcmzirkcts Cry Thomson News Servici too pesSImlstic to look for Job even though lhc widt gaps huh still Mllrllrllt Moixxst Vlllh thL piodlitts lldVL shown lllrlll mm unit ihc gowinmcnt lids thc Bcigci Unemployment is not only growing wor they want towork and tpllillISlIL woilds ni slidipist in lh howtomiikibut on achmpltiborbasis ropolt on the soul ind ciologital impact of SClt ngwmg mme Confusmg as well Otherscontend thalthe unempltyment rate two Korcis thc oinniunisi north and thc In Wl It Is rtptdt fmmuld of tilt ii pipclinc it will int rcixm thc Last month the unemployment rate rose to is Inflated because it includts curtain pro 83 rm dplldllhllLStlutll Japancsi CLUIIOIIIK mllrltlt of tht cm Lia mnmndl lullilg lhniid which Vllll plticc Per en one eVey 12 pt on mmlm In tho north ill tho looplcs Itcpublic of 1075 whcn sound longtcnn planning bctwccn more mnphnsis on market requirements rc amplevhme14P0r9lcfimrï¬i peacent If cetmdgtktï¬mlf pt ICtipllWhlllll North Korea sclfidiilnt ion of Kim Il Sung industry and tho statc and tho ability of SI1SillllllLllllllCiIllotilllS Ihcnbcforcthc Sedsond mm mt 90 MN PnimRWmUl thc great and bclovcd Iciidcr and thc lzipiincsc manugcmcnt to soak in lcstcrn end of sunnnor tho gtwornmcnt will be for account surdncc benefits arc mom attractive altcr 511 ggtiing finluits ot tit untidll pliinnt skills dillllllll IlllKllilfth taki otf ccd to Illilktdtltt ision But the raw figures show that thc Jobless native oflmmm ponxqum WW Tmm m1 rate was 88 per cent down from 92 per cent That theory can bc cxtcndcd and is by In Ropuhhc of sum Kurt mm STRONG DIIIEIHZNIIS 1f1m fl lh in March and up from 76 per cent in April those who blzimc socicty for fostering by my gmmwmm mpqumtrmu Wc now switch to North Korea pcrhaps thc Ill ll ult 10 it IS 1906 widespread cxpcctution that thc govcrnmcnt intEU almva nd WNW funds lust of the Stalinist Communist rcgimcs lctt $1 lllts ionl ilttilllt tint However the number of jobseckcrs dipped has an inherent roslxmsibility toward cvcry twhmlugv Jud manququ Xingflsohaqurr In this World Likc many othcr smullcr ï¬lfwlth in Sill mm nyuAN to 914000 from the March total 0f9440lii and citizen to providc either an intcrcsting job or um Knrwn liming mm MilFXISt Syhttmsv economic Ptllmlmnt militant pllx ll lxtl film Although 1918 was critical year in the Fir thenumber of employed mg09425000 from an altcmatlveincomc mim 1pllnl 1ng isdisastrous ti lIILIlVlrlgnlUt il iiiiu idHi Icsstirln st Wurld war more were 169 Strikes across 9350KXlan extra 75000 Business gets its share of thc blumc lily gnu klun flmmm Also likc them North Korca has borrowcd Film tt fllhE ftutl 20 Canada Thm gun does not seem large To clear away confusion and to bring the because of sonic of its hidcbound recruiting 6ng cw mmd sperm NW hCiIVlly lmm Japan and thc Wcsi and has 21 VlulMI ltliflï¬I fl tfn nytom today but in 1918 was the beginning of figures into pcrspcctive lets dcfinc the for practices that constitute dcfuctor dis indimml ho munlffv mm huge foreign debt of $2 billion about $5M YWflrjl poridd sumng labor unrest and led to the ms crimination on grounds of ugc scx or ï¬nd millltmlltit PICSONHYIHlttalllt kitï¬tnvfï¬ put lull 1h Hqtmnxln Winnipeg Gcncral Strike onclof the worst in unempltycd WHO is Wh l5 educamm lhats far bcttcr lllIIl thc llplntSi did in What mach the failure or MMXN Htqill lkltittlmlllulltsolllnhlll Calladltlnhistory available for work and actively looking for And so do unions bccausc of thc closcd mvirhowlyohbuul dwlg0 when Mr economics in the north so unrcul is that this 51 mi lk0u 310 mn On May Hits 2000 workers in the Win it shop membership rules that also arc dis evmmni fun 01101111 fnwrfllm itlvtlllwlllltly 905505505 mmly illlilttllt Vtlt InN lklllyd nipcg mctal trades went on strikedemanding The lab force inClUdts those Who are criminamry and unjustiï¬ed vugmnclelsv nual growth in thc GNP power pmml lh unlit Ktlltm Illll tiltssttql ll TH flu Hut12 2i 4+hour week and minimum hourly wage emphytd and are Seeking emplty demandsthat leadtojthullmmuum This makes South Korci mior markct sum and ms mum mw mumlmls lllthttl tonlnnmmmm mummy an of tiï¬ccnis lhosetcrms mighthavc béen met ment It excludes peoplc aged lSor over who MINIMUM WAGE likc coal but employers resented the new trend in arent trying to cntcr the labor market such Explanations and thoorics ulxiund ranging What has made it im ossibic for Kormns in labor bargainingnegotiations on an in assludems and invalids mm the simplistic mule snpnjgnwuu thc north to perform Ii thosc in thc south is dustrywide basis rather than with their own Ihc unemployment rate isthc percentage One is that antiinflation is to blame Ihis thc system not thc Workstylc of thc employms of unemployedinrclatitmtothclabor forcc seems to rcst on the view that excessive in POPUIHCP By May 13 members of 52 other unions Ihc seasonal adjustment makes allowan creases in prices and wages create the 12 hit5 b00011 it millin Pilltitilmlll walked out in sympathy with the metal trades cc for seasonal variations in employment op illu5ion of prosperity and that this somcliow the South Korcan boom to the extent of about workom Winnipeg was paralysed as essen portunitics such as the absence of jobs for creates jobs $300 millionto datc in bilateral trzidc tial services closed including fire telephone gardeners in winter and snowplow operators Another puts much of the blame on tho W0 hith will tuftC 008 Shlpllltllts tht and food stores in summer rapid increase in minimum wages in Canada country and Saskatchewan is Soiiili Koicus citizens committee of 1000 members DAIAQIIESTIONED during thelastfourycars sole source of potash iinadiun Illilnllllilt was formedto work inthc public utilities and Not cvcryonc ugrccs on these definitions Taking the federal and provincial lziws into tllrtdEQOdS 140mg Smith KUItIi lllClUtlt 0t the stores and this number soon grew to Some argue that the published unem account minimum hourly wages in Canada 99 eItllment alid Wemmunltiltl0S SUI 10000 Rioting ensued in which people were have risen 72 per cent to $285 since April Illes killed and property damaged 1973 And of course the South Koreans havc pur All but 15 policemen were fired for sym Average hourly wag have rise 64 per chased one ofour CANDU reactors which lIiIS pathizing with the strikers and the North cent and the UnLtod States average min requer further 511108 of related parts and West Mounted Police now RCMP began we lmum wage 43 per cent to $230 in the same servicts patrolling the streets period What is familiar about both Korciin At the same time employment has been systems are the strong oncman militaiy declining in those industries most directly ul illlt good deal of nepotism and corruption fected by minimumwage lawsutextilcs and in the two governments always factorof Let bl be foodservicc any Asian regime and worry about the future ters su mi or pu ica ion must In the clothing industry which is strongly when thcstrongmen zircgonc orcliminatcd Signed by the writer Please include your affected by international competition avcr LIKE FATHER LIKE SON street address and telephone number age hourly wagis are roughly 50 cents higher In the north Kim IlSung in supremo powcr although they Will not be published Letters than in be lgnot to mention he Orient since before North Korea was created it om And when forty years wore expired then Which canHOt be athentlcated Cannot be The restaurant industry is probably the munist state in thc latc 19405 is trying the llpptllltd to him in thc wildcrncss of Mount published For the sake of space public in largest employer of young people aged 15 to same formula for succession as Indira itin terest and good taste The Examiner reserves the right to edit condense or reject letter Letters to the editor run Wednesdays and Saturdays on Page 24 whose jobless rate has been 145 per cent for the last two months Industry spokesmen say that each rise in the minimum wage eliminatis some restaurant jobs KIM II SUNG dhi attempted and failed He has proposed his son Kim JungII as his heir and successor Prcsumably he will have more success than Szinjuy Gandhi USIK IIIOMAS BERGER Slim an angel of the Lord in flame of fire In ii bush Acts 30 God is still speaking through unusual means and many times through unknown people to get Ills message across