Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 12 May 1977, p. 1

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Rehearsing for the big concert Members of the Huronia Symphony Youth and lunior Orchestra haye been spending their spare time in preparation for their upcoming concert Sun May IT at the Embassy Hall on Blake St Jane arloss taboiei will be one of the musicians involved in the pm per formance Tickets are SI for adults and fifty cents for students ilCuiininer Photo Premier here tonight in election campaign lrcniicr William liar will make his first major policy speech of the June it election campaign in liarrie tonight The premier accompanied by lrogressiu tonscrvatiye candidates timigc laylor MPl ticorge lttague lltllfitlllirNltltttl and Ntll iordoi Smith Sirircoc that will Speak at campaign rally at taiiie orth tollcgiatcsct for Joy llv campaign tiffllldb in luirric and loronto are billing the prcii1iers sirencl tonight is the campaign kickoff The prenaer has been campaigning in Southern ttntario tor the last ttl but has made no mirror polcj slditzotls spokesman to do lororzto iarrrpargn lice said the ltit race as one ot the reason that Harrie was howi to kcloft the caio iilLl imige Taylor is attempting to hold the Sinicoe tcntrc seat in the legislature for the onseryativcs Jo months after New ltcinocrat laul Wessenger tllllttil deliatid longtiinclory lllrthur ltll Bradford lirisiiiesiriiri hin toiriiurii the liberal candidate ll inicoc entrc lhe spolasiniin also sawl traditional lory strength in this are ticsre to ttllll the cairipaigri oiitsrdc or ltiliitJiI and the lltftl for good lilttlia co irrgi tlltt teil lld selection ttl Barrie as the locrtio tor thi prcrincr paign liltlarfl fill tifficials of the Taylor carirpaign Thursday said an interpreter for the feat will be on hand to translate Jay is sptttll llie prennci will be accompanied tonight by his wife Kathleen Mayoralty campaign costs listed by Archer Parker and Kinzie Former mayor Willard Kiriie said today hi spcnt SULLHZ on his iinsiici esslul bid ro regain the mayors post la st year while Sllthtlll£ill for former mayor lioriai lirle said Mrs larker spent 8111 lli her unsui cessful campaign Kitchener man dies in blast LONDUN tint tli Dietrich oiebe 17 of Kitchener died in hospital Wednesday of in juries receile in an explosion and fire at his boineSaturdaj Fire officials said tlrev belieie tlrc eplo sion occurieif when gasoline vapors in bi basement ignited when Wiebe turnwf on in light switch tfifiz LEISURE Huronia youth concert night at the Embassy llall llake Street orchestra which students Toronto Western Ontario adultsandfiticcntsfor students Details on Page it Open house at Midland Naval and Military Midland pm Poetry weekend ollingwood is back again this year Schmluled from May Zflto th fanada leisure page It The Huronia Symphony youth or chestras will present concert this Sunday The concert will feature both the junior telementary school pupils and the youth is secondary school onductor is John Montague who also teaches at the ltoyal tonservitory of Music Youth orchestra graduates have gone on to the lluronia Symphony and others haye gone on to further their musical studies at lniversity of Toronto and the llnivcrsity of The Sunday evenings entei tairiinent Starts at it and adnnssroir is one dollar for This weekend is the annual free open house at SaneMarie among the llurons the Wye Marsh Wildlife tentre the Historical llstalishineiits rt lenetanguishene and at Martyrs Shrine tipen house is Sunday from to iii to The firwt anadian loetry Weekend at In an expanded fomiat the event is Ichtv two of anailas best known poets Will make tolliquood the poetry centre of For look at the line up see todays The winner Mayor lio ltfltl aiiizouiii ed earlier this week hc pin about oo Kinre iepoitd sum it iloinions hazing deficit of it 317 while li lrikcr recciyed Silo in contributions aid iri Ilrc remaining $2 73 herelf Mafiiu rcliei icpoitiof liriin leakinghunabout it Hie ii thehob Archers figuris do no do little lltt tillltt space licreceiHd troiii ippoitci Mr lai her sllttktltriill of st for wiiil tic ftliis include everything except oirc illllli liitliitttltlilltlltlltl11littttitttti Kinre and llls expense lio ttlllill payments for ecitiiiii including wine items purchasid at in titliti than at retail price home said lll donations ranged tioiri $3 to 33m with ur avcragi of about Horn sat lrs larkeis tlllilllitllltills ranged from He to $23M with air £ttllt of about Stu her spokesman said School musical Elementary schools are doing lot more these days An example is tonights presentation of Shipwrecked at illan dale Heights School llayylew Drive The musical is loosely based on Swiss Family Robinson and is presented by trade and tipupils at Trill pni flllllllll llioto At elementary level More physed in area schools urged By PAll DELIIAN Examiner Staff Reporter An rillia group concerntd with poor levels of physical fitness iii area elementary schools is asking the Simcoe ounty Board of Educa tion to introduce demonstration project of daily quality physical education at four schools The recommendation was included in six page brief presented at edncsdrys school board meeting by the University Womens lubot ttrillia According to the brief the best time period for physical activity is Ito to tit minutes each school day for all st udcnts The clubs study of csisting physical educa tioii programs in nllia elementary schools found that on the average most schools have two Ztti minute periods of pliyscial educa tioii weekly as well as some intramural or interschool activities available to interested students The brief also cites Toronto Star finding that the average time spent on physical education in Ontario schools is six per cent though the lnitcd Nations tNlCSFt ouncil on Fitness advises that children spin minimum of 30 per cent of the school day in physical education activities The demonstration lltijl suggestid by the rillia group would consist of ii to on minutes of physical education each day for Kindergarten to trade pupils in program consisting of rhythmics games gyrrrrrastics and aquatics ifpossihlci The cltib Would like to sic the project lll troduced in January 1978 to not more than four elementary schools selected on basis of principal and staff support When successful results are litlltl from hunday May 12 1977 the demonstration schools thc program should expand throughout the Simcoe ounty district According to the brief the major cost to the board Would be the salary of pilot protect Coordinator who Would implement and eval uatc the project The daily physical education program can be carried out with existing equipment turd facilities by the classroom teacher assisted by in service training and working under the direct ion of the project coordinator The lniversity Womens lub of ttrilha sees the program as providing an optimum balance between physical and academic ac tivitics Studies show that physical activity also has direct bearing on mental functions such as iriciriory alertness perceptual motor all tools of in skills aiid reaction time servi 15° Per Copy Carrlor Home Delivery 90° Weekly telligence which contribute to better academic performance The brief predicts that nurturing healthy attitudes to physical activity will have positive farrcaching effects on the attitudes of children towards school on their leisure activities on their hearts and families and thus on the community at large Board chairman Bill Brown said the report would be referred to the curriculum corn tiiitlte for study Thank you for coming for the amount of Work youve done he told the large trillia delegation at the meeting lrustie Dr Allen lrisher suggested that an inquiry into physical education could be com biiied with study of diet in the schools Weve got to educate the public to the fact that our students are suffering from form of malnutrition all btcausc of junk food he stated 20 Pages Fuel prices may rise over twoyear period TlAWA it li Gasoline and home heating oil prices will likely rise more than three cents gallon every si months for the nest two years lInergy Minister Alastair lillcspie said driesday ltespitc stiff opposition from ttntario Manitoba and Nina Scotia Gillespie said at fer day ofpiiyate price fixmg talks with proymcial energy ministers that the other seven provinces hae agreed to raise do incstic crudeoil prices barrel this year Their was strong possibility that there would be similar increasi thc ltilltilllL year They paid no attention liitsocvcr to our views Leonard lIans of Manitoba sltltl Saudi Arabian oil blast forces pipeline shutdown lllillltv An tltiltll and fire at one of Saudi Arabias largest oilfields for ced the shutdown of pipeline carrying nearly two thirds of the desert kingdoms rill ltltKllltlltill and is threatening large or anl farm the embassy reported today An embassy official said seieral people were killed and more than in itircd lttficials of the Arabian nrirnan ttil to Up in the air over premier leorge laylois campaign workers are making sure eeryoiie in ltarrie knows llill Day is Will be in town tonight with the help of foot heliiirrr balloon floating above lernpentelt Bay llre balloon will hoycr aboye the bay iiiitrl tonight when ti will be moved to North ol legizrte where ltavis will appear says Paul llllllllsltill at the liogressne onservative llttttltlllitlltl As for the cost no one at leorge laylors headquarters seemstoknow Well wait for the lull to come in said llcrirristoii lhc inassiu balloon attached to stud trailer is ltlilttl to ltual associations for nn portant liavis visits Solar school project Sl sttttiutINtIs Unt ttli An elementary school expectHl to be com pleted early next year has been chosen by the ttntario education ministry as pilot project in energy conservation and solar heating liouglas tlrayson architect for the lin colri tounty board of edtication said Wed nesday the 71titioti school will have solar furnace special insulation to cut heat loss and large windows to cut down on the use of artificial light tonstruction of the It room school is to start this summer lrayson told the board Rowbotham found guilty ltltAMllttN ttnt ttli After lthours of delilxration Wediitwlay county court jury found Robert Rowbotham 2t formerly of lteeton nt guilty of conspiracy to smuggle ton of hashish intotanada The jury acquitted ltowbotham of con spiracy to traffic and coiispiricy to possess the hashish for the purposcof trafficking ltowbothams lawyer said later he has reconnnended that his client appeal the case Rowbotham was remanded into custody by ltidge Stephen llorins for sentencing today He now faces minimum scverr year lltlltltllllly term forsniugghng narcotics ltowbothams defence was basHl on his claim that he was the biggest marijuana dealer in anada importing half ton week in the early 1970s but never sold hashish because of its inconsistent supply The trial began last November blll cvulence before the jury began this lebriiary AltlthllS lltltlltl The hashish was in HS crates which arrived at Toronto International Airport on Dec ttt 19715 The shipmentwas addressed to Different lhings lnc iii care of Toronto post office box lttMl kept the hashish and the post of lice box under surveillance and their in vestigatioii soon led them to wiretap the telephones of ltowbothani and David trip ps 30 of nearby Mississauga tAiatiimi said the lift is still lltLllil lttl ibi Abqaiq oilfield mites wititltAisl of her for they believe they lire it contarnul the in bassysaid lt has the potential for ntoi iitistrophc thc ciritiasy spdr trout dcd lhc Aboard licld whit lilixltlli riroic than tltiwliir barrels day ha llt1l hu down The official said tlni large group of ltitaii tool may iiiti llc said two of the tank lraye ruptured and tin oil spilling from then litltlllltt lhecmbassy said lttitrislilttit ltlIItltll iillll lttl 3h that the explosion occurred Widncday at pumping tlilltui for the prpclrnc which carries about si million baiiclsot crudcoil day plus gas to the ltisllttt fillll port or llas lanuia gas storaitetankeplorled riii lllt spread down the pipelinc which had to be shut down The embassy source said the cause of the first esplosion is not known and the possibility of sabotage llilllil llltll1llltl Most of the oil carried by the prpcliiic comes from the lliawai field the world largist about on mile to the stillllt tiill sltlar official said efforts were being tirade to channel the crude from tiliawat to the gulf terminal via alternate pipelines il industry sources in tttistlt said about threeday backloc of oil is stored at l1i lannra and could be Iisid to keep tankers loading without interruption later referi mg to the three provrnce alliairi against the move Halmrrel increase durini the next two years would luurl gasoline lilltt ll cent gallon and littllil heatingoil 13 went igallon Although there would be frirtbir private talks between ttttawn iisd ltltlttrtl proyir ces before any new pine iiicreasis are air nounced tiillispic and con llltitts likely face the St isc because both tIll itiriltlt ini pro in lbcita and iiilliliiffl ltlltt ii ejrt lii tirlliupic told in irrtci it ittl llt wildne The Palace That way And speaking of famous people hows Billy local lifestyle ontortainnyont 12 leisure sports comics 16 classified 17 18 19 20 one day session that the increases would probably be spaced every six months begin ning this July They would amount toil and it cents gallon for gasoline and treating oil llsllillVlllttll time He added that governments wanted assurances from oilrich Alberta that it will spewl development of new oil supplies in return for higher prices Energy Minister lion tietty of Alberta later gave that assurs itlrtt The tentatiy sevenprov ince agreement on new oil prices came as surprise Ministers crtcred rhc meeting followup to similar tale last month predicting that no con gtlttstt would emerge Later however Gillespie said the majority oi pnc llltiis agreed that we cant ignore the reality thet we need higher price to ensure new supplies and conservation llit and James Taylor of Untario argued that nighei prices will merely drive up in flation and rtlitltlliltiyllltlli For ihi averagi family $21rbarrcl in rreasi in the price of oil this year will add $44 to annual gasoline bills and another $4 to $62 tr heating oil onsiinicrs who beat their homes with natural gas could expect to pay an etri st to Silt during the year PM in Paris for meeting lAltlS ilteutcri Prime Minister lierre Trudeau attended to anadian government business in his hotel suite today on the eve of talks here Friday with French President Valerylistarddlistaing lrudeau who arrived in Paris on Wednes day after attending the London economic and NATO summit mtctings went to the Com edic lirancaise Wednesday night where he saw llcaumarchais lie Mariagc de Figaro llc dined out with anadian Ambassador icrard lelletier The prime minister is meeting editorial staff of the Paris newspaper Le Mondc this afternoon for sptcial issue on anada to ap pca this weekend deadline Way out campaign kit ltlltttNlti itlI kit preparml by the Progressive onservativc party contains few slipiips tlttlllltlitl ttntario had premier named Michell llepbiiin proyin cial treasurer named James en arid cabinet minister who has since disavowed by his party The campaign kit was disigned for use by the media during the June it election cain paign It contains iiiapof each riding the names of the candidates nominated so far and brief history of the iding llowcvei Mitchell llepluirn Liberal premier of the pro irice from turn to ttit is called Michell llcpbum lrern iiiindon who was onscrit ive in the legislature for 17 years is shghted The kit says the riding of Storinontllundas llengarry has been held by on scrvative since flit with the tiptliill of 1937 lilo when held by lern luriidon The kit refers to former provincial treasurerJames Allen not James Allan Irish shutdown over lAltNlI Northern Ireland iAli fleet of ferries loaded with container trucks sailed into port here today ending to day shutdown by striking liotestant ex trcrmsts Police and llritisli troops sealed off the docks as the trucks rolled off the vessels with cargoes of raw materials for Northern Ireland industries Striking lockers jeercd the truck drivei and ferry crews liiit no violence was rcpor ted been The closure of this east coast port about 4ft miles north of Belfast was the only major victory by striking lrotcstauts in their campaign to paralysc the country economy and force the llritish government to take hard line against the largely ltoman atholic lrisli ltepublican Army tlltAi IIlll llil0 tMlltpresident Homebuyers get aid ttllAWA itli Home buyers using the assisttd home ownership program Alli tli will continue to get federal help if they run into financial problems at the end of the normal five year subsidy period says William Ieron president of the eirtral Mortgageand llousingtorp Mllti leron said in air interview Wuhaesday that the government has always intended to pioVidc grants for Alltll purchasers who find they cannot handle mortgage payments at the end of the five year duration of the subsidy lIarlicr Progressive tonservatnc Ml Dean Whiteway iSclkirkr said in the torn mons that many tanadians may be forcid to default on their mortgages when their in terest reducing subsidies end Overnight marathon librosi morning the Kincttc lub of Barrie stints at and ends at it Haturdm ystrc Fibrosis will be dancing as well ac cording to arol Angle of the Kinetics have spoken to her on the phone and she plans to dance right through the night it to do something to raise money for 3stic lllllttl ing them of her plan for dance marathon They contacted the Barrie Kinctte lub to ll pledges will receive portable TV and the top higli school will ltttHt plaque Mrs iiglesaid Grits decide tonight Liberals will choose their provincial elec tion candidate at nomination meeting held at the Legion hall here this evening association lhll Mtilll said six or seven names ult iinate choice will be up to the meeting September Liberal ran third Wltll 7246 votes to 11443 to lordon Smith the elected Conservative Nltlstandardrbeaiei Mainly sunny urd warm today High 32 to thance of showers tonight Low it to 11 rrday mainly sunny and little cooler lligh 17to21i out now Students will be dancing for ystic lTitla evening until Saturday The marathon dance bein ionsored by is ttiycarrold girl fromttrilha who has The dance was siiggisted by Sheiry lee iradc student at litllt who wanted She wrote to the office in Toronto tell if it would sponsor it Mrs ngle said about 15o pledge sheets The student who brings lll the most hope to make this an annual event ttllWll2lt ihtaffi East Simcoe Immediate past president of the riding have been mentioned but the tn the last provincial 1973 Eleanor election in Bingham indidate and 10306 for ltogcr Pretty weather

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