Piped water is at hand for three Patterson Road residents whose wells failed in January Work is underway this week to provide hookups to city watermain for the three house holds and five others who have decided to rely on watermain instead of their wells Roger Tomlinson water super intendent for the Barrie Public Utilities Commission said work on the connections began Monday and is expected to be completed by next Wednesday The eight are residents of In nisfil Township lying just out Tickets for Mr Dressup Renate Ileskamp seated of the Zeta Lambda chapter of Beta Sigma Phi sells tickets for the May 19 Mr Dressup show to Michelle Reid 312 and her mother Linda The show side the Barrie boundary and are getting water as the result of an agreement between the ci ty and the township They are paying installation costs plus the frontage charges they would have paid when the Pat terson watermain was first in stalled if they had lived within the city They will also pay 150 per cent of the water rate charged to city residents Evelyn Nevils one of the three residents who originally pushed for the hookup said the cost of the hookup to her and her husband is between $750 BOYS REGISTER NOW CAMP KITCHIKEWANA on Georgian Bay July 2I6 or July I630 $I6000 CANOEING ARCHERY SWIMMING SAILING MUSIC ETC For brochure and application form write Camp Director YMCA Midland Ontario sponsored by the sorority will go on for pm and pm performances at Georgian ollege Theatre and tie kets$150 eachare available from the sorority at Bayfield Mall until pm today Examiner Photo Patterson Road gets its water and $800 She said it is far too soon to tell whether they will take any action to recover the money from the city Residents claim the well failures were caused by city sewer excavation An initial report from the provincial en vironment ministry con tradicted the claim but the ministry began another studyEstill underwaywhen nub township staff and private hydrogcologist supported the residents Its great feeling to know that youre never going to run out of water again Mrs Nevils said this week after her hookup was completed However she noted that the piped water hasnt got as much character as well water RENTACAR AND TRUCK SERVICE RATES DAILY WEEKLY MONTHLY YEARLY FEATURING CHEVROLETS ORILLIA 93 COMMERCE RD 705 3266485 JERRY SMITH OPPORTIY BARBIE 3m BAYFIELD ST 7057370800 JIM RAWN MANAGE YOUR OWN BUSINESS All three local candidates for the provincial legislature have expressed doubts about Bar ries annexation case this week Two of the three said they agree with last weeks Divi sional Court ruling upholding Ontario Treasurer Darcy McKeoughs letter to the On tario Municipal Board sup porting the citys annexation agrument but all three ques tioned the wisdom of the policy the letter supports New Democrat Paul Wes senger who voted for the an nexation application while on city council last year said this week new information makes the population growth predic tions which sparked the ap plication appear completely unrealistic He said he would like to see the city get enough land for population of 75000 by the year 2011 instead of the 125000 figure used in the Simcoe Georgian Area Task Force Report the McKeough letter and the citys annexation report This he said would permit New lifestyle Country Estate Homes preservation of farmland around Stroud currently designated for development under the annexation proposal Conservative George Taylor who replaces longtime MPP Art Evans as that partys standardbearer said the 125000 figure can be just as in accurate as anybody elses and is probably too high in view the dropoff in growth since fuel prices began their upward climb PREFERS STAGING He said the OMB might do better to grant the annexation bit at time as population growth requires it rather than in oneshot the 20000acre chunk requested by the city If someone were to give me the problem to solve would not give all the land at once he said Liberal Jim Corneau said the 20000acre request is ludicrous ridiculous They dont need it now and they probably wont need it in the year 2011 or in the year 2050 unless fantastic growth takes place he said tattlebate Box 2060 OrilliaDntario 703 3257100 coLoUREUL sun cHAISE AERO GREEN FERTILIZER He said the citys existing 6000 acres will accommodate population of 55000 or more compared to todays 34000 and even if population does grow to 125000 by 2011 you do not need four to five times your present land mass Corneau was the only can didate to attack last weeks court ruling He said Me Keoughs intervention in the 0MBs annexation hearing was wrong and the task force report the basis of the letter is not true government policy because it is not being enforced by the province elsewhere in Simcoe County Development planned in his own home town Bradford will take that town to its task force target population within 10 years rather than 35 he said and the province is doing nothingtostopit and KEEP IT OEEI fields IT WORKS LOSE WEIGHT BARRIE In fourweek extensive course you will be taught the CAR SON METHOD of controlling your eating habits thus enabling you to stick to your Physicians recommended diet lose weight This method is result of 24 years experience in the field of hyp nosis combined with extensive research into other related For further information you are invited to attend tree ex planetary session on SUNDAY MAY In at HOLIDAY INN I230 pm to 230 pm Churchill South Meeting Room CARSON CENTRE FOR PROFESSIONAL HYPNOSIS James Street South Suite 202 Hamilton Ontario L8P 3A9 5254644 GROW GREEN GRASS SEED the examiner Saturday Aprll 30 1977 Taylor and Wessenger both said they agreed with the court that the OMB must follow government policy Wessenger said the McKeough letter and the court decision supporting it remove the main issue from debate and the pro vincial government would do better to legislate solution at this point Taylor said he would still like to see Barrie and the three townships involved in the hear ingInnisfil Vespra and Oro work out mutually acceptable solution Corneau charged that the an nexation issue was the provinces way of pusing regional government in the back door because financial hardships on the townships and county council will force them to ask for regional government as the only way out CHARCOAL BRIOUETS Too much land for Barrie MPP ca didates think so OPEN SUNDAY FREDS FLOWERS Highway at Stroud 9=°° °1° 719021 FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS 5erch 7284700 45 Dunlop St Next to the Theatre EARN STEADY Sturdy yet rurnly wotihrrl Now the trrnr to trrtrllzu wrth Aero Get growrng wrth this Supt bY handy buy just rn time for tjlmruu lounge Wllll Itllltllll Green for lush uroonor on dependable Grow Green grass barbecue season qu twenty intml lltlllit lnrl plasllr illlllt liwn that people wrll HUIICP seed Grvesruoat results Hamin pound bag of charcoal buquets IBrrqlit ulrmru Approx gt8 Economical 430 It um pound bag that are qurcktoqulitlonuto lt our burn mart Price mart Price mart Price 247 TIME WORK GAIN VALUABLE TRAINING WHILE EARNING PROFIT mart Price TERRY TEA TOWES Cotton lorry lea tuwulr ur wrndnwprlnc check rmllrrrn Paola two Approx 15x95 mart Price KOTEX NAPKINS 12S 775x ASSORTED ROWNTREE TREATS Yummy Flowntree Smarties Tottee Chocolate bars and as sorted treats tn pack agesolA mart Price Dependable Kole lornrnrne napkrns for maximum protection Box of twelve mart Price JOIN THE EXAMINER ACTION FORCE ROUTES ARE NOW OPEN IN THIS AREA TANT COFFEE real bargain for eat too lovers Delrctous rnart instant olteo With rich aroma Six ounce tar Modular flavour Crest rlrntzil rrrrirn rn ll rrrl ur fl lulu mart Price mart Price Carrier Application Form Phone 7266539 THE EXAMINER I6 BAYEIELD ST BARRIE NAME DATE KMARI PLAZA ADDRESS AGE 5c°g 9le 27 DAVFIElD 51 CREW BARRIE TOPEN MON T0 FRI It AM SATURDAYS LM TO Dr Money Churtulty Retunded not tuna slogan OUT WAY OF LIFE PARENTS SIGNATURE To to PM PM