extra the examiner Saturday April 30 1977 PCs fear they may lose byelecï¬ons OTTAWA CP Some Pro lionsfive in QUBbec and one in PEl seat and have recruited gressrve Conservatives 53 Prince Edward Island former prime minister John they fear the part may lose They have decided to pull out Diefenbaker to campaign for 0U Id SIX May 24 fe eral byelec all stops in an effort to hold the theislands Malpeque riding if Quebec separated PM THUNDER BAY Ont CP Prime Minister Trudeau struck responsive chord in this area Friday with his cam paign against Quebec separation and in favor of cultural harmony Trudeau told crowd of about 1500 at Dryden Ont high school gymnasium that if Quebec separated he would leave Iiticsi p0Id bow out of the sceneId feel that had failed miserably as leader of this country he said The prime minister said however that it just aint gon na happen Later Trudeau drew applause from crowd at Thunder Bay ltaliaii Centennial Hall when he remarked on how the different racial groups cooperate in this city Trudeau noted that Thunder Bay includes substantial groups of people of Ukrainian Polish Finnish and Italian origin among its 110000 population and there is little fric tion Al Breathtaking land of silent splendor Election hits tax moves TORONTO CP The government will implement all but two of the tax measures proposed in the budget despite the June election Revenue Minister Margaret Scrivener said Friday She said in statement that because of the election announced Friday an in creased tax on tobacco and the new fivecent en vironmental tax on canned soft drinks will not be im One week incl airfare from Toronto Cruise only one week from Vancouver thleniiiid lgtgiisskiteiiiil Cruise the spectacular inside passage An exceptional opportunity See Western troduced in tg he next No imagination Will ever match the wonders of Alaska Canada and Alaska too Include Strands fabulous legislature From Ketchikziii to Alaska cruise with HOWEVER Mrs scrVvmr Juneaufroiii Sitin your other vacation said the government would Ian collect tobacco and en Ordered to Stand fnal it tutu iy vironmental taxes paid Alaska 18 Motlle during the 11day period Liberal Senator Louis iiguere right and two unidentified companions walk towards the Nature at hm very from mldmghl April 19 When provincial court in Ottawa Friday where the Liberal politician was ordered to stand trial plus plus iuRFT 9RIVFVFR the bgdgm 35 announced to Oil charges of conspiring to influence the award of government contracts IIioto X5 rum taxes rOm taxes It it tax measures tcgï¬edél Ion was WM UN II Departs Every Sat May 2856 24 1977 hilt they last Features include Round trip ct flight vlil Irzinsair andor All meals with choice of menu NewlAsk your travel agent Qut Ix on Ix two ii Ioriinto illlll ancouvcr Amwndnmned carpeted cabin wnh private about all ntw Mediter Ilrtc iiiflight llltttl and bar facilities man human cmbc pro Metrotransilfarestogo up TORONTO CP There will be public transit fare in granior Strandsotlc and two crease next year says Gordon Hurlburt Chairman of the OTTAWA Cp Conservative colleagues durmg than $1 million instead of the All transitis and baggage handling lull program ofonlxiard entertainment wwk Carimmnzmd South Toronto Transit Commission Progresswe CONSCTVMIVO MP5 ms smiled make Sure he was current SI ml and One Week mlsl aboard ss Veracruz Optional shore excursions America winter cruises both He said in an interview Fridav the are next year will blasted government but followingthe partylinci totals that could Ioaiicd un including flightsfrumloronlu liker be seven tickets for S3 with the cash fare remaining at seekmg increased 03 guarim bl woum False mm mm pmgmms WM IS Sticents tees for small businesses far 1031 19 30 ma lxiiicrciiscd to mers and fishermen but ad USIHCSS 401 lilrm Northern residents benefit mined grudgingly Friday they improvements Loans Act and Stan Korchinski il Mack would support it the Fisheries Improvements cnzici and Stuart chgatt PARRY SOUND Ont tCP The province Will enact John Crosbie 13051 Johns Loans Act to $75000 from rll New Westmiiistcri said Maple Ave HUIOMCIIO Sl legislation making more Northerntmtario reSidents eligible west called it pumv parsp ssoooo banks are reluctant to make for Hill 00 Of $10 for licence Feglsuallons for Passegr monious program by this pu Under other amendments loans under the three federal Baffle mgwoo 081s and mOIOIQCICS Treasurer Darcy MCKeough 531d sillariimous government He small business would he loan guarantee acts Iwcausc Friday said he would vote for it defined as any enterprise with other types of loans are lllolt McKeough said in statement to the Federation of Nor though he had to check with his annual gross revenues of less murmur thern Ontario Municipalities that his April 19 budget ex tended the tlat fer only to residents north of the French River running between Lake Nipissing and northern Georgian Bay Id magma sagas liliiiciiooms Errata KITCHENS ROXANNES ome Improvements ADIVlSION or 4873203 VERSCNAEVE CONST UD Simcoe Plaza 7372860 Jack Duffy Joe Harradine Jack and Joe are proud to announce the opening of their new carpet store at the above address and welcome all their old and new customers in for free coffee and to see what we have to offer Low Charter Fares to Amsterdam You can now tl on Al rciruliii KI or ii schcdulcd flight at spcciiil low chiiitci tlil liircsl No iiccd to II cliziitci immorc llcic irc thc iltlitlllilti1l thcsc iic liiics You can leave an Iii ol the neck on it tl ii or Kl tliyht to Allhltltltllll lllllll coiiicniciil tciiniiiiil it IlIlIUll iupoit in tltlIUtl iiiciilt tlll mi Htlltlltlli iicd sci icc You can depend on Klils and Airs flights to Iciiic wIithcr lhcic iic liniin oi Ic liltlll1tllilll ill No risk llltll lhc flight will lc tilllttllttl through Izick of piisscnicis THIS SUNDAY treat your favorite lady at Charter Iiiss liircs apply only to Amstcrdiim rcturiii Booking must he at least months prior to your tltlldlllllt dutc ith ii Sill iioiircfundzililc dcposil Full payment required 45 days prior to dcpiiiturc after which them is iltltl cancellation lcc lhc duration of your trip 11445 or 3245 days excludes the day of dcpiiilurc Canadian Air Irqiiisporiiition Ian min $8 per person not included But please book early OLD FASHIONED 0w You can sine coiiipiiicd to Ullltl Ill Iiircs Ior iiistiincc Ihclc is no Seating is limited so call tI Iizich Agent in our area and miikc our ttltlltl suichairiicl You save LCll more hiii tiiiiclliug with childicu lrlttllijtllltlllsuMitlll tiuiiih with two cIiiIdicii lltlttll and ciiis old trinclliiiit leuccii £51 Ioioiiio iind Amstcrdnni in July could siiic iio Icss than $08 pcl child it TFFFTF Uflg ll Jt an is lv tpn ii total oi $1ico111mrcd to llilillll chrirtcr Iiiics to Aliistcidiiiii And tlllltlltll lliltltl triii cl ticc Based on compulloii Iiciwccii 50 of 245 day cxcursion rcturii fare and cliiiitcr iiitc proicctcd for July Il77 llinc it good look zit thcsc tiircs J3 Zlnlfi days how Juuc 22 sun $2 2245 days June July 30 3H 2215 duvs Iuly ll Aug 27 $ltrl git 224 iii Aug 224 oti 5350 I445 days CPAir tlct May IN 1078 SAN light lunchescoffee raw will Ice Cream Specialties 9m 25¢ Hand 41 726 3971 35 scooped cones Maple Ave HAYS TRAVEL SERVICE 45 Dunlop St 7284700 WC Johnon Travel 14 Dunlop Barrie 7266525 94 Dunlop St MomFri am 130 pm Sut Sun It iim lzilll pm ï¬g Callus BRISTOW TRAVEL SERVICE 29 Owen $1 Barrie Ont The Best In Town 737o34o or 731034