Bries Uni peal Fourth in series Branttord United Way attracts leadership This series on the United Appeal is being published to focus attention on the pm blerns and to give Banie residents an insight into what the United Appeal is In this article Bill Leslie the United Appeal campaign inBrantford By BILL LESLIE When talked with Harold Knight Executive Director of the Brantford and Brant Coun ty United Way Campaign it was quickly apparent he was man skilled and competent at his work The Brantford and Brant County Campaign raised $51093 in 1976 when its objec tive was $498000 This carn paign has reached or surpassed its goal for each of the past five years Brantfords success compared to Barries past troubles creates an interesteing comparative study from which we can hopefully learn something The thrust and success of the campaign has been the quality of leadership the United Way attracts Two other major con tributing factors were in my opinion the presence and guidance provided by full time executive director and finally highly developed organization Brantfords United Way cam paign leadership is broken down as Chairman past chair man three vicechairmen and many division heads tie in dustrial retail corporation profession medical etc Customarily successful division head will be made vicechaimian and the most senior viccvchairman made campaign chairman Because great part of the labor force in this area is industrial senior executives are often transfer red leaving openings some where in the United Way hierarchy In this event fresh face may be chosen to fill the vacancy or it cam be filled by moving someone from another position This system has two builtin safeguards Firstly there is lot of bench strength and sec ondly when division head makes it to the campaign posi tion he has had at least four years prior experience RESPECT The interesting situation in Brantford is the tremendous respect created for the United Way Campaign Only top ex ecutives and other persons con sidered to havehigh leadership abilities are asked to be one of the best and ablest men in the county The Brantford and Brant County Campaign is year round business At the centre of the business you find an ex ecutive director and two full time staff The executive direc tors responsibilities are however divided between the United Way Campaign the Community Appeals Review Board and the Community Welfare Council These three groups seem quite compatible The Community Appeals Review Board authorizes and schedules all fund raising drives not part of the United Way This then alleviates the problem of having different campaigns during the same time of year and akes all such drives espectable The Com munity Welfare Council is voluntary body concerned with the needs of such matters as Day Car Centres Workshops for Senior Citizens and ac tivities for the handicapped etc Brantfords executive direc tor described himself as resource person He makes ccr lain others get their jobs done and done on time He givc pro fessional direction He receives considerable literature and materials which can be of assistance to the different chairmen He is in touch with United Way Canada and United Way America The office of the executive director is able to provide secretarial assistance to hardworking organization It keeps proper records gives receipts and administers funds Automatically when supplies such as canvass kits and pledge cards are needed they are ordered so there is no slow down awaiting some volunteer to find out what to do and how IIIiIIIY ILNEI Brantfords organization is highly tuned Ah positions are filled by Jan The Budget Committee has heard the agen cies submissions by the end of March and the Board of Direcr tors has established its cam paign target for the following year by the end of June The summer months are taken in making sure all suppliers are in and last minute adjustments are made in preparation for the oncoming campaign The cam paign eats up September and October and the months of November and December is considered the cleanup period Similar to Woodstock Brant ford places considerable em phasis on its approach to labor The Labor Relations Commit tee is chaired by prominent labor representative He then recruits three or four other per sons from the larger companies who are representative of dif ferent unions in the area The labor groups with the co operation of management ar range for time periods within work day when talks by member of the Labor Relations Committee can be made re need for campaign funds payroll deductions etc The campaign attracts much publicity All appointments are covered by the newspaper with photographs of all senior people involved Once week mm the middle of April Luitil the end of the campaign there is 15 minute radio interview pertain ing to one aspect of the United Way Campaign or the work of participating agency The local newspaper donates full page to campaign news on the eve of the kickoff There are dinners beauty pageant and other gimmicks used to draw atten tion to the campaign turd need for funds for the different agen cies Furthermore con siderable effort is placed in training canvassers As result when llrantfords campaign kicks off in the fall every position of leadership is filled with top people an vasscrs are trained and inform ed of all aspects of the lmlcd Way There has btcn much pub licity everyone is aware of the trcmcndous needs for thc funds for thc agcncics work in the county There are approximately 100000 in thc lirantford and Brant ounty lhcir per capila donation is approximately SS Woixlstiwks is $7 82 Barrics $303 We must improve Readers UlllllltlllS about this urticlc or in any article in the series arc irivitcd tltllS comments to thc lnitcd ppca Io fill Bar ric Elmvale seniors group wins euchre tourney Zaida Drinkell and Kells of Elmvale captured the Ben Steers trophy recently in the countywide senior citizens euchre championships at Sun nidale Community Centre They are members of the Elmvale Sunshine Club for Senior Citizens the overall win ning clubinthechampionships They also won county recrea tion plates as prizes In the fifth invitational tour nament also held at the centre Gladys Light of the Champlain Club near Penetang was the high scoring lady and Clare Homer of the Georgian Shores Swinging Seniors of Blam Beach won the high score for men Jessie Campbell of Stroud was the second high scoring lady Jim Groves of reemore was second high scorer for men Julie Parent of the Champlain Club won third high score for ladies and Adolfe Light also of Champlain won the third high score for men Viola Gollingcr won the con solation for the ladies and William Mason of Beeton won the mens consolation Ivy Barton of Beeton won the ladies lone hand and Jim Groves of Creemore won the mens lone hand Ncw Lifestyle Country Estate Homes LOSE WEIGT BARRIE In fourweek extensive course you will be taught the CAR lcan Icllct of Stayncr looks over her cards as one of about 200 who took part in the cuchrc tournament involving 20 senior citizens clubs recently The tournament was organil ed by the zone It senior citilens advisory committcc and lllt Simcoe ounty recreation department and was held at Slin nidalc ommunity cntrc SON METHOD of controlling your eating habits thus enabling you to stick to your Physicians recommended diet lose weight and KEEP IT OFFI This method is result of 24 years experience in the field of hyp nosis combined with extensive research into other related fields IT WORKSI For further information you are invited to attend free ex planatory session on SUNDAY MAT In at NOIIDAY INN 130 gun to 130 prn Churchill South Meeting Room CARSON CENTRE FOR PROFESSIONAL IIYPNOSIS 2T2 James Street South Suite 209 Hamilton Ontario LBP 3A9 5251644 If theres in Your Future Welcome Wagon is planning Special Party for brideslobe on Monday March l4 at the Blue Flame Room Barrie For your in vitation collrno Wtamdftipi rrb 7264454 Youll be glad you did Willi Lat ifestyle Ir Syd Muller director of dentistry with the Simcoc ounty IIcalth lnit and Nancy Driver dental hygienist smile and say Put Your Brush Where Your Mouth Is as they show how easy it is to have dental checkup This week is dental health wcck across Ontario time when the Ontario Dental Association tries to motivate people to visit their dentist and take proper care of their teeth Examiner Photo 95 per cent of peOpIe have dental disease lty SIIIIIIA Icll€lt IIxarnincl Staff Itcportcr It dental hcnlth wcck across Ontario the week lhc lnlario lcntal Association lrics to con vincc the public to brush thcii teeth and 1Sll lhc dcnl Isl Ninclyrlivc per cent of people havc sornc form of dental disease says Syd Muller dirtc tor of dentistry for thc Simcoc ounty llcalth lnit If people can bc molivatcd to go to thc dcntist and lakc carc of their teeth then that discusc can he hclpcd or cvcn curcd lhc discasc may only be cavities but cavilics lead to olhcr IlltlliltlllS parlicnluly If the dccay IS so had the tooth has to he removed say tr Mulch avitics or lhc inctlcctni clcamng or dict which led lo lhcm could lcnd thc way to pcrcdonlal and orlhmlonlal problems crowding and cvcn tually spccch and calmg pro blcms lhc dcnlisls arc pushing fivc pond program llr Mullcr says propci food oral hy gicnc slrcnghcning curly and regular checkups and tooth safety lropcr dict important llr Mullcr said and that is why lhc health unit trics to rcach childrcn at an curly agc and convinccthcm not lo cal lot ol swccts Sucrose cornjxnicnt of com mon sugar brcaks down right in the mouth lr Mullcr cv plaincd whilc lhc sugar or swcctncss found naturally sonic olhcr foods remains lll tact until it rcnchcs thc stomach anadinns on thc avcragc consumi 123 minds of sugar pcr ycnr he said whilc thc hotly only nccds 20 pounds of sonic lypcol sugar such as thc kind found in fruit ivcragc sizc chocolatc bar contains scvcn lcaspmns of sugar at siv ouncc lxittlcofcnr bountth soft drink contains four lcuspmns and piccc of tlltl ry pic contains 14 lcaspmns of sugar lixccssivc lISt of swicl foods such as lhcsc particularly thc sticky lvllltl hclp promotc tooth dont lhcy arc cxpcnsivc lack ftllllill food valuc and dull llu ippct II for wholesome pro tllllllH ltlitl lh Mllllcr cxr plaincd lhc hcollh uml hopcs that by gcllmg to thc childrcn when thcy artyoung it Ill lu ihlc lo convuin lhcm lo lllillllllt cclcry iniirls and upplcs toi itl lndlI oral hyinnc lllc dcn llSl arc trying to lcnch thc puhhc particularly lhc young cr mcmlxrs how to brush lhcir lccl propcrly ll lccth arc properly clcancd ll almost as good as ncvcr hav mg catch vcry swccl sticky food In MulIcrsaid And using dcnlal floss oncc day is important he added lhc bacteria that gnlhcr llll hard to reach areas of the teeth nccd ill hours to form their colonics and start logrow Dental floss once day will break up the Colony before it has chance to grow In tixnhbrushes llr Muller recommends very fine soft toothbrush lcchnically the brush should have bristles 007 inches in diamclcr with round ed not sharp cnds As for lmlhpastc thcrc arc only two in anada that hnvc received the anadian lcntal ssociations scal of ap proval rtsl and olgalc wrlh MH So have no qualms about rccommcndmg lbosc lr Mullcr said Iiut hc quickly addcd that just bccausc another ttxithpaslc doesnt carry the scal of up proval docsnt mean its no good it may be that the manufacturer has not re queslcd the extensive testing thc othcr two have gone through itls also havc an idyantagc in that they spread well In tlic month he said but warned lhc gcl being used must have fluoridc lilllolidc and strengthening teeth is the third ilcm in thc dcnt ists fivepoint program The fourth ilcm is early and regularcheckups child should bcgm going to the dentist as carly as possible but not too early to bc prac tical lulcr rccommcnds agclhrcc llut at thc same time hc strcsscd lhc nccd to clean tcclh as soon as lhcy appear llvcn whcn the first tooth comes in mother should use QTip to clean it Surveys show that girls get more decay than boys he said but pointed out girls also get their teeth about six months before boys The dentists and health units push for regular dental checkups sccms to be working In llitltl survey of nineyear olds in Simcoc ounty children had an avcragc of 42 teeth decayed or missing By l97ti thc avcragc had drop ped to 38 The health unit is not only noticing fcwcr cavities and fcwcr missing teeth it is not ic ing morc fillings he said which indicates more children are rccciving dental care llccausc of advancements in technology and skill dentists arc now able to repair or replace any diseased tissue lr Muller said lint procedures are tinicconsumingandcostly For this reason he said dcn lists want dental care covered by llll urrcntly only specific pro cedures performed in hospital are covcrcd by hospital iti surancc but Dr Mullcr be licvcs an abscesscd tooth is as serious as an abscesscd thumb The final plank in the den lisls program is tooth safely which includes promoting the wearing of mouth guards dur ing sports dont open hair pins with your teeth and just warn ing children and adults to be carclul with their lcclh Most workers want involvement says speaker to The agoof thc cnlighlcnwl employee is forcing managi merit to change its values says llcnnis Ross managing partner of lhanc rozicr and ASSUtI ates Ltd loronlo bascd con suiting organization thal spccializcs in managcmcnt and organizational dcvclopmcnl Young people Ich morc knowlidgcnow and that is what we are learning he told chncsday nights cxcculivc meeting of thc Itarric haplcr of the National SHItlnrics Association Ilc said the traditional way but the wrong way of looking at sccrclarics jobs has be ovc conic especially by the male sex Ross is author of management lob scvcral courses such as Elllltllllltllll Irixluction Administration Managcmcnt tor lrowlh Developing Iolcn tin and Municipal Managi mcnt and Itcsulls llc is wcllknown con fcrcncc lcadcr in thc ficld lilxcculivc night was one of the programs put on for Na tional Sccrclarics wcck and was organizcd by Pat Ncil Apathy and llllflllfllllll polcn lial arc the common problems existing today hc said You cant molivutc people Motivation comes from within The most you can do is crcatc an atmosphere which can help bring about motivation Itoss said He discusscd lhc moliva tional lhcory used in his courses Motivation and im porlancc of achievement arc in vidual factors This boils down to how an CUSTOM MADE IIIIAPEIIIES cmploycc iritcrprcls his job hc said He handed out jurzzcs to about 35 people who incl at thc onlmcntal Inn to illustrate how motivation and achieve mcnt are inlerprctHl dilfcrcnt ly Statements madc by cm ployccs regarding their job were written on sheet Ilc ask cd them to ask them to judge if they were dissatislactory remarks or satisfactory Then the sccrclarics and their bosses wcrc asked to list job priorities in ordcr liactors lislcd were having access to privileged information high salary full appreciation for work done working conditions problem solving interesting work promotional opporlulr it ics completing project and job sccurit Even in the quick testing We lid here tonight we found what NSA meeting we have found in more thorough testing lcoplcs priorities are in volvement and participation in their yvork and interesting work he said Its achieve nicnl Also at the meeting the NSA chose boss of the year based on resumes submitted by the sccrctary Itick Ilockcma manager of product services Ilouscwarc dcparlmcnt of anadian lcncral IIlcctric was chosen this years boss of thc year His sccrelcry is lionnic Wright liactors considered in chosing wcrc fairness ltlllptltllrltlll attitude leadership in helping employees lcarn compatibili ty participation in company functions and community in volvement Liz Newcll was member of the year chosen wk ï¬rgeand BEDSPIIEAIIS tudio Total Decorator and Coordinating Services Choose from an outstanding selection of excellent quality materials and patterns from Canadas finest suppliers Personal service on large or small enquiries Tracking and installation as required Phone lOlS Honimsou or drop in to the Studio RR1 Hwy 93 at Crown Hill Only Miles North of Barrie BOYS REGISTER NOW CAMP KITCHIKEWANA on Georgian Bay July 2I6 or July 1630 $16000 CANOEING ARCHERY SWIMMING SAILING MUSIC ETC For brochure and application form write Comp Director YMCA Midland Ontario Ann Landers New bride is adorable Dear Ann Landersj wish hadgought your advice years ago You coiild have saved me ct ofagony May give your readers the benefit of my experience married girl who didnt want sex before marriage thought had jewel until we went on our honeymoon Then learned she didnt want sex after marriage either did love her dearly and decided to be patient and wait for her to grow up and be wife but she never did When couldnt stand it any longer was then 50 left She said she wanted me back and agreed to joint counselling if would come home Our counsellor was woman who said my wifes undressing in the closet was not abnormal and must be Peeping Tom to want to see woman unclothed was dumbfounded The counsellor suggested not approach my wife sexually for month Three sessions later did it The counsellor said to my wife Wasnt it wonderful not to be bothered with sex for whole month decided at that moment to get divorce The following year met and married wonderful widow who helped me forget the nightmare had been living for too long We plan to spend whatever time we have left doing whatever makes us hap My bride is an adorable and loving lady and feel so ortunate to have found her Maybe your readers will see themselves in my letter and not waste 25 years like didIts Great To Be Alive Dear Alive That counsellor was real lemon but must say youre pretty slow study Im happy your life has taken such joyous tum Congratulations Dear Ann My parents were divorced when was 10 Ill be 16 soon and have not seen my father for four years althou he has visiting rights think about him lot Just ore Christmas asked my teacher if should write him letter telling him about my interests She said Yes but dont let your mother know wrote long letter and sent small picture of in self havent received an answer Should write again ask if my letter got lost in the Christmas rushHopefnl Dear Your teacher gave you bad advice you llienow where your dad is he knows where you are Let him Its not hard to build fantasies around daddy who isnt there Dont let your imagination trick you into thinking he is something he is not honey Dear Ann Landers Your usual sharp eye must be getting dimmed by age You missed humdinger recently was disappointed refer to the letter from the woman who was miffed because her soninlaw was still calling her Hey you after four years She said Wouldnt you think the lunkhead would know better Why didnt you nail her in your typical Landers style and tell her that Hey you is plenty good enough for mother inlaw who calls him lunkheadanton arl Dear Cant got the impression that the motherinelaw called him lunkhead after four years of Hey you In my opinion Lunkhead is plenty good enough for soninlaw like that Wine 15 Generation gap strikes again By ROSEXVer Icabe am no longer member of the younger generation tried to buy record for my 11yearold brother and fail ed Kids are growing old at younger age these days And its important for an 11yearold to start his record collection early So Ill get him record decided when his birthday rolled around But my choice was limited At my parents house there is the family stereo Any music must be tolerable to both generations But this is compromise made only after the usual Jerry ValeAl Martino versus KissQueen fight Jerry Vale usually wins So in the back of my mind was looking for something with Jerry ValeKiss sound with Glen Miller touch How about this asked my ltrycarcld sister who was with me showed her Captain and Tenillc album She snorted For Danny No way He likes the harder stuff Disco asked showing her some and the Sun shine Band Wouldnt pass Thats for boppers An 11yearold isnt bopper The Bay City Rollers were for girls Funzies Favorites for 505 fans finally checked the sale rack Here are some good ones said Hermans Hermits Paul Revere and the Raiders The Monkees eagerly flip ped through the rest They were all marked $199 the re ject records The best of Hermans Hermits exclaimed Instant nostalgia All 14yearolds were in love with Hermans teeth And 16 Magazine sold its best when it featured Herman pinup Who are Hermans Hermits my sister interrupted my thinking Are you kidding He sang Kind of Hush Thats by the Carpenters Twas depressed Where were you 10 years ago My voice stuck on the 10 was six changed the subject Listen well just give him the money Let him buy his own record We returned to the car without gift Has mom been driving yourcar my sister asked as started the ignition why Its just that she listens to the same radio station as you do Pollys pointers Petra jelly removes rings DEAR POLLY would like to know how to remove rings from the leather top on my coffee table would like to know before house cleaning time as have tried many furniture polishes but none were effective MN DEAR MN You might spread petroleum jelly over the surface leave it for about an hour and then wipe off with dry cloth have found this quite effective on wood that has been polished and also it will be good preservative for the leather on your table Test on small spot for effect on the particular finish on your leather top POLLY DEAR POLLY 77 Pin small safety pin in the front of each of your pairs of slacks and find this is help to both young and old in telling at glance which is the front and which is the back Open envelopes at the bottom so as to save the return ad dress and the stamps it you happen to be saving them ESTHER DEAR POLLY My Pet Peeve is with the way potato chips are packaged Most bags are only about half full We arc pay ing our good money for food not air that is packaged An is free CHERYL IlZAIi POLLY llo rcmcmbcr lllc lollowing lonitcr ncxt tune you plan picnic or lislnng trip llll scvcial gnllon size milk containcrs not quite trill of water and llccc thcm ny plastic container with tight titling lld will do These will keep your ice chest cool for long timc and there is no splashing as they melt Also such containers can bc halt titled with water and lrozcn and then add lemonade or whatcvcr before you go so cold drinks are easy to carry and easy to pour Im In ice chest and it will serve two purposes MRS ll