18 the examiner Friday April 29 1977 entertainment Delean on discs Coolidge problem oloofness By PAUL DELEAN Examiner Staff Writer Aloofness has been the major knock against Rita Coolidge over the years and its still problem as evidenced on her pi album Anytime Anywhere and SP4616 he lady has clear powerful voice and can sing with the best of them But shes not always in the mood and sometimes seems to just be going through the motions Its that way for eight of ten selections on Anytime Anywhere Her version of Feel The Burden Being Lifted Off guide FRIDAY EVENING VIEWING 600 2471122 News 3Movie The Lucky smo 524 Hours 9Detinition 19Polka Dot Door BvNouvelles 79CITY Show 30 nGong Show 2179vNews IIWParty Game I9Readalong 25LActuel 6245 I9Magee and Company 700 220dd Couple 2Bowling for Dollars AConcentration frTwos Company 7To Tell The Truth 9Love Me Loves Me Not IIShow Biz t9Zorros Fighting Legion 79Wrestling 730 22Busting Loose 2Match Game PM 4Strikes Spares Misses sThaI Maritime Feelin 7Break the Bank 9Stars on Ice tIEin Prosit I9Education of Mike McManus 22Marcus Welby 800 2Sanlord and Son 35Mary Tyler Moore AMovie 79Donny and Marie tthorld ol Liberace l9Fall of Eagles 22Code 79Movie 830 235mChico and the Man 25 Le 60 900 2r9vROCklord Files ITSRoger Whittaker 7W Movie The Love Boat IlMovie Secrets 19Horizon 221Peter Marshall 30 AMovie Class at 44 25Scenario 10 00 29Quincy 3Starsky and Hutch drvHunter SPoliCe Story t9Helen 22News 25Science Realite 1030 25rNouvetles 1100 7277 Mary Hartman 73747577 911 News I9 NIghtmusic 79CITY Lights 1105 ZSCinema 11 20 9News 1130 2Johnny Carson 4NBA Playoll 7Movie Dracula 11 Larry solway I9Nightmusic 72Oppositc Oppositc Sexes 7977M0ney Game 1135 SW90 Minutes Live 1200 JiMovie Enter Laughing 977Movie Sergeant Pyker 11MovieThe Proles sionals Alterimnge 227 Mom Athena 79 Name at the Game 100 27Midnight SpeCIal 25Cinema 105 SMovie My Gal Sal 277Cinema 130 977Movie Scream of Fear 215 3Movie Pirnpcrnet Smith 35 IIMerv Grutlxn 15 9Movc All The Young Men 440 3Movoe Farmer in The Dell 00 7Ironsioe SATURDAY MORNING VIEWING 555 9Focus 00 9eCartoons ttHilarious House ol Frightenstein 30 77 Better Way 645 AFarm Report 655 ev News 700 2Farm News Sunrise Semester 7Agriculture 11 Special Place 79 Ukrainian Show 730 7AMax Nimble Its Academic 7Bugs Bunny and Friends Professor Kitzct 79 Spanish Latin American Show 00 2Woody Woodpecker ASylvester and Tweety Il Harrigan 25Les 100 Tours de Cen tour 797Sounds ol the East 30 227 Crossroads Pink Panther Circle Square 4Cue Club 5Sesame Street Flintstones 9A7Romper Room IIWAII in Tube I9Polka Dot Door 2577Autour clu Monde Parle Conte 79Chinese Show 845 75 Colargol 00 22 Niven Miller 37 All In Tube Bugs BunnyRoad Runner Sesame Street 77 Scooby DooDynomutt Funtown I17 Dale Harney Magic Show Hattytown Talns 25 Demetan la petiti Grrnouillc 15 19 Jeremy 30 2277Canadian Cavalcade 3Family Altair l9 Monkey Bars 25 Wickie 79V rWonders ot the wild 10 00 Speed Buggy Flintstones Hot Puddl Parade Unltlc Bobby II Hobby turnrv 25rBunny Et Scs Ams NiThackers World 1020 19777Tel Me SOr 1030 2Monster Squad Batman Krollt Supershow 9KIGSTUH I9Oui7 Bang 25 John LIntreoirio 797 Rocky and Bullwinklt 1100 22 ChililrcnsCImirs Spam Ghost F8nkrtrt$1mriJ 3FVICHF15 at Van Shalom law SdlUrtlay Momma ll Churrh Tormr 19 Vision On 25 LI enlanta rm AU 79 Willy and Flo yr 1130 Big John Littli Jorin Greening Up KIihdnl Suprrlrmrul Lets Go II Klara Vornrr I9 Colytrgol 25 to darort 79 Tattletall 1145 Troussr Milouli 1155 LI Tour Crrn tour SATURDAY AFTERNOON VIEWING 1200 Land of the Lost Roller Derby tFat Albert Soul Train Short Story Special Star Trek Hilarious House at Frightenstein 22 lets Go 25 Hero uu somedi 79 Housing 1210 197 Les If tours dr cert tour 1225 Autour Du Monoc Par Le Contc 1230 22 Gospel umgin rum Kids from Ark ll Budding Decent Future 79 Gem laytmg Balaor 1240 En Passant Par ea Mot 100 22 George Anthony WI Iakl 90V Wrestling tuluren II Festival Men Into Spare 7Challenge rlnt Hockey 117 Fabulous Time Talk ing Machine I9 Paul El Virginie 25 Sportheque 130 72 Walter In The kit Chen Greatest Sport Legenda Reach For The Top Todays Woman ll Proteasor Mot letts Science Workshop I9 En Se Raconlnnt LHiStOirP DIm 200 12 Home Sweet Homeowner Grandstand Saturday Sport Beat ItitCtmrrIp Len yr It to Bea yer II Sports to la Butdc Le Retrouve 79 Movie 215 22 Bondmll 230 Aras spoth World IIJTISIOt Ir Helme tuldrrm Bonnie Iruddtm 300 Witslimy tr Mod Squad Outdoors With Julius flows Speaking of Books 30 Tennis Red Fisher ll Heritage Inn 19 Victorians 400 Saturday Sports TBA Wide World Sports mm Disco Dan DLOYdIIIlI In teriuurr Il Joker Wild 79 Soccer 30 Circle Squari Sport 5pm to ulnr lot tr If Compmy 500 For Pet Robin Hood MISSION l771p1fll Sparc I999 Wuti World ot Sports II Wrestling Sesame trcct Ilugatcllc Id ttouslno 530 Wait lIll Your other Oct Home Thai krr World SATURDAY EVENING VIEWING 600 12 Newsweek Mom ILorgy Hen5 3pm lolliut ore1 HorIutr Iy lolko llol Door IJ brine Ill herm 79 lit 30 lrIquIr News Watson Report II MIIMS IV bingo Dont Ask Me 15 Humcites 35 25 Pnrlout 700 22 Sports Probe Hee Haw 47 Its Academic 5r Roqers Report Kirkland and Com pany 9Tony Bennett lIFriends ol Man 19ABalIet Shoes 25Cosmos I999 79800qu 730 4Conversation with 5Andy 7Dolly tIGreut Debate l9Medla 77 flWlldlllo Cinema 000 zMovlo Alrport 75 JsHappv Days bMary Tyler Moore TBIanskys Beauties Movic IIrpotll II Movuv Tim ntorrrr II Humorr lo nll lllltllrl II lororito Ilu Good 30 mu ol Fortulrigton II Bob Newhart Fish 79 Free For All 900 MASH All In the Family ll Starsky and Hutch Provincial Lottery 30 Barney Miller Alis Fair 1000 Movie Carol Burnett Future Cup Tales ol the Unex peeled 22 Mixed Doubles 25 Terre Et Mplssom 79 Contact 1030 22 Movie Hatari 25 Nouvelles 79 Wrestling 1100 it II News I9 Movie Underworld USA 1105 It Vic Franklyn 1110 25HCinerna 1115 35 Provincial Allalrs 1120 New 1130 New Movie Young Savages Movie MASH It Movu The Sterile Cuckoo 79 Laurel and Hardy Classics 1150 rMovie Bye Bye Birdie Movie Cape Fear TVTV Show Movie The Pad rCinema 110 25 Cinema 120 Alred Hitchcock 130 Don Klrshners Rock 9Movle Case Against Brooklyn 140 It rMovie Stone Killer 145 Challenge 215 MovIe Kentucky News 300 Movie The Lineup 450 Movie Last Shot For You Dear 500 Ironslde couwu My Shoulders suggests that the burden is some kind of feather pillow For all the emotion conveyed in 802 Scaggs Were All Alone she might be reading book between verses Its not that Coolidge isnt capable of sensitivity When she gets into the music as on Dont Want To Talk About It or Neil Sedakas The Hungry Years Coolidge captivates her au dience as easily as when she was singing front and centre in her fathers church choir When Rita delivers she leaves you thirsting for more Un fortunately the wife of Kris Kristofferson doesnt sustain the mood this time around She herself outlines the dilemma on her version of the durable Bee Gees song Words You think that dont even mean single word say Yes maam Im afraid thats what think Kraftwerk Every once in while song meeting none of the usual Top 40 criteria gets crack at prime time and becomes an over night success Such hit was Autobahn droningly delivered by German quartet Kraftwerk The rock audience that thought it was ready for Kraflwcrk after hearing Autobahn may be reconsidering however in the light of the latest album TransEurope Express Capitol SW11603 Some bands are boring while trying not to be Kraftwcrks boredom seems almost intentional for reasons all its own this allsynthesizer group wants to sound like some sort of automaton Their electronic music parallels disco in its repetitivcncss Kraftwerk assails the brain with one basic musical pattern and lyric usually just the song title delivered in monotone with thick German accents for the duration of each numbcr Imagine the synthesized reproduction of train clanking over railway ties or footsteps reverberating down hall and youve got the musical scenario for two of the songs Trans Europe Express and The llall of Mirrors Kraftwcrk Is the kind of band that finds musicality in leaky faucet or dentists drill Their synthesizer versions arc about as entertaining as the real thing The runaways Queens of Noise Mercury SRM 11126 the second album by punkgirl rock band The Runaways is for starters wcll titled Noise is good word for the musical product of these heavy metal schoolgirls Apparently the band has made great strides since its first album That claim perturbs me lhcir music rcnuiins at best painfully sophomoric The appeal of The Runaways has never been musical in any event The five streetwise adolescent girls dressed in skintight jumpsuits are meant to tilillulc visually and despite their denials the music is incidental This album features lot of yelling most of it by guitarist Joan Jett The yelling sounds almost defensive as if it was thc only means for The Runaways to assert themselves lhcy may have point there The lyrics are naturally naughtily suggestive although their overriding characteristics are awkwardness and juvenility The album sounds like it was recorder in somebodys garage The Runaways are musical primitives Perhaps thc record company will consider sparing on vinyl next timc and instcnd of releasing another Runaways album simply publish col lection of photographs showing the girls testing the fabric of their leather apparel Afterall isnt that what their audience rcuIIy wants showbiz Ir UIIAVIA CI The Time SIC lovers ilSkIfl Io choosc bc ncs Film Festival which opens lwccn songs wrilIiII umdcn May Is to Includc thc lificd Russian compostrs and showing of five anudinn films in Its first week the sccrclury of stoic depurlmcnl said lursda lhc fcst ivul Is to ripcn Wit It Martin Ihotogrnphc il film dircctcd by lcan BcnudIn and starring MarciI Snbourin and Monique Mercurc IIlImocIrIc by Paul lAIlI IS to be shown May 13 and lit Why Shoot lhi lcachcr directed by Silvio Nurtxumo and starring Bud orl lllfl Scmnnlhu IIggur Is to bc shown May l7nnd lit nc Man by Itobm Spry and starring IAn Tariou and Iaync IZustwoixl is In bc shown May Ill lc Vicux Inys ou Itimbztud est Mort IIhc Iil ounliy thrc Itlmbnud Ill by olhcis produced by cmnpulci pmgrmnmcd Io wrilc music judgcd Ihc mnchuu nughticr than lhc man Its Moe LUS AiICIII lfllllllr Mnc Wests lIisl ncu IIIm III III ycuis Scxlcilc Will how its world plctiiicli on III II III London spokcsmnn for IIIr Inovii company said luiwliiy The film also starring fni mcI Ilcullc Itinng Strut md IImolfly Dalton is udnplcd from Miss Wcsls play which got Iltl jillltd on ccumtslnp Iungcs Ncw York In IEILT lcnu Iicirc lcfcbvrc starring MarciI Snbourin Anouk Icrjnc and Myriam IloyrI is lo shown May It McunWhiIc thc National IIlm Board NIIB said in Mon lrcnl that thc official film of Inst summcrs Olympics in Moutrcnl cnllcd IIII Runes of thc XXI Iympizidc was Icccivcd chI II the Tmmi in IIllilllllllill lclcvision lIndc fair which bcgzm April 22 and cnds Iodny lhc NII said rights to thc film IIuvc bccn bought by All countries Metallic MOSCOW lllculcr Sonic ltussinn music Iovcrs prclcr compulii wrillcn mclodics to the works of hunum compostrs Toss ncws Igcncy ltlllllltll Iucsduy IIIc ugcncy said that lilltl mu CHINESE FOOD WANT QUICK SERVICE lry our bot last delivery Free on orders over $7 in Barrie 10 Olccount on PickUp Orders over 37 Phone 728881 405 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE In Supermon Actor Marlon Brando who just finished filming his part in Supcrmun at Shcppcr ton the BBC lclcvision ccn trc near London Monday night gcsturcs during press confcrcncc Brando who was rcporlcdly pztid $47 million for 12 days film work on the story of lhc supcr IIcro says he plans to launch it television scrics about lIIc history of thc American In dians AP Photo any sums to Ee The Bi Screen Mix Carney Tomlin and Macy for good Late Show recipe By ERIC CHAMAILLARD The Late Show When you put an Oscar winner such as Art Carney best actor with an Oscar nominee such as Lilly Tomlin Then add one of televisions most popular actors Bill Macy Star them all in delightful refreshing new comedy entitled The Late Show and you can be sure youll never have to stay up at night watching this film on the late show The story revolves around murders committed for obscure reasons connected with weal thy but shady fence named Eugene Roche It seems that whenever victim is introduc ed to the plot hes either promp tly killed or already dead For film with PG pared tal guidance rating that relies on comedy and some dramatic interpretations the movie has good share of action and an uncomfortable amount of blood Carney is truly marvelous as the old gumshoe balding deaf and suffering throughout the film with an uclcr while trying to solvc thcsc baffling murders Tomlin is at her best with some of thc funncsl lines in the whole film Bill Macy shows his true comic talent on the screen as wcll as he docs on TV as Muudes husband With comedy act ion and lots Boob Tube praised CAMBRIDGE Ont CP Adjudicator Betty Wilson of Kitchener nt praised The Boob Tube farce performed by Brant players of Burlington nt for its acting Wednesday at ialt collegiates annual festival of Canadian oneact plays TENNIS CLINICS It WENONA LODGE Intenst cums chrich for all ages beginner or tournament player students per Instructor conducted by prolesswnal Instructors using the latest teaching aids on lynatutl courts during June WEEK CUNIC 6900 WEEKEND CLINIC 3500 For details and registratIon forms Wenona Lodge RR Severn Bridge Ont POE 1N0 Phone 7055899571 Appearing at Georgian College Theatre May 19211 pm and pm Tickets 50 each available Thurs10 om to pm Fri 10 run til pm Sat10 mm to pm at Boyfield Mall From members of late lomba chapter Beta Sigma Phi Proceeds go to Charity dongs Barries Only lATE NIGHT DISCO Thurs Fri Sat 10 pm om Sunday pm GREAT DANCINGI GREAT MUSICI GREAT FRIEND 94 Dunlop St of drama this film will deï¬nitely become true detec tive classic Airport 77 Here is the third in the line of the spectacular airport disaster flicks Once again its another luxurious 747 jumbo jet in peril This time the jet and its lucky passengers wind up underwater in the Bermuda Triangle of all places due to an unfor tunate mistake made while the plane was being hijacked for the valuable art treasures it is carrying With such harrowing plot you need the best of Holly woods actors to star in this type of film Which is what they did and then some Start with Jack Lemmon sit ting in the pilots seat An actor who is so versatile whether its comedy or drama lles superb Team up Lee Grant and Christopher Lee as an illfated couple trapped on board the submerged plane Now bring in two of Hollywoods alltime greats James Stewart as the wealthy owner of the doomed Eugene Smith and his All Canadian Wormup Bond GEORGIAN COLLEGE THEATRE Wed May 800 pm Advance Tickets $299 At the door $350 Tickets available at Music World Thriltyt Benson Hedgex Very Very Terry Jerry III at the Georgian Moll Bay STARTS TODAV The Bondxtond Bayfield Mall The Key Board Duniop Street West Mall 747 jet and Olivia DeHavilland giving the film one of her finest performances as passenger with lots of grit when the chips are down George Kennedy Darren McGavin and Brenda Vaccaro also give excellent performances in the film After Airport 77 came to its exciting close and was leaving the theatre couldnt help but Wonder what Airport 78 could possibly be about Maybe jumbo jet highjacked by UFO 0i Famous MIIIIIMAII AIWENTIIIIE AVanetyot Chnese Foods 72616101 Banquet Facilities MIIIIIMIIII GARDENS Licerced Tavern DuOIDIa 51 Barrie mgï¬ems IIllIlLllLQAliW 49 recommended as ADULT ENTERTAINMENT CLINT FASIWLTD IHEOUILAIIJOSE SALES AKALPASOLX rPANY HW CHIEF DA ORGE SONDRMOCK BILL MCKINNEY 3m JOHN VERNON as Fleur Search MI iclilitl and SONIA CHERNUS Prelim ill ROBERT DALEI Diego CLINT EAST ttt Jiiiili litiilim Pillkitï¬lili Coil twine DISIIIUIIIeryWaIIICI BIOS TameCiiva2u1isContact REA ll lu IIIlllltlu VICTOR JORY DONGDRD become Promise Printed in TED RICHMOND ROBERT DORFMANN 035 Illiill liy ma FRANKLIN SCHAFFNER Iiim PAPIthNf him It 0N ANTHONY If Ltdtlpltt Iv MFRANKLIN SCHAFFNER DALTON TRUMBO to Hill it It Ivy 0RFN70 SFMPI Jr HENRI CHARRIERE 3ERRY GOLDSMITH FRANKLIN SCHAFFNER AVISION TECHNICOLQR inALLIED ARTISTSIIti