Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 28 Apr 1977, p. 18

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1a the examiner Thursday April 28 1977 mobile homes trailers TRAVELMATE 25 Motor home sleeps rental or sale fully equipped Reserve now Barrie Tent and Awning 34 Bayfleld st 7266438 16 opts to rent BEDROOM apartment in Hospital area free par lng no appliances Avallable June st Telephone 7283140 between6pmand8pm 1973 GLENDETTE 26 foot awning tape deck sleeps excellent condition Telephone 14451362 17 FOOT GENERAL House Trailer sleeps good condition Telephone 4363124 anytime 1976 BENDIX Mobile Home 68 x12ex cellent condition For further details call 7260693 ask for Bob MARLETTE MOBILE home 12x63 with 8x20 expando unit bedrooms storage shed patio and more Situated in park In Barrie area Must sell Call 7263252 BEDROOM mobile home in excellent condition Located in beautiful park near Barrie low monthly payment Priced to sell at$13900 Phone 7282106 1972 12 60 mobile home in excellent condition Refrigerator stove drapes and carpeting Located between Barrie and Borden Telephone 4241333 75 FT CHEV Motor home all eqUipped Asking $6000 or best offer Call 7373079 after pm 16 opts to rent KANEFF APARTMENT HOMES Barries Finest IMPERIAL TOWERS 7269580 7264991 Adults TF MODERN luxury very large bedroom apartment for lease Quiet adult buil ding No pets References For informa tion call 7289682 90 Holgate Apartment 102 wA NEWLY DECORATED furnished bachelettesBarrie Also bedroom apts in Barrie and Angus 7266271 after TWO 2BEDROOM Apartments one available immediately and one May References No pets $230 monthly plus hydro First and last months rent 7281035017371771 MISSISSAUGACOURT bedroom apartments Colored ap pliances drapes supllied next to Simcoe Plaza 7371877 SUBLET bedroom apartment adults only $270 includes all utilities discount of $50 on first month Available April 15 7267228 ONE TNDVVtwo bearoom apartments Close to downtown Rent $130 to $155 Cai9amto9pm7263257 BACHELORS and bedroom Apt5 downtown Barrie area fridge and stove parking included 7284776 46 FURNISHED ONE and two bedroOm apartments available Central Adults only 7260988 Weekdays ONE BEDROOM Aparinienis Jose to hospital $175 per month first and last required Nopets Telephone 726 9418 AVAILABLE immediately bedroom apartment in apartment building Cen tral location $240 monthly includes trig stove water heat and parking Phone 7373647 AVAILABLE MAY bedroom aprI ment$195 monthly Phone 7269900 ONE BEDROOM at Midhurst and one bedroom downtown Barrie stove triage parking and laundry facilities lst and last months rent No pets 726672Safter4pm TWO BEDROOM apartment in triplex Heated parking refrigerator and stove laundry facilities freshly decorated Available June $255 monthly North end 7260857 after6 pm BEDROOM APARTMENT évéIfabTe May ist $180 month on Penetang St Telephone48724120ro 2APARTMENTS forfirent can be seen at 48 Codrington Apt ONE AND two bedroom and bachelor sell contained apartments Available in distinctive newly renovated turn of the century home in down Barrie Ideal for professional people fully broadloomed modern kitchen and bath appliances utilities and parking included Adults on ly no pets 7267676 AVAILABLE MAY ist one bedroom and bedroom apartments $180 and $205 monthly plus hydro First and last mon ths rent Centrally located Telephone 726 3912 ONE BEDROOM Apartment $150 monthly Bachelor apartment $130 monthly Call after Mr Kennedy 7282785 BEDROOM Apartment forrentiStove fridge and parking included Across from Georgian College Telephone 213035 SELFCONTAINED Apartment quiet building centrally located above Steeles China Shop NO children or pets Abstainers only References Reas onable rent 7282395 days 7285895 eveningLVVfi SUBLET bedroom modern apart ment west end iust redecorated Stove fridge heat hydro and parking includ ed Phone 7264991 or 7267234 STILL AVAILABLE June Isl Sublet bedroom apartment Cedarwood Court $259 includes all utilities and parking Telephone 7261656 BEDROOM Apartmentflinweast end Barrie Drapes and utilities supplied $25 month Telephone 3222013 after pm ONE BEDROOM Apartment unlurnish ea downtown on Dunlop Street $150 month including heat Telephone 72665469amt05pm CENTRAL room apartment private entrance $185 month Available May lst Adults only no pets Call 7285883 after6pm CENTRALLY Located Sixplex bedroom apartment on second floor Stove refrigerator and parking includ ed $225 monthly Adults only First and last months rent required Available June Ist Telephone 7371675 RELIABLE Tenants for bedroom apartment $195 monthly plus heat and hydro Apply 46 Grove Street East or telephone4162973320 ALLANDALE Area Modern bedroom townhouse available June Stove and fridge included No pets 4241200 ext 2589 days 7260655 evenings Ask for Gil BEDROOM Apartment for rent $245 monthly For information please call 7373445 ONE BEDROOM furnished apartment hydro water and heat supplied Paved driveway with own entrance Close to Bell Telephone and hospital $150 mon thly 7286483 FURNISHED BACHELOR apartment private entrance on bus route not suitable for children or pets utilities in cluded would suit one person or working couple lst and last months rent 7266344 BACHELOR APARTMENT for rent $10 month all utilities included Telephontfl373623 after pm BASEMENT APTfurnished with piece bathroom kitchenette private en trance heat and light $125 monthly 7368759 or 7288612 JUNE lSTI bedroom Apt Nelson and Napier $190 Includes heat appliances and laundry No children Before 7260041 After 7267987 ONE BEDROOM apartment east end residential completely furnished in eluding light and heat $150 Suitable for single businessman nonsmoker only Available May ist Apply to Box U14 The Examiner UNFURNISHED ONE bedroom base ment apartment in triplex $150 Mon thly heat and water included separate thermostat parking no pets Telephone 7286841 ATTENTION BUSINESS ladies Completely furnished modern home to share with same Close to shopping and bus route completer furnished alter pm 7260079 or 726 9319 FURNISHED BACHELOR apartment 12 miles north Of Barrie abstainers No smokers preferred paved roads Phone 7288067 ONE BEDROOM apartment available May lst Central location close to school and factories fridge and stove Telephone 7280870 BEDROOM apartment for rent in small building fully broadloomed Available June lst or before Telephone 7373399 ONE bedroom apt for rent over for nlture store in downtown Barrie $165 monthly Includes fridge and stove available immediately evenings 487 2611 or4873369 AVAILABLE MAY spotless bedroom basement apl self contained private entrance minutes from Barrie Utilities free $165 monthly 726 3086 2DEDROOM apartment available Im mediately $195 monthly Pay own hydro Bachelor apartment $135 In cludes heat and hydro Telephone 1234881 or 7265911 EXAMINER WANTADS 7282414 FURNISHED SELF contained suitable for one or two business ladies parking nonsmokers Phone 7287757 l7 houses to rent PUGET COURT Prestige luxury and bedroom townhouses Selective neigh borhood References 275 Blake For in formation call from to pm 7262361 Evenings 7289682 LARGE OLDER Home bedrooms fridge and stove Central location $300 monthly Deposit required 7269418 AVAILABLE Immediately Two bedroom detached homes brand new fully broadloomed Call Harry Magill Rep Lou Goedemondt Real Estate 7284067 or 7263864 NICE HOUSE for rentiflfidroom living room very large kitchen full basement treedlot Telephone 7287044 LARGE bedroom house with fenced yard Downtown area available im mediately ist and last months $275 monthly Please phone 7373675 BEDROOMTHouse in Angus available May 30 acres close to schools and plaza $300 monthly Phone 4875842 BEDROOM bungalow downtown Bar rie Available May lst No children or pets Call 7267676 ACROSS FROM Georgian College 46 Bernick Drive bedrooms baths large kitchen Separate dining room spacious living room with bay window Telephone 4162498666 NEW Bedroom semidetached bungalow fully broadloomed Imme diate possession conveniently located Call Gary DAmbrosio at 7263422 or 7372043 rep OR DAmbrosio Realtor BEDROOM HOUSE available May Downtown location full basement $250 per month Plus utilities For informa tion call Baker 7284067 or Lorne Hay 7281566 FARMHOUSE FOR rent or bedrooms located on large lot on the edge of Barrie $300 per month plus utilities Call Al Beacock representing Unigroup Real Estate 7371771 BEDROOM townhouse for rent ap pliances broadloom garage Ref erences $280 month Call 4167554307 after pm LOVELY bedroom side split nicely decorated close to schools and shopp ing Available with or without ap pliances immediate occupancy No pets Call 7261581 after6 pm BEDROOM storey brick house on nice lot with vegetable garden near Well ington Plaza $300 monthly Includes heat Cable TV Stove and trig optional Last months rent deposit Owner lives in back apartment Phone 7268727 BEDROOM HOUSE double garage Central $350 monthly View Sun only to pm Call 7283122 or Toronto 881 2515 BEDROOM house centrally located immediate possession Call 728 4282 BEAUTIFUL HOME for rent Midhurst Malturp Estate Available immediate Iy For appointment call 7284931 am toSpmWeekdaysonly IMMEDIATE POSSESSION bedroom townhouse end unit appliances I7 baths garage partially furnished if necessary or year lease Allandale Telephone 7287254 BEDROOM bungalow on Marion Cr newly decorated bathrooms finished rec room $325 monthly References re quired Call Don Rumble 7289769 or 322313Inotollr NOW VACANT at $375 monthly First and last months rent in advance On ap pointment could show at Blue Mound 9r Ceuener on 2972914 TALL TREES area bedroom raised bungalowfinished family room available end of May $325 monthly Phone72841507 PEEL STREET bedrooms Ipcf bath broadloomed garage year lease $290 monthly plus utilities Available May 15 Telephone 728 8800 ask for Anne Maronic or 7285945 18a pts wanted torertt FEMALE PENSIONER urgently re quires furnished accommodation by end of May No stairs Please telephone 728 7895 between 530 and 00 pm WANTED bedroom apt for young cou ple with boys Rent range under $225 Call 436 2927 anytime 7179fhouses wanted to rent HOUSE Wanted for mid June bedroom house in in Oro Township Please state location and rent expected Apply to Box 19 The Examiner HOUSE Wanted or bedrooms garage and fireplace Quuet area prefer red Telephone 726 5945 WANTEDsmall house for business couple reasonable Required im mediatelyCaIl726853l 2orooms to let FURNISHED near factories on bus route quiet atmosphere $22 weekly Phone evenings 726 9859 FURNISHED ROOMS Central Park ing kitchen privileges lounge linen supplied weekly laundry facilities responsible adults 726 7186 CLEAN furnished rooms central kit chen and living room Downtown Bus stop atdoor 728 7331 FURNISHED ROOMS downtown loca tion clean bright modern rooms cen tral kitchen bath and living room park ing Immediate occupancy Apply Ham iltOn Real Estate 72 Maple Ave 737 1000 LARGE FURNISHED rooms full kit chen and rec room area available im mediately Central 726 6392 FURNISHED ROOM kitchen lounge parking For working man $30 weekly Central location 726 4725 NEWLY redecorated rooms $15 $35 weekly Singles and doubles 76 Worsley Street Completely furnished Shared kitchen bath and living room 737 3315 LARGE ROOM in private home Suit gentlemen Use of kitchen and bath Sari ford Street Pnone 728 0701 IN COMFORTABLE large home quiet downtown location Mary Street Kit chen privileges Working gentleman preferred 737 3923 ROOM IN modern bedroom home Tall Trees Share all facilities with other tenants 530 weekly plus utilltes Parking included 737 1385 after FURNISHED BEDROOM home east end on bus route for gentleman with parking facilities Telephone 728 8258 anytime FU RN ISHED ROOM for rent 320 week Iy refrigerator and linen supplied Cen tral location Telephone 7264882 or 728 8484 2799 979 998 AVAILABLE MAY 1st Male or female Single and double room close to downtown TV in room $35 Weekly Telephone 726 3670 after pm 23otfices stores for rent MODERN OFFICE space for lease small or large suites immediate 0C cupancy short or long term 726 3400 Angeloff OFFICE SPACE 1100 sq ft on main floor overlooking waterfront and mu nicipal parking modern decorating Call Bill Sakeris National Trust Co 7289201 DOWNTOWN STORE 27 Dunlop Street West available Immediater Moving to new location $350 monthly plus utilities Telephone 728 8085 days 24space for rent PRIME INDUSTRIAL SPACE 4550 60000 Sq ft lully sprinklercd transport and light truck loading docks 18 ft clear part of large expanding industrial mall 726 7130 in private FOR LEASE industrial space and warehouse Telephone 7263400 Angeloff VERY NICE Industrial building on Dunlop St West with large fenced In property Phone 7287044 or 416 635 0637 1100 SQUARE FEET of commercial space for rent on Highway 11 south Available May ist Telephone 7371238 2593ng85 GARAGE FOR rent full size good storage $25 per month Ross and Maple St For details call Baker 728 4067 or Lorne Hay 7281566 FOR RENT Body shop for cars and trucks new paint room Phone 3221654 ask for Peter WANTED TO rent garage or born for masonry equipment storage Reasonable In or near town Telephone 726 0I09 or 728 5780 26eaccom modartionsr7to share YOUNG MAN has bedroom apartment to share Parking Allandale area Call after 30 pm 737 2756 27cotta9es to rent HALIBURTON BOSHKUNG Lake bedroom sail swimming July 30th to August I3th Telephone 726 5239 32 ears for sale 1972 TOYOTA Corolla 1600 automatic excellent 41000 miles reconditioned transmission shocks brakes $1200 Certified Two 14 ET Mags fit Ford Or Chrysler $50 pair 4246774 after 630 pm BUYING CAR Why not get loan at Barrie Community Credit Union 18 Col lier St 7285191 1975 HONDA CIVIC Automatic bucket seats good on gas Certified Telephone 7284390 1973 DATSUN 2402 AMFM radio track stereo radials full Instrumenta tion Very good condition Asking $2500 Phone 4245059 1973 SUPER BEETLEgas heater electric rear defogger fog lights Michelin tires sport wheels Im maculate phone 7267687 1968 METEORgood mechanEaIly peedzarqninor repairs $250 or best offer 28 1973 GREMLIN 1970 Ford 1969 Monaco 1965 Buick and 1969 Ford V2 ton all Cer tlfled CAn be seen at 180A lnnisfll Phone 7263869 daytime 7286010 even ngs 1974 CHRYSLER Newport Custom V8 door metallic brown vinyl roof vinyl seats power steering and brakes radial tires 40000 miles $2900 Telephone 7288898 1973 FIREBIRD 350 V8 low mileage radio airconditioning showroom condi tion new tires including snows Trailer hitch certified best offer Telephone 7373595 1973 CHEV BELAIRE for sale in ex cellent condition $1800 or best offer Must sell Telephone 4246130 anytime 1970 PONTIAC uncertified 350 cia power steering power brakes needs some body work best offer 7261945311er5pm 1974 CHEVELLE door excellent condi tion 37000 miles undercoated cer tified Telephone 4362802 after pm 1973 LTD BROUOHAM door vinyl hardtop power steering and brakes radio new tires many options Lady owned Will certify Asking $2200 7280655 after 1968 MUSTANGJEI Jordanian automatic 289 asking $325 as is Telephone 7370676 after 1956 CHEVROLET door sedan Western car mechanically good 82000 miles original interior good complete restoration on body started but only 13 finished 2450 For information and ap pointment call 7265390 or 7288819 1973 DATSUN 2402 42000 miles ex cellent running order AM FM standard transmission $2800 or best offer Call 7289528 1969 FORD Mustang 302 engine uncerlified Needs some body work Good engine $350 or nearest offer Call 726 2944 1973 IMPALA door special front and rear suspension trailer hitch deluxe bumpers rear defogger extra wheel snows 32600 miles $2300 Call 435 7125 anytime 1974 DODGE Monaco power steering power steering power brakes radio vinyl top good condition Must sell Ask ing $2095 Certified Call 728 9824 after pm 1973 MERCURY Brougham door completely equipped including air and power seats Excellent condition One owner By appointment only 728 4700 1957 CHEVROLET good condition original interior 283 standard Telephone 726 3970 after pm 1967 VOLKSWAGEN engine in A1 condi tion body in fair shape Car could be cer tified With minor work or ideal for dune buggy Telephone 726 4875 after pm Make offer 1959 VOLKSWAGEN Beetle in excellent condition $5001970 Gremlin needs automatic transmission body in ex cellent condition $350 Telephone 728 4081 70 MUSTANG 351 Cleveland barrel auto PSPB $1900 or best offer Phone 3222656 after 5pm 1968 VALIANT door very reliable and economical Power steering slant Real clean car $700 Telephone 728 9271 alter9plr1 1971 TOYOTA Crown Custom wagon certified track and CB radio $850 Can be seen after at 117 Gunn Street Apt I968 CHEVELLE SS Certified Asking price $1300 or best offer Or will trade for 1971 Ford van Telephone 737 0440 after pm 1970 VOLVO for sale door radio in Al shape $1100 Certified Telephone 4562305 or 456 2822 after pm 1973 SATTELITE Sebring Plus dr hardtop small auto power steering and brakes radio radials and rally wheels gold interior buckets dark gold exterior Economical 728 6435 or 424 1577 1972 COUGAR 351 Many extras power steering power brakes tape deck lac amps condition Certified $1900 Telephone 4361920 1976 HORNET HATCHBACK red 13000 milles standard completely rust proofed radio whitewalls excellent con dition 7269482 evenings and weekends 1971 DODGE DARTat door 58000 miles good condition Certified asking $1500 Phone 726 7022 1969 DODGE Dart in excellent running condition Will certify $625 Phone 8352246 1967 MERCURY PARK LANE 410 door excellent condition four new tires radio $850 or best offer Telephone 7265653 1972 VOLKESWAGEN 411 Station wagon as is needs mechanical work body excellent $400 firm Telephone Neilat835 5691 I970 BARRACUDA convertible for sale positrack rear end 318 cubic inch engine UncertItiea $800 or best offer Telephone 726 788 after pm 1975 TORINO Station Wagon 20000 miles automatic power brakes power steering undercoated no rust roof racks radio radial tires extra good condition will certify 424 5902 I973 PINTO RUNABOUT cylinder automatic radio electric rear window 45000 miles certified $1600 or best of fer Telephone 436 1858 I968 MALIBOU in excellent condition rebuilt motor power steering and powerbrakes Asking $895 Certified Telephone7260162 I974 MERCIIRY Villager MX wagon low mileage custom interior radial tires white w1th wood panelling ex cellent condition $3500 Telephone 7269643 1969 ACADIAN cylinder automatic power steering and brakes raaio blue with black vinyl top good condition Cer tlfied $900 Phone 487 3483 1968 PONTIAC V8 327 power steering power brakes radio new tires good running condition $200 184 Collier Street upper apartment 1971 VOLKSWAGEN bus passenger excellent condition Many extras no rust owner Phone 424 6566 FAMILY SECOND CAR I974 VEGA hatchback new paint new Michelin radials low mileage standard $1694 Call 726 1845 after pm I916 CORVE TTE Stingray low mileage mint condition air conditioned speed tilt telescopic steering wheel power brakes and steering AMFM radio lug gage rack radial snows included $8500 Call 737 0133 after pm or weekends 1973 GRAN TORlNO WHITE WITH BLUE VINYL ROOF NEW TIRES TAPE DECK RADIO cylinder automatic $1500 Telephone 726 0055 1977 PONTIAC Grand Prix Many extras call anytime 428 2835 Serious inquiries only 1973 BELAIRE Stationwagon automatic power brakes and steering body in immaculate condition needs some engine work Telephone 728 2950 33cars wantedto buy TOP PRICE for top cars Toke Motors Ltd 119 Bradford St Barrie 728 8111 JUNK CARS WANTED Highest prices paid Same day pickup Holt Auto Wreckers 726 8711 TRACY WANTS cars and trucks for wrecking and parts lop prices paid Free pickup Telephone 726 8487 SCRAP VEHICLES wanted top prices paid frec immediate pick up anytime 436 2900 COLE BROS Cars and trucks wanted for wrecking Fast pickup Days 435 6322 After pm 424 5949 WANTED Clean used cars Barrie Hon da Auto Sales17 Gowan St 726 6488 SHAKEIS WRECKING and Towing scrap metal cars bought over scales Best prices paid 436 3677 34trucks and trailers 1974 FORD LT9000 space 318 Detroit conventional tandem tractor has work Certified Telephone 726 6436 after pm SPECIAL SAVE $240000 Late 1975 34 Ton SuperCab Ford pick up like new 7000 miles All power heavy duty shocks battery and cooling system radial tires $520000 Phone 445 3226 Collingwood 1974 JEEP in mm wheel drive cellent condition certified BX 726 2609 20000 original miles must sell $3000 Phone 34 trucks and trailers FIBERGLASS TOP cab for pickup truck like new Save $11000 Phone 4453226 COIllngwood Newmpo 12 all fiberglass fully Insulated Starflre III pickup camper Frig heater burner stove Fan Hood Tollet Sleeps $390000 Phone 4453226 Colllngwood 1974 CHEVROLET ton truck with doors supercab 454 motor In good con dition 1974 28 Olympia 5th wheel house trailer 5000 watt generator alr condi tloned new broadloom and curtains sleeps six 7057372435 after 1961 CHEV ton6 cylinder body good condition runs well everything works Could be certified $fl4875251 1971 DODGE VAN in excellent condition new tires carpeted inside low mileage uncertified $2500 firm Telephone 7282756 1976 FORDV2 ton WIth cap excellent condition $3900 Phone 45119048 1969 DODGE lton van new slant engine and clutch less than 100 miles on engine double doors on each side and on back interior partially panelled Must sell $1600 Telephone 4241948 after 630 pm 1976 VANDU RA Window VanlJi ton va automatic radio heavy duty suspen sion high back seats mint condition many extras 16000 miles $5000 4562361 1964 FORD WEE frUCk for sale good condition $600 or best offer Telephone 7261009 1976 2oFOOT Prowler dual wheels completely equipped including piece bath many extras including hitch and sway control May be Seen by ap pointment Required price $4760 7284700 1970 FonDvE toil fDr sale heavy OWL A1 shape $1100 Certified Telephone 4562305 or 4562822 after pm 1976 CAMPER VANDodge Maxi 15000 miles high top Pirelli tires stereo player BC Captains chairs roof vent and fan comfortably equipped for travel $11300 13 Weldon Crescent 7287364 1973 FORD E300 Van customized carpeted cabinets stereo CB gauges inside custom wheels roof rack side pipes bubble Windows outside V8 48000 miles 728 9366 1967 FORD 700 with cylinder pole hoist 18ft grain box 60000 miles in good con dition Phone 4873131 35service and repairs LICENSED MECHANIC doing general repairs Any lob considered Call 4246463after6 36auto accessories HEADERS for Ford small block 289 or 302 Excellent condition used one month $70 Telephone 7371891 after pm 350 ENGINE with 15000 miles new radiator Telephone 726 6725 37motorcyclesfl ONE ONLY brand new Honda CT90 trail bike never used Listed at $755 selling for $650 Telephone 726 6732 1972 SUZUKI 500 3500 miles in im maculate condition Back rest and two helmets included Telephone 436 4325 I974 HD SPORTSTER for sale many extras Telephone 445 0142 Collingwood 1972 HONDA CB 350 rebuilt motor many extras Asking $700 Telephone 361 2779Elmvale 1972 SUZUKI 750 GT near mint condi tion certified Touring accessories also available Best offer takes Telephone 487 3608 1972 NORTON 750 Commando 12000 miles new paint rear tire safety check ed 51300 Telephone 728 7024 am I012 noon or 7372441 pm to 10pm HONDA 750 immaculate bike 3000 miles complete with Faring bags and bars $1895 726 1581 after6p 1975 Kawaski 400 in excellent shape $900 or best offer also Honda 70 good condition Asking $200 or best offer Telephone 728 6407 articles for sole $AVE Reupholstering DOLLARS fiecover it Yourself °Wide selection of discount fabrics OFoam cushions Tools both amateur professional ONeedfes threads twines OBuftons mode to order 0A complete line of upholstery supplies UPHOLSTERY SUPPLY SHOP loyflelli St 7371510 WTIIFTF SWIMMING POOL Sacrifice Leading Canadian manufacturer and distributor has aluminum pools left over from 1976 season 7price Guaranteed Installation and terms Call collect days or evenings 1416 2214840 LEADING SWIMMING Pool Wholesaler must dispose of 1976 all aluminum pools in Stock Sacrifice price for desperately needed factory warehouse space Brand new swimming pools include tiller walk round deck fence and warranty size 15 27ft $1355 cash or terms Call Perc collect days or evenings 1416 481 8802 SWIMMING POOLS to rent will loose and install for homeowners family size aluminum swimming pool with patio Choice of styles meeting all fencing regulations on one two or three year rental baSIs with option to own Try before you buy Call colicct anytime 416 663 9508 SWIMMING POOLS 1977modelsslight Iy scratched in transport Fully war ranted complete with pump motor filter fencing walkway and deck Suggested retail price $2295 Available at pre season special of $1288 Call not for early installation Call collect anytimel 416 663 9508 ELECTRIC Semi Acouslic Gottar and Amplifier approx months old Bottl in excellent condition Asking $550 726 3435 CEDAR POSTS all sizes anchors and braces Rosecomb bantams cocks and hens also ducks 728 I637 BICYCLES TRIKES all sizes recondi tioned repainted repairs parts wanted Affer5pmcall726 0850 LOCAL SWIMMING Pool Dealer has limited number of steel ingrounct pools at greatly reduced prices 16 32 in ground $3495 installed Other sizes comparably priced Call Polynesian Pools toll free 18002616121 Operator 603 Ask for Former Jacks The better buy people 20 COLOR TV New and guaranteed 5399 26 WESTINGHOUSE Color TV $498 STEREO SYSTEM 3pce $89 QUAD SYSTEM WIlll AMFM ond4 speakers $399 BOX SPRING and motress 54 complete $39 BOX SPRING and mattress 39 complete $69 Former Jacks Hwyvli North 3259527 Weekdays 109 Saturday I036 ALTETIS LADIES AND antimens olterotlons 26 Mary St Telep one 7373432 or residence 7288446 ALUMINUM GIBSON ALUMINUM LTD Alton siding Sofflt Trough Doors thows Awnings 10 DISCOUNT Available when placing order before April 30111 11111572615609 GEORGIAN BUILDING PRODUCTS ALUMINUM Siding Eovestrough Soffit Windows Focio Doors Shutters Awnings AdditionsRoofing Porch EnclosuresStonework For frer estimate Cal PHIL SPURLING 7266907 Local Famlly Business ALUMINUM WINDOWS doors siding Soffil Fascia and trough all colours 20 year guarantee 4246073 NORTHERN ALUMINUM Products Soffil Fascia Siding Trough All colors Guar unload 7262609 7269W2 APPLIANCES ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd authorized sales and serviceterWAIiionco Blvd 7283392777 AUTO REPAIRS WE REPAIR British European and Japanese cars Coronation Auto Serv 17 Mary St 7265441 II STEWART CONSTRUCTION LTD announces the opening of NEW GRAVEL PIT on the 7TH CONC OF ORO TWP to better serve our customers 0110 4875707 ORILLIA 3264711 BIRD HOUSE PURPLE MARTIN Houses for sole Apply at 92 MelroseAvo Barrie or telephone 7285283 aooxxrrrmo EXP BOOKKEEPING for all buslnass Ac curacy assured Your offIca or ours 7286428 ole or weekends CARPENTITT AND General Contractor Kilchon vac rooms ronovdtions additions firepicuts guaranteed 737507 CARPENTER Specializing In lac rooms In tailor romodolllng trim etc Please call 7288884 offer 6pm CABINET MAKER European trained Kil chens vanities Pine furniture renovations OIIOIUIIOIIS Domestic Commercml 726 2948 LICENCED CARPENTERS Custom homes collages renovations repairs Satisfaction guaranteed and Construction 7267461 CARPENTER will do rec rooms renovations remodelling OICLNO Oh to small 7261271 CONSTRUCTION licenced carpenters for ronovalions additions homes collages Free estimates 4354995 CARPENTER WILL do any small lob Remodell in ranovolions and sundecks Phone Bill JO nslon 72687m anytime DON FLEMING Licenced carpentry Cdn tractlng renovations cobnets rec rooms etc Phone 705 3222806 for estimate CARPENTRV all types rec rooms ranova lions No lab to small Reasonable Satisfac lion guaranteed Al 7281897 CEDAR PATIO DECKS sunporches fences onioy your summer mom Coll John Parrls GeriWW 72°397 CARPET CLEANING START YOUR spring cleaning today Ruvllallxa your carpets with Al carpal steam sisinn 7269371 CARPET SHAMPOOING for fro estimates call day or evening Don 7372859 CARPET CLEANING WQII show you why you mad it No obligation MNM Cleaners 73726767 STEAM CARPET CLEANING SPECIAL ANv LIVING ROOM $1995 Upholstery Dry Cleaned Window Cleaning Wall Washing Sidlng Cleaned Champlain Maintenance Service Ltd Phone 7285437 CARPET INSTALLATION WALL TO WALL installation carpet and vinyl fully guaranteed rgpsongble rota 475874432 CERAMICS WINTERICKS CERAMICS Floor and wall filing 914 99° 7766769 COMMERCIAL ART COMMERCIAL ARTIST design art work layout on Pine col collect 416 9362681 CUSTOMFENCING FENCE OChain Link Gal or Vinyl ORegulation Poul Fence Wood or Metal Privacy Wrought Iron Do it yourself or Professionally installed For Free Estimate coll Peel Fence Systems Inc 465 DAVIS Dl NEWMAIKET 8981361 Collect Barrie 64702 ALL THE HELP YOU NEED RIGHTHERE Daily Business Directory Need help Just look over the ads below The advertisers listed are experts in their field and will assure you Of the finest job possible HOME IMPROVEMENTS INTERIOR REMODELLING Kllchans rec rooms Coll Run 3681 after 630 pm cusm FNCING RESIDENTIAL FENCING Chain link custom wood fences Improve your property 737 1507 References available FENCES CEDAR DECKS and home rendvo NEED MORE Ilvlng spoco rec room extra tiom Free estimates Jenkins Fence bedroomiploy lounltirymffllce noroge spaco so pg nf ng wo papar urro 4665763or43567o no 7n wag CONCRETE CUSTOM REC POOMS Complete base ent planning and decorating privacy screens and patios aluminum door The number for all your needs 7208906 SPECIALIZING IN Tuck pointing chimneys waterproofing brick and stone caulking wln claws and expansion loints Work guaran teed 4589346 11 11 CONSTRUCTION uwi raising foun MANIERI PAVING Patios sidewalks steps curbs and garage floors dotiom renovations additions Phone work Guaranteed 4362955 or 4364175 ofter6 FREE ESTIMATES RENOVATIONS BASEMENTS dug block and brick laying fireplaces pointing interior exlerior Guaranteed workmanship 4246073 CUSTOM BUILDING House lifting founda tions and basements additions and renova tions Fox Controctln 7261710 NORTHERN CARPENTRY Decks rec rooms Music By renovations extensions etc etc Guar unload work 7262609 or 7269N2 MACE ENTERPRISES contractors for Unlstone Tree cutting and Oxterior house Eintlng Telephone 7370384 GENERAL REPAIRS renovations carpentry smoll plumbing electrical exteriorinterior pointing Refinishing furniture 7260008 INCOME TAX INCOME TAX returns prepared Angus Bor rle oreo $5 up Dobson 4245910 otter 52nd woiands CENTRAL OTITA PROCESSING Complete Accounting And Bookkeeping Services Disc Jockey Country 10 Disco Weddings Dances Banquets Special prices Mon Fri 7263808 DRESSMAKING DRESSES FIT if made by JOSIE AQUINO Specialixing in pantsuits gowns and altera tions 42 Eugenio St Phon1726WX1 ALTERATIONS AND custom sewing Apply Mrs Wrighfmon 235 Tiffin Telephone 2232792 OYeor and Financial Statements T4s Income Tax returns For an appointment at your convenience PHONE 4364952 Eoves EE INCOME TAX returns prepared for small SUPERIOR EAVESTROUGHING Specialists business farm and home Mitchells Book Roofing and roofing repairs Free estimates keeping Service 7262973 Call Marlin Verslruten 4241956 New Lowell TAX RETURNS propared personal sTnall business form Reasonable Call 7284634 4589172 anytime or PETER GAMBLE Electric Commarcigf PfikwhxllNEOME TAXTiller proporod Residential Industrial Installations and 501 F9 ond 110 Witt Coll DRYWALL BILOTTA DRYWALL and lupin residential and commercial no iob too ig or small Telephone 4584233 EAVESTIIOUGIIING GRAHAM EAVESTROUGHING IEthan installed Call 7286628 rIIIINO terlor 30 years experience Eltlmotes Phone 7371 295 or 7286168 EXTERIOR PAINTING and home repairs ex perienced free estimates satisfaction guaranteed 4364105 PAINTING PAPER HANGING oxparioncod free asllmofes Jock Richardson 7262012 17566874 PAVING PAVING DRIVEWAYS PARKING LOTS CONCRETE WORK ALL WORK GUARANTEED FREE ESTIMATES BARRIE 73701 79 Manieri Paving Ltd Drivewoys Porking Lots Tennis Courts Concrefe Work FREE ESTIMATES Written Guarantee 7260081 Serving Simcoe County for 17 years PICTURE FRAMING OATES 82 Dunlop St East Custom framing of all types We stock many sizes Phone 7283770 ABBEYWOOD CUSTOM PICTURE FRAMING RETAIL COMMERCIAL IHARGEX MASTERCHARGE 7370832 See our ad in the Yellow Pages ARTIFRAM Custom picture framing Wide selections Fost service Low low price 728mauvenings PARTY PREPARATIONS FANCY SANDWICHES for showers cheese aid cracker troy also other prepared snocksl280539 on time 991 7264996 ShargfyiglyIm after 53nd weekends it In SIMCOE ELECTRIC 12Elfltrft 15 sw worm and and mm dolivoryPhonQRSmith4364aze cleaning complete kitchen and bathroom lndustrlo CommerCIoI mc renovations ceramic tile Bilotto Residentiol Forms $333 lighting design INNISFIL INSULATION mus ectrica consu ting 20yrs experience RENOVTONS TIFFANY PARTY RENTAL CIY Mosers Lc 18 Everything For Entertaining 7288234 Blown Ceulose Fibre Tables choirs dishes glosses etc PARRY HEURICAL FREE ESTIMATES We DeliverReserve Now Olndustriol Commerciol MWF5 737388 0F 0R arm es an Human 248 TIffIn St Barrie Electric rleol Dryers Ranges Blue Turf ROOFING R°°IDiCI9 nd fin tion hin Wm SM landscapan 32 wire Reasonable 14168957533 collect 7283896 tSoddIng AND ROOFING New and old Repairs Planting Free estimates 3221897 after6pm EXCAVATING it Landscape design ROBERT aovcuorr Excavating haulago COntroctlawn care minis 323219 oodor work Includes fertilizing olrlfylng rollin Bweodsroin WEST GROVE 55 Haggag Flat rgoflngl Tar CONSTRUCTION SandyCOveACtn We 5m New and fie airs Bockhoe Excov Tr8nching 435453 Eovestroug lng HorizontalAugerlng TThsMYIO cRorngerflfil SI en 7239333 GREAVES lANDSCAPING iipucis AND TR SERVlCE For estimates COII lift BARRIE 7263492 Fl REPLACES REE REMOVAL Baillie regain imi him in Mural GROUNDS MAINTENANCE 9429103 4fl3LCL LANDSCAPE DESIGN 11010 TILING antique brick Custom built and designed All workmanship guaranteed PETER HENSTRA 7372871 TF Cedar Hedges Fertilizing STONEWORK and fireplaces specially VIC Mowing And Patio Repair Wptson for free estimates 728I599 TT FREE ESTIMATES TELEPHONE 7265666 7289369 Lawn Care Garden Preparation Roto filling Evarygreens 48734017 BOTTING PROPERTY Services Spring cleanups prunin lawn and garden maintenance Ion scoping sodding Free osfimofes 7284536 LAWN CARE FERTILIZING WEED spraying mowing hedge CONSERVE ENERGY Now available in Canada ond shrub lrimmiing Also rough mowing FIREMATE Vic Triomstro 7260427 laboratory tests show 500 gain in heat output from your MASONRY fireplace MASONRY block and brick fireplaces No lob too small Reasonable roles 7373357 STAN KNICELY MASONRV Brick block and stone work Fireplaces specialty Free estimate 705 4245I58 Safe lowcost high quality unit Call BTU LTD area distributor FLOOR REFINISHING HARDWOOD FLOOR Installation and refinishing old and new guaranteed not to 5th °P £3593 Installers All floor wall mosaic tiles and vinyl asbestos Work guaranteed year Precision Tile Company we DELL MICROWAVE Services Among Litton Panasonic Hitachi Toshiba Sonyo Soles Amona Sonyo 100 year warranty on Amono 1292191 Save Up to 75 on Hydro 7264177 days HANDYMAN MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT WARREN BROWN DJ Music for people who like to dance Good roles 7289545 BEAT INFLATION plant garden Rolo tiling $500 and up Telethon 7289367 GARDEN ROTO TlLLING rm IEqu insomny priced Coll Ray at 7287184 STAIRS STAIRS BY professional stair builder Work plot13015 Telephone 7262828 SEWING MACHINES SALES SERVICE SEWEASY CO Service calls from $5 Spociolists repairs all makes industrial and house machinas New used sales 73171621 SNOIIIIILOIMINIw PAULS SNOWPLOWING commercial reasonable rates moles coll Poul 7373N4 WRIGHTS SNOWPLOWING Small comm ruidentioi and free cell CIOI and residential Reasonable roles MEIi STUCCO RUSSELL TEXTURE SPRAY Exterior stucco interior textured walls and ceilings Free estimates Dole Runoll Midhurst telephone 7284392 TYPING CANT AFFORD full time secretory Try Typing Services 72623427fl WELL DIGGING LONE STAR WELL DIGGING STROUD Machine dug wells Homes Cottages Forms Industry Specializing in Concrete Tile Steel reinforced concrete file lengths for sale Diameter 2148 4364359 HANIST AVAILABLE FOR WEDDINGS RECEP nONs DINNER PARTIES Call 7265213 offer EEIPLEELALE LL DISC JOCKEV Unlimited for banquets wad dlngs flpdcies Coil 72642m MUSIC INSTRUCTIONS GUITAR LESSONS Classical and popular Marcel Potvln Guitar Studio 726I489 ACCORDION Garages cleaned Trash hauled awoy JUST GIVE US YOUR CASTOFFS 4875525 7263441 between 10 11111 and 530 pm SPRING CLEANUP Storm windows removed and Cleaned General lawn care clean up and spring fertilizing Garages and basements cleaned Refuse removed BARR 4362387 HAULAOE PICKUP and driver for hire Any job Con sldelod Teigphone 4246463 44 ullar plane or an boglnner and advanc months trio Instrument loaned for home roclice Conodlon Aco dcmlofMualc I21 oLinId 728I799 DRUM LESSONS Starter equipment provided Beginners and advanced of 72 Dunlop Lloyd Gobrlel Mondog Wednesday Thurs duySolurdoy726472 wTITAINTINO VELLINGA PAINTING and decorofln In terior exterior Work guaranteed Esta Ilsh yodrs 7263225 7269m WAYNE FOLEY Professional pointyCh lerior and Interior Free estimates Work guaranteed 7267389 HILLSDALE DECORATING Interior ax terlot woleopering custom textured wolls EEftllmtWEI LoiiltiilflbgL DON SIESLING Pr slondl pofnfln tailor exterior paper hanging custom work Satisfaction guaranteed 726L681 ROY DOIRON Interior exterior pointing and paper hanging Customers satisfaction Quorum143641691 WATER WELLS 30 KIT wells dOg to college form Call lnnisfll Well Digging magi errata4119 WELL DRILLER Gilberts Water Well Drilling Forms Homes Cottages FREE ESTIMATES 10 years experience ANGUS 4245657 S21 WINDOW CLEANING ALLEN BROTHERS Window Cleaning Apert rnents Stores Houses Factories Reason file roles Teleflono 7281214 WINDOW CLEANING Private homes and stores aluminum windows siding screens Dovetrough Free estimates 4362101 pnvagt 40 artlcles for sole KELLY SAYS good choice of preoilvhpd and reconditioned TV now In stock ofI worrontled 22 RCALOWBOY ij Color $199 26 ELECTROHOME Auto color tint $299 23 WESTINGHOUSE 123 20 TOSHIBA COLOR T91 2O RCA ACCUCOLOUR 249 Put no money down with no payment tll July Phone tonight Its delivered tonight KRAZY KELLY Barrie Shopping Plaza 7371182 A29 rARD SALES on April 29 to 10 from to am Hundreds of Items Cream Separator airconditioner Welder for power take off well pump plywood car and table antique radios parts for sw lngs 100 hub caps tires 141516192122 books and various households Sunni dale Road first house past Concession Tele hone728l339 LACR SSE Equipment some used Georgian Sports 24 Maple Avenue 7263200 SOCCER AND Baseball Shoes some bargains Georgian Sports 24 Maple Avenue 7263200 300 RAILROAD TIES $595 each 7370086 miles north of Barrie on Highway 11 Sun Valley Restaurant FIREWOOD mixed 16 long Bargain Picked up at roadside Bedstead springs and mattress $30 Kitchen table $10 Phone 7286459 VESTINGHDUSE Color Television 26 Inch In excellent condition $350 or best offer Telephone 7264057 GIRLS FOLDING Bike for sale $50 New condition Telephone 4363642 SPANISH Oil Painting on canvas complete with frame year old 7260656 after pm KITCHEN Chrome Set double pedestal oval table with extension leaf and black leather and chrome chairs years old in excellent condition 7260656 after pm 39 YARDS OF Fully Lined living room and dining room drapes In antique sa tin firebird red year Old In excellent condition 7260656 after pm ORGAN Conn Caprice Italian provin clal hardly used has VFM stage and strummer rhythm $3000 4361531 LOWERY ORGAN reconditioned dou ble keyboard pedals and bench many extras Must sell Telephone 7267787 or call an Virgilwooa Cres after 130pm Farmer Jacks The better buy people CHESTERFIELD SUITE in child proof Hercufon 4pce CHESTERFIELD SUITE 2pce COFFEE AND END TABLES pce $45 BEDROOM SUITE PCE in satin walnut finish Only $279 LIVING ROOM LAMPS Each $995 Farmer Jacks Hwy 11 No 3259527 Weekdays 109 Saturday 10 A29 ANTIQUES Pine flat to the wall 1870s Victorian love seat with matching Chairs walnut wood burning cook stove small oak desk Telephone 4872113 after 5pm New WOODEN basement window units 24 32 $12 each Also hard top tent trailer sleepsrsix Asking $500 4875808 CEDAR RAILS Al quality 10 to 12 feet long 90 cents each Short rails 45 cents each Telephone 7281113 FOOT SKLAR dark brown sofa and chair 36 48 Duncan Phyfe table and 4chairs Telephone 7266746 SPORTS CAR Owners Good selection used parts for MGB TR6 etc including heads cranks carbs body parts soft tops etc Phone 4362761 after6pm ROTOTILLER hp1 year old 15 Lawn roller hand pushed used water weightélo Phone 7232143 DIAMOND SOLITAIRE ring for sale weight 65 pl 14 caret yellow gold price Telephone 4365848 WAGON WHEEL fixture $35 Single bed complete 30 electric typewriter like new $190 Pressure system pump and motor $30 Two 14 snow tires and wheels $50 Bluecgreen nylon rug 11 I4$20 Plants and many other items Phone 7260814or see at 148 Kempenfelt Dr GARAGE SALE SATURDAY APRIL 309am3pm4 LETITIA ST corner of Sunnldale Road used furniture appliances garden and sports equipment books toys kitchenware drapes and much morel Sponsored by the Georgian Guild ROYAL Copenhagen Mothers Day Plates lovely Mothers Day gift 1971 to 1976 Collectors item Telephone 4362765 COPY MACHINES1 Olivetti wet copier $350 Also 3m copier table model 5150 7372729 days AIR CONDITIONERS Get the preseason iump on air condi tioning All sizes home units up to 1001 BTU in stock Some still available at last years prices Cash and carry or terms available Prices start as low as $16600 where else Krazy Kellys Barrie Shop ping Plaza7371182 OWNER MOVINGRCA 8000 BTU air conditioner Lloyds AMFM stereo cabinet and shelf unit Spanish style Couch and chair All in good condition Telephone 7268180 box TRAILERS$125 each £th made from 14 plywood standard 14 fires Phone72865327after CE DAR POSTS Under tops $100 tops$l75 over tops Telephone 436 2348 Two NEW deluxe bucket seats and bases for Dodge van $20 each 18 reel type lawn mower Briggs and Strat ton motor $752 burner Coleman Stove $15 13 Weldon Crescent 7287364 to $275 HEAVY DUTY utility traIIer large and tarp Also Tappan gold range years old continuous clean oven tents Phone 4240547 GARAGE SALE Many household items owner Isleaving town must sell 383 Codrlngton Street at back of Iogrhouse On saturfiiy April 30 CEMENT MIXER onwheels in excellent condition year old V7 horsepower electric New $225 asking only $175 Telephone 4362899 6000 BTU air conditioner like new 66 Volkswagen for parts Volkswagen ln Iook rims 1971 Ford rims 7267052 after ASHREGISTER NCR electric model 24C also check mprlnterboth only years oldrTelephone 7370538 HAVING PROBLEMS with 90 vacuum cleaner We can repair it Call Advance Vacuum I4 16 Mulcasler Street 726 8643 We specialize In Eureka Continental Royal Hoover most parts In stock Bags belts etc for mostmachlnes ARE YOU satisfied with your present sewing machine Try Necchl Italian mode $100 trade In allowance on any machine toward the purchase Of Lydia Cabinets in stock Cell Advance vacuum 14 16 Mulcaster St 7268643 NORESCO meme tuner amp and uspenslon speakers $300 7262589 after pm USEDSEWING micronei 1zléiaéi 1W Iy reconditioned and guaranteed Priced from $4995 Repairs to all makes of sow 119 l9€ Singer €913039 BROWN BE Chesterfield In good Til 1191 175 7mm LARGE POOL cessorles In good condition $175 Telephone 7264566 GOOD USED gas lawnmoworl bird ca with stands also Engag ques phone 7266629

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