By ROSEANNE McCABE Examiner Staff Writer Itll be good oldfashioned family fun again this year at the Barrie Fair Tuesday Aug 23 through Saturday Aug 27 at the Barrie fair gounds Wellknown count and western singer Dottie West and the new Homer and eth ro act will be featured in the opening grandstand show Tuesday There will be two shows at and pm Dottie West singer for Coca Colas country sunshine commercial is coming to Barrie for the opening grand stand show at the Barrie Fair Raised on country sun shine and being happy with the simple thingsthe lyrics of the song have become trademark for MissWest She won two grammy nominations as female writer and performer and the Cleo award as best commer cial of the year Dottie West and nevv Homer and Jethro Comedy for the whole family will be highlight of the Barrie Fairs opening grandstand show with the New Homer and Jethro act Whats the new Homer and Jethro act The new act will combine the traditional Homer and Jethro songs with the new ones collected and written by Jethro Jethro is still on mandolin and Homer on guitar But the new act will also feature the fivestring banjo and some bluegrass music Homer Ken Eidson was born in Hammond Ind and says he got his maestros degree after teaching gittar to unwitting and witless junior highage kids in schools around Chicago He and his wife Jaws he says lives in vine covered cottage north of Chicago Jethro Burns born in Knoxville Tenn says he travels all over the United States with his career When you play mandolin and tell the kind of jokes do you travel lot as safety measure Also scheduled harness racing Wednesday and Satur day at pm pet show Thursday at pm finals for the heavy horses sixhorse hitch classes Friday at 630 pm All grandstand shows are free Childrens day will be Tues day and rides will be offered at reduced rate until pm There will also be track and field meet Wednesday at 10 am sponsored by the Huronia Striders Track Club shes the number one female writer in the United States and the number one female performer in England in 1974 says Billboard Magazine She also won the title of Country Music Artist of the year from the British Coun try Music Association And while Dottie West and the country sunshine com mercial have become syn onomousHere Comes My Babyanother song she wrote has been cut 100 times by other recording artists movie trivia you recognize these stars Dont worry about the extra in the middle If you can identify the other two and the movie in which this scene takes place send your answer to Movie trivia The Examiner Box 370 Barrie Ont Christopher Thornlcy of Sanford Street Barrie won last weeks contest by identifying Richard Dreyfuss and Roy Schcider in Jaws Remember that the movie trivia contest runs every Thursday and the draw for lIiIVWIll ners is made Wednesday afternoon from all correct answers submitted Winner receives pass for two to the Imperial Twin Theatre Oldfashioned fun is Barrie Fairs theme date night which will be held Wednesday is new feature this year says Dr Don Crowe past president of the fair board in charge of public relations The girls wear CKBB fair button and ride any ride free while her boyfriend or bus band only pays for his ticket This promotion is spon sored by CKBB Daily horseshows and cat tle shows will be held Prize money has increased this year says Dr Crowe country sunshine too This earned her Billboards top award in 1974 and other writing honors from Broad cast Music Inc the per forming rights organization Dorothy Marie Marsh West Metcalf was born in McMinn ville Tenn and graduated with Bachelor of arts degree in music from Ten nessee Tech She received her first pro fessional job in 1956 when she lived in Cleveland Ohio auditioned for TV show that was on the Ohio network remember it well at the grandstand show Jethro on mandolin Homer on guitar Last year $33000 was given in prize money This year we expect prize money to be about $35000 The Barrie Fair is the only class fair in Simcoe County and is one of nine in Ontario Fairs are divided into categories according to the amount it gives in prize money The fair board is also con sidering having battle of the bands featuring local rock bands but there are no plans set yet because was asked not to use my guitar when sang had always used it before that They taught me how to just hold the mike and use my hands little bit Thats when really started was in Nashville and walked into Starday Records and asked themif they would listen to me sing They were just getting their new studios open and did the first recor ding session at Starday Today she is affiliated with United Artists and has 23 albums on RCA Some of these are Country Shunshine Carolina Cousins Careless Hands Legend in My Time She has ared on The Eddy Arno TV special Country Hit Parade TV Country USA Hee Haw Pop Goes the Country Glen Campbell Show Jimmy Dean Show Mike Douglas Good Ole Nashville Music and Nashville on the Road She has also helped newcomers to the music in dustry She wrote Is This Me song recorded by Jim Reeves This won her writers award Its great feeling to help another artist who is really struggling as newcomer to the business she says Miss West became reg ular member of the Grand Ole Opry in 1962 and was one of 60 performers to appear at the March 15th closing of the Ryman auditorium home of opry for many years cant remember when didnt sing My mama said got here singing and want to go out singing County museum is busy Although the tourist season has not quite arrived the number of visitors to the Sim coc County Museum is increas ing already Renovations to the Victorian Wing are almost completed allowing for maintenance to begin The Pioneer Buildings will soon be cleaned and opened to the public Restoration work will begin on the small railway station from Gilford the interior of the Museum Chapel will be rc painted and thc Spcarin house will receive its spring cleaning in preparation for public display Four small log cabins havc been as acquired from ludhopc Park in rillin and tWo of these will be used additional display buildings on the Museum grounds April is rillia Month at the Museum Ihc rillia luild of Attists is presenting an ex hibition of their best paintings including works in oils pastels and watercolors Pottery ceramics lcalhcrwork off looin weaving macramc and woodcarving items are also on display MEMBERSHIP membership drive is now underway The annual lop is $5 The Arktoo from Barrie was one of the first boats to sail the waters of Kempcnfclt Bay this season rcw Harry Ricscbosch bow owner Ion Bishop and Lionel iray are seen stepping the mast at the city marina near the examlner Thursday Aprll 281977 11 Boating season will soon be in high gear The ncw barrel housc has seating for 300 Molsons Park draws variety of attractions By RICHARD IHNSIAN Examiner Staff Writer Musicians horses dogs and antique cars are among the scheduled attractions as Molsons Park gcts ready to swing into zmothcr summer of fun First scheduled event at the 70ticrc park oft Big Bay Point Road is Iloofbcnt 77 to be presented May 27 and 30 cootwration with the Ontario Intcrbrccd llorsc Show Association Last years show the first at the park drcw crowd estimated at 5000 Illllptllk manager Craig Ircnt icc says he hopes to double or triple the figure this year Alliftt tions such as pony rides and hayridcs have been added to give youngsters something to do at the show Appaloosas quzirtcr horses hunters jumpers and draft ponies will be among varieties shown and there will also be western style gymkhzmzi Last years show fcaturcd about 500 horses Admission will be $2 upiccc free for those under 12 and the price covers both days Wasaga gears up for season buffs can look forward to Bay Intcrnutionzil olii municntions offcc Brcuk July and 10 when dealers and opcrntors will look ovcr units and parts and mcct their good buddies face to fzicc The event was hcld in Scptcmbcr last year and drew about 2500 and lrcn tire is expecting large in crcziso Kcmpcnfcst wcckcnd July 30 to Aug will sec dog show prcscntcd in co operation with the Rnrric Kcnncll lub About 3000 dogs from all ovcr North Aincriczi wcrc in town for thc cycnt last year and about 15000 pc iplc lllll them The nllanadinn Grass Roots concert returns to the park Aug and Ircnticc says headline performer is expected to be on the pro gram though negotiations have not yet begun Other changes from last year pro gram will be an earlier cn ding than the pastmidnight closc of last years concert bleachers instead of grass to sit on and improved securi ty to avoid the problems which saw about half of last years crowd of 4000 get in free Attendance target this ycar is 10000 and Prentice says organizers arc confident the take will permit the establishment of founda tion to promote Canadian music goal which had to be abandoned last year with the extensive gatecrashing cut heavily into receipts local community organization yet unnamed will share in the organizational work and the profits Sept 10 and 11 will see the seventh imadizm National Automoticc Flea Market in coopcrzition with the Barrie Flea Market Association crowd of 35000 turned out last year to see about 2000 antique cars and bargain for cars and parts Final scheduled event is the Barrie Revolver Clubs gun show and flea market Sept 25 featuring antique modern and military firearms In addition to public at tractions the park is heavily booked for group events and free picnic facilities are available to the general public with more for the visitor By IAI iUEIiUIS Examiner Staff Writer The beach is back Sun bathcrs at Wasaga Beach will have more room to spread out this year Jim Parker superintendent of the Provincial Park at Wasaga Beach said Nottawa saga Bay is down two feet mak ing the width of the beach 150 feet Over the last few years the water level in the Bay has been high narrowing the beach considerably Preparations are gearing up by the maintenance depart ment of the Ministry of Natural Resources George Scott assistant superintendent in charge of manintcnancc and develop ment said The main part of the work will be done thrcc Weeks rior to the May 24 weekcnt One thousand gar bage cans 900 picnic tables and numerous cement parking curbs will be placed in their designated areas As well we will be clcaning the beach doing ground maintenance preparing the flower beds trimming bushes and pruning trees We usually hirc local people at first be cause thc schools are still go ing He said eight people will be hired to begin with and this number will grow once school is out to 35 or 40 Including the development project at the akvicw Complex we will have staff of about 50 The zikvicw Recreation Complex is sports area designed for thc pcoplc of Wasugn Beach and the tourists to enjoy such sports as tennis sliuftlclmard baseball skating as well as bike trails physical fitness trails and creative playground The compch is being built at cost of $300000 and is located beside the ukvicw Community Centre which is owned by the town of Wasaga Beach The Kinsmen of Wasaga have ust recently installed new baseliall diamonds complete with lights EARLY JULY Were aiming for July ning of the recreation com pcx Scott said Its selfuse acility but of course the com forts stations will be maintain ed by us as well as cleaning of the grounds The beach is patrolled by security staff ofeight men who work for the Ministry of Natural Resources There is 24 hour patrol and security check both by car and on foot There is lot of vandalism mainly in the comfort sta tions Scott said Marilyn Jones visitor ser vices coordinator said her department is also busy prepar ing for the summer season Centennial Park As the weather warms both the motor and sail boats seasons will move into high gear to take advantage of the boating on Lake Simcoe and in the lluronia region Examiner Photo weekend notebook tonight Tickets for the May 19 performances of Mr Dressup at the Georgian Theatre will be on sale at the Ba field Mall from 10 to pm today 10 to pm Friday an Saturday The presentation is being sponsored by the Zeta Lambda sorority of Beta Sigma Phi Tickets for the and pm shows are $150 The annual meeting of the Barrie Community Credit Union Ltd will be held in the Blue Flame Room of the Con sunéers Gas Building at 730 pm Election of officers will be he The Angus Parks Board will hold its meeting in the Sim coe Street School at 730 pm The board is looking for sug gestions as to how the parks can best be utilized The public is welcome Another spring evening walk is scheduled for pm at the Wye Marsh on Hwy 12 at Midland Free and open to the public Dress warm This the last of the series of spring walks Newfie Night featuring traditional Newfie food and entertainment will be held at 630 pm at St Georges Parish Hall in Barrie For more information call Bessie Crane at 4361799 or Peter Randell at 4302036 friday The Barrie and District Association for the Physically Disabled will be having bowling night at Sheas Bowl at pm show sponsored by the Central United Churchs Couples Club featuring skits dancing group musicals soios and ducts will be held at pm at Central United Church Tickets for the show which is called April Antics arc$150 for adults and 75 cents for children under 12 The Baxter Loyal Lodge will hold dance at the Lodge Hall in Baxter at 830 pm The Barrie Collegiate Band Mothers Association will hold its Spring bake and rummage sale from to pm in the school cafeteria Coffee will also be sold The Banting Players will present play at the high school at 830 pm An Irish Scottish dance will be held at the Legion in Barrie from to am featuring the McManus Brothers The Bahai Community of Barrie is holding seminar on Education at the Municipal Savings Community Room 0an St at pm Admission is free and the public is welcome saturday April Antics skits dancing and group musicals put on by the Central United Churchs Couples Club will be held at pm Tickets are $150 for adults and 75 cents for children under 12 Today is the deadline for entries into the Great Candian Poetry Contest Competition to be held at Blue Mountain on May 21 22 and 23 Entries are being received at General Living Systems Ltd 128 Huronia St co Denis Mildon Coll ingwood hike around the Barrie area is being offered by the Brereton Field Naturalists Club in its series of field trips Those interested in the trip which will be unde the leader ship of Hughes and Smith are asked to meet at the south parking lot of Centennial Park at am and take lunch The Georgian Foundaton Guild is holding garage sale from am to pm at Letitia St near the corner of Sun nidalc Road The first Elmvalc Boy Scouts are holding bottle drive starting at am If anyone will be away and wish to have their bottles picked up they may phone 3221526 or drop them off at the bottle depot at the home of Paul and Barb Tripp on Lorne Street coffee break and bake sale will be held at the Essa Road Presbyterian Church from 10 am to 12 noon Admis sion is 75 cents dance by the Angus Firefighters will be held at the Lions Hall at pm Tickets are $10 per couple buffet in cluded Music by Windy and Warm refreshments are available Achievement Day will be held for the 4H Homemakers Club at the Trinity Parish Hall Barrie starting at pm The British Railway model train club of Toronto will put on display from 10 am to pm at the Barrie Public Library This display will be of interest to older children and adults Watch for the Girl Guides who will be out today selling cookies for their 4ch annual cookie sale The Banting Players will present play at the high school at 830 pm The Snow Voyageurs Snowmobile club is holding garage sale at 98 Marshall St from to pm sunday St James Sunday School Stroud will present can tata the Jesus Story at pm at the church Cookstown Lady Lions are holding an arts and crafts bazaar from to pm in the Masonic Hall Admission is free The Siio Voyageurs Snowmobile club is continuing its garage sale today from 10 to at 98 Marshall St The Angus Lions Club ea Market will be open today from 12to4pm Hwy 90 Angus