ivm Points to ponder Let faith in God take you up above clouds troubles yoooon By DOROTHY KILBURN Recently young friend of mine flew to Germany and on the flight he took pictures of the fluffy white cumulus clouds beneath the plane It was thrilling firsttime experience for this teenager As Christians on what level does our faith cause us to liveabove the clouds or beneath them Do we feel over whelmed by our many pro blems heartache ill health and bereavement These things and more can cause us to feel that we are weighed down with hopeless situation Faith takes different at titude Faith lifts up each cir cumstance and praises God for it Dispute in USA Worries Lutherans here TORONTO CP Roman Catholic women in Ontario are being challenged to study the pastoral needs of the church and suggest new ministries new ways in which they can re spond to these needs in official and responsible capabilities The bishops of Ontario meet ing here recently called on the various diocesan committees studying the role of women in the church to intensify their dis cussions at the grassroots level Bishop Alexander Carter of Sault Ste Marie newlyelected president of the Ontario Confer ence of Catholic Bishops said Faith Missionary Church 229 Crawford St Barrie 9450m Sunday School for the whole family 00 AM Morning Worship 700 PM Evening Service Wednesday 800 pm Christian Growth Hour Rev Wayne Domm7268750 Secretary 7285614 Mrs Florence Downing Friendly Welcome Awaits You the Cathedral Introduced by Silver CANTERBURY CATHEDRAL short color film on the history and modern use of CUNDLES HEIGHTS CHURCH At Cundles Heights Public School 100 am Worship Service and Sunday School Wednesday nights 730 pm Young Peoples Club 12 to 18 years The Church who tries to bring joy to the whole family Rev Jack Ritsema pastor Tel 7285869 the bishops would like to see these committees broaden their scope of inquiry He suggested hat the com mittees assemble information to reveal where how and in what capacity women could serve the pastoral needs of the church MONTREAL CPI An ecumenical prayer service for peace in Northern Ireland was held recently in St Patricks Roman Catholic Church with participation by Catholic Anglican and United Church members ORGANIST Organist and Choir Director required for First Presbyterian Church Collingwood on August ist Teaching privileges Write stating asking salary MR GORDON BRANIFF 29th Street Wosaga Beach Ont Lutheran Church 220 Steel Street Barrie Worship Service 1100 am Sunday School REV JOHN KLEIN Pastor Charles Prince of Wales Evensong at pm in the Church Film at 730 pm in the Auditorium Collection Trinity Church Collier St Sunday April 24th When you feel troubled please call Jesus loves you too Barrie United Pentecostal Church Timothy Christian School 49 Ferris Lane Sunday School 1000 am Morning Worship 00 am EVERYONE WELCOME For further information 7282353 PASTOR MARTIN PRESENTING WARMHEARTED APPROACH TO CHRISTIAN FAITH Iris If ybliflziiil FREE METHODIST CHURCH zoo BAYFIELD St SOUTH APRIL 24 1977 945 am THE CHURCH AT STUDY 1100 am THE CHURCH AT WORSHIP 730 pm EVENING GOSPEL RALLY smosrmmon rmowsmr rouowmo THE EVENING SERVICE REV CARL BULL Pastor REV EARL GRIGG Dir of Christian Ed The Book of Acts tells of two missionaries who found them selves cast into the darkest in nermost part of prison their backs were lacerated from beating their feet were bound in stocks At midnight they started to sing hymns and to praise God Their faith was definitely the above the clouds variety And God heard the sweet notes of their praises and released them from their bands by an earthquake which shook the prison Sometimes the power of praise releases us from the cir cumstances other times it releases us from the pressures of those circumstances and we are able to be at peace in the midst of our problems No strength within coward heart mine Having drunk too deep Of discouragements wine Then in the midst Of my inward grief praised my Lord And found relief DCK Let the people praise thee God let all the people praise thee Then shall the earth yield her increase and God even our own iod shall bless us Psalm 67 56 Church Directory Christian Science Society 159 Collier Street Barrie Church Service Sunday School 11 am TESTIMONY MEETING Second Wed each month pm Reading Room open Tues Thurs 24 pm Thurs 730 930 pm Tel 7261602 GRACE Grove St East at Cook St Minister REV ARTHUR STOREY 1100 AM Morning Worship PORNOGRAPHY hurch School during the service Infant Toddler Nursery Available For lransportation Phone 7260796 The lrrrenrtty iiilrrrmnr Central United ChurChes MINISTERS Canterbury mavie at Trinity The film Prince Charles and Canterbury Cathedral will be shown at pm ser vices Sunday at Trinity Anglican Church Rex King head of the $200000 Canadian campaign for funds to restore the 800yearold cathedral and worshippers will have an opportunity to contribute Worldwide target is 35 million pounds $49 million for restoration of the cathedral spiritual home to the worlds Anglicans which has survived bombardment by Oliver Cromwell in the 17th century and by Adolf Anglican gt3 117T14 at PRINCE GEORGE BC CP The Prince George Ministerial Association has re ceived little response to recent requests to schedule sports events so they do not conflict with Sunday morning church services the association says In letters sent to 51 sports or ganizations in central British Columbia the association says that while it encourages chil dren and adults to be involved in community sports conflict does arise when sports events Hitler in the Second World War only to suffer serious decay due to pollution Dona tions may also be made at any branch of the Royal Trust Company Brass choir l4member brass choir from Albertas Prairie Bible in stitute will present an evening of testimony and music Tues day at Emmanuel Baptist Church on St Vincent Street The event will begin at 730 Burton Avenue United Church 37 Burton Avenue ALLANDALE Rev Paul Morrow Minister Mr Doug Garraway Director of Musrc MORNING WORSHIP 1100 AM Sermon HowTo Get Delivered Church School and Nursery care provided PRINCE CHARLES in town pm in the churchs new sane tuary and members of the public of all ages are invited Prairie Bible Institute is nondenominational institution which has trained more than 1000 missionaries for work throughout the world 11 AM completely healed In Fobiuury SATURDAY APRIL 23 730 PM John La Vita cows in us from Houston Texas Altar bfling given one your to live and after having 58 cobalt IteJIments plus an operation he attended Kathryn Kuhlmari meeting when he was Ho has solved as tho Captain of POIKO in Housluh exam for nun bar of yours and since his healing has conducted SOTVKDS tht 10X plares whom peoplu have been saved and healed HIWAY CHURCH ANNE ST AT HWY 400 BARRIE are scheduled on Sunday morn ing during Sunday school and church services The letter says no one should be asked to make the lmfortu nate choice between participat ing in sports events and Sunday morning church programs It asks that sports organizations keep Sunday mornings one when preparing schedules for the year The association says only six organizations replied to the let ters but of those six four ex pressed iull support for the move The letters noted that they already did not or would not schedule events that con flict with Sunday church ac tivities HiWay Pentecostal urch Arno St it in tiny 400 950 am SUNDAY SCHOOL former pastor at HiWay Church dynamic personality an aggressive Religion roundup Clergy request to reschedule sports gets ittIe response in Prince George Law order TORONTO CPI former New York City policeman recently told the congregation of Churchill Heights Baptist Church that it is important for people to retain confidence in the police because many are losing faith in their political leaders Conrad Jensen retired dep uty inspector said Christians must stand up and scream to the high heaven for law and or der We ought to be out there ready to fight for what is right Jensen who was the churchs special guest on Police Appre ciation Day served 26 years on the New York City force Much of that time was spent as offi cer in charge of the 23rd Prelt cinct in Harlem Ile had 400 men under his command but he also said he used the Bible and the Lord as tools in his fight against the cit ys crime Three of my men were killed in action in my last four years on the job he said st ahbed back with scripture Man of God I971 WMCvurywwoIrv the examiner Saturday Apr 23 1917 Family month VICTORIA CP The presi dent of the Vancouver Island branch of the Mormon Church said recently more than 40 mu nicipalities have indicated they will participate in British Co lumbia Family Month in May Dr Howard Biddulph chair man of the provincial com mittee coordinating activities for Family Month said local committees had been estab lished to Ian for the month and the num of municipalities involved was increasing daily He said the committees were seeking to involve all religious bodies civic and business or ganizations ethnic educational recreational associations and social service agencies In organizing family centred activities and programs during May Bid dulph said our purpose is not simply to underscore the im portance of family rela tionships but to induce all so cial groups to which family members belong to provide communicationbuilding pro grams and activities to help families EVERYONE IS WELCOME United Church Ross and Toronto Streets REV DONALD JAY BA BD REV EVERITT ASHTON BA BD Invites You To Worship 1030am Meditation Has It Made Difference Rev Jay The church school meets Message ABCs FOR HAPPY MARRIAGE Collier Street Church 112 COLLIER ST NEAR CITY HALL WARM WELCOME TO ALL at the some hourl Welcome To Joyful ChristCentred Fellowship St Andrews Presbyterian Church Owen and Worlloy Sts Minister Rev Samuel Stewart MA Div ORGANIST Case Van Hemert Presbyterian Churches Westminster Presbyterian Church 170 Steel St near Puget MINISTER PAUL MILLS 1000 AM MORNING WORSHIP 11 AM WORSHIP What We Believe About God 945AM SENIOR CHURCH SCHOOL Ii AM JR CHURCH SCHOOL ALL VISITORS WELCOME Trinity Church Rov John Spoon Rector Canon Nalnby Assistant Easter Good Shepherd 800 am Holy Communion 1030 am Choral Eucharist Sermon 700 pm Evensong in the Church At 730 the film Canterbury Cathedral in the auditorium Midweek Eucharist Tuesday 730 pm St Marks Thursday 1030 am Nursery Provided Junior Church Grades 16 11 am Church School for all ages Wednesday 830 pm Bible Study and Prayer Everyone Welcome to ChristCentred Ministry AnglicanJChurhes St Georges Burton and Granville 900 HOLY EUCHARIST 1030 Morning Prayer All Welcome Rector Rev It Kayo ILA Essa Road Presbyterian Church 59 Essa Rd at Burton Ave Minister Rev Gerard Bylaard BA MDiv ORGANIST MRS VERA DIAMOND APRIL 23 11 AM MORNING WORSHIP Between The Times 730 Adult Bible Study Church School During the Service 930 Jr Department All Welcome St Giles Church 95 Cook St Barrie St Thomas Shanty Bay The Ven Basil Tonks Rev John Dowker St Giles 830 am81000 am Services St Thomas 1030 am Services LEROY PENNEll Building Fund Offering Emmanuel Baptist Church 128 St Vincent St Barrie Sunday April 24th Missionary Conference Bible School at 945 am with George Middleton Dave Anne Garst musicians Morning Worship at 1100 am also with George Mid dleton and Dave Anne Garst Evening Service at 700 pm with Rev Jack Hannah and Dave Anne Garst Tuesday April 26th BRASS CHOIR FROM PRAIRIE BIBLE INSTITUTE Fourteen young people will be playing instruments and testifying on Tuesday night at 730 pm The public is warmly invited to attend this special evening For more information phone Pastor Wuest 7283017 1877 ONE HUNDRED YEARS OF WITNESS 1977 Iii FIRST BAPTIST Clapperton Worsley MINISTER REV RAY WALDOCII 1030 am One Great Hour of Sharing he Great Commission pm OldFashioned Hym Sing Special Music Everyone Welcome Wednesday 630 pm Family Night Programs For All Ages At the Heart of Barrie With Barrie at Heart The Church With Heart The Bible says Love one another That is way of life around Heritage Let us show you our love and concern You are invited to free Hot Roast Beef Dinner tonight at Assikinack Public School 226 Little Ave We want to show you our heart There will be special Program and special music Our guest preacher for the evening to Dr Sydney lorr The banquet begins at 630 pm Services last Weekend 17 accepted Christ as Saviour through the work of the church and two new members were added to the fellowship This Weekend we are receiving our first Free Transportation 7262676 30 Voice Faithway Baptist College Choir Next Wednesday Evening 27th Itacritagr iï¬aptist Church Sinicoo Countys Fastest Growing Church Pastor Proclomation of May as Fam ily Month has been made by the provincial government and nu merous municipalities In his proclomation Premier Bill Bennett acknowledged that family life is undergoing con siderable stress in adapting to the changing material and moral circumstances of modern living First name HAMILTON CP On elec tion to the presidency of the Hamilton Social Flaming and Research Council recently the Anglican Bishop of Niagara told other members of the board he wanted to be called by his first name The Rt Rev John Both well said he was involved in the organization because he was Christian And Im Christian who recognizes there are others of equal good will who are not Christi anspeople of other reli gions and people who adhere to no religious beliefs he said We are all here because our bond is our common concern for our community for our hum nanity SUNDAY 1000 am Sunday School and Morning Service 7200 pm Evening Service WEDNESDAY 730 pm MidWeek Service 323 Little Ave Barrie Out Leroy Pennell AAL 31