VIII Guthrie Public School student Dean lark and principal llariy Hughes hammer sheet of plywood onto the exterior wall of the original 89yearold school group of concerned students and citizens is clirreiitly effecting renovations to the historical structure which had fallen into disrepair The students under the direction of caretaker Harry Saunders work nmnhours and after school Examiner Photo Residents suppor value of school By lAlL DELEAN ExaininerStaff Reporter GUTIIRIE Eighty nine years is pretty good lifespan for any school Guthrie Public School has lasted that long and will en dure for many more years if the residents of Oro Township remain loyal to the structure The oneroom school sits on the same site as its successor built in 1938 It had fallen into disrepair relates Guthrie priir cipal Harry Hughes The stuc co was breaking up and it had become safety hazard and eyesore Last year the maintenance department of the board of education felt they should tear the building down we didnt want to see that happen The collective we is group of about 35 Oro Township residents who conducted various activities to raise funds for renovations to the structure to make it presentable and safe variety night and Stanley Yup lottery boosted the fund to about $300 Hughes said Last week volunteers from the school and community began the improvements to the outside of the structure layer of plywood now protects the crumbling stucco base Painting is the next stcp Hughes said the residents feel strongly about the historical value of the school built in IBM The renovations also have practical side since the school is still used for meetings Its been meeting room maintenance headquarters gymnasium and storage area since its replacement in 1938 The school was built for $1200 and had an enrolment ot graduates onstable Brian McAllister son of Mr and Mrs Donald McAllister of Barrie recently graducated from the Royal andian Mounted Police Academy at depot division Regina Sask and has been posted for active police duty to Lake owicham H7 engagements Murray Veltch of raighurst and Molly Michaelis of Harrie announce the engagement of their daughter Susan Joyce to Floyd Storring son of Floyd Storring of Port Hope and Rita Storring of London The wedding will take place May 21 at pm at ollier Street United hurch owper photo 45 to 50 students by 1923 It was designed like many in Ontario directly from specifications in Farmers Advocate magazine historical resume of the school shows that llighwav 11 was constructed in front of the building in 1922 and there was much shouting at the horses as well as piercing of pceplioles in the wall to see what was going on In 1951 the structure won the Dcwan trophy for provinv cial rural school improvcmcnt to building and grounds Hughes said there was talk at one time of transporting the school to the Simcoc ounty Museum property but the Sth and shape of the building coin phcated the ask unduly It seems quite at homc at its present location fortified by new exterior ready to again serve the community as it has continuously since 1888 Golf worshippers hCPPY Wasoga course to open lASAGA IthAtll Iin markcrs are popping up on golf courses around Siincoc county it will bc soon at the lasaga ount ry Tlub coursc Iat Iiurton club owner said llt feels it is still toocarly in thc season for the coursc to be in good enough shape to provide challcngctorgoltcis like to give thcin mintthing for thcir iiioiicy litsaid llow docs hc know when to openthccoursc The best tinic to open is whcn you look out and sec buds on thc trccs he said The buds iiidicatc natural growth hc said which is needed to keep the course in good shape all season llurton said he could have opcnd his course this week is other owners have but he said he doesnt need the money and fears the coiirsc could be mess by June it play starts before the grass begins to grow If play begins before the growing season he said divots which are not replaces become brown scars on thc fairway by middlunc and ball marks which are not rcpaircd bcconic holes 111 the giccs when the course dries out Burton who also owns Stritc Industries Ltd in aiiiliidge lifestyle College was key in forming group Twelve Barrie area in surance people decided two years ago they wanted to set up an evening course on insurance policies They were tired of taking cor respondence courses from the Insurance Institute of Ontario says led McDermott one of the 12 And they were tired of coni inut ing to Toronto to write their insurance exams lheir numbers grew to peak of 50 last fall and McDer molt was officially elected chairman Wednesday night in Barrie as the group became designated Georgian Bay branch of the lit Georgian College is the key to what has happened said McDermott before the meeting They needed space to coir duct classes in on regular basis he said and Georgian College offered its facilities AI MacMillan at Georgian has been of immense value to its he said Theyve been generous with their facilities hris Rhind general manager of the 110 and the na tional institute said Wednes day night community colleges are making chapters like the Georgian Ray one possible Without the availability of Georgian ollegc he told over 12 insurance agents adjusters and employees at the Holiday Inn this chapter might be longdelayed in its develop ment The fit is an Lxlucational body created to bring new policies to insurance people in Ontario says Mchrmott llll It ll lt IT colcgc is kc Wtrt not social organia tion and tonight is about the most social wcllll be hcsaid lhc imigmn lay chaptcr will continue to hold rcgular in siirancc courses as well as sponsoring seminars and discussions lllSllIlll for thc courscs will come from local agencies says Mchrinott We inch to correlate cdiica bought the course It ycars ago At that time the Wasaga touir try Iubconsistcd of niiicholc golf course swimming pool and clubhouse iic ot the first things he did was put in second nine Rur lll said Thc clubhouse is basically the same today and members and green tcc players still enjoy thcpool The course itself is 5733 yards long par TI The longcst holc is thc fifth 520 yard par tiyc with slight doglcg to thc lcft Woods line the left side of thc fairway from too to green unique feature ol the coursi iand boon to thc duffcr isthc lack of sand water traps There is no natural watercourse on the Bilttracrc sitc and Ilurton said he has not added sandtraps lxcauschc doesnt want duffcrs chasing crrant explosions into thcwoods llurton said the Wasaga onntry Iub course is one of the safest you could ever play on He said the fairways are well separated so the chances of hitting another golfcr arc rcinotc Its possible but youd real ly have to fly one he said Green fees this year are $6 on weekdays and $7 on Saturdays Sundays and holidays If the weather holds next fall he added the course will be open until lhanksgiving Local accordion student receives highest marks liour students of Lindys School of Music Harrie won first place awards recently in the Canadian Accordion ham pionships in loronto They were Debbie lllack for the senior artist class Mandy icnyk for the nine years and under stradella Karen Ixingston for the to years and under free bass and Patsy McLean tor the 12 year and under stradclla and for the 13 years and under stradclla Miss McLean formerly of Dalston and now ot Milton made an outstanding pcr formancc says Lindy Raumgartcn She earned the highest mark of thc llltttrtllty event 91 for hcr rendition of Nevins Nari cissus Shc competed against 25 poo plc from across anada Second award winners were Kartn Langston Andrew lcrsson Linda Icrsson for two classes and Angela Vergccr foi twoclasscs Third place winncrs were Karcn Langston for two classes latsy McLean for two classes and Angela Vergecr along with duets by Linda and Andrew lersson and Linda lersson and Angela lcrsson tion programs he said before the meeting As chairman of designated chapter McDermott will sit as member of the 110s govern ing council and will have say in what goes into the courses There are three basic courses taught in the 110 says Rhind One is for beginners general insurance course that gives an overview of the in dustry in insurance terms The second says Rhind is an associateship fellowship pro gram containing the more technical details on property and casualty insurance All branches btit life insurance are included in the 110 The most advances management education grain he says There are also speakers and seminars that give insurance people an uplate on insurance policies he says The 110 is an independent body says Rliiiid We are not affiliated to any particular political or business group he said We dont speak for any vested interest and our courses are not reserved for any coin paiiy or agency in particular he added The inst itute was first formed in 189$ as the Institute of Town to as part of the hartered In surance Institute of England says Rhind Until the mid 30s it included life insurance group which broke away when the Life Iii siirance Inst itutc was formed Ihc ll acts as communica tion tool for insurance agents and adjusters says Rhind Its perfect vehicle lor iii surancc peoplc to talk over the business he said is pro McDermott new president Members of the Georgian Bay chapter of the Insurance Institute of ntario elected their executive and passed constitution Vednesday night at thcir inaugural meeting Ted McDermott was elected chairman of the newest branch which Ilarry Bryan is treasurer and Dolores llaskctt is see rctary Linda lcrchard was elected education chairman while Norm Freethy Graydon ragg Hill rilkiiis Don Spencer and Stu Gervan were elected direc tors MARK IISSIU LUNININ Stl of four silver jubilee stamps to mark the Queens accession to the throne will be the highlight of the post offices 1977 stamp program The only other royal silver jubilee issue was in 1915 to celebrate 15 years of the reign of Kiiichorgc nn Lallante is shown here with the dog she hit Saturday and brought to the clinic Were hoping it the owners dont call for her someone else will she said Examiner Ihoto Hurt dog at clinic ls yourlittlcdoglost hcck Allandalc Veterinary Clinic Thcrcs German Shepherd thcrc whos longing to golioiiic Slics bcatitiful dog Shes obviously rcccivcd lot of al fection tiys Ann Lallaiitc ol the clinic Somconc somewh eic must be very upset won dering whcrcthcrlog is Mrs Lallantc hit the dog whilc driving off thc ramp at the Highway 11 and too cx tcnsion at about pm Saiiir day he dog ran right out in front of inc slicsaid ylrs Lallantc callcd lli Doris Nyiiicycr who camc and pickcd lici upoll the sidc tll tlic road and treated hcr Slit had biokcn pelvis and was blotding frointhcmonth We lclt lici thcrc hoping slit would liiid her way back homc lrs Lallantc said returned at rt and she still thcrc so wc brought her to Illttlllllt lsually dogs are sent to the Humane Society in similar situations says Dr Gerry lliitytol Miltr of the vctcrmarychim If we cant find the owners may be Ntlllttill clsc would like her Mrs lillaiitcsaid The log is between one and two years of age and is black and Slltl with some tan color Mrs lillaiitc said the dog was lllliliitli with yellow labrador rctricvcrwhcnslicwashit If this is your dog contact the tlllllt at 728 lllLZ lllSMEMBERSHIP ltlZGINA Dr lhyllis Stcclc of Ralcarrcs has received life incinlxrship in thc Saskatchewan ollegc of Physicians and Surgeons Dr Stcclc has been gciicral prac titioner and surgeon in the provincc for to ycars Senior citizens begin work on stuffed toys Mary Shownd left Rathleeii Gritt and Mildred McQuade sort out material thev will use for making stuffed animals hey are VllltllllNlS of larkvieu entre for Senior titilens who took part in the workshop conducted Wednesday at the centre Examiner photo Ann Landers Should women be oggressors Dear Ann Landers Will you do America big favor Please ask your women readers how thev want to be treated by men dont mean the equals bit Weve heard enougi of that mean the hard facts such as whether the male should be the aggressor in initiatin sex The lines have become so blurre that more and more men are turning sour on women and searching out something they can relate tolike other men It saddens me to see the growing numbers of handsome intelligent sensitive males the kind women flip over frequenting the gay bars of America Even married men are going in that direction You wouldnt believe the husbands in shopping centres many with small children in tow givmg other men the eye What do you think of all this am Bothcred and Bewildered Dear and Women still want to be pursued by men and there is plenty of evidence that men still want to do the pursuing Most of those handsome intelligent sensitive men you see in gay barsand yes the married men with children who are giving other men the eyehave not been rejected by women Their sexual preference was established many years agoain some cases at three and four years of Straight men who go bisexual for kicks should not con fused with homosexuals who very early in life choose as the object of their sexual preference members of their own sex Theres world of difference Dear Ann Landers My son who has slight limp wnt to party the other evening When heard what happened my heart almost broke He asked several girls to dance but they refused One lovely older lady danced with him twice God bless her beautiful soul After several turndowns the boy got out on the floor and danced by himself Someone asked him why he did this He said he just wanted to show people that he didnt need part ner to dance with that he could have good time dancing by himself suspect he also wanted to prove he was good dancer The following day the word got around that he was drunk This is not true The lad has never taken more than two glasses of beer in an evening Thats his limit What can be done to make life easier for handicapped chil dren like my sonA Sad Mother Dear Mother Love compassion understanding and willingness to give the handicapped chance to prove what they CAN do instead of thinking in terms of what they cant do And above all treating them as if they were perfectly normal This is the greatest help of all CONFIDENTIAL to Torn to Tatters and Loving It Lot You dont need advice you need an agent Your letter was hilarious CONFIDENTIAL to How Does One Deal With Fanatical Bore Bluntly and firmly Such people are in capable of changing their minds and they refuse to change the subject Seize the initiative and hang in there or you will be at the mercy of these insufferable characters forever Roseanne Mcgabg Theioys of reunions By ROSICANNE IcABIC met my Grade teacher at school rcunion recently was signing the guest book Sloppy printing sloppy person voice said behind me It was SisterHelene knew because she looked exactly the samc only she had legs and hair Nuns have shed lot of the black habits they used to wear Gone are the heavy skirts and the stiff starched veils of 1938 Shc stepped in front of me to sign the guest book Beautiful handwriting thought Shes still nun all right Every girl growing up in atholic school knew nun had to havctwothings beautiful handwriting and great voice knew early had missed the calling How we have grown she smiled What singing group were you in The Robins The Ducks said wincing almost afraid shed ask me to sing the scale And what reading group coughed as more and more people gathered in the auditoriunr beg your pardon she asked The Turtles said edging my way to the washroom door Hut by the end of the year was in the Rabbits never liked her then always remember her for making me print my name times until was able to get it on one line She remembered inc for the many times batted into line at the drinking fountain That another thing about nuns memory She dug into her purse and brought out black book Let me sec19gttt lhcre we are she pointed to my name Sure enough there was right above Debbie Mc anns name sat behind her for eight years She had the filthiest neck you ever saw She washed it once between Grade and Grade and that was for first oniniunion And Michael Murphy what ever happened to him asked Hes priest now the lltltl answered Michael Murphy was the kid decked once for putting bubblegum in my hair left the reunion early so wouldnt have to cope with packed parking lot and impatient drivers wedged my way toward the exit Some other cars beat me to it Theres an opening thought so sneaked in The driver behind me blasted the born looked in my rear view mirror Dear old Sister Helene And even with her sunglasses on recognized that secme aftert liereunion look Pollxs gointers Bleach agent removes mold DEAR POLLY My problem is that our three bedroom home has one gas wall heater in the hall for heat Mold keeps growing on the north walls in two bedrooms keep cleaning it off but it comes back St what can do Those walls only get little morning sun Is there paint can put on the outside My Pomter is that when whipping cream put piece of waxed paper through the beater top and attach to the mixer so have shield and none of the cream splashes MRS DEAR MRS Household cleaning and bleaching products should destroy mold have been told there are mildew resistant paints that would prevent further trou ble but mold must be removed before painting otherwise the growth will continue under the paint Ask your local paint dealer about such products POLLY DEAR POLLY Roll down the top of grocery bag and have great filing case for sewing patterns Dividers can be made of cardboard RHONDA DEAR POLLY To eliminate cooking odors boil vinegar and whole cloves for five minutes The cloves make things smell spicy and can be used more than once bit of salt rubbed on the inside and outside of your windshield Will keep it from fogging up in the cold weather Eggs taste better and will not pop when tried it llltlt cor nstarch is added to thehot grease before dropping in the eggs tablespoon of liquid coffee added to gravy Will make it brown immediately without leaving the taste of coffee Pollys note Hot coffee used as part of the liquid iii chocolate icing certainly improves it too ESTHER DEAR POLLY Did you ever have company coming and the house smelling to high heaven from the cabbage you had for dinner Fill small sauce pan half ftill of water aitd sprinkle in some cinnamon Bring to boil and then walk through the house gently waving your fragrant pot Of course your guests will expect to be served apple pic but they cannot have everything This is quick and it works RUBY you have to have keen