43min stroud by Mrs Campbell 4361 084 Slides of Simcoe County scenes and interesting places were shown by Brian Baker to members of Stroud Senior Citizens following potluck dinnerhere The newspaper photographer and historic writer was introduced by Jean Kell who also welcomed Mrs Baker and their son All enjoyed the slides as well as many pictures displayed on the walls Mrs Lottie Cowan thanked the speaker and the program committee for making the arrangements Members of the Stroud Anglican and Presbyterian ladies groups and visitors from Churchill Thornton and Sandy Cove attended thankoffering meeting of St James United Church Women at St James church There were 54 ladies present Mrs Gray the guest speaker spoke on the topic Friendship With God In thanking her for her message Mrs Green presented gift in apprecia tion Mrs Moses sang solo The Stranger of Balilee ac companied on the organby Mrs Knapp Mrs Black led in prayer Mrs Spence and Nancy Robbins sang duet during lunch at social half hour former member Mrs Gardiner of Toronto was guest at meeting of the Presbyterian WMS with Mrs Reginald Reed as hostess The presdient Mrs Campbell presided Mr and Mrs Melville Ayers and Mr and Mrs Nelson Watson have returned home after holiday in the British Isles The visit was first time experience for Mr and Mrs Ayerst while the Watsons revisited places they had known before as well as some new areas They were welcomed home by family group of 29 which also gathered to help Mrs Third celebrate her 80th bir thday Annie Ayerst Margaret Watson Norman and George and their families were all present Mrs Campbell spent week in Ottawa with her daughter Jean McFarlane and soninlaw George and families including three great grandchildren While away she attended the Capital City Chapter of the ES when granddaughter Debbie was initiated alllston by Margaret Stoltz 4357676 child abuse seminar the first of five planned for Sim coe County was held in St Johns United Church Fellowship Hall Ken Heron representing the Childrens Aid Society was coordinator of the day long South Simcoe Seminar and the interAgency Child Abuse Committee includes such areas as Schools and Georgian College Public Health and Welfare Medical profession Addiction Research and Police During the morning session the film Children in Peril was shown and Dr Trevor Hunt addressed the group on the subject Child Abuse as Doctor Secs It Taking part on panel on child abuse from the points of view of several agencies were Childrens Aid Society Debbie Glencsk police Ccnv stable Keith Pinkney schools Theresa Wilson public health Marion Roth mari and hospitals Marion Carlton After the noon luncheon the group of 40 divided into small groups for discussion with leaders reporting back during the plenary session Childrens Aid Society president Jean Gradwell presided in the afternoon and members attending shared her concern of Where do we go from here Mr Chew of the community and social services ministry which provides financial assistance to run the seminars said the aim is to try and instigate method of working more ef fectively as team to deal with the problems of child abuse and hopefully par ticipants in their respective areas will make this an on going concern and report any known casxs of child abuse to the hildrens Aid Society at the number published in the telephone directory Other similar seminars will beheld in Barrie Orillia Midland and ollingwood Fashion Show The Kinette Clubs annual Fashion Show had new locale when Fashion Boutique was held in the main lounge of the Not tawasaga Inn The models included many Kinette Club members Elizabeth Hanna was com mentator with Ron Hawthor ne providing organ backgrourtd music President Darlene MacKen zie was coordinator of show that attracted over 3150 people and realized some $400 for the clubs com munity projects Local firms participating were RAllies Ladies Wear Robert Banks Clothiers Scotts Shoes and Lorkim Flowers An interesting program sponsored by the local Public Library and the Hor ticultural Society with the assistance of the Georgian Bay Regional library system and outreach Ontario program of the ministry of culture and recreation was held in St Johns United Church Fellowship Hall last Thursday evening The presentation of Mr Prescod in lecture illustrated with slides on Houseplants cultivation and care was well received by large audience Refreshments were served at the close of the meeting The April meeting of Burns Community Group was held at the home of Mrs Mc Cague Doner St The Farm Forum group held their last meeting of the season in the Etmgrove Com munity Centre on Monday evening Kidney Film Members of the South Sim coe County Chapter of the Kidney Foundation of Canada held their April meeting at Consumers Gas in Barrie Unfortunately weather conditions preven ted many from attending but plans made for the May 12th meeting at the same location promises to be most in formative with Peter Large executive director of Ontario Branch as guest speaker The film Kids Kidneys which was filmed at the Sick Childrens Hospital in Town to will be shown kidney machine used for dialysis by 844 people in On tario at the latest official count will be on display Mrs Marion Blakely of Al liston is president of Chapter which has members through out South Simcoe Knox Presbyterian WMS invited womens groups from other denominations in Town and neighboring Presbyterian churches to their ThankOffering meeting in the Church last week Mrs Claudine Hall who presided was assisted by Mrs McKillican Mrs An derson CGIT choir and Mrs Thompson at the organ Debbie Hall contributed an accordion rendition of the favorite How Great Thou Art Barbara Knox joined her for vocal duet Guest speaker Miss Margaret Leask missionary on furlough from India gave brief history of the ggirls school started 50 years ago through efforts of the Presbyterian WMS With lovely slides she ex plaincd how the people have changed their attitude toward education especially for girls through the years and that now administration is chiefly by native people She also gave the ladies an idea of the environment of the country and explained the uniting of several denominations to form the Church of North India for oneness in Jesus Christ The speaker was in troduced by Mrs Mc Cutcheori and thanked by Mrs Leighton Refresh ments and Social time followed in the Church basement Interclub dinner Allistori Volunteer Firefighters were hosts for the annual InterClub dinner held in the Community Cen tre Hall on Wednesday evening All the service clubs were well represented and Fire Chief Jim Hunter was Master of Ceremonies Guest speakers were Mr and Mrs William Leslie directors of Fernie House at Pickering home for youth with problems sponsored by the Presbytery of East Toronto The speakers related how through the en vironment of Fernie House boys between ages 12 to 18 who have been referred to them through the Childrens Aid the courts or by private individuals have benefited During the evening the guests also provided musical numbers Personals Mr and Mrs Douglas Bellamy have returned after threemonth winter holiday at Panama City Beach Flor dia Mr and Mrs Frank lIeard spent couple of weeks over Easter at holiday resort in the State of Georgia Mr and Mrs Stan Szc zukocki and Mr and Mrs Paul Cyr and children spent the Easter weekend with Mr and Mrs John Szc zukocki at Campbellford Mr and Mrs Wayne Wright and family of Markham spent Easter weekend at the home of Mrs Etta Heydon Mr and Mrs Douglas Hand and children of Burlington visited his mother Mrs Jean Hand on Good Friday Mr and Mrs James Eadie of Oakville spent Easter at the home of her parents Mr and Mrs James Mc Cague Mr and Mrs William Clayton Jamie Margo and Carol spent Easter with Mrs McCague Mr and Mrs Larry Skip pen and daughter Carol Anne of Stayner visited Mr and Mrs Thompson over Easter Mr and Mrs Lloyd Ash bury and sons Stephen and Douglas of Belleville spent Easter weekend with Mrs Flora Smith with Bernice remaining to spend week with her mother Mr and Mrs Alan Wensley of Nestor Falls are visiting her father Mr Walter Dungey and other relatives in the community Mr Jean Owens and Mary spent the Easter weekend in Lindsay Mrs Owens with her sisterinlaw Mrs Jean Walling and Mary with her brother David and his family Mrs Joy McMullen spent Easter Sunday with mem bers of her family at the home of her grandson and his family Mr and Mrs Peter Hand in Barrie Mr and Mrs Elmer Stoltz accompanied Mr and Mrs Haddock Barbara and Wendy of Bell Ewart to Cam bridge visiting Mrs Roy Stoltz and spending Good Friday with Mrs Shelby inRoseville Mrs Vera Jackson and Miss Isobel Henderson motored to Ottawa during the Easter weekend visiting Mr and Mrs James Jackson hillsdale by RuthLea 8352311 Thirtyfive ministers and elders from the Barrie Presbytery gathered at Hillsdale Presbyterian church for dinner last week large crowd attend ed the special evening ser vice which followed Mr and Mrs John Murphy have arrived home after spending the winter months in Florida Mr and Mrs Lionel Trew visited relatives in Peter borough over the weekend Mr and Mrs Sid Clark were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Harold Archer Minden Mrs Mary Moon is home after spending the winter months in Ottawa Miss Loa Johnston and Kevin Salisbury plan to be married on May at 40clock in Hillsdale United church Recent guests with Mr and Mrs Sydney Clark were Mr and Mrs George Clark and son Milton and Mr and Mrs Don Clark and family of Orillia Mr and Mrs Tex Watson enjoyed recent visit to Wheeling West Virginia Mrs Downing 7285614 Mr and Mrs Jack Kenwell and John and Miss Donna Gould attended the opening ball game 01 the Toronto Blue Jays at Exhibition Stadium Recent visitors with the Kenwells were Mr and Mrs Reg Kenwell and family Elmvale Mr and Mrs Don Carron and family Coll ingwood Mr and Mrs Bill Kenwell and Derek Brant ford Cathie KenWetl ac companied Barrie Central Collegiate Band to Montreal on four day concert ex change recently Mr and Mrs Wilson Deveaux Toronto spent the weekend with her parents Mr and Mrs Rodgers Other recent visitors at the Rodgers house were Mr and Mrs Frank Stone and girls from Sudbury Mr and Mrs Carr spent few days holi day on motor trip to Virginia USA Congratulations and best wishes to former Holly resi dent George Whitworth of Barrie who recently cele brated his 90th birthday Friends and relatives had birthday party to mark the occasion Gospel Message At Faith Missionary Church Young people had an evening of games after their devotional period at their gettogether on Friday even mg On Sunday April 24 Paul Powers will be guest speaker at both Sunday School and in the church service Paul will use Gospel magic as he br ings his messages that day Another feature will be the breaking of the first full acron banks so those who have been full should bring them out to Sunday School Junior Young People en joyed trip to Midhurst Park for their gettogether on Saturday After hike to look at the animals and birds they enjoyed barbecued hamburgs and pop Spring Dance will be held in Holly Community Centre on Saturday April 23rd commencing at pm Bud Poole will supply the music Annual meeting of Holly Community Centre will be held at pm in the hall on Wednesday April 27 BIRTHSTo Mr and Mrs James Smythe the birth of daughter heather Lynn to Mr and Mrs Robbie Graham of Angus on the birth of their second son Proud grandparents are Mr and Mrs Graham another new addition The board also asked authority to in vestigate all possibilities for assistance through federal and provincial grants If found feasible it recommended construction to begin next year Simcoe County council is expected to discuss the newest museum expansion proposal at its regular meeting next Tuesday April 26 along with other topics The most recent addition the Cultural Wing which was opened two years ago this spring was constructed by means of grant of $133215 from the federal government Since it was specified the latter wing was to be used to provide display galleries to house temporary travelling displays the museum is not permitted to set up other displays of res permanent nature in this area MORE MATERIAL large amount of important historical material has been stored in the display barns on the museum grounds until such time as ad ditional space is acquired to display it The present storage areas are limited to two storemoms in the main building the lofts of two barns on the grounds and small cori crete basement under the pioneer church All these areas are overcrowded to an ex tent that free access is severely curtailed said Howard Campbell reeve of Oro and ounty time being The member of the committee referring to the boards report that in some areas the point has almost been reached where valuable donations might have to be refused for the Among material stored are pieces from the original county building which was erected in Barrie in 1843 when county government was started in this area problem of inadequate storage ap plies also to the archives whose collection has also been growing rapidly in recent years it was stated Reeve Campbell confirmed he moved the resolution which was seconded by Reeve Gordon Priestman of Matchedash at meeting of the museum board recommending the matter of funds which might be available for new addition be looked into It was also preliminary plan be prepared in detail in pect to the proposed addition and the recommended that board seek an estimate of the cost former county treasurer Jack Coleman is the current chairman of the museum and archives board County council represen tatives are Reeve Ken Wood of Bradford Reeve Campbell of Oro Reeve Priestman of Matchedash while Mrs Bowlcn and Thompson are rillia and Barrie at pointments The Womens Institute represen tatives are Mrs Maguirc Mrs Cecil Reynolds and Mrs Stanley Watson The members also have been discussing plans for special events next year to mark the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the museum Founded by the Womens Institute it was started in Barrie back in 1928 During its early years the exhibits were displayed at the Barrie public library Later as exhibits increased and there was need for more space the county council ageed to provide accommodation at the old county building in Barrie In 1960 the county council approved plans for the construction of separate museum building at the present site in Midhurst The original part of the present building was opened 15 years ago in 1962 plaque in the hall records that Tom Joslin then reeve of Orillia township was the first chairman Other members of the 1962 board were Mrs Campbell Mrs Rice Mrs Ernest Douthwaite Mrs Harry Oatway and Mrs Clarence Ward all Womens Institute representatives Jack Coleman of Barrie Fred Cook of Bradford and Jack MC Donald then county warden In the years since the museum has been ex panded with numerous more exhibits added Besides additions to the main building other structures including pioneer blacksmith shop church log cabin little red school house and barn were added major addition was the archives section which was centennial project in com memoration of Canadas 1001b anniversary in 1967 Many historic documents including records old county news Coldwoter fair prizes raised county and municipal WASIIAGO Staff Iro posal by Ironside direc tor of the rillia Historic Socie ty fora plaque to be erected at this rilliaRama township border community in honor of pioneer Henri Quctton St George has been stirring rnticli interest We have been pleased with the response said Mr Iron side who is member of the Simcoe County Historic Association and resident of Washago Everyone have spoken to agrees it is worthy project Directing attention to research done about Henri Quetton St George he pointed out this pioneer landowner received grant of land from the Crown which now includes Washago area as well as land around nearby Lake St George in I853 The patent covering the grant specified that lumber and shingle mill as well as grist mill was to be established and these were erected at what is now Washago Wine merchant Mr St George was Toronto wine merchant who imported French wines froin France He became interested in Canada Apple dolls ot Innisfil Central school This is education week across Ontario and teachers and students in the county have been busy preparing to tell the public about irowiiig Willi Dignity One of the displays at through his father Laurent Quetton one of group of French emigres at the time of the French Revolution who took refuge in England lie add ed the name St lcorgc because he arrived in England on St Georges Day In 1798 Mr St George was given handsome grants of land in Canada north of what is now Toronto After crossing the Atlantic he purchased more property as well as establishing stores at various places iri cluding Kingston York Quecnston and Lundys Lane Later after he had returned to France he left his anadian holdings to his son Ilciiri who is often referred to as the founder of Washago street in the community which extends from Lake ouchiching past the railway station bears the name Quetton street in honor of these pioneers While they did much toward increasing pioneer iriterst in Wasbago the St Georges did not claim to be founders Research has shown the history goes back to the Indian area It is believed by some that spot in or near Washago was the site of the onetime Ste Elizabeth mission which was New grader purchased by Tosorontio council EVERETT Stafftfllender of Dominion Road Machinery Sales of Godcrick for new grader at price of $54991 with tradeiri was accepted by Tosoront io township council The tender was the lowest for four tenders reviewed by coun cil Reeve James Elder presid ed at the meeting at which the members agreed to signing new agreement with Alliston for fire protection at $150 per call an increase of $50 Councillors Calvin Haddock and Keith Ilibberd were ap pointed to the sevenmembcr township recreation board Other members incltidc Mrs China who was appointed for threeyear term Torn Gauley and Roland Haskctt for two years and Latimer and Robert Luscombe for year Barrie firm Allan fook Limited was awarded cori tract for supplying crushed gravel for $154 per yard for 11300 yards delivered and 75 cents per hard for 700 gards to be icked up by township truc It was the loWest of four tenders The clerk Gordon Mc Crackcn recorded the niiritit cs lnnisfil cntial public school will be apple dolls Kilrcn Stoxcll has been instructing llll children in apple doll mak ing for the past few months Examiner lliotot Proposal for Quetton plaque stirs interest at Woshogo operated by the Jesuit Fathers bet ween Hound 1650 Trent Waterway The Trent Waterway to lmrgian Bay connects with Lake ouchiclnng at this corri munity today which is located in the midst of popular stirri ritcl cottagc tlltil Lake St George golf course also is located by Lake St imrgc ld records showed that loliri Kean secured the contract for building the first grist mill in 195 The lumber and shingle mill was erected by John alvciley and James Quinn the latter subsequently becorn ing the village of rillias first reeve in 1807 and Simcoe county warden in 1802 Mr Irorisidc said rriticli of Wasagos early history was assembled in booklet by former local teacher Frankie MacArthur who now lives at Lindsay The cover had photograph of Washago as it appeared in 1909 with its hoth and stores have fotind it air in teresting place to live said Mr Ironside member of the RCAF during World War II whose home is picturtwluely located on mound besides tributory of the Severn Eiver native of Toronto and former resident of rillia Mr Iroriside spent number of years after World War II in Ecuador Peru and Colombia where he was cngagcd in aerial mapping Ilc returned to this area in 1963 Mr Ironside is currently Tractor club ogoin active ELMVALE Staff The 4H tractor club headed by Harry Vancastcrn is off to good start on its 1977 program with meetings held at the North Sim coc agricultural office building here Hugh and itll Ritchie and Ray KleinGcbbinck are the club leaders of this active group with John Hummelink vicepresident and Doug Rit chic secretary writing book about his adven lures Do you recognize this county landmark It should be familiar to many of our readers especially neighborly news Simcoe county to consider another new museum wing MIDHURST Staff With growin need fer more display space Simcoe museum and archives board has asked coun ty council to look into the feasibility of adding program IIWAIER Staff Value of prims for the school fair section of the 1977 Col dwater and District fall fair will be increased members of the executive decided at meeting presided over by the president Elmer Gratrix Small tox rise in Tottenhom TOTTENHAM Stafflm Residential ratepayers in this South Simcoe village will bepaying only slightly more taxes this year over 1966 levies Reeve Joe Belford and his council have approved 2757 mill rate for public school sup porters iri comparison to 2565 last year The rate for local purposes went up from 1351 to 1456 and for schools from 1214 to 130 Separate school supporters will pay on residential rate of 2719 compared with 2586 last year On commercial properties the public school rate was 3149 up from 2927 for public school supporters and 3106 in com parison to 2951 for separate The rates for county purposes was up only fraction of mill It worked out to 273 for residen tial properties in comparison to 262 last year and 321 commer cial from 308 know your cou ty those in the western part of Simcoe County The winner of last weeks contest is Margaret Thomas of Allistoii who identified the horse watering trough located at the South Simcoe Pioneer Museum in Allistoii If you can tell its what this one is and where it is send your answer to Know your county The Examiner Box 370 Bar ric Out AM llti winning entry is chosen by draw from all correct answers submitted Draw is made day before our contest runs newspapers pioneer photographs maps and other such materials have been placed in storage here cultural wing and lecture room were ad ded in 1904 as part of the continual expansion The archives section was opened Nov 22 1966 by ceremony presided over by George McCague MPP for DufferinSimcoe then warden of the county farmed picture of General John Graves Simcoe governor of Upper Canada in 1972 scene was donated by Mrs Milton Simpson of Beeton in 1967 Other photographs included Sir Samuel Hughes and Canadian officers and soldiers at Valcartier in 1914 former Ontario premiers Leslie Frost and Drury who were natives of Simcoe County and various past county councils The display of 13 of the 60 original maps donated by Norman Clarke of Barrie last year attracted great deal of attention The Clarke collection included maps dating from Munsters The Americas 1544 to AF Hun ters early 20th century archaeological maps More and more student groups as well as others have been visiting the museum from various parts of Ontario There also has been an increase in the number of researchers looking up historic information about the area at the archives section Simcoe County archives has been used as an example for study by other counties in cluding Perth Wellington and Peel Plans for the school fair were discussed with the director Orr who recom mended ari increase of 25 cents to the value of each prize of fered in these classes of ex hibits Her proposal was ap proved New structural rcpairs to be undertaken at the community centre were society appointed three of its Mr Gratrix vice president John Orr and Mrs Orr as committee of represen tatives to attend meetings of the community centre board and council meetings dealing with these repairs Former president Tom Smith who is new chairman of enter tainment reported on progress made in preparation with the school fair the Goldwater and district exhibi tion also offers midway attrac agricultural and domestic science displays livestock show and sulky horse racing well features pproved dates for the 1977 fair are Friday and Saturday Sept Strand Oct Mrs John members Along tioiis Dairy awards GUTHRIE banquet of the East Simcoe Dairy Association Herd will be held in Guthrie coriiinunity hall on Saturday evening April 23 when awards will be presented Contest receive Sunday Dinner roast courtesy of Bren nans Meat market winner LL81 MN 1090001 aaugumxo sq discussed The as other lSt aft Annual Improvement will