the examlner Saturday Aprll16 1977 news rounduE Free election date historic for Spanish OTTAWA CP Prime Min ister Trudeau will make Mon day 28minute nationally televised plea for unity and un derstanding in Winnipeg as he begins twoday visit to Manitoba and Saskatchewan Officials say the trip is part of travelling campaign by Trudeau to mend regional dis putes in different parts of the Progressive Conservative Leader Joe Clark has objected in letter to CBC president AW Johnson to the attention being lavished on the speech SIGNIIICANT SPEECH Officials say Trudeau will make significant statement on national unity In Winnipeg Tuesday he will confer privately for about 90 by Trudeau on Monday minutes with small group of Manitobans to hear their views on national unity The group Wlll include grain farmer Cam Henry Brandon Sun editor Fred McInnis consumer rights worker Joan Freisen Richard Painchaud president of the Manitoba Chamber of Com merce and officials of the Uk rainianCanadian Committee MADRID AP Spain has set June 15 as the date for the first free parliamentary elections in 41 years and the newly legalized Communists announced slate of candidates Premier Adolfo Suarez said Friday all Spaniards over 21 will be able to vote in the elections to choose 350 deputies and 207 senators The twohouse parliament will replace unicameral body set up by the late dictator Francisco Franco in 1942 Franco appointed 80 per cent of the 561 members Suarez announced the elections after cabinet meeting at tended by the new navy minister Admiral Pascual Pery Junquera who was sworn in earlier Friday Pery unquera replaced Admiral Gabriel Pita da Veiga who quit to protest the April legalization of the Communists Suarez and King Juan Carlos who inherited the con servative government after Frances death 19 months ago have vowed to restore democratic liberties Communist patty SecretaryGeneral Santiago Carrillo acknowleged in news conference Friday that the govern ment was making progress He said if the present trend con tinues in the next parliament our party might regard the monarchy as constitutional arid democratic regime Leftist political parties had threatened to boycott the elec tions unless the Communists were legalized Homosexuals barred from classes KINGSTON Ont lCPi Frontenac County board of edu cation has voted to table motion barring homosexuals from visiting classes until its education committee com pletes review of content and methods of teaching in health classes The issue arose several weeks ago when complaints were made following visit to Loyalist collegiate health class by four homosexuals CiVilizationa warning TORONTO lCPi West ern civilization as we know it might disappear if the need for longterm renewable forms of energy is ignored diuing the next four decades says report by the Ontario energy ministry released Friday The page report releas ed in the legislature by Energy Minister James Taylor says there is serious danger that the rush to locate and use non renewable energy resources may be so demanding that the need for longtcrin re quirements will be neglect ed The LOllSqultllLtS of such neglect could be cataslt tropliic it says During the next three or four decades it can be predicted that existing sup plies of crude oil and natural gas will be insufficient to supply Ontarios needed energv JAMES releases report Walkout hits airport work TORONTO rtli Most of the work on Slitmillion con struction project at Toronto International Airport came to halt Friday when tradesman walked off the job in dispute over nonunion labor at the site There are no pickets spokesman for the ministry of transport said The men are simply not reporting for work or are check ing in and going straight home More than 130 tradesmen working on an extension to passenger terminal walked off the job Wednesday after lear ning painting contract had been awarded to at Windsor firm employing nonunion labor The only workmen reporting for duty Friday were from thepaintingcompany Discussions werc being held with union leaders in an effort to end the dispute The extension is scheduch to be com olcted by October Girl I3 sentenced in arson MOOSONIZItI Ont WIN litycairold girl pleaded guilty to charge of arson in provincial juvenile court Thur sday and was sentenced to an indeterminate time in Cecil Fraser Training School in Sudbury The charge was laid in fire that caused an estimated 3354100 damage to the Ontario Northland Railway Station earlier this week Police said the station was broken into Sunday night and match was thrown into garbagccan filled with papers Eight juveniles charged with breaking and entering III the same incident have been remanded to May Itryriivrilrl girl also charng with breaking and on tering is to appear in provincial court May $435M in liquor revenues IORONIO ltfli The Ontario govcrniiicnt took in more than $435 million in revenues from the sale of beer wine and spirits during the 197570 fiscal year says the annual report of the Liquor Iontrol Board of Ontario The report released Friday shows that gross sales of alcoholic beverages in the province including beer sold through brewers retail stores and wine sold through winery outlets totalled 183472443 gallons worth $1 208150543 UNRESERVED PUBLIC AUCTION Boats Boat Building Equip Forklifts Machine Shop Office Furniture TUES APRIL 19th 1977 OSHAWA ONT 100 HARBOUR ROAD UMJr It USP HZAI rll CHRISANDRA ALUMINUM PRODUCTS AND Al 30 OH If NAIF JUPITER WELDING WHO All ll YINNO SALE INCLUDES 228 Crawler Crane TON Crawler Loader Forklrlls PLANT EQUIP Lute Mort Cum 10 Press Brattr PHaus Mort 20l1 Irooworyer 60 Power Row WELDERS LATHES 28 Thickness Diarrrgr CtMPHESEOHS SrAWSlRariial Ami Bank Large Asst Hand Tools Entrusron Rollz BOATS23 DelCralt Comp Equrpped Several 813 Humans Hm Boat transports risiAlurvi Boat Windows Lelt Right Boat Furniture Furnishing Pontoons High Quality hirrrgglafl Canon Mrilrir Opening Type 14 15 t6 Instruments Frtrrrrqs Pumps Hope Ftr PICKUPS Com ll2lon WlCanopy 55 Drqu PM it loo 58 Willy Jeep Recently Helium SHOP EQUIP All Flor rrm Idllllflllr Fillrrrq Paint Valves Elf 11C SALE SITE PHONE NO 728 6616 ASK FOR GEORGE STANTON Phone write or wire for complete brochure UPCOMING AUCTIONS APRIL 14 71 GRAND FALLS NFLD MAY 1277 MILTON ONTARIO Construction Truth Eriurpment Conslror lion Truclr Ftiliitimolil MAY 10 MONCTONN Juriplltc Dispersal to C60 Contra torn Construclroo Truck Equrpmoril titriititli lust 2760022 MS CALGARY VANCOUVER HALIIAXL fREOERIClON NEEBS This was the scene Friday in the northeastern Alberta coni niunity of Fort McMurray as water from the Icaratcr River inundated mobile trailer site following icc jams Alberta flood damage heavy FORT MCMURRAY Alberta lCP Dynamite was used Friday in an attempt to cut through ice on the Athabasca River and ease flooding which has led to state of emergency in this community of 18000 in northeastern Alberta Early estimates place llillllr age at between $3 and $4 mil lion The water appears to have dropped 18 inches said Dun can McDoncll tiil of Alberta Disaster Services after 600 pound charge was used to dent tilfoot thick ice jani About 1300 people were evac uated in onc sector of the town when water flooded their homes More than too families slept in arenas gyninasiums and construction camp eating llltll meals in schools huck Knight town arlniinis traitor said the flood was caused by the breakup of the More than I000 people were evacuated and Iluck Knight on administrator declared an emergency Ilioloi Athabasca Itivcr above the town Ihiirsday Ice stopped the downstream flow and the wafer backed up the lcarwatcr Itivcr and caused flooding IilIII IIYKIC Ilcavy equipment nixrotors aiid truck drivers worked all night to form kc lowii officials reopened tav erns and the communitys lone liquor store Friday They had been closcd Ihursday to pre vcnt fights and othcr incidents Citizens afraid to testify against gangs deputy chief SIONEY CREEK Ont rtIi The deputy police chief of llamiltonchtworth ltcgioii says street gangs lttlvc brcn problem in the area for 20 years bul citizens are afraid to test ily against them Jim Patterson ioycar po licc veteran told the Stouty reck haniber of oninicrcr on Iliursday that sadistic pleasure iiirrtiitrs iiiosl ci iiiir by street gangs lIc lllltl rcccnt llltllltlll in which nuic iiiziskcd nicii walked into liutll litit lo stllll scori with Illt lilllllSIlllltlll bouii ccl Arum illi baseball buts they siiiaslird ill tiiriiitlirc illltl litill thr lliaii badly llt bud to littaken tohospilal littcisoli said policc ktiov Language one issue in Belgian election IlltlSSlCIS lllcutctr lIco nomic problems and long Standing languagc dispulc arc the major issues as lrlfllilll prepare for their lltli national election since the Second Wot lrl War Nearly 20 political parlirs and groups are contcstnig Sun days clcctiorr in liusscls alonc bill the sonic major national and fcdcralisl parties seem likely to bc rcprcsciilcrl in the new House of llcpitwn tativrs as in thc outgoing parliament llic culprits blit do liol liavc lnouglcvidciicclolaycbargcs Tinonly prrsoii wliocould idcii lily llictii isiilriiid to talk itsltllu being llirratcucrl ll tlicy are not alcil lic lilol to bc llillitll on lllt stand bf tllltlltl lawyers or tlll lrmaii prosrcutors lic Jlltl Its lltlllllttlllc but lnirlrir Vldllllrlllll iliy oplc dont llotk In our sidc lit tlill lIr illll imliccincn IlSttl to regularly chrckhotcls known to bc criminal haunts but now Jlllltl Illllt arc places here it would ltt sllltllltll for policcliiali to all in liiiiiscll The man who says he will give the Barrie public fair chance buying car 79 69 DEAL now wan ts to see you Randy Markham said he would help the Barrie public get fair chance when buying car Examiner article Feb 77 and Cable consumer show April and thats promise he means to keep Randy knows cars and anything he thinks is not up to his standards he will not sell If you are looking for car that you can really rely on see Randy first and you can be sure that what he shows you will be mechanically sound and in all cases well above the government mechanical fitness standards TOKE MOTORS H9 Bradford Sf 72881 tailor 3995 MONTEGO 998 lrudcaus staff that both na lional television networks plan tocarry it live Irudcaus message is being carefully tailored to fit into the Runnable 95 llcemed mecmmcs twill Jll CSI time slot on both the TM and HIV tclc vision networks and Cl 204 Shanty Bay Rd 737379I Itadio In addition lo the two country and to create solid profederalist front against Quebec separatism The Winnipeg speech to the annual meeting of the in fluential Canadian Association of Broadcasters CAB has been so strongly promoted by for your network live coverage Global the Ontario television network will rebroadcast the speech later in the evening REUPHOLSTER ACT NOW AND SAVE S4995 and enable police to ccntratconlhccnicrgcncy Monty Nigro 29 said lic had pump flown ill from IIdinon ton to remove scvcn lcct of wa lcr from new house he has not yet moved into You cant pliiiip In this town for love nor moncy hc said Walter Hill 77 owner of it Ill drug store and Fort Mc Murray resident sincc i922 said it was not much of NOW ONLY $8000 FOR LABOR flood Wr get this every to or years the biggest one was in 1034 and that was really some thing The towns daily ncwspapcr Fort lclurray Today was forced to stop publishing wlicn lhc watcr love on its piciiiiscs lusr to lollr lltl VISIISSIIIC llood wattrs rosc Llll ltll within 21 hours and nearly Itiltlltd Illt top of At new trailcrlionicsinoiicpiirk Another L300 trailers had about two loci of water and many single family dwclliligs urclloodcrl said Kiilglil Ilugh lloriicr Albertas dcp Ill prciiiirr and lllllilltl rc lMlIlsllilt for disaster services visited the rcgion arid said tlic govtriiiiiriit would coiisirlcr rc lltl to lllt iiiliiiicrpulit and Ill tllltlll£lls IIarlry Iiiicklr co oirliiiu tor of tlllll scryiccs blamed lack of pircipilalion in rotcut monthslorlhcllood QUALITY INTERIORS Ilicic lust iasiil riiougli unitr lIl tlir rivcr to carry the icc grainy when it brgan to blink and its only avaiIabIe from PIONEER POOLS Pioneer Pools is respected leader in Ontario The FaniaSea Mark III is one of the best constructed pools available Its only fitting that Ontarios favorite pool and one of Ontarios leading pool companies get together to offer the best pool value on todays market POOL THATS BUILT TD LAST FROM COMPANY THATS PROVEN IT CAN Order your FfllllilSfél Pool today for full enioymciit all Summer long Take advantage of the spemal low roiiilrorluctory prices get early installation Swnii in the clean pure water Ol your very own lamaSea Pool right In your very own liackhard Relax by it party by It barbecue by it have ball in II all Summer long et us show you how easy it IS to put you and your family into the fun life of owning your own Pioneer Faiita Sea ITS ONLY ONE OF OUR COMPLETE LINF OF TOP QUALITY ABOVE AND lNGFlOUND POOLS PIONEER POOlS Over It years and 8500 pools Ililvt taught us lot has SEND ME race copy or root no cnruoouc or POOLS HONEER POOLS m2 AWARD wmnzns NAME ADORE SS BARRIE Indoor Showrooms N0rth Barrie Plaza just north ol the Pop Shoppe on Hwy 26 7264606 CITY POSTAL COOE OAKVILLE Snownooms OPEN SHENPAY SOUTH SERVICE RD EAST OF TRAFALGAR AT THE