16 the examiner Saturday April16 1971 ataglance Retiring volunteer firefighters Sid Martin left and Norm McEachern accept gifts from Mayor Ross Archer at this weeks city council meeting Martin wiiojoiiied the force in i95l gota clock radio while McEacherii firefighter since 1952 got gold watch Examiner Photo Barries Bell anada eiiiployees fund for community ser vices has lent helping hand to the Barrie chapter of the UII tario ileart Fund in the form of $250 donation Lloyd Arni strong public relations officer for the chapter accepts the cheque from Rita yr service representatix for liavrie Bell Examiner Photo lllIlII Ken NicKinnon chairman of the Ontario Milk Marketing Board was in Bond lead this week to meet with milk pro ducers at regional meeting of the hoard He said pro posal for attaining single bulk milk pool in the pro viiice is under discussion among industry officials Examiner Photo EarlSmith of Barrie holding plaque has won I976 industrial editors safety award from the industrial Accident Prevention Association With him at the presentation Masson first vicepresident of the Min Dr William Dimina president of the Toronto Star and John Abcll iAlA president Smith was honored for his woi as editor of Kolmar anada News published at Kolniais Barrie plant are in promoting safety It appears that soleniiiity is one of the attributes of good bass player to judge by the ex pressions on Dave Boyd left Gary Murray and Dave Hamilton They are three members of the itspiece Barrie entral ollegiate Band which will perform in concert the evening of April let with the Montreal West High School band entral iii in Montreal April It to IT and Montreal Wth returns the favor April 2i to 21 Examiner Photo Illlllllll The doctor says Can they ever have child By THOSTESON MD Dear Dr Thosteson Im des perate My husband and both are 25 and have been trying to have child for two years recent semen analysis showed by husband has low sperm Our doctor refuses to discuss it with us until two more samples are analysed What does this mean Can we ever have childMrs LB What doryou mean he re fused to discuss it with you think you mean he refuses to answer your jack question Will you ever be le to have child That will depend on just how persistently low the sperm count is and it can take more than single test to determine it erm is produced and stor by the male and released with semen If your husband had intercourse frequently soon before the test his sperm count would be reduced think it is something you should discuss with your doctor although suspect he may have told you about this Your husband should refrain from intercourse prior to the next test If his sperm count is reason ably high and if you are ovulat ing and are otherwise healthy theres little reason why you shouldnt bear child The lower the sperm count the lower the odds of cone tion but it is always possi ility even with quite low count Dear Er Thosteson am heart patient have non rheumatic myocarditis but dont understand what that means had all the tests run and thats what they came up with Would you please give your explanation of the disease lam 33 Is it related to heart fail ureMrs JM The causes of most types of heart disease are readily deter minedcon enital birth de fects high ood pressure arte riosclerosis artery hardening and so on Various prominent clues can tell exactly why the heart is not behaving as it should Myocarditis inflammation Slam bid fucks NORTH 161 10 WEST EAST ii It SOUTH 10 IO Au Both vulnerable West North East South P353 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Opening lead By Oswald James Jacoby John Saunders of Millville NJ sent us todays most in teresting hand with the com ment The hour was late My partner had never bid and made grand slam before This is my only excuse for the bidding Mr Saunders adds that his partner frowned as he studied the dummy Then his face of the muscles in the heart wall is sort of maverick generalized diagnosis settled on when other possibilities have been exhausted Non rheumatic means that it is not due to rheumatic fever There are several other pos sible causes for such in flammationvirus infection as from influenza measles or mum the effects of diptheria or eumatoid arthritis to nameafew When the heart is involved there is usually fast irregular beat shortness of breath and chest pain You mention heart failure This can occur in severe cases or when the inflammation be comes chronic The only thing Ito do immediately is to treat the inflammation In the mean time the search must continue to try to piiiï¬int specific cause soit can corrected assume that right now your doctors are involved in this on going detective work to find out why your heart muscle became inflamed Dear Dr Thostcson Can person of adult age have his height increased Ihave asked many sources Some say yes some noCD My definition of adult is person who has attained full growth When an adult has reached the height his heredity has decreed nothing can be done to increase it Dear Dr Thostcson friend of mine eats two almon ds day to keep from getting cancer He read it in book He says the reason everyone doesnt do this is because they think it is ridiculous is there anything to thisJ Your friend would get the same rotection from eating two hic ory nutsnone Dear Dr Thosteson take my daily medication in the morning with glass of juice and two cups of coffee Would this much liquid dilute the me dicationMrs CI It will dilute it but the dose is the same and the ul still has ample time to absor it into the system out relaxed into smile He won the first trick with the ace of diamonds ruffed diamond with dummys ace of trumps drew trumps while discarding two of Norths clubs and claimed the grand slam The hand will only produce 12 tricks at either spades or notrump The 13th trick with hearts as trump is made possible by the use of one of Norths three trumps to ruff diamond We must say there is con siderablc luck in getting to seven hearts To start with South might well have elected to respond either two clubs or two notrump in which case hearts would probably never have been bid Then Mr Saunders wanted to give his partner chance to play grand slam which definitely influenced his selection of the final contract ï¬ng Mr Saunders asked modest Iy if this result was due to Dumb Luck The answer is that it was due to some luck but all smart luck Any experts we know would be proud of the bidding daily crossword ACROSS 51 One devoted to religious Property work Catches Sight 53 Wreath of l3 Jubilant honor 14 Baseball hit 55 Mariner 15 Wolfish 56 Wearing 16 Shoe apparel l7 Leak out 57 Length 18 prom 58 Necessdated 20 First garden 21 Hebrew lyre DOWN 23 Colorado park 27 Semmc Skinny fish Swmg around anguage Narrow band 32 Rings Sloped 33 Raccoon like Playmg and 3mm Paradises 34 Familiar Magazine emblem official 35 Between He prefix Brownish 36 Pith purple 39 Values 10 In the same 40 Frogs place abbr 42 Short period It BeSIdGS SI 12 Visual 46 8010 19 Arrivaltime 47 Manila and guess abbr mandible 21 Agree Answer to Prevrous Puzzle 22 White water 41 Singer Bob 23 Fencrng swold 42 Actor Ferret 24 Bodies of 43 wlld goat water 25 Follows along 44 90 8Y 26 She Fr 45 Reputation 47 Grass cloth 48 Waterless 28 Leonlne hair 29 Poker stake 3o TLh same 49 Part of to be 31 Part of train 50 snow Slide DH 52 Thrash 37 Valid soundly 38 Water Fr 54 Broke bread raph Bernice Bede Osol ARIES March 21Aprll 19 Youre very enthusiastic today and approach life with smile You can even lift the spirits of those who are little sour TAURUS April 20May 20 To day youll be able to repay favor of longstanding Youll handle it so the recipient wont be embarrassed GEMINI May 21Juno 20 Let those who could help know you are serious about new project Once they see youre earnest theyll be receptive CANCER June 21July 22 The more refined and tactful your methods the better chance you have of attaining important goals today Keep this in mind LEO July 23Aug 22 Look your problems straight in the eye to day and theyll back down before you will Think positively Theres more sunshine than shadow VIRGO Aug 23Scpt 22 You excel today at buoying up the spirits of friend Hell know by your presence that youll go all out for him if need be LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 Something painful may have to be said to pal today Youll state it so it seems more like compliment than criticism SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 if theres someone youve wanted to talk to who can help vou careerwise do it today provided you approach him in very relaxed way SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 An acquaintance may dis close potentially profitable proposition today Explore it carefully it could be slightly risky CAPRICORN Doc 22Jan 19 Someone you care about has something coming that theyve had difficulty obtaining Today you might be instrumental in get ting it for them AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 Difficult decisions wont in timidate you today You can face up to any issue PISCES Fob 20March 20 There are good possibilities for you to gain financially today It will require snme extra effort Roll up your sleeves April 97 Something artistic or creative you already enjoy doing could be source of gain for you this year Even if its now only bob by it may become second vocation STUDENTS SPECIAL Typewriter repairs clean oil and adjust from only $1100 Free estimates Call us now at Whitfield OFFICE OUTFITTERS 1310201 ARIES March 21Aprll 19 Be alert today for signs of new financial venture that could be rewarding Plant the seeds now but dont expect an early harvest TAURUS April 20May 20 You will have the chance today to dis engage yourself from an un productive situation Let it go without regrets GEMINI May 21Juno 20 better insight into something you viewed only on an intellectual level can be gained by more compassionate approach which youre likely to adopt today CANCER June 21July 22 If theres project youve been putting off get cracking on it to day Further delay is foolish LEO July 23Aug 22 Begin now to set ioftier goals than heretofore Even if you fall short which isnt likely youll still come out better VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 Overlook no opportunities to gain knowledge at this time Youll find way to turn it into something profitable LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 Listen very carefully to any propositions today Theres good possibility you can gain through joint venture SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 Something youve been BARBIE PLAZA negotiating may be close to agreement today Its been long process but theres good chance youll come to terms SAGITTARIUS Nov 2300 21 lnaugurate that diet or health program today The odds are better than usual youll stick with it CAPRICORN Doc 22Jan 19 Theres something youve wanted to take more of hand in It appears that you can now have greater management it you move today AQUARIUS Jan 20Fob 19 Changes affecting you and your family can be made today Even if others arent quite ready theyll go along if you start the ball rolling PISCES Fab 20March 20 Begin to get your plans more concrsely in order today Concentrate on what you want to accomplish over the next few weeks W08 Dï¬mtidow April 18 1977 Theres considerable change in your goals and perspective this coming year Youve learned from experience and now will aim for more productive fields BUGS BUNNY THIS TCASTER IS PIECE OF JUNKBLA WANT MY MONEY BACK not GET YEK REFUND AT WINDOW FIVE It US I9vywrw8mi mr ip LIKE TO HAVE THI9 PREQCRIPTION SUITABLE JOBS HERE FOR YOU ANDY WHICH ONE DO YOU NORTH ERN as STATIONERY 29 Dunlop St 7373860 Rï¬gaTHIE is F0 CONTAGIOUS DISEASE ALL RIGHT FUDDSY WHATS YER BEEF rr tag viwauoi DONT HAVE ONE GOT LONESOME AND JUST DROPPED BY TO SAY Hers STILL SUPERSTITIOUS Hnr on THE Bap Rul HE is GETTING no ira sn by mm nykzuoi CARRY ON WHAT You maneu Your wedding invitations Announcements Headquarters We provide loanout service