entertainment Music of Roots seen bestseller Just an AllAmerican girl Actress Sissy Spacek takes the air on bench In New Yorks eiitriil lark ltespite lltI spaccdout image the LSsyearold star of aiiie says shes just an IIA mci ii an LLlIl troni Tents tl lliotoi Weaver in Demon Seed Plays dedicated scientist When Fritz Weaver graduated from the Inivcrsity of Chicago with degree physics he had no idea he was in way preparing himselt for role he would portray on the screen one day The part has come to pass in Ijls unique thriller Demon Seed Weaver starr ing opposite lulic hristic plays dedicated scientist who creates computer iiih an organic brain And the actors academic training came III hair dy Ive played scientists before but none with the scope of this one remarks Weayer winner of the prestigious Tony Award for his Broadway pen formance in Childs Play This is very deep fellow who thinks imaginatively and has it Takes Action It appears that lee ILIIS has finally stepped in and put an end to the constant compan ionship of young athlete with his wife Farrah For sewial months now the leinag ten nis player has been at larrahs side Farrah even attended couple of the youngsters tennis matches which had hr of tongues wagging around Hollywood Suddenly though its Lee who is with Farrah publicly and the younger man has vanished from the scene genuine desire to do something about all the problems of the World For me it been tun getr lint hack into the seieiitifie mold Actually was sort it led into it at the lniyersity ot tliicago came from homi lieie we all read great deal so my background Ill literature was good belore got toeollege So the powers thalrwere lilltVllttl drought III the will rounde man suggested con ctiitiali oii science did and enjoyed but once started pertoriiiing with the toiiipis Ilayei the tlIIttUIIlttIlitl campus group that spanned lilte Nichols and Elaine May acting became my main area of interest Weaver was so into this lgtemon Seed role that he took io ItJitllilL books about higher DISC JOCKEY Woddings ODunces Parties Bruce luffin Horseshoe Valley Resort Golf Season discount discount for new members to Fees include locker clu Apï¬II777 storage and cleaning Our Pro Shop is always fully stocked and our cour se the most scenic in the area We have the latest in turf maintenance equipment The course is both challenge to men and women and afterward you can relax in our fully licensed lounge Dont forget we also have complete facilities for weddings banquets and receptions and tour naments can be arranged at special rates Call us toll free from Barrie Orillia and Midland PO Box 607 Barrie 7058352014 lllttllttlllilllt between iiiipiessine his lltllltlvitliilltIisjltis lloiit be ltllltll titHl lltlllsilltIlllttltlltllllll£ttlttil his esoteric ltittlllltl habits as inst itettiiigtiiysell iiitotlii Illtltltl for the role llisiil lo lllxt ItittlltlL that lxllltl oi ltlilllltl itlltl Ulltt lttlalltl ttilllil do It liiit liiv iioi scientist ieall lIist tasiinzitcil ii it Im Ill erested Ill hlltiltlL llllllLiII1tlittiltltilltttl the great ways of knowing what goes on ii mind its epci tally in tliiseoiiipiitciagent ours vttllts iioiicalculiis Etti til illlllull tilt ll ttiiiiiiittttttttili ltlltllttiiiiiiiiititttttill till lit iiliii ill lllltt By ROBIN WELLES Copley News Service HOLLYWOODThe impact of Alex Haleys Roots on the American scene has been awesome The book describing Haleys ancestral search long has been on the bestseller lists It was adapted for television and the 12hour program was one of the mast watched in TV history Now comes the music of Itootsva moody conjuring up of black Africa and slavery by Quincy Jones one of the countrys most creative and prolific composermusicians It is being released by and Records and is sure to be another Roots bestseller The music was not composed overnight Alex who has been longtime friend called mc 12 years ago to tell me from San lIttlIISt that he had started toward the dream of tracing his iiiiccst ral roots Jones said When the producers of ltoots called to ask me to coin pose the music for the TV show it was thrill and chullengcol Toronto Contemporary luxulyfrom $29 9618000 HotslPlazafli lifetime But having completed more than five years of nonstop research on the roots of black music for personal project felt totally prepared to ap proach this awesome project lones used authentic African musical instruments in backgrounding the TV adap tion Gerald Iiried composed the haunting Roots themcw and it also is on this Irl Siirrcalistic Pink Floyd Animals olumbiar Moody surrealis tic music about society of dogs and sheep ruled by pigs society where you believe at heart everyones killer lhat Pink Floyd is able to lift message music to best selling commercial level is tribute to their canny estimate at the market And their slick prolessional style tierpics tlllllhe Name is liootsy talin tltiner Brost Bassist Boolsy tolliiis has at 34 discoverwl getpies everywhere leepies are younger kids IIU are turned on lllltlll drugs ll ll ttlltll Illcw it ltltlllllllllltwullit llilllll it ll Illlllllllllllllllllllttltlllllllllllll iiitliilllllll insI Singing since he was three the examiner Thursday Aprll14 1917 13 Have to write says Manilow By DON FREEMAN opley News Service IIIIYW0DrWhen Barry Manilow was lad of growing up in Brooklyn his grandfather already nursed hopes of star ting the boy out on an early singing career ftcnat his grandparents home he would burst into song says Barry my gran dpa took me to one of those record your own voice for 25 cents booths in Times Square But when saw the microphone froze and couldnt sing note So my grandpa in order not to waste the quarter ended up doing the singing Now were back home in Brooklyn and theres photographer in front of otir building He took picture of me and my grandfather and my eyes are all puffed up from crying Ive still got that picture In spite of that abortive start Barry says his grandfather con tinued to encourage him in his singing Then in 1973 Barry Manilow who had become an accomplished singer and songwriter was the musical director for Bette Midler on her opening night at the Palace in New York The most important night in my life until that time Barry says warmly and my grand parents are sitting there in the Adults $275 Students $150 MPERIAL CINEMA NOW PLAYING SHOWTIME 905 PM the best of the three Airport escapi ventures sotarAirpon77is suspense with the gift still on itand awhole lot mm 23 taunts iii situiin taunts nunant 77 LL ALIIEJIAPPE IIIEIIAIEII Is IiJACK IEMMON LEE GRANT BRENDA VACCARO JOSEPH COTTEN OLIVIA 18 HAVILLAND DARREN MCGAVIN CHRISTOPHER IEE GEORGE KENNEDY JAMES STEWART as Within Stevens Burrie Twin DriveIn Theatre 4872212 SCREENI STARTS TOMORROW DRAGRACING DflVEllll and BEAM€ they learned about love in leanling Iht oPAUl PAUIA THE BIG HOPPER oPt PAGE Party HFIPIMPII in ftltIt by Damni Film Ht JEHHY ff EMS and MORE Palace And my grandpa hops to his feet to give the actbut mainly mew standing ovation My grandmother was sitting next to him and she snat ched the hat off my grandpas head as he stood up They were so close and saw them Isaw it all and cried again Now he is one of the most popular singers around and one moreover in the current mode who dispenses with the middleman Mostly he in terprcts his own songs with what one critic has described with accuracy as an inspired blend of energy and vulnerability that virtually Bay oozes mass appeal with sort of Tin Pan Alley classicism had asked Manilow why he writes songs and after momentary hesitation he said guess write because have to It started out as hobby writing songs because felt something wanted to write song for friend or buddy or to express how felt about something Then the hobby became my lifes work cant think of life without music Are you moved by in spiration Im moved by deadlines he said Matt 17269944 mm LAUGHTER UNLEASHED TECHNICOLOR Cu tummwuiu ACAMY AWARD WINNER 3551 ORIGINAL sous EVERGREEN 6th GREAT WEEK SHOWTIME 705 910 ACADEMY AWARD WINNER BEST PICTURE OF THE YEAR BEST DIRECTOR BEST FILM EDITING REMINOAS AMT EITERTAMNI Ill His whole life was milliontoone shot lllllliiip Tltttnltt ltlttill rt alto it Oorrie Twin lDriveIn Theatre 48722I2 Onitod Artists SCREEN STARTS TOMORROW wnere anything can happen RECOMMENDED is guygrliï¬mimum ttl surest liiiillin it iniieiiiliii and usually noes liilessni liiiiii trier liaii lllttlll Intuit liigis Iniiiiiii liiu Incl lune Eliiiiire Ilusi lle Paintei Sisttis Iiclait liiiii THE SPECTACULAR iiiiAiiiA OE THEMEN WHO WON THE MOST OEOISIIIE NAVAL BATTLE IN OUR HISTORY THE MIHISCH CORPORATION PRESENTS CHARIHESION PONDfig