the examlnor Wednesday Aprll 3977 Giotboseboll but The lotfoottall Batcolumn by artist laes Oldenburg is set into permanent place Tuesday outside new Social Security dniiiiistration enter in Chicago The 2ium welded steel sculpture set in concrete base will be dedicated Thursday ork has commissioned by US icneral Service Ad ministrations art in trchitecture program which has add ed TH works of art to 5t federal building projects nationwide tl Photo No major cuts in new budgetL IOItONIO llli budget to be brought down nest Tuesday will include longterin management plan for the pro ineial economy lrcasurer Darcy McKeough illli luesdziy We are committed to the task of restructuring the provincial economy to face the competitiye climate of the 198 McKenugh told the an nual meeting of the onyention and Tourist Bureau of Metiotxilitan Toronto lie said the budget yill fall in line Wllll the recent federal budget and Will be supportive ofoyerall federal leadership McKeough indicated that the provincehasnoplans forinajor tax cuts or other means of achieving forced levels of eco nornic expansion The provinces longterm aims are leaner and more effective public sector and freer and more selfreliant pri vatescclor he said We have hammered out toughiiiinrlerl and longterm strategy to put this philosophy iiitopractice OFFER RICSIILXINI The budget would offer con Ontarios tinuing restraint on govern merit spending and tax climate that gives the private sector elbow room to expand and the incentive to do so McKeough said Ontario is faced lllll EKIIOUS economic competition by developed and Third World countries and our standard of living will erode qtuckly unless we set to Work now to rationalize and concen trate around the best industries that can meet world eom petiliyestandards He said that Ontario should consider reducing protective tariffs in order to reduce mas sive unease across the country that Ontario benefits lroin theSe tariffs at the expense of other areas If Ontario can do anything for onftxleration in the next year or two it has to be in that area McKeough said It is here in Ontario that the economic battle for Ton federation will be won or lost We have to begin to arm our selves for the limos or we slidc backward toward economic cultural and social divisive ness $25Mcut advised for Bell proposal OTTAWA tCI tell Cari ada should have $23 million slashed from its proposal to raise telephone rates by about $172 million year the Jana dian Radiotelevision and Ielc communications Commission CHTC was told Tuesday Myron Gordon an economist and witness for the Consumers FLYING TRAINING Collingwood Air Training Back in Full Operation Private Commercial Instrument Twin Assmiation of Canada told CRTC hearing into Bells pro posed increases that one rea son why Bell has applied for so great an increase is because it will be overcharged by about $25 million this year for goods and services it buys from its isquidiary Northern Iclecorn it US bombingsuspeci in court TORONTO tl Dwight Armstrong wanted in the United States on charges relat ing to 1970 bombing at Uni versity of Wiscmisin appeared briefly to county court hiesday but his extradition case was mllouriml until today About try so iporlei of Arm slum inclining his mother ltutb stood ll attention when idea behind pants sroniv the 25yearold Madison Wis man was led into the court room Robert Kcllernian defence counsel for Armstrong told court he would apply for bail when the case resumes today He said his client has been held In poor conditions in police cell since his arrest Saturday Armstrong was charged with CAREFREE 100°o POLYESTER PC PANT SUITS Lookin great and feelin comtortable Thats the whole these snappy Spring pant theyre so sensibly made ot washable dryabc Polyester Short sleeve print top coordinates with solid colour Perky colours 1018 MISSES ACRYLIC TOPPERS Narrow striped Ttoppers in sporty styles Great colour combos in Sizes GABARDINE PANTS IN THREE STYLES surtsl firstdegree murder and arson in the Aug 24 1970 bombing at US Army mathematics re search centre on the campus frequent target of antiwar pro tests The bombing killed gradu ate student Richard Fassnachl 33 and caused about $1 million in damage Three other men including Ar And mstrongs brother Karleton 31 also were charged Kellerman said in an inter view Tuesday that he will ap peal any order to extradite Ar mstrong If the Supreme Court of Can ada eventually turns down his final appeal Armstrong will apply to the immigration department for refugeestatus he said Armstrong believes the bombing was political rather than criminal act and is hoping Canada will accept him as political refugee Keller man said WAS RETURNED Karleton Armstrong was ar rested in Canada five years ago and was returned to the US afv Gmump ter 17month fight against ex tradition which ended when the Supreme Court of Canada tur ned down his appeal He now is serving 23year sentence at the Waupun Wis state prison for seconddegree murder arson illegal posses sion and transportation of ex plosives and use of destruc tive device to commit felony Mrs Armstrong came to To PutOhéior the Lazy Summer Ahead COMFY PADDED SUNCOTS WITH STURDY FRAME Tubular metal trame with springs on two wheels for easy moving BlueGreen 0r Yel lowBrown floral print mattress Frame approx 34hx54l mart Price KNHHIGN 2PACK KNEEHI ronto after being told by the FBI of her sons arrest She said Tuesday she had not heard from him in seven years The mother of four visited DWight briefly in his police cell on Monday after 24hour bus ride from Wisconsin She was allowed to accompany him out of the courtroom Tuesdav VALUE PRICED WEBBEo LOUNGE origin such comfort webbed chair small price to pay fOr has sturdy frame and at tractive arm rests Sunny colour assort ment Approx size 17 x32 x21 mart Price SPECIAL VALUES JUST FOR HER SNAZZY BIKINI NYLONS BRIEFS Comfy wide band top Beige or Spice shades One size lit 87211 mart Price 100 Acetate bikinis with Cot ton gusset Lively prints SML mart Price REPLACEMENT rm sure cure for Spring lever Cool Polyester Gabardine pants with cincher semi boxer or Grip waistbands Six Spring shades to choose trom Jr Misses 77 aims 714 SWEATSHIRTS Attached hood and kangaroo style pocket Cosy 70 Cotton 30 Acrylic blend Red Blue Yellow or Navy mart Price HANDY CHEST FOR STORING Ideal for toys books etc Decorative floral design Approx size 28 16 12 Kmart Price REPLACEMENT REDWOOD KIT Genuine Redwood slats preassembled on heavy gauge Alum inum straps Mounts on any size chair mart Price HILDS to LAWNMOWERS Multicoloured mowers with roar sound 0r real motor sound Great rotary styling Assembled mart Price 27 PLASTIC WHEELBARRDW Tough moulded Plastic wheelbarrow with adorable ani mated eye decora tion Approx 27 mart Price mart Regular GATI Flight Simulator Us price 1077 Audiovisual training aids Intensive ground school course April and 24 April 30 and May Improve your skills with Night Endorsement Instrument Time FLYEROR NON FLYER COME AND SAY HELLO Sightseeing rides day or night COLLINGWOOD AIR 4451 mart Special 266 it MART PLAZA HIGHWAY 27 DAYFIELD ST BARRIE OPEN MON T0 FRI 10 AMTO to PM SATURDAYS AMTO IO PM 374 vu Samml Alwm Your Satisfaction Guaranteed 0r Money Cheerfully Relunded not just slo an GOT WAY LIFE