HI Do nm 09 Uil 20 an oaouv SOIlli the oxamlnor Wodmdav Aprll13 1977 Tuesday the second day in the replacement state of overconfidence He says hes not looking Yuckovitch pickui up two ROY HARTSFIELD Sports corner Loss injury By RANDY MCDONALD Examiner Detroit Tigers pinched Toronto Blue Jays back to reality Tigers crept out of the American League East Division cellar with win against club which played like the ex pansion club its supposed to be Lefthander Dave Roberts Toronto before 11505 fans at Exhibition Stadium The loss was Torontos second in five games Bill Singer the veteran member of the Blue Jays gave up six hits five of which went for extra bases including threerun homer in the sixth inning to Steve Kemp Lone Blue Jays run came on homer by catcher Alan Asby in the eighth inning after be replaced Rick Cerone in Cerone will be sidelined by broken thumb for at least three weeks He will go on the disabled list with Jays manager Roy Hartsfield expecting to make decision sometime to Still its respectable start for club built around youth and players no other pro team seem to want Blue Jays with all their youth and exuberance would like nothing better than to prove that heart and desire can oven come But manager Roy llartsfield isnt being lulled into means hes just playing each game as they come We have ball players and each game we utilize them in every way at any given time to do what we feel is best for the ball club Hartsï¬eld said The expansion draft was lifesaver for many of the Jays players it gave slugging firstbaseinan Doug Ault and pit cher Jerry Garvin new lease on life Reliever Peter Vuckovitch who was drafted by Toronto in the second round has the stuff to bail the Jays out of trouble Vuckovitch sixdoot four inch righthauder was picked up by Toronto after thi seasons with hicago White Sox Chicago left him unprotected opening the dmrs for Town to hich was looking for short distance man over Chicago And unless the Blue Jays break habit he could be in for busy season Toronto has had to play catchup ball in the first five games of the season ports Editor 32 fired fourhit ball to contain too far down the road which saves iii both wins by Toronto ilartsfield has been pa tient with his players lles helped them over the jitters of playing in the majors and soothed ening day but terflies criwds of Toronto tisa is Gavin got little bit of Filllltl advice when he madei is first Major League appearance Sunday The left handcr buzzed six straight pitches outside the strike 70110 He eventually walked three of the first four but ters to face him which brought Hartsticld out of the dugout for brief con ference par Hartsficld said afterwards that he had no intention of yanking his young pitcher lie just told him to cool it and try toget the ball in the target catcher teroiie was planting for him it worked Garvin got out of the inningl with only one run against him and went on to hold the White ov hiltci at bay until ickovitvh relieved in the ninth have McKay the Blue renniius the only player to date Hot for Aul knew the kid was little nervous had to show nin had confidence in him llartsficld said Jays lone anadian player hit safely in the in games to Doug Atilt and Gary Wood had hit in each game prior to Iiiesiaysloss Both went bitless yeserda getting picked up by the Blue Jays in in draft was likegrabbing the brass riiigonyourlast try Its really kind of funny storv heraust went to college got drafted in junior college iiircc nines but went on to Texas University instead of signing and kind of lled the nation in hitting didnt get drafted Texas gave ult tryout made them mad or Stillth hing in my senior year iii and but he found himself or their lowest tczuii and not in starting role at that vth 13 years old and knew had to do stiltttllllfli quick oz kiss it goodbye Ault has had five games under his belt but wont hi toieLtcttiizg lllgt first as Blue Jay Two homers thicc hits and four runs batted in before the largest crowd cvcr played be are Ault scents like the big biz league last war Ll before huge crowd itlitii lcs crowds My best garnc in thi litii Ruth Tcxiis anda crowd of 28000 when llt Slillllllli 1er hits in as many trips thc pl itc ltl Rttl heelcrs have gone out to players of the Barric llcd Sox senior baseball team just to sci what kind of innit11 is there early reports indicate that the club is in need of coach Some work into getting that club togethcr from champ to alsoraps in one year its doubtful that anyone wants to see it go under And should the team be using the park at Eastwcw again this rolling will it peopic have put lot of hard Red Sox have wmt year lot of 4aiiics went under water last season Response is weak to referee clinic Bob Baker executive direc tor of the Greater lluronia Sport oiincil Gllfuti is lit tlc upset at thr lack of response coming his way for soccer refer climi this weekend The Glle and the city are helping to put on the twoday clinic Baker had only one pwcrson registered as of Tuesday He says at least are needed to make it worth the timc and expense of bringing in qualified instructor Unless there is better response to daylhursday at the lat est this clinic will be cancelled Baker said its little disappointing lï¬akcr satd lie was cxpcctiiig bcttcr response from such groups and the minor soccer recreational league The cost of the clinic is it begins Friday at out at the County Administration cntrc Midhutst and picks up again Saturday at 9am lcrrv Sell of ltcxdalc qualified instrurtor under the MA Junior semi sports calendar llf 830 piii lavistmrk Stayner vs Tavistock St ayner leads bestof seven at Barrie Raceway pml£ast view Stayner vs Disposers Disposers lead bcstoffive ounty Basketball league final 2l Ontario Soccer Association is the instructor for the lltii Theres no rcal great dc inand as yet to have soccci rifcrccs certified so they dont try to upgrade all rcfcrccing Baker said Anyone interested is asked to contact the Greater liuronia Sports founcil at the booty Administration Centre Canada rejects TTAWA CF The ana dian government has rejected Venezuelan request that it with draw an application to hold the 1933 Pan American Games iii Hamilton int Thc external affairs dcpartr nicnl said Tuesday that 1A Elliott charge daffairs at the embassy in Caracas received the request from the acting for cign minister last week and reg jcctcd it this week KEY final 32 HARNESS liAtlNG post time7245pm BASKETBALL aimed by huge lohn liiittlirr president niil illtl with the Ho =iit ll Rugby Football lub was out with the club luisdziy ii iiiiiiizduli lJlln to pet in lilllt itii placinc Ihc llailic lllb is lltlllillillz its lith lIlll tt this t1till New season underway for City Rugby Club wry Barrie upset in semifinal of womens volleyb lliltttlfll ifs iz ti iv llllirii Iiji ii My Mt out itft1i l1iw tie tig fiiial auiidiivi ll iit Louii liostnn mm tiriilio biat in on sciii tml ucorrv oi rlf iii if lli ill Il ititliill Iii the lc til liixotcll liirii ll li out illit mt itlt Iiitl lliI 1iiiiitiili it if ll ili1ii an ifti tvi itlll iiitt tlilt til lil ii ll 3H1muln linlulullll iil 132 lziixytiliIiw plii iiillllttil1ilill to rt in llii to soon prctoiiiiizinrn laioritc liicj on Hall mm had only lot now lliilll dniug ii mi tlic lillli vino but Nlilir tiiiilwii il ltilll up with lltl lni llltlli MN MW hm oi it wlicii It van icoilv lltttlttl 11 mi ii 1min aHleagu 7x SlAlNlCRirlior while last night both clubs took turns trying to blow each otheroff the court but and Disposers prevailed 72 over Stayncr Mistics That gives it llarric club 27 lead going into tonights fourth game of the Simcoe fouuty Mens Haskctball l£lliltliSlAltlltl1tfinals Game will be played at litistvicw Soconduiy School piyri inc intciting with oii iloi will is llt highlight of their piaynmi armi John lttitctiir president of it linrric it ltutlbj luli is Llltttltl happy to how Stavner led hat in tin lllltli intolar before and ran 21 im itisyvcrcdimmts the hall Disposers were ltWi ii ltiitchct player il od if no incich pi Uliil liiitl ll bli xii wcicn cxpcctini of baskets several timcs the 11 lltt lit ot liisii mm il jam gunpoints but unsuitable llii lnndon club will por tiiupnii Ill six game into llli llllllililllti llill Newton won thc liastci Special Singles bowling tourna went at Sbias Harrie Sunday iiitiin llil islji iJili hnntlull MW kllly hi it on iuthii team took full ad Wm 3m d3 xiii tlt of tlicir sirvc canuni in lilt 4lltt to tillllllll Hll Hist mum Pu ticipzitcd the tournament which needed qualifying scori of tilt of bctlcr to niakc iiil total of $200 was paid out to thi1pricwinncrs This is lhl lzist month for tillllllt1 Ill the World up tournnmcnt low score at the moment isoltt This Sunday ill see proviu cnil finals in the Adams lassiflcd tournament in loronto Alma lIiiicry Stic Marlin llclcn liiistiiiscii Marge ovtan and loan Scrannaitc are the iiiciiibtrs of the lluronin lin jillllltiltlllllllllilflllit ti iilia iniiin back to llll iiniii panic I1 but liillind hiuiu on for l1l viitiny iii ilo IiiliiiliiitiiticloIiilltcsitii ilti lot filth and illiiiliitl tl 1iitllm pitl Jill loiziliill tti logic oltlicliiiiilpiniic to pull away and caplurc llic iliaviipioiiiliip with lgtl vic tin gt lllllil Hiitlm lltltl xlltll ili ltiltl iiiidwm lllltilljll lllt lil attic but lirlloml uicincil to Put Ill llivl1iliii rillia captured the Simcoc ouiity Womens Volleyball title Tuesday at anadian liorrcs llasc Borden by beating Midland in the filial by scores of 151 tiIS 1512 HM and Iii9 Hack rovt left to right Gloria llcndcison Sharon Gor don Ginny Sattlcr Miriam Vandenlieuvel Shirley ONeil and coach Paul llealy Front row left to right Deanne Grtig Faye ziiiitk Theresa Harrison and Darlene liar rison Examiner Photo special treat for the llanie ity Rugby Football lub in its 10th year is game this summer against touring club from London England Barrie has game planned Satur day in llarric against leterhorough ut Tuesday limher to overcome defence Mike iatrick of and turn ed in his best game of the series with 26 points gt16 in the first half Disposers Bill McAlccr shot the eyes out of the basket from outside racking tip 19 points for thc vic tors Gary lnskccp came through with steady 15 points and Leo McBride had down Rick Rusk got 28 points for Stayncr evenly balanced bet ween both halvcs Bert rago hit for 14 Bob Simpson got 12 and John lret 1y 10 OFF THE RIM Disposers are still without the services of Singles tournament won by Bill Newton team competing in the tournar mcnt bowling League Monday ilc llltl League Staiidiiii Yellow 353 Browns 341 Whites 33 Silvers tJT Greens 321 Tans 321 rangcs illtt lurples 2m Golds lott lllucs 30 Scarlett 290 Reds 207 High cragcs Men Gary lcdue 104 Ladies Marion ldcrdicc Hit lligli Triple lilat lcn Keith Alderdicc 010 High liiplc Wkly Wayne Potter 147 High Single llat Ray lcffry 135 High Single Wkly Larry St cwart 301 Iligli Triple lilat Ladies Darlene artscn 012 High Triple Wkly Marilyn Reed 497 High Single Flat Darlene arlson 2411 High Single lltlcp Marie lilovd 17H Good Friends League Singles in er 223 Giscllc Scaiidrctt Valerie Ricc 2398268 lltiti Gail Dayle Annette liaulkncr 245 Lorna Hardy 241 Gladys Graham 243 Slcllii Wtiitllc 232 Marion Flook 21H Marion ltoblin 239 lmtist ranc 226 Mary liow Miller 225 Triple titltlovci Gisclc Scaiidrclt 73 Gail Doyle ti7tt Gladys Graham 028 Gertie Dickey 612 Mary Lou Miller 601 LeagueStanding Wacky Witches 125 Groovy Gals 120 ool ats 117 ltiouic llcauties 116 ltearless lionzies 1H lteathery itlirts 10 Kcmpview Kuties 102 Funky Females 92 Lucky liassies HS razy ronios 72 Slick Chicks 70 Dynamic Dames 5112 ing up for the game were Bill Fell left with ball Bruce airncross and R0b Avery whos serving as the tackler on this play Examiner Photo centre Gary llyck was suffered dislocated shoulder in the semi finals against Alliston He coached last night in the absence of Pete Jensen Don Arnold is away at convention sports Disposers onewin shy of claiming loop lier reducing the and height to lnskeep and Dave Henshaw Referees board has served no tice next years playoffs will have to be finished by the end of March sports shorts Central Redskins win rugby opener MARKHAM Barrie entral Senior Redskins opened the rugby season on the right foot Tuesday with 98 win over Markham high school Barric got three field goals from speedster Barry Norton to post their initial win cntral will be meeting the tilll112£lliti high school cham pious from Pickering luesday in Pickering Consolation title for Stroud lflMVAIlCDanbon Novices of Stroud won the consola tion title Monday at the IIlmvalc Easter hockey tournament by beating Schombc Earlier iii the day they beat ro 20 and lost decision to lilmvalc The it victory over no propelled them into the consola tion final lvobbic MacDonald led the way With two goals in the panic and Siianc Ricketts picked up the shutout lhc filial game was never in doubt as Stroud built up coiiifortiiblc lead after the iirsl period and continued to outplay their opponents for the remainder ofthe game lohn Kilpatrick was the top man for Stroud with four goals and three assists Robbie l1ac1onald had two goals and one assist and Sean Newton picked up three goals and two ilSSlSls in the deciding game Ali backed out says brief CHICAGO Alt Muhammad Ali backed out of fight with Duane Bohick because it threatened Alis hopes of retiring as the heavyweight boxing champion posttrial brief filed Tuesday in $4lllillltill damage suit against Ali revealed The brief was filed by Madison Square Garden Boxing Inc it sued li March 16 for breach of contract after he signed Nov 34 to fight Bobick for the title in February and an nounced his retirement Nov 30 Solomon holds off late surge lltllSTth IAli Defending champion llarold Solomon baftled Bill Scanlon with his bag of baseline tricks and held tournament off late surge to defeat the tour rookie 62 63 Tuesday in firstround match of $100000 World Championship Tennis Scanloii who won the NCAA singles championship last season then turned pro won only lo points in the first four games against the veteran Solomon Solomon broke Scanloii ill the first and third games and lost his serve only once in the match New executive for Stroud Club Sllltllllmlht Ladies Division of the Stroud Curling Club held their annual spring meeting Tuesday at the Community cnt re to pick the new executive for the 19774978 season The new president is Rosemary Coulson Bett Fisher and Erica lluddell are the new vicepresidents while Mary Ann vw ictourneau is the secretary and Ruth owan is the new treasurer Siskins could finish series series tonight iii Iavistock Siskins lead the series 32 They drubbed Iavistock 172 in the last game to grab the lead in the bestofscven series Game time is 830 pm If seventh game is necessary it will be playod Thursday in Stayncr starting at 830 pm Soccer league meeting Thursday Stayner Siskins could wrap up their lupior semifinal Ja Barrie and District Recreation Soccer League has scheduled meeting for lliiirsday pm at the Sunnidale om munit Centre Anyone interested in the operation of the league is invited to attend Zone girls gymnastic on today The Georgian Bay Secondary School Association GBSSA zone three girls gymnastic championships are being held today in Alliston llie GBSSA overall championships are scheduled for April 26 at Barrie Central Collegiate