Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 13 Apr 1977, p. 13

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entertainment Like his taste in art Tonys music easygoing romantic LAS VEGAS Nev AP Its the Good Life is just one of many songs Tony Bennett has made popular over the last quartercentury and the Good Llfe means ood music and good art tot singer like the arts said Ben nett as he relaxed between shows recently at the Hotel Sa hara here When see good painting or see great per formance that excites me An artists good workmanship always knocks me out Like his personal preference in art Bennetts music tends to be on the soft side easygoing and romantic dont like to hurt the pub lic he explained Born Anthony Dominick Ben edetto in Astoria NY Ben netts appearance belies his 50 years He works out almost daily to keep his body in shape and he keeps his mind in condi tion by painting Bennett recen tly sold one of his art works for $10000 One does not see Tony Ben nett on television very often be cause he is very selective about his public exposure think with the popular art ists you can run the threat of overexposure Ideally would BUFFALO TORONTO 11 HAMILTON 600 747711727News FMovie The Elevator 524 Hours 9rDetinition 19Polka Dot Door 25Nouvelles 79CITY Show News 630 TilGong Show 24 7797News ltParty Game l9Readalong 25Lactuel 665 19Magee and Company 700 72Odd Couple 2Bleing Ior Dollars 4oncentration 5TBA 7To Tell The Truth 9Good Times llBehind the Scene with Jonathan Winters I9Movie Stagecoach pt 2570amel Boone 79 Get Smart 730 77812800 Question 73100000 Name That Tune 37Reach For The Top ieStrikes Spares Misses Blutt 7Gong Show 9rBrady Bunch llFace The Music television guide BARRIE BUFFALO BUFFALO TORONTO 12 PETERBOROUGH BARRIE CABLE 22 GLOBAL WEDNESDAY EVENING VIEWING I9Education of Mike McManus 79Tattletales 800 22Monty Pythons Flying Circus Movie Sunset Boulevard 215 TBA 476006 Times 7weionic Woman Movie Amazing Howard Hughes 11 Julie An drewsRobert Goulet l9Vivre Comme du Monde 75Cinema 79Movie Tender Is The Night 830 77Dick Emery deLoves Me Loves Me Not 900 77CPO Sharkey AmMovie Amazing Howard Hughes 11Baretta 930 27Glen Campbell 1000 2AKingston Contiden tial 711vCharlies Angels 9Nashvile 99 19Pile Et Face 77 News 1030 I9Splendid Dream 7577Nouvelles 1100 27Mary Hartman 23457 911 News 19Outreach Ontario zemcny Lights 1105 75Retlets dun pays 1120 3579News 1130 7770pposite Sexes 7Johnny Carson AMColumbo 7Mary Hartman llLarry Solway 19Money Game 1135 ¥90 Minutes LIVE 1100 27 Movie Swordsman of Siena 37Movie Frankenstein Meets The Wolf Man 7Rookies 9ilronside 117Merv Grittin 19v Communique 757Clnema 79¢PTL Club 100 2Tomorrow Mowe Love Has Many Faces 110 7Mystery ot the Week Come Out Come Out Wherever You Are THURSDAY MORNING VIEWING 555 9qu5 600 University of the Air 615 4Farm Report 615 News 7W11100W on the World 630 7Not For Women Only ASunrise Semester 9Cartoon Playhouse llEnioy Being Beautiful 655 2Mission Employment 7Employment File 700 7Toclay ACBS News 7Good Morning America 9Canada AM llPaul Bernard Psychiatrist 79Chinese Serial 715 3Daybeat 730 llOntario Schools 79Portugal Today 745 l9Communiaue 000 ACaptain Kangaroo 5Mon Ami 7Rocketship 19Polka Dot Door 79Greek Horizons 815 JEnioy Being Beautiful Friendly Giant 830 57 Time For You 19415100 Tours De Centour 79w ltalianxssimo 845 3rFriendIy Giant I977 Speaking of Books 855 SNews 900 7Dinah 3Mon Ami Howdy Dood 5ln Touch 7Dialing For Dollars FrToronto Today 915 kOntario Schools I9Report Metric 920 19vReadalong 930 mTattletaIes 9Romper Room 19A Cover to Cover 77Clnelotto 945 19 Jeremy 1000 57 Double Dare SOntario Schools 777Phi Donohue 9Art ot Cooking Il Daybeat I9Medla 77 75 La Bolte Lettres 79fiSounds ol the East 1015 Unc Femire Dans Ma Tete 1030 Hollywood Square Mr Dressup Price Is Right First Impressions 19 Sllt Incorporated 25 Granrles Religions 79 German Show 1045 19 Springtime 1100 77 Ed Allen Time Wheel Of Fortune Sesame Strect Edge or Night Karecns Yoga 11 Celebrity Revue l9 Grandcs Religions 757 Jonglcrlcs Metriquis 79 CITY Show 1115 75 Auteur Du Mondc par Le Conte 1130 77 Intermedia Shoot For The Stars Young And the Restless Happy Days Pots and Pans 19 Vision On 75 Les Animaux CheI Eux THURSDAY AFTERNOON VIEWING like to do one or two specials year As examples Bennett pointed to recent appearance on the Tonight Show in which he and Joey Heatherton did about 45 minutes and on Merv Griffin Show in which he was show cased with the Count Basic or chestra BECOMES AN EVENT It becomes an event for me to show up and they treat it as such so that something really happens rather than just the usual sitting down singing couple of songs getting up and leaving he said Bennett who now lives in Be verly Hills with his wfe Joan na and their four children said he never gets tired of singing his biggest hit Left My Heart in San Francisco Script Tood is out NEW YORK AP Once upon time cast nihblcd finc caviar every night upon Broadway stage Simply be cause the script called for it Such gourmet realism now is fond memory dish of fish and chips perhaps ll chunk of Polish salami is about as fur its authenticity goes and even that is seldom Shaving cream butter which isnt eaten and cotton candy potatoes which can be are in The gustatory dcclinc docsnt result from waning author I11 tercst in using cating sccncs as dramatic device At lcast dozen rctcnt prlxluctions hnvc involved major and minor mun ching And shows without sonic solid imbibing are rare But in such situations the shows property mzin gcncrully is surrogate chcf for all the ca tering ulinzuy inventiveness may rangc from an edible substitutc through artifice to uttcr mnkc believe As an cxamplc of thc first type the cast of Vanities snnr plcs cottage chccsc sprinkch lavishly with paprika Instead oI crabmczit salad Ihc snmc mixr lure bccumc lobslcr in Ah Wil dcrncss SOME FOODS IKIII In the lookbut dontbitt category were foam rubber steaks in Ihc Royal Family and fake fruit in Fiddler on thc Roof Ilowcvcr Zcro Music and the rest of thc cost 111 thc latter got rcnl bugcls and bread Total fantasy prcvnilcd whcn Chrysanthemum tcu was scrvcd in last years prizcwinmng inu sical Iacific vcrlurcs Ihc recipc was many curtfully brcwcdcupfulsof nothing In The Night of thc Iguana the nearest thc cast got to food was an elegantly sci dining table Its really good music song he said And also thats the reason that people are coming in to see me The song came out in 1962 and isstillsellingwell Bennett performs once year in San Francisco What does he look for in song when hes preparing to record or do show think the basic thing is something Ive lived something Ive experienced but go for the music first the singer replied While Bennett said there are lot of golxl composers today he likes the old songs hc spottcd in unlinishcd structurc Ilc tillkcd tlic bllildcr really go for the guys who grew up in the 20s and 303 Bennett cxpluincd It was great musial era and good songs Iivc forcvcr Bennetts favorite singer is Frank Sinatra and the feeling ismutunl Sinatra has called Bennett the best singer in the business TON EN ICIT good life Nashvilles doing all right NASHVILLE Icnn AI It may not bc its fancy as He verly Hills or is opulent as Palm Springs but country music is doing for Nashville what movies and money have donc for the ziliforniit towns Its dotting thc countrysidi with plcusurcdomcs Buses carry tourists past 15 of thc most imprcssivc homcs of tlic musicmakers and thcrc arc many othcrs off the bcatcn path Webb licrccs stonc manor house stands on It landscaped acres with tennis courts formal gnrdcns and $50000 guitarshaped swimming pool The Grand Ole pry founded in 1025 was the magnct that drew persons Iikc Iicrcc to Nashville lbc result was morc artists recording studios agents and moncy The Nashville hinnbcr of ommcrcc says ill million pcr sons visit the area cuch ycur Ihcrc arc morc than 22 tour outfit that scll maps and thrcchour tours for $750 Iicrcc is one of thc fcw stars who wclcomc tourists hc got into troublc for it NEIGHBORS IIIIIIIII Iicrcc who livt in ii quict rcsidcnlinl arcn south of town lltill Minnie Pcziris placc and lbc lcnncsscc gmcrnors mansion was selling sightsccrs his albums at poolsidc Ncighlxns got court ordcr bnnning such ictivit ics llc said he would quit selling records but hc wouldnt stop sccing pcoplc Ill let thc pcoplc contimlc to comc up and look ill whnt thcy guvc mc hc said want to givc Iittlc of it back to thcm Inmmy Wyncttc also scttlcd in this ircu IIcr SI Zniillion mansion has ll bcdromns bulbs and £1 winc cclllir Born Wyncttc Illgh thc former Alnbnmii buirdrcsscr who IltCiIlllt succcssful singing about ninritnl problcins got the mansion in thc divorcc scttlcmcnt from licr third husband and It singcr icorgc Jonis Many of thc IOIILLLSIilllllSIltti country artists such its Hunk Snow livc lll snizillcr suburban ncigblmrhoixls Ihcvvc stiiycd wlicrc thcy Il11llltlII slttlcd in tlic town of Madison which is cusin llcccssilllc to hc irnnll llc pry It llth IllII Ill1l Kitty Wclls thc prys tirst woman incnibcr Iivcs Ill this ncigblmrhoixl Ilcr prnnzlry conccssions to luxury lrl rod vclvct upholstcry in thc living room and in indoor swim mingme Sonic stars such is 1ch Itccvcs null Lorrcttn Lynn IliIt scttlcd in tlic rolling pnsturclzindsof Midlllc lcnncsslc Small clustcr of homes ilso Iuics tlic shorts of Old Ilickory 1ikc north of Nushvillc III Ilcndirmnvillc llcrc Johnny nsh rubs clbows with ncightmrs Itoy rbison illlti IsobLumnn nsh found his drczim housl on in iftcrnoon outing whcn who plnnncd it for his own family into it snlc Ihc bllildcr Brzixton Dixon has bccn selling homes to cclcbritics cvcr Silll HIII most of his houscs variations of zlshs Iriccs rungi from $130000 to about sumo showbiz the examiner Wed How to cut short modelling career icorgc chal and Iunc Fonda star in thc title roles of Fun With Dick and lanc ncw comedy motion picture and forth coming olumbia Iicturcs rclasc In the film the stars por tray an uppcr middlccluss couple who face hard times when hc loses his job as an acrospacc industry cxccutivc They discover quick routc to avoid welfare and rcmain solvent crimc and bchn scrics of incpt but successful rob bcrics Iclturcd in thc conicdy motion picturc are Thc Tonight Shows Ed McMahon and such comedy players as Signs recording contract nesday April 977 13 Dick Gautier Ilank Garcia and John Dehner with Sean Frye as the couples son Fun With Dick and Jane Bart Palcvsky Production of Icd Kotclicff Film was produced by Peter Bart and Max Ialcvsky and was directed by Kot cheff Above Jane Fonda views thc aftcnnath of an unex pected meeting with threetiered Iunchcon dessert cart clearcut case of nofuult altercation that cuts short her modelling carccr Stokowski still active at 94 LONDON Al Leopold Stokowski onc of thc last great symphony conductors of gene crution thnt produccd Iosczl nim chmpcrcr and Furlwang lir cclcbrnlcs his 05th birthday next Monday lllongh slowcd and sloopcd by uuc thc conductor who took ovcr lhc Ibilndclphiil tlrlt cbcslrn III 1012 is still ilctlvc on tbi podium lftcr at lcnst 7000 conccrts hcforc 10 lnillion XOlllt Ilc lilznns his 7cst for Bitch Bict ind Brahms and has signcd rccording contract which will run through his 100th birthday Ilc livcs for music nothing clsc said an admiring violinist as thc maestro his lllilllt of silvery hair rcduced to tcw unkempt strands arrived it London studio to rccord Brillnns Sccond Symphony Shuffhng to thc podium with thc liclp of an hide and knob bywolxl canc hc sccms almost too trail to stand Ilc is helped onto high stool and glzinccs at thc scorc Without word his I1£llIS£lltl£IISI and the music Iiigins As if by magic this giant of canjures forth cascach of the celebrated Stokowski sound thrusting strings vibrant brass and rich double basscs which have been his trademark Thats the greatest Brahms Second Ivc cvcr heard stu dio worker says during brcak in the threehour session LISTENSIO ILAYILHK Meanwhile Stokowski who has made more than 23 rccord ings since his 0lth birthday Iisr tens to playbacks in thc control room Bassoons too loud cellos not together he tells cn gincers nc musician recalled playing under Stoky before the mellowing influence of ad vnncingyears It wasnt unusual for him to point to an offender who had madc mistake and say You io home Stokowski was born in Lon don April 18 1882 the son of Polish cabinet maker and an Irish mother Musically gifted as child and church organist at 20 Stokowski got his first conducting job in Cincinnati in 1009 He became US citizen In 1915 snow Riconutunrnls Iiwunitm and AT 700 900 PM 1200 797 CITY Lights 79 Match Garnc 20 llmll lllllhlvlllélkllltl IAIIOIOIJSIOKOWSKI 60 NLOPSTW 7284681 777News 135 19 Education of Mike 7Name The Tune 19 Me And My World McM mus 3Leaei10 agave 25 FLme Dim 400 LOS ANtlulJaS AI Iclc lcd vacation that took him to A7News iourdHui Mowe Glrl vision coiiicdinn Bob Ncwliart various parts of thc country Ilc PLAYING Held over 6th week gngggaégbigiik EWRQMMM Nalfégiko said Mondin thnt protcsts from said thc rcsiansc from his fzins HMidday M0 Hum fans havc causal him to chnngc prompted him to rcconsidcr his 100 905 PJII 910 9111 1Mr Rogers News Merv GritIin his mind about qlutting IiislBS cilrlicr dccision to quit thc gfgrgggfigrimama $900990 5rr°rkc°c scrics The Bob Ncwhurt Show scrics We leexes Bazaar All in the Family 11 Young and The hnii IIIyi hlI 1130 977 Alan Hamel Restless psychologist Bob Ilnltlcyon thc Ihc show produccd by Mary gmxaqelms 30va TDDCOVCF snPassrm PM LPG show made the uinounccmcnt Iylcr Moorc Irmluctions also ews oors iary OS Search For Tamer 22 Lane Raw dui my IIlt taping of Monday st in Sitmini Icshcttc 15 His whole me was minionmflne Shot row 19rrchrrgtm 7s Bohino mght might Showun NBC MWllllll Wllc Next sczlson ALL NEW Rrans Hopc 1=15 79 Love Amcrlcun Ncwlllrt said hc I1II us will be hcsc mm NW he aooenuone excmuo THAN AIRPORT 1975 T977Communiguo 730 470 75Les COQIJJIUthUS Doctors 19 Le Mondi Des PLIII 1245 3Movil The October Man 19AMagre and Company 100 Gong Show 77Canadlan Cavalcad kAdam 17 Bob MC Loan 94ATrouhlc With Trary 711 All My Children I9 Stcin COIlfCIlOn 130 711 Days of Our Lives As The World Turns 77 Rona Barrett AJoycc DuVidson 7275 For The Momy 19 Report Metric 25 NOUVeIILS Edge of Night 711 One Lite to Live 77 Guiding Light 19 Challenge To Scienco 75 Cinema 797 Magistrates Court 750 19 Tell Me Story 300 Anothcr World Take 30 All In The Farriin 19 En Francois 77 Bonnie Pruddin 79 Peoplc in Contlirt 15 Commander Tom 11 General Hospital 330 George Anthony Celebrity Cooks 430 75 Frintrcluchc Entiint 77 GIIIIQHTIS Island Whats New 79 Mlki Douglas 11 Dinah l9 Elertru company 500 77 Doris Day Lory Show Klahanic Emcrgenc I9 Scsnmr itrim 75 Mohiriin Di Filfl 530 It Ncws 17 Adam I7 Odd Couple Room 177 It Hot Manda 15 Lhcurl di painti THURSDAY EVENING VIEWING 600 7471177 New JvMovn the Eternal Sea 574 Hours 9DCIIHIIIOI1 l9 Polka 001 Door 75 Nouvcllw 79 vCI News 630 72 Cvonq Show News 11 Party Garni 19 Readulong 75 Luctuel 645 19 Migce and Company 700 17 7000 Couple rBowllno for Dollars Concentration My Nllml Hurry Worth To Tell The Truth Grand Old Country 11 Mnkcm and tom 19 Movm ituqoi out It 01 79 Get flllrtll 730 77 Srinnua International Hotlywood minim Strikes Spuna Misus Welcome Bark Km to Bobby thon Lamgiins Rabbi II Giorge Hamilton IV 19 Education 01 Mike McManus 15 Cinema 79 Tnttletalcs 800 72 AIIKL NBC Reports Carol Burnett Wallons Welcome Bock Kot tor ll Fantastic Journey I9 Agc of Uncertainty 79 Movic The Dairy oi Anne Frank 030 77 Whats Happening 900 71 Wintario ottery 11 Best ilIIBfS Ti ACTHl Awards MOVIt Amaling Hover Hughiy concl Barney Miller 19 Challenge In mcnii 930 Ihrcc Company 19 Helping Children lrow Mottd DOUDIL 75 Torrc El Muissons 1000 17 News Westside Medii at 19 Faul E31 Virginie 75 Scenario 1030 19 Dr who 75 Nouycllcs 1100 73457911 Nch 77 Mary Hortrnon l9 Explorations In The Novvl 79 City Lights 1105 75 Mcsdiimcs El MQSIPIIS 1120 359 News 1130 77 Opposnle Opposite Scxe Johnny Carson Koink Mary Hartman 11 Larry Solwiiy I9 Communique 79 Money Game 1135 90 Mumte Liv 1700 Movrc Cloak and Dagger Geraldo Rivera Ironside II MUVII ltic Advcn turers Movie Thi antnrs 15 Brigade 9pc mli 1740 Movu Itii Hoist 100 Tomorrow Movie Jiosiiw 105 Fugitive 15 11 Merv Grittin Scared British cmnclliansingcr lcs OConnor now hcadlining tlic London Palladium Show at the National Arts cntrc in Ottawa says In oncc faintcd with four bcforc going out on stage Photo CHINESE FOOD WANT QUICK SERVICE Try our hot toot delivery Free on orders over $700 In Iorrlo 10 Discount on PlckUp Orders over 0700 Phone 7288811 405 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE 309W 7269944 mill from LAUGHTER UNLEASHED IIINll lit in ii WM or mm ACADEMY AWARD WINNER BEST ORIGINAL SONG EVERGREEN FLIGHT 23 GRASNES IN THE BERMUDA TRIANGLE roam PASSENGEIIS STILL Alivumm UNDERWATER IIIWNIS III llflIllIIlllI SIiInIIJACK LEMMON LEE GRANT BRENDA VACCARO JOSEPH CDTTEN OLIVIA IE HAVILLAND DARREN MCGAVINCHRISTDPIIER LEEGEORGE KENNEDY JAMES STEWART as Pnllllo Stevens ROCKY RUBIRI BHIRIIIII IRWIN Ntllll illttN t3 tltlllSiN SYWISIIR SIIIIUNI lltlEKY naming Itllt SH Ill Illllll Yllile tltlll Wltlltlltt llllllilii MIRHIIIII Stillillll SllllthI

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