Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 13 Apr 1977, p. 12

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Patience only lasts so long dogs patience will last only so long as Susan Derjanecz of Alliston found out Monday when shetook too long to throw the stick for her retriever Chantelle Looking on are haiitelle brother Heinz and Susans friend Susan iucliardi The girls spent part of their school holiday playing with the dogs on the bank of the Bovne River iii Allistoii Ex iin iner Photo During Education Week Parents visits part of plans by two schools STAYNER isits by parents will be the highlight of Education Week activities at Stayiier tollegiate institute and Byiig Public School llflicials of both schools say they hope to get as many parents as possible to the schools to meet the teachers and discuss their childrens illUfllCSS Keri iryshoii viceprincipal il Stayiierollcgiatc said plans Ior lidiicatiori Week April lit to are not coriiplote but several are being cori suggestions adored The suggested activities iri clude student and teacher ex Changes with other schools parerits tour during school hours preparation of brochure on education to be CIT culated in the community and giving students chance to evaluate the education system Leyshoii also said the school is also considering changingthc daily schedule from five period day to the llkperiod day formerly used at the school StlltltliSWITFIIIII lost of the students Stayrier ollegiate he have not espericnced at said to New clerk at Vespra native of Sunnidale MIDHIRST Staff Depu ty clerk of the town of Wasaga rugby by Beatrice Johnston 326681 Mr and Mrs irwiri Llark have returned from Florida and are spending few days with their daughter before returning to their home in ro Station itcv William Morclarid tiuclph called on Saturday to visit with Mr and Mrs Nlrs Art and lim Iiitngiilitil Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Bryan Johnston on the birth of son Jason tharles Beach for the past three years Dennis Wilson has started his new duties as clerk of Vespra township Mr Wilson succeeded Earl Richardson who is retiring after 25 years as clerk and 16 years service on Vespra coun cii Mr Richardson is remain ing temporarily in an advisory capacity was looking for promotion and was very pleased to get an appointment in Simcoe oun ty said Mr Wilson dont think there is better place to livcl native of neighboring Suri nidale township Mr Wilson has lived in this area practical ly all his life in sporting circles lie is best known as golfer and has played mostly at Barrie and Wasaga teach courses period day because the school switched to fiveperiod schedule four years ago The old system of bells to all nounce the end of each period would be used as well Leyshon said to recreate the secondary school atmosphere of the late Sixties Principal Winifred Swalm said at least three activites are planned to get parents more in volved with Byng Public school The staff will make special effort to get parerils into the school during regular hours and Parents Night hosted by the pupils will be held which will include tours of the school for the parents with their children actiiigas guides NIIIICI Itlfitll EARLY Mrs Swalm said she also plans to start series of principalparent meetings dur ing Eduation Week She would meet regularly with small groups of parents to discuss the schools programs and get their reactions and suggest ions This is my first year in the school as principal she said and would like to have more interaction with the parents in small groups Other activities under cori sideration are community service at entennial lnited hurch featuring music by the Grade and pupils brochure for parents outlining the academic program at the school and displaying pupils Work in storefront windows on Main Street during Education Week Mrs Swalm said final details of Education Week activities were to be worked out at staff meeting Wednesday afternoon BOAT SHOW 455 BAYFIELD MALL AT show on until April 16 PARTICIPATING DEALERS SANDY COVE MARINE MACDONALDS MARINE GULI ROCK MARINE SPORT HAVEN MARINE BE SURE AND VISIT WITH BAYFIELD MALL DURING OUR BOAT SHOW ON TILL SATURDAY APRIL 16th EVERYTHING NEW IN BOATS WILL BE ON DISPLAY FROM LUXURY CRAFTS TO SMALL RUNABOUTS 1000 AM 930 PM MONDAY TO SATURDAY TO SERVE YOU WITH OVER 60 STORES MOI COUNTYS IAIGIST INDOOR SHOPPING INTII WITH MATT CONYIOIIID COMFORT numb mu alworth NYS SPEED RACING IIRE 20 COLOR TV 018 friittltl 4Byorllllyunwou °0riingo color 0EACH OEAtIIl sou no cam 51 CAMPER SPECIAL OGreeri plaid x9 illIlIlSi ioni ol only Ctlltlillilll lliuIISl strivti oSET Cnloniati Sunrtlitn lUlllItlll 12 Am hues tttltilt Sleeping Selocnori of colors ESfipun was TRAILER MATTRESS oEACHg 48xllx3 meow Iiliifiliil Continuous cleaning out Avucado onlv my COOPER SOFTBALL EACH 0N0 91H 16 llcnuro Eggplant softball Bi Bentwood 005 99 sumirm mous uu Wlllle only oYrIluw 91 only EACH package 57°05 woman mom ucm iy SL8 oMetal tramp MBIBl frame LACH EACH SPEED QUEEN DISHWASHER cycle white only 1288 °Une only CH EACH MITCHELL SPINNING REEL No 300 right hand LAWN CHAIRS No 301 left hand am 2288 OLD PAL FISHING TACKLE BOX Gtray °LAlIll web allimrnorn frame Assortod colors otcn 588 CANON ATl SLR CAMERA NEW Wrtli lens 50 tllfll ll SC 0333 way WINTON TENNIS RACXET only Lilllllllditfll constrooinir EACH Oltlllt nmsouno mom CAMERA 355 7° 43 PROJECTOR 05 08y Kuday luri all ages otArii Model 130 cariiara Mndral 235 protector Super cartridge llllit nadir ii Mrrréipl rlii llrlldll€d 02 pinionrrrri speeds Stiow Sound srler ll Pioirzrts ltt low PIECE lUGGAGE SET °8reqo or blue SU or tract or only STERLING sum OFUFl porn cums BRACELETS ElMO mom PROJECTOR ammo Supo or Regular llliil Ur Cymym 188 988 oSluw vnntlrirr lttiluift ACII or only swrss WATCHES EALH utmttcs Hints it rlirlds HANIMEX SLIDE PROJECTOR 00 59 l0 we Slides tly AL 00 capacity notioni tint uamcs NECKLACES ancer OIACH empty 1an CAROUSEL SLIDE PROJECTOR c7 up 00y Itorink illl lilldll sri lilll Iritrrtiml EVEREADY BATTERIES lmlcw Stlte It my ml transistor million DX3 SLR CAMERA mum LIGHT BULBS tons wrtlr urn Tiill irrfrirrrratitin Viewfinder only Ulillt AUTOSTAR TO POCKET CAMERA KIT 00 or lilll watt lttllllS pet pkr lKli TOOL BOX 110 17 film lit tilllllttlv MeHJrLuhe lll5littllll3 Ll WI omit Ntmtl no litittiiries exit BLACK DECKER roam cucuuroa 10 POWER SHOP LCD 00M Ildlllill saw Wllll brain Olin off finlijlltll lilllt top it SUIililz OllilMllf if OUAKER STATE MOTOR OIL Suptir llltltltl 0i liriprinal iiirait ttriurrf crystal °Full lltiilirllff it Stlllétlil root keys 150lirti battery life Lllillle quantity 2388 MLH Il Music Records TURTLE WAX 01Ioairltlrrnon littlll tiliiss CORTEZ 23 CHANNEL 18 CB TRANSCEIVER MEH warrs PA SWIlLIl aNorse it SilllItItLIl controls Witli lllltilllUflt EACH MCCORMICKS JELLY SLICES OOranpo it loriion 15 Ol THERMOS JUG iltisric constitution ASStllItttl colors LACH WORRMANS lUNCII BOX Stiiirly pliistit °I littltl Sllll Liilty color OtAtjlt Pets Supplies LBS SMILES CHUCKLES RUFF DIPT CHOCOLATES PC BUDGIE KIT Assnrtod corrtriis 00rirlrim ti coon LB Ifitiiily NOLTZNAUSER OCUMPllil PICK MIX CANDY I1 PC AQUARIUM KIT Assortiid flavors Doloxri lllllllill tBS °Uoiily SQUARE BOYS AND OKII WAGON WHEELS CAT LITTER 012 per package 025 lb tiiig OPKG Sportlng Goods TRACK TAPES PRE RECORDED Pop Rock Country Instrumental TOILET TISSUE 04 rolls per pack Limit packs per customer 47 °ShrimpsFrench Fires Lemon Tartar Sauce With 25 beverage Complete FERTILIZER For lawn garden 040 lb bag COTTOWEL PAPER TOWELS rolls per pack 0Limit packs per customer pack DAYS ONLY Garden Shop smoking Stipplies 3V5 TRPICAL ruins DIES PANT sun VBTIUUS varieties 0100 polyester OFACH Srzaslllto 20 POTTING sou osurr via lb bag LADIES TSHIRT OBAG 00 acrylic printed SIZBS SML Paints Wallpaper my Talc nc DECORATOR PAPER om 0100 cotton Sell adliesrve yd Zineglfliotti Al IE°i 288 mm VINYL coma wumm 1505005 SCFUDIJBIJIE piepasted 3st 20 82ng IADIES lONG GOIVNS DR 0100 nylon floral print VINYL coma munm 2359 pasted scrutiliatile ms SML OASsnrtod colors EACH WWW lADIES HALF SLIP CUUONDOIYESlEI mow mm OUARTS onn Whw Olrrtenor Later Slles SML Wnrto Off WhrtoBeige EACH AM SW Gm NYLON BIKINI WME wmp OSireich lace colors Urmlh 8W Srzes or EACH DISPOSABLE LIGHTER The Matchl Vatinos cola ACH ess tighter 88 CENTURY intonot in 0A good Briar Pipe only OTACH 4S PRINTE 488 CHAMBRAY Top bottom weight Ofuily wastrati ill 60 STRIPE 188 200 pnlyesm tart dyed double knit 0Y0 188 54 T0 60 BOUCLE STRIPE OFulty washable Varnus color YU 288 45 HOLLY HOBBY PRINTS Tully waslrab Vdmros rotor YD li 288 JUMBO FROSTED YARN Ausnrred colors 200 grains FOR 388 wrunxinu ply OVaririus color FOR 188 JUMBO ELEPHANT CORD l00 polypropylene Slillil variegated colors LACH 388 BROTHER SEWING MACHINE MUdC Ni 75 °W=i Dttliabit ACrt 0350 9888 BROTHER SEWING MACHINE OMrlr 56 Zapsrrtir MM BROTHER SEWING MACHINE °MrrdelNo 120lstrarglitsnrcli oftirwarrl llilLleiillll sew lAlIH Family Footwear 6888 LADIES POPSICLE SANDAL Viriyt wedgii SlltS ll ll OPAIll heel 288 MENS KooiAit wont BOOT Letlllltll III gli ltlttllllli51854l2 lAtH BOYS NORTH STAR RUNNERS triaineilvrtiyl coated errtelliliic stitpe SttlS 70 PAIH 1088 MENS PREWASHED JEANS 0100 cotton denim SllttS 7G to 34 OPAIIi 1488 MENS mm JEANS OIUUA cotton Si1i4s30 to 30 OlAlTi 788 3015 Priwnsnm mus Illllllr cotton ilonirti Srliisil to 10 OPAlil 788 NO CHARGE UNDERGROUND PARKING ENTRANCE OFF MAPLE AVENUE OPEN MONDAY T0 FRIDAY 930 AM TD 900 PMSATURDAY 930 AM TD 800 PM 5676 Buyfield Street Downtown Barrie BUY WITH EUNFIUEIICE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED RlPlACEMle tilt YOUR MONIY REIUNDIU PRICES IN EFFECT APRIL 14 15 A16 OR Famin Hosiery our srz memos part per pack OPKG WHISPER PANTYHOSE °One srze OPAlR LADIES BERMUDA HOSE 010002 nylon colors OPAIR 088 lADIES HANDBAGS Selecuorr ol styles Allil shades EACH Childrens Wear INEANTS canon vrsrs OCorton printed Srzesii to 24 mos FOR PC LONGIE SET szesS 12 18 mos SET TODDLERS PJs POIYESIBICOUOD colorslwtiiie 0EACH OPolyester assorted color Sizes 3X FOR IOYS BRIEFS OPUlyesrercotton OPAlH CHILDS STRETCH DENIM PANTS Nylonlacryllc Sizos 6X OPAIR GIRLS JACKET Siies 6X 0EACH Stationery Protect your photos OEACH °Farnt crayon 0EACH Woolworth Pharmacy operated by Jack Aurtin Drug ltd division of Dominion Citrus Drug ltd Hegular Menthol demonLimo Off 01 EACH ULTRA BAN SUPER DRY DEODORANT SCClllild unscented Berge Spice colors Srzes ll OAcrylic styles °Sizes 3X TODDLER numb TSHIRT 999 style sries4 6X 03 colors Conon assorted colors more nuns JUMBO COLORING BOOK OLD SPICE SHAVE CREAM or EACH HEAD suouums SHAMPOO Ototiori 0100 ll EACH STYAY FREE MAXI PADS Ofeiiiiriiiio napkins 048s 0PKG BENYLIN COUGH SYRUP or °EACH Your SatiSTaction is Guaranteediin EvorfPurchasg

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