Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 12 Apr 1977, p. 15

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Need help the examiner Tuesday Aprll12 1977 15 ALL THE HELP YOU NEED RIGHT HERE Daily Business Directory CUSTOM FENCING RESIDENTIAL FENCING Chain link custom wood Ionces Improve your property 737 1507 ALTERATIONS LADIES AND entlemens alterations 26 Mary St Telep one 7373432 or residence 7288446 ALUMINUM GIBSON ALUMINUM LTD Alcan siding Sottit Trough Doors Windows Awnings 10 DISCOUNT Available when placing order before April 30th BARRIE 7265609 GEORGIAN BUILDING PRODUCTS ALUMINUM Siding Sottit Eavestrough Windows Focia Doors Shutters Awnings AdditionsRooting Porch EnclosuresStonework For free estimate Call PHIL SPURLING 7266907 Local Family Business ALUMINUMWINDOWS dooFs sIdirTéTSoiIii Fascia and trough all colours 20 year guarantee 4246073 PAINSWICK ALUMINUM insiaiTJrg ol siding SoIIit Fascia and eavestrough Various col ors Free estimates 7269769 NORTHERN ALUMINUM Products SoIIII Fascia Siding Trough All colors Guar anteed 7262609 7269002 APPLIANCES ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd authorized sales and service 18 Alliance Blvd 3392 AUTO REPAIRS WE REPAIR British European and Jonanese oars Coronation Auto Serv 17 Mary St 7265441 BEAUTICIAN PALLISTERS BEAUTY SALON 50 Highcrolt Rd Allandole Heights Perms $1250 All your beauty needs 72238656777 BICYCLES BIKELAND Gawan St Home Open Ior ser vice Fast service Phone WV BIRD HOUSE PURPLE MARTIN Houses Ior sale Apply at 92 Melrose Ave Barrie or telephone 72B52B737 BOOKKEEPING EXP BOOKKEEPING Ior all business Ac curacy assured Your ottice or ours 7286428 alter Sgror weekends CARPENTRY AND General Contractor Kitchen rec rooms renovations additions Irreplaces Mranteed 7371507 CARPENTER SpeCiaIizing m1 roams ml terior remodelling trim etc Please call 7288884 alter pm CABINET MAKER EOropean iroinedmxii chens vanities Pine Iurniture renovations alterations Domestic Commercial 726 2948 LICENCED CARPENTERS TrCustOm tibiaei cottages renovations repairs Satisloction guaranteed RondJConstruction 726 7461 CARPENTER will do rec rooms renovations remodelling etc No lab to small 7261271 CONSTRUCTION licenced carpenters Ior renovations additions homes cottages Free estimates 43$4995 CARPENTER WILL do anyisrnroll lab Remodell in renovations and sundacks Phone Bill Jo nston 72687m rgrnytime SAVE Have VexpErienced carpenters erect your pretab home or cot toga Cglliake Temple 7268465 DON FLEMING Licenced carpentry Con tracting renovations cabinets rec rooms etc Phone Ior estimate CARPENTRV all types rec rooms renova tions No job to small Reasonable Satislac streams 6L 72131831 CAPENTRY shingiés welcome small Iobs rec em We work guaranteed Phone Steve 7267255 or Kenny 4245690 Cabinet Maker specializing in bUIltvin Iur niture and tinishing work Work guaranteed Reasonable prices Gaol 773772194 CARPET CLEANING YOUR START spring cleaning today Revitalize your carpets with A1 carpet steam cleaninigj266331 CARPET SHAMPOOING Ior Iree estimates call day or evening Don CERAMIcs WINTERICKS CERAMICS Floor and wall tiling wd 29917916263 SIMCOE CERAMICS Floors walls cerarnic mosaic vinyl parquet Drywall and taping COOS ceilings Gard 4562890 CUSTOM FENCING FENCE °Chain Link Cal in Vinyl ORagulation Paul Fence Wood or Metal Privacy Wrought Iron Do it yourself or Professionally installed For Free Estimate call Peel Fence Systems Inc 465 DAVIS DR NEWMARKET 8981361 Collect Barrie CARPET INSTALLATION WALL TO WALL installation carpet and vinyl Iully guaranteed reasonable rate 4585432 CHAIR CANING ANTIQUE CHAIR CANING Over 35 years ex mrieflce Telephone Somers 43622991 COMMERCIAL ART COMMERCIAL ARTIST Logo design art work layout etc Plese call collect 416 9362631 CURTAINS HAVE THE trash crisp with Canadian Curtains tiers polyester or muslin per pair Call 7269667 writeBoxB33 look of spring tiebacks and $20 to $40 7261949 or DISC JOCKEY Music By BRIAN HILTZ Disc Jockey Country to Disco Weddings Dances Banquets Special prices MonFri 7283808 DRESSMAIIING DRESSES FIT it made by JOSIE AQUNO Specializing in pantsuits gowns and altera tions 42 Eugenia St Phone ALTERATIONS AND custom sewingHApply Mrs Wrightman 235 Tillin Telephone 7266769 DRYWALL BILOTTA DRYWALL and tapin residential and commercial no job too ig or small Telephone4584233 EAVESTRDUGIIIND GRAHAM EAVESTROUGHING troughing installedCall 72B6628 SUPERIOR EAVESTRODGHING Specialists Ice and snow removal Irom roots only Free esti mates call 4241956 New Lowell Eaves ELECTRICAL PETER GAMBLE Electrrc Commercial ReSIdential Industrial Installations and ser estinserts SIMCOE ELECTRIC ndustriol 7Commercial Residential FormS Lighting design Electrical consulting 20 yrs experience City Masters Lic 118 7288234 ELECTRICAL WIRINCC prolessmnal work at reasonable rates Also aerial towers install ed Licenged 773770065 or 436 PARRY ELECTRICAL lndustriol OFarm Commercial Residentiol Electric Heat Dryers Ranges Roof Deicing QUALITY SINCE 1949 7283896 EXCAVATING ROBERT BOYCHOFF Etcavattng haulage septic systems trenching loader work gravel 4361553 4361257 BULLDOZING small and large iobs Eason and Sons RR Minesing 726 7638 WEST GROVE CONSTRUCTION Backhoe Excov ATrenching Horizontal Augering 7289833 FIREflACES FIREPLACES Specializing in natural stone antique brick 75 Bayiield St Custom built and designed All workmanship guaranteed PETER HENSTRA 7372871 TE STONEWORK and lireplices specioltitr Watsog Ior Iree estimates 728 599 FLOOR REFINISHING HARDWOOD FLOOR Installation and relinishing old and new guaranteed not to chip or peel Just look over the ads below The OdverlISPrs listed are experts in their Iield and will assure ybu ol the lines iob pOSSIble HANDYMAN HOME AND COTTAGE Maintenance Pain tIng Plumbing Real and Chimney repairs 4364105 HAULAGE PICKUP and driver Ior hire Any job con sidered Telephone 4246463 HOME IMPROVEMENTS INTERIOR REMODELLING Kitchens rec rooms Call Russ 4363681 altar 630 pm Relerences available NEED MORE living space rec roomTgxtra bedroom play room laundry ollice storage space Also painting wollpapering Murray Ball 7288906 CUSTOM REC ROOMS Complete basement planning and decorating privacy screens and patios aluminum door The number Ior all your needs 7288906 SPECIALIZING IN Tuck pointing chimneys waterproofing brick and stone caulking win dows and expansion ioints Work guaran teed 4589346 CONSTRUCTION House raising loun dations renovations additions Phone 4362955 or 4364175 alter RENOVATIONS BASEMENTS dug block and brick laying Iireplaces painting Interior exterior Guaranteed workmanship 4246073 CUSTOM BUILDING House lilting Iounda tions and basements additions and renova tions Fox Contracting 7261710 NORTHERN CARPENTIW DeCks rec Grooms renovations extensions etc etc Guor onteied work 7262609 or 7263002 INCDIIIIE TAx INCOME TAX returns prepared Angus Bar rie area 35 up Dubson 4245910 alter Sandweekends CENTRAL DATA PROCESSING Complete Accounting And Bookkeeping Services Year end Financial Statements T4s Income Tax returns For an appointment at your convenience PHONE 4364952 TThSTF TNCOMETAX returns prepared Ior small business lurm and home Mitchell Book Reaping Service 726 297 TAX RETURNS prepared personal small business Iarm Reasonable CalI 728 4634 or 4689172 anytime TAX RETURNS Telephone for appointment or just drop in BENEFICIAL FINANCE by peuplc who care 7285931 PERSONAL INCOME rAx mini ptopotIrLl Fast and auuratv servin Call Shenstone 737 83 alter mid wool ids INCOME rAx returns Itott immi P8 sonal small DUSIVBSS Prriiitri Dirk up amt decvmy PhortcR Stilitli 430 4828 LANDSCAPING Blue Turf vs Landscaping 3ng tSodding lw Planting Landscape design it Contract lawn care Includes Iertilizing airitying rolling weed spraying 55 Main Street Sandy Cove Acres RR Street 4364538 TTh$My10 BOTTING PROPERrr gm swim cleanups pruning lawn and griirtw 11 It tariurilr IUIdSTTplllg ljlg FiLn estimates 726 4536 GREAVES LANDSCAPING AND TREE SERVICE RR BARRIE TREE REMOVAL GROUNDS MAINTENANCE LANDSCAPE DESIGN 7289369 4873401 Lawn Care Garden Preparation Roto tilling Everygreeris Cedar Hedges Fertilizing And Patio Repair FREE ESTIMATES TELEPHONE 7265666 HANDYMAN LAWN CARE FERTILIZING WEED spraying mriwitiq ImI90 and shrub trirrirniitig Also rough lithvltllq Vic Trientstra 176 0427 Garages cleaned MASONRY Trash hauled away JUST GIVE US YOUR CASTOFFS 4875525 7263441 between 10 am and 530 am SPRING CLEANUP Storm windows removed and Cleaned General lawn care clean up and spring fertilizing Garages and basements Cleaned Refuse removed BARRIE 4362387 79 auction sales Moving Inventory Clearance Auction Sale For NOBELTON FARM SERVICE Also complete line of farm machinery tractors of Mr Ballot Innislil Twp To be held at Nobelton Farm Service LOCATION miles west of Nobelton or miles east of Bolton on FRIDAY APRIL 15 at 10 am The sale will otter approx 10 used tractors incl gas diesel the machinery will include trail ph semimount plows ph wheel carrying discs trail ph cultivators grain drills corn planters tield Sprayers trail ph swathers grader blades Iarm trucks used lumber the usual wagon of misc scrap irOn Partial list only TERMS Cash day of sale Cheques widentilication Nothing to be removed until settled for ACCIDENTS Neither the owners nor the auct will be responsible for accidents or property loss ERNIE SEVERN AUCT RR Alliston Tel 7054357467 A612 EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 MASONRY block and brick IIIIariluin No lob too small Reasonable 737 3357 STAN KNICELY MASONRY and stone work Iiruplriiri Free estimate 705424 5158 MICROWAVE OVENS rutris Burk hlmk spiiririlty DELL MICROWAVE Services Amana Litton Panasonic Hitachi Toshiba Sanyo Sales Amana Sanyo 100 year warranty on Amana Save up to 75 on Hydro 7264177 7days MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT 77 WARREN BROWN Musir Ior pnoplsr who like to dance Good rates 726 9545 PIANIST AVAILABLE FOR WEDDINGS RECEP TIONS DINNER PARTIES Call 126 5213 riltm 6prn public notices MUSIC INSTRUCTIONS GUITAR LESSONS Classical and popular Marcel Potvin QuitorStudio 7261489 ACCORDION guitar piano or an beginner and advanced months tria instrument loaned Ior home practice Canadian Aca demy at Music 121 Baylield 7281799 PAINTING VELLINGA PAINTING and decorating In terior exterior Work guaranteed Establish 39Y39157393351769991 WAYNE FOLEY Protessional painters Ex terior and Interior Free estimates Work SgaiacathfiWt HILLSDALE DECORATING Interior ex terior wollpapering custom textured walls grid ceilings Telephone 705 8355387 local PAINTING PAPER HANGING experienced Iree estimates Jack Richardson 7262012 175597 DON SIESLING ProIesSIonol painting in terior exterior paper hanging custom work 1Satisloctionguaranteed 7266808 ROY DOIRON Interior axleriorrpainting and paper hanging Customers satisloction guaranteed 436 3691 PROFESSIONAL PAINTING Interior ex terior 30 years experience Estimates Phone 7371295 or 7286168 PICTuRE TRAMING OATES 82 Dunlop St East Custom Iraming 01 all types We stock many 3119 Phone 728 3270 ABBEYWOOD CUSTOM PICTURE FRAMING RETAIL COMMERCIAL CHARGEX MASTERCHARGE 7370832 See our ad in the Yellow Pages ARTIFRAM Custom plII0 Yalllltg Wide selections Fcist service Low IIW prize 728 8633 evenings PLUMBING INEW WORK arid reports drain and sewer cleaning Citttriloltt kitchen and bathroom renovations 456 4233 tile JEFF ceramic Bilnttu TlFlANY PARIY RENlAl Everything For Entertaining Tables chairs dishes glasses etc We Deliver Reserve Now 7371388 gt 248 Tiffin St Barrie ROOFING and Ritalin Nov Lapin Iiiiiqliu Repairs quaruritum iiiiulii Rtiusotiulvlo 4H E1195 7511irilliv AND ROOFING NIw Liiiit ilII Riiiiitru Ftuo astiirvoh 3711897 Oh by 11 lAURIER SHEET METAL Flat rooting Tar Gravel New and Repairs Eavestroughing Commercial Residential work For estimates call 7263492 STAIRS lStAIRs ar wenunion will hum wi Writimpini ltlvr ii to 72¢ ytim SEWING MACHINES SALES SERVICE lSEWEAW mm Iiiiii In ii l71i162l ltlLtlwli all lllllhI NIPt iiiviitiim mat with SNowPLowING IAUL SHOWPIOWIHG Um imi nil ITHIIII riiil lriul Ifl 3064 WRIGHT SHOVIIIIWltl glint iiwi iiimiii ii rZti STUCCO RUSiIll IIIIUFI SlRAt ttiiim lit wt min trrj hurry In IJIJIIDRIHIII Miilltuiw and Inn iv 11 IHstdIII liill rIinmiitili rrilm Sttfil um yinI IllflIiI urn Dtlpttltltllrlu Ivltrtllp TREE REMOVAL WE Hwy qt IIlr iiiivt up iitltrltl tlllil 111 my ml min II tritium tiiii ir titlI WELL DIGGING LONE STAR WELL DIGGING STROUD Mm It 11 mm Hmmu imam liiiiin IHliiilly sir uimm ii iiIl lilliltrl wt mu Itilt Hit it Irvriqtliu In WI Ll111illtl 41 4364359 WELL DRILIER Gilberts Water Well Drilling Forms Homes Cottages FREE ESTIMATES 10 years experience ANGUS 4245657 S21 WINDOW CLEANING AILEN HROTHI RS Wirirtriw Cluuriiriq Apritt merits Strirus Houses Fuclorius able rates Trilrphrinri 72H I9l4 RIIisriri 80 public notices THE BARRIE PLANNING BOARD will be holding PUBLIC MEETING to discuss an application to rezone lands located north at Edgehill Drive west of Anne Street from Residential Hold to Residential RAI to permit approximately 131 high rise rental apartment units The property is comprised at approximately 27 acres Plans of the proposal may be viewed at the Planning and Develop ment Department on the third floor OI City Hall during regular working hours The meeting will be held in THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS OF CITY HALL on WEDNESDAY APRIL 13 1977 at 700 pm and interested persons are invited to attend or write to express their opinion JONES Secrutary Treasurer BARRIE PLANNING BOARD A13 El EVERYDAY LOW PRICES ARE AS LOW OR LOWER THAN OTHER FOOD STORE ADVERTISED PRICES WE DARE YOU TO COMPARE We Do CANADA GRADE BBO TIME CHUCK STEAK 69f CROSS RIB ROAST BONELESS CHUCK ROAST OR FRESH MINCED BEEF GROUND CHUCK ONE PRICE LB CANADA GRADE CANADA PACKERS TIIRIrTY PACK ASST LUNCHEON MEATS BIG PAK BIG SAVINGS BIG 12 OZ PACK FRESH GROUND BEEF LBS UP 483F MM PKGS PER FAMILY COMPARE SAVE THICK JUICY TENDER 299 COMPARE ANYWHERE BBO BONELESS OR BROIL MANHATTAN OR BONELESS BOSTON ROUND STEAK CANADA 99 COMPARE ANYWHERE MARGARINE BURGER PATTIES 499 40x2OZ CHICKN LEGS CANADA GRADE LBS UP TRAY PACKS GRADE ROUND BONE SHOULDER ROAST SHORT RIB ROAST BREAD 24 OZ LOAF WHITE BROWN CRACKED WHEAT 5159 33 EA EVERY DAY LOW FRESH OT PART SKIM MILK PITCHER PAK OR JUG DOG FOOD BANNER BITS 10 KG ICE CREAM CHAPMANS IITRE GREEN GIANT MINI CARROT NUGGETS LB BAG ORANGE JUICE KENT 12 OZ HILO FRENCH FRIES LB 419 2189 99¢ 279¢ 99¢ PLUS DEPOSJUG ONIONS DUTCH SETS NO GRADE 79 MACARONI OR SPAGHETTI 99 GARDEN FRESH PRODUCE 199 49¢ 288¢ LB APPLES MAC FCY LBS CABBAGE USA NO SPINACH USA NO CELLO 10 OZ POTATOES ONTARIO NO BRAND 10 LB BOX JAM SHOPPERS BRAND BONNIE PARCIIMENT 99¢ MILDORH012 99¢ GARBAGE BAGS 26 36 HEAVY DUTY DOG FOOD WATCH DOG BRAND 15 OZ VARIETIES CANADA DRY FULL CASES HOSTESS 88 OZ CHILI CON CARNE ERIN IO PACK MIX EM $1 POTATO CHIPS REG smAwamRY EILL YOUR OWN BAG RASPBERRY 24 oz 75 LB BAG An gus tore US OT IIISTOIO FOOTUIOS IT DISCOUNT ovrngs openSUndm VV vvvvvs vvvvvx 1m1m TQM NVVNVN NVNNNN b00009 000 09000 00 00009 994 ooooeoi 000090 to 0000004 DO es 099000 9000004 0004 9000 sooooec 000909 99009 909000 lt 900 soooeeeio 09 900 9099090000 99¢ ooeoooo 00 oooeooooee so OtDOQ 9909 mo tO eoooeoi 00 0099 900 Os 6090000 09 90 One 09 09400 ¢oooi to ooeoeooe 0000 90 0000 so coo poo was o0 so oooq 96 900 sooowoooo boo 9900990 990 90000 000000 000 ooeovoooe In so too coco00 so 00 oeooioeo gt00 90 00 0000 ooooooor DOOOOOOO soeoi 9000 9amtob 000 0000 see to OOOOPOOQ °° fiafifi one 0600 We reserve the right to limit mi Wm 90¢ 0090 to average family needs 726 683

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