18 the examlnor Thursday April 1077 40 articles for 3qu 40 articles for solo STANLEY CUR PLAYOFFS Can easily be enjoyed by fantastic colour television you can take free delivery money down and make no after the playoffs are over you with any one of these buys If you phone tonight and set up tonight Put no payments til June long 20 ZENITH CIIROMACOLOR Slightly marked 20 RCA XL 00 COLOR Newincrates 5488 3449 cleanupecu 25 MOTOROLA OUASAR Worksinadrawer 593 26 RCA XL 00 COLOUR Spanishtothefloor 19 GENERAL ELECTRIC Portable 100 solid state 688 393 KRAZY outs BARRIE SHOPPING PLAZA 7371192 Simcoe Coun Circle Pine Grove Save Mart Hwy 90 Prices Store Sunn Utopia Highway Se One Stop Shop Sunnidale Corners Lily Pad Restaurant Broys Market Big Cedar Point Variety Lefroy Bonds Store Lefroy Warks Store Alco 4CHANNEL Holiday amplifier with four VU meters brushed aluminium front includes separate FM AM tuner plus four speakers Full price $399 Buy here pay here Call Farmer Jacks 487 3605 Ask Ior Paul LOCAL SWIMMING Pool Dealer has limited number of steel inground pools at greatly reduced prices 16 32 in ground $3495 installed Other sizes comparably priced Call Polynesian Pools 18002616121 Ask for Operator 603 BEDROOM SUITE double dresser chest of drawers twin beds and one nightstand in good condition Phone 728 7198 PIECE walnut grain dinette only 189 Includes large table and floral IhalFS No down payment No payments till May Call Farmer Jacks at487 3605 Askfor Rick ELECTRO FREEZE SOFT ice cream machine large coke fridge with glass doors small pizza oven 15 lb gas deep fryer Henny Penny pressure chicken tooker automatic chicken holding rrmcr and chicken breader automatic alsomiscellaneousitemsCall466 2305 PIANO IJPRIGHT Cyrdner in good Iondition with bench $325 Phone 776 8229 PRIVATE SALE full rooms of quality furniture mostly rock maple some modern appliances TV ton Carrier air conditioner unit No appointment necessary Daily between pm to 67 Cumberland St Barrie GARAGE SALE Lionel hardtop trailer 1975 Duster household furniture and many other ar ticles Saturday April 9th 10 to pm One mile south of Thornton on Highway 27 CEDAR POSTS all sizes anchors and braces Rosecomb lanterns cocks and hens also ducks 7281637 UTILITY TRAILER for sale Phone after6p 7261036 HOOVER WASHER spin dryer for sale apartment size years old Sl25 or best offer Telephone 436 7682 GOOD QUALITY drapes assorted sizes all lined and like new $30 to 50 pair Antique Satin green one pair of each 39 42 43 63 36 53 Mealltc blur pair 25 53 and 36 53 Textured Yellow GotJ 2pairs 43 63 and 36 53 737 304 IJIOFFATT REFRIGERATOR NhITEI in perfect condition $150 Phone 737 2585 alterï¬p SPECIAL FridaySaturdaandSunday 20 rakes and hoes S2 each cedar rails $150each railway ties $8 each mod ern couch and Chair 5150 wood table with chairs and buffet With hutch $250 regular $555 wing back chair $l25 regular s2l9 Antiques Wood stove $225 washstands $35 to 895 each glass china cracks telephones brass copper and many other items at Bea cocks Antiques 112 Yonge Street mile south of Barrie on Highway 11 Dropinorcall 7371218 NEWFOUNDLAND PRODUCE salt fish hard bread cod tongue etc at Goulds Grocetaria corner of 9th and 25th side road Innislif Township RR No2 Slroud 436 104 LIVING ROOM furniture one piece stero component set $100 two corn mode end tables $4000 each one swivel chair $40 00 one pine floor lamp $30 one pine table lamp 815 ll Interested telephone 728 7876 FURNITURE Jacques and Hayes chairs arm chair platform rocker one love seat all matching Wood is in immaculate condition 737 2491 RADIO RECORD player and track with speakers 6150 Phone 728 5443after 5pm GOLF CLUBS lull set McGregor Sure Iliglit irons 13 and woods bag and cart Perfect condition $250 value 5165 firm 726 0443 or apply 44 Holgate Street FURNACE 85000 TU and controls good condition Also exercise bicycle like new with speedometer and tension control Telephone 726 5486 DESK office size 30 50 beautiful walnut finish no scratches like new double pedestal drawers $85 Tele phone 728 9770alter pm STEREO MUNTZ 4010 receiver amp Keto T5540 lurntahll and Yamaha NS 430 speakers Excellent condition 6850 or best offer Phone 728 6627 20 INCH Wide Screen Color Television Full factory warranty Wood grain cabinet No down No payments till May Call Paul at Farmer Jacks 487 3605 PIECE Chesterfield suitePitt setslightly water damaged Our regular price 6699 now only $449 No down payments No payments till May Call Paul at Farmer Jacks 487 3605 VIOLIN Viullaume 1820 rich tones and appearance $350 Also recorda call used six months cost $350 will sell for $250 Telephone 7285647 JIORE FIXTURES steel wtm at island shelving card racks check out countir and pen case cash registers photo copiirs desk and miscellaneous items Telephone lor appolntmenl 376 6722 20 TOSHIBA Color portable TV is yours for the ask ing Pay iust $299 cash or 3250 Weekly with no money and nopayments til June Phone tonight for free delivery and setup tonight Where else Kraly Kellys Bar rie Shopping Plaza 7371182 26 INCH Westinghouse color television Only $499 Full UHFVHF Full factory warranty No down payments No pay ments till May Call Farmer Jacks 487 3605 Ask for Rick ONE THIRD MOTOR and 34 hp motor Both new Holly Hobby bonnet long dress and pinafore childs size 10 new long dresses childs slze 8I2 737 0242 THE EXAMINER Available Daily at These in good condition meat slicer steam table work tablesl 7371 182 MTThFTF ty Merchants Borden idale Rd rvice Hwy 90 Hwy 90 Bay Point na Beach A7H MCCLAKY WASHER and dryer Only $599 set Full factory warranty cycle washer temperature dryer No down payments No payments till May Call Rick at Farmer Jacks 487 3605 SWIMMING POOLS 1977 models slight Iy scratched in transport Fully war ranted complete with pump motor filter fencing walkway and deck Suggested retail price $2295 Available at preseason special of $1288 Call not for early installation Call collect anytime 1416 663 9508 Color console TV Now iust $600 weekly or $649 cash basis Take delivery tonight and start payments in June with no down payment Where else Krazy Kellys Barrie Shopping Plaza 7371182 20 SOLID STATE GE color portable TV New in carton Now only $443 or iust $400 weekly Put no money down and lake free delivery tonight Start your payments any timei before June Krazy Kellys Barric Plaza 737 1182 ELECTROHOME 26 Color TV Now only 5399 or iust $4 00 weekly no money down no payment till June Phone tonight delivery tonight Krazy Kellys Barrie Shopping Plaza 7371182 RCAXLioo 20 color portable TV Automatic finel tuning completely Solid State Now only $449 00 or pay iust $4 00 weekly No money down and no payments til June Phone tonight delivered tonight Krazy Kellys Barrie Shopping Plaza 7371162 PIANO Willis apartment size year old Cost $1770 Asking $1495 Must seIImoving Telephone 436 I657 PIECE oak dining room suite Includes buffet and hutch oak table and mat ching chairs with gold fabric seats Ask about our payment plan Call Pauli atFarmerJacks487 3605 ELECTRIC SemiAcoustic Guitar anal Amplifier approx months old Both in excellent condition Asking $550 726 3435 54 INCH box spring and mattress onlyl $89 complete 39 inch box spring and mattressonly569complete Call Farmer Jacks 487 3605 ask for Rick IRESTAURANT Equipment Fryer Good condition Telephone 728 2736 41boats and motors HOBIE CAT CATAMARANS Try before you buy PRINGLES HOBIE CAT MARINE Orillia 7053251713 TThSMy3 MacDONALOS MARINE LTD 73 Yonge Street Barrie Fantastic savings to offer on 1976 boots and motors Call 7282940 Open days weekly A18 Outboard Motor Sale 15 HP Johnson $699 HP Johnson $389 HP Johnson $279 All new limited quantity SPORTIIAVEN MARINE mile East of Barrie on Shanty Bay Rd 7261001 MWFAu3 11299919999131 22 FT SHEPHERD mahogany boat double hull cylinder Chrysler inboard motor At condltion Asking 2500 Telephone 4354245 after 30pm NOT SURE about buying boat 24 foot sailboat for rent inboard motor head Motor City Marina seasonal or weekly rates Must show salllng ablllty 726 6208 Is FOOT SEARAY deep vee sleeper Seats deluxe Interlor 85 hp Johnson power tllt all In mint shape $2200 or make me anotfer 7288630 MERcuRv Outboard 9a lip with remote tank $500 Perfect condltlon Telephone 726 7968 16 CEDAR STRIP boat 12 no Johnson motor trailer and accessories $400 phone 456 3832 farm machinery 77777 42articles wanted CASH FOR old furniture books dishes old pictures clocks odds and ends Fr 1950 Items 7288234 ALL CASH for old furnlture pictures chairs etc etc 4875389 ANTIQUE GUNS by prlvite collector Reply to Box T94 The Examiner BOAT TRAILER or 10 horsepower outboard motor and Rototlller wanted Telephone 4246030 44dogs and pets BAR POODLE SalonShampoolng and cllpplng of all breeds Sophla Street East 7264141 POODLE TRIMMING professlonal groomlng all breeds pickup and de livery 7268798 Pet Studio GERMAN SHEPHERD female years old and male pup months old for sale Phone 3222351 MAYS POODLE PARLOR PFofes slonal clepIng and grooming reasonable rates Telephone 7260061 TROPICAL FISH Best selectIBnTrt town Aquariums all slzes at unbeatable prlces Evenings and weekends Edgehlll Aquaria 143 Ardagh Road 7260094 DOG OBEDIENCE training classes starting Aprll 25th Class Ilmlted enrol ment starting April 11 For further In formation contact Mrs Rosalie Harvie RR No Barrie telephone 7268936 evenings FERTNTESE Possessed sWeeks old registered $175 737 243 Tov Fox Terrier Puppiés nlalé and female weeks old can be registered Also one male chihuahua years old Phone 7287640 oanRMAN PUPPIES Reedy to go Wormed shots champlon pedigree Phone alter pm 7266232 BOUVIER DES FLANDRES paid $300 will sell for $150 Terrific watchdog complete protection trained Telephone 726d9043 after 530 anytime week en AMERICANCOckER spaniels blonde females 14 weeks old CKC registered champion bloodline shots 436 1052 MINIATURE POODLE pups 6weeks white and apricot Purebreed tails docked Dew claws removed paper trained For more information call 3258075 Orillia PUREBRED WHITE Poodle pup plesmales registered wceks old phone 424 1577 EASTER WEEKEND Special POld English Sheepdog puppies 575 Phone 4873325 Oro FoxnouNoFUPSLProni registered stock months old Phone 728 8075 SQerdensupplies FERTILIZER manure grass seed Get ready for spring Brays Garden Central 26 Ferndale Dr 726 2951 Sltreesa nd shrubs MAKE YOUR property more valuabl and beautiful Plant white spruce ft high Free delivery 728 9404 2H 39919199 equipment TRUCK CAMPER for sale 3250 At bargain In good condition Sleeps twol Telephone 726 0677 TORSION BAR Hitch complete Iorl travel trailer General Adiiismble to fit your car Asking $100 726 0443 or app ly 44 Holgate Street 12 FOOT Glendette cabin trailer pro pane stove sink sleeps in good colidi tion $1000firm Telephone 424 6463 57flivestock for sale HARNESS REPAIRS hockey eqmp ment repairs saddles and tack Hender sons Saddlery 222C Yonge St Pains wick 737 2982 Don Mills Ontario 416447 REGISTERED HUNTER6year oltl 555 thraughbred mare sound 16 hands A7 started in training shows last year $1500 322 3188 REGD HUNTER Mare Bay 153 HH shown green willing iumper $850 firm 737 0700 REGISTERED HALF Arabian tion shown placed every time 12 hands sire Sultan Drill Yetiphone 436 2714 59poultrychicks Also farm fresh eggs Craig Hurtlrr Poultry Farms Stroud 436 1811 LIVE LEGHORN fowl lor sall Weight approximately pounds each Avntlatzli April 16th Telephone Craft Hunter WThA5 PoultryFarm43618II 60feedseedgrain LEADING NORTHERN ON 553TOTE23F9i122321 W0 FIRM NI 737 0268alterï¬nm BrucrClark DUSTRIAL CHEMICALS BROWN AND BELL Form Dairy Equipment DELAVAL SALES AND SERVICE Complete Line of Dan Form Eqmpment and Supplies BarrieS Holly Hwy 27 7260338 or 728 67 TF 67fruitsvegeta bles APPLES Apply Konle and Son Cori cession Oro 726 1907 728 8489 Closed Sundays Your conlainrrs POTATOES GOOD qunllty Kenneller also some small shed will litliver No Telephone 728 9378 or 718 767 68personals England Scotland Free Film Presentation April 12830pm Consumers Gas Blue Flame Refreshments Dont miss this chance to take free trip by film HAYS TRAVEL SERVICE 7284700 M31A267911 FREE TRAVEL PLANNING Let one of our five fulltime counsellors discuss your travel program HAYS TRAVEL SERVICE 7284700 A71113H Spring Summer Fall Bus Tours We will be pleased to provide free transportation to and from your departure point on all tours booked of over days person Phone Ron Lofthouse for ap pointment at Irvine Decorating Centre 728 5566 CASHIER GirlBoy Friday Sales office Ex peritntecl Accurate typist Sales reports accounts receivable collec lIOnS pleasant telephone voice Ban dablt Hours Monday till 30 pm weekdays 830 am to 500 colt chestnut years OKIOIIPDI lonlorllta people DEKALB READY to lay pullcts Brown 699 Dullels available April and June 18 BENEFITS Salary and bonus car allowance OHP unlimited earl nings REQUIREMENTS Desire to earn better than average salaries Willingness to provide 68 personals RIDING INSTRUCTION Indoor arena Horses boarded Barrle flve mlnutes Windy Haugh Farm 7260192 WHY SUFFER agony wlth Corns and Callouses Relief now Is yours tram England Carnation Corn Caps have been sold for over century with effec tlve results medicated pad that really does the fool Corn Caps or Callous Caps now available at Cusdens Shoppers Drug Marts and all drugï¬glsts ARE YOU tired of your old look Learn new make up techniques In your own home For more Information phone Merle Norman 7264982 FREE INSPECTION of mufflers ex haust and shocks The Muffler Shop 180 lnnlsfll St Barrie 7262282 MONECA psychic and card reading counselllng Day and evenings Mon throughF lday ort4e7288868 TAX RE URN repared personal or small business also accountingpayroll for small businesses or contractors 7261888 GARAGE SPACE wanted to rent Telephone 7263151 and ask for em McGarry WOULD ANY unsatisfied Volare owners please contact 7264002 or 4246904 FEMALE TRAVELLING companion wanted by SwissCanadian bachelor 43 For month all expenses paid campan and exploration trip to northwestern Canada Please call Rudy at 4362185 alter 8pm WOMANJS 45with childrenascompa nion for gentleman Country living Please write Box 893 Stayner Ontarla futinstructions ENGLISH RIDING instructlon Well schooled horses Indoor arena minutes from Barrie 7260192 70fost and found LOST rmedium sized brown male dog answers to name Bub in Edgar Centre area Telephone 7288635 Reward al fered 71SPwalled TITLE SEARCHER experienced for legal office Phone Elaine Tubman 7269021 BARRIE AND SURROUNDING area Company has three part time and full time openings for ambitious persons with car for days or evenings Can earn up to $6 00 or more an hour Phone 416 895 6532 WANT ED exptrienc0t drapery sales $500 per month Prelerence to car owner and Willing to work Saturdays 5525 Day all during week Please write to co Cashier Box 968 Barrie Like Meeting People We are looking for parttime sales person to help with the marketing for development of new prestige executive homes in the Barrie Bradford area This is an unusual opportunity for mature person with sales related background or ex perience Please contact Mr Lorimer 1252 Lawrence Ave AVON Make money while the kids are in school Instead of waiting in the house for the kids to come home become an AVON representative you can meet earn money and be home before they get there For details call 7285809 om to pm or write PO Box 485 Barrie JANITORIAL SUPPLIES REQUIRED Salesperson the effort to do so deter mination and patience BALANCE Security progress equal to effort APPLY IN YOUR OWN HANDWRITING TO PERIGORD CO LTD 826 KINGSWAY SUDBURY ONTARIO SPARE TIME If you want to work approximately hrs daily days week around Barrie no Saturdays or Holidays hold valid drivers licence over 21 yrs of ago pass medical Then we want YOU Call Mrs Sim Stock Brothers School Bus Lines 7285941 TF OET lNON THE ACTION Sarah Coventry offers you the opportunity to enter the world of fashion and fun Meet people and earn extra money on parttime basis NO INVESTMENT ND DELIVERY For more Information call Pat collect 13264426 or Brenda after 530 7263247 duration A8 HAYS TRAVEL SERVICE Accou N75 7234700 RECEIVABLE A7IIII3H Were reasonable we dont require HOLIDAY IN THE SUN erto Clover Motel Apt 212 108th Av Treasure Island St Patarsburg Florida 33706 We have vacancies for April at $1 10 week for people and from May onward efficiency unlts from $75 weak Phone 728 3136 for Information WThFAul7 TELECARE Why light your problem alone Let II lend help Call Teler are 726 7922Vanytlme ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 728 6581 if you drlnk thats your business It you want to qull thats ours Call any time UNWANTED HAIR removed safely permanently medically approved Ly dia Hrenchuk Certiliitd Electrologlst 737 2671 superstar lust an ordinary star with years minimum experience thorough knowledge of accounts receivable func tlons including posting accounts analysis and aging will be sufficient In return for this we will pay all benefits insuranre OHP pension medical plan weekly Indemnity and long term disability Salary commensurate wlth experience Interested Send resume to Box T95 The Examiner All replies wlll beheld in strictest confidence PART TIME Driver required for delivery of Chinese Food Must be ex periencod Volkswagen driver Responsi ble and mature able to work nlghts week and able tostarl at pm It ls Ideal for second lob Apply In person alter pm atCk ChlneseFood 405 Baylield BABYSITTER Wanted for two children In the Cotlrlnglan school area Telephone 726 4818 after MATURE responsible person wanted for night work In childrens home Tele 911011077 8737 71 help wanted 71 liolp wanted Prodomax Ltd requires Tool Die Maker for building automated production equip ment fixtures tools and dies Good working conditions modern equipment Apply and pay new plant with 73 Patterson Rd 7265841 MOLDEX A9 LIMITED Medium size rapidly expanding Canadian manufacturing company located In Barrie requires an Experienced Controller Responsible for all flnanclal costing and computer functions Staff of seven Report directly to President Excellent opportunity for an aggressive person who can develop and maintain standard cost system has some computer ex perience and Is experienced In financial reporting budgeting and other controllership functions Preference given to those who degree RIA CGA CA possess recognized accounting Apply In writing only stating experience and salary expectation to If CALDWELL Moldex limited 316 Bayvlow Drive BARRIE MN Dental Nu Challenging work with Ontario 418 A11 rse Trainee good salary potential congenial atmosphere attractive hours excellent w0rking conditions Please reply to Box T97 co The Examiner WANTED Body repairer Iinensed only good working conditions In modern shop Call Wall 726 7951 TYPIST RECEPTIONIST for new home subdivision Must be available for weekends and evenings Call 726 3051 from t08p REQUIRED Immediately Short order Cook for busy restaurant Must be heat in appearance tidy and ambitious Good salary and benefits Apply in person to Bs Big Boy Restaurant Georgian Mall Barrie EXPERIENCED HOUSEHOLD goods packers to work on commission basis of lettivv May Vehicle and materials supplied Call726 6555 SINGLE PERSON to work on dairy farm must be experienced and reliable Apply to Al Mt Lean phone 728 0807 $7 PER HR PARTTIME For Barrie and area we require In dividuals to work evenings per week plus Saturday Noexperience necessary full modern training provided Car not essary limtttd travel Must be bon Italili and neat in appearance For inter viiw all Mr Sheppard at 737 I903 STUDENTS WE redolre students now on part time brISIS to no trained evenings tor lull time positions in the near future We offer ad vancvnienl good salary or commis sions Car required Must be wick to learn and neat in appearance Call Mr Jamis 737 1903 for interview WE ARE looking for licensnd druggist to TIFF new drugstore tn the Penstang Village Squlri in Pinltanguishene We offer good conditions and eventual pos Slbllity of DIITIIIDIIIOn Pleasl reply to Box 199 The Examiner stating refer enris emit isking salary NURSERY SCHOOL TEACHER Required for September mornings weekly in Barrie Please reply with detailed resume to 80x T98 The Ex aminer EXPERIENCED ATTRACTIVE person requiriI immidiatlly as retail manager for ext lustve downtown shop Please in cludl resume Reply to Box 15 Slroud Ontario WILLOW CREEK Co operative Nursery srhool Inr lrnuuires onl fully qualified prlr srliool teacher suprrVisor mornings per week duties to commenre September 1977 For further information pitlist lullphone 726 1609 or 726 8369 72sales helpagents EXPANDINGCANADIANOIICompany niells tlvpvnttalill person who clin work Without supervision Earn $14000 per year plus lxnus Contact customers We train Write Dick Pres Southwestern Petroleum Brampton0nt L6T 2J6 76em ployment wanted ALLANDALE Heights Experiented woman will babysit in her own home Phone 726 8351 RELIABLE CHILI care given in my homi days week Hot lunrhes provid Lll Prlsrhoolers preferred Telephone 7l7 lt994 anytlmi RE LIABLE MOTHER WIII babystl from too Highway 90 outskirts of Barrie Lnrgi yard Other playmates Refer limes supplied $20 weekly Telephone 726 3158 MATURE RELIABLE lady would like to do baby sitting or work as ontpanion to home bound person Phone 728 7347 ANY WORK that can be done at my borne in stuffing envelopes serving assembling fixtures making small or ticIls etc Will work for low rates Call 726 7972nhytlme 77 legal UNFINISHED BUSINESS INCORPORATED NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Unfinished Business In carporoted intends to surrender its charter to the Lieutenant Governor pursuant to The Car porations Act Three tenders SALE or LANDS av TENDER SEALED TENDERS clearly marked tender for land pur chase will be received by the undersigned until five oclock in the afternoon on the 29th day of April 1977 for the purchase of any or all of the following separate parcels of land being part of the former railway lands located in the Village of Creemore in the County of Sim coe PARCELI 1i acres more or less being parts of Lots 14 15 16 17 18 19 and 20 north side of Caroline Street and parts of Lots 14 15 16 and 17 south side of Francis Street Plan 133 and being part of the former railway lands as shown on Plan 315 PARCEL 233 acres being parts of Lots 18 I9 and 20 south side of Caroline Street Plan 138 and being part of the former railway lands as shown on Plan 315 PARCEL3 21 22 23 and 24 south side of Caroline Street and parts of Lots 23 24 25 and 26 north side of Elizabeth Street Plan 138 and being part of the former railway lands as shown on Plan 315 Tenders should be in the form of the standard agreement of pur chase and sale with an irrevocable date of May 1977 Cash or Terms Surveys and complete legal description may be obtained from the undersigned HIGHEST OR ANY TENDER NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED COWAN 8i CARTER 107 Collier St BARRIE Ontario L4M 1H2 7057284521 M31 A71421 80 piiTilic notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF THELMA EUNICE NEWTON late of the Township of Innisfil in the County of Simcoe Widow who died on or about the 2nd day of February 1977 ALL PERSONS having claims against the above estate are required to send full particulars of such claims to the un dersigned Executor on or before the 22nd day of April 1977 after which date the estates assets will be distributed having regard only to such claims that have then been received DATED at Barrie this 25th day of March 1977 DATED of Edmonton Alberta HOGBEN MAYHEW this 28th day of March 1977 Barristers and Solicitors Thomas Jay Gurnett Secretary 39 Owen sgroeg A7 BARRIE Ontario L4M 4T7 Sollcitors for the Executor so 909 016 Larry Newton NOTICE TO CREDITORS M25Al7 AND OTHERS NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM AND OTHERS MARTIN MILLER late of the Township of Essa In the County of Slmcoe Warrant Officer in Her Majestys Services Marrled who died on or about the 11th day of September 1976 ALL PERSONS having claims against the above estate are required to send full particulars of such claims to the un dersigned Executrlx on or before the 22nd day of April 1977 after which date the estates assets will be distributed having regard only to such clalms that have then been rocelved DATED at Barrie this 25th day of March 1977 HOGBEN MAYHEW Barristers and Sollcltors 390won Street BARRIE Ontario LAM 4T7 Sollcltors for the Executrlx Nellie Miller M25A17 IN THE ESTATE OF HAROLD GEORGE MAXWELL late of the Clty of Barrie In the County of Simcoe Retlred Rollway Con ductor married who died on or about the 16th day of October 1976 ALL PERSONS having claims against the above estate are required to send full partlculors of such clalms to the un dersigned Executrix on or before the 22nd day of April 1977 after which date the estates assets wlll be distributed havlng regard only to such claims that have then been received DATED at Barrie this 25th day of March 1977 HOGBEN MAYHEW 39 Owen Street Barrie Ontario Solicitors for the Executrlx Jessie Mlldrud Maxwell M25A17 28 95 being POTIS 01 L015 Solicitors for the Executrix NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF IVY ROBER TSON late of the city of Barrie in the County of Slmcou Widow who died on or about the 5th day of August 1976 ALL PERSONS having claims against the above estate are required to send full particulars of such claims to the un dersigned Executrix and Executor on or before the 22nd day of April 1977 after which date the estates assets wlll be distributed having regardonly to such claims that have then been received DATED at Barrie this 25th day of March 1977 HOGBEN MAYHEW Barristers and Solicitors 39 Owen Street BARRIE Ontario L4M 4T7 Solicitors for the Executrix Marlon Pullbrook and Executor Leonard Foster M25AI7 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF WILFRED JOHN MURPHY late of the City of Barrie In the County of 51m coo Bachelor who died on or about the 8th day of November 1976 ALL PERSONS having claims against the above estate are required to send full por tlculars of such claims to the un dersigned Executrix on or before the 22nd day of April 1977 after which date the estates assets will be distributed having regard only to such claims that have then been received DATED at Barrie this 251h day of March 1977 HOGBEN MAYHEW Barristers and Solicitors 39 Owen Street BARRIE Ontario L4M 4T7 Solicitors for the Executrix Mary Jeanne Judd M25A17 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF CORNELIUS BLUNDELL late of the City of Barrie In the County of Simcoe Married who died on or about the 16th day of January 1977 ALL PERSONS having claims against the above estate are required to send full particulars of such claims to the un dersigned Executrix on or before the 22nd day of April 1977 after which date the estates assets will be distributed having regard only to such claims that have then been recieved DATED at Barrie this 25th day of March 1977 HOGBEN 8i MAYHEW Barristers and Solicitors 39 Owen Street Barrie Ontario L4M 417 Dorothy Emma Alice Blundell M25Al PUBLIC NOTICE VESPRA FARMERS Vespra Township WILL NOT be making an inspection of cattle for warble fly this spring Any farmer wishing cattle sprayed may phone the Township Of fice 7284784 and we will on deavor to arrange for spraying during the week of April 11 1977 VESPRA TOWNSHIP 17 Owen St BARRIE A7 WHAT lZYEAROLD BUSINESSPERSON CANT LEND MONEY Answer Your Examiner Carrier on Collection Day TODAY IS COLLECTION DAY PLEASE PAY YOUR CARRIER PRDMPTLY TILTF DAY IS BEST Advertisers frequently ask this question Fortunately there is no best day to advertise Each day now wants arlso bringing new readers as old ones satisfy their wants We rec mend that you start your ad to IIOW and cancel It when vou get results After many years of ex perience with m1lioris of want ads we know tomorrow Is the best day to start your ad and overy day Is the best day to ad vortlno ill The Examiner Classified Section Phone 7282414 19 auction sales Farm Audion Sale Full line of high class farm machinery milking equipment bulk coolers Va ton truck some furniture Including an tiques miscellaneous items For JOHN NAGEL SON To be held Sat April com mencing at 12 noon Located at Lot 15 Can Innisfll Township one mile north of Churchill on Highway No II or 10 miles south of Barrie The undersigned has recleved Instructions to sell the following TRACTORS Int 966 100 hp diesel full hydraulics wlth cob yrs old 900 hrs in excellent cond Int 656 Farmall yrs old com pletely overhauled with new motor last yr Int 504 wlth loader new manure bucket and blade Tillage Equip Int No 550 furrow semimounted plow No 540 furrow semimounted plow Int No 45 Vibra shank 18 ft cultivator with hydraulic wings like new Allied sec tion harrows heavy duty chain harrow HAYING EQUIP 903 New Holland selfpropelled win drower swather new drapers rollers good Int 430 baler wlth thrower yrs old like new double wheel rake front and mount bale thrower wagons 316 218 ft Owatana bole or muItIpurpose elevators hp motor overhauled last yr HARVESTING EQUIP lnt No 550 2row corn forage har vester overhauled in AI cond Int No 56 forage blower with 70 ft of pipe and three way distributlng hood Int wagons with kasten three beater forage boxes new Otaco wagon Turnco grain box in 42ft groin auger with hp electric motor new last fall in 15ft auger with 34 hp motor OTHER EQUIP Int 550 manure speader approx 170 bush double beater good Int No 1150 feed mixer mill auger loading like new Clark model 250 gal grain sprayer with new pump ft McKee 720 snow blower double auger FEED LOT EQUIP Model 98 Pat silo unloader for 20 ft silo or less Patz selffeeder 100 ft wooden bunks 5x20 ft Patz silage conveyor silage feed carts five 16 ft hay rack feeders groin cart MILKING EQUIP MISC bulk coolers in good Order one Universal Direct Expansion 400 gal Unico Direct Expansion 300 901 surge milker units 74 cow trainers hydraulic cylinders double wayone single one way Heat hauser for 656 Twelve 75 lb tractor weights int Show cattle equip halters brushes clip pers etc Electric motors sump pump pails forks shovels cat tle dehorners hoof trimmers garden rotatiller and usual farm miscellaneous seed corn grass seed etc HOUSEHOLD ANTIQUES brass beds dressers cup boards 88W TV choirs vacuum cleaner and other miscellaneous items Truck 1973 GMC Vzton 48000 miles certified Remarks Gentlemen The equip in this sale is in good condition much of it purchased in the past couple of yrs and has been well kept equip feed lot equip heavy farm equip There is not large quanitity of furniture miscellaneous so be on time Terms Cash no reserves farm sold Selling by number Cheques with ID Nothing to be removed until settled for Owner or auctioneer not responsible for public liability or property loss Lunch available VERNON AYRES Auctioneer RR Stroud SCL No23 Phone 4361922 A6 AUCTION SALE For WM Ver non RR No Bradford with Inclusions Saturday April 23rd1977at11OOam Sale includes Winnebago 1973 Certified Cars 1972 Buick Le Sabre Hard Top Certified Trucks 1973 GMC1 ton heavy duty stake with holst cer tified Case6 ton hydraulic brakes Trailer Antique Trac tors Rumley Oil Pull model 2540 motor reconditioned needs assembling John Deere model D1926 restored Gas engines Car Parts Farm Trac tors self propelled Combine Machlnery Large Garage Air Greaser Lickety Hydraulic Wood Splitter Power Lawn Gar den Equipment Snow Machines Dune Buggy Walking Plows Antique Tools etc Home Furnishings Ap pliances Oil Space Heaters Anthue Old Furniture Ar tlcles Sale with useful items for everyone Watch for partial list April 15th ALLEN HORNER AUCTIONEER 7054584589 A722 NOTICE Deadline for Classified word ads pm day previous nOOn Saturday Furniture will sell first followed by farm miscellaneous milking 79 auction sales FARM AUCTION SALE for FRANK VEZAUSKAS SATURDAY APRIL 16 1977 at1100 om Lot Concession West Gwilllmbury Township miles north from Schomborg In terchange on Highway 27 to Concession and east miles to sale RR No Toftenham SALE INCLUDES traders Nuf field Model 60 Ford Jubilee MO Allis Chalmers WD 45 row crap with floater Allis Chalmers model 302 baler good condition Complete line of farm machinery and workshop tools four furrow Ford plow Allis Chalmers ton wagon Turnco 185 bushel groin tank Anvil Forge Viking cream separator 150 pounds of clear red clover seed approximately tons of mixed grain baled hay and straw 12 beef and Holstein cows due April and May Slx stacker cattle 550 to 700 poun ds These are only few of the many useful items Some household furniture selling at 1100 om Terms cash Cheque accepted with Identification ALLAN HORNER Auctioneer SCL No 7054584589 A1713 ANNOUNCEMENTS SPECIAL NOTICES CASH RATES Death Notlcos Engagements Blrth $500 maximum 40 words additional words per word Card of Thanks 25 words $500 Additional words plr word Ir Memoriam no verse 8500 Verse par count line extra 21 cents per the Coming Events $322 per column inch 81births Mondays Child isfair of face Tuesdays Childisfullofgrace Wednesdays Child is full of woe ThursdaysChildhasfartogo Fridays Child is loving and giving Saturdays Child works hard for Its living And child that is born on the Sab bath Day lsfair andwise and good andgay Children hearing this verse by Counter Cullen always want to know which day of the week was their birth date Keep this and other important information for your childs future An Examiner Blrth Announcement will include the name of your child the day of the week month and year of birth the weight and other vital information printed message can become permanent record In Babys Book or Family Albums The rate for an Examiner Blrth Notice is only $500 maximum 40 words Addi tional words 9cents per word PHONE 7282414 E5 dentlis ARNOLD Funeral Home Chapel 127 BAYFIELD ST 7282530 Friendly Courteous Service MWFTF 84marriages KOOPMANS ACKKERMAN On Wednesday April 1977 at Heerenveen Holland Janke Ackkerman daughter of Mr and Mrs Ackkerman of Heeren veen Holland to Mr Leo Donald Koop mans son of Mr and Mrs Don Koop mans of RR No4 Barrie 88 coming events FLEA MARKET Closed at the EmbassyHall Easter Sunday April 10 REOPENS SUNDAY APRIL 17 om pm Vendors Welcome A7 REBEKAH AND ODDFELLOWS EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT 8200 pm l00F HALL FERRIS LANE Jackpot $100 refreshment booth ThTF OPEN HOUSE for Ruby HOdgins On the occasion of her 80th bir thday Saturday April 1977 pm pm In Angus United Church Basement A7 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIRECT PHONE 7282414 Classified advertisementl and notlcos for those pages must be received by pm day procadlng publication with the exception of Classified Display advertisements whlch must be in by pm two days prlar to publlcatian BIRTHS ENGAGEMENTS MARRIAGES DEATH NOTICES 40 words $500 Additional words ch per word CARD OF THANKS 25 wordl $500 Addi tlonal words Is per word IN MEMORIAM NOTICES No vuno $500 With verso par count line 21 cents per line COMING EVENTS $322 per column Inch 24 WORD MINIMUM CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Cash Discount Rates apply If paid wlfhln days One or two Innerllonl 9c per word lnsortlon Thruu con socutlve Insertions 06 cunts per word Insertion total $612 Slx con sucutlvo Inurtlons per word per Inlor tlon total $1152 Multlplo lnurtlom may be ordered subject to cancellation when callfactory ruulll oblalnod Method of counllng fewer than 24 word count as 24 words Each lnltlal abbreviation not of numbers etc count separate words ERRORS AND CORRECTIONS All phone lnsertlon orders are accepted on convonlunco to the advurtlnrs Therefore the Cloulflod Advortlslng Department ro qulru ad advurIIsrn to kindly ruchuck their odvartliumont Immudlatuly altar flut Insur tlon In order that any error or omlnfon may be roporlod before om In order that IDMI may be rectified for the following day publicallon The Examlner fOIPOHIIbI for only one Incorrectly printed Insertion of any advertisement and than only to the extent of porflon of ad that Involve the mlsprlnt Er rorl which do not lonon the value of the advortlumont are not 1191qu for correc tloM by make goods The Examlnor reserves the rlghl to clanlfy revise or reluct any want ads PHONE 7202414