the examiner Tuesday Aprll 1977 Frightening Lee Bailey renowned trial lawyer who has iii vestigated some major air accidents said in Ottawa Monday that the idea of two languages in air communist tions is frightening Bailey also attacked the habit of obedience in aircraft cockpits which he said causes some copilots to act too late in overrulling senior pilots before an accident tP Pliotot Heaviest molecule discovered tll itli An Anglo Canadian team of scientists and astronomers has detected the longest and heaviest molecule yet found iii in terstellar space the National Research Council NRO said Monday The formation of these large molecules in the vast lust and clouds of interstellar space may be an intermediate step between the primary elements in stars and the compounds and molecules found on planets the NRC said in statement knowledge of the process of formation of interstellar molecules is essential for un derstanding how extremely complex molecules necessary for living organisms have arisen ontheearth The Nltf team of astrono mers Iakeshi ttka Bio ten Lorne Avery and MacLeod detected cyanotria cetylene in dust cloud near the constellation of Taurus The existence of such long molecules in space is at first surprising the Nlif said Sci entists assumed the harsh con ditions in space extremely cold temperatures and strong ultraviolet rariiatiotr would break up long strings of atoms such as this molecule lot the detection of progresr sively heavier molecules may force scientists to revise their ideas of hov easily nature can manufact tire the kinds of heavy molecules necessary for life as we know it Noconfidence motion seems doomed ltilttiNlt Jlt position Leader Stephen Lewis introduced motion of noncon fence in the legislature Mon day charging the Progressive CiHSOIVUllVO government with mismanagement of the econ omy Lewis said the fact that On tario had 316000 uncmployul workers in February is proof of the governments mis management But his motion appears doomed Liberal Leader Stuart Smith termed the not confidence amendment to the govern ments speech from the throne just ritual and of course will pay no attention to it what socver it requires combined vote of the New Democrats and the Liberals to bring down the milt nority government of Premier William Davis Standing in the House is Progressive Jon servative 32 New Democrat 38 Liberal You are in serious difficulty over the mismanagement of the Ontario economy Lewis told Davis It is your Achilles heel and suspect some day it will bring you down Lewis said the government has failed to act in halting ris ing food prices has not done anything to stop the dis appearance of agricultural land and has let the workinens com pensation board deteriorate to the point where it is riding roughshod over the demands for whom the benefit of the doubt should operate oilt Greet this Come Alive season with funwearing seporotes or low low prices Bold Ploid Shirt toilored shirt with snop closrng front plocket and pockets 2piece pornt col lar and front and bock yoke Yorn dyed 65 polyester35 cotton Novy red blue brown green or rust Sizes 640 Bibbed Overolls Weor em everywhere to tools and feel greot Theyre mode of prewoshed lOoz indigo dyed cotton denim wrth bib front and shoulder strops Novy Sizes 715 Gouze Big Top Light and Olty crinkle gouze of 50 polyester50 cotton styled Wllh Vneclied front yolse ond butterfly sleeves Bright ploids of red novy Or green SML Gored Skin Mode of eosy core textunzed polyester With gores 0nd full elostic weistbond Novy beige or green Sizes 1048 Selfbelted style also evoiloble Our Reg $799 67 OurReg $1399 07 Our Reg 58 99 Our Reg $1299 Lodies Swiss Watches An outstanding collection or on outstanding low price one for every mood 0nd occosron All ore 17Jewel lnco Bloc shock reertont wrth unbreolioble morn spring and year warranty Bangles chorn link leother 0nd Corfom sttops Some ore one of kind so shop eorly 977 Closed Good Friday Open Monotgo Sot until Borne Free Parking Boyfield Rd Hwys No 26 and No 27 Sparkle shine soft sassy ill Trust For SelectionNolue and Satisfaction AAA