news roundug Stevens critical of alienation of business OTTAWA Cli sixday budget debate opened in the Commons Monday with Sinclair Stevens Progressive on servativc finance critic blaming the government for alien ating business and Max Sallsman New heintxratic larty finance critic saying too many favors went to business Both opposition parties demanded an end to wage and price controls and both proposed motions of nonconfidence in the Liberal government charging it failed to provide economic leadership or bait to unemployment Both motions which are scheduled to be voted on later will likely be dcfcatni because the Liberals have majority in thcltd scat commons Stevens opcimi the attack by saying the government has foiled Canadas potcntxal to be pmspcrous country by cnatrng hostile ottct tl ustlatuigl climate for business Saltsrnatr lll tutu criticisni both the liberal and Con scrvatryc parties to promoting the new that the way to Xiyc the country is to say 11 businesses and to give them many ta concessions Maui features in the budget ill pim idc iaout $13 billion through lt changes to cortxrattous and individuals who iii vest in corporat ions MW Ice island no threat Olltll Cxternal Affairs Minister Dori lamicson said Monday Soviet scientific ice island drifting in the Arctic is posing no threat to anadian iritcrcsts nswcring the ominons from Wally Firth NIPW Northwest lerritoricsl the minister said the activities on the island Nl722 are scientific and much of the information the Soviets produce is available to Canadians Tire island was lotl miles irotn anadian larid and was being monitored by thc ar med forces lainicson said the government will have to decide what action to take if the island drifted iirto anadian territory Firth asked about the island after the question of whether it is in the anadian Arctic was raised on the li television program News Magazine Sunday llouse tl lhotoi question in VtASlllNGlON Alt Egyptian lrcsidcnt Anwar Sadat strongly urging the ar tcr administration to admit Palestinians to Middle East peace talks is turning his ate tcntion to winning US arms aid Before his arrival Monday in Washington Sadat said he would ask for lots of li fighter planes anti for lttW an titank irrissilcs Sadat was to meet today with Defence Sccro tary llarold llrowri Sadat also scheduled another discussion with President arr ter and was to meet with lreas ury Secretary Whlichacl Blur mentlial Israeli officials in Jerusalem said Monday they strongly olr jcct to the supply of lS arms to Egypt but do not object to econorrric illti The Egyptian president opened his official lashington VISIl by stressing the need for Palestinian inclusion ill the peace negotiations and he hit till thcrnc again and again Ihcir leadership has estab DON lllESO data mailablc Board upholds firings TORONTO lr labor arbitration board has upheld the St eel of anada Ltd in its firing of two employees for sharing marijuana cigarette during lunch break The board took the vicwthat the ciriployees whose jobs iii volved the movement of large heavy bars of rolled steel were potentially endangering their own lives as well as those of fellow workers The two men both in their 20s testified they were lll experiench users of marijuana and had never smoked it before on company property The board under the chairmanship of Wl Rayner cited the testimony of company rloctor who said the response of inexperienced users to the drug was unprmlictable Building Ask yourself Who else all this lished their credentials to be part of the peace process Sa dat told artcr at White llouscdinncr Monday night Sadat also praised artcr for publicly endorsing Palestinian homeland which would be carved out of territory now held by Israel Sadat said artcrs homeland statement which marked the first tiine any American ltSlr dent has made reference to giv ing Palestinians theirown land was welcomed by every Arab arid was regarded as ixrsitivcsignal The Palestinian issui is one of the kiiotticst confronting artcr as he tries to guide the Arab states and Israel to peace conference before lllt ciidof theyear WONT IEIII ILO Israel refuses to sit dowir with the Palestine Liberation Organ iation which is corrimitlcd by Olthlltllll to destruction of thr lcwish state In this regard ls lll has had the backing of the lnited States Egypt and all the other Arab in your area President aiter puts his hand around the shoulder of Egyptian President nar Sadat after Sadat made his remarks during ceremonies Monday in the East Room of the White Sadat out to win arms aid from US countries however have recog lllltd the Hill as the sole legit inatc representative for the lilestiniansiiinegotiations Sadat told arter You would agree with me that the Palcstinians who demonstrated moderation and great sense of restxrnsibility are entitled to be heard by you and the lltllt£lll people with the solution of the Palestinian problciri the road to peace would be open and clear lhroughoiit Monday Sadat pressed hard for the lalcslin ians Beginning at his arrival ccre inoiiy Sadat said the lalcst in tan cause is the core of the Arab lsiacli dispute TORONTO Cl Most chil drens services in Ontario will be brought under the jurisdic tion of one ministry in legisla tion to be introduced in the leg islature this session it was an nounced Monday Margaret Birch social devel opment secretary told the house that government efforts to increase the range of serv ices for children have led to in consistencies luveriile delinquents for ex ample are dealt with by the ministry of correctional serv ices while child abuse falls un der the community and social services ministry She said there will be new division in the social services ministry to deal with all serv ices except special education which will remain the responsi bility of the education ministry The new division will be headed by George Thompson 36 Kingston family court Margaret doing pretty good iob NEW YORK lt lolrr Domiriis photo editor of lcoplt magazine said Monday that Margaret lrudcau knows how to handle camera and how to MPs bring peace tidings llAVi tli lrogrcssive onscrvativcs who just completed outmonth tour of the Middle East said Monday they carried messages of peace from Arab govern ments to Israel laude agncr St llya Cllltiltl oiiservativc external affairs critic said the iricssagcs from high officials in Egypt Saudia Arabia and Egypt said the Arabs are seeking just and lasting peace with lsrael lhcy explained that there was real goodwill present it the Arab world today and lsiacl should takcadvaiitagcol it SMMMNGPOOLS alrrie get her subjects in the mood for good picture She seems to know quite bit about photography and seems to do pretty good job loniinis said in an interview The 2tiyearold wife of Can adas prime minister told inter viewers recently that she plan tied to take an apartment in New York and work as part tinic photographer commuting between Ottawa and Manhat lair Mrs lrudcaus completed photographic assignment for People magazine last week and will be published shortly Do rniriis said she has no other as signments pending She will probably get an other iii the future but she haL nothing with us at the trio inenl He said he had heard from sources other than Mrs lrudcau that she may under take trip to Paris shortly on her owir Legislation would centralize rule of childrens services judge since 1972 and Peter Bar nes 40 an administrative con sultant with background in government and private in dustry The plan was mentioned in the throne speech which opened the legislature last week Mrs Birch said the govern ment recognizes the need for children to be taken care of near their families in their own communities Legislation also will be in troduced to set up what She called childrens services com mittees funded by the province but primarily responsible to lo cal governments OULD REMOVE lllLll Keith Norton minister of community and social services said the committees would find the proper placement for each child trying to keep him as close to home as possible In an interview outside the house Norton said the com mittees also would have the right to remove child from Foaminf lirrr Noroch runIrmtrrrf by flitgin tuttlttwl um tartar Evrmnrmul rll ri tn Allirtnn £3543 lnBorrie 7267414 l76 Bmdford 51 Bradford FILL new ISY FR SH gummy Ir1v1tlyvr git mr lrlrvl71gt treatment centre if the centre was found to be inappropriate for some reasons Norton said the coordinated system probably will lead to better services since children no longer will be shuffled be tween ministries The minister said he was unable to estimate how much the new division would cost or how the committees Would be set up He expected the reorgaï¬ nizalion to take at least 1th years The cost would be split be tween the province and the mu nicipality and would probably be less than at present he said Liberal Leader Stuart Smith said later that his party had called for similar reforms Gillian Sandeman NDP critic for community and social services said in an interview she was concerned there was no mention of prevent ve services Something should br donc to prevent the problems in the fir st placc she said holiday Rent Cm System At the left is the name oi our builderdealer in your area He can provide you with construction services right up to the total pack age incuding your Samuel Building Thats systems building very sensible way to build Samuel Building is eco ArchiteCtU re nomical to build and goes Dessgn quluiskv It rigs 90 insua ion ua resa wr Enginelenng save you heating enerqu It can be ex he 3e action pended easily tor growing space requtrements Fmafcng Samuel Buildings are idealtor many Interior finishing Landscaping industrial manufacturing agricultural systems construction commercial retail and recreational structures When new building is on your mind STEEL BUILDINGS LIMITED 1968M Hood discuss it with your Samuel Dealer at Bracebridge Ont ms6458801 COROutA LIFIBACKS 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