the examiner Tuesgay April 1977 32 cars for sale 1973 MUSTANG power steering and power brakes air conditioned in ex cellent condition plus many extras Telephone 726 0016 or 728 2028 1973 TOYOTA SR5 standard transmis sion excellent condition must sell Telephone 728 9051 alter 3p 1973 MUSTANG Power steering and power brakes air conditioned In ex cellent Condition plus many extras Telephone 726 0016 or 728 2028 1973 TOYOTA SR5 standard transmis sion excellent condition Must sell Telephone 728 9051 after pm 1961 MERCEDES BENZ 190 dieselex cellent motor Needs body work $300 Telephone 705 456 2515 1974 VEGA GT air conditioning must be seen to be appreciated Must sell Best offer 726 7663 after 1973 GRAN TORINO new tires recent motor iob new rad good running condi tion $1650 is Call 726 7424 anytime alter 530 1974 JAVELIN AMX lully loaded power steering power brakes 360 barrel Asking $2250 or will trade for good ton Telephone 436 5630 1969 FORD Cortina Station Wagon in good condition $350 Phone 835 3002 33cars wantedto buy TOP PRICE for top cars Toke Motors Ltd 119 Bradlord St Barrie 728 8111 JUNK CARS WANTED Highest prices paid Same day pickup Holt Auto Wreckers 726 8711 TRACY WANTS tars and trucks for wrecking and parts top prices paid Free pickup Telephone 726 8487 SCRAP VEHICLES wanted top prices paid free immediate piik up anytime 136 2900 COLE BROS Cars and trucks wanted for wrecking Fast pickup Days 435 6332 Alter 42 5949 WANTED Clean used cars Barrie Hon da Auto Sales 17 Gowan St 726 6488 SHAKELS WRECKING and Towing scrap metal cars bought over scales Best prices paid 136 3677 34trucks and trailers r717 LATE 1975 Ford van power steering power brakes automatm insulated radio captains chairs chateau glamor paint carpet 7tires 7371295 1971 FORD pick up wheel drive snow plow attachment motor in good C0iidi tion body needs some work $2000 best offer unrertitied Telephon 728 1150 1972 CHEVROLET ton Cylinder automatic radio Telephone 726 99° after 1974 DATSUN Pickuo ivith cap radio asking 511950 Phone 776 1620 1973 FORD pirkun Explorer With can standard one manor underroated S2495 or btSI otter WIII certily 72B 7536 1974 LAND ROVE exceIIent condition cm tilied Best hr at cepted Teleuhom 726 4371 35service and repairs British Car Owners Youre Not Stranded We have factory Trained English Mechanics Kitchen Motors 178 Essa Road 7282287 Good condition Certifier A23 37motorcycles 1974 HARLEY Dawrlson Sporlster Limp 8000 original miles excellent roniiition Telephone 245 5721 C011 inowoo between 10a and Sp in MM HONDA GO trail IIKE for 541 eIInnt QTIOIIIOO Srrit firm Telephone 124 6910 after 6S0 nut not complete tiirphone 776 221 117 KAWASAKI 1710 in excellent condi tion New rear tire recently certified $483 24 193 FAS DIRT BIKE 135 Sir MX Error rv for sale ustomized bike Askinci S600 Pleasrr Honda Elsinore otter Must srII cart 0an tion 1lvl 639 1i SUZUK IHT trail hm knobby tire Ircmceii SUrIFT Twivphone7281519 TOT articles for sale STORE HOURS MON 95 TUES 99 WED 95 THURS 99 FRI 99 SAT 95 SOME MERCHANDISE SIMILAR T0 ILLUSTRATION FREE DELIVER1I MATTRESS GUARANTEE Includii FREE REPLACEMENT 1F DEFECTIVE NAME SCLD IN SETSONLY MAPLE BUNK WITH MATTRESSES $229 fault vr It SAUL 11 40 articles for sale SWIMMING POOL Sacrifice Leadin Canadian manufacturer and distributo has aluminum pools left over from 197 season iz price Guaranteed installatio and terms Call collect daysorcvenings 14162214840 LEADING SWIMMING Pool Wholesale must dispose of 1976 all aluminum pool in stock Sacrilice price for desperatel needed lactory warehouse space Bran new swimming pools include lilter walk around deck tence and warranty size 15 27 ft $1355 cash or terms Call Perc collect days or evenings 1416 4818802 UNCLAtMED LAYAWAY all alum inium swimming pool 18 27 includes decking fence filter liner and safely lock upstairs Sell for balance owing at $1775 Call Credit Manager collect days or evenings 416 2214840 SWIMMING POOLS to rent will lease and install for homeowners family size aluminum swimming pool with patio Choice of styles meeting all fencing regulations on one two or three year rental basis with option to own Try before you buy Call collect anytime 1416663 9508 SWIMMING POOLS 1977modelsslight Iy scratched in transport Fully war ranted complete with pump motor litter lencing walkway and deck Suggested retail price $2295 Available at pre season special at $1288 Call not for early installation Call collect anytime 416 663 9508 ZENITH Color console TV Now iust $6 00 weekly or $649 cash basis Take delivery tonight and start payments in June with no down payment where else Krary Kellys Barrie Shopping Plaza 717 1182 20 SOLID STATE color portable TV Nev in carton Now only $443 or iust $400 weekly Put no money down and take tree ItIIVrry tonight Start your payments any time before June Krazy Kellys Barrie Plaza 737 118 ELECTROHOME 26 Color TV Now only $399or lust $4 00 weekly no money down on payment til June Phone tonight delivery tunitiéit Krazy Kellys Barrie Strontium Plaza 737 1182 RCA XLIOO 20 color portable TV Automatic tine tuning completer Solid State Nov only $44900 or pay iust $400 weekly No money down and no payments til lune Phone tonight delivered toniolit Krazy Kellys Barrie Shoppith Plaza 7371182 used OII furnaces for sale 9t i100 BTU and 143000 BTU caparity hood cunili tion Cal 728 ri228 PIANO Willis apartment size year Old Cost $1770 Asking 9i Must 93 moving Telephone1361657 ELECT RIC SITTTIACf1UiIII Guitar and Amplifier apprOx months old Bntli III excellent rendition Askrno $550 726 3135 12 and TV and xr CODCI Ninr 11tW OnIiSIIO 72S 5786 RANGE 36 inch also IIOSTIYti refrigerator both harvest told on Lellentcondition TCIGTDItOnir711lI 7s16 ANTIQUES hand finished Complete with towel rat all Id LI TVO iIrawrtl pine dresser both refinished IillItIII condition Telephone 43651 altir pm STORE FIXTURES Siroi wall and Island shelving thl racks tin out COUTTIOI IITI pen ftsl CIISI riitltttr photo copiers dew and mixtrvilanvriiia items Telephone for rtlilnllltlltltilit 1326 6722 20 TOSHIBA Color portable TV is 0111s for iIIv ask ing Pay iust $299 cash or SO weer wrth no money and no pa t=I Juv Pnoni tonight for tree diivr in ii tonight Where else1 Kraly will is it rie SITODDIIH Plaza 737 118 ONE THIRD MOTOR irI XII motor Both new Holl Hrim nnnrt I011llftir7lnflDIVlillOtvfllIIlrIh il1 new long dresses hll Ii iIIt 12 737 0243 BURNER Ranne and FMnrp mtm ilr sale Best otter rlLDIfl Twit tilinrm 70 176 37116 BABY CARRIAGE llr1virirlirk rren OIIWFIS zir til condition RmimiiwiriIi Lani ii 737 I766 ll0articles for sale BRANDS SET HEAD BOARDS BRAND NAME 20 Screen COLOUR TELEVISION 40 articles for sale THE EXAMINER Available Daily at These Simcoe County Merchants Betty and Jims Anne St Shopppers Drug Mart Georgian Mall Brookdale Inn Dunlop St Parkside Variety Parkside Dr Baylield MaII Smoke and Gift Shop Harpers Pharmacy Penetang St Shoppers Drug Mart Barrie Plaza Simcoe Pharmacy Blake St East End Variety Blake St 40 articles for sole ASH 40 articles for sale 42 articles wanted BICYCLES Ior sale Ladys 3speed CASH FOR old furniture books dishes plus mans 10 speed $90 for both old pictures clocks odds and ends Pre Telephone 726 6969 1950 items 728 8214 RESTAURANT Equipment Fryer ALL CASH tor old furniture pictures meat slicer steam table work tables etc Good condition Telephone 718 2736 LOCAL SWIMMING Pool Dealer has limited number oi steel inground pools at greatly reduced prices 16 32 in chairs etc etc 487 5389 ANTIQUE GUNS by private collector Reply to Box 194 The Examiner BOAT TRAILER or 10 horsepower outboard motor and R010 tiller wanted round $3495 installed Other sizes flflttlllrllillfly priced Call Polynesian Tdhphomduémo Pools 18002616121 Ask for Operator 44dogs and pets 60 BEDROOM SUITE double trirssvr BARRIE pOODLE 530 SIBWWIOQ chest of drawers IWIn IiiIs and one and lppmg° 700 sophlfl niolirstand in good OnLIlIIOn Phone SWDNERSJMMH Ha Him POODLE TRIMMING professional grooming all breeds pick up and do livery 716 8798 Pet Studio GE RMAN SHEPHERD female years old and male put it months old 101 sale Phone 122 2351 MAVS POODLE SlOnIll clipping reasonable rates Telephone 776 0061 TROPICAL FISH Best selection in town Anuariums all sires at unbeatable prices Evenings and weekends Edqeliill Aquaria 143 Ardth Rudd 716 0094 DOG OBEIiTIENCE training classes star tinii April 25111 Class limited enrol merit iIilrlIIIU April 11 For turthrr In ioimatnri nonract Mrs Rosalie Harvii RR No Barrie telephone 716 8936 thI1l 41 boats and motors PAR LOR Proles and grooming sowgarden supplies HOBIE CAT CATAMARANS Try before you buy PRINGLES HOBIE CAT MARINE OriIIio 7053254713 TThSMy3 McDNALDS MARINE LTD FER1 IIZER manure grass seed Get ready tor rDIIlVI Brays Garden Centre 16 Ferndalv Dr 726 2951 Sltrees shrubs MAKE YOUR property more valuable and beautiful Plant white spruce It tirqli Fricdirliviry 7789404 scicamping equipment 1974 foot Sandpiper travel trailer ia tlt Irir filllllr Ia SIOVt pump or 73 Yonge SIreeII running water sleeps mini condmon Barrie AJKIIIU 2200 Telephone 726 41294 even Illlii Fantastic sovmgs to offer Alivesmck for sale on HARNESS REPAIRS hoikiry equip 71111 repairs saddles and tar Heridnr son mddIiry 222C Yonur St Pains Wick 737 298 59poultrychicks 1976 boats and motors Call 7282940 Open days weekly A18 DEKALB RE ADY to lay pullets Brown Will lllllx avi Iatili April and JIJHI 18 ilii Ftll NI in llt 7017 A130 lariri lrrsli iiii Craig Hiintir ixiulnh iii rin1i 117It1 iiiunirrt Putnrryrdrnir Stroiiillli1ltll nu in littll in 510 rltr lflr 60feedseedgrain HOW hJ Jmv wwwru RE rliE RFD iitrtt Ortl teamii and my VS IU Yrtiltirl Irir amid For Drlit phone DO UMP ifti ttrui Clark NOT WIN ryiut riinti innl loot 3A 0U my my Mv aw mi ii tir nni Illlifrlrtl1I771Mgl um um MHM RR NO le MH Mar II nrm Air Jlt k1 mm l10wdM 750 rrilril Jar LI xriIIIlll illllIIv EXAMINER Jirfl Hunt ii riars WANT ADS ltr Inn 1Iit 77282414 Alliarticles cigar 40 articles for sale DOUBLE on SIZE ORTHOPEDIC MAITRESSIES COFFEE LBLES 3po ZIh CÂ¥=3 BRANDFNAME TV SETS Brand New Full Manufacturers Warranty TRACK AMFM STEREO $89 60 feed seed grain Greenlands Grass Seed and Lawn Mixtures Pioneer Corn also Canadian Agricultural Minerals For further information and or dering apply KEITH LEES RR No Shanty Bay 7266846 TThSA30 63pasture wanted FARM LAND wanted to rent for growing cornTelephone Don Hickllng 7285267 veqeta bles APPLES Apply Koole and Son Can cession Oro 7261907 7288489 Closed Sundays Your containers POTATOES GOOD quality kennebec also some small seed W111 deliver No Telephone 7289378 or 728 7677 68personals PLANT SITTING SERVICE Going on trip or vacation Leave with an easy mind knowing your plants are being competently cared for For in formation call Barbara 726 3020 A21 TELECARE 77 Why light your problem alone Let friend help Call Telecare 72677922 anytime ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 758 6581il you drink thats your business If you want to quit thatsrours Call any time UNWANTED HAIR removed safely permanently medically approved Ly dia Hrenctiuk Certilied Electrologist 737 2671 RIDING INSTRUCTION Indoor arena Horses boarded Barrie live minutes Windy Haugh Farm 7260192 WHY SUFFER agony with Corns and Callouses Reliet now is yours from England Carnation Corn Caps have been sold tor over century with ellec live results medicated pad that really does the iob Corn Caps or Callous Caps now available at Cusdens Shoppers Drug Marts and all druggists ARE YOU tired of your old look Learn new make up techniques in your own home For more information phone Merle Norman 726 4982 FREE INSPECTION of mufflers ex haust r1nd shorks The Mulller Shop 1801nnislIISl Barrie 726 2282 MONECA psychic and card reading counselling Day and evenings Mon through Friday Phone 728 8868 TAX RETURNS prepared personal small business also accountingpayroll for small businesses or contractors 7261888 GARAGE SPACF wanted to rent Telephone 776 3151 and ask for Bill MrGarry AL HOPPER holder of ticket No 726 was Winner 0150 50 draw sponsored by First Barrie Ladies Auxiliary for Scouts Cubs and Beavers Congratulations AI WOULD ANY unsatisfied Volare owners pteaaecontacl 776 4002 or 424 6904 FEMALE TRAVELLING companion wanted by Swiss Canadian bachelor 43 For month all expenses paid camping and exploration trip to northwestern Canada Please call Rudy at 436 2185 alter 8p in WOMAN 35 ASWith children ascompa niun tor gentleman Country living Please WFIII Box 893 Stayner Ontario 69in structions ENGLISH RIDING instruction Well sc hooled horse Indoor arena minutes Ironi Brirrii 776 0192 70Iost and found LOiI In Elmvnle area White Samoyed don on Saturday Reward ol lirid inrlrr please telephone 728 5663 LlekpmnflLAgf 71 help wanted MAI UP Ff responsible person wartTel tor niqtit work In rhildrin home Tele phone 7788717 WANIID Body repairer linenserl only innit wriikinq nditions in mrxlirrn shop Lilli Wall 736 79i1 40 articlesrfCrsale SEWING MACHINE 71 help wanted SPARE TIME If you wont to work approximately hrs daily days week no Saturdays or Holidays hold valid drivers licence over 21 yrs of age pass medical Then we want YOU CoII Mrs Sim Stock Brothers School Bus Ltnes 7285941 TITLE SEARCHER experienced for Phone Elaine Tubman leg 31 olflce 2212021 Park Call 3257812 WANTED rrilariwiiii chainsaw and an man to trim trees Telephone lrom 12 noon to 1p 772820797 40 articles for sale SET SOFA BED With Mattress A1 TOOL and die maker must be journeyman up to $7 an hour paid ben efits days only Apply Stanley Tool and Die Ltd Orillia Township Industrial THE EXAMINER HAS ROUTE OPENINGS 71 help wanted PNEUMATIC ENGINEER Required preferably with ex perience of bulk vacuum and pressure conveying systems as it relates to the plastic industry Successful applicant would be required to assume full control of design manufacturing Location South of Barrie Ex cellent salary prospects for right individual Relocation ex penses paid if necessary Write enclosing resume to CONAIR CANADA LTD PO BOX 110 CODKSTOWN ONTARIO LOL ILO LEFROY WASAGA BEACH OWENNORTH AREA GROVEDAVIES AREA TORONTOHIGH AREA HIGHLANDLITTLE AREA ST VINCENTGROVE AREA DUNLOP WPERRY AREA LEEBUSHEYTARBUSH AREA ANGUS Please ï¬ll out the application below and return it to THE EXAMINER or Phone 7266539 40 articles for sale Circulation Dept 16 Baytield St Barrie CLAVIIIID REIlrlll WAREHOUSE ARANCE 71 help wanted GET IN ON THE ACTION Sarah Coventry offers you the opportunity to enter the world of fashion and fun Meet people and earn extra money on parttime basis NO INVESTMENT NO DELIVERY For more information call Pot collect 13264426 or Brenda after 530 7263247 A8 bAKKll AND SURROUNDING area Company has three parttime and full tirne openings tor ambitious persons wrth car for days or evenings Can earn up to $600 or more an hour Phone 9L6 mensurate with experience Fudas Food Highway til north HOUSEKEEPERAID weekend rotations and have transportation Telephone 436 1461 TF Name Address 40 articles for sale LTD NCEoniéaiEiiiiéréreouiréa Full time and parttime Salary com Apply Applications are being received tor full time posi tion Applicant must be able to do own SALES 71 help wanted AVON EVEN IF YOURE OVER 40 YOU CAN START NEW BUSINESS Let AVON help you build and run it Youll control your own hours your own income To find out about this challenging ear ning opportunity call 7285809 om to pm or write to PO Box 485 Barrie MTAl ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Were reasonable we dont require superstar iust an ordinary star with years minimum experience thorough knowledge of accounts receivable func tions including posting accounts analysis and aging will be suflicient In return for this we will pay all benefits insurance 0HIP pension medical plan Weekly indemnity and longterm disability Salary commensurate with experience Interested Send resume to Box T95 The Examiner All replies will be held in strictest conlidence PARTTIME Driver required tor delivery ol Chinese Food Must be ex perienced Volkswagen driver Responsi ble and mature able to work nights week and able to start at 4pm It is ideal for second lob Apply in person after pm at Ctlt Chinese Food 405 Baytield HOUSEKEEPER required by middle aged gentleman live in Newmarket home Telephone 4168956379 after 530 pm vï¬ CHEF OR experienced cook urgently re quired by country restaurant in Cooks town Will pay top rates to the right per son Telephone for interview 4589084 BABYSITTER Wanted for two children in the Codrington school area Telephone 726 4818 alter 5p NURSES Aiorequiréd to work with profoundly mentally retarded children Tele Must have own transportation phone 436 1461 TYPIST RECEPTIONI home subdivision Must be available for weekends and evenings Call 7263051 from 1tonm 72saliers helpagents EXPANDING CANADIAN Oil Company needs dependable person who can work without supervision Earn $14000 per year plus bonus Contact customers around Barrie We train Write Dick Pres southwestern Petroleum Brampton Ont L6T 2J6 74opportunities for menwomen HIGH SCHOOL Grades 13 Finish at home in your spare Aii books supplied Low monthly payments Write for free booklet including phone number United Institute ASSA Eglinton Avenue West Toronto M5N 1A7 Ontario Ilrvn fem ployment wanted ALLANDALE Heights Experienced woman will babysit in her own home Phone 726 8351 NOTICE Deadline for classified word ads pm day previous noon Saturday EXAMINER WANT ADS 7282414 40 articles for sale HARCLXI Instr charge 202 Dunlop JUST WEST OF THE BARRIE ARENA 7262960 DINING ROOM $249 Your Choice ALL SALE ITEMS BRANIADN SWIVEL ROCKERS Large Selection $68 BROOM ROUPINGS BEAUTIFUL ROOMS OF FURNITURE CHESTERFIEL ROCKING SWIVEL CHAIR HIGH BACK CHAIR FOOTSTOOL 57 PC LIVINGROOM SUITE $296 30100