ï¬gm AvA JI neighborly news gngus BEV ANDREWS 4241370 TRUE BLUE IIALL Members of the True Blue Hall report their recent St Patricks Tea and Bake Sale was wonderful success and they Would like to thank those who supported the event Anyone wishing to take part in the activities of the True Blue Hall is invited to attend monthly meetings which are held every second Monday of the month An upcoming event which may be of interest to area residents is picture and presentation exhibit of the Richmond Hill Home for Children to take place at the Anglican Church in Allan dale on April 26 Luncheon will be served Everyone is welcome BIG SISTERS The Big Sister Association of Barrie and District is look ing for volunteers to help six young girls in the Angus Borden area The Big Sis ters like Big Brothers are volunteers who can take the time to sit down listen discuss and provide some guidance when the need arises For further informa tion please contact Mrs Aileen Carroll at 7372092 ONDOLENCES Area residents extend con dolences and sympathy to Father McRae who lost his nephew Duncan McRae of Kingston and to Mrs Glady Hiltz who lost her father Elroy Shay of Kent ville SLMMER JOBS Canada Manpower Centre for Students has started op erations for the upcoming summer Main office is lo cated at 28 Dunlop St Plans are being completed for an extension service in the Angus area lNlIElHIIlRtII The ttW is sponsoring rummage and tea sale April 23 from 130 to 330 at the Church white elephant table Will be on hand If you have anything on hand to do nate you may do so by leav ing your goodies at the church on Sundays or on Fri day afternoon April 22 Maundy Service will be held at the Greiifel tnited Church at 730 for the three charges An ecumenical Good Friday Service is to be held at the Angus Lnited Church at Area residents are cordially invited to attend Rlfi FAIR Of interest to the artistic members of the community is the upcoming 19th Annual Quilt and Rug Fair on Sept 23 14 and 25 sponsored by the Simeoe County Arts and Crafts Association The fair will be held at the Simeoe ounty Museum in Midhurst The fair an iii creasingly popular event at tracting visitors from across anada and the USA is showcase for craft made by SCACA members and this years emphasis will be on Quilts and Rugs Partici pants may enter up to three quilts and or three rugs in the fair They may be for show only or for sale tSCAfA takes commission of 20 per cent on all sales Entries must be of good quality and have been completed since the last fair held in 1975 Other crafts involved in the fair include art pottery and macrame leathercraft jewellery and metalwork spinning and weaving stit chery toys and small crafts boutique For more information con tact onvener Joan Ashton 48 Blake St Barrie or call 7204712 SHARE LIFE Our Lady of Grace parv ishoners oiitdid themselves by raising $1700 for the Share Life Appeal more than tripling last years dona tion Share Life supports the St Augustine Seminary Ian education centre for priests the poor of the Third World and Catholic charities of the Archdiocese of Toronto in behalf of Share Life Father McRae wishes to commend his parishoners for their sup port and contributions GIIDES The First Angus Guide Company will be celebrating special event on Wednes day evening by way of pre sentation of All Round Cords to Guiders Barbara Ruth Dolby Laura Kearnan in dy Pridham and Louise Irotz the Canada Cord to Debbie Louch and enrolment of tenderfoots Captain Nancy Bennett cordially extends welcome to all parents to take part in the ceremony to be held at the Legion flail at 745 The First and Second Angus Guide Companies are off to see the CN Tower on April Guiders taking part are at tised that departure is 930 and return home around 430 Cost for the day is $3 and please bring your own lunch craihurst by Mrs Lorna Handy 7287809 Susan Carr proved the top bowler when the 4H Girls held their final meeting in the form of bowling party at Sheas Bowl buffet sup per at the home of leader Mrs Carr preceded the bowling Mrs Ellsmere is home from Royal Victoria Hospital in Barrie after surgery friend Mrs McConnel of Burlington is spending time with her Carla Easton of Oro visited Brenda Armstrong during the March break Pedlingham had suc cessful surgery at RVH in Barrie last week Susan Carr and Karen Graves were in Toronto last week Neil Craig and John Wil liams participated in the 4H Maple Syrup Club tour Thursday Mrs Handy Mr and Mrs Craig and son Neil attended the funeral of Nathaniel Arnold in Cree more last week To have Craighurst items on the Examiners special district page please call 7287809 before Monday mor ning guthrie by Mrs Campbell 4873039 ATTEND RECEPTION Reeve and Mrs Howard Campbell attended recep tion at the Sundial Inn Orillia March 16 to mark the opening of new branch of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce Also on March 16 the Campbells attended citi zenship ceremony at the Con tinental Inn in Barrie The citizenship court was unique in that 10 countries were represented by those seeking Canadian citizenship Bruce Owen of Shanty Bay chaired the meet ing Mr and Mrs Harry Hughes Cathy and Kenny spent the March break in the Bahamas Mr and Mrs Murray Webster and family of Toron to visited Mi and Mrs Mason The Webster children stayed with the Masons dur ing the school holiday week Mrs AI Trumbley and her daughters Gay and Glenda visited with Mrs lrunibleys mother Mrs Ewen aldwell on March 21 Gay stayed with her grandmother for the school holiday Mr and Mrs Michael Oliver entertained friends and neighbors March 18 hillsdale by Ruth Lea 835231 Mrs Weatherill and Mrs Lovering of Barrie Mrs Potter Rosemont Mrs II rawford of ro Sta tion and Mrs Lavin of Midland visited recently with Mr and Mrs Alvin Drennan of Hillsdale Mrs Bernice Train has returned home after visiting several lays with Mr and Mrs William Fields and family in Toronto Mrs Ruth Lea of llillsdalc visited her daughter Mary Lea in Barrie Mrs Morris King of rr Lake is in Iluronia District Hospital Midland Wesley Johnston of the se Cond line of Flos is in Pcnetang General Hospital William Goddard life time resident of the second line of Flos and Hillsdale died recently Lorna Louse of Wyebrdige and Jim Archer of Phelpston were prize winners at the danceathon held March 10 in Hillsdale Thaperones were Mr and Mrs Rolland Hallyburton Mrs Russell Hallyburton Mrs Albert Hallyburton and Ed Mc Grady holly by Mrs Downlng 728561 BIRTHS Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Doug Wight of Leduc Alta on the birth of lb daughter Heather Krista first grandchild for Mr and Mrs Charlie Wight WEDDINGS Congratular tions to Mr and Mrs Danny llowcroft who were recetnly married Visitors with Mr Mrs Cyril Cook were Mr and Mrs Calvin Ireland of Everett with Mr and Mrs Don Srigley were Mr and Mrs Ted Luno Lind say and Mr and Mrs Leblanc Quebec with Mr and Mrs Wm Little were Mr and Mrs Jack Carson and Robin Dalston Charles Dyer Barrie Edward Little and friend Lon don 4HwHolly 4h girls haw nearly finished their garments for Cotton Review unit Mrs Huitema and Mrs Little are lht leaders and officers President Cathy Keiiwcll Vice Pres Wendy Brubacher Secretary Brenda Ferrier reporterKrist Little Achievement Day will be April 16 and they wil model their garments Mrs Huitcma and Mrs Little at tended the training school fol the garden club at Stayiier las Thursday Kevin Little accompanied school companions on trip to Greece Mr and Mrs Art Carr visited in Iliornbury recently to attend the Bath birthday celebrations of her father James Harrison who lives in lhornbury Nursing home Others who attended and his Wife who made the birthday cake stepdaughter Irene Har mer Thornbury and stepson Lorenzo Travers and his wife of Collingwood Mr Harrisons wife also lives at the nursing home There was large crowd at the dance at Holly Community Centre Several won spot prizes Brenda Ireland from Newton Robinson won the 5050 draw Bud Poole provided the music The next dance is plann ed for April 23 The annual meeting of the community centre board will be held April 27 at pm This is the responsibility of everyone in the district to attend this meeting The board for the coming year will be elected at this meeting We welcome the proprieters of Continental Furs to the district They have purchased the home of Dave McCulloch on highway 27 and will run their fur business there thank you from Mr and Mrs Barrie Downing of Ottawa to all those who contributed to the gift of money they received on the occasion of their recent marriage Master Cpl and Mrs Downing will be at the home of their parents Mr and Mrs Gordon Downing during the Easter weekend and we come their fricnds to call on them there at that time midhurst Myrs Nash 7289565 SPRING BREAK Several Midhurst residents took vacations during the spring break Mr and Mrs Lynn Russell went to Flor ida Mr and Mrs Ken OBrien to Las Vegas Mr and Mrs Solter and family went to Florida along with Mr and Mrs Crew and family Mr and Mrs Ralph Smith went to the Bahamas and Mrs David Sutton and Mrs Wakeman visited the anary Islands REtOVERING RVII Marion Lockic is recover ing at home after surgery at Royal Victoria Hospital lISI MARRIED athy Kelmaii and Barry outts of Midhurst were married last week The com iiiiiiiity honored them recent ly with party at Forest Ilill School and presented them with table and lamp OIIEIEI MONEY collection of $404 will be given to third world mis sions as result of meeting held recently by the Midliiirst Mission and Outreach oiiiiiiittcc Those who attended took part in meal of lltt and bread to ex pcrieiicc what its like to live in thcthirdworld lliecollcc tion was taken after this LORIYSSIPIIIR The sacrament of the Lords supper was served Sunday at the 1140 service at Midliiirst church service RI PARTY There will be card party April 22 at it in at Midliiirst toiiiiiiuiiity Hall Members iiict recently iii the hall to discuss forming shuffle board lcagtic Members of the board will also in vestigatclawiiboyyliiig Mrs Wanless 3222978 visitors with Mr and Mrs Larry aiiicroii were Mr and Mrs Henry Starling and Mr and Mrs Robert Milne of Toronto and Mr and Mrs Don Mathcrs of Meaford Mr and Mrs Andy Bar tholomew of Oro Station and Mrs Steve Rawn were guests of Mr and Mrs liiie Rawn and family on lincs birth day March 20 Mr anti Mrs Iohii Ic Gorter Elizabeth and Caroline and Mrs Clarence Atkinson spent recent Sun day in Guelph with Mr and Mrs Harold Atkinson lane andAiine Mrs Archie Wanless spent couple of weeks in Toronto Recent with her sonltinalaw and daughter Mr and Mrs Bruce Corbett and their baby daughter Lindsay Mr and Mrs Alex Finlay and Cathy spent few days at Foresters Falls with Mr and Mrs Doug Lainbie Carolyn and Jennifer Mrs Steve ltawn Mr and Mrs Cline Rawn Larry and Dale recently travelled to Aurora to visit Mr and Mrs lim Geddess Mr and Mrs Harold Wanless of Egbert were visitors last week at the home of Mr and Mrs Archie Wanless Beatrice Johnston 326681 safety program in the home and on the farm will be presented at the community hall here on Thursday even ing March 31 starting at 15 Robert McLeod spent few days of the winter school break with his sister and brotherinlaw Mr and Mrs Bill Alexander in Norval liat McCullough is in Soldiers Memorial Hospital at rillia Friends all wish him speedy recovery MIDHURST StaffAfter series of County Road 13 from Lisle south The sum 01 the oxamlnor Tuoodoy Mon 29 um county news Sessions open tomorrow to finish county budget study meetings Simeoe County general government and finance committee will be making its final 1977 budget recommenda tions to county council tomorrow The chairman Reeve Morris Darby of Tiny township will be presenting the committees report to the 53member county council which meets tomorrow and Wednesday for the pur pose of settling 1977 county tax levies on its 33member municipalities More than 10 meetings have been held by the finance committee for reviewing budget requests which if granted would mean an in crease iii overall county levies While all the committee meetings were held in private the recommendations will be made public when presented in open council There were reports in county circles of some budget adjustments but the final recommen dations have been kept from ratepayers so far All the figures are expected to be releas ed at the coming sessions Overall the county administration spends between $10000000 and $11000000 per year with large part of the total budget paid by taxpayers from other than property taxes through provincial grants and assistance Ap proximately third is paid by property tax levies Last year the budget totalled $10334152 and the net county levy amounted to 33835888 The largest budget request was $28til000 for the roads department up from 3127740110 last year The budget included various pro jects the largest of which was $300000 on construction at County Road 29 for nearly four miles from Highway 93 south Another $171000 was proposed to finance construction of about two and half miles of $249336276 $115000 was asked for resurfacing and paving on County Road 10 near Tottenham The Ontario ministry of transportation and communications pays 50 per cent of the con struction costs of approved projects The second largest budget submitted to the committee for study and recommendation was from the social services department which includes welfare administration The gross request was for $260294129 up from Of this total the net countys share amounted to $695830 against taxes of which the city of rillia would be responsible for $14378156 since the county administers the rillia welfare This would leave the net to the county at $552049 The total estimated for 1977 welfare assistance amounted to $1924390 compared to $1 £82335 last year budget of $125547 an increase of $23265 over last year was proposed for Simcoe County library for 1977 Last year the county provided $71251 the provincial government $15000 and other revenues raised the re mainder The Simcoe ounty museum board propos ed budget of $88496 for the museum up from $77217 last year With government grants revenues from gift shopoperation and memberships plus contributions from the cities of Barrie and rillia the net share to the county was estimated at 3422813 which was in line with last year The agriculture and reforestation commit tee which is headed by Reeve James Elder of losorontio asked for $52000 for reforestation and $34730 to aid agriculture The latter figure includes grants to farm organization such as the Federation of Agriculture and lnnisfil Central wins two titles The senior girls from lnnisfil eiitral year last week by beating ioodfellou 12 and arnica 182 in tlic lnnisfil Iowiislitp lone finals The team consists of FRONT ROW FROM LEFT llcleii Schaly Karen IlOrsa Laura IIynd Jill Parker and coach Mrs Debbie iiiiiiis Campbell BACK ROW Brenda Lagace Anne Moorlicad Joanne Ilocben and Ria chimcld BELOW Lower photograph shows senior girls brooniball team which it Federal pay settlement extended domination of basketball in lnnisfil Township for fourth their and Oakley Park 33 Linda amiiier Pliotosi Farmers Union as well as assistance to fall fairs plowmens associations Farmers and other programs The sum of $13700 was asked for weed con trol an increase of about $400 over last year For the archives proposed budget of $35124 up from $29131 last year was asked The countys share of the latter was place at $28632 compared with $25631 year ago Former county treasurer Jack Coleman is chairman of the new Simcoe County museum and archives board Other members are Thompson of Barrie Bowlen of Orillia Mrs Cecil Reynolds of Stayner Mrs Maguire of Minesing Reeve Gordon Priest man of Matchedash Reeve Ken Wood of Bradford and Reeve Gordon Priestman of Matchedash Reeve Ken Wood of Bradford and Reeve Howard Campbell of Oro The finance committee which has been reviewing the budget request besides Reeve Darby as chairman also includes Warden Allan Glassford who is reeve of Tecumseth Reeve Bill Gibbins of lnnisfil Reeve Alan Johnston of Vespra Deputy Reeve Muir Dack of Mara Reeve Theo Bernard of Victoria Harbour Reeve Peter Cameron of Alliston and Reeve Ken Wood of Bradford The committees recommendation on pay increase for members has not been made known In any event it will be up to the overall county membership to decide whether they wish to raise their own allowances from the present $45 per day for attending council and committee meetings plus mileage ex pense The members also receive the per diem rate for attending conventions and other meetings where they are officially appointed as county rcpresentat ives The social services committee is headed by Junior Reeve Don Spooner of Collin wood with Reeve Ingram Amos of Medonte Reeve Joe Belford of Tottenham Reeve Sam Ancio of Midland and Deputy Reeve George Buie of Vespra the other members The county planning committee is headed by Deputy Reeve James Belcher of Coll ingwood with Reeve Peter Forbes of Mara vicechairman Deputy Reeve Allan McLean of Oro is chairman of the coumty property committee which asked for budget of $186000 up slightly from last year Reeve Peter Cameron of Alliston heads the tourist and industrial committee who will be presenting report and Reeve Charles Rawson of Tay for the county recreation ser Vice The wardens committee has three members Reeve Johnston of Vespra Deputy Reeve Dack of Mara and Reeve Bernard of Victoria Harbour lnnisfil is the largest municipal contributor to county tax coffers followed by the towns of Collingwood and Midland and Tiny Oro Orillia and Essa townships There are seven towns eight villages and 18 townships represented on the county council Simeoe county levies from municipalities are due in three payments with the first by June 30 second by Sept 30 and third by Dec 15 Penalties to help cover interest are added if payments are not made on time At different times in the past recommen dations were made to reduce the overall county council membership and streamline the administration This aspect is expected to receive further attention later in the year The present county council has 22 changes from last year most of them new members Vespra drain up to council captured the Barrie winter carnival brooniball tournament title at Eastvie arena lnnisfil dumped Maple Grove l0 The team is LEFT Ria chimcld loaiinc llocbcii Linda Moorliead Anne aiiipluII Sharon Grey Tracy lee coach Mike Oliver FRONT Karen DOrsay Angela arricrc Rlciida Lagace Darlene Squibb Gloria ebbcr and Regan Yeatcs tEx MINESING It is now up to council to decide if the propos ed drainage line for new sub division in Vespra Township goes ahead At second public meeting held recently preliminary report by Ainley and Associates Ltd Vespra Townships con sulting firm on the drainage proposal was presented to the public About 20 people attended the meeting held at the Minesing ommunity entre the se cond so far Reeve Alan Johnston said the meeting was an informal one There was some discussion on an alternative route going anadas national debt amounts to between $45 and $50 billion dollars according to latest figures released by Dr Rynard MP for Simeoe North have just obtained these figures from Ottawa said Dr Rynard referring to his com ment about the countrys heavy Area bull gains fast bull owned by Howard Ilawkc of Goldwater has recent ly come off test with an average daily gain of four pounds and an index of 115 115 index means that the hull was 15 above the per formance of his test group The four pound gain was the second highest of all the Hereford bulls tested in Ontario last year The bull was sold at the tario Bull Sale which was held in Oakville March 23 BACK ROW FROM west but it was felt by the firms representative that this would be too expensive Its up to council now to pro ceed with the engineers report or turn it down If it is not turn ed down the next meeting will be scheduled to hear detailed report from the engineers Council gave draft approval to the subdivision last year and at that time the consultants were asked to examine the pro posal and evaluate the effect it would have on the area The proposed path of the drainage line is from the Foyston property in the southwest area of the village to Mar Creek Rising debt burden deplored by Rynord debt structure which he said was key factor in the decline of the Canadian dollar It cost the Canadian tax payers $4706000000 year to meet the interest alone on this national debt What we need to offset this debt is an increase in gross pro ductivity said the rillia physician pointing out that back in 1950 Canada ranked fifth among world nations in production and now have de clined to 1611i place With all our natural re sources we should be doing bet ter he remarked Asked about the procedures for division of the national debt should any of the provinces separate the North Simcoe member said he hadnt heard this aspect discussed in the House It is something which would have to be negotiated he commented member of the House of Commons since 1957 Dr Rynard has served on both the government side and Opposi tion know yovIr county below industryMilne Ross Milne Liberal MP for substantially below those at leelDufferinSimcoe said this other levelsof government week the wage settlements for federal public servants have been significantly behind iii settlements Milne disputed the view held by some people that federal public service salaries have forged ahead of private sector salaries Figures are available which show the federal public service has settled for smaller gains than other se tors The average or itrated set tlement is significantly higher than those settled by collective bargaining he said Many people contend that collective bargaining has no place in the public service and that all settlements should be arbit rated disagree Milne said Iprerience both inside and outside Canada has shown that the employee groups are happy if the arbitration award is high but this puts heavy burden on the taxpayer 0f the employer If the award is low then the employee group has real rievance and illegal strikes ollow dustrial and ROSS MILNE average down This photograph of country store should be familiar to readers in the south part of Sini roe County If you can identify it send the answer to Know your county The Examiner Box 370 Barrie Ont L4M 41 Contest receive Sunday Dinner roast courtesy of Bren nans Meat market In case of tie the winner will be decided by winner will