Intellectual stimulation gu University womens goal Intellectual stimulation is the main reason the University Womens Club of Barrie was formed in 1957 And 20 years later its goals are still the same Meetings with mayoralty candidates and provincial government ministers brought out record attendance during the past years says Sharon Dangerfield member of the club Dr Bette Stephenson minister of labor was guest speaker March These are just some of the ways the club promotes public education says Mrs Danger field General purposes of the club include promoting friendship along with intellectual stimulation among university women working to encourage social reform and the arts en couraging women to become in terested in public affairs and providing an opportunity to ex press united opinion The club also aims for sound concept of educational values and to encourage scholarships by giving annual awards This year the club gave total of $1200 in bursaries and scholarships to girls from three Barrie high schools The amount is reviewed annually by the education committee When the club began it was branch of the Canadian Federation of University Women There are 33 charter members with total ofSG Initially meetings were held at members homes and in the old Barrie Community House Earl Cox nationallyknown gardener spoke on houseplants at the first meeting In 1958 the club began bringing productions to Barrie such as The Canadian Players The National Ballet and Spring Thaw It has also sponsored produc tions with the Littles Hill Players But the club is probably most wellknown for its productions of Charisma first done in 1970 Charisma has been produced every second year since Now on the agenda Charisma 78 Profits from this production are used for scholarships and bursaries for local high school girls Other activities include gour met cookiiig handicrafts Fren ch club bridge club Mealsrthi Wheels and status of women group On April 13 the club will hear speaker from the Halfway House for Alcoholics in rillia 60member Barrie Art Club involved in the community You dont have to be an artist to join the Barrie Art Club but most members are says president Emily Lattion The club has more than 60 members and about 90 per cent are active artists of some sort Mrs Lattion says Most of them would say are watercolorists or oil pain ters she says Batik woodcarving sculpture are other represented in the club Besides meeting once mon and arts th to hear speakers or watch art demonstrations or movies club members are involved in variety of activities in the com munity For example the club will have its annual exhibit at the Barrie Public Library for three or four weeks in April and club members are entitled to enter up to two paintings in the show Shows and demonstrations are also held during winter car nival and Kempenfest and last year club members held an exhibit and demonstration during the Downtown Im provement Boards twoltday Dunlop Street mall ILTLRALCENTRE The club also helped raise funds for the renovation of the old Collier Street firehall as cultural centre 77 project in which many club members take considerable interest with an art auction In addition the club operates montth art rental service from the library basement For $2 registration fee which lasts you forever Mrs Lat to week on the interior of the grandstand When the track reopcns April it will have 25 new ticket windows 200 new seats and much larger Raceway By PAII IIIIIIAN ilnlllltl Staff Writer Austin Stillwcll of Ben torswcll oiistruction makes adjustments to row of new ticket windows at Barrie Raceway during work this lhctcs more than fresh paint and expanded facilities to the new Raceway lhc pcoplc whose lives are centered around lounge all accommodated in 90foot addition to the west wall of the grandstand ver 8200000 has been spent en larging and redecorating the gears for April patrons while the whole west wall of the main floor grandstand was being removed The shutdown also facilitated other altera tions We decided to close do it right and reopen said the general manager NW Raceway Its the first major work on the grandstand since its construction in 1973 Bar rie Raceway has been closed The Barrie Examiner Saturday March 26 1977 13A since Jan 15 to facilitate renovation Its 10race even ing programs will resume Wednesdays and Saturdays in April with third night of racing Fridays from May through September Exam iner Photo This year the roof of the addition may serve as viewing patio for patrons during summer months The renovated grandstand boasts bright new paint third snack bar impved lighting and acoustics more race monitors and additional storage space Homemakers tion says and two per cent of the sale price per month residents can rent any of more than 1000 paintings by local the track management staff and horsemen alike are shar ing in new spirit almost sense of rebirth There isnt stone left that hasnt been turned now in terms of rcdccorating Ihc Raceway has new image in every The major change is onestorey 90foot extension to the west side of the existing grandstand It allowed for the addition of 25 mutual windows on the ground floor and expansion of the lounge where the capacity will rise to 200 persons from the The original cost estimate for the addition and renovations was $150000 Rowe said that over $200000 has actually been spent The Raceway has taken advantage of the shutdown to make Red Cross kind What does Red homemaker do lot more than youd expect for minimum wage We re almost Cross looking for of whom are women aged 40 to 60 ILNTEERS Volunteers are the life blood and outside artists for up to thrcemonths Those who decide to buy the paintings can have the rent deducted from the purchase price lub members are also in volved from timc to time in aspect different race plan says general manager Earl Rowe IIcs optimistic that the improvements to the facilities will be reflected ltl increased patronage and larger batting handles Alltlldittltt and mutual figures at the Raceway during the winter months of 1070 and two weeks into 1977 were hardly en couraging Thc averagc handle was about 309000 the average attendance approximately 050 previous 90 The new section also accommodates 200 new theatretype seats Rowe added that the addition had been erected with enough structural steel in the roof to allow for possible future construc tion of clubhouse above it if such facility was warranted by attendance several improvements that werent part of the original plan he said Benteiswell Construction of Barrie was the general con tractor for the job In late 1975 and early 1976 we faced the need for additional grandstand space Attendance and the handle were being af fected by the lack of space We could accommodate 2000 peo ple but they couldnt be served Rowe said be ofthe Red Cross variety of painting groupssuch During the first wintci session after the opening of the Wmmne ho C8 fsu The blood donor clinics are as that operated at the old Raceway in Iccmcbcr of 1073 the average handle was about 5mm mlle mull the prime example Clinic firehall under LIP grant by $87000 This past summer typical crowd totalled 1400 and daughtgr chdsc if 01d assistants servers those Bea Hogan 11 new club incinbci bet $74000 PSF319 3isth 53 taking registrations and who movtxltoBarrie from lon According to Rowe thc horrendous weather experienced anrlitmhinï¬ijrLi telephone committee donate trcal last year this winter had lot to do with the lower figures It was also one 1948 time before duringand after Mrs Lattion says llltltll1ll of the reasons the track was shut down for thc construction hibliedFrpssl linic organizer is Maisic eludes members as young as something not originally foreseen he rm hung Murphy who recently siic their 20s and as old as 80 with Raceway officials had expected that the addition would be because theyre earning SHIIO money Besides taking homemaker ceedeers II laclarcn Other divisions of volunteer the bulk in their 30s Any age is welcome shc completed by Dec 13 Iiut an early winter and heavy snowfall delayed construction and the board of directors optcd in service flaming murw and work includc thc cincrgtiicy says though she notes the club Decemberfortinshutdown mm in first aid and in scivicc coordinated by cllic 18 not really gcarctl tor Irhc Raceway cngiiiccring consultants had pointed out the Seals children difficulties of operating with minimum inconvenience to thc most cases haying ahead raised her own family homemaker has Iiipage manual to follow in her work The manual lists staggering variety of tasks homemaker may be called upon to perform atone time or another Here are few random passages from the manual The homemaker may shop cook and sometimes even plan meals where the individual is not capable of these activities Homemakers will give the patient bed pan and give washing facilities afterward for those patients who cannot get to the bathroom at all plan for general tidying dusting weekly shopping doing the laundry and ironing will be worked out The homemaker may on iii structions from the therapist or nurse help carry out prescribed exercises treat ment such as help with speech put on or remove splints and braces casts or any dry dressing or any part of the therapeutic program as family member might Homemakers are typically called in when mother is bedridden or in hospital or to help care for the elderly Stroke patients working single paren ts with child sick at home and people with mental health problems are among those who may need one of the Barrie branchs 30 homemakers most lions 45 years service The Lions Club of Barrie wrapped up 43 years of service this year In those years the club has supported projects for the blind and the deaf and hard of hear ing Lions members are most wellknown for their picnic shelter and playground in Centennial Park and for their swimming pool says Norm Hesketh zoyear member Belonging to the Lions gives pride in the community he said Right now Lions is involved with the Block Parents pro gram sponsored by the Barrie City Police Department Lions International began about 50 years ago in Chicago by group of businessmen Mr Heskcth said The local club now has 40 members with one charter member llill Iicll The executive of the club in cludes Murray Richards prcsi dent Len Crawford vice presidcnt Ken Mclhatter treasurer and Allen Locking secretary Directors are Dave Forbes Emory Miller Harry Ncsbitt and Iton lylcr By the day by by the week the month LDEN swimwear TILDEN rentabus my Cheviqu Olocal Pickup and Delivery Commerciol Rates on Request 0Trucks Tons Panels 12 18 Vans and Tailgates OSpeciol Weekend Rates and Vacation Specials 015 passenger Mini Buses IIIRIX llltltft ban tto ltgtwtt ratu in town and the best Ifltthlntf Mitit it If your no or ltltl lt llttt lainaqrid or stolen Yililtiiis low mtru nitwt iiitiranu Itllttillllt allowances for replacenunit vrtiir II for full particulars and fast service 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